CIMRM 1315 - Base of cult-image with inscription to Midre by Materninius Faustinus. Gimmeldingen, Germany.
From: Wikimedia Commons, edited and sharpened.. "Steindenkmäler aus dem Mithras-Heiligtum in Gimmeldingen, Rheinland-Pfalz. Ausstellung im Historischen Museum der Pfalz in Speyer. Date: 28 October 2011. Author: Haselburg-Müller."
CIMRM entry
Votive monument in red sandstone, in three fragments (H. 0.37 Br. 2.35
D. 0.20). It stood on the base and supported the cult-relief. The first part of the
inscription is in a tabula ansata and is decorated with a palmbranch.
Sprater, 3 and fig. 1; H. Fincke in BRGK XVII, 1927, 52f No. 162.
In h(onorem) d(omus) d(ivinae) / deo inviht[o] (sic!) Midre (sic!) / Maternin[i]us
Faustinu(s) / carax (sic!) fan[um] cum solo inviht[o] / in suo fecit c[ onsac]ratus XI
k(alendis) Feb(ruariis). Fanus consacrat(us) / per Potentianum / patrem co(n)s(ulibus)
/ Paulino et Iuliano /l(ibens) l(aetus) m(erito).
l. 2: Midre: Sprater reads Mithre.
l. 5: XI k.: Sprater and Finke read X K.