White marble altar (H. 1.02 Br. 0.54 D. 0.35) found near 5. Inv. No. 295.
Abramic, 180f No. 243 and fig. 127; AIJ I, 148f No. 315 and fig. See figs. 406-
On its r. side naked Sol standing on a protruding stone base. His head is surrounded
by twelve rays; in his upraised r.h. a whip and in his outstretched l.h. a
globe. Behind him four heads of horses in clouds indicate his quadriga.
On the l. side a person with a corona muralis on his head. He holds a cornucopia
in his l.h. and with his r.h. he is pouring out a patera above an altar.
On its front is the inscription No. 1592.
On either side of the focus, which is decorated with akroteria, a lying lion.
D(eo) S(oli) i(nvicto) M(ithrae) / pro salute / tesserarior(um) / et custod(um)
ar/mor(um) leg(ionum) V M(acedonicae) / et XIII gemin(a)e Gallienarum.
"Die tesserarii und custodes armorum haben mehr militärische Obliegenheiten; jenen nämlich war die tagliche Ausgabe und wahrung der Parole (durch die tessera) anvertraut worden, diese waren Verwalter des Waffendepots (Abramic)."