See also O. Doppelfeld (Hrsg.), Römer in Rumänien (1969) 207 F 68
CIMRM entry
Statue in limestone (H. 0.50 Br. 0.33). The oldest inventory of the Museum
mentions Apulum as the find-spot where it was found but the exact spot is
unknown. Cumont's indication of Mures Port is therefore incorrect. Apulum,
Muzeul Regional (Inv. No. 206/ll).
de Hammer, Mithriaca, 103 No. 53 and Pl. XI, 1; Köppen, Nachricht, 14 No.
IX; Neigebauer, Dac., 163 No. 308; Hene, Dac. Gesch., 171; Felsengeburt, No.
X; MMM II 316 No. 200; RRS III, 141,2. See fig. 521.
Mithras' rockbirth. The head and the arms are lost. The god is visible down to
his hips. The rock is surrounded by a serpent holding its head under the god's