In the Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze. Museum details: Inventory no. 15110. Heliotrope, in gold. End of the 1st/start of the 2nd century AD.
CIMRM entry
Red jasper, formerly in the Medici Collection and now still in Florence, Arch. Museum.
Augustinus, Gemmae, 56ff and Pl. 34; Hyde, Hist. Rel. Pers. 113 and Tab. I;
v. Dale, Diss., IX, 19; a Turre, Mon. Vet. Ant., 249; Maffei, Gemme, II, 23 Pl.
X; de Montfaucon, Ant. Expl., II (2), Pl. CCXVII, 2; Winckelmann, Descr.
Stosch, No. 4/1194; Raspe, No. 628; Drummond, Oed. Jud., Pl. XI; Dupuis,
Origine, III,42 No.17; Eichhorn, de deo M, fig. 6; Seel, Mithrasgeh., 268 Pl.
Xla; Gori, Gemmae, II, PI. 78, 1; N. Miiller, Mithras, fig. 9; Lajard, PI. CII, 7;
MMM II 450 No. 10 and fig. 402; Delatte in Mus. Belge XVIII, 1914, 16ff and
fig. See fig. 653 kindly send by Prof. Giacomo Caputo.
Obverse: Mithras to the l. kills the bull, whose tail ends in corn-ears. The
dog, snake and scorpion. Cautes (r) and Cautopates (l). In the upper corners: the
bust of Sol in radiate crown and with whip (r) ; the, bust of Luna in crescent (l). In
the field: eight stars. In the 1. part: a cross within a radiate crown - a sort of horn - dart
- eagle with outstretched wings - caduceus - thunderbolt. In the r. part:
raven - dagger - harpè - palmbranch with a death's head in its centre.
Reverse: Lion with a bee in its mouth. Around him seven stars with magic inscriptions: