Representation of Luna, the Moon, on the front of the left bench. By Michael Fuller from here.
Representation of Luna, the Moon, on the front of the left bench. By Michael Fuller from here.
Representation of Mars on the front of the right bench. By Michael Fuller from here.
CIMRM entry
On the front of the l. bench:
1) A standing dressed Diana-Luna with crescent on her forehead (B). In her left
she holds an arrow and in her right a fruit (apple?) (Becatti, Pl. VII, 2).
2) Standing, naked Mercurius, with a caduceus in his r.h. and a rabdos in his
l.h. (C) (Becatti, Pl. VIII, 4).
3) Standing Jupiter, with naked breast, holding a thunderbolt in his r. hand
and a sceptre in his l.h. (D). Head lost (Becatti, Pl. VIII, 1).
On the front of the r. bench:
4) Standing bearded Saturn us, whose head is covered by a velum (E) (Becatti,
Pl. VIII, 2).
5) Standing Venus with a velum, flying over her head (F) (Becatti, Pl. VIII, 3).
6) Armed Mars in a helmet. His r.h. rests on a shield; in his l.h. a lance (C)
(Becatti, Pl. VII, 1).