White marble statue (H. 1.55), found in 1913. Mus. Merida, Inv. No. 581.
Melida in BAH 1914, 449 No. 7 and Pl. IV; Paris in RA (S.1) XXIV, 1914,
5 No. 4 and fig. 2; AA 1914, 378 and fig. 53; Lantier, Inventaire, No. 11;
Melida, Cat. Badajoz, No. 1083 with fig., Lianez, Mer., 195; Leipoldt, XIV
and fig. 28; Pidal, Hist. Esp. II, 439 fig. 246; Ferri in Scritti Nogara, 173ff
and Tav. XVIII, 1; Garcia y Bellido, Culto, fig. 9. See fig. 208.
Standing youth (torchbearer or. Mithras himself), dressed in a tunic with splendid
vaults, leans against apiece of rock, on which a dolphin with upraised tail is
represented. A wide cloak, draped over his l. arm, hangs down at the back. A
small remnant proves, that he wore a Phrygian cap. On his feet he wears laced
boots. Head, arms and r. calf are lost. On the base an inscr.: