White marble statue (H. 0.72 Br. 1.95), found in J902.Mus. Merida, Inv. No. 85.
Paris in CRAI 1904, 573; Cagnat in Bull. Hisp. 1904, 349; BAH 1903, 244
No.4; Paris in RA XXIV, 1914, 8f No. 8 and fig: 8; Leite de Vasconcellos,
Religoes, III, fig. 149; Melida in BAH 1914, 447 No. 4 and Pl. III; Cat.
Badajoz, No. 1089; Lianez Mer., 193 No. 85 and fig. 67; Pidal, Hist. Esp., II,
661, fig. 455; Garcia y Bellido, Culto, fig. 12. See fig. 212.
Reclining Oceanus, his body wrapped in a cloak, which leaves the upper part
uncovered. He leans on a damaged dolphin, on the base waving lines (water). On
the stomach remnants of a cornucopia. On the l. thigh an inscription. Head and
arms have got lost.