Two stone blocks were discovered on February 22, 2011, during drainage works in the rue Albert-Guillain in Jort in Normandy. The area has not been properly excavated, but seems to contain an "opulent" private house belonging to the 1-3rd century AD. The finds are held in the town hall.
Block 1 depicts Sol above Cautes, clearly part of a tauroctony. The second block is not paralleled, but the raised arms are a feature of the birth of Mithras from a rock.
Both stone blocks were reused when carved, and were later reused again.
Julien Deshayes et Vincent Hincker, « Identification de deux figurations mithriaques découvertes à Jort en 2011 », Bulletin de la société des antiquaires de Normandie 71 (2014), p. 69-95.
Vincent Hincker, Grégory Schütz et Julien Deshayes, « Figures inédites de Mithra. La découverte de deux blocs sculptés à Jort (Calvados, Basse-Normandie) », dans Robert Bedon, Hélène Mavéraud-Tardiveau, Présence des divinités et des cultes dans les villes et les agglomérations secondaires de la Gaule romaine et des régions voisines, Limoges, 2016, p. 67-80.