CIMRM Supplement - Supposed "temple of Mithras". Dohuk, Iraq.

From: Kurdistan photos. By "Roxane photo". Accessed 4th March 2014. "Temple d'Anahita - Site archéologique de Dohuk - Anahita's temple - Dohuk archaeological site - Dohuk - Dahouk - Dahuk" ... "Anahita, déesse de la mythologie perse, était la mère de Mithra le dieu-soleil."

From: Kurdish Aspect: "The newly discovered Zoroastrian Temple near Jar Ston Cave near Duhok; The picture shows the inside of the cave."

"Entrance to the Neolithic site at Dohuk".


"Fire temple"

"Temple of Anahita"

"Archaeological site"

"Ce tunnel creusé dans la roche mène du site archéologique à une grotte et une cascade."

"La ville de Duhok est entourée de montagnes parcourues de cascades."

"Charsteen cave ... La grotte Charstin serait dédiée à la déesse Anahita, une déesse perse."

In 2009 a news article in Bloomberg reported the discovery of a "temple" of Mithras in Dohuk, in the Kurdish region of Northern Iraq1

This story has been repeated on other sites.

However a similar report appears in 2006, but this time it is of a temple of Anahita2:

Francis Deblauwe comments:3

So far there seems no evidence of any connection with Mithras, nor indeed with the Zoroastrian deity Mithra.

1Caroline Alexander, "Iraqis Find Ancient Mithra Temple in Northern Dohuk Province",, 24 June 2009, here. Accessed 4 March 2014.
2Kurdish Aspect (22 August 2006)
3Francis Deblauwe, "Zoroastrian temple in Duhok", IW&A blog, here, 6 October 2006, accessed 4 March 2014.

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