2 i.e., Psychic.

3 [Which is a note of time, not unimportant.]

4 Lev. xvi. 29, xxiii. 26-29.

5 Matt. ix. 14, 15; Mark ii. 18-20; Luke v. 33-35.

6 Luke xvi. 16; Matt. xi. 13.

7 Comp. Gal. v. 1.

8 Comp. 1 Cor. x. 25.

9 Comp. 1 Tim. iv. 3.

10 So Oehler punctuates. The reference is to 1 Tim. iv. 1, 2.

11 See Gal. iv. 10; the words kai kairouj Tertullian omits.

12 See Isa. lviii. 3-7.

13 See Matt. xv. 11; Mark vii. 15.

14 Matt. xi. 19; Luke vii. 34.

15 1 Cor. viii. 8.

16 Rom. x. 10.

17 Comp. Matt. xxii. 37-40, and the parallel passages.

18 See Gen. ii. 16, 17.

19 Comp. Eph. v. 32 with Gen. ii. 23, 24.

20 See 1 Cor. ii. 14.

21 The references is to Ps. li. 17 (in LXX. Ps. l. 19).

22 Gen. i. 29.

23 See Gen. ix. 2-5 (in LXX.).

24 See Gen. ix. 5, 6.

25 See Luke xii. 48.

26 Comp. Ps. cxxxvi. 12 (in LXX. cxxxv. 12).

27 See Ex. iii. 8.

28 See Ex. xvi. 1-3.

29 Comp. Num. xx. 1-12 with Ps. cvi. 31-33 (in LXX. cv. 31-33).

30 See Num. xi. 1-6.

31 See Ps. lxxviii. 25 (in LXX. lxxvii. 25).

32 Comp. 1 Cor. x. 7 with Ex. xxxii. 6.

33 See Deut. xxxii. 15.

34 See Deut. viii. 12-14.

35 Comp. Eccles. vi. 7; Prov. xvi. 26. (The LXX. render the latter quotation very differently from the Eng. ver. or the Vulg.)

36 See Isa. vi. 10; John xii. 40; Acts xxviii. 26, 27.

37 See Lev. iii. 17.

38 See Deut. viii. 3; Matt. iv. 4; Luke iv. 4.

39 See Ps. lxxxvi. 4 (in LXX. lxxxv. 4); Lam. iii. 41 (in LXX. iii. 40).

40 Twice over. See Ex. xxiv. 18 and xxxiv. 28; Deut. ix. 11, 25.

41 See Ex. xxxiii. 18, 19, with xxxiv. 4-9, 29-35.

42 See Matt. xvii. 1-13; Mark ix. 1-13; Luke ix. 28-36.

43 See Jas. vi. 17.

44 See 1 Kings xvii. 1 (in LXX. 3 Kings ib.).

45 See 1 Kings xix. 1-8. But he took two meals: see vers. 6, 7, 8.

46 Vers. 9, 13.

47 Gen. iii. 9 (in LXX.).

48 Comp. Matt. xvii. 4; Mark ix. 5; Luke ix. 33.

49 See Ps. xl. 28 in LXX. In E. V., "fainteth not."

50 See Zech. vii. 5.

51 See 2 Kings xviii. xix.; 2 Chron. xxxii.; Isa. xxxvi. xxxvii.

52 See Jonah iii. Comp. de Pa., c. x.

53 See Ezek. xvi. 49; Matt. xi. 23, 24; Luke x. 12-14.

54 See 1 Kings xxi. (in the LXX. it is 3 Kings xx).

55 See 1 Sam. i. 1, 2, 7-20, iii. 20 (in LXX. 1 Kings).

56 Dan. ix. 23, x. 11.

57 See Bel and the Dragon (in LXX.) vers. 31-39. "Pitiable" appears to be Tertullian's rendering of what in the E. V. is rendered "greatly beloved." Rig. (in Oehler) renders: "of how great compassion thou hast attained the favour;" but surely that overlooks the fact that the Latin is "miserabilis es," not "sis."

58 See Luke ii. 36-38. See de Monog., c. viii.

59 Matt. iv. 12; Luke iv. 1, 2; comp. de Bapt., c. xx.

60 See Matt. iv. 3; Luke iv. 3.

61 See c. ii.

62 Comp. Eph. iv. 22, 23; and, for the meaning of sugillationem ("severe handling"), comp. 1 Cor. ix. 27, where St. Paul's word upwpiazw (= "I smite under the eye," Eng. ver. "I keep under") is perhaps exactly equivalent in meaning.

63 Matt. vi. 16-18.

64 See Matt. xvii. 21; Mark ix. 29.

65 See Acts x. 44-46, 1-4 and 30.

66 2 Cor. xi. 27.

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