\ STUDIA IN / THE LIBRARY of VICTORIA UNIVERSITY Toronto Q. SEPTIMI FLORENTIS TERTVLLIANI APOLOGETICVS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C. F. CLAY, MANAGER 2lontJOn: FETTER LANE, E.G. ioo PRINCES STREET $eto Hork: G. P. PUTNAM S SONS Eom&ag, Calcutta ant flKaftrag: MACMILLAN AND CO., LTD. SEorotlto: J. M. DENT AND SONS, LTD. THE MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA All rights resei~ved SEPTIMI FLORENTIS TERTVLLIANI APOLOGETICVS The text of Oehler Annotated, witli an Introduction, by JOHN E. B. MAYOR, M.A. Professor of Latin in the University of Cambridge Fellow and President of St John s College With a translation by ALEX. SOUTER, B.A. Regius Professor of Humanity in the University of Aberdeen Late Scholar of Gonville and Caius College Cambridge : at the University Press 1917 T \Q STOR - 3L-I9 PREFACE THE late Professor John E. B. Mayor, during his tenure of the professorship of Latin at Cambridge, frequently lectured on the Apology of Tertullian in the Divinity Schools. About the year 1892 he wrote out his notes in a copy of Oehler s earlier edition (Halle, 1849), that had been interleaved with sheets of paper about twice the size of the pages of the book itself. These notes were added to from time to time down to the year 1907, if not later, and they formed the matter of his lectures. Already in 1893 he began to publish them in The Journal of Philology, but the publication never went beyond the end of the fifth chapter. After his death on December 1, 1910, his executors considered the advisability of publishing the whole of the notes, and honoured me with the request to edit them for publication. I had heard the lectures throughout two or more terms of my undergraduate period at Cambridge, and had been profoundly influenced by them. I therefore felt it binding on me to suspend my own work and perform this act of pietas. The executors first arranged with Mr E. S. Payne of Clifton, Bristol, for a copy of the notes as a basis for the proposed publication. Though the Professor s handwriting is beautifully clear, it is at the same time so microscopic that this was no light task to perform. Mr Payne also verified many of the references, and appended a number of useful remarks on the notes themselves. It may be at once admitted that only the Professor himself, or some one equally learned, could edit these notes in a satis factory manner. I am fully conscious of my own unfitness for the task, which has been very heavy. I have felt it necessary to compare Mr Payne s copy with the original MS, in which work I received valued help from the friend of thirty years, Mr James Taylor of the Aberdeen Centre for the Training of Teachers; but this is only part of what was required. I have had to put the notes in correct sequence, to reduce to order the somewhat chaotic state of the references and quotations within the notes themselves, to supply references never filled vi PREFACE in, and to cut out references or quotations given twice in the same note. I have brought the references to the works of Tertullian that have appeared in the Vienna edition, into conformity with that edition, as the Professor himself would have wished. In the few cases where references have in some way baffled me, I have placed a point of interrogation within brackets as a danger signal. It is not often that I have added anything of my own. When this has been done, I felt sure that Prof. Mayor himself would have made the addition prior to publication. Such additions are enclosed within square brackets, and the editor s initials are appended. The notes were not intended by their author to constitute a complete commentary, but rather to form a useful supplement to those already published, such as Havercamp s and Oehler s. They provide, however, so vast a body of illustration, both of the subject-matter and of the language of the Apology, that not only are they to be regarded as a commentary, but as by far the best commentary ever published. Nevertheless, as Tertullian is the most difficult of all Latin prose writers, and the notes are not of a type intended for schoolboys, it has been deemed advisable to add an English translation of the text. This translation has had the inestimable advantage of thorough revision by the veteran brother of the commentator, Emeritus-Professor Joseph B. Mayor, of King s College, London, who has spared no pains to make the whole book as perfect as possible. The Provost of King s, Dr M. R. James, has given kind help in cases of extreme difficulty. I am also indebted to my assistant, Mr Robert Weir, formerly of Pembroke College, Oxford, for help in the reading of the proofs and the verifi cation of references. Nor must I forget the extreme care of the press readers. Prof. Mayor s introduction, with the notes on chapters I to V, has been reprinted from The Journal of Philology by kind permission of the editors. I have ventured to add a biblio graphy of the chief works on Tertullian. which have appeared since that article was published. I have also compiled the index. A. SOUTER. THE UNIVERSITY, ABERDEEN. 22nd November, 1916. CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE . . v vi ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA . . . . . viii INTRODUCTION ix xx TEXT 2146 TRANSLATION . 3147 NOTES ON READINGS. . . . . . . 148 NOTES . 149486 INDEX 487496 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA page 13, line 24. For It is read * Is it, and add ? at end of sentence. 16 v , 7. Read damnandi. 19 30. For * the emperor read a general. ,. 43. For in read on. .., 21 4. Omit could have. 27 ., 8. For their divine character is preserved read the divine is kept in reserve. .., 131 ,, 18, For equanimity read -endurance. 135 ,. 12. For commentators read gar biers. 237 ,, 18. A full stop should be placed after 2, and Hav. separated from it. 279 6. Mr R. Weir has found the reference to be xi 13. 287 12. The reference to John 16, 13 should be added, and cf. C. H. Turner in Journ. Theol. Stud, xiv (1912-13), p. 563. His article Tertullianea. I, pp. 556-564, was accidentally omitted from the Bibliograplry. 297 5. The reference is wrong. 311 19. After 13 add 1. ,, 313 24. Add another example of pascua (sing.), Gen. 47, 4 (in Lyons Heptateuch). 320 35. For vn read 7. 322 21. Before* 163 add 97. 325 ,. 1. The passage of Prudentius Peris teph. intended is x 919-920. The Vincent. intended is perhaps Vincent of Beauvais. 332 5. Omit n. , 38. There should be a space between Plin. and inscr. 337 10. For 7 7 read 4 8. For 7 3 read 13 13. 373 13. Delete ? 405 29. For * OBA read ORO. 429 8. Add [add Aug. Serm. 393, Ps.- Aug. Serm. 261, 3. A.S.]. 450 28f. lexx. etc. refer to SCRVPVLOSITAS, line 16. 465 , 27. For 22 read 23. INTRODUCTION In my Bibliographical Clue to Latin Literature (Cambr. 1875, pp. 163 6) I collected the titles of the principal editions of Tertullian, and of works or essays published in illustration of him and his writings. I now add : J. P. Condamin, De Q. S. F. Tertulliano, uexatae religionis patrono, et praecipuo apud Latinos Christianae linguae artifice. Bar-le-Duc 1877. 8vo. Q. S. F. T. libellus de spectaculis. Ad cod. Agobardinum denuo collatum recensuit, adnotationes criticas nouas addidit Ern. Klussmann. Lips. 1877. Large 8vo. id. Adnotationes crit. ad Tert. de spect. in Gymnasium lenense ipsis Non. Oct. anni 1876 bonis litteris dedicandum pientissimis notis prosequuntur Director et Collegae Gymnasii Rudolphopolitani. Rudolphopoli, Froebel. (Reviewed by H. Ronsch in Liter. Centralblatt, 31 March 1877.) Is. Pelet, Essai sur 1 apologetique de Tertullien. Strasb. 1868. 8vo. Keim, Die Zeit des T. apol. in his Aus dem Urchristenthum i (Zurich 1878) 1748. In the Zeitschr. f. oest. Gymn. 1869, pp. 348368 W. Hartel reviewed Ebert s dissertation on Tertullian s relation to Minucius Felix. The same Hartel in his Patristische Studien I (Wien, Tempsky, 1890, pp. 58. 8vo) wrote : Zu Tert. de spect. de idol. Dr Ernst Noeldechen, who in 1890 published : Tert. darge- stellt von E. N. Gotha, Perthes. 8vo, pp. viii 496 ; also wrote in Brieger s Zeitschr. f. Kirchengeschichte XI, on Tert. de cor., and many other essays on this father in other periodicals. Dr Aug. Oxe, Prolegomena de carmine aduersus Marcionitas. Leipz. Fock. 1888. 8vo, pp. 51. Cf. Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. 1876, pp. 113120, 154158. R. A. Lipsius, Die Quellen der altesten Ketzergeschichte, Leipz. 1875, pp. 6483. a5 x INTRODUCTION G. R. Hauschild, Die Grundsatze und Mittel der Sprach-. bildung bei Tertullian. Leipz. 1876. 4to. The same : Tertul- lians Psychologic und Erkenntnisstheorie. Frankf. 1880. 4 to. P. Schwenk, Uber die Zeit des Minucius Felix (Jahrbb. f. prot. Theol. 1883 n. 2). Fr. Wilhelm, De Minucii Felicis Octauio et Tertulliani apologetico. Bresl. Philol. Abhandl. 1887. The first part of the Vienna edition of Tertullian, prepared by ReifTerscheid, appeared, completed by Wissowa, in 1890, but it does not contain the Apology; however it is so far helpful that it gives an instalment of cognate pieces, spect., idol., ad nat., test. an. [The third part of the Vienna edition of Tertullian, edited by Emil Kroymann, appeared in 1906. It contains pat., earn, resurr., adu. Hermog., adu. Val., adu. omn. haer., adu. Prax., adu. Marc, (see Eb. Nestle in Philologus, LXVII (1908), 477 479). The second and fourth parts, to be edited by E. Kroymann and H. Hoppe, are as yet (1916) unpublished. A.S.] See Engelmann, Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum. 8th ed. by E. Preuss. n 1882, pp. 663666, and TeufM-Schwabe, Gesch. d. rom. Lit. 5 373. [J. Schmidt, Ein Beitrag zur Chronologie der Schriften Tertullian s und der Proconsuln von Afrika (Rheinisches Museum, XLVI (1891), 7798). A. Harnack, Die griechische Uebersetzung des Apologeticus Tertullian s (Texte und Untersuchungen, vm 4), Leipzig, 1892. M. Klussmann, Excerpta Tertullianea in Isidori Hispalensis Etymologiis, Hamburg, 1892. A. Harnack, Geschichte der altchristl. Lit. bis Eusebius, i, Leipzig, 1893, 667687, n (2), Leipzig, 1904, 256296. E. Noeldechen, Tertullians Gegen die Juden, auf Einheit, Echtheit und Entstehung gepriift (Texte und L T ntersuchungen, xii 2), Leipzig, 1894. M. Schanz, Die Abfassungszeit des Octavius des Minucius Felix (Rheinisches Museum, L (1895), 114136). H. Gomperz, Tertullianea, Vienna, 1895. E. Norden, De Minucii Felicis aetate et genere dicendi, Oreifswald, 1897, INTRODUCTION xi K. Holl, Tertullian als Schriftsteller (Preussische Jahrbiicher, LXXXVIII (1897), 262278). E. Kroymann, Die Tertullianiiberlieferimg in Italien (Sit- zungsberichte d. kaiserl. Akad. in Wien, cxxxvni (3), 1898). P. Monceaux, Chronologic des oeuvres de Tertullien (Revue de Philologie, xxn (1898), 7792). E. Kroymann, Kritische Vorarbeiten fur den 3. und 4. Band der neuen Tertullian- Ausgabe (Sitzungsberichte d. kais. Akad. in Wien, CXLIII (6), 1901). A. Ehrhard, Die altchristliche Literatur und ihre Erforschung, v. 18841900, Freiburg, 1901. F. Kotek, Anklange an Ciceros De Natura Deorum bei Minucius Felix und Tertullian, Vienna, 1901. P. Monceaux, Histoire litteraire de FAfrique chretienne, i, Tertullien et les Origines, Paris, 1901. H. Waitz, Die pseudotertullianische Gedicht adv. Marcionem, Darmstadt, 1901. C. Callewaert, Le Codex Fuldensis, le meilleur ms. de I Apologeticum de Tertullien (Revue d Histoire et de Litterature Religieuses, vn (1902), 322353). H. Hoppe, Syntax und Stil des Tertullian, Leipzig, 1903. 0. Bardenhewer, Geschichte der altkirchlichen Literatur, n, Freiburg i. B. 1903, 332394. S. Turmel, Tertullien (La Pensee Chretienne), Paris, 1904. M. Schanz, Geschichte der romischen Literatur, 3. Teil, 2 Aufl. Munich, 1905, 280351. A. d Ales, La Theologie de Tertullien, Paris, 1905. A. Engelbrecht, Neue lexikalische und semasiologische Beitrage aus Tertullian (Wiener Studien, xxvm (1906), 142 159). G. Rauschen, Tertulliani Apologetici Recensio Nova, Bonn, 1906 (ed. alt. 1912). A. Souter, A Tenth-Century Fragment of Tertullian s Apology (Journal of Theological Studies, vm (19061907), 297300). H. Goelzer, Le Style de Tertullien (Journal des Savants (1907), 202211). R. Heinze, Tertullians Apologeticum, Leipzig, 1910. xii INTRODUCTION P. Henen, Index verborum quae Tertulliani apologetico continentur, Louvain and Paris, 1910 (from Musee Beige, vols. XIII, XIV, XV). J. P. Waltzing, L Apologetique de Tertullien...Traduction litterale suivie d un commentaire historique, Louvain, 191 1 1 . A. Bill, Zur Erklarung und Textkritik des 1. Buchs Ter- tullians Adv. Marc. (Texte und Untersuchungen, xxxvni, 2), Leipzig, 1911. J. P. Waltzing, Les trois principaux MSS de 1 Apologetique de Tertullien (Musee Beige, xvi (1912), 181241). H. Schrors, Zur Textgeschichte und Erklarung von Ter- tullians Apologetikum (Texte und Untersuchungen, XL, 4), Leipzig, 1914. E. Lofstedt, Tertullian s Apologeticum textkritisch unter- sucht. Lund and Leipzig, 1915. J. Moffatt, The Theology of Tertullian (intended for publi cation in 1916). See R. Klussmann, Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum et Graecorum et Latinorum, n (2), Leipzig, 1913, 280287, and Teuffel, Gesch. d. rom. Lit. 6 , Leipz. 1913, 373. A. S.] To scholars whose reading is confined to the handful of writers, barely filling a single shelf, which are counted as Latin classics, I would venture to offer a few reasons for following Scaliger, Casaubon, Gataker, Bentley, Wasse, Haupt, Bernays, in widening their ken to the entire range of Latin authors, of whatever creed or profession, down to the contemporaries of Bede and Alcuin. Even such a self-taught giant as Madvig often shews pitiable weakness from the limits to which he restricted himself 2 . When a Greek or Roman philosopher or rhetorician became a Christian (fiunt, non nascuntur Christiani), he did not at once forget all the learning of the past. A very large part of what 1 Has a large bibliography on pp. 336 356. 2 At the Leyden tercentenary Madvig told me that he had read no Greek or Latin theological author but Josephus, and that only for information respecting ancient warfare. He was however a diligent student of the New Testament, as may be seen by his copy in the Cambridge Divinity Library. INTRODUCTION xiii we know of ancient religion, a very large number of perfectly classical words, have been preserved to us only by the fathers 1 . Look at the fragments of Seneca, collect the fragments of Varro, and you will see that it is not safe to say to Christian authors: non licet esse uos. I have found abundant evidence in patristic Greek and Latin for many words known to the lexicons only by citations in glossaries. Ronsch, Paucker, Georges, supply students of Romance languages with hundreds of words hitherto unregistered, the parents of a numerous Italian, Spanish, French progeny. Again, many of the chief classics, as Pindar and Thucydides, are very difficult 2 , or (as tragic choruses) very corrupt. Many of the fathers write very simply, and might serve admirably for the neglected discipline of the ear; even as Cicero and the younger Pliny pursued their studies by the aid of readers. It is certain that an entire volume of either Chrysostom (Dio to name a heathen or John) could be read carefully in shorter time than is spent on the study of the few hundred lines of the Agamemnon. And the path through the former would be all luminous, through the latter dark with corruptions and conjec tures and despairing interpretations. Many of the best scholars, as in England Pearson, John Davies, Wasse (much of whose work remains in manuscript), Routh, Kaye, F. Field, Chr. Wordsworth, Lightfoot, have devoted their best energies to the elucidation of the fathers. As a rule patristic and biblical texts are preserved in earlier manuscripts than those of heathen classics ; so that palaeographers must necessarily sit at the feet of divines. For the order of study, I would say : Leave to the infallible oracles of monthly magazines sweeping hypotheses, no whit less hazardous than those of Father Hardouin. First become thoroughly familiar with the ancients themselves, before you 1 In the Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology n (Cambr. 1855) 82 I shewed that liic esto (also hie sum) the correlative of the istic sum ( I am with you, i.e. I am attending ) of Cicero and Terence, is to be gleaned from Augustine. 2 This remark was once made to me by Mr By water. He said: "one could read a very large part of such a writer as Plutarch, in the time that is occupied on the small volume of Thucydides." xiv INTRODUCTION listen to guesses about them It is characteristic of the sobriety of Englishmen, that our scholars, as Lardner, Routh, Kaye, Clinton, Lightfoot, have followed in the modest steps of Tille- mont, content to collect evidence for the reader s information, not without a guiding clue. A once popular book, of solid but unobtrusive learning, now forgotten 1 , by an accomplished Cambridge scholar (Biography of the Early Church. By R. W. Evans. 2nd ed. London 1859. 2 vols. sm. 8vo), if read with the authorities cited in the notes, will form an excellent introduction to patristic study. Listen to this character of Tertullian s apology (i 336 8) : Its power is far superior to that of any former defence. Tertullian not only surpassed his predecessors in information and talent, but was peculiarly fitted by temper to treat such a subject. No one could express in such forcible language the indignant sense of in justice, or represent its detail in a more lively manner. None could press his arguments so closely, and few had so learned an acquaintance with heathenism, and could expose its follies with more bitter sarcasm (Apol. 42), or whip its wickedness with a heavier lash (Apol. 35). The subject too, while it gave free scope to the range of his argu mentative powers, neither allured him, nor compelled him to sophis tical subtilties. The free and elastic vigour of a mind that had still half its strength in reserve pervades the composition ; and if we put the mere mechanism of style out of the question, and consider the copiousness, the variety, the interest of the matter, the skilmlness of selection of topics, and the powerful grasp with which they are handled, together with the greatness of the occasion, it will not be too much to say, that it is the noblest oration among all which antiquity has left us.... In what a state of mind do we rise up from it! Its brilliant pictures are glowing before our eyes, its deep tone of declamation is sounding in our ears, its imploring, its condemning, its expostulating accents have touched our feelings to the quick.... Heaven and hell have been moved, and have entered into a mortal struggle, of which we are now enjoying the fruits, in a victory which has decided the fate of mankind for all eternity. What literary gew-gaws do the finest orations of Cicero and Demosthenes appear 1 Dr Thompson once lamented to me the change of taste for the worse: "When you wanted to make a present to a young lady, that was the kind of book to give: but now they take no interest in such things." INTRODUCTION xv after this ! How do we put them away as childish things, and feel ashamed that we should set such value on the vituperative filth which is poured forth upon Aeschines and Antony, political rivals on the narrow stage of a corner of this little world. I believe that of those who have really grappled with Tertullian s difficulties, few will challenge this verdict of a most competent judge. I can conceive few more valuable aids to classical scholar ship than a digest, not on the plan of the Dutch uariorum editors, nor yet on the scissors-and-paste plan of Dindorf, of all that is permanently valuable in commentaries and miscel laneous remarks on the Christian apologists, say to 500 A.D. The work should appear by itself, and would have a permanent value, whatever manuscripts might spring to light. Critics and commentators should be read in order of time and each allowed credit for his contributions I would not ruthlessly clip away even the biographical confidences with which old scholars en livened their learning ; no quotation should be repeated, but the entire composite note should be fused into unity, references being reduced to one uniform pattern. Each special subject, as the calumny about Thyestean feasts, should be exhausted in some one note, and cross references given. The editor would be in excellent company for some years, and would learn some thing of the meaning of catholic communion, as he forgathered with the Spanish Jesuit La Cerda, the French jurists Didier Herauld (Heraldus) and Nic. Rigault, with Le Nourry and Tille- mont and Ceillier, Mosheim and Semler, Oehler and Ebert. Kaye and Blunt 1 and Pusey 2 , Neander and Oehler (sic) and Bohringer and Noldechen 3 . Perhaps no two men ever more thoroughly mastered every detail in the field of the early apolo- 1 Right Use of the Early Fathers. Here p. 432 Lightfoot might have found, cited from Theoph. ad Autol. I 1 f., a far more apt parallel to Philem. 11 , than that which he cites from c. 12 of the same book. 2 Notes (ascribed by Kaye to Dodgson) on Dodgson s excellent translation in the Library of the Fathers. It is interesting to learn that the citations in these notes were verified by one who left us, J. B. Morris. 3 On this latest monograph see Liidemann in Theol. Jahresber. hrsg. v. R. A. Lipsius, x, 1891, pp. 128 9. Lipsius, alas, is no more, but this annual, of unrivalled excellence, is continued by his Jena colleagues. xvi INTRODUCTION gists than Le Nourry (whose Apparatus, Par. 1715, is reprinted in Migne and in Oehler) and Christian Kortholt (15 Jan. 163f 31 March 1694), whose Paganus obtrectator (Kiel 1698 4to, 2nd ed. Lubeck 1703 4to), comment, on lust. M., Athenag., Theophil., Tatian (ibid. 1675 fol. profundae erudi- tionis, says Walch); de persecutionibus ecclesiae primaeuae 5 (Kiel 1689 4to) and other works (see the Bodleian catalogue and Joecher) are in my judgement still necessary to the student. If Mr Carstens, in a slight article in the Allg. deutsche Bio graphic xvi (Leipz. 1882) 726 says that K. s books "have been long overtaken by the advance of science and have no longer any importance," I comfort myself by the remembrance that this Biography is weakest in the lives and works of scholars. I should like to cross-examine Mr Carstens on Kortholt. Of works on the other apologists that of Semisch on Justin and Keim s Celsus, are, so far as I know, the most helpful. Beside printed sources, my ideal editor should inquire for manuscripts 1 . My mouth watered when I read Blunt s casual 1 [May I again call attention to the fact that there is a tenth-century MS of chapters 38, 39 and part of 40 of the Apologeticus in the Kantons-Bibliothek at Zurich (Rheinau xcv), which is closely related to the lost Fulda MS (Journal of Theological Studies, vin (19061907), pp. 297300)? This fact has been overlooked by Rauschen and others. Also, why has it been left to me to point out that the MS containing "Tertulliani Quaedam," alluded to by Oehler, vol. i, p. xxi, after Montfaucon Bibl. bibl. torn, i, p. 1134, as in the catalogue of the library of St Germain-des-Pres, and doubtless identical with the MS of the Apologeticus at Petrograd, also alluded to by Oehler (p. xii), is still as a matter of fact at Petrograd (Q. v. 1, No. 40), having been brought there by Peter Dubrowsky? It is of the ninth century, is probably the oldest existing MS of the Apologeticus, and is mentioned in K. Gillert s catalogue, printed in the Neues Archiv, v (1880), 241265, 597617, vi (1881), 497512, and described (with a photograph of one page) in A. Staerk, Les Manuscrits Latins du V e au XIII e Siecle conserve s a la Bibliothegue Imperial?, de Saint-Peter -sbourg (2 tomes, St Petersbourg, 1910), Tome i, p. 130, Tome n, planche 57. Further, Kroymann, the new Vienna editor of Tertullian, is entirely ignorant of the Luxemburg MS of Tertullian, no. 75 (saec. xv ex.), though it appears to have been used by Semler, and a catalogue of the Luxemburg collection was published in 1894. The MS contains earn. Chr., earn, resurr., cor. mil., mart., paenit., uirg. uel., hab. mul., cult.. fern., ad ux. i and n, de fug. in pers., Soap., exh. cast., monog., pall., pat. Dei (sic), adu. Prax., adu. Val., adu. Marc., adu. lud., adu. omn. haer., praescr. her., adu. Hermog. The contents thus bear a striking resemblance to those of certain Italian MSS, e.g.Vat.Urb.64 (saec. xv), described by Kroymann in the first article mentioned on p. xi, pp. 4, 5. A. S.] INTRODUCTION xvii remark that Rigault s glossary is convenient for annotation. This book and Blunt s manuscript lectures on the early fathers should certainly be secured for the university which he adorned. The Germans are no doubt the most active workers in the patristic vineyard; but how few of them are scholars like Burton or Blunt, Kaye or Field! LANGUAGE. Of existing glossaries to Tertullian, those of Rigault, Semler (also in Migne) and (the best) Oehler, all are necessary. [The language of Tertullian, so far as comprised in the two already published volumes of the Vienna edition, has been completely recorded on slips for the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae. A complete index to the Apologeticus has been made by Henen : see the additions to the Bibliography. A. S.] General lexicons of independent value are Faber 1 (best ed. by Leichius, Francof. 1749, fol.), a favorite with Dr Westcott; Rob. Stephens (ed. Gesner, 4 vols. 1749; the ed. of Ant. Birr, Basil. 1740, fol. 4 vols., has inedited notes of Henry Stephens) ; Forcellini, two editions of which are still incomplete, that by De Vit (lexicon and glossary and a large part of the valuable Ono- masticon have appeared), and that by Corradini (incorporating Klotz) ; Scheller (3rd ed. Leipz. 18045, 5 vols. 8vo ; I have Madvig s copy), translated, without the instructive and pathetic preface, by Riddle for the Oxford Press (fol.) ; Klotz ; (Freund s book, which has supplied the basis of ninety-nine hundredths of the lexicons sold in England for many years, is, after the letter C, a most careless compilation from Forcellini) ; and, fullest of all in vocabulary, and necessary as a supplement even to Forcellini, Georges. [This honour now belongs to Nouveau Dictionnaire Latin- Frangais...pa,i E. Benoist et H. Goelzer, Paris 1893, for the whole alphabet, to the 8th edition of Georges by his son H. Georges, Hannover and Leipzig, 1912 1916, for three quarters, and to the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, Leipzig, 1900 ff., for A Dimico, F Familia. A. S.] 1 Of Faber, Gesner, Forcellini, Scheller, I said something in the Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology n (Cambr. 1855), 277290. xviii INTRODUCTION Of the adaptations of Freund I have for many years employed two copies of Kiddle- White, and (of late) two copies of Lewis- Short, as a basis for annotations; but young scholars, who use a lexicon not so much to add to or correct its statements, as to learn the usage of the language, ought to employ Gesner or Forcellini or Scheller habitually. For a portion of the alphabet (from D K) by far the completest storehouse is the Thesaurus der klassischen Latinitat, begun by Georges, and continued from D onwards by Gustav Miihlmann (Leipz. 185468). Any of the old Latin-English lexicons, from Cooper to the complete editions of Ainsworth, give far more racy, homespun English for the Latin words, than the books which now com mand the market. Lewis-Short has an improved orthography and some additions from Georges and various commentaries; also a few articles (e.g. cum conj. and prep., sui, suus) are care fully and independently executed; but in some points the changes from Riddle- White are for the worse. In the Bibliographical Clue to Latin Literature I recorded under each author the then aids (indexes cet.) to the study of his language; it is well to remember that the Delphin classics (Valpy s reprint is very accurate, and adds many useful commentaries to the original quartos) and also Lemaire s supply complete indexes to many authors. Merguet is about half way through the Herculean task of a concordance to Cicero; he and others have brought out three rival lexicons to Caesar: Teubner s press is engaged on lexicons to Livy and Tacitus 1 . In Teubner s bibliotheca some authors, chiefly technical, as Cassius Felix, lulius Valerius cet., are furnished with indexes. The Berlin Monumenta Germaniae historica and the Vienna library of the fathers have indeed indexes, but in many cases by no means exhaustive ; e.g. not Reifferscheid, but Forcellini, informs us that the rare word bacula (dim. of baca) occurs thrice in Arnobius. Of late years the French have returned to the field in which they reigned supreme in the 16th and 17th 1 [Fiigner s Lexicon Limanum advanced no farther than B, but Gerber and Greef s Lexicon Taciteum is complete. The Scriptores Historiae Augustae have been done by Lessing, and other authors by others. A. S.] INTRODUCTION xix centuries. Thus : Henri Goelzer, fitude lexicographique et grammaticale de la Latinite de Saint Jerome (Paris, Hachette, 1884), and (a perfect model in its way) Max Bonnet, Le Latin de Gregoire de Tours (ibid. 1890). The Archiv fur lat. Lexikographie, published since 1884 by Teubner, has, thanks to the self-sacrifice of the publisher and the editor Ed. WolfHin, done a great work in surveying the whole field of Latin letters, and training readers to gather in the whole mass of Latin words. There too may be seen reviews of all new books and articles bearing on the subject. There is yet an opening for two lexicons, of moderate compass, but of great value to critics, lexicographers and grammarians. (A) We possess two lexicons of terminations in Greek, but, to my knowledge, none in Latin. [The want was supplied in 1904 by 0. Gradenwitz, Later uli Vocum Latinarum: Voces Latinas et a fronte et a tergo ordinandas curauit (Leipzig). A. S.] I refer to: (I) Henrici Hoogeveen, opus postumum exhibens dictionarium analogicum linguae graecae (Cambr. typis acad. 1800. 4to), a book recommended by the late Dr Thompson ; and (II) Etymologisches Worterbuch der griechischen Sprache zur Uebersicht der Wortbildung nach den Endsylben geordnet von Dr Wilhelm Pape (Berl. 1836, 8vo). (B) Faber and Gesner frequently record under one word other words with which it is liable to be confounded by scribes ; they also cite lexicographical collections in commentaries and journals. Whoever has traced with attention the course of lexicography knows that almost every word well treated by any lexicon owes its good fortune to some exhaustive note of N. Heins, or J. F. Gronov, or Bentley cet. The indexes to such books as Drakenborch s Livy and Duker s Florus will shew how the thing should be done. To go down the whole course of classical learning, from such treasuries as Gruter s Fax Artium, to the aduersaria of Madvig and the lectiones of Cobet, would be the making of any young scholar. The most useful commentary, on the whole, is Oehler s. Herauld also and Rigault should be read, and Dr Pusey. La Cerda is copious in parallels. Pamelius takes a polemical XX INTRODUCTION rather than a literary interest in his author, but his index of things is the completest of all; Rigault also and Oehler are good. Kaye, Ebert (literary history) and Bohringer will well repay the labour of perusal. My notes are not exhaustive, but are intended chiefly as a supplement to earlier commentaries. May they prove that there is much in Tert. of interest to any student, though no more of a technical theologian than was Jakob Bernays. TERTVLLIANI APOLOGETICVS TERTVLLIANI APOLOGETICVS 1. Si non licet uobis, Romani imperii antistites, in aperto et edito, in ipso fere uertice ciuitatis praesidentibus ad iudi- candum palam dispicere et coram examinare quid sit liquido in causa Christianorum, si ad hanc solam speciem auctoritas uestra de iustitiae diligentia in publico aut timet aut erubescit 5 inquirere, si denique, quod proxime accidit, domesticis iudiciis nimis operata infestatio sectae huius obstruit defensioni, liceat ueritati uel occulta uia tacitarum litterarum ad aures uestras peruenire. Nihil de causa sua deprecatur, quia nee de con- dicione miratur. Scit se peregrinam in terris agere, inter 10 extraneos facile inimicos inuenire, ceterum genus, sedem, spem, gratiam, dignitatem in caelis habere. Unum gestit interdum, ne ignorata damnetur. Quid hie deperit legibus in suo regno dominantibus, si audiatur ? An hoc magis gloriabitur potestas eorum, quo etiam auditam damnabunt ueritatem? 15 Ceterum inauditam si damnent, praeter inuidiam iniquitatis etiam suspicionem merebuntur alicuius conscientiae, nolentes audire quod auditum damnare non possint. Hanc itaque primam causam apud uos collocamus iniquitatis odii erga nomen Christianorum. Quam iniquitatem idem titulus et 20 onerat et reuincit qui uidetur excusare, ignorantia scilicet. Quid enim iniquius, quam ut oderint homines quod ignorant, etiam si res meretur odium? Tune etenim meretur, cum cognoscitur an mereatur. Vacante autem meriti notitia, unde TERTULLIAN S DEFENCE OF THE CHRISTIANS AGAINST THE HEATHEN CHAP. I. If it is not permitted even to you, who are the governors of the Roman Empire, seated on a lofty and con spicuous tribunal, which I might almost call the very summit of our state ; if, I say, even you may not openly investigate and judge in the presence of both parties, what are the real facts in the case of the Christians ; if in this instance alone your authority is either afraid or ashamed to make public inquiry with regard to the scrupulous observance of justice; if, finally, as has recently happened, the persecution of this sect, having been too much exercised in trials connected with households, has blocked up the way to defence , then let the truth be permitted to reach your ears, if only by the hidden path of silent literature- She asks no mercy in her case, because she does not feel any surprise either as to her circumstances. She knows that her part is that of a foreigner upon earth, that amongst aliens she easily finds enemies, while she has her race, her home, hope, welcome and honour in heaven. One thing only does she eagerly desire in the meantime, namely that she be not con demned without being known. What loss is herein inflicted on the laws, which are absolute masters in their own realm, if she should be heard ? Or will this make them boast all the more of their power, in that they condemn the truth even when they have heard it? Further, if they should condemn it unheard, besides the odium attached to unfair dealing, they will also earn the suspicion of a certain complicity, by their refusal to hear what, if heard, they could not condemn. This then is the first proof that we lay before you of the injustice of your hatred towards the name of Christian. This unfairness is at once exaggerated and refuted by the same plea that seems to excuse it, namely ignorance. For what could be more unfair than that men should hate that of which they know nothing, even if the fact deserve this hatred? For then only does the fact deserve hatred, when it is already ascertained whether it deserves it. In default of the knowledge of its deserts, whence can the justice 12 4 TERTVLLIANI odii iustitia defenditur, quae non de euentu, sed de conscientia probanda est? Cum ergo propterea oderunt homines, quia ignorant quale sit quod oderunt, cur non liceat eiusmodi illud esse, quod non debeant odisse? Ita utrumque ex alterutro redarguimus, et ignorare illos, dum oderunt, et iniuste odisse, 5 dum ignorant. Testimonium ignorantiae est, quae iniquitatem dum excusat, condemnat, cum omnes qui retro oderant, quia ignorabant quale sit quod oderant, simul desinunt ignorare, cessant et odisse. Ex his fiunt Christiani, utique de conperto, et incipiunt odisse quod fuerant, et profiteri quod oderant, et 10 sunt tanti quanti et denotamur. Obsessam uociferantur ciuitatem ; in agris, in castellis, in insulis Christianos ; omnem sexum, aetatem, condicionem, etiam dignitatem transgredi ad hoc nomen quasi detrimento maerent, nee tamen hoc modo ad aestimationem alicuius latentis boni promouent animos. Non 15 licet rectius suspicari, non libet propius experiri. Hie tantum curiositas humana torpescit. Amant ignorare, cum alii gau- deant cognouisse. Quanto magis hos Anacharsis denotasset inprudentes de prudentibus iudicantes quam inmusicos de musicis ! Malunt nescire, quia iam oderunt. Adeo quod 20 nesciant praeiudicant id esse quod, si sciant, odisse non poterant, quando, si nullum odii debitum deprehendatur, optimum utique sit desinere iniuste odisse, si uero de merito constet, non modo nihil odii detrahatur, sed amplius adquiratur ad per- seuerantiam, etiam iustitiae ipsius auctoritate. Sed non ideo, 25 inquit, bonum, quia multos conuertit: quanti enim ad malum performantur ? quanti transfugae in peruersum? Quis negat? tamen quod uere malum est, ne ipsi quidem, quos rapit, defendere pro bono audent. Omne malurn aut timore aut pudore natura perfudit. Denique malefici gestiunt latere, 30 deuitant apparere, trepidant deprehensi, negant accusati, ne torti quidem facile aut semper confitentur, certe damnati maerent. Dinumerant in semetipsos mentis malae impetus, APOLOGETICVS 1 of hatred be defended, seeing that it is to be tested not by the verdict passed but by a good conscience? When therefore men hate because they do not know the character of what they hate, what is to hinder the thing hated from being of the sort they ought not to hate ? So we refute either position from the other, showing that in hating they do not know, and that in not knowing, their hatred is unjust. It is an evidence of the ignorance, which, while it is made the excuse, is really the condemnation of injustice, when all who hated in the past, because they did not know the character of that which they hated, cease to hate as soon as they cease to be ignorant. It is from this class that Christians are produced, of course from conviction, and begin to hate what they had been, and to pro fess what they hated, and are indeed as numerous as we who are branded with that name. They cry aloud that the state is besieged : that (even) in the country-districts, in the (walled) villages, in the islands, you will find Christians. They mourn as for a loss that all, without distinction of sex, age, circumstances, or even position, are deserting to this name. And yet even in this very way they do not carry on their minds to the appraise ment of some good hidden therein ; they do not care 1 to form a truer conjecture upon a closer inquiry, they have no pleasure in trying it at closer quarters. In this sphere alone is human curiosity apathetic; they delight to be ignorant, while others rejoice to have learned. How much more severely would Anacharsis have condemned these men, as specimens of the unwise judging the wise, than as the unmusical judging the musical ! They had rather be ignorant, because they already hate; such a strong suspicion have they that what they are ignorant of is that which, if they knew it, they could not hate ; since, if no duty to hate were discovered, it would of course be best to cease to hate unjustly, but if there were no doubt as to desert, not only would there be no withdrawal of hatred, but persistence would gain greater force, even through the sanction of justice itself. But it is not therefore good, they say, because it makes many converts : for how many are fashioned for evil ! how many deserters are there to what is wrong ? Who denies it? Yet what is truly evil, even those who are in its clutches do not dare to defend as good. Nature has stamped on every evil thing the character either of fear or of shame. Accordingly evil-doers are eager to hide, they shrink from showing themselves, they tremble when caught, deny their guilt when charged, and even when tortured do not readily or always confess. To be sure when condemned they mourn, and they either sum up 1 Reading libet (J. B. M.). 6 TERTVLLIANI uel fato uel astris imputant; nolunt enim suum esse, quia malum agnoscunt. Christianus uero quid simile? Neminem pudet, neminem paenitet. nisi plane retro non fuisse. Si denotatur, gloriatur; si accusatur, non defendit; interrogatus uel ultro confitetur, damnatus gratias agit. Quid hoc mali est, 5 quod naturalia mali non habet, timorem, pudorem, tergiuersa- tionem, paenitentiam, deplorationem ? Quid? hoc malum est, cuius reus gaudet ? cuius accusatio uotum est et poena f elicitas ? Non potes dementiam dicere, qui reuinceris ignorare. 2. Si certum est denique nos nocentissimos esse, cur a 10 uobis ipsis aliter tractamur quam pares nostri, id est ceteri nocentes, cum eiusdem noxae eadem tractatio deberet inter- uenire? Quodcunque dicimur, cum alii dicuntur, et proprio ore et mercenaria aduocatione utuntur ad innocentiae suae commendationem. Respondendi, altercandi facultas patet, 15 quando nee liceat indefensos et inauditos omnino damnari. Sed Christianis solis nihil permittitur loqui quod causam purget, quod ueritatem defendat, quod iudicem non faciat iniustum, sed illud solum expectatur quod odio publico necessarium est, confessio nominis, non examinatio criminis : quando, si de 20 aliquo nocente cognoscatis, non statim confesso eo nomen homicidae uel sacrilegi uel incesti uel public! hostis, ut de nostris elogiis loquar, contenti sitis ad pronuntiandum, nisi et consequentia exigatis, qualitatem facti, numerum, locum, modum, tempus, conscios, socios. De no bis nihil tale, cum 25 aeque extorqueri oporteret quod cum falso iactatur, quot quisque iam infanticidia degustasset, quot incesta contenebras- set, qui coci, qui canes adfuissent. quanta illius praesidis gloria, si eruisset aliquem, qui centum iam infantes comedisset ! Atquin inuenimus inquisitionem quoque in nos prohibitam. 30 Plinius enim Secundus cum prouinciam regeret, damnatis APOLOGETICVS 1, 2 7 against themselves, or ascribe to their destiny or their star the outbursts of an evil mind. For they are unwilling to acknow ledge as their own what they recognise to be bad. But the Christian does nothing of the kind. No (Christian) feels shame, or regret, except of course that he was so late in becoming one. If he is defamed, he rejoices ;. if he is prosecuted, he does not defend himself; if he is questioned, he at once confesses, if he is condemned, he returns thanks. What evil can there be in this which has none of the characters of evil, either fear, or shame, prevarication, regret, or despair ? What ? is there evil in that, which causes pleasure to the person accused of it, whose prosecution is his dearest wish, and who finds his happiness in his punishment? You cannot call it madness, since you are proved to know nothing about it. CHAP. II. Again, supposing it to be true that we are criminals of deepest dye, why are we treated differently by you from our fellows, I mean all other criminals, since the same guilt ought to meet with the same treatment? When others are called by whatever name is applied to us, they employ both their own voices and the services of a paid pleader to set forth their innocence. They have every opportunity of answering and cross- questioning, since it is not even legal that persons should be condemned entirely undefended and unheard. But the Christians alone are not permitted to say anything to clear themselves of the charge, to uphold the truth, to prevent in justice in the judge. The one thing looked for is that which is demanded by the popular hatred, the confession of the name, not the weighing of a charge. Whereas, if you were inquiring into the case of some criminal, you would not be satisfied to give a verdict, immediately on his confession of the crime of homicide or sacrilege or incest or treason, to speak of the charges levelled against us, unless you also demanded an account of the accessory facts, the character of the act, the frequency of its repetition, the place, the manner, the time, who were privy to it, who were accomplices in it. In our case no such procedure is followed, although there was an equal necessity to sift by investigation the false charges that are bandied about, how many slaughtered babes each had already tasted, how many times he had committed incest in the dark, what cooks, what dogs had been present (on the occasion). Oh what fame would that governor have acquired, if he had ferreted out some one, who had already eaten up a hundred infants! But we find that in our case even such inquiry is forbidden. For Plinius Secundus, when he was in command of a province, after con- TERTVLLIANI quibusdam Christianis, quibusdam gradu pulsis, ipsa tamen multitudine perturbatus, quid de cetero ageret, consuluit tune Traianum imperatorem, adlegans praeter obstinationem non sacrificandi nihil aliud se de sacramentis eorum conperisse quam coetus antelucanos ad canendum Christo et deo, et ad 5 confoederandam disciplinam, homicidium, adulterium, fraudem, perfidiam et cetera scelera prohibentes. Tune Traianus rescrip- sit hoc genus inquirendos quidem non esse, oblatos uero puniri oportere. sententiam necessitate confusam! Negat in quirendos ut innocentes, et mandat puniendos ut nocentes. 10 Parcit et saeuit, dissimulat et animaduertit. Quid temetipsam, censura, circumuenis ? Si damnas, cur non et inquiris ? si non inquiris, cur non et absoluis? Latronibus uestigandis per uniuersas prouincias militaris statio sortitur. In reos maiestatis ef publicos hostes omnis homo miles est; ad socios, ad conscios 15 usque inquisitio extenditur. Solum Christianum inquiri non licet, ofTerri licet, quasi aliud esset actura inquisitio quam oblationem. Damnatis itaque oblatum quern nemo uoluit requisitum, qui, puto, iam non ideo meruit poenam, quia nocens est, sed quia non requirendus inuentus est. Itaque nee 20 in illo ex forma malorum iudicandorum agitis erga nos, quod ceteris negantibus tormenta adhibetis ad confitendum, solis Christianis ad negandum, cum, si malum esset, nos quidem negaremus, uos uero confiteri tormentis compelleretis. Neque enim ideo non putaretis requirenda quaestionibus scelera, 25 quia certi essetis admitti ea ex nominis confessione, qui hodie de confesso homicida, scientes homicidium quid sit, nihilominus ordinem extorquetis admissi. Quo peruersius, cum prae- sumatis de sceleribus nostris ex nominis confessione, cogitis tormentis de confessione decedere, ut negantes nomen pariter 30 APOLOGETICVS 2 9 demning some Christians, and having dislodged others from the stand they had taken up 1 , was nevertheless greatly troubled by their very numbers, and then consulted the Emperor Trajan as to what he should do in future, stating that, apart from the obstinate refusal to sacrifice, he had found out nothing else about their mysteries, save meetings before dawn to sing to Christ and to 2 God, and to establish one common rule of life, forbidding murder, adultery, fraud, treachery and other crimes. Then Trajan replied that such people were not indeed to be sought out, but that if they were brought before the court they ought to be punished. self-contradictory verdict which says they are not to be sought out, because they are innocent, and yet orders them to be punished as criminals ; which spares while it rages, which shuts the eye to crime and yet chastises it. Why, judgment, dost thou cheat thyself? If thou condemnest, why dost thou not also denounce ? If thou dost not denounce, why not also acquit ? For the tracking of brigands the soldiers on outpost duty cast lots throughout all the provinces. Against those charged with treason and the enemies of the state, every man is a soldier. The investigation is made wide enough to take in accomplices and others who are privy to it. The Christian alone may not be sought out, but he may be brought into court, as if searching out had any other object than prosecution! You condemn therefore, when prosecuted, one whom no one desired to be sought out, one, I suppose, who already deserved punishment, not because he was guilty, but because, though not to be inquired after, he was found. Thus not in that matter either do you act towards us according to the rule for trying malefactors : namely that to others you apply torture when they deny, to make them con fess, to Christians alone you apply it to make them deny. And yet, if it were a crime (with which we were charged), we indeed should deny our guilt, but you by tortures would compel us to confess it. Nor indeed could you think that crimes were not to be investigated by questionings, on the ground that you were assured by the confession of the name that they had been com mitted. For even to-day, though you know what murder is, you nevertheless extort from a confessed murderer the whole train of circumstances touching the act. Wherefore it is with the greater perverseness that when you make up your minds beforehand about our crimes from the confession of the name, you seek to compel us by tortures to go back from our confession, with the result that in denying the name we at the same time 1 See G. A. T. Davies in Journ. Theol Stud. (April) 1913. 2 So the MSS, but surely ut as to should be read (cf. Plin. etc.). 10 TERTVLLIANI utique negemus et scelera, de quibus ex confessione nominis praesumpseratis. Sed, opinor, non uultis nos perire, quos pessimos creditis. Sic enim soletis dicere homicidae Nega, laniari iubere sacrilegum, si confiteri perseuerauerit. Si non ita agitis circa nos nocentes, ergo nos innocentissimos iudicatis, 5 cum quasi innocentissimos non uultis in ea confessione per- seuerare, quam necessitate, non iustitia damnandam a uobis sciatis. Vociferatur homo : Christianus sum. Quod est dicit ; tu uis audire quod non est. Veritatis extorquendae praesides de nobis solis mendacium elaboratis audire. Hoc sum, inquit, 10 quod quaeris an sim. Quid me torques in peruersum? Con- fiteor, et torques: quid faceres, si negarem? Plane aliis negantibus non facile fidem accommodatis : nobis, si negaueri- mus, statim creditis. Suspecta sit uobis ista peruersitas, ne qua uis lateat in occulto, quae uos aduersus formam, aduersus 15 naturam iudicandi, contra ipsas quoque leges ministret. Nisi fallor enim, leges malos erui iubent, non abscondi, confesses damnari praescribunt, non absolui. Hoc senatusconsulta, hoc principum mandata denniunt. Hoc imperium, cuius ministri estis, ciuilis, non tyrannica dominatio est. Apud tyrannos 20 enim tormenta etiam pro poena adhibebantur : apud uos soli quaestioni tempera tur. Vestram illis seruate legem usque ad confession em necessariam, et iam si confessione praeueniantur, uacabunt: sententia opus est: debito poenae nocens expun- gendus est, non eximendus. Denique nemo ilium gestit 25 absoluere. Non licet hoc uelle, ideo nee cogitur quisquam negare. Christianum hominem omnium scelerum reum, deorum, imperatorum, legum, morum, naturae totius inimicum existimas, et cogis negare, ut absoluas quern non poteris absoluere nisi negauerit. Praeuaricaris in leges. Vis ergo 30 neget se nocentem, ut eum facias innocentem, et quidem inuitum iam, nee de praeterito reum. Unde ista peruersitas, ut etiam illud non recogitetis, sponte confesso magis credendum APOLOGETIC VS 2 11 of course deny the crimes also, about which you presumed us guilty from the confession of the name. But, methinks, you do not wish us to perish, though you believe us to be the worst of men. For is it your wont to say to a murderer, Deny the fact? or to order a sacrilegious person to be torn with scourges, if he continue to confess? If you do not act so in the case of us criminals, you must judge us to be entirely innocent, when you will not have us as innocent persons to persevere in such a confession, as you know has to be condemned by you of neces sity and not from justice. A man cries out : I am a Christian. He tells what he is ; you wish to hear what he is not. Though presiding to extract the truth, from us alone you strive to hear falsehood. I am, he says, that which you ask whether I am : why do you torture me to make me give a wrong answer ? You reward my confession with torture ; what would you have done, if I had denied ? It is quite evident that, when others deny, you do not readily credit them : while, if we deny, you immedi ately believe our assertion. You ought to suspect this perversity, lest some power lurk in secret that makes tools of you against all rule, against the nature of judicial trial, even against the laws themselves. For unless I am mistaken, the laws order that malefactors should be rooted out, not concealed ; they lay down that those who confess should be condemned, not ac quitted. This is ordained by decrees of the senate, by the edicts of emperors. The government whose servants you are is the rule of a fellow-citizen, not of a tyrant. For with tyrants tortures were employed also as punishment ; with you they are kept within bounds for the sole purpose of inquiry. Retain for them your law up to the point of necessary confession. And if (tortures) are anticipated by confession, they will be super fluous. A verdict is needed : the guilty man must be struck off the roll of the accused by the punishment which is his due, and not saved from punishment. No one, in short, cares to acquit him ; it is not allowable to wish this : consequently no guilty man is compelled to deny his guilt. But a Christian man you believe to be guilty of all crimes, an enemy of gods; emperors, laws, morals, the whole teaching of nature, and yet you compel him to deny, in order that you may acquit one whom you will not be able to acquit unless from his denial. You are guilty of unfair dealing against the laws. You wish him therefore to deny his guilt, that you may make him out to be innocent, and that too unwilling as he now is, and no longer arraigned for the past. Whence comes this perversity, that you should fail to reflect even on this fact, that more credence should be given to one who voluntarily confesses than to one who denies under com- 12 TERTVLLIANI esse quam per uim neganti? uel ne compulsus riegare non ex fide negarit et absolutus ibidem post tribunal de uestra rideat aemulatione iterum Christianus? Cum igitur in omnibus nos aliter dispom tis quam ceteros nocentes, ad unum coritendendo, ut de eo nomine excludamur (excludimur enim si faciamus 5 quae faciunt non Christiani), intellegere potestis non scelus aliquod in causa esse, sed nomen, quod quaedam ratio aemulae operationis insequitur, hoc primum agens, ut hgmines nolint scire pro certo quod se nescire pro certo sciunt. Ideo et credunt de nobis quae non probantur, et nolunt inquiri, ne probentur 10 non esse quae malunt credidisse, ut nomen illius aemulae rationis inimicum praesumptis, non probatis criminibus de sua sola confessione damnetur. Ideo torquemur confitentes et punimur perseuerantes et absoluimur negantes, quia nominis proelium est. Denique quid de tabella recitatis ilium Chris- 15 tianum? Cur non et homicidam? Si homicida Christianus, cur non et incestus uel quodcunque aliud esse nos creditis ? In nobis solis pudet aut piget ipsis nominibus scelerum pro- nuntiare? Christianus si nullius criminis nomine reus est, ualde incestum, si solius nominis, crimen est. 20 3. Quid? quod ita plerique clausis oculis in odium eius inpingunt, ut bonum alicui testimonium ferentes admisceant nominis exprobrationem. Bonus uir Gaius Seius, tantum quod Christianus. Item alius : Ego miror Lucium Titium sapientem uirum repente factum Christianum. Nemo retractat, ne ideo 25 bonus Gaius et prudens Lucius, quia Christianus, aut ideo Christi anus, quia prudens et bonus. Laudant quae sciunt, uituperant quae ignorant, et id quod sciunt eo quod ignorant inrumpunt, cum sit iustius occulta de manifestis praeiudicare quam mani- festa de occultis praedamnare. Alii, quos retro ante hoc 30 nomen uagos, uiles, improbos nouerant, ex ipso denotant quod laudant. Caecitate odii in suffragium inpingunt: Quae mulier! APOLOGETICVS 2, 3 13 pulsion? or whether one who has been forced to deny should not have denied sincerely, and after acquittal on the spot, leaving the court, should once more claim to be a Christian, and laugh at your vain effort to prove him other ? Since there fore in every way you treat us differently from all other criminals, by aiming at this one thing, that we may be shut out from that name, for we are shut out if we do things which Christians do not do, you can understand that there is no crime in question, but just the name, which is harassed by the scheming of a kind of rival agency, its first aim being that men should be unwilling to know for certain that of which they certainly know them selves to be ignorant. Consequently they not only believe what is not proved with regard to us, but they are unwilling that inquiry should be made, lest those things should be proved not to be, which they had rather should be believed to be, so that the hostile name of that rival agency should be condemned merely by its own confession, on the presumption, not the proof of crime. Accordingly we are tortured when, we confess, and punished when we persist, and acquitted if we deny, just because it is a battle about a name. Finally, you also read out from the charge-sheet that a man is a Christian. Why not also style him a murderer? If a Christian is a murderer, why not also one guilty of incest or any other crime you believe us to be guilty of ? It is in our case only that you are ashamed or reluctant to give a verdict on the mere names of the crimes 1 . If a Christian is guilty of no specific crime, it is a very guilty sort of crime, if one of the name only ! CHAP. III. Again, many people are so blinded with pre judice that even when they are bearing witness to a man s excellence, they mingle with it a taunt against the name of Christian. So-and-so is a good fellow, were it not that he is a Christian. So another says I marvel that a philosopher like So-and-so should have so suddenly turned Christian. No one reflects whether the fact that So-and-so is good or wise is due to his Christianity, or the fact that So-and-so is a Christian results from his being wise and good. They praise what they know, and blame what they do not know, and that which they know they spoil because they are really ignorant of it. Surely it were a juster course to prejudge things hidden from things evident, than to precondemn the evident from the hidden. Others characterize in their very praises those they formerly knew, before they received the name of Christian, as vagabonds, worthless and wicked. Through their blind hatred they become 1 J. B. M. conjecture? scelera. 14 TERTVLLIANI quam lasciua, quam festiua ! Quis iuuenis ! quam lasciuus, quam amasius ! Facti sunt Christian! ! Ita nomen emenda- tioni imputatur. Nonnulli etiam de utilitatibus suis cum odio isto paciscuntur, contenti iniuria, dum ne domi habeant quod oderunt. Uxorem iam pudicam maritus iam non zelo- 5 typus, filium iam subiectum pater retro patiens abdicauit, seruum iam fidelem dominus olim mitis ab oculis relegauit; ut quisque hoc nomine emendatur, offendit. Tanti non est bonum quanti odium Christianorum. Nunc igitur, si nominis odium est, quis nominum reatus? Quae accusatio uocabulorum, TO nisi si aut barbarum sonat aliqua uox nominis, aut infaustum aut maledicum aut inpudicum? Christianus uero, quantum interpretatio est, de unctione deducitur. Sed et cum perperam Chrestianus pronuntiatur a uobis (nam nee nominis certa est notitia penes uos), de suauitate uel benignitate conpositum est. 15 Oditur itaque in hominibus innocuis etiam nomen innocuum. At enim secta oditur in nomine utique sui auctoris. Quid noui, si aliqua disciplina de magistro cognomentum sectatoribus suis inducit ? Nonne philosophi de auctoribus suis nuncupantur Platonici, Epicurei, Py thagorici ? etiam a locis conuenticulorum 20 et stationum suarum Stoici, Academici? aeque medici ab Erasistrato et grammatici ab Aristarcho, coci etiam ab Apicio ? nee tamen quemquam offendit professio nominis cum institutione transmissa ab institutore. Plane, si qui probauit malam sectam et ita malum et auctorem, is probabit et nomen malum dignum 25 odio de reatu sectae et auctoris, ideoque ante odium nominis conpetebat prius de auctore sectam recognoscere uel auctorem de secta. At nunc utriusque inquisitione et agnitione neglecta nomen detinetur, nomen expugnatur, et ignotam sectam, ignotum et auctorem uox sola praedamnat, quia nominantur, 30 non quia reuincuntur. 4. Atque adeo quasi praefatus haec ad sugillandam odii erga nos publici iniquitatem, iam de causa innocentiae consistam, APOLOGETICVS 3, 4 15 vehement supporters. What a fine woman! How merry, how debonair! What a fine fellow, what a sport, what a gallant! They have become Christians. Thus is the name applied to their reformation. Some even make a bargain with this hatred at the cost of their interests, ready to put up with harm, provided that what they hate is not mixed up with their home-life. A husband now no longer jealous has turned out of doors his now chaste wife : a father, patient in the past, has disinherited his now obedient son : a once forgiving master has banished from his sight a now faithful servant. In each case the reform effected by the name of Christian is the ground of offence. Goodness is not of such account as hatred of the Christians. Now therefore if it is a name that is hated what charge can there be against a name, what prosecution of words, unless it be that a particular utterance of a word has a barbarous or ill-omened or a scurrilous or immodest sound? The name Christian indeed, so far as its meaning is concerned, is derived from anointing. And even when it is wrongly pronounced Chreestian by you for neither is there any real knowledge of the name among you it is made up from sweetness or kind ness. And thus even an innocent name gets hated in the case of innocent men. But indeed there can be no doubt that the sect is hated in the name of its Founder. What novelty is there in a school of thought bringing on its followers a name taken from its teacher? Are not philosophers named after their founders, e.g. Platonists, Epicureans, Pythagoreans? or even from their places of meeting and their stations, as Stoics or Academics? so too physicians from Erasistratus, and grammarians from Aristarchus, and even cooks from Apicius? And yet the pro fession of a name, handed down with the institution from the founder himself, causes no offence. To be sure, if any one should prove a sect to be evil, and thus the originator also to be evil, he will prove the name to be likewise evil, worthy of hatred from the guilt attaching to the sect and its founder. Hence, before hating the name, it were fitting first to convict the sect from the character of the founder, or the founder from the character of the sect. But, as matters are, though the in vestigation and examination of both are neglected, the name is laid hold of, the name is made the object of attack, and a mere word prejudges a sect and its founder (though both are equally unknown) simply because they bear a name, not because they are convicted of guilt. CHAP. IV. Having then made this sort of preface by way of hammering into men s heads the unfairness of the popular hatred 1(3 TERTVLLIANI nee tantum refutabo quae no bis obiciuntur, sed etiam in ipsos retorquebo qui obiciunt, ut ex hoc quoque sciant homines in Christianis non esse quae in se nesciunt esse, simul uti erubescant accusantes non dico pessimi optimos, sed iam, ut uolunt, conpares suos. Respondebimus ad singula quae in occulto 5 admittere dicimur, quae illos palam admittentes inuenimus, in quibus scelesti, in quibus uani, in quibus damnandis, in quibus inridendi deputamur. Sed quoniam, cum ad omnia occurrit ueritas nostra, postremo legum obstruitur auctoritas aduersus earn, ut aut nihil dicatur retractandum esse post leges aut ingratis 10 necessitas obsequii praeferatur ueritati, de legibus prius concur - ram uobiscum ut cum tutoribus legum. Iam primum cum dure definitis dicendo : Non licet esse uos ! et hoc sine ullo retractatu humaniore praescribitis, uim prontemini et iniquam ex arce dominationem, si ideo negatis licere, quia uultis, non quia debuit 15 non licere. Quodsi, quia non debet, ideo non uultis licere, sine dubio id non debet licere quod male fit, et utique hoc ipso praeiudicatur licere quod bene fit. Si bonum inuenero esse quod lex tua prohibuit, nonne ex illo praeiudicio prohibere me non potest quod, si malum esset, iure prohiberet? Si lex tua 20 errauit, puto, ab homine concepta est; neque enim de caelo ruit. Miramini hominem aut errare potuisse in lege condenda aut resipuisse in reprobanda? Non enim et ipsius Lycurgi leges a Lacedaemoniis emendatae tantum auctori suo doloris incusserunt, ut in secessu inedia de semetipso iudicarit? 25 Nonne et uos cotidie experimentis inluminantibus tenebras antiquitatis totam illam ueterem et squalentem siluam legum nouis principalium rescriptorum et edictorum securibus truncatis et caeditis? Nonne uanissimas Papias leges, quae ante liberos suscipi cogunt quam luliae matrimonium contrahi, post tantae 30 auctoritatis senectutem heri Seuerus, constantissimus principum, exclusit? Sed et indicates in partes secari a creditor! bus leges APOLOGETICVS 4 17 towards us, I will now join issue as to the question of innocence, and will not only rebut the charges against us, but will even cause them to recoil on the very men who make them ; that from this also men may know that Christians are free from those failings, of the existence of which in themselves their critics are unconscious ; and that they may at the same time blush, while they accuse us I do not say the worst accusing the best, but rather (as they themselves would have it) ordinary persons accusing their fellows. We will meet each of the secret scandals laid to our charge by appealing to the same acts committed openly, acts in which we are held to show ourselves wicked, empty-headed, worthy of condemnation and of ridicule. But since when the truth of our cause meets you at every turn, the authority of the laws is at last set up against it, so that either it is said that nothing is to be reconsidered after the laws have decided, or the necessity of obedience is unwillingly preferred to truth, it is upon the laws that I will first join issue with you, as their guardians. In the first place then, when you harshly lay down the law by your phrase Your existence is forbidden, and enjoin this without any gentler reservation, you make no secret of violence and tyranny as belonging to your stronghold, if you deny us the right to exist because such is your will, not because it was fitting that we should be outlawed. If however you wish this not to be allowed because it is not right, no doubt an evil action ought not to be allowed ; and of course this very fact involves a previous judgment that a good action is legal. If I shall find something to be good, which your law has for bidden, is it not, by this previous determination, disabled from forbidding me that which, if it were evil, it would justly forbid? If your law has made a mistake, I suppose it is because it was framed by a man, for it certainly did not fall from heaven. Do you wonder either that a man should have made a mistake in framing a law, or should have come to his senses again when he finds in it matter for emendation ? Did not even the improve ments made by the Spartans in the laws of Lycurgus himself cause him such pain that he determined to resign office and starve himself to death? Do not even you too, as daily ex perience throws light upon the darkness of antiquity, lop and cut down all the wild growth of that ancient forest of statutes with the new axes of imperial rescripts and edicts? Did not Severus, that most determined of emperors, as it were but yesterday, abrogate the ridiculous Papian laws, which enforced the bringing up of children before the Julian laws enforced the contracting of marriage, laws whose antiquity gave them such high authority ? Nay there were even laws authorizing that those M. T. 18 TERTVLLIANI erant. consensu tamen publico crudelitas postea erasa est, in pudoris notam capitis poena conuersa est. Bonorum adhibita proscriptio suffundere maluit hominis sanguinem quam effundere. Quot adhuc uobis repurgandae latent leges, quas neque annorum numerus neque conditorum dignitas commendat, 5 sed aequitas sola? et ideo cum iniquae recognoscuntur, merito damnantur, licet damnent. Quomodo iniquas dicimus ? Immo, si nomen puniunt, etiam stultas : si uero facta, cur de solo nomine puniunt facta, quae in aliis de admisso, non de nomine probata defendunt ? Incestus sum, cur non requirunt ? Infanti- 10 cidia cur non extorquent? In deos, in Caesares aliquid com- mitto, cur non audior qui habeo quo purger? Nulla lex uetat discuti quod prohibet admitti, quia neque iudex iuste ulciscitur, nisi cognoscat admissum esse quod non licet, neque ciuis fldeliter legi obsequitur ignorans quale sit quod ulciscitur lex. 15 Nulla lex sibi soli conscientiam iustitiae suae debet, sed eis a quibus obsequium expectat. Ceterum suspecta lex est quac probari se non uult, inproba autem, si non probata dominetur. 5. Ut de origine aliquid retractemus eiusmodi legum, uetus erat decretum, ne qui deus ab imperatore consecraretur 20 nisi a senatu probatus. Scit M. Aemilius de deo suo Alburno. Pacit et hoc ad causam nostram, quod apud uos de human o arbitratu diuinitas pensitatur. Nisi homini deus placuerit, deus non erit ; homo iam deo propitius esse debebit. Tiberius ergo, cuius tempore nomen Christianum in saeculum introiuit, 25 adnuntiata sibi ex Syria Palaestina, quae illic ueritatem ipsius diuinitatis reuelauerant, detulit ad senatum cum praerogatiua suffragii sui. Senatus, quia non ipse probauerat, respuit, Caesar in sententia mansit, comminatus periculum accusatoribus Christianorum. Consulite commentarios uestros, illic reperietis 30 primum Neronem in hanc sectam cum maxime Romae orientem APOLOGETICVS 4, 5 19 sentenced under them should be cut in pieces by their creditors, yet was this cruelty afterwards blotted out by public consent, the punishment of death being converted into a mark of dis grace. By the resort to a public sale of property they preferred to raise the blush of shame rather than to shed blood. How many laws still lie hidden for you to purify, laws which neither antiquity nor the dignity of their framers, but only their fairness (if such there be) commends? and therefore when they are recognised to be unfair, though condemning, they are deservedly condemned. But how do we call them unfair? Nay, if they punish the mere name, we call them foolish also. If however it is deeds that they punish, why, in our case, do they punish deeds on the ground merely of the name, which in other cases they maintain must be proved by the act and not from the name given to the accused ? I am guilty of incest : why do they not inquire into it? of infanticide, why do they not extort a con fession ? I commit some offence against the gods or the Caesars ; why am I not heard, when I am able to clear myself? No law forbids the investigation of that which is prohibited, because neither can any judge rightly exact punishment unless he knows that an illegal offence has been committed ; nor can any citizen loyally obey the law, if ignorant of the nature of that which is punished by the law. The law is not only bound to satisfy itself as to its own intrinsic justice; it must also satisfy those from whom it looks for obedience. A law excites suspicion if it is not willing to be tested, and it is wicked if, after being disapproved, it claims despotic power. CHAP. V. And now to treat somewhat more fully of the origin of laws of this kind, there was an old decree that no god should be consecrated by the emperor without the approval of the senate. M. Aemilius learnt this in the case of his god Alburnus. This, too, makes in our favour, because among you divinity is weighed out by human caprice. Unless a god shall have been acceptable to man, he shall not be a god : man must now be propitious to a god. Accordingly Tiberius, in whose time the Christian name first made its appearance in the world, laid before the senate tidings from Syria Palaestina which had revealed to him the truth of the divinity there manifested, and supported the motion by his own vote to begin with. The senate rejected it because it had not itself given its approval. Caesar held to his own opinion and threatened danger to the accusers of the Christians. Consult your records : you will there find that Nero was the first emperor who wreaked his fury in the blood of Christians, when our religion was just springing 22 20 TERTVLLIANI Caesariano gladio ferocisse. Sed tali dedicatore damnationis nostrae etiam gloriamur. Qui enim scit ilium, intellegere potest non nisi grande aliquod bonum a Nerone damnatum. Temp- tauerat et Domitianus, portio Neronis de crudelitate, sed qua et homo, facile coeptum repressit, restitutis etiam quos rele- 5 gauerat. Tales semper nobis insecutores, iniusti, impii, turpes, quos et ipsi damnare consuestis, a quibus damnatos restituere soliti estis. Ceterum de tot exinde principibus ad hodiernum diuinum humaimmque sapientibus edite aliquem debellatorem Christianorum ! At nos e contrario edimus protectorem, si 10 litterae M. Aurelii grauissimi imperatoris requirantur, quibus illam Germanicam sitim Christianorum forte militum pre- cationibus impetrato imbri discussam contestatur. Sicut non palam ab eiusmodi hominibus poenam dimouit, ita alio modo palam dispersit, adiecta etiam accusatoribus damnatione, et 15 quidem tetriore. Quales ergo leges istae quas aduersus nos soli exercent impii, iniusti, turpes, truces, uani, dementes? quas Traianus ex parte frustratus est uetando inquiri Christianos, quas nullus Hadrianus, quamquam omnium curiositatum explorator, nullus Vespasianus, quamquam ludaeorum deb el- 20 lator, nullus Pius, nullus Verus inpressit. Facilius utique pessimi ab optimis quibusque, ut ab aemulis, quam a suis sociis eradicandi iudicarentur. 6. Nunc religiosissimi legum et paternorum institutorum protectores et ultores respondeant uelim de sua fide et honore 25 et obsequio erga maiorum consulta, si a nullo desciuerunt, si in nullo exorbitauerunt, si non necessaria et aptissima quaeque disciplinae oblitterauerunt. Quonam illae leges abierunt sump- turn et ambitionem comprimentes ? quae centum aera non amplius in coenam subscribi iubebant nee amplius quam unam 30 inferri gallinam, et earn non saginatam, quae patricium, quod decem pondo argenti habuisset, pro magno ambitionis titulo APOLOGETICVS 5, 6 21 up in Rome. But we even glory in being first dedicated to destruction by such a monster. For whoever knows him can understand that It could only have been something of supreme excellence that could have called forth the condemnation of Nero. Domitian too had tried the same experiment as Nero, with a large share of Nero s cruelty, but inasmuch as he retained something of humanity also, he was easily able to change his course, even restoring those whom he had banished. Such have always been our persecutors, unjust, impious and treacherous, whom even ye yourselves have been wont to condemn and to reinstate those who were condemned by them. But out of so many emperors who reigned from that time to the present, men versed in knowledge, human and divine, show us one who set himself to destroy the Christians. We on the other hand can show you a protector, if the letters of the honoured emperor M. Aurelius be searched, in which he testifies that the famous drought in Germany was put a stop to by the rain which fell in answer to the prayers of the Christians who happened to be in his army. Thus, although he did not openly abolish punish ment incurred by such men, yet in another way he openly neutralized it, adding also a condemnation, and indeed a more shocking one, for their prosecutors. Of what sort then are these laws, which are put into force against us by the impious, the unjust, the base, the cruel, the foolish, the mad, and by them alone ? Laws which Trajan made less effective by for bidding Christians to be sought out; to which no Hadrian, although an investigator of all curiosities, no Vespasian, although conqueror of the Jews, no Pius, no Verus ever set his mark. Certainly the worst of men would be more readily sentenced to death by all the best, as their enemies, than by their own accomplices. CHAP. VI. Now I should like these scrupulous champions and avengers of laws and ancestral institutions to answer with regard to their own loyalty, respect and obedience towards the decrees of their ancestors, whether they have abandoned none, whether they have transgressed in none, whether they have not .abolished what were the necessary and most appropriate elements of their rule of life. What has become of those laws which checked extravagance and ostentation? those which ordered that not more than a hundred pence should be allowed for a dinner, that not more than one fowl and that not specially fattened should be served, which removed a patrician from the senate, because he had ten pounds weight of wrought silver, on the ground that this was a notable proof of ostentation, 22 TERTVLLIANI senatu submouebant, quae theatra stuprandis rnoribus orientia statim destruebant, quae dignitatum et honestorum natalium insignia non temere nee inpune usurpari sinebant ? Video enim et centenarias coenas a centenis iam sestertiis dicendas, et in lances (parum est si senatorum et non libertinorum uel adhuc 5 flagra rumpentium) argentaria metalla producta. Video et theatra nee singula satis esse nee nuda ; nam ne uel hieme uoluptas inpudica frigeret, primi Lacedaemonii penulam ludis excogitauerunt. Video et inter matronas atque prostibulas nullum de habitu discrimen relictum. Circa feminas quidem 10 etiam ilia maiorum instituta ceciderunt quae modestiae, quae sobrietati patrocinabantur, cum aurum nulla norat praeter unico digito quern sponsus obpignorasset pronubo anulo, cum mulieres usque adeo uino abstinerentur, ut matronam ob resignatos cellae uinariae loculos sui inedia necarint, sub Romulo 15 uero quae uinum attigerat, inpune a Metennio marito trucidata sit. Idcirco et oscula propinquis offerre etiam necessitas erat, ut spiritu iudicarentur. Ubi est ilia felicitas matrimoniorum de moribus utique prosperata, qua per annos ferme sexcentos ab urbe condita nulla repudium domus scripsit ? At nunc in 20 feminis prae auro nullum leue est membrum. prae uino nullum liberum est osculum, repudium uero iam et uotum est, quasi matrimonii fructus. Etiam circa ipsos deos uestros quae prospecte decreuerant patres uestri, idem uos obsequentissimi rescidistis. Liberum Patrem cum mysteriis suis consules 25 senatus auctoritate non modo urbe, sed uniuersa Italia elimina- uerunt. Serapidem et Isidem et Arpocratem cum suo cyno- cephalo Capitolio prohibitos inferri, id est curia deorum pulsos, Piso et Gabinius consules non utique Christiani euersis etiam aris eorum abdicauerunt, turpium et otiosarum superstitionum 30 uitia cohibentes. His uos restitutis summam maiestatem contulistis. Ubi religio. ubi ueneratio maioribus debita a uobis? Habitu, uictu, instructu, sensu, ipso denique serinone APOLOGETICVS 6 23 which proceeded at once to destroy theatres as they rose for the corruption of morals, which did not allow the badges of office or noble birth to be employed lightly or with impunity ? (I ask these questions) for I see dinners, which can only be called centuries from the 100,000 sesterces they cost, and whole mines of silver worked out into plates, a small thing if they were the property of senators only and not of freedmen or of those who are still liable to be flogged. I see too that one theatre, or a theatre open to the sky, is not enough for each town ; for doubtless it was to prevent their immodest pleasure from being- too cold in winter, that the Spartans first invented their cloak for the sports. I see too that there is no difference left between the dress of matrons and that of prostitutes. Indeed with regard to women even those customs of our ancestors have fallen into disuse, which protected modesty and sobriety, in an age when no woman knew aught of gold save on the one finger which the bridegroom had claimed for himself with the wedding ring, and when women abstained from wine to such a degree, that her relatives put a matron to death by starvation for breaking open the bins of the wine-cellar. Under Romulus indeed one who had touched wine was put to death with im punity by her husband Metennius. For the same reason they were also even obliged to offer kisses to their kinsfolk, that they might be judged by their breath. Where is now that happiness of married life so successful in point of morals at any rate, the result of which was that for about six hundred years after the foundation of Rome a writing of divorce was unknown? But now in the case of women every part of the body is weighted with gold, no kiss is free owing to wine, and divorce is now the object of prayer, as the natural fruit of marriage. Even with regard to your gods themselves the wise decrees of your ancestors with their application to the future have been re scinded by you, the very people who plume yourselves on your obedience to them. The consuls on the authority of the senate banished Father Bacchus with his mysteries not only from the capital but from the whole of Italy. Serapis and Isis and Harpocrates with their dog-headed attendant were forbidden the Capitol, in other words were expelled from the parliament of the gods, their altars overturned and themselves banished by the consuls Piso and Gabinius, who were assuredly no Christians, with a view to check the vices arising from their base and idle superstitions. But these you have restored, and conferred on them the highest dignity. Where is your religion, where the respect you owe to your ancestors? In dress, in food, in household arrangements, in feeling, even in 24 TERTVLLIANI proauis renuntiastis. Laudatis semper antiquitatem, et noue de die uiuitis. Per quod ostenditur, dum a bonis maiorum instittitis deceditis, ea uos retinere et custodire quae non debuistis, cum quae debuistis non custodistis. Ipsum adhuc quod uidemini fidelissime tueri a patribus traditum, in 5 quo principaliter reos transgressiom s Christianos destinastis, studium dico deorura colendorum, de quo maxime errauit antiquitas, licet Serapidi iam Romano aras restruxeritis, licet Baccho iam Italico furias uestras immoletis, suo loco ostendam proinde despici et neglegi et destrui a uobis aduersus maiorum 10 auctoritatem. Nunc enim ad illam occultorum facinorum infamiam respondebo, ut uiam mihi ad manifestiora purgem. 7. Dicimur sceleratissimi de sacramento infanticidii et pabulo inde, et post conuiuium incesto, quod euersores luminum canes, lenones scilicet tenebrarum, libidinum impiarum in uere- 15 cundiam procurent. Dicimur tamen semper, nee uos quod tarn diu dicimur eruere curatis. Ergo aut eruite, si creditis, aut nolite credere, qui non eruistis. De uestra uobis dissimu lations praescribitur non esse quod nee ipsi audetis eruere. Longe aliud munus carnifici in Christianos imperatis, non ut 20 dicant quae faciunt, sed ut negent quod sunt. Census istius disciplinae, ut iam edidimus, a Tiberio est. Cum odio sui coepit ueritas. Simul atque apparuit, inimica est. Tot hostes eius quot extranei, et quidem proprie ex aemulatione ludaei, ex concussione milites, ex natura ipsi etiam domestici nostri. 25 Cotidie obsidemur, cotidie prodimur, in ipsis plurimum coetibus et congregationibus nostris opprimimur. Quis umquam taliter uagienti infanti superuenit? Quis cruenta, ut inuenerat, Cyclopum et Sirenum ora iudici reseruauit? Quis uel in uxoribus aliqua inmunda uestigia deprehendit ? Quis talia 30 facinora cum inuenisset, celauit aut uendidit ipsos trahens APOLOGETICVS 6, 7 25 language itself you have abandoned your ancestors. You are always praising old times, but you change your position from day to day. By this it is shown that, in departing from the good customs of your ancestors, you retain and preserve those which you ought not, while you have not preserved those which you ought. Even the very thing that you still seem most faith fully to guard, as handed down by your ancestors, that in which most of all you have marked the Christians as guilty of trans gression, I mean zeal in the worship of the gods, (concerning which early ages made the greatest mistakes,) although you have built up again the altars to Serapis, now become a Roman, although you present the frantic orgies of your worship to Bacchus, now an Italian, I will show in the proper place that these are alike looked down upon and slighted and undermined by you against the authority of your ancestors. But now I will reply to that evil reputation for secret crimes, to clear my way for the more open ones. CHAP. VII. We are called abominable from the sacrament of infanticide and the feeding thereon, as well as the incestuous intercourse, following the banquet, because the dogs, that over turn the lamps, (our pimps forsooth of the darkness) bring about the shamelessness engendered by our impious lusts. Yet we are but called so on each occasion, and you take no pains to bring to light what we have been so long charged with. There fore either prove the fact, if you believe it, or refuse to believe it, you who have not proved it. For your want of straightforward ness a preliminary objection is raised against you, that that cannot be true which not even you yourselves dare to search out. It is quite a different duty that you lay upon the executioner against the Christians, namely, not that they should say of what they are guilty, but that they should deny what they are. The beginning of this teaching, as I have already stated, dates from Tiberius. Truth from the first was accompanied by hatred of herself: from her first appearance she is an enemy. She has as many enemies as there are strangers to her, the Jews indeed quite specially so from jealousy, the soldiers from their violence, and even the very members of our households from natural ill- feeling. We are daily besieged, we are daily betrayed, even in our very meetings and assemblies we are frequently surprised. Who ever came upon an infant wailing under such circumstances? Who ever kept for the judge the bloodstained faces of Cyclopes and Sirens just as he had found them? Who detected even on our wives any trace of impurity ? Who when he had discovered such crimes, concealed them or sold his concealment of them, 26 TERTVLLIANI homines? Si semper latemus, quando proditum est quod admittimus? immo a quibus prodi potuit? Ab ipsis enim reis non utique, cum uel ex forma omnibus mysteriis silentii fides debeatur. Samothracia et Eleusinia reticentur, quanto magis talia quae prodita interim etiam humanam animaduersionem 5 prouocabunt, dum diuina seruatur? Si ergo non ipsi prodi- tores sui, sequitur ut extranei. Efc unde extraneis notitia, cum semper etiam piae initiationes arceant profanes et arbitris caueant? Nisi si impii minus metuunt. Natura famae omnibus nota est. Vestrum est: Fama malum qua non aliud uelocius 10 nllum. Cur malum fama? quia uelox? quia index? an quia plurimum mendax? quae ne tune quidem, cum aliquid ueri adfert, sine mendacii uitio est, detrahens, adiciens, demutans de ueritate. Quid? quod ea illi condicio est, ut non nisi cum mentitur perseueret et tamdiu uiuit quamdiu non probat, 15 siquidem, ubi probauit, cessat esse et quasi officio nuntiandi functa rem tradit, et exinde res tenetur, res nominatur. Nee quisquam dicit uerbi gratia, Hoc Romae aiunt factum, aut, Fama est ilium prouinciam sortitum, sed, Sortitus est ille pro- uinciam, et, Hoc factum est Romae. Fama, nomen incerti, 20 locum non habet ubi certum est. An uero famae credat nisi inconsideratus ? Quia sapiens non credit incerto. Omnium est aestimare, quantacunque ilia ambitione difTusa sit, quanta- cunque asseueratione constructa, quod ab uno aliquando principe exorta sit necesse est. Exinde in traduces linguarum 25 et aurium serpit, et ita modici seminis uitium cetera rumoris obscurat, ut nemo recogitet, ne primum illud os mendacium seminauerit, quod saepe fit aut ingenio aemulationis aut arbitrio suspicionis aut non noua sed ingenita quibusdam mentiendi uoluptate. Bene autem quod omnia tempus reuelat, testibus 30 etiam uestris prouerbiis atque sententiis, ex dispositione naturae, quae ita ordinauit, ut nihil diu lateat, etiam quod fama non APOLOC4ETICVS 7 27 with the very offenders in his grasp ? If we are always in hiding, when was the crime we commit betrayed ? nay rather, by whom could it be betrayed ? Assuredly not by the accused themselves, since even according to rule all mysteries are bound to be loyally concealed. Silence is preserved with regard to the mysteries of Samothrace and Eleusis ; how much more with regard to such as if betrayed will sometimes even call forth human punishment, while their divine character is preserved ! unless therefore they are themselves their own betrayers, it follows that the betrayers must be outsiders. And, if so, whence do the outsiders obtain the knowledge, since even religious initiations always exclude the profane and take precautions against the presence of eye witnesses, unless it be that the impious are bolder than others ? The nature of rumour is known to all. One of your (own) writers says: Rumour, than which no other evil is swifter. Why is rumour an evil? because it is swift? because it gives information? or is it because it is very often lying? Even when it brings some truth with it, it is not exempt from the flaw of falsehood, as it takes away from, adds to, and alters the truth. What are we to say of the fact that its character is such that it does not persist without lying and it lives only as long as it cannot prove its truth ; since when it has proved it, it ceases to exist and as though it had done its work of reporting hands down the matter, and thereafter it is held to be fact, and is so called. Nor does anyone for example remark : They say this has happened at Rome, or The rumour is that he has obtained the province (by lot), but He has obtained the province, and: This has happened at Rome. Rumour, a name belonging to uncertainty, has no place where certainty exists. Would anyone indeed, unless he were devoid of sense, believe rumour? A wise man does not trust what is uncertain. Anyone can judge that, however great may be the extent to which the story is spread, however great the confidence with which it has been built up, still it must have sprung at some time or other from a single root. From that it creeps into the branches of tongues and ears. And a fault in the little seed is so concealed by the shield 1 of rumour, that no one reflects whether that first mouth may not have sown the lie, a thing that often happens either through the inventiveness of jealousy or the humour of suspicion or the pleasure in lying, which is not new but inborn in some people. It is a good thing that time reveals everything, as even your proverbs and maxims testify, by the arrangement of nature, which has so ordered it that nothing is concealed for long, even that which rumour has 1 Reading caetra with Schrors. 28 TERTVLLIANI distulit. Merito igitur fa ma tamdiu conscia sola est scelerum Christianorum. Hanc indicem aduersus nos profertis, quae quod aliquando iactauit tantoque spatio in opinionem corro- borauit usque adhuc probare non ualuit, ut fidem naturae ipsius appellem aduersus eos qui talia credenda esse prae- 5 sumunt. 8. Ecce proponimus horum facinorum mercedem. Vitam aeternam repromittunt. Credite interim. De hoc enim quaero, an et qui credideris tanti habeas ad earn tali conscientia per- uenire. Veni, demerge ferrum in infantem nullius inimicum, 10 nullius reum, omnium filium, uel, si alterius officium est, tu modo adsiste morienti homini antequam uixit, fugientem animam nouam expecta, excipe rudem sanguinem, eo panem tuum satia, uescere libenter. Interea discumbens dinumera loca, ubi mater, ubi soror; nota diligenter, ut, cum tenebrae 15 ceciderint caninae, non erres. Piaculum enim admiseris nisi incestum feceris. Talia initiatus et consignatus uiuis in aeuum. Cupio respondeas, si tanti aeternitas. Aut si non, ideo nee credenda. Etiamsi credideris, nego te uelle; etiamsi uolueris, nego te posse. Cur ergo alii possint, si uos non potestis ? cur 20 non possitis, si alii possunt? Alia nos, opinor, natura; Cyno- paene aut Sciapodes? Alii ordines dentium, alii ad incestam libidinem nerui? Qui ista credis de homine, potes et facere. Homo es et ipse, quod et Christianus. Qui non potes facere, non debes credere. Homo est enim et Christianus et quod et 25 tu. Sed ignorantibus subicitur et inponitur. Nihil enim tale de Christian is asseuerari sciebant obseruandum utique sibi et omni uigilantia inuestigandum. Atquin uolentibus initiari moris est, opinor, prius patrem ilium sacrorum adire, quae praeparanda sint describere. Turn ille : Infans tibi necessarius 30 adhuc tener, qui nesciat mortem, qui sub cultro tuo rideat; item panis, quo sanguinis uirulentiam colligas ; praeterea APOLOGETICVS 7, 8 29 not spread abroad. Justly therefore, has rumour and rumour alone had for so long any knowledge of the crimes of the Chris tians. This is the informer you produce against us, one which as yet has not been able to prove what it has so long thrown put and what in so long a period of time it has strengthened into a settled opinion. But now to appeal to the credit of nature herself against those who dare to assume that such stories are to be believed. CHAP. VIII. Lo, I set before you the reward of such crimes ; they promise everlasting life. Believe it for the moment! About this I ask whether even you who have believed think it worth while to attain it at the price of such a (guilty) conscience. Come, plunge the sword into an infant who is no one s enemy, guilty of no crime, the child of all: or if such bloodshed is another s duty, do you merely stand by a human being dying before he has really lived ; wait for the flight of the new life ; catch the scarce-formed blood ; with it soak your bread, and enjoy your meal. Meantime, as you recline, count the places and mark where your mother, where your sister is; make a careful note, so that when the dogs have put out the lights, you may not make a mistake. For you will be guilty of sin if you fail to commit incest: Thus initiated and sealed, you live for ever. Please tell me, whether eternity is worth such a price ; if it is not so, it ought not to be believed to be so. Even if you believed it, I deny that you wished it; even if you wished it, I deny that you could do it. Why then should others be capable of doing what you cannot do? why could not you do it if others can? We, I suppose, are of another nature- monstrosities with heads of dogs or with feet so large as to shade us; with teeth differently arranged, and with organs different from other men, for the gratification of incestuous lust! You who believe such things about a fellow man can also do them yourself. You too are a human being, as the Christian is too. You who are incapable of the deeds, ought not to believe them possible. For the Christian also is a human being as you are. But perhaps the ignorant alone are tricked and decoyed into our religion: for they knew that no such statement was made about the Christians : but they must assuredly look to the matter and study it with all care. And yet, it is the custom, I fancy, for those who wish to be initiated, first to approach the father of the rites, and to write down what has to be prepared. Then he says: You have need of a little child, still soft, with no knowledge of death, who will smile under your knife; also bread, in which to gather the blood sauce ; further, candlesticks 30 TERTVLLIANI candelabra et lucernae et canes aliqui et offulae, quae illos ad euersionem luminum extendant : ante omnia cum matre et sorore tua uenire debebis. Quid, si noluerint uel nullae f uerint ? quid denique singulares Christiani ? Non erit, opinor, legitimus Christianus nisi frater aut films. Quid nunc, et si 5 ista omnia ignaris praeparantur ? Certe postea cognoscunt et sustinent et ignoscunt. Timent plecti, si proclament, qui defendi merebuntur,- qui etiam ultro perire malint quam sub tali conscientia uiuere. Age nunc timeant, cur etiam per- seuerant? Sequitur enim, ne ultra uelis id te esse quod, si 10 prius scisses, non fuisses. 9. Haec quo magis refutauerim, a uobis fieri ostendam partirn in aperto, partim in occulto, per quod forsitan et de nobis credidistis. Infantes penes Africam Saturno immola- bantur palam usque ad proconsulatum Tiberii, qui eosdem 15 sacerdotes in eisdem arboribus templi sui obumbratricibus scelerum uotiuis crucibus exposuit, teste militia patriae nostrae, quae id ipsum munus illi proconsuli fun eta est. Sed et nunc in occulto perseueratur hoc sacrum facinus. Non soli uos con- temnunt Christiani, nee ullum scelus in perpetuum eradicatur 20 aut mores suos aliqui deus mutat. Cum propriis filiis Saturnus non pepercit, extraneis utique non parcendo perseuerabat, quos quidem ipsi parentes sui offerebant et libentes respondebant et infantibus blandiebantur, ne lacrimantes immolarentur. Et tamen multum homicidio parricidium differt. Maior aetas apud 25 Gallos Mercurio prosecatur. Remitto fabulas Tauricas theatris suis. Ecce in ilia religiosissima urbe Aeneadarum piorum est lupiter quidam quern ludis suis humano sanguine proluunt. Sed bestiarii, inquitis. Hoc, opinor, minus quam hominis? An hoc turpius, quod mali hominis? certe tamen de homicidio 30 funditur. louem Christianum et solum patris filium de crudelitate ! Sed quoniam de infanticidio nihil interest sacro an arbitrio perpetretur, licet parricidium homicidio intersit, APOLOGETICVS 8, 9 31 and lamps and some dogs and little morsels of meat, to make them strain and overturn the lamps ; above all you will have to come with your mother and sister. What if they refuse or if you have none ? What in a word are solitary Christians to do ? Every lawful Christian will be, I suppose, either a brother or a son. What now, even if all these things are prepared for those who know nothing about them? At any rate they learn it later, and endure it and pardon it! You will say they fear punishment, though, if they declared the facts, they would deserve every protection, and though they would rather suffer death than live with such a consciousness of guilt! Suppose, however, that they are still afraid, why do they still continue to be Christians ? For it follows that you no longer wish to be that which you would never have become if you "had known beforehand. CHAP. IX. To refute these charges more effectively, I will show that these crimes are perpetrated by you both in public and in secret, which is perhaps the reason that you have come to believe them about us also. Babes were sacrificed publicly to Saturn in Africa till the proconsulate of Tiberius, who exposed the same priests on the same trees that overshadow the crimes of their temple, on dedicated crosses, as is attested by the soldiery of my father 1 , which performed that very service for that proconsul. But even now this accursed crime is in secret kept up. It is not the Christians only who despise you; nor is any crime rooted out once for all, nor does any god change his character. Since Saturn did not spare his own children, of course he stuck to his habit of not sparing those of other people, whom indeed their own parents offered of themselves, being pleased to answer the call, and fondled the infants, lest they should weep when being sacrificed. And yet a parent s murder of his child is far worse than simple homicide. Among the Gauls adults are sacrificed to Mercury. I leave the fables about the Taurians to the theatres to which they belong. Lo, in that deeply religious city of the pious descendants of Aeneas there is a certain Jupiter whom at his own games they drench with human blood. But, say you, only that of a criminal con demned to the beasts. This, I suppose, is of less value than that of a human being. Or is this the viler, because it is that of an evil man ? At any rate it is the blood of homicide that is shed. What a Christian is Jupiter, the only son of his father in point of cruelty ! But since, in a case of infanticide, it matters not whether it is carried out as a sacred rite or out of mere caprice 1 Reading patris nostri. 32 TERTVLLIANI conuertar ad populum. Quot uultis ex his circumstantibus et in Christianorum sanguinem hiantibus, ex ipsis etiam uobis iustissimis et seuerissimis in nos praesidibus apud conscientias pulsem, qui natos sibi liberos enecent? Siquidem et de genere necis difTert, utique crudelius in aqua spiritum extorquetis aut 5 frigori et fami et canibus exponitis. Ferro enim mori aetas quoque maior optauerit. Nobis uero semel homicidio inter- dicto etiam conceptum utero, dum adhuc sanguis in hominem delibatur, dissoluere non licet. Homicidii festinatio est pro- hibere nasci, nee refert natam quis eripiat animam an nascentem 10 disturbet. Homo est et qui est futurus ; etiam fructus omnis iam in semine est. De sanguinis pabulo et eiusmodi tragicis ferculis legite, necubi relatum sit (est apud Herodotum, opinor), defusum brachiis sanguinem ex alterutro degustatum nationes quasdam foederi conparasse. Nescio quid et sub Catilina 15 degustatum est. Aiunt et apud quosdam gentiles Scytharum defunctum quemque a suis comedi. Longe excurro. Hodie istic Bellonae sacratus sanguis de femore proscisso in palmulam exceptus et esui datus signat. Item illi qui munere in arena noxiorum iugulatorum sanguinem recentem de iugulo decur- 20 rentem exceptum auida siti comitiali morbo medentes auferunt, ubi sunt ? item illi qui de arena f erinis obsoniis coenant, qui de apro, qui de ceruo petunt? Aper ille quem cruentauit, con- luctando detersit. Ceruus ille in gladiatoris sanguine iacuit. Ipsorum ursorum aluei appetuntur cruditantes adhuc de uis- 25 ceribus humanis. Euctatur proinde ab homine caro pasta de homine. Haec qui editis, quantum abestis a conuiuiis Christian orum? Minus autem et illi faciunt qui libidine fera humanis membris inhiant, quia uiuos uorant? minus humano sanguine ad spurcitiam consecrantur, quia futurum sanguinem lambunt ? 30 Non edunt infantes plane, sed magis puberes. Erubescat error APOLOGETICVS 9 33 (although it does matter whether it is child-murder or homicide) I will appeal to the people. How many of those standing around and panting for the blood of the Christians, aye even of your selves, magistrates most just and severe against us, should I prick in their consciences, for putting to death the children born to them? Since there is a difference also in the manner of the death, it is assuredly more cruel to suffocate them by drowning or to expose them to cold and starvation and the dogs; for even an older person would prefer to die by the sword. But to us, to whom homicide has been once for all forbidden, it is not permitted to break up even what has been conceived in the r\ / womb, while as yet the blood is being drawn (from the parent , body) for a human life. Prevention of birth is premature murder^ and it makes no difference~whether it is a life already born that one snatches away, or a life in the act of being born that one destroys; that which is to be a human-being is also human; the whole fruit is already actually present in the seed. With regard to banquets of blood and such like tragic dishes, you may read whether it is not somewhere stated (it is in Herodotus, I think) that certain tribes had arranged the tasting of blood drawn from the arms of both sides to signify ratification of a treaty. Something of the same kind was tasted also under Catiline. They say that among certain tribesmen of the Scythians also each dead person becomes food for his own relations. But I am wandering too far. On this very day, in this very country, blood from a wounded thigh, caught in a palm of the hand and given to her worshippers to drink, marks the votaries 1 of Bellona. Again, what of those who, by way of healing epilepsy, at the gladiatorial show, drain with eager thirst the blood of slaughtered criminals, while it is still fresh and flowing down from the throat? Or what of those, who dine on bits of wild-beast from the arena, who seek a slice of boar or stag ? That boar in the struggle wiped off the blood from him whom he had first stained with gore; that stag wallowed in a gladiator s blood. The paunches of the very bears are eagerly sought, while they are yet gorged with un digested human flesh ; thus flesh that has been fed on man is forthwith vomited by man. You that eat such things, how far removed you are from the feasts of the Christians! But are those others less guilty, who with savage lust gloat over human bodies, because they devour them alive ? are they any the less dedicated to filth by human blood, because they lick up what is about to become blood ? they do not absolutely eat infants, but rather those that are grown up. Your crimes ought to 1 Reading sacratos. 3 M. T. 34 TERTVLLIANI uester Christian is, qui ne animalium quidem sanguinem in epulis esculentis habemus, qui propterea suffocatis quoque et morticinis abstinemus, ne quo modo sanguine contaminemur uel intra uiscera sepulto. Denique inter temptamenta Chris- tianorum botulos etiam cruore distensos admouetis, certissimi 5 scilicet inlicitum esse penes illos per quod exorbitare eos uultis. Porro quale est, ut quos sanguinem pecoris horrere confiditis, humano inhiare credatis, nisi forte suauiorem eum experti? Quern quidem et ipsum proinde examinatorem Christianorum adhiberi oportebat ut foculum, ut acerram. Proinde enim 10 probarentur sanguinem humanum adpetendo quemadmodum sacrificium respuendo, alioquin negandi si non gustassent, quemadmodum si immolassent, et utique non deesset uobis in auditione custodiarum et damnatione sanguis humanus. Proinde incesti qui magis quam quos ipse lupiter docuit? Persas curn 15 suis matribus misceri Ctesias refert. Sed et Macedones suspecti, quia, cum primum Oedipum tragoediam audissent, ridentes incesti dolorem, "RXavve, dicebant, et? ryv fjujrepa. lam nunc recogitate quantum liceat erroribus ad incesta miscenda, suppeditante materias passiuitate luxuriae. Imprimis nlios 20 exponitis suscipiendos ab aliqua praetereunte misencordia extranea, uel adoptandos melioribus parentibus emancipatis. Alienati generis necesse est quandoque memoriam dissipari, et simul error inpegerit, exinde iam tradux proficiet incesti serpente genere cum scelere. Tune deinde quocunque in loco, domi, 25 peregre, trans freta comes est libido, cuius ubique saltus facile possunt alicubi ignaris nlios pangere uel ex aliqua seminis portione, ut ita sparsum genus per commercia humana concurrat in memorias suas, neque eas caecus incesti sanguinis agnoscat. Nos ab isto euentu diligentissima et fidelissima castitas sepsit, 30 quantumque ab stupris et ab omni post matrimonium excessu, tantum et ab incesti casu tuti sumus. Quidam multo securiores totam uim hums erroris uirgine continentia depellunt, senes APOLOGETICVS 9 35 blush before us Christians, who do not reckon the blood even of animals among articles of food, who abstain even from things strangled and from such as die of themselves, lest we should in any way be polluted even by blood which is buried within the body. Again, among the trials of the Christians you offer them sausages actually filled with blood, being of course perfectly aware that the means you wish to employ to get them to abandon their principles is in their eyes impermissible. Further, how absurd it is for you to believe that they, who you are assured, abhor the blood of beasts, are panting for the blood of man, unless perchance you have found the former more palatable! Indeed this thirst for blood, like the little altar and the incense-box, should have been itself applied as a means of testing the Christians. For they would then be distinguished by their desire for human blood, in the same way as by their refusal to sacrifice; being otherwise deserving of rejection, if they had refused to taste, just as if they had sacrificed. And you would at any rate have had no lack of human blood at the hearing and condemnation of prisoners. Again, who are more incestuous than those whom Jupiter himself has taught? Ctesias records that the Persians have sexual intercourse with their own mothers. The Macedonians, too, are suspect, because on first hearing the tragedy of Oedipus, they ridiculed his grief at the incest of which he had been guilty, saying : II montait sa mere. And now reflect what an opening is left to mistakes to bring about incestuous unions, for which the wide range of profligacy supplies opportunity. In the first place there is your exposure of your children, to be brought up by some passing stranger out of pity, and your surrender of them to be adopted by parents better than yourselves. The memory of a progeny thus cast off must some time or other be lost, and when once the error has rooted itself, the transmission of the incest will proceed farther and farther, as the family grows gradually with the crime. In the second place, everywhere, at home, abroad, across the seas, lust is in attendance, whose promiscuous impulses can easily beget children to you unawares in some place or other, even from however small a portion of the seed, so that a family, which has thus become scattered, may through the varied intercourse of men meet its own past, and may yet fail to recognise in it the mixtures of incestuous blood. We on the contrary are guarded from this result by a scrupulously faithful chastity, and we are as safe from the chance of incest as we are from debauchery and every excess in wedded life. Some are even much safer, as they withstand all possibility of this mistake by virgin continence, old men in 32 36 TERTVLLIANI pueri. Haec in uobis esse si consideraretis, proinde in Christ- ianis non esse perspiceretis. Idem oculi renuntiassent utrum- que. Sed caecitatis duae species facile concummt, ut qui non Tiident quae sunt, uidere uideantur quae non sunt. Sic per omnia ostendam. Nunc de manifestioribus dicam. 5 10. Deos, inquitis, non colitis, et pro imperatoribus sacri- ficia non penditis. Sequitur ut eadem ratione pro aliis non sacrificemus, quia nee pro nobis ipsis, semel deos non colendo. Itaque sacrilegii et maiestatis rei conuenimur. Summa haec causa, immo tota est, et utique digna cognosci, si non prae- 10 sumptio aut iniquitas iudicet, altera quae desperat, altera quae recusat ueritatem. Deos uestros colere desinimus ex quo illos non esse cognoscimus. Hoc igitur exigere debetis, uti pro- bemus non esse illos deos, et idcirco non colendos, quia tune demum coli debuissent, si dei fuissent. Tune et Christiani 15 puniendi, si quos non colerent, quia putarent non esse, constaret illos deos esse. Sed nobis, inquitis, dei sunt. Appellamus et prouocamus a uobis ad conscientiam uestram : ilia nos iudicet, ilia nos damnet, si poterit negare omnes istos deos uestros homines fuisse. Si et ipsa inficias ierit, de suis antiquitatum 20 instruments reuincetur, de quibus eos didicit, testimonium perhibentibus ad hodiernum et ciuitatibus in quibus nati sunt, et regionibus in quibus aliquid operati uestigia reliquerunt, in quibus etiam sepulti demonstrantur. Nunc ergo per singulos decurram, tot ac tantos, nouos, ueteres, barbaros, Graecos, 25 Romanes, peregrines, captiuos, adoptiuos, proprios, communes, masculos, feminas, rusticos, urbanos, nauticos, militares? Otiosum est etiam titulos persequi, ut colligam in conpendium, et hoc non quo cognoscatis, sed recognoscatis. Certe enim oblitos agitis. Ante Saturnum deus penes uos nemo est, ab 30 illo census totius uel potioris et notions diuinitatis. Itaque quod de origine constiterit, id et de posteritate conueniet. Saturnum itaque, si quantum litterae decent, neque Diodorus APOLOGETICVS 9, 10 37 years, children in innocence. If you considered such to be the case among yourselves, you would in consequence see clearly that it was not the case among the Christians. The same eyes would have reported both alike. But the two kinds of blind ness easily combine: those who do not see what really is, naturally think they see what is not. I will show this to be the case throughout. Now I will speak about more open sins. CHAP. X. You accuse us of refusing to worship the gods, and to spend money on sacrificing for the emperors. It follows that we refuse to sacrifice for others on the same principle that we refuse even to sacrifice for ourselves, viz. by refusing once for all to worship the gods. Consequently we are charged with sacrilege and treason. This is the main point in the case, nay it is the whole case, and certainly worthy of investigation, if neither prejudice nor unfairness is to be the judge, the one despairing of the truth, the other objecting to it. We cease to worship your gods, from the moment we learn that they are no gods. This therefore is what you ought to demand, that we should prove that they are no gods, and therefore not to be worshipped, because then only would it have been our duty to worship them, if they had been gods. Then too the Christians would have deserved punishment, if it were certain that those whom they did not worship, because they thought they had no existence, were gods after all. But to us, you say, they are gods. We make application and appeal from you to your conscience ; let that judge us, let that condemn us, if it is able to deny that all these gods of yours were human beings. If conscience shall itself contest this, it will be refuted from its own documents of ancient times, from which it has learned of them, for they give evidence preserved to our day both of the communities in which they were born and of the districts in which they did some work of which they have left traces, and in which they are shown actually to have been buried. Now shall I run over them one by one, so many and so great as they are, new, old, barbarian, Greek, Roman, strangers, captives, adopted, individual, common, male, female, country, city, naval, military? It needs leisure even to follow out their titles, even to sum up all in brief, not that you may learn but that you may be reminded of them : for certainly you play the part of those that have forgotten. Previous to Saturn there is no god among you, from him dates the origin of all deity or at least of the more powerful and better known divinity. Therefore what is established with regard to the origin, will be valid also with regard to the later time. With regard to Saturn therefore, if we make appeal to what we can 38 TERTVLLIANI Graecus aut Thallus neque Cassius Seuerus aut Cornelius Nepos neque ullus commentator eiusmodi antiquitatum aliud quam hominem promulgauerunt, si quantum rerum argumenta, nusquam inuenio fideliora quam apud ipsam Italiam, in qua Saturn us post multas expeditiones postque Attica hospitia 5 consedit, exceptus a lano, uel lane, ut Salii uolunt. Mons quern incoluerat, Saturnius dictus, ciuitas quam depalauerat, Saturnia usque nunc est, tota denique Italia post Oenotriam Saturnia cognominabatur. Ab ipso primum tabulae et imagine signatus nummus, et inde aerario praesidet. Tamen si homo 10 Saturnus, utique ex homine, et quia ab homine, non utique de caelo et terra. Sed cuius parentes ignoti erant, facile fuit eorum filium dici quorum et omnes possumus uideri. Quis enim non caelum ac terrain matrem ac patrem uenerationis et honoris gratia appellet ? uel ex consuetudine humana, qua ignoti 15 uel ex inopinato adparentes de caelo superuenisse dicuntur. Proinde Saturno repentino ubique caelitem contigit dici ; nam et terrae filios uulgus uocat quorum genus incertum est. Taceo quod ita rudes adhuc homines agebant, ut cuiuslibet noui uiri adspectu quasi diuino commouerentur, cum hodie iam politi 20 quos ante paucos dies luctu publico mortuos sint confessi, in deos consecrent. Satis iam de Saturno, licet paucis. Etiam louem ostendemus tarn hominem quam ex homine, et deinceps totum generis examen tarn mortale quam seminis sui par. 11. Et quoniam sicut illos homines fuisse non audetis 25 negare, ita post mortem deos factos instituistis adseuerare, causas quae hoc exegerint retractemus. Inprimis quidem necesse est coricedatis esse aliquem sublimiorem deum et mancipem quendam diuinitatis, qui ex hominibus deos fecerit. Nam neque sibi illi sumere potuissent diuinitatem, quam non 30 habebant, nee alius praestare earn non habentibus nisi qui proprie possidebat. Ceterum si nemo esset qui deos faceret, frustra praesumitis deos factos auferendo factorem. Certe APOLOGBTICVS 10, 11 39 learn from literature, neither the Greek Diodorus nor Thallus nor Cassius Severus nor Cornelius Nepos, nor any other recorder of such ancient beliefs, has proclaimed him anything but a man ; if to proofs from facts, I find nowhere more reliable proofs than in Italy itself, in which Saturn after many expeditions and after a residence in Attica took up his abode, having been welcomed by Janus, or Janes, as the Salii prefer to call him. The moun tain which he had inhabited was called Saturnian, the city, the bounds of which he had marked out with stakes, is even to this day Saturnia, finally the whole of Italy was named Saturnian, in succession to the name Oenotria. With him it was that accounts began and the impress of a human figure upon a coin, and thus it is that he presides over the treasury. But if Saturn was a man, he was of course sprung from a man, and because he was sprung from a man, it follows that he did not come from heaven or earth. But when a man s parents were unknown, it was easy to call him a son of those whose sons we also can all of us be considered ; for who would not call heaven and earth father and mother respectively out of reverence and respect? even in accordance with human custom, by which unknown persons or those who appear unexpectedly are said to have come upon us from heaven. Thus it is that Saturn who appeared suddenly happened everywhere to be called divine ; indeed the common people call those also sons of earth whose origin is uncertain. I say nothing of the fact that till then men were so unsophisticated, that they were stirred by the appearance of any new man, as if it were divine, since to-day men who are already cultivated deify those who a few days before they confessed by a public funeral were dead. Enough now about Saturn, though in few words. We will show that even Jupiter was himself as much man as he was sprung from man, and that in succession the whole swarm of his descendants were as mortal as they were like the seed from which they sprang. CHAP. XI. And since you have established the custom of maintaining that they were deified after death, in spite of the fact that you dare not deny them to have been men, let us review the causes that have led to this result. In the first place of course, you must admit that there is some -superior god, a sort of proprietor of deity, who has made gods out of men. For neither could they have taken to themselves a deity which they did not possess, nor could anyone else have offered it to those who did not possess it unless he possessed it in his own right. If there was no one to make them gods, it is in vain that you assume their deification to have taken place, 40 TERTVLLIANI quidem si ipsi se facere potuissent, nunquam homines fuissent, possidentes scilicet condicionis melioris potestatem. Igitur si est qui faciat deos, reuertor ad causas examinandas faciendorum ex hominibus deorum, nee ullas inuenio, nisi si ministeria et auxilia officiis diuinis desiderauit ille magnus deus. Primo 5 indignum est, ut alicuius opera indigeret, et quidem mortui, cum dignius ab initio deum aliquem fecisset qui mortui erat operam desideraturus. Sed nee operae locum uideo. Totum enim hoc mundi corpus siue innatum et infectum secundum Pythagoram, siue natum factumue secundum Platonem, semel 10 utique in ista constructions dispositum et instructum et ordi- natum cum omni rationis gubernaculo inuentum est. Imper- fectum non potuit esse quod perfecit omnia. Nihil Saturnum et Saturniam gentem expectabat. Vani erunt homines, nisi certi sint a primordio et pluuias de caelo ruisse et sidera radiasse 15 et lumina floruisse et tonitrua mugisse et ipsum louem quae in manu eius inponitis fulmina timuisse, item omnem frugem ante Liberum et Cererem et Mineruam, immo ante ilium aliquem principem hominem de terra exuberasse, quia nihil continendo et sustinendo homini prospectum post hominem potuit inferri. 20 Denique inuenisse dicuntur necessaria ista uitae, non instituisse. Quod autem inuenitur, fuit, et quod fuit, non ems deputabitur qui inuenit, sed eius qui instituit; erat enim antequam in- ueniretur. Ceterum si propterea Liber deus quod uitem demon- strauit, male cum Lucullo actum est, qui primus cerasia ex 25 Ponto Italiae promulgauit, quod non est propterea consecratus ut frugis nouae auctor, qui ostensor. Quamobrem si ab initio et instructa et certis exercendorum officiorum suorum rationibus dispensata uniuersitas constitit, uacat ex hac parte causa adlegendae humanitatis in diuinitatem, quia quas illis stationes 30 et potestates distribuistis, tarn fuerunt ab initio quam et fuissent etiamsi deos istos non creassetis. Sed conuertimini ad causam aliam, respondentes conlationem diuinitatis meritorum re- munerandorum fuisse rationem. Et hinc conceditis, opinor, ilium deum deificum iustitia praecellere, qui non temere nee 35 APOLOGETICVS 11 41 while you deny the maker. Of course if they had been able to make themselves gods, they would never have been men, possessing as they did the command of a higher state. There fore, if there is anyone who makes gods, I return to my examination of the causes for making gods out of men, and I can find none, unless it be that that great god desired servants and helpers in discharge of his divine duties. But to begin with it is unworthy of him that he should need the service of anyone, especially of a dead man, since, if he were likely to need the service of a dead person, it would have been a worthier course to have made some god from the first. But I see no room for such aid either. For the whole body of the world, whether unborn or unmade, as Pythagoras believed, or born and made, as Plato believed, was surely found to have been once for all arranged and equipped and ordered in its present structure entirely under the guidance of reason. That could not be imperfect which has perfected all things. Nothing was waiting for Saturn and Saturn s race. Men will show themselves fools if they are not convinced that, from the beginning, rains fell from heaven, stars twinkled, the greater lights have shown their power, thunders have roared, and Jove himself has feared the thunderbolts which you place in his hand ; moreover every sort of crop sprang forth in abundance from the soil before the days of Bacchus and Ceres and Minerva, nay even before that first man, if there were such, because nothing devised for the pre servation and support of man could be introduced later than his own appearance. Lastly, the gods are said to have discovered, not to have originated, these necessaries of life. That however which is discovered, existed, and that which existed will not be counted as his who discovered it, but as his who originated it; for it existed before it was found. But if Bacchus is a god because he pointed out the vine, Lucullus, who first made cherries from Pontus known to Italy, has been unfairly treated, in that he was not for that reason deified, as the originator of a new kind of fruit, because he pointed it out. Wherefore, if the universe has existed from the beginning, both equipped and furnished with definite plans for carrying out its functions, this reason for promoting humanity to divinity falls to the ground, because the positions and powers that you have divided amongst them existed as much from the beginning, as they would also have existed, even if you had not appointed these gods of yours. But you turn to another reason, and reply that divinity was conferred upon them by way of rewarding their deserts. And hence you grant, I suppose, that that god- making deity excels in justice, since he apportioned so great 42 TERTVLLIANI indigne nee prodige tantum praemium dispensarit. Volo igitur merita recensere, .an eiusmodi sint, ut illos in caelum extulerint et non potius in imum tartarum merserint, quern carcerem poenarum infernarum cum uultis adfirmatis. Illuc enim abstrudi solent impii quique in parentes et incesti in 5 sorores et maritarum adulteri et uirginum raptores et puerorum contaminatores et qui saeuiunt et qui occidunt et qui furantur et qui decipiunt et qaicunque similes sunt alicuius dei uestri, quern neminem integrum a crimine aut uitio probare poteritis, nisi hominem negaueritis. Atquin ut illos homines fuisse non 10 possitis negare, etiam istae notae accedunt quae nee deos postea factos credi permittunt. Si enim uos tali bus puniendis prae- sidetis, si conmercium, colloquium, conuictum malorum et turpium probi quique respuitis, horum autem pares deus ille maiestatis suae consortio adsciuit, quid ergo damnatis quorum 15 collegas adoratis? Suggillatio est in caelo uestra iustitia. Deos facite criminosissimos quosque, ut placeatis deis uestris. Illorum est honor consecratio coaequalium. Sed ut omittam huius indignitatis retractatum, probi et integri et boni fuerint. Quot tamen potiores uiros apud inferos reliquistis ! aliquem de 20 sapientia Socratem, de iustitia Aristiden, de militia Themisto- clem, de sublimitate Alexandrum, de felicitate Polycraten, de copia Croesum, de eloquentia Demosthenen. Quis ex illis deis uestris grauior et sapientior Catone, iustior et militarior Scipione ? quis sublimior Pompeio, felicior Sylla, copiosior Crasso, elo- 25 quentior Tullio? Quanto dignius istos deos ille adsumendos expectasset, praescius utique potiorum? Properauit, opinor. et caelum semel clusit, et nunc utique melioribus apud inferos musitantibus erubescit. 12. Gesso iam de isto, ut qui sciam me ex ipsa ueritate 30 demonstraturum quid non sint, cum ostendero quid sint. Quantum igitur de deis uestris, nomina solurnmodo uideo quorundam ueterum mortuorum et fabulas audio et sacra de fabulis recognosco : quantum autem de simulacris ipsis, nihil aliud reprehendo quam materias sorores esse uasculorum 35 APOLOGETICVS 11, 12 43 a reward neither rashly nor unworthily nor wastefully. I wish therefore to review their merits, to see whether they are of such a kind as to warrant their elevation to heaven, and not rather their abasement to the lowest hell, which, when you please, you affirm to be a prison of infernal punishment. For it is there that are wont to be thrust away all that were undutiful to parents, guilty of incest towards sisters, adulterers of wives, abductors of maidens, polluters of boys, and those who rage, kill, steal, deceive, and whoever are like some god of your own, not one of whom you will be able to prove free from taint of crime or fault, unless you deny his humanity. But, to make it impossible for you to deny that they were men, there are also these characteristics which do not allow the belief that they became gods afterwards either. For if you sit in judgment for the punishment of such, if all the good among you reject the intercourse, the conversation, the company, of the evil and the base, and yet that great god has admitted their fellows into a partnership in his own majesty why then do you condemn those whose fellows you worship? Your justice implies chastisement in heaven. To please your gods you must convert your worst criminals into gods ! The deification of their equals is a compliment to them. But to omit further consideration of this disgrace, suppose they were honest and pure and good ; yet how many better men have you left in the lower world ! a Socrates distinguished for wisdom, an Aristides for justice, a Themistocles for generalship, an Alexander for glory, a Polycrates for good fortune, a Croesus for wealth, a Demosthenes for eloquence. Which of those gods of yours is worthier and wiser than Cato, a juster man or a better soldier than Scipio, who more eminent than Pompey, more fortunate than Sulla, wealthier than Crassus, more eloquent than Cicero ? How much more worthily would he have waited to adopt these as gods, especially as he had foreknowledge of these better ones to come ! He was in a hurry, I suppose, and closed the doors of heaven once for all, and is doubtless blushing now when he hears the complaints of better men grumbling in the lower world. CHAP. XII. I say no more now about this point, knowing that the truth itself will enable me to prove to you what they are not, when I have shown you what they are. With regard then to your gods, I see only the names of certain dead men of old time, about whom I hear tales, and I recognise sacred rites derived from the tales. With regard, however, to the images themselves, I have no fault to find except that the materials 44 TERTVLLIANI instrumentorumque communium uel ex isdem uasculis et instrumentis quasi fatum consecratione mutantes licentia artis transfigurante, et quidem contumeliosissime et in ipso opere sacrilege, ut reuera nobis maxime, qui propter ipsos deos plectimur, solatium poenarum esse possit quod eadem et ipsi 5 patiuntur ut fiant. Crucibus et stipitibus inponitis Christianos. Quod simulacrum non prius argilla deformat cruci et stipiti superstructa ? in patibulo primum corpus dei uestri dedicatur. Ungulis deraditis latera Christianorum. At in deos uestros per omnia membra ualidius incumbunt asciae et runcinae et 10 scobinae. Ceruices ponimus. Ante plumbum et glutinum et gomphos sine capite sunt dei uestri. Ad bestias impellimur. Certe quas Libero et Cybele et Caelesti applicatis. Ignibus urimur. Hoc et illi a prima quidem massa. In metalla damnamur. Inde censentur dei uestri. In insulis relegamur. 15 Solet et in insula aliqui deus uester aut nasci aut mori. Si per haec constat diuinitas aliqua, ergo qui puniuntur, consecrantur, et numina erunt dicenda supplicia. Sed plane non sentiunt has iniurias et contumelias fabrications suae dei uestri, sicut nee obsequia. impiae uoces, o sacrilega conuicia ! Infren- 20 dite, inspumate ! Idem estis qui Senecam aliquem pluribus et amarioribus de uestra superstitione perorantem reprehendistis. Igitur si statuas et imagines frigidas mortuorum suorum simillimas non adoramus, quas milui et mures et araneae intellegunt, nonne laudem magis quam poenam merebatur 25 repudium agniti erroris? Possumus enim uideri laedere eos quos certi sumus omnino non esse? Quod non est, nihil ab ullo patitur, quia non est. 13. Sed nobis dei sunt, inquis. Et quomodo uos e con- trario impii et sacrilegi et inreligiosi erga deos uestros deprc- 30 hendimini, qui, quos praesumitis esse, neglegitis, quos timetis, destruitis, quos etiam uindicatis, inluditis? Recognoscite si mentior. Primo quidem, cum alii alios colitis, utique quos APOLOGETICVS 12, 13 45 are sisters to ordinary vessels and tools, or are made from the same vessels and tools, changing their destiny as it were by dedication, the wantonness of art transforming them, and that too in the most insulting way involving a sacrilege in the work itself. Thus it may be in truth a solace especially to us who are punished on account of the gods themselves, a solace, I say, in our punishment, that they themselves also go through the same experience for their making. You place the Christians on crosses and stakes : what image is not first moulded in soft clay laid on a cross and a stake ? it is on a gibbet that the body of your god is consecrated first of all. You tear the sides of the Christians with claws, but upon your gods axes and planes and files are more vigorously applied all over their bodies. Wela^d^w^i^ournecks : your gods are without a head until lead anoTgiue~and nails have been applied. We are cast out to wild-beasts, to the very beasts which form the train of Bacchus and Cybele and the Carthaginian goddess of Heaven. We are cast into the fire : so also are they, while the ore from which they are taken is refined. We are condemned to the mines and quarries : it is from thence your gods get their origin. We are banished to islands : in an island also it is usual for some god of yours either to be born or to die. If any divinity is thus confirmed, then those who are punished are deified, and punish ments will have to be spoken of as tokens of divinity. But clearly your gods do not feel these injuries and insults involved in their formation, as neither do they feel the homage they receive. Oh the impious words, the sacrilegious abuse ! gnash your teeth at them, and foam with rage! You are the same people who blamed Seneca when with more bitterness and at greater length he argued against your superstition. Conse quently, if we do not worship cold statues and figures, which have a strong likeness to the dead they represent, images of which kites and mice and spiders have a correct idea, did not the renouncing of a discovered error deserve praise rather than punishment? For can we be thought to inflict injury on those who, we feel sure, do not exist at all? That which does not exist, can suffer nothing from any one, because it has no existence. CHAP. XIII. But to us they are gods, you say. If that be so, how is it that you on the contrary are found impious, sacrilegious, and irreligious towards your gods ? you who neglect those whose existence you take for granted, who destroy those whom you fear, who mock even those whom you avenge? Consider if my statement is false. In the first place, when 46 TERTVLLIANI non colitis, offenditis. Praelatio alterius sine alterius contumelia non potest procedere, quia nee electio sine reprobatione. lam ergo contemnitis quos reprobatis, quos reprobando offendere non timetis. Nam, ut supra praestrinximus, status dei cuiusque in senatus aestimatione pendebat. Deus non erat quern homo 5 consultus noluisset et nolendo damnasset. Domesticos deos, quos Lares dicitis, domestica potestate tractatis pignerando, uenditando, demutando aliquando in caccabulum de Saturno, aliquarido in trullam de Minerua, ut quisque contritus atque contusus est, dum diu colitur, ut quisque dominus sanctiorem 10 expertus est domesticam necessitatem. Publicos aeque publico iure foedatis, quos in hastario uectigales habetis. Sic Capi- tolium, sic olitorium forum petitur ; sub eadem uoce praeconis, sub eadem hasta, sub eadem adnotatione quaestoris diuinitas addicta conducitur. Sed enim agri tributo onusti uiliores, 15 hominum capita stipendio censa ignobiliora (nam hae sunt notae captiuitatis), dei uero qui magis tributarii, magis sancti, immo qui magis sancti, magis tributarii. Maiestas quaestuaria efficitur. Circuit cauponas religio mendicans. Exigitis mer- cedem pro solo templi, pro aditu sacri. Non licet deos gratis 20 nosse; uenales sunt. Quid omnino ad honorandos eos facitis quod non etiam mortuis uestris conferatis? Aedes proinde, aras proinde. Idem habitus et insignia in statuis. Ut aetas, ut ars, ut negotium mortui fuit, ita deus est. Quo differt ab epulo louis silicernium? a simpulo obba? ab haruspice 25 pollinctor? Nam et haruspex mortuis apparet. Sed digne imperatoribus defunctis honorem diuinitatis dicatis, quibus et uiuentibus eum addicitis. Accepto ferent dei uestri, immo gratulabuntur, quod pares eis fiant domini sui. Sed cum Larentinam publicum scortum, uelim saltim Laidem aut 30 Phrynen, inter lunones et Cereres et Dianas adoretis, cum Simonem Magum statua et inscriptione Sancti Dei inaugu- ratis, cum de paedagogiis aulicis nescio quern synodi deum APOLOGETICVS 13 47 some of you are worshipping one god ; some another, of course you slight the feelings of those whom you do not worship: preference of one is impossible without insult to another, since one cannot even choose without implied blame. It follows therefore that you lightly esteem those of whom you disapprove, and whom you do not fear to offend by your disapproval. For, -as I hinted above, the position of each god depended on the opinion of the senate. He was no god, whom a man, when consulted, had declined to deify, and by his refusal had con demned. Your household gods, whom you call Lares, you deal with according to your household rights, pledging, advertising, changing them, sometimes from a Saturn into a cooking-pot, sometimes from a Minerva into a ladle, as each god happens to be worn and damaged with long adoration, as each master has found a more sacred deity in his domestic need. Your public gods you profane equally by public authority, while you keep them as sources of revenue in the auction-catalogue. Thus the Capitol, thus the vegetable market is attended by the bidders ; under the same voice of the crier, under the same spear, under the same entry made by the quaestor, divinity is knocked down to the highest bidder. But indeed lands charged with tribute are cheaper, and persons rated at a tax are less noble (for these are the marks of serfdom) : but the gods who bring in more tribute are more holy, or rather those who are more holy, bring in more tribute. Their majesty is made a matter of profit. Keligion goes begging about the taverns. You demand pay ment for the ground on which a temple stands, for permission to approach the sacred place; you cannot be acquainted with the gods for nothing, they have their price. What do you do at all to honour them, which you do not also bestow on your dead? Both alike have their temples and altars. The dress is the same, the ornaments on their dress the same. The god corresponds in age, skill, and business to the dead man. What difference is there between a funeral feast and a banquet to Jupiter ? between a sacrificial and a funeral chalice ? an under taker and a soothsayer? for a soothsayer also attends upon the dead. But you worthily confer the honour of divinity on -emperors when dead, since even in their lifetime you assign it to them. Your gods will give you credit for it, nay rather they will thank you for making their masters equal to them. But when you worship Larentina, a common whore would it were at least a Lais or a Phryne , among the Junos and the Cereses and the Dianas, when you hallow the name of Simon Magus with the statue and inscription of a holy god, when you make some court page a member of the college of gods ; although the 48 TERTVLLIANI facitis, licet non nobiliores dei ueteres, tamen contumeliam a uobis deputabunt hoc et aliis licuisse quod solis antiquitas contulit. 14. Volo et ritus uestros recensere : non dico quales sitis in sacrificando, cum enecta et tabidosa et scabiosa quaeque 5 mactatis, cum de opimis et integris superuacua quaeque truncatis, capitula et ungulas, quae domi quoque pueris uel canibus destinassetis, cum de decima Herculis nee tertiam partem in aram eius inponitis (laudabo magis sapientiam, quod de perdito aliquid eripitis), sed conuersus ad litteras uestras, 10 quibus informamini ad prudentiam et liberalia officia, quanta inuenio ludibria ! deos inter se propter Troianos et Achiuos ut gladiatorum paria congresses depugnasse, Venerem humana sagitta sauciatam, quod nlium suum Aenean paene interfectum ab eodem Diomede rapere uellet, Martem tredecim mensibus 15 in uinculis paene consumptum, louem, ne eandem uim a ceteris caelitibus experiretur, opera cuiusdam monstri liberatum, et nunc flentem Sarpedonis casum, nunc foede subantem in sororem sub commemoratione non ita dilectarum iampridem amicarum. Exinde quis non poeta ex auctoritate principis 20 sui dedecorator inuenitur deorum? Hie Apollinem Admeto regi pascendis pecoribus addicit, ille Neptuni structorias operas Laomedonti locat. Est et ille de lyricis (Pindarum dico) qui Aescolapium canit auaritiae merito, quia medicinam nocenter exercebat, fulmine iudicatum. Malus luppiter, si fulmen illius 25 est, impius in nepotem, inuidus in artificem. Haec neque uera prodi neque falsa confingi apud religiosissimos oportebat. Nee tragici quidem aut comici parcunt, ut non aerumnas uel errores domus alicuius dei praefentur. Taceo de philosophis, Socrate contentus, qui in contumeliam deorum quercum et hircum et 30 canem deierabat. Sed propterea damnatus est Socrates, quia APOLOGETICVS 13, 14 49 old gods are no nobler, yet they will consider it an insult paid to them from you, that this privilege, which antiquity con ferred on them alone, has been allowed to others also. CHAP. XIV. I am unwilling 1 to go further and review your sacred rites. I do not say what is your method in sacrificing, which leads you to slaughter every worn-out, putrefying and mangy creature, to cut off all the useless parts from the prime and sound beasts, the little heads and the hoofs, which even at home you would have set apart for slaves or dogs, your placing on Hercules altar of not even a third part of the tithe that is due to him. I will rather praise your wisdom in rescuing something of what is in danger of being lost. But when I turn to your literature, whence you derive instruction in practical wisdom, and the duties of gentlemen, what ridiculous situations do I find! gods engaged like pairs of gladiators and fighting des perately together on account of the Trojans and the Achaeans, Venus wounded by an arrow from a human hand, because she wished to snatch her son Aeneas, when almost killed, from the same Diomede (who had wounded herself) ; Mars reduced almost to a shadow by thirteen months in chains, Jupiter rescued by the agency of some monster from meeting the same violence at the hands of the other divinities, and at one time weeping the misfortune of Sarpedon, at another burning with shameful lust for his sister, and telling her the w r hile of the mistresses in the long past, none of them so much loved as she. Since that time what poet may not be found calumniating the gods, on the authority of the chief of his craft ? One makes over Apollo to king Admetus to feed his flocks, another lets out Neptune s services in building to Laomedon. There is also the great lyric poet (I mean Pindar), who sings that Aesculapius was deservedly punished with a thunderbolt by reason of his greed, which made him practise the healing art injuriously. Jupiter is evil, if the thunderbolt is his, devoid of natural feeling for his grandson, and jealous of the skilled practitioner. Such stories ought never to have been revealed if true; if false, ought never to have been invented, among really religious people. Nor do the writers of tragedies or comedies refrain from publishing in their prologues the sorrows or wanderings of the family of some god. I say nothing of the philosophers, being quite content with Socrates, who, in mockery of the gods, swore by the oak and the goat and the dog. But (say you) Socrates was condemned for that very reason, because he tried to do away with the gods. 1 Reading Nolo. M. T. 4 50 TERTVLLIANI deos destruebat. Plane olim, id est semper, ueritas odio est. Tamen cum paenitentia sententiae Athenienses et criminatores Socratis postea afflixerint et imaginem eius auream in templo collocarint, rescissa damnatio testimonium Socrati reddidit. Sed et Diogenes nescio quid in Herculem ludit, et Romanus 5 Cynicus Varro trecentos loues, siue lupitros dicendos, sine capitibus introducit. 15. Cetera lasciuiae ingenia etiam uoluptatibus uestris per deorum dedecus operantur. Dispicite Lentulorum et Hostili- orum uenustates, utrum mimos an deos uestros in iocis et 10 strophis rideatis: moechum Anubin, et masculum Lunam, et Dianam flagellatam, et louis mortui testamentum recitatum, et tres Hercules famelicos inrisos. Sed et histrionum litterae omnem foeditatem eorum designant. Luget Sol filium de caelo iactatum laetantibus uobis, et Cybele pastorum suspirat 15 fastidiosum non erubescentibus uobis, et sustinetis louis elogia cantari, et lunonem, Venerem, Mineruam a pastore iudicari. Ipsum quod imago dei uestri ignominiosum caput et famosum uestit, quod corpus inpurum et ad istam artem effeminatione productum Mineruam aliquam uel Herculem repraesentat, 20 nonne uiolatur maiestas et diuinitas constupratur laudantibus uobis? Plane religiosiores estis in cauea, ubi super sanguinem humanum, super inquinamenta poenarum proinde saltant dei uestri argumenta et historias noxiis ministrantes, nisi quod et ipsos deos uestros saepe noxii induunt. Vidimus aliquando 25 castratum Attin. ilium deum ex Pessinunte, et qui uiuus ardebat, Herculem induerat. Risimus et inter ludicras meri- dianorum crudelitates Mercurium mortuos cauterio examinan- tem, uidimus et louis fratrem gladiatorum cadauera cum malleo deducentem. Singula ista quaeque adhuc inuestigare quis 30 posset? Si honorem inquietant diuinitatis, si maiestatis uestigia obsoletant, de contemptu utique censentur tarn eorum qui eiusmodi factitant quam eorum quibus factitant. Sed APOLOGETICVS 14, 15 51 Plainly! because the truth has long, or rather always, been an object of hatred. Nevertheless, when the Athenians, from remorse for the sentence they had passed, not only afterwards punished the prosecutors of Socrates but also placed a golden statue of him in a temple, the reversal of the condemnation gave a new testimony to Socrates. But Diogenes too made some witticism at Hercules expense, and the Roman Cynic, Varro, introduces a whole host of headless Joves (or Jupiters as they ought perhaps to be called). CHAP. XV. The rest of your licentious wits also work for your pleasures through the dishonour of the gods. Examine the farces of the Lentuli and Hostilii, and consider whether it is the buffoons or your gods whose jokes and tricks you are laughing at; such subjects as an adulterous Anubis, a masculine Moon, Diana scourged, the will of the deceased Jupiter read aloud, and three starving Herculeses held up to ridicule. Moreover the writings of the playwrights also give form to all their nlthiness. The Sun-god mourns his son cast from heaven, while you rejoice, and Cybele sighs for her disdainful shepherd, while you are no whit ashamed, and you can endure to listen to the song which tells the sins of Jupiter, and the trial of Juno, Venus and Minerva by the shepherd. What of the fact that a mask representing a god of yours covers the head of a branded and notorious person, that an unclean body prolonged for this accomplishment by emasculation represents a Minerva or a Hercules is not their majesty outraged and their divinity prostituted, while you applaud ? You are clearly more religious in the amphitheatre, where your gods in like manner dance on human blood, on the marks of punishments undergone, pro viding plots and narratives for criminals, save and except that criminals often put on the character of your gods themselves also. We have sometimes witnessed the mutilation of Attis, the famous god of Pessinus, and a man who was burning alive had personated Hercules. We have laughed too amidst the sportive atrocities of the midday combatants, at Mercury testing apparent deaths with a branding-iron; we have likewise seen Jupiter s brother dragging down the corpses of gladiators with a hammer in his hand (to finish those who \vere not quite dead). But who could even inquire into these absurdities one by one? If they disquiet the honour of the gods, if they obliterate all traces of divinity, surely they take their rise in the contempt both of those who practise such things and of those for whom they practise them. But those you will say are mere shows. 42 52 TERTVLLIANI ludicra ista sint. Ceterum si adiciam, quae non minus con- scientiae omnium recognoscent, in templis adulteria conponi, inter aras lenocinia tractari, in ipsis plerumque aedituorum et sacerdotum tabernaculis sub isdem uittis et apicibus et purpuris thure flagrante libidinem expungi, nescio, ne plus de uobis dei 5 uestri quam de Chris tianis querantur. Certe sacrilegi de uestris semper adprehenduntur. Christiani enim templa nee interdiu norunt; spoliarent forsitan ea et ipsi, si et ipsi ea adorarent. Quid ergo colunt qui talia non colunt? lam quidem intellegi subiacet ueritatis esse cul tores qui mendacii non sint, nee err are 10 amplius in eo in quo errasse se recognoscendo cessauerunt. Hoc prius capite et omnem hinc sacramenti nostri ordinem haurite, repercussis ante tamen opinionibus falsis. 16. Nam et, ut quidam, somniastis caput asininum esse deum nostrum. Hanc Cornelius Tacitus suspicionem eiusmodi 15 dei inseruit. Is enim in quinta historiarum suarum bellum ludaicum exorsus ab origine gentis etiam de ipsa tarn origine quam de nomine et religione gentis quae uoluit argumentatus ludaeos refert Aegypto expedites siue, ut putauit, extorres uastis Arabiae in locis aquarum egentissimis, cum siti macera- 20 rentur, onagris, qui forte de pastu potum petituri aestimabantur, indicibus fontis usos ob earn gratiam consimilis bestiae super- ficiem consecrasse. Atque ita inde praesumptum opinor nos quoque ut ludaicae religionis propinquos eidem simulacro initiari. At enim idem Cornelius Tacitus, sane ille mendaciorum 25 loquacissimus, in eadem historia refert Gneum Pompeium, cum Hierusalem cepisset proptereaque templum adisset speculandis ludaicae religionis arcanis, nullum illic reperisse simulacrum. Et utique, si id colebatur quod aliqua effigie repraesentabatur, nusquam magis quam in sacrario suo exhiberetur, eo magis, 30 quia nee uerebatur extraneos arbitros, quamquam uana cultura. Solis enim sacerdotibus adire licitum; etiam conspectus ceterorum uelo oppanso interdicebatur. Vos tamen non APOLOGETICVS 15, 16 53 If however I were to add what will be equally admitted by the consciences of all that adulteries are arranged in the temples, that panders ply their trade among the altars, that often in the very rooms of sacristans and priests, under the same fillets and sacred caps and purple vestments, lust is satisfied while the incense is burning, I know not whether your gods may not find more reason to complain about you than about the Christians. Certainly those guilty of sacrilege are always of your number. For the Christians do not know the temples even by day. Perhaps they might also rob them themselves, if they them selves also did reverence to them. What then do they worship who do not worship such things ? Already indeed it is easy to be understood that those are worshippers of the truth who are not worshippers of a lie, and that they no longer err in a matter in which the recognition of previous error taught them to give it up. Grasp this fact first, and thence gather the whole order of our mystery, first however rejecting certain false notions. CHAP. XVI. For you, too, like some others, have dreamed that an ass s head is the object of our worship. The fancy of such a deity was put into their minds by Cornelius Tacitus, who in the fifth of his Histories, having begun his account of the Jewish War with an account of the origin of the race, and having also discussed at his pleasure alike the origin itself and the name and religion of the race, records that the Jews, having been freed or, as he thought, exiled from Egypt, when they were weakened through thirst in the deserts of Arabia, where water was very scarce, employed some wild asses to guide them to a spring, thinking that they would probably be seeking water after food, and on that account consecrated the form of a similar animal. And hence I think it was presumed that we, too, being thus allied to the Jewish religion were taught to do reverence to the same image. But indeed it is the same Cornelius Tacitus, truly the most inventive of romancers, who in the same history records that Gnaeus Pompeius, after capturing Jerusalem and thus going to the temple to investigate the secrets of the Jewish religion, found no image therein. And to be sure, if the object of worship was represented by some figure, this would have been most appropriately shown in its own shrine, the rather that the worship, however vain, had no fear of strangers to witness it ; only the priests were allowed to approach, while the gaze of the rest was forbidden by a curtain spread out over it. And yet you will not deny that you pay divine honours to 54 TERTVLLIANI negabitis et iumenta omnia et totos cantherios cum sua Epona coli a uobis. Hoc forsitan inprobamur, quod inter cultores omnium pecudum bestiarumque asinarii tantum sumus. Sed et qui crucis nos religiosos putat, consecraneus erit noster. Cum lignum aliquod propitiatur, uiderit habitus, cum materiae 5 qualitas eadem sit, uiderit forma, dum id ipsum dei corpus sit. Et tamen quanto distinguitur a crucis stipite Pallas Attica, et Ceres Pharia, quae sine effigie rudi palo et informi ligno prostant? Pars crucis est omne robur quod erecta statione defigitur. Nos, si forte, integrum et totum deum 10 colimus. Diximus originem deorum uestrorum a plastis de cruce induci. Sed et Victorias adoratis, cum in tropaeis cruces intestina sint tropaeorum. Religio Romanorum tota castrensis signa ueneratur, signa iurat, signa omnibus deis praeponit. Omnes illi imaginum suggestus in signis monilia crucum sunt ; 15 siphara ilia uexillorum et cantabrorum stolae crucum sunt. Laudo diligentiam. Noluistis incultas et nudas cruces con- secrare. Alii plane humanius et uerisimilius solem credunt deum nostrum. Ad Persas, si forte, deputabimur, licet solem non in linteo depictum adoremus, habentes ipsum ubique in 20 suo clypeo. Denique inde suspicio quod innotuerit nos ad orientis regionem precari. Sed et plerique uestrum adfectatione aliquando et caelestia adorandi ad solis ortum labia uibratis. Aeque si diem solis laetitiae indulgemus, alia longe ratione quam religione solis secundo loco ab eis sumus qui diem Saturni otio 25 et uictui decernunt exorbitantes et ipsi a ludaico more, quern ignorant. Sed noua iam dei nostri in ista proxime ciuitate editio publicata est, ex quo quidam frustrandis bestiis mer- cenarius noxius picturam proposuit cum eiusmodi inscription e: DEUS CHRISTIANORUM ONOKOIHTHS. Is erat auribus asininis, 30 altero pede ungulatus, librum gestans et togatus. Risimus et nomen et formam. Sed illi debebant adorare statim biforme numen, quia et canino et leonino capite commixtos, et de capro et de ariete cornutos, et a lumbis hircos, et a cruribus APOLOGETICVS 16 55 all beasts of burden, as well as to asses, heads and bodies both, along with their own goddess Epona. Perhaps our fault consists in the fact that amongst the worshippers of cattle and beasts of all kinds we worship the ass alone. But he too who thinks that we adore the cross will be our fellow-worshipper. When some piece of wood is propitiated, no matter for the fashion as long as the quality of the material is the same, no matter for the form as long as the god is bodily in the image. And yet what a great difference there is between the upright of a cross and the Athenian Pallas or the Egyptian Ceres, who stand forth formless, a rough stake, a shapeless bit of wood ! Every piece of wood that is fixed in the ground in an erect position is part of a cross; we, perhaps, worship an unmutilated and complete god. I have said that the sculptors of your gods make a beginning with a cross : but you also worship Victories, although, in trophies, crosses form the inside part. The whole religion of the Koman camp consists in worshipping the standards, in swearing by the standards, and in setting the standards above all the gods. All those rows of images on the standards are but as necklaces of crosses ; those pennons on the ensigns and banners are the robes of crosses. I commend your scrupulous attitude : you would not dedicate crosses that were bare and undraped. Others, certainly with greater semblance of nature and of truth, believe the sun to be our god. If so, we shall perhaps be classed with the Persians, although we do not worship a representation of the sun on a linen cloth, since everywhere we have the sun himself within his own hemisphere. Lastly the suspicion arises from the knowledge that we turn to the east in prayer. But many of you too with an affectation of sometimes worshipping heavenly bodies move your lips towards the rising sun. Likewise if we give rein to joy on Sundays, in a far different way from sun worship, we are only second to those who devote Saturday (Sabbath) to idleness and feasting, and who also deviate from the Jewish custom of which they are ignorant. But recently in this city, what is really a new representation of our god has been made public, since a certain criminal, hired to trick the wild beasts, exhibited a picture with an inscription to the following effect: The Christian God, the Offspring of an Ass. He had asses ears, one foot hoofed, was dressed in the toga and carried a book. We laughed both at the name and the figure. But they were bound to worship at once a two-formed divinity, because they have welcomed, as gods, creatures with heads both of dog and of lion, with the horns of a goat and a ram, others with goats bodies from the loins downwards, and like serpents 56 TERTVLLIANI serpentes, et planta uel tergo alites deos receperunt. Haec ex abundant!, ne quid rumoris inrepercussum quasi de conscientia praeterissemus. Quae omnia conuersi iam ad demonstrationem religionis nostrae repurgauimus. 17. Quod colimus, deus unus est, qui to tarn molem istam 5 cum omni instrumento elementorum, corporum, spirituum uerbo quo iussit, ratione qua disposuit, uirtute qua potuit, de nihilo expressit, in ornamentum maiestatis suae, unde et Graeci nomen mundo KOO-JJLOV accommodauerunt. Inuisibilis est, etsi uideatur; incomprehensibilis, etsi per gratiam reprae- 10 sentetur; inaestimabilis, etsi humanis sensibus aestimetur. Ideo uerus et tantus est. Ceterum quod uideri communiter, quod comprehendi, quod aestimari potest, minus est et oculis quibus occupatur, et manibus quibus contaminatur, et sensibus quibus inuenitur : quod uero inmensum est, soli sibi notum est. 15 Hoc quod est, deum aestimari facit, dum aestimari non capit. Ita eum uis magnitudinis et notum hominibus obicit et ignotum. Et haec est summa delicti nolentium recognoscere quern igno- rare non possunt. Vultis ex operibus ipsius tot ac tali bus, quibus continemur, quibus sustinemur, quibus oblectamur, 20 etiam quibus exterremur, uultis ex animae ipsius testimonio conprobemus? Quae licet carcere corporis pressa, licet in- stitutionibus prauis circumscripta, licet libidinibus et con- cupiscentiis euigorata, licet falsis deis exancillata, cam tamen resipiscit, ut ex crapula, ut ex somno, ut ex aliqua ualitudine, 25 et sanitatem suam patitur, deum nominat, hoc solo, quia proprie uerus hie unus. Deus bonus et magnus, et Quod deus dederit omnium uox est. ludicem quoque contestatur ilium Deus uidet, et Deo commendo, et Deus mihi reddet. testi- monium animae naturaliter Christianae! Denique pronuntians 30 haec non ad Capitolium, sed ad caelum respicit. Nouit enim sedem dei uiui ab illo, et inde descendit. APOLOGETICVS 16, 17 57 from the legs, and with wings on the foot or the back. I have stated these methods more fully, to avoid passing over, as it were purposely, any rumour without rebutting it. All these false opinions we have now cleared away and proceed to turn 1 to the proof of our religion. CHAP. XVII. The object of our worship is one God, who through the word by which he commanded (that they should exist), the reason by which he arranged them, the power by which he could (carry out his will), fashioned out of nothing all this mass with all its apparatus of elements, bodies and spirits, for an ornament to his own greatness, whence it is that the Greeks also have applied the name /coaxes (ornament) to the universe. He is invisible, though he may be seen; incompre hensible, though he is represented to men through his grace; inestimable, though he can be estimated through the human senses ; therefore is he the true and the mighty God. What is capable, however, of being generally seen, of being grasped, of being valued, is less both than the eyes by which it is caught, than the hands by which it is touched, and the thoughts by which it is discovered ; but that which is immeasurable is known only to itself. This is what makes God valued, while yet he is incapable of valuation. Thus it is that the power of his greatness presents him as both known and unknown to men. And this is the substance of their offence, that they refuse to recognise him of whom they cannot be ignorant. Do you wish that we should prove this from his own works, so many and of such a character, by which we are restrained, upheld, delighted; nay even by which we are terrified, or should we prove it even from the evidence of the soul itself? Although weighed down by the prison of the body, though confined by evil customs, though emasculated by lusts and passions, though enslaved to false gods, yet, when it recovers its senses, as after surfeit, as after sleep, as after some illness, when it becomes conscious of its own health, it names God, for the sole reason that he alone is by nature the true God. Good God, Great God and Which may God grant are expressions used by all. That he is also a judge is attested by the words: God sees, I commend to God, and God will recompense me. evidence of the natural Christianity of the soul! For when uttering these words it looks not to the Capitol, but to the sky. It knows indeed the place of abode of the living God; from him and from there 2 it descended. 1 Conuersuri, the certain emendation of J. B. M. for conuersi of MSS. 2 A stop at uiui. 58 TERTVLLIANI 18. Sed quo plenius et inpressius tarn ipsum quam dis- positiones eius et uoluntates adiremus, adiecit instrumentum litteraturae, si qui uelit de deo inquirere, et inquisito inuenire, et inuento credere, et credito deseruire. Viros enim iustitiae innocentia dignos deum nosse et ostendere a primordio in 5 saeculum emisit spiritu diuino inundates, quo praedicarent deum unicum esse, qui uniuersa condiderit, qui hominem de humo struxerit (his enim est uerus Prometheus, qui saeculum certis temporum dispositionibus et exitibus ordinauit), exinde quae signa nmiestatis suae iudicantis ediderit per imbres, per 10 ignes, quas demerendo sibi disciplinas determinauerit, quae ignoratis et desertis et obseruatis his praemia destinarit, ut qui producto aeuo isto iudicaturus sit suos cultores in uitae aeternae retributionem, profanes in ignem aeque perpetem et iugem, suscitatis omnibus ab initio defunctis et reformatis et 15 recensitis ad utriusque meriti dispunctionem. Haec et nos risimus aliquando. De uestris sumus. Fiunt, non nascuntur Christiani. Quos diximus praedicatores, prophetae de officio praefandi uocantur. Voces eorum itemque uirtutes, quas ad fidem diuinitatis edebant, in thesauris litterarum manent, nee 20 istae latent. Ptolemaeorum eruditissimus, quern Philadelphum snpernominant, et omnis litteraturae sagacissimus, cum studio bibliothecarum Pisistratum, opinor, aemularetur, inter cetera memoriarum, quibus aut uetustas aut curiositas aliqua ad famam patrocinabatur, ex suggestu Demetri Phalerei gram- 25 maticorum tune probatissimi, cui praefecturam mandauerat, libros a ludaeis quoque postulauit, proprias atque uernaculas litteras, quas soli habebant. Ex ipsis enim et ad ipsos semper prophetae perorauerant, scilicet ad domesticam dei gentem ex patrum gratia. Hebraei retro qui nunc ludaei. Igitur et 30 litterae Hebraeae et eloquium. Sed ne notitia uacaret, hoc quoque a ludaeis Ptolemaeo subscriptum est septuaginta et duobus interpretibus indultis, quos Menedemus quoque philoso- APOLOGETICVS 18 59 CHAP. XVIII. But that we might more fully and more seriously approach to himself as well as to his arrangements and purposes, he added a literary document, in case any one should wish to inquire about God, and having inquired to find him, and having found him to believe on him, and having believed to serve him. For from the beginning he hath sent into the world men overflowing with the divine spirit, and worthy by their justice and innocence to know God and to make him known, in order that they might preach him as the only god who founded the universe, and formed man from the soil, for this is the true Prometheus, who ordered the world by fixed arrangements and endings of seasons, who afterwards pro claimed signs of his majesty in judgment by water and fire, who laid down statutes for the gaining of his favour ; who has appointed rewards for those that know not, those that neglect, and those that keep his laws; in order that when this world shall have come to an end 1 he may adjudge his worshippers to the reward of eternal life, and the irreligious to a fire no less con tinuous and lasting, having raised all those that have died from the beginning and given them a new form and called to an account for the recompense of each man s deserts. We too once laughed at this : we sprang from your ranks ; Christians are made Christians, and not born such. Those whom we have called preachers are namecT prophets from their office of fore telling. Their words and likewise their wonderful deeds, which they performed to produce belief in the Godhead, remain in the storehouses of literature, nor are these now hidden. Ptolemy, surnamed Philadelphus, a most learned king with a keen appreciation of all literature, in his zeal for libraries, in which, I suppose, he rivalled Pisistratus, amongst other historical monuments, which were rendered famous either by antiquity or curiosity of some kind, at the instance of Demetrius of Phalerum, the most approved grammarian of the time, to whom he had entrusted the chief care of the matter, asked books from the Jews also, writings peculiar to themselves and in their own language. For the prophets were always taken from among themselves and had always addressed themselves as being a people belonging to God in accordance with the favour shown to their fathers. Hebrews was the name formerly given to those now called Jews. Consequently both their literature and language are Hebrew. But that there might be no deficiency of knowledge, this also was granted by the Jews to Ptolemy, seventy-two translators being allowed, whom Menedemus also, the philosopher, a champion of (divine) 1 Read prodacto with J. E. B. M. 60 TERTVLLIANI phus, prouidentiae uindex, de sententiae communione suspexit. Adfirmauit haec uobis etiam Aristaeus. Ita in Graecum stilum exaperta monumenta reliquit. Hodie apud Serapeum Ptolemaei bibliothecae cum ipsis Hebraicis litteris exhibentur. Sed et ludaei palam lectitant. Vectigalis libertas ; uulgo aditur 5 sabbatis omnibus. Qui audierit, inueniet deum; qui etiam studuerit intellegere, cogetur et credere. 19. Primam instrumentis istis auctoritatem summa anti- quitas uindicat. Apud uos quoque religionis est instar, fidem de temporibus adserere. [Auctoritatem litteris praestat anti- TO quitas sumrna. Primus enim prophetes Moyses, qui mundi conditionem et generis humani pullulationem et mox ultricem iniquitatis illius aeui uim cataclysmi de praeterito exorsus est, per uaticinationem usque ad suam aetatem et deinceps per res suas futurorum imagines edidit, penes quern et temporum ordo 15 digestus ab initio supputationem saeculi praestitit. Superior inuenitur annis circiter trecentis quam ille antiquissimus penes uos Danaus in Argos transuenisset, Troiano denique proelio ad mille annos ante est, utide et ipso Saturno. Secundum enim historiam Thalli, qua relatum est bellum Assyriorum et Satur- 20 num Titanorum regem cum loue dimicasse, ostenditur bellum cccxx et duobus annis Iliacum exitum antecessisse. Per hunc Moysen etiam ilia lex propria ludaeis a deo missa est. Deinceps multa et alii prophetae uetustiores litteris uestris. Nam et qui ultimo cecinit, aut aliquantulo praecucurrit aut certe concurrit 25 aetate sapientiae auctoribus, etiam latoribus legis. Cyri enim et Darii regno fuit Zacharias, quo in tempore Thales, physicorum princeps, sciscitanti Croeso nihil certum de diuinitate respondit, turbatus scilicet uocibus prophetarum. Solon eidem regi finem longae uitae intuendum praedicauit non aliter quam prophetae. 30 Adeo respici potest tain iura uestra quam studia de lege deque diuina doctrina concepisse. Quod prius est, hoc sit semen APOLOGETICVS 18, 19 61 providence, admired, in consequence of their community of view (on this subject). Aristaeus also has declared this to you. So he (Ptolemy) left these records behind, made accessible in the Greek idiom. To this very day the libraries of Ptolemy are shown in the Serapeum with the Hebrew literature itself. But the Jews too read it publicly : this liberty they have on payment of a tax, and there is common access to them every Sabbath. He who listens will find God: he also who is at pains to understand will be compelled to believe also. CHAP. XIX. The first authority is claimed for these sacred books by their extreme antiquity. Among you also the claiming of belief on the score of time amounts to a religion. [Authority is given to literature by extreme age. For the prophet Moses, who began from the past his account of the creation of the world and the growth of the human race and afterwards the power of the flood which avenged the unrighteousness of that age, was the first to proclaim by prophecy down to his own time, and then through his own exploits, representations of the things to be, (was the first) also in whom a chronological order arranged from the beginning has given us a calculation of time. He is found to be about three hundred years earlier than the date at which Danaus, the most ancient (hero) known to you, crossed to Argos, he is found to be about a thousand years earlier than the Trojan war, which means that he is as much earlier than Saturn himself. For according to Thallus history, in which it is recorded that Bel 1 , king of the Assyrians, and Saturn, king of the Titans, fought with Jupiter, it can be shown that Bel antedated the destruction of Troy by three hundred and twenty- two years. It was through this Moses also that the Jews received from God that law peculiar to themselves. After his time in succession much was recorded by other prophets also who are older than your records ; for even he who prophesied last either preceded somewhat or was at least contemporaneous with your philosophers, and even with your lawgivers. For in the reigns of Cyrus and Darius lived Zechariah, at which time Thales, the earliest of the natural philosophers, stirred no doubt by the words of the prophets, could give no definite answer about the Godhead to the questions of Croesus. To the same king Solon declared, in much the same words as the prophets, that he must look to the end of a long life. So clearly can it be seen from a backward glance that he (Solon) derived both your laws and your philosophy from the Jewish law and the divine teaching. What comes first must of necessity be the 1 Reading Belum. 62 TERTVLLIANI necesse est. Inde quaedam nobiscum uel prope nos habetis. De sophia amor eius philosophia uocitatus est, de prophetia affectatio eius poeticam uaticinationem deputauit. Gloriae homines si quid inuenerant, ut proprium facerent, adultera- uerunt. Etiam fructibus a semine degenerare contigit. Multis 5 adhuc de uetustate modis consisterem diuinarum litterarum, si non maior auctoritas illis ad fidem de ueritatis suae uiribus quam de aetatis annalibus suppetisset. Quid enim potentius patrocinabitur testimonio earum, nisi dispunctio cotidiana saeculi totius, cum dispositiones regnorum, cum casus urbium, 10 cum exitus gentium, cum status temporum ita omnibus re spondent, quemadmodum ante milia annorum praenuntiaban- tur? Unde et spes nostra, quam ridetis, animatur, et fiducia, quam praesumptionem uocatis, corroboratur. Idonea est enim recognitio praeteritorum ad disponendam fiduciam futurorum. 15 Eadem uoces praedicauerunt utramque partem, eadem litterae notauerunt. Unum est tempus apud illas quod apud nos separari uidetur. Ita omnia quae supersunt improbata, pro- bata sunt nobis, quia cum illis quae probata sunt tune futuris praedicabantur. Habetis, quod sciam, et uos Sibyllam, 20 quatinus appellatio ista uerae uatis dei ueri passim super ceteros qui uaticinari uidebantur usurpata est. Sunt uestrae Sibyllae nomen de ueritate mentitae, quemadmodum et dei uestri.] Omnes itaque substantias omnesque materias, origines, ordines, uenas ueterani cuiusque stili uestri, gentes etiam 25 plerasque et urbes insignes historiarum et canas mernoriarum, ipsas denique effigies litterarum, indices custodesque rerum et (puto adhuc minus dicimus) ipsos inquam deos uestros, ipsa templa et oracula et sacra unius interim prophetae scriniuin saeculis uincit, in quo uidetur thesaurus collocatus totius ludaici 3 sacramenti et inde iam nostri. Si quern audistis interim Moysen, Argiuo Inacho pariter aetate est. Quadringentis paene annis (nam et septem minus) Danaum, et ipsum apud uos uetustissimum, praeuenit, mille circiter cladem Priami APOLOGETICVS 19 63 seed. Hence it is that you have certain tenets either in common with us or like ours. It is from sophia (wisdom) that the love of it has got the name philosophy, and from prophecy that the imitation of it has borrowed the divination of the poets. If men found anything that was glorious, they corrupted it to make it their own. Even fruits have degenerated from the quality of the seed. In many further ways I might join issue on the antiquity of the sacred writings, were it not that they derive a greater weight of credibility from the strength of their truth than from the records of their age. For what will support its evidence more powerfully than the daily testing of a whole age, when the arrangements of kingdoms, the fall of cities, the destruction of nations, the situations at particular times, corre spond exactly to the prophecies about them made thousands of years before? Hence our hope, at which you laugh, receives fresh life, and our confidence, which you call assurance, is strengthened. For it is natural that an examination of the past should lead us to put confidence in the future. The same 1 words prophesied both past and future, the same writings have signified them. Time, which among us seems to be divided into parts, is but one in those writings. Consequently all that remains unverified is already for us verified, because it was prophesied along with those events which were then in the future and have (since) been verified. You also have, if I am not mistaken, a Sibyl. I mention her because this name of the true prophetess of the true God has been everywhere used beyond all others, who seemed to have the gift of prophecy, as 2 your Sibyls have falsely employed the name instead of the true one, even as your gods also have done.] All beings therefore and all materials, beginnings, arrangements, channels of each ancient writing of yours, likewise very many races and cities distinguished in history and hoary in records, further the very forms of the letters, the indicators and guardians of facts, and I believe that as yet I have been putting it too feebly your very gods I say, the very temples and oracles and sacred rites, are some times centuries antedated by one prophet s book, in which the treasure of the whole Jewish religion, and hence of ours also, seems to have been placed. If meantime you have heard of some Moses, he is as old as the Argive Inachus : by almost four hundred years actually seven less he precedes Danaus who is himself too the oldest among you, and he is about a thousand 1 Reading eaedem. 2 Reading sicut. [Others read habemus nos and sciunt, which seem to make better sense, especially if we read sciant <autem> or sed before sicut. "But let your Sibyls know that they have taken a false name from the true one." ,T. B. M.] 64 TERTVLLIANI antecedit, possem etiam dicere quingentis amplius et Homerum, habens quos sequar. Ceteri quoque prophetae etsi Moysi postumant, extremissimi tamen eorum non retrosiores repre- henduntur primoribus uestris sapientibus et legiferis et historicis ? Haec quibus ordinibus probari possint non tarn difficile est nobis 5 exponere quam enorme, nee arduum, sed interim loiigum. Multis instrumentis cum digitorum supputariis gesticulis adsidendum est, reseranda antiquissimarum etiam gentium archiua, Aegyptiorum, Chaldaeorum, Phoenicum, aduocandi municipes eorum per quos notitia subministrata est, aliqui 10 Manethon Aegyptius et Berosus Chaldaeus, sed et Hieromus Phoenix, Tyri rex, sectatores quoque ipsorum Mendesius Ptolemaeus et Menander Ephesius et Demetrius Phalereus et rex luba et Apion et Thallus et si quis istos aut probat aut reuincit, ludaeus losephus, antiquitatum ludaicarum uernaculus uindex, 15 Graecorum etiam censuales conferendi, ut quae quando sint gesta aut concatenationes temporum aperiantur, per quae luceant annalium numeri; peregrinandum est in historias et litteras orbis. Et tamen quasi partem iam probationis in- tulimus, cum per quae probari possint aspersirnus. Verum 20 differre praestat, uel ne minus persequamur festinando uel diutius euagemur persequendo. 20. Plus iam offerimus pro ista dilatione maiestatem scrip- turarum, si non uetustate diuinas probamus, si dubitatur antiquitas. Nee hoc tardius aut aliunde discendum. Coram 25 sunt quae docebunt, mundus et saeculum et exitus. Quicquid agitur, praenuntiabatur ; quicquid uidetur, audiebatur. Quod terrae uorant urbes, quod insulas maria fraudant, quod externa atque interna bella dilaniant, quod regnis regna conpulsant, quod fames et lues et locales quaeque clades et frequentiae 30 plerumque mortium uastant, quod humiles sublimitate, sublimes humilitate mutantur, quod iustitia rarescit, iniquitas increbrescit, bonarum omnium disciplinarum cura torpescit, quod etiam officia temporum et elementorum munia exorbitant, APOLOGETICVS 19, 20 65 years earlier than the overthrow of Priam; I might also add and Homer too by more than 500 years, seeing I have authorities for this statement. With regard to the other prophets also, although they are later than Moses, are not the very latest of them nevertheless found to be earlier than your earliest philo sophers, legislators and historians ? By what successions these statements can be proved it is not so much a difficult as it is an immense task for us to set forth, nor is it really difficult, but at this stage it would take too long. We should have to settle ourselves down to many documents with calculating movements of the fingers, we should have to unlock the archives even of the most ancient peoples, the Egyptians, the Chaldaeans, the Phoenicians. We should have to call in fellow-citizens of those by whom this knowledge has been supplied, some Egyptian Manetho and some Chaldean Berosus, but also Hiram the Phoenician, king of Tyre; their successors also, Ptolemy of Mendes and Menander of Ephesus and Demetrius of Phalerum and King Juba and Apion and Thallus, and either to confirm or refute these, the Jew Josephus, the native champion of Jewish antiquities. The census-books of the Greeks must also be compared, that what things were done at what time or the sequence of events may be made known, so as to throw light on the chronology of historical events ; we must make excursions into the histories and literature of the world. And yet we have already brought forward about half of our proof, when we have given a sprinkling of the means by which they can be proved. But it is better to postpone (our proof), lest we should either accomplish less in our haste or digress too far in our treatment. CHAP. XX. In place of this deferred proof I now offer you something more, the majesty of the Scriptures, if we cannot prove them to be divine because of their age, if their age is questionable. Nor is this to be learnt slowly or from some other source ; your instructors are before your eyes ; the world and the age and the course of history. Whatsoever is taking place, was prophesied; whatsoever is now seen, was heard of: the swallowing up of cities by the earth, the encroachment on islands by the sea, the slaughters caused by foreign and domestic wars, the clash of kingdoms upon kingdoms, the devastation produced by famine and pestilence, and all local disasters and the great frequency of deaths; the humble are exalted and the lofty abased; the growing infrequency of justice, the growing fre quency of injustice, the decay of the care for all noble lessons, the deviations in the functions of the seasons and the duties of the elements, the disturbance in the shape of natural objects 5 M. T. 66 TERTVLLIANI quod et monstris et portentis naturalium forma turbatur, prouidenter scripta sunt. Dum patimur, leguntur; dum recognoscimus, probantur. Idoneum, opinor, testimonium diuinitatis ueritas diuinationis. Hinc igitur apud nos futu- rorum quoque fides tuta est, iam scilicet probatorum, quia cum 5 illis, quae cotidie probantur, praedicebantur. Eaedem uoces sonant, eaedem litterae notant, idem spiritus pulsat, unum tempus est diuinationi futura praefanti. Apud homines, si forte, distinguitur, dum expungitur, dum ex future praesens, dehinc ex praesenti praeteritum deputatur. Quid delin- 10 quimus, oro uos, futura quoque credentes, qui iam didicimus illi per duos gradus credere? 21. Sed quoniam edidimus antiquissimis ludaeorum in- strumentis sectam istam esse sufhiltam quam aliquanto nouellam, ut Tiberiani temporis, plerique sciunt, profitentibus 15 nobis quoque, fortassean hoc nomine de statu eius retractetur, quasi sub umbraculo insignissimae religionis, certe licitae, aliquid propriae praesumptionis abscondat, uel quia praeter aetatem neque de uictus exceptionibus neque de solemnitatibus dierum neque de ipso signaculo corporis neque de consortio 20 nominis cum ludaeis agimus, quod utique oporteret si eidem deo manciparemur ? Sed et uulgus iam scit Christum ut hominum aliquem, qualem ludaei iudicauerunt, quo facilius quis nos hominis cultores existimauerit. Verum neque de Christo erubescimus, cum sub nomine eius deputari et damnari iuuat, 25 neque de deo aliter praesumimus. Necesse est igitur pauca de Christo ut deo. Dudum ludaeis erat apud deum gratia ubi et insignis iustitia et fides originalium auctorum; unde illis et generis magnitude et regni sublimitas floruit et tanta felicitas, ut de dei uocibus, quibus edocebantur, de promerendo deo et 30 non offendendo praemonerentur. Sed quanta deliquerint, fiducia patrum inflati ad declinandum, deriuantes a disciplina in profanum modum, etsi ipsi non confiterentur, probaret exitus hodiernus ipsorum. Dispersi, palabundi, et soli et caeli sui APOLOGETICVS 20, 21 67 both by prodigies and by portents, (all) are written (down) with foresight. While we experience them, they are being read; while we examine them, they are being proved true. The truth of prophecy is, I think, a reliable evidence of divinity. There fore it is thus that amongst us the belief also in future events is safe, being already of course proved true, because they were prophesied along with those things that are daily verified ; the same words sound, the same letters mark them, the same spirit impels them, time is an unity to prophecy when foretelling the future. Among men perhaps it is marked off into periods, while it is being completed, while the present is calculated from the future, then the past from the present. What is our sin, I pray you, in believing the future also, as we have already learned through two stages to believe it ? CHAP. XXI. But since we have stated that this sect is supported by most ancient Jewish documents, though very many know on our own declaration also that it is comparatively new, belonging as it does to the time of Tiberius, perchance on this ground a further inquiry may be made into its nature, viz. that it conceals some of its own arrogance under the shadow of a most famous religion, or one that is at any rate permitted by law, or because in addition to the question of its age we have no relation with the Jews either with regard to distinctions of meats, or the sanctity of special days or the distinctive bodily mark itself or the sharing of the name with them, which would of course be our duty if we were the property of the same god. Even the common people now know Christ as a human being, such as the Jews judged him (to be), so that it is easier for any one to believe that we are worshippers of a man. But we are neither ashamed of Christ, seeing that we rejoice to be reckoned as his servants and condemned with him, nor is our idea of God different from that of the Jews. We must therefore say some thing about Christ as God. The Jews had long enjoyed favour with God, for among them the justice and loyalty of their ancestors at the beginning were remarkable; whence the greatness of their race and the glory of their kingdom flourished and so great happiness, that from the words of God, by which they were taught, they were warned beforehand as to the gaining of his favour and the avoidance of his displeasure. But how greatly they transgressed, being puffed up by con fidence in their fathers to leave the true path, and profanely turning aside from their training ! Even if they themselves did not admit the fact, their ruinous situation to-day would prove it. Scattered in all directions, straggling, exiles from their own 52 68 TERTVLLIANI extorres uagantur per orbem sine homine, sine deo rege, quibus nee aduenarum iure terrain patriam saltim uestigio salutare conceditur. Cum haec illis sanctae uoces praeminarentur, eadem semper omnes ingerebant fore uti sub extimis curriculis saeculi ex omni iam gente et populo et loco cultores sibi ad- 5 legeret deus multo fideliores in quos gratiam transferred pleniorem quidem ob disciplinae auctions capacitatem. Venit igitur qui ad reformandam et inluminandam earn uenturus a deo praenuntiabatur, Christus ille filius dei. Huius igitur gratiae disci plinaeque arbiter et magister, inluminator atque 10 deductor generis huniani filius dei adnuntiabatur : non quidem ita genitus, ut erubescat in filii nomine aut de patris semine. Non de sororis incesto nee de stupro filiae aut coniugis alienae deum patrem passus est squamatum aut cornutum aut plu- matum, amatorem in auro conuersum Danaidis. louis ista sunt 15 numina uestra. Ceterum dei filius nullam de impudicitia habet matrem ; etiam quam uidetur habere, non nupserat. Sed prius substantiam edisseram, et ita natiuitatis qualitas intellegetur. Iam ediximus deum uniuersitatem hanc mundi uerbo et ratione et uirtute molitum. Apud uestros quoque sapientes AOFON, 20 id est sermonem atque rationem, constat artificem uideri uniuersitatis. Hunc enim Zeno determinat factitatorem, qui cuncta in dispositione formauerit; eundem et fatum uocari et deum et animum louis et necessitatem omnium rerum. Haec Cleanthes in spiritum congerit, quern permeatorem uniuersitatis 25 adfirmat. Et nos autem sermoni atque rationi itemque uirtuti, per quae omnia molitum deum ediximus, propriam substantiam spiritum inscribimus, cui et sermo insit pronuntianti et ratio adsit disponenti et uirtus praesit perficienti. Hunc ex deo prolatum didicimus et prolatione generatum et idcirco filium 30 dei et deum dictum ex imitate substantiae. Nam et deus spiritus. Et cum radius ex sole porrigitur, portio ex summa; sed sol erit in radio, quia solis est radius nee separatur sub- stantia sed extenditur. Ita de spiritu spiritus et de deo deus ut lumen de lumine accensum. Manet integra et indefecta 35 materiae matrix, etsi plures inde traduces qualitatis mutueris: APOLOGETICVS 21 69 soil and sky, they wander over* the world without either man or God for their king; they are not allowed even as strangers to greet the land of their fathers even to the extent of stepping on it. While holy voices threatened them with this beforehand, at the same time all were continually urging, that in the last stages of time God would then choose for himself from every race, community and region worshippers much more faithful to whom to transfer his favour, which would be actually fuller by reason of the capacity of a more developed teaching. He came there fore, that being, Christ, the Son of God, who it was foretold would come from God to reform and illuminate the world. The Son of God therefore was announced as ruler and master of this grace and dispensation, the enlightener and the leader of the human race, not indeed born under such circumstances, that he should blush at the name of son or at his father s seed ; it was not through incestuous connexion with a sister nor through the debauching of a daughter or of another s wife that he got a god for father, a lover scaly or horned or feathered or changed into a shower of gold, like Danae s. These shameful deeds of Jupiter are the gods you worship. But the Son of God has his mother as the result of no unchastity ; even she, whom he seems to have (for mother), had not married. But I will first explain his nature, and thus the character of his birth will be understood. We have already proclaimed that God constructed this totality of the universe by word and reason and power. Among your philosophers also it is a settled belief that Logos, which means word and reason, is the fashioner of the universe. For Zeno lays it down that this maker, who fashioned everything in order, is the same that is called also fate and god and the mind of Jupiter and the inevitableness of all things. These Cleanthes combines in the Spirit, which he maintains pervades the universe. And we also ascribe Spirit as its true essence to word and reason and likewise to power, by which we have pro claimed that God has constructed every thing, in which are present both word when declaring and reason when arranging and power when accomplishing. We have learnt that this Spirit came forth from God and by this forth-coming is begotten and has therefore been called Son of God, and God from unity of nature. For Spirit is also God. Also, when a ray is projected from the sun, it is a part of the whole ; but the sun will be in the ray, because the ray belongs to the sun and is not separated from it by nature but stretches out from it. Spirit comes from Spirit and God from God as light is kindled from light. The parent-stem remains whole and unlessened in substance, even if you borrow a number of offshoots of its character from it : 70 TERTVLLIANI ita et quod de deo profectum est, deus est et del films et unus ambo. Ita et de spiritu spiritus et de deo deus modulo alternum numerum, gradu non statu fecit, et a matrice non recessit sed excessit. Iste igitur del radius, ut retro semper praedicabatur, delapsus in uirginem quandam et in utero eius caro figuratus 5 nascitur homo deo mixtus. Caro spiritu instructa nutritur, adolescit, adfatur, docet, operatur et Christus est. Recipite interim hanc fabulam, similis est uestris, dum ostendimus quomodo Christus probetur et qui penes uos eiusmodi fabulas aemulas ad destructionem ueritatis istiusmodi praeministra- 10 uerint. Sciebant et ludaei uenturum esse Christum, scilicet quibus prophetae loquebantur. Nam et nunc aduentum eius expectant, nee alia magis inter nos et illos conpulsatio est quam quod iam uenisse non credunt. Duobus enim aduentibus eius significatis, prirno, qui iam expunctus est in humilitate 15 conditionis humanae, secundo, qui concludendo saeculo imminet in sublimitate diuinitatis exertae, primum non intellegendo secundum, quern manifestius praedicatum sperant, unum existimauerunt. Ne enim intellegerent pristinum, credituri, si intellexissent, et consecuturi salutem, si credidissent, meritum 20 fuit delictum eorum. Ipsi legunt ita scriptum mulctatos se sapientia et intellegentia et oculorum et aurium fruge. Quern igitur hominem solummodo praesumpserant de humilitate, sequebatur uti magum aestimarent de potestate, cum ille uerbo daemonia de hominibus excuteret, caecos reluminaret, 25 leprosos purgaret, paralyticos restringeret, mortuos denique uerbo redderet uitae, elementa ipsa famularet compescens pro- cellas et freta ingrediens, ostendens se esse uerbum dei, id est AOFON, illud primordiale, primogenitum, uirtute et ratione comitatum et spiritu fultum, eundem qui uerbo omnia et 30 faceret et fecisset. Ad doctrinam uero eius, qua reuincebantur magistri primoresque ludaeorum, ita exasperabantur, maxime quod ingens ad eum multitudo deflecteret, ut postremo oblatum APOLOGETICVS 21 71 so also that which has come forth from God, is God and the Son of God, and both are one. So the Spirit that comes from Spirit and the God that comes from God brought about the number two, as regards the measure (of the possession of being), in grade not in unchangeable condition, and it did not separate from the source, but came out from it. This ray, therefore, of God, as was always foretold 1 in the past, coming down into a certain virgin and being formed into flesh in her womb, is born man mixed with God. The flesh having been informed with breath is nourished, grows up, speaks, teaches, works, and is Christ. Meantime accept this story, which is like your own, while I show how he is proved to be Christ and who they are among you who have previously supplied hostile tales of that kind to destroy a truth of this kind. The Jews too knew that Christ was to come, seeing that it was to them that the prophets used to speak. For even now they are looking out for his arrival, nor is there any greater cause of disagreement between us and them than the fact that they do not believe that he has already come. For as two advents of his have been indicated, the first, which has already been fulfilled (in every predicted detail), in the humility of his human creation, the second, which precedes the end of the world, in the loftiness of the manifested Godhead, they by misunder standing the first, have thought the second, which (having been more clearly prophesied 2 ) they expect, to be the only one. It was the desert of their transgression that they should not under stand the original advent, for if they had understood, they would have believed, and if they had believed they would have attained safety. They themselves read it thus written, that they have lost their wisdom and understanding and the use of their eyes and ears. It followed therefore that he whom they had assumed to be merely man because of his humility, they regarded as a magician from his power, when by a word he cast out demons from men, restored light to the blind, cleansed the lepers, braced up the paralytic again, and even by a word restored the dead to life, ruled the elements themselves, quelling storms and walking upon seas, showing that he was the word of God (that is the Logos), that original, first-born word, attended by power and reason and supported by spirit, the selfsame who was both making and had made everything by a word. At his teaching, however, by which the teachers and leading men among the Jews were refuted, they were so angered, especially because a vast crowd was turning aside to him, that in the end they prosecuted him, and by the violence of 1 Read jmiedicebatur. 2 Read praedictum. 72 TERTVLLIANI Pontio Pilato, Syriarn tune ex parte Rom ana procuranti, uiolentia sufTragiorum in crucem lesum dedi sibi extorserint. Praedixerat et ipse ita facturos; parum si non et prophetae retro. Et tamen suffixus multa mortis illius propria ostendit insignia. Nam spiritum cum uerbo sponte dimisit, praeuento 5 carnificis officio. Eodem momento dies medium orbem sig- nante sole subducta est. Deliquium utique putauerunt qui id quoque super Christo praedicatum non scierunt. Et tamen eum mundi casum relatum in arcanis uestris habetis. Tune ludaei detractum et sepulchre conditum magna etiam militari 10 manu custodiae diligentia circumsederunt, ne, quia praedixerat tertia die resurrecturum se a morte, discipuli furto amoliti cadauer fallerent suspectos. Sed ecce tertia die concussa repente terra, et mole reuoluta quae obstruxerat sepulchrum, et custodia pauore disiecta, nullis apparentibus discipulis nihil in 15 sepulchro repertum est praeterquam exuuiae sepulti. Nihilo- minus tamen primores, quorum intererat et scelus diuulgare et populum uectigalem et famularem sibi a fide reuocare, subreptum a discipulis iactitauerunt. Nam nee ille se in uulgus eduxit, ne impii errore liberarentur, ut et fides, non 20 mediocri praemio destinata, difficultate constaret. Cum dis cipulis autem quibusdam apud Galilaeam, ludaeae regionem, ad quadraginta dies egit docens eos quae docerent. Dehinc ordinatis eis ad ofncium praedicandi per orbem circumfusa nube in caelum est receptus, multo uerius quam apud uos 25 adseuerare de Romulo Proculi "Solent. Ea omnia super Christo Pilatus, et ipse iam pro sua conscientia Christianus, Caesari tune Tiberio nimtiauit. Sed et Caesares credidissent super Christo, si aut Caesares non essent necessarii saeculo, aut si et Christian! potuissent esse Caesares. Discipuli quoque 30 diffusi per orbem ex praecepto magistri dei paruerunt, qui et ipsi a ludaeis insequentibus multa perpessi utique pro fiducia ueritatis libenter Romae postremo per Neronis saeuitiam APOLOGETICVS 21 73 their partisanship forcibly obtained from Pontius Pilate, who at that time was governing Syria on behalf of the Romans, Jesus surrender for crucifixion. He himself also had foretold that they would do so ; a small thing, if the prophets had not also foretold it earlier. And further, on being crucified he displayed many signs peculiar to that death. For he released his spirit of his own accord with a word, anticipating the duty of the executioner. At the same moment daylight was with drawn, though the sun was then marking the middle of his course. Those who did not know that this also had been prophesied 1 with regard to Christ, thought that it was an eclipse ; and yet you have that overshadowing of the sky recorded in your secret records. Then the Jews took him down, laid him in a tomb, and further surrounded it with a large band of soldiers, to guard it carefully, lest his disciples might remove the corpse by stealth, because he had foretold that on the third day he would rise again from death, and thus escape those who suspected them. But lo, on the third day there was a sudden earthquake and the massive stone which had blocked the entrance to the tomb was rolled back; the guard dispersed in panic, though no disciples appeared, and nothing was found in the tomb except the grave clothes. Nevertheless, the rulers, whose interest it was both to spread a wicked tale and to recall from the faith their tributaries and dependents, spread abroad the report that he had been stolen by his disciples. For neither did he show himself to the crowd, lest the irreligious might be freed from their mistake, and also in order that belief, which is destined to receive no little reward, should be strengthened by difficulty. However with certain disciples he lived in Galilee, a district of Judea, for forty days, teaching them what they were to teach. Then, having ordained them to the duty of preaching throughout the world, he was taken up to heaven in a cloud, much more truly than people like Proculus are wont to assert among you about Romulus. All these things with reference to Christ, Pilate, who himself also in his own con science was now a Christian, reported to the then emperor Tiberius. But even the emperors would have believed on Christ, if either emperors had not been necessary to the world or if it had been possible for Christians too to be emperors. His disciples also scattered throughout the world in accordance with the order of their teacher God. They themselves too having gladly suffered much at the hands of persecuting Jews, of course for their confidence in the truth, at last through the cruelty of Nero sowed the seed of Christian martyrdom at Rome. 1 Read praedictum. 74 TERTVLLIANI sanguinem Christianum seminauerunt. Sed monstrabimus uobis idoneos testes Christi ipsos illos quos adoratis. Multum est si eos adhibeam ut credatis Christianis propter quos non creditis Christianis. Interim hie est ordo nostrae institutionis, hunc edidimus et sectae et nominis censum cum suo auctore. 5 Nemo iam infamiam incutiat, nemo aliud existimet, quia nee fas est ulli de sua religione mentiri. Ex eo enim quod aliud a se coli dicit quam colit, negat quod colit, et culturam et honorem in alterum transfert, et transferendo iam non colit quod negauit. Dicimus, et palam dicimus, et uobis torquentibus 10 lacerati et cruenti uociferamur: Deum colimus per Christum. Ilium hominem putate, per eum et in eo se cognosci et coli deus uult. Ut ludaeis respondeamus, et ipsi dominum per hominem Moysen colere didicerunt: ut Graecis occurram, Orpheus Pieriae, Musaeus Athenis, Melampus Argis, Trophonius Boeotiae 15 initiationibus homines obligauerunt : ut ad uos quoque domina- tores gentium adspiciam, homo fuit Pompilius Numa, qui Romanes operosissimis superstitionibus onerauit. Licuerit et Christo commentari diuinitatem, rem propriam, non qua rupices et adhuc feros homines multitudini tot numinum demerendorum 20 attonitos efficiendo ad humanitatem temperaret, quod Numa, sed qui iam expolitos et ipsa urbanitate deceptos in agnitionem ueritatis ocularet. Quaerite igitur si uera est ista diuinitas Christi. Si ea est qua cognita ad bonum quis reformat-in, sequitur ut falsae renuntietur, conperta inprimis ilia omni 25 ratione quae delitiscens sub nominibus et imaginibus mor- tuorum quibusdam signis et miraculis et oraculis fidem diuinitatis operatur. 22. Atque adeo dicimus esse substantial quasdam spiri- tales. Nee nouum nomen est. Sciunt daemones philosophi, 30 Socrate ipso ad daemonii arbitrium exspectante. Quidni ? cum et ipsi daemonium a pueritia adhaesisse dicatur, dehortatorium plane a bono. Omnes sciunt poetae; etiam uulgus indoctum in usum maledicti frequentat. Nam et Satanan, principem huius mali generis, proinde de propria conscientia animae eadem 35 APOLOGETICVS 21, 22 75 But we will show you that the very persons whom you worship are reliable witnesses of Christ. It is a great point, if, to make you believe the Christians, I can employ those on whose account you now disbelieve them. Meantime this is the order of our teaching, this the beginning both of our sect and name together with that of its founder. Let no one now charge us with dishonour, let no one believe any other thing than this, because it is not permitted to any one to tell lies about his own religion. For from the moment that a man says anything is worshipped by him other than what he worships, he denies what he worships, and transfers both worship and honour to another, and by transferring he now no longer worships that which he denied. We affirm and affirm openly and, torn and bleeding, as we are, under your torture, AVC cry aloud, We worship God through Christ. Suppose him to be a man: it is through him and in him that God desires himself to be known and worshipped. But to reply to the Jews, they themselves too were taught to worship the Lord through the man Moses: and to meet the objections of the Greeks, Orpheus at Pieria, Musaeus at Athens, Melampus at Argos, Trophonius in Boeotia bound men by initiations : to turn my attention to you also, the rulers of the nations, Numa Pompilius, who loaded the Komans with most irksome super stitions, was a man. Let it be allowed to Christ to imagine divinity to be his own possession, not as a mere name by which he was to tone down to a true humanity a barbarous herd, by making them awe-struck at the crowd of so many divine powers that had to be appeased, as Numa did, but so as to open to the recognition of the truth the eyes of men already refined and deceived by their very refinement. Seek then and see whether this divinity of Christ be true. If it is that on the learning of which any one is reformed and becomes good, it follows that the unreal (divinity) must be given up, as all that method in particular has been found out, which hiding itself under names and representations of dead persons does by certain signs and wonders and oracles work belief in its own divinity. CHAP. XXII. And further we say that there are certain spiritual substances ; nor is the name unusual. The philosophers are familiar with daemons, since Socrates himself waited on the will of a daemon. Why not? A daemon is said to have actually attached itself to him since boyhood, evidently to dissuade him from good. All the poets know them, even the untaught rabble makes constant use of them for cursing; for they utter even the name of Satan, the chief of this evil class, as it were from the soul s innate knowledge, with the same 76 TERTVLLIANI execramenti uoce pronuntiat. Angelos quoque etiam Plato non negauit. Utriusque nominis testes esse uel magi adsunt. Sed quomodo de angelis quibusdam sua sponte corruptis corruptior gens daemonum euaserit, damnata a deo cum generis auctoribus et cum eo quern diximus principe, apud litteras sanctas ordo 5 cognoscitur. Nunc de operatione eorum satis erit exponere. Operatio eorum est hominis euersio. Sic malitia spiritalis a primordio auspicata est in hominis exitium. Itaque corporibus quidem et ualitudines infligunt et aliquos casus acerbos, animae uero repentinos et extraordinarios per uim excessus. Suppetit 10 illis ad utramque substantiam hominis adeundam subtilitas et tenuitas sua. Multum spiritalibus uiribus licet, ut inuisibiles et insensibiles in effectu potius quam in actu suo appareant, si poma, si fruges nescio quod aurae latens uitium in flore prae- cipitat, in germine exanimat, in pubertate conuulnerat, ac si 15 caeca ratione temptatus ae r pestilentes haustus suos offundit. Eadem igitur obscuritate contagionis adspiratio daemonum et angelorum mentis quoque corruptelas agit furoribus et amentiis foedis aut saeuis libidinibus cum erroribus uariis, quorum iste potissimus quo deos istos captis et circumscriptis hominum 20 mentibus commendat, ut et sibi pabula propria nidoris et sanguinis procuret simulacris imaginibus oblata. Et quae illi accuratior pascua est, quam ut hominem e cogitatu uerae diuinitatis auertat praestigiis falsis? Quas et ipsas quomodo operetur expediam. Omnis spiritus ales est. Hoc angeli et 25 daemones. Igitur memento ubique sunt ; totus orbis illis locus unus est ; quid ubi geratur tam facile sciunt quam adnuntiant. Velocitas diuinitas creditur, quia substantia ignoratur. Sic et auctores interdum uideri uolunt eorum quae adnuntiant. Et sunt plane malorum nonnunquam, bonorum tamen nunquam. 30 Dispositiones etiam dei et tune prophetis contionantibus excer- punt et nunc lectionibus resonantibus carpunt. Ita et hinc sumentes quasdam temporum sortes aemulantur diuinitatem, dum furantur diuinationem. In oraculis autem quo ingenio ambiguitates temperent in euentus sciunt Croesi, sciunt Pyrrhi. 35 APOLOGETICVS 22 77 word of cursing. Plato also did not deny the existence of angels : even the magi are ready to bear witness to both names (i.e. spirits and angels). Nay we learn in sacred literature the story how, from certain angels polluted of their own free-will, a yet more polluted race of spirits arose, condemned by God along with the founders of their stock and along with him whom we have called the chief. Now it will be enough to explain the course of their work. Their business is the destruction of man ; thus did the wickedness of spirits begin at the beginning of things with a view to the ruin of man. Therefore while it is true that they inflict on bodies both diseases and some severe accidents, they also inflict on the soul sudden and strange aberrations of violent madness. Their wonderful subtilty and fineness of texture give them access to both parts of man. Spiritual agencies have great power, so that being invisible and intangible 1 they show themselves rather in their effect than in their action; if fruit, if ground-crops are through some secret fault in the atmosphere nipt in the bud, killed in the seed, seriously damaged when ripe, and if the air attacked in some hidden way exhales its pestilential draughts. Then by the same obscure contagion the breathing of daemons and of angels (upon us) works corruptions of the mind also, in attacks of raving madness and disgraceful paroxysms of folly or cruel lusts attended by various errors, of which the most signal is this by which it recommends these gods to the enthralled and deluded minds of men, that it may obtain for itself also proper diets of fumes and blood, offered to statues and images. And what more exquisite pasture could it have than by its deceptive legerdemain to turn away man from thinking on true divinity ? How it works these very tricks I will explain. Every spirit is winged. So are angels and daemons. Consequently in a moment they are everywhere, to them the whole world is one place ; what is being done in any place it is as easy for them to know as to report. Their swiftness is believed to betoken divinity, be cause their substance is unknown. Thus they sometimes wish to be regarded as the authors also of what they report; and they certainly are so at times in the case of evil, but never of good things. Even the counsels of God they in the old days picked up from the words of the prophets, and in these days they gather them from the lessons of Scripture they hear. So it is that gleaning from them certain responses with regard to dates they enviously ape the divinity, while they steal the oracles of God. In the sphere of oracles, moreover, people like Croesus and Pyrrhus know with what ingenuity they adapt ambiguities to 1 The reference is to all the senses other than sight. 78 TERTYLLIANI Ceterum testudinem decoqui cum carnibus pecudis Pythius eo modo renuntiauit quo supra diximus; memento apud Lydiam fuerat. Habent de incolatu aeris et de uicinia siderum et de commercio nubium caelestes sapere paraturas, ut et pluuias, quas iam sentiunt, repromittant. Benefici plane et circa curas 5 ualitudinum. Laedunt enim primo, dehinc remedia praecipiunt ad miraculum noua siue contraria, post quae desinunt laedere, et curasse creduntur. Quid ergo de ceteris ingeniis uel etiam uiri- bus fallaciae spiritalis edisseram? phantasmata Castorum, et aquam cribro gestatam, et nauem cingulo promotam, et barbam 10 tactu inrufatam, ut numina lapides crederentur, ut deus uerus non quaereretur? 23. Porro, si et magi phantasmata edunt et iam defunc- torum infamant animas, si pueros in eloquium oraculi elidunt, si multa miracula circulatoriis praestigiis ludunt, si et somnia 15 immittunt habentes semel inuitatorum angelorum et daemonum adsistentem sibi potestatem, per quos et caprae et mensae diuinare consuerunt, quanto magis ea potestas de suo arbitrio et pro suo negotio studeat totis uiribus operari quod alienae praestat negotiationi ! Aut si eadem et angeli et daemones 20 operantur quae et dei uestri, ubi est ergo praecellentia diuinitatis, quam utique superiorem omni potestate credendum est? Non ergo dignius praesumetur ipsos esse qui se deos faciant, cum eadem edant quae faciant deos credi, quam pares angelis et daemonibus deos esse? Locorum differentia distinguitur, 25 opinor, ut a templis deos existimetis quos alibi deos non dicitis ; ut aliter dementire uideatur qui sacras turres peruolat, aliter qui tecta uiciniae transilit, et alia uis pronuntietur in eo qui genitalia uel lacertos, alia qui sibi gulam prosecat. Compar exitus furoris et una ratio est instigationis. Sed hactenus 30 APOLOGETICVS 22, 23 79 events. But it was in the way we have mentioned above that the Pythian Apollo reported the boiling of a tortoise with the flesh of a sheep ; a moment had taken him to Lydia. From the fact that they inhabit the air and from the neighbourhood of the stars and from their dealings with the clouds they are able to have knowledge of the preparations in heaven, so that they can even promise rains which they already feel. They are also clearly sorcerers 1 in their treatments of disease. For they first injure, and then prescribe remedies to excite wonder, whether simply new or absolutely opposed to the usual practices, after which they cease to injure, and are (thus) believed to have effected a cure. Why then should I speak of other subtilties or even powers of spiritual deception? the appearances of the Castors, and the water borne in a sieve, and the ship propelled by a girdle, and the beard made red at a touch, so that stones might be believed to be divinities, and the true God should not be sought after ? CHAP. XXIII. Moreover, if magicians also call forth apparitions and dishonour the souls of those already dead, if they put children to death to get an oracular utterance, if they perform many wonders with mountebank trickery, if they also let loose dreams, having to stand by them the power of angels and spirits once for all invited, through whom both goats and tables have been wont to give oracles, how much more would that power of its own initiative and on behalf of its own business exert itself with all its strength to carry out the same work, which it performs to serve the business of another ! Or if both angels and daemons work the same things as your gods also work, where then lies the preeminence of divinity, which must of course be believed to be superior to every (other) power? Will it not then be more fitting to assume that it is the persons themselves who make themselves gods, since they display the same actions which produce belief in divinity, than to imagine that the gods are merely on a level with angels and daemons? A distinction is made, I suppose, according to the difference of localities, so that from their temples you judge those to be gods, whom in other places you do not call gods ; so that one who flies through sacred towers is considered to suffer from one kind of madness, while one who leaps over the houses in the neigh bourhood is considered to suffer from another, and one power is declared to exist in him who cuts off his organs of generation or his arms, and another in him who cuts off his tongue. The result of the madness is alike in both cases and there is one 1 Reading Venefici. (For the confusion, cf. Aug. serm. 103 2.) 80 TERTVLLIANI uerba ; iam hinc demonstratio rei ipsius, qua ostendemus unam esse utriusque nominis qualitatem. Edatur hie aliqui ibidem sub tribunalibus uestris quern daemone agi constet. lussus a quolibet Christiano loqui spiritus ille tarn se daemonem confite- bitur de uero quam alibi dominum de falso. Aeque producatur 5 aliquis ex his qui de deo pati existimantur, qui aris inhalantes numen de nidore concipiunt, qui ructando curantur, qui anhe- lando praefantur. Ista ipsa Virgo Caelestis pluuiarum pollici- tatrix, ipse iste Aesculapius medicinarum demonstrator, aliam diem morituris Socordio et Tenatio et Asclepiodoto summini- 10 straturi, nisi se daemones confessi fuerint Christiano mentiri non audentes, ibidem illius Christiani procacissimi sanguinem fundite! Quid isto opere manifestius? Quid hac probatione fidelius? Simplicitas ueritatis in medio est. Virtus illi sua adsistit ; nihil suspicari licebit. Magia aut aliqua eiusmodi 15 fallacia fieri dicitis? Non dicetis, si oculi uestri et aures permiserint uobis. Quid autem inici potest aduersus id quod ostenditur nuda sinceritate ? Si altera parte uere dei sunt, cur sese daemonia mentiuntur? An ut nobis obsequantur? Iam ergo subiecta est Christianis diuinitas uestra, nee diuinitas 20 deputanda est quae subdita est homini et, si quid ad p dedecus facit, aemulis suis. Si altera parte daemones sunt uel angeli, cur se alibi pro deis agere respondent? Nam sicut illi qui dei habentur daemones se dicere noluissent, si uere dei essent, scilicet ne se de maiestate deponerent, ita et isti, quos directo 25 daemonas nostis, non auderent alibi pro deis agere, si aliqui omnino dei essent, quorum nominibus utuntur. Vererentur enim abuti maiestate superiore sine dubio et timendorum. Adeo nulla est diuinitas ista quam tenetis, quia, si esset, neque a daemoniis adfectaretur in confessione neque a deis negaretur. 30 Cum ergo utraque pars concurrit in confessionem deos esse negans, agnoscite unum genus esse, id est daemonas, uerum utrobique. Iam deos quaerite. Quos enim praesumpseratis, daemonas esse cognoscitis. Eadem uero opera nostra ab APOLOGETICVS 23 81 method only of incitement. But enough of words; from this point onward there must be a presentation of the thing itself, by which we shall show that the nature of gods and daemons is one. Let any one be produced in this very place under your tribunals, who it is well known is under the influence of a daemon ; that spirit, if ordered by any Christian to speak, will as readily confess itself a daemon, because it is true, as elsewhere a god because it is untrue. Let someone likewise be brought forward from among those who are thought to be under the influence of a god, men who by breathing on altars acquire a divine power from the odour of the sacrifice, who are cured by exhaling, and force an utterance as they pant. This very Maiden of the Heavens, the promiser of rains, this very Aescu lapius, the discoverer of cures, the ministers of another day to Socordius, Tenatius and Asclepiodotus, men doomed to die unless they confess themselves daemons, not daring to lie to a Christian, forthwith shed the blood of that most insolent Christian ! What could be more evident than a fact like this ? what more trustworthy than this demonstration? The sim plicity of truth is for all eyes to see, its own excellence supports it, suspicion is impossible. Do you say this result comes from magic or some deception of that kind? You will not say it, (even) if your eyes and ears allow you. But what can be in sinuated against that which is set forth in its naked simplicity ? If, on the one hand, they are truly gods, why do they say falsely that they are daemons ? is it that they may please us ? If so, then your divinity is already subject to Christians, and that is not to be considered divinity which is subject to a man, and (if aught can add to the disgrace) to its actual foes. If on the other hand they are daemons or angels, why do they answer that they play the part of gods elsewhere? For, just as those who are considered gods would have refused to call themselves daemons, if they had been truly gods, of course lest they should depose themselves from their high dignity, so also these whom you know at once to be daemons, would not dare elsewhere to pose as gods, if those gods whose names they usurp were gods of any sort at all, since they would be afraid to misuse those higher dignities which, without doubt, they would also have to dread. Therefore this divinity which you hold fast is non-existent: for, if it existed, it would neither be claimed by spirits in con fession, nor denied by gods. Since then both sides agree to our admission, denying that the gods exist, you must recognise that there is one class only, viz. daemons, but that it is on both sides. You must now seek for fresh gods, since those you had assumed to exist, you learn are daemons. But by this same aid from us, M. T. -82 TERTVLLIANI eisdem dels uestris non tantum hoc detegentibus quod neque ipsi del sint neque ulli alii, etiam illud in continenti cognoscitis, qui sit uere deus, et an ille et an unicus quern Christiani pro- fitemur, et an ita credendus colendusque, ut fides, ut disciplina disposita est Christianorum. Dicent ibidem : Et quis ille 5 Christus cum sua fabula? si homo communis conditionis? si magus? si post mortem de sepulchro a discipulis subreptus? si nunc denique penes inferos? si non in caelis potius, et inde uenturus cum totius mundi motu, cum orbis horrore, cum planctu omnium, sed non Christianorum, ut dei uirtus et dei 10 spiritus et sermo et sapientia et ratio et dei films ? Quodcunque ridetis, rideant et illi uobiscum ; negent Christum omnem ab aeuo animam restituto corpore iudicaturum, dicant hoc pro tribunali, si forte, Minoem et Rhadamanthum secundum con- sensum Platonis et poetarum hoc esse sortitos ; suae saltim 15 ignominiae et damnationis notam refutent. Renuntiant se immundos spiritus esse, quod uel ex pabulis eorum, sanguine et fumo et putidis rogis pecorum, et impuratissimis linguis ipsorum uatum intellegi debuit: renuant ob malitiam prae- damnatos se in eundem iudicii diem cum omnibus cultoribus 20 et operationibus suis. Atquin omnis haec nostra in illos dominatio et potestas de nominatione Christi ualet et de com- memoratione eorum quae sibi a deo per arbitrum Christum imminentia exspectant. Christum timentes in deo et deum in Christo subiciuntur seruis dei et Christi. Ita de contactu 25 deque afflatu nostro, contemplatione et repraesentatione ignis illius correpti etiam de corporibus nostro imperio excedunt inuiti et dolentes et uobis praesentibus erubescentes. Credite illis, cum uerum de se loquuntur, qui mentientibus creditis. Nemo ad suum dedecus mentitur, quin potius ad honorem. 30 Magis fides proxima est aduersus semetipsos confitentes quam pro semetipsis negantes. Haec denique testimonia deorum uestrorum Christianos facere consuerunt; quam plurimum illis credendo in Christo domino credimus. Ipsi litterarum nos- trarum fidem accendunt, ipsi spei nostrae fidentiam aedificant. 35 Colitis illos, quod sciam, etiam de sanguine Christianorum. APOLOGETICVS 23 83 from these same gods of yours, who reveal not only this, that neither they themselves nor any others are gods, you immedi ately learn this also, namely who is truly God, and whether it is he and he alone whom we Christians profess to believe, and whether he ought to be believed and worshipped as the belief and teaching of the Christians is laid down. They will say at the same time : And who is that Christ with his story ? was he a man of ordinary condition ? was he a magician ? was he after death stolen from the tomb by his disciples ? Is he now at last among the shades below ? Is he not rather in the heavens, and to come thence with a movement of the whole universe, with trembling of the world, with mourning of all (but not of the Christians), as the power of God and the breath and word and wisdom and reason of God, and the Son of God ? Whatsoever you laugh at, let them also (i.e. the daemons) laugh at it with you; let them deny that Christ will judge every soul that has been since the beginning of time, each having its body restored to it. Let them say that instead of this tribunal a Minos perhaps and a Rhadamanthus, according to the agreement of Plato and the poets, were allotted to this duty; let them at least repudiate the stigma of their own disgrace and condemnation. They report that they are unclean spirits, a fact which ought to have been understood even from their diet, blood and smoke and the putrid sacrifices of cattle, and the polluted tongues of the soothsayers themselves. Let them deny that on account of their wickedness they were fore-ordained to the same day of judgment with all their worshippers and agencies. Yet all this rule and power of ours over them derives its strength from the naming of Christ, and from the mention of those things which they look for as impending over them from God, through Christ the Judge. Fearing Christ in God and God in Christ, they are subject to the servants of God and Christ. Thus from our touch and from our breath being carried away by the thought and vision of that fire, they even leave the bodies of men at our order, unwilling and discomfited and ashamed at your presence. Believe them when they speak the truth about themselves, ye who believe them when they lie. No one lies to bring disgrace, but rather to bring honour upon himself. Credence is more readily given to those who confess against themselves than to those who deny in defence of themselves. Further these testimonies from your own gods have been wont to make Christians ; because, the more we believe them, the more we believe in Christ as Lord. They themselves excite belief in our scriptures, they themselves build up trust in our hope. To the best of my belief, you even pro pitiate them with the blood of Christians. They would therefore 62 84 TERTVLLIANI Nollent itaque uos tarn fructuosos, tarn officiosos sibi amittere, uel ne a uobis quandoque a Christianis fugentur, si illis sub Christiano, uolente uobis ueritatem probare, mentiri liceret. 24. Omnis ista confessio illorum qua se deos negant esse quaque non alium deum respondent praeter unum, cui nos 5 mancipamur, satis idonea est ad depellendum crimen laesae maxime Romanae religionis. Si enim non sunt dei pro certo, nee religio pro certo est: si religio non est, quia nee dei pro certo, nee nos pro certo rei sumus laesae religionis. At e con- trario in uos exprobratio resultauit, qui mendacium colentes 10 ueram religionem ueri dei non modo neglegendo, quin insuper expugnando, in uerum committitis crimen uerae inreligiositatis. Nunc ut constaret illos deos esse, nonne conceditis de aestima- tione communi aliquem esse sublimiorem et potentiorem, uelut principem mundi perfectae potentiae et maiestatis? Nam et 15 sic plerique disponunt diuinitatem, ut imperium summae dominationis esse penes unum, officia eius penes multos uelint, ut Plato louem magnum in caelo comitatum exercitu describit deorum pariter et daemonum. Itaque oportere et procurantes et praefectos et praesides pariter suspici. Et tarn en quod 20 facinus admittit qui magis ad Caesarem promerendum et operam et spem suam transfert nee appellationem dei ita ut imperatoris in aliquo principe confitetur, cum capitale esse iudicetur alium praeter Caesarem et dicere et audire? Colat alius deum, alius louem, alius ad caelum manus supplices tendat, 25 alius ad aram Fidei, alius, si hoc putatis, nubes numeret orans, alius lacunaria, alius suam animam deo suo uoueat, alius hirci. Videte enim ne et hoc ad inreligiositatis elogium concurrat, adimere libertatem religionis et interdicere optionem diuinitatis, ut non liceat mihi colere quern uelim, sed cogar colere quern 30 nolim. Nemo se ab inuito coli uolet, ne homo quidem. Atque adeo et Aegyptiis permissa est tarn uanae superstitionis potestas APOLOGETICVS 23, 24 85 be unwilling to lose those who are so profitable and so dutiful to them as you are, if only that they might not be driven away from you one day by the Christians, if it were in their power to speak falsely in the presence of a Christian who wished to prove the truth to you. CHAP. XXIV. All this confession of theirs, by which they deny that they are gods and by which they answer that there is no other God but one, whose servants we are, is sufficient to refute the charge of signal violation of the Roman religion. For if there are assuredly no gods, then assuredly there is no religion either; and if there is no religion, because assuredly there are no gods either, assuredly neither can we be charged with violation of religion. On the contrary the reproach has recoiled on yourselves, who, worshipping a lie, commit the crime of real irreligion against the truth, not only by neglecting the true worship of the true God, but by attacking it also. Now, even though it were allowed that those gods exist, do you not coincide with the general opinion that there is one higher and more powerful, a sort of head of the universe of absolute power and sovereignty? For very many also distribute the divine power in such a way as to wish the rule of the highest lordship to be in the hands of one, while his functions are in the hands of many, as Plato describes the great Jupiter in heaven, attended by a host alike of gods and of daemons, and held it thus to be right that the procurators and prefects and governors (in general) should be alike respected 1 . And yet what crime is committed by him who applies both his exertions and his hope rather to the winning of favour with Caesar, and does not allow the name God, just as he would not allow the name Emperor in the case of any leading man, since it is judged a capital offence both to use and to listen to the use of the name for any one but Caesar ? Let one worship God, another Jupiter; let one hold out suppliant hands to the sky, another to the altar of Fides; let one, if such is your opinion, count the clouds while he prays, another the panels of the ceiling; let one dedicate to his God his own life, another the life of a goat. Beware, too, lest this also should be combined with the charge of irreligion, the taking away of the liberty of worship and ^the forbidding of the choice of a god, so that I should be prevented from worshipping him whom I will, but should be compelled to worship (another) against my will. No being, not even a man, will desire to be worshipped by an unwilling person; and yet even the Egyptians were allowed the power of such a foolish superstition, for the deification of 1 Joining to previous sentence, as grammar requires. 86 TERTVLLIAN1 auibus et bestiis consecrandis et capite damnandis qui aliqueni huiusmodi deum occiderit. Unicuique etiam prouinciae et ciuitati suus deus est, ut Syriae Astartes, ut Arabiae Dusares, ut Noricis Belenus, ut Africae Caelestis, ut Mauritania^ reguli sui. Roman as, ut opinor, prouincias edidi, nee tamen Romanes 5 deos earum, quia Romae non magis coluntur quam qui per ipsam quoque Italiam municipali consecratione censentur: Casiniensium Deluentinus, Narniensium Visidianus, Ascula- norum Ancharia, Volsiniensium Nortia, Ocriculanorum Valentia, Sutrinorum Hostia ; Faliscorum in honorem Patris Curis et 10 accepit cognomen luno. Sed nos soli arcemur a religionis proprietate. Laedimus Romanes nee Romani habemur qui non Romanorum deum colimus. Bene quod omnium deus est, cuius uelimus aut nolimus omnes sumus. Sed apud uos quoduis colere ius est praeter deum uerum, quasi non hie 15 magis omnium sit deus cuius omnes sumus. 25. Satis quidem mihi uideor probasse de falsa et uera diuinitate, cum demonstraui quemadmodum probatio consistat, non modo disputationibus, nee argumentationibus, sed ipsorum etiam testimoniis quos deos creditis, ut nihil iam ad hanc 20 causam sit retractandum. Quoniam tamen Romani nominis proprie mentio occurrit, non omittam congressionem, quam prouocat ilia praesumptio dicentium Romarios pro merito religiositatis diligentissimae in tantum sublimitatis elatos, ut orbem occuparint, et adeo deos esse, ut praeter ceteros floreant 25 qui illis omcium praeter ceteros faciant. Scilicet ista merces a Romanis deis pro gratia expensa est. Sterculus et Mutunus et Larentina prouexit imperium. Peregrinos enim deos non putern extraneae genti magis fautum uoluisse quam suae, et patrium solum, in quo nati, adulti, nobilitati sepultique sunt, 30 transfretanis dedisse. Viderit Cybele, si urbem Romanam ut memoriam Troiani generis adamauit, uernaculi sui scilicet aduersus Achiuorum arma protecti, si ad ultores transire prospexit, quos sciebat Graeciam Phrygiae debellatricem sub- acturos. Itaque maiestatis suae in urbem conlatae grande 35 documentum nostra etiam aetate proposuit, cum Marco Aurelio APOLOGETICVS 24, 25 87 birds and beasts, and the condemnation to death of any one who had killed a god of this sort. Each province also and city-state has its own god, as Syria has Astartes, as Arabia Dusares, as the Norici have Belenus, as Africa has Caelestis, Mauretania its own chieftains. It is a list of Roman provinces that I have given, I think, and yet their gods are not Roman, because they are not more worshipped at Rome than those who throughout Italy itself also are ranked as gods from municipal consecration : Deluentinus of Casinum, Visidianus of Narnia, Ancharia of Asculum, Nortia of Volsinii, Valentia of Ocricu- lum, Hostia of Sutrium, Juno of the Falisci, who also received the surname (Curritis) in honour of Father Curis. But we alone are debarred from a religion of our own. We offend the Romans and are not considered Romans because we do not worship the- god of the Romans. It is well that there is a God of all, to whom willy nilly we all belong. But among you it is .lawful to worship anything except the true God, as if He to whom we all belong were not rather the God of all. CHAP. XXV. I think I have now given sufficient proof about true and false divinity, since I have shown how the proof holds together, not only by discussions or reasonings, but also by the evidence of those very beings whom you believe to be gods, so that nothing now needs to be revised for the present purpose. Since, however, a special reference has been made to the Roman name, I will not pass over the controversy, provoked by the prejudiced assertion that the Romans owing to their scrupulous piety have been raised to such a height of glory, as to have gained dominion over the world, and to have proved the existence of their gods by the fact that those flourish beyond all others who beyond all others are mindful of their duty to them. This reward was paid, forsooth, by the Roman gods in gratitude. The extension of the empire was due to Sterculus and Mutunus and Larentina! For I could not suppose that foreign gods wished more favour shown to a foreign race than to their own, and gave the land of their fathers, in which they were born, grew up, were ennobled and were buried, to those from across the sea. Let Cybele see to it, if she learned to love the city of Rome as the memorial of the Trojan race, her own native race forsooth, which she had guarded against the arms of the Greeks, if she had the fore thought to desert to the avengers, who, she knew, would subdue Greece, the vanquisher of Phrygia. Therefore even in our time she has exhibited a signal proof of honour conferred on Rome, when on the removal of Marcus Aurelius from the conduct of 88 TERTVLLIANI apud Sirmium reipublicae exempto die sexto decimo Kalen- darum Aprilium archigallus ille sanctissimus die nono Kalen- darum earundem, quo sanguinem inpurum lacertos quoque castrando libabat, pro salute imperatoris Marci iam intercept! solita aeque imperia mandauit. nuntios tardos ! o somni- 5 culosa diplomata! quorum uitio excessum imperatoris non ante Cybele cognouit, ne deam talem riderent Christiani. Sed non statim et lupiter Cretam suam Romanis fascibus concuti sineret, oblitus antrum illud Idaeum et aera Corybantia et iocundissimum illic nutricis suae odorem. Nonne omni Capi- 10 tolio tumulum ilium suum praeposuisset, ut ea potius orbi terrae praecelleret quae cineres louis texit? Vellet luno Punicam urbem posthabita Samo dilectam ab Aeneadarum gente deleri? Quod sciam hie illius arma, *5 Hie currus fuit, hoc regnum dea gentibus esse, Si qua fata sinant, iam turn tenditque fouetque. Misera ilia coniunx louis et soror aduersus fata non ualuit! Plane Fato stat lupiter ipse. 20 Nee tantum tamen honoris fatis Roman i dicauerunt dedentibus sibi Carthaginem aduersus destinatum uotumque lunonis quan tum prostitutissimae lupae Larentinae. Plures deos uestros regnasse certum est. Igitur si conferendi imperii tenent potes- tatem, cum ipsi regnarent, a quibus acceperant earn gratiam? 25 Quern coluerat Saturnus et lupiter? Aliquem, opinor, Ster- culum. Sed postea Romani cum indigenis suis, etiam si qui non regnauerunt? Tamen regnabantur ab aliis nondum cultoribus suis, ut qui nondum dei habebantur. Ergo aliorum est regnum dare, quia regnabatur multo ante quam isti dei 30 inciderentur. Sed quam uanum est fastigium Romani nominis religiositatis meritis deputare, cum post imperium siue adhuc regnum religio profecerit. Age iam, rebus religio profecerit? Nam etsi a Numa concepta est curiositas superstitiosa, nondum tamen aut simulacris aut templis res diuina apud Romanos 35 constabat. Frugi religio et pauperes ritus et nulla Capitolia APOLOGETICVS 25 89 public affairs, by death, at Sirmium on the seventeenth of March, that most holy high-priest (of Cybele) on the twenty-fourth of that same March, on which he made a libation of impure blood, mutilating his arms also, none the less issued the usual orders for the safety of the emperor Marcus, though his life was already ended. Oh slothful messengers ! Oh sleepy despatches ! whose fault it was that Cybele had no earlier news of the emperor s demise, so as to prevent the ridicule of such a goddess by the Christians. But even Jupiter would not immediately have allowed his own Crete to be upset by the Roman fasces, for getting the Idaean cave and the Corybantic cymbals and the pleasing odour of his nurse there. Would he not have preferred his own grave there to any Capitol, so that the land which covered the ashes of Jupiter should rather rule over the world ? Would Juno have wished that the Carthaginian city, which she loved next to Samos, should be destroyed by the race of the sons of Aeneas (above all others) ? To the best of my knowledge : Here stood her chariot: here, if Heav n were kind, The seat of awful empire she design d. The unhappy wife and sister of Jupiter could not prevail against the fates ! It is evident Jupiter himself depends on destiny. Yet the Romans have not offered so much honour to the fates which gave up Carthage to them against the will and prayer of Juno, as they have to the common whore Larentina. It is certain that a number of your gods were kings. Therefore, if they have the power of conferring rule, from whom had they received it, when they themselves reigned? Whom had Saturn and Jupiter worshipped ? Some Sterculus, I suppose. But what did the Romans do later with their native gods, even if some did not reign? Yet the country was ruled by others, not yet their worshippers, seeing they were not yet regarded as gods. Consequently it is the prerogative of others to confer a kingdom, because kingly rule existed much earlier than these gods had their names engraved. But how foolish it is to attribute the glory of the Roman name to the deserts of piety, when your religion has developed since the time of the Empire or even since the time of the kingdom! Come now, has the crrowth of the state led to the advance of piety? No; for although Numa first formulated superstitious curiosity, never theless it was not till later that the divine element among the Romans consisted either of images or of temples; piety was frugal and the ceremonies were inexpensive, and there was no Capitol striving to reach the sky, but only improvised altars made of turf, and vessels which were still of common 90 TERTVLLIANI certantia ad caelum, sed temeraria de cespite altaria, et uasa adhuc Samia, et nidor ex illis, et deus ipse nusquam. Nondum enim tune ingenia Graecorum atque Tuscorum fmgendis simu- lacris urbem inundauerant. Ergo non ante religiosi Roman! quam magni, ideoque non ob hoc magni, quia religiosi. Atquin 5 quomodo ob religionem magni, quibus magnitudo de inreligiosi- tate prouenit? Ni fallor enim, omne regnum uel imperium bellis quaeritur et uictoriis propagatur. Porro bella et uictoriae captis et euersis plurimum urbibus constant. Id negotium sine deorum iniuria non est. Eaedem strages moenium et tern- 10 plorum, pares caedes ciuium et sacerdotum, nee dissimiles rapinae sacrarum diuitiarum et profanarum. Tot igitur sacrilegia Romanorum quot tropaea, tot de deis quot de gentibus triumphi, tot nianubiae quot manent adhuc simulacra captiuorum deorum. Et ab hostibus ergo suis sustinent adorari 15 et illis imperium sine fine decernunt quorum magis iniurias quam adolationes remunerasse debuerant. Sed qui nihil sentiunt tarn impune laeduntur quam frustra coluntur. Certe non potest fidei conuenire, ut religionis mentis excreuisse uideantur qui, ut suggessimus, religionem aut laedendo creuerunt 20 aut crescendo laeserunt. Etiam illi quorum regna conflata sunt in imperii Romani summam, cum ea amitterent, sine religionibus non fuerunt. 26. Videte igitur, ne ille regna dispenset cuius est et orbis qui regnatur et homo ipse qui regnat, ne ille uices dominationum 25 ipsis temporibus in saeculo ordinarit qui ante omne tempus fuit et saeculum corpus temporum fecit, ne ille ciuitates extollat aut deprimat sub quo fuit sine ciuitatibus aliquando gens hominum. Quid erratis? prior est quibusdam deis suis siluestris Roma, ante regnauit quam tantum ambitum Capitolii extrueret. 30 Regnauerant et Babylonii ante Pontifices, et Medi ante Quin- decimuiros, et Aegyptii ante Salios, et Assyrii ante Lupercos, et Amazones ante Virgines Vestales. Postremo si Romanae APOLOGETICVS 25, 26 91 pottery, and the sacrificial odour from them, and the god him self nowhere to be seen. For at that time the talents of the Greeks and Etruscans had not yet flooded the capital to execute commissions for statues. Consequently the Romans were not religious before they were great, and therefore their religion was not the cause of their greatness. Further, how can it be on account of religion that they are great, seeing it was the want of religion which made them great? For unless I am mistaken, every kingdom or empire is gained by wars and extended by victories. Again, wars and victories are generally at the cost of the capture and destruction of cities. That business cannot be carried out without harm to gods. Walls and temples are involved in common ruin, citizens and priests are alike slaughtered, and there is no difference in the plundering of sacred and profane wealth. Therefore the sacrilegious acts of the Romans are as many in number as their trophies ; they have triumphed as often over gods as over nations, their spoils in war are no more numerous than the images of captive gods that still remain. They therefore endure to be worshipped even by their enemies, and they decree an empire without end to those whose injuries, rather than their acts of worship 1 , they should have repaid. But those who are without feeling, it is as harmless to injure, as it is idle to worship. Certainly it is beyond belief, that those should have progressed on account of their religious merits, who, as we have hinted, have either grown by injury done to religion or have inflicted injury on religion by their growth. Even those whose kingdoms have been com bined to make up the sum of the Roman Empire, were not with out religions at the time when they lost their kingdoms. CHAP. XXVI. See therefore, whether it is not he who regulates kingdoms, whose is both the world that is ruled, and the man himself that rules ; whether it is not he that fixed the alternations of power at their actual dates in the world s history, who was before all time and made the history of the world the embodiment of time and seasons; whether it is not he who raises or crushes states, under whom the race of men existed at one time without states. Why are you led astray? Rome in her rude state is older than certain of its gods, it ruled before it raised such a wide circuit as the Capitol. The Babylonians too had reigned before the pontiffs, and the Medes before the Quindecimviri, and the Egyptians before the Salii, the Assyrians before the Luperci, the Amazons before the Vestal Virgins. Finally, if it is the religious rites of Rome that confer kingdoms, 1 Spell correctly adulationes. 92 TERTVLLIANI religiones regna praestant, mmquam retro ludaea regnasset despectrix communium istarum diuinitatum, cuius et deum uictimis et templum donis et gentem foederibus aliquamdiu Roman! honorastis, numquam dominaturi eius, si deo non deliquisset ultimo in Christum. 5 27. Satis haec aduersus intentationem laesae diuinitatis, quo non uideamur laedere earn quam ostendimus non esse. Igitur prouocati ad sacrificandum obstruimus gradum pro fide conscientiae nostrae, qua certi sumus ad quos ista perueniant officia sub imaginum prostitutione et humanorum nominum 10 consecratione. Sed quidam dementiam existimant, quod, cum possimus et sacrificare in praesenti et inlaesi abire manente apud animum proposito. obstinationem saluti praeferamus. Datis scilicet consilium, quo uobis abutamur; sed agnoscimus, unde talia suggerantur, quis totum hoc agitet, et quomodo 15 nunc astutia suadendi nunc duritia saeuiendi ad constantiam nostram deiciendam operetur. Ille scilicet spiritus daemoniacae et angelicae paraturae, qui noster ob diuortium aemulus et ob dei gratiam inuidus de mentibus uestris aduersus nos proeliatur occulta inspiratione modulatis et subornatis ad omnem quam 20 in primordio exorsi sumus et iudicandi peruersitatem et saeuiendi iniquitatem. Nam licet subiecta sit nobis tota uis daemonum et eiusmodi spirituum, ut nequam tamen et serui metu non- nunquam contumaciam miscent, et laedere gestiunt quos alias uerentur. Odium enim etiam timor spirat. Praeterquam et 25 desperata condicio eorum ex praedamnatione solatium reputat fruendae interim malignitatis de poenae mora. Et tamen adprehensi subiguntur et condicioni suae succidunt, et quos de longinquo oppugnant, de proximo obsecrant. Itaque cum uice rebellantium ergastulorum siue carcerum uel metallorum uel 30 hoc genus poenalis seruitutis erumpunt aduersus nos, in quorum potestate sunt, certi et inpares se esse et hoc magis perditos, ingratis resistimus ut aequales et repugnamus perseuerantes in eo quod oppugnant et illos nunquam magis detriumphamus quam cum pro fidei obstinatione damnamur. 35 APOLOGETICVS 26, 27 93 Judea would never have reigned in the past, since she disdained all these ordinary divinities ; and yet ye Romans for some time honoured her God with victims, her temple with gifts and her people with treaties, nor would you ever have ruled over her, if she had not sinned against God and finally against Christ also. CHAP. XXVII. This meets the charge of injury to your gods, since we -cannot be supposed to injure that which we have shown to be non-existent. Therefore when we are challenged to sacrifice, we make a stand against it on the strength of our conscience, whereby we are assured who those are to whom these services extend under the profanation of images and the deification of human names. But some think it madness that, when we might both sacrifice at the time and depart uninjured, while retaining our own private opinions, we should prefer stubbornness to safety. Forsooth you are giving us advice how to take advantage of you ; but we recognise the source of such hints, who it is that prompts all this, and how at one time by cunning advice, at another by harsh cruelty, he is working towards the overthrow of our firmness. Assuredly that spirit of daemonic 1 and angelic nature, which, being our enemy on account of its separation (from God) and being jealous on account of the favour of God (shown to us), wars against us from the fortress of your minds, which by a secret influence are regulated and equipped for all that perversity of judgment and unfairness of cruelty which we began to describe at the outset. For although all the power of daemons and spirits of that kind is subject to us, yet like worthless people and slaves they sometimes mingle obstinacy with fear, and are eager to injure those, of whom at another time they are afraid : for even fear breathes hatred. Furthermore their hopeless state, arising from the fact of their being foredoomed, gleans from the delay of punishment the solace of enjoying their evil disposition during the meantime. And yet when they are seized they are subdued and yield to their fate, and those whom they attack afar off, they supplicate when they are nigh. Therefore when, like rebellious slaves, confined in barracoons or prisons or mines or quarries or suffering any other penal servitude of this kind, they break out against us in whose power they are, knowing full well both .that they are ill-matched and that they are thus all the more undone, we resist them against our will as equals and attack them in return, continuing in that which they attack, and we never triumph over them more than when we are condemned for the persistence of our belief. 1 Read daemonicae, probably the only form known to Tertullian. 94 TERTVLLIANI 28. Quoniam autem facile iniquum uideretur liberos homines inuitos urgeri ad sacrificandum (nam et alias diuinae rei faciundae libens animus indicitur), certe ineptum existi- maretur, si quis ab alio cogeretur ad honorem deorum, quos ultro sui causa placare deberet, ne prae manu esset iure libertatis 5 dicere : Nolo mihi louem propitium ; tu quis es ? Me conueniat lanus iratus ex qua uelit f ronte ; quid tibi mecum est ? Forma ti estis ab isdem utique spiritibus, uti nos pro salute imperatoris sacrificare cogatis, et inposita est tarn uobis necessitas cogendi quam nobis obligatio periclitandi. Ventum est igitur ad 10 secundum titulum laesae augustioris maiestatis, siquidem maiore formidine et callidiore timiditate Caesarem obseruatis quam ipsum de Olympo louem. Et merito, si sciatis. Quis enim ex uiuentibus quilibet non mortuo potior? Sed nee hoc uos ratione facitis potius quam respectu praesentaneae potes- 15 tatis : adeo et in isto inreligiosi erga deos uestros deprehendemini, cum plus timoris humano dominio dicatis. Citius denique apud uos per omnes deos quam per unum genium Caesaris peieratur. 29. Constet igitur prius, si isti, quibus sacrificatur, salutem imperatoribus uel cuilibet homini inpertire possunt, et ita nos 20 crimini maiestatis addicite, si angeli aut daemones substantia pessimi spiritus beneficium aliquod operantur, si perditi con- seruant, si damnati liberant, si denique, quod in conscientia uestra est, mortui uiuos tuentur. Nam utique suas primo statuas et imagines et aedes tuerentur, quae, ut opinor, Caesarum 25 milites excubiis salua praestant. Puto autem, eae ipsae materiae de metallis Caesarum ueniunt, et tota templa de nutu Caesaris constant. Multi denique dei habuerunt Caesarem iratum. Facit ad causam, si et propitium, cum illis aliquid liberalitatis aut priuilegii confert. Ita qui sunt in Caesaris potestate, cuius 30 et toti sunt, quomodo habebunt salutem Caesaris in potestate, ut earn praestare posse uideantur, quarn facilius ipsi a Caesare consequantur ? Ideo ergo committimus in maiestatem impera- APOLOGETICVS 28, 29 95 CHAP. XXVIII. Since however it might easily seem unjust that free men should be forced against their will to perform sacrifice (for at other times also a willing mind is enjoined for the performance of religious duty), it would assuredly be thought absurd, if any one were compelled by another to pay respect to gods, whom he was bound to appease for his own sake without any urging, lest it might at once be open to him to say by the right of freedom: I do not want Jupiter to be propitious to me ; who are you ? Let Janus meet me with angry looks from any face he likes ; what business have you with me ? You were framed of course by the same spirits to compel us to sacrifice for the safety of the emperor, and the necessity for coercion was as much imposed OH you as the obligation of incurring danger by refusal was imposed on us. We have come then to the second charge, that of injury done to a more sacred majesty, since you worship the Caesar with greater dread and more calculating fear than you do Olympian Jove himself. And deservedly, if you only knew. For who among the living is not better than any dead man you like ? But even this is not done by you from reason, so much as from regard to authority which acts on the spur of the moment ; to such a degree in this matter also will you be found irreligious towards your gods, in showing more dread of human power. Finally among you a man will sooner commit perjury by all the gods than by the one genius of Caesar. CHAP. XXIX. First then let it be agreed, whether these to whom sacrifice is offered can confer safety on the emperors or on any other man, and then charge us with treason, if angels or daemons, in essence most depraved, work any benefit, if the lost save, if those that are condemned acquit, if finally, the dead (such as ye know your gods to be) are guardians of the living. If so, they would first at all events guard their own statues and images and temples, which I believe the soldiers of the Caesars keep safe by night pickets. I think moreover that the very materials of these come from the mines of the Caesars, and that the erection of whole temples depends on the will of the Caesar. Further, many gods have experienced the wrath of Caesar. It supports my case, if they have also found him propitious, when he confers upon them some free gift or privilege. How then can they, who are in the power of the Caesar, and who entirely belong to him, have the safety of the Caesar in their power, so as to appear able to grant that (safety), which they themselves would more easily gain from the Caesar? Therefore it is that we oft end against the majesty 96 TERTVLLIANI toris, quia illos non subicimus rebus suis, quia non ludimus de officio salutis ipsorum qui earn non putamus in manibus esse plumbatis. Sed uos inreligiosi, qui earn quaeritis ubi non est, petitis a quibus dari non potest, praeterito eo in cuius est potes- tate. Insuper eos debellatis qui earn sciunt petere, qui etiam 5 possunt impetrare, dum sciunt petere. 30. Nos enim pro salute imperatorum deum inuocamus aeternum, deum uerum, deum uiuum, quern et ipsi imperatores propitium sibi praeter ceteros malunt. Sciunt quis illis dederit imperium, sciunt, qua homines, quis et ariimam, sentiunt eum 10 esse deum solum in cuius solius potestate suiit, a quo sint secundi, post quern primi, ante omnes et super omnes deos. Quidni ? cum super omnes homines, qui utique uiuunt et mortuis antistant. Recogitant quousque uires imperii sui ualeant, et ita deum intellegunt ; aduersus quern ualere non possunt, per 15 eum ualere se cognoscunt. Caelum denique debellet imperator, caelum captiuum triumpho suo inuehat, caelo mittat excubias, caelo uectigalia irnponat. Non potest. Ideo magnus est quia caelo minor est. Illius enim est ipse cuius et caelum est et omnis creatura. Inde est imperator unde et homo antequam 20 imperator, inde potestas illi unde et spiritus. Illuc suspicientes Christiani manibus expansis, quia innocuis, capite nudo, quia non erubescimus, denique sine monitore, quia de pectore oramus, precantes sumus semper pro omnibus imperatoribus. Vitam illis prolixam, imperium securum, domum tutam, exercitus 25 fortes, senatum fidelem, populum probum, orbem quietum, quaecunque hominis et Caesaris uota sunt, haec ab alio orare non possum quam a quo me scio consecuturum, quoniam et ipse est qui solus praestat et ego sum cui impetrare debetur, famulus eius, qui eum solus obseruo, qui propter disciplinam 30 eius occidor, qui ei offero opimam et maiorem hostiam quam ipse mandauit, orationem de carne pudica, de anima innocenti, de spiritu sancto profectam, non grana thuris unius assis, Arabicae arboris lacrimas, nee duas meri guttas, nee sanguinem reprobi bouis mori optantis, et post omnia inquinamenta etiam 35 APOLOGETICVS 29, 30 97 of the emperors, because we do not subject them to their own creatures, because we do not make sport of the duty of (praying for) their safety, since we do not think that it lies in hands soldered with lead. But you are the irreligious people, who seek it where it is not, ask it of those who cannot give it, passing over him in whose power it is. Furthermore you persecute those who know how to ask it, who can also obtain it, since they know how to ask. CHAP. XXX. For we invoke on behalf of the safety of the emperors a God who is everlasting, a God who is real, a God who is living, whom even the emperors themselves prefer should be propitious to them beyond all others. They know who gave them empire, they know, as human beings, who gave them life also, they feel that he is the only God, in whose power alone they are, to whom they are second, after whom they are first, before all and above all gods. Why not? since they are above all men, who of course are alive and take precedence of the dead. They reflect how far the strength of their empire extends, and thus they understand God ; they recognise that they are strong through him, against whom they have no strength. Let the emperor then subdue heaven, let him lead heaven captive in his triumph, let him set his watch, let him impose his tribute on heaven. He cannot; he is great for the reason that he is only less than heaven. For he himself belongs to Him whose are both heaven and all created things. He derives his position of emperor from the same source from which he derived his humanity before he became emperor. He gets his power from the source from which he gets his breath. Thither the Christians look up, with hands spread out because innocent, with head uncovered, because we are not ashamed, finally without a prompter, because we pray from the heart. We pray always for all the emperors, that they may have a long life, a safe rule, a family free from danger, courageous armies, a faithful senate, loyal subjects, a peaceful world, all that a man and a Caesar pray for. These things I cannot pray for from any one else than from him from whom I know I shall get them, since he himself alone can give them, and I am he to whom the obtaining is due, his slave, who alone worship him, who on account of his teaching am put to death, who offer him a rich and greater victim than he himself commanded, prayer arising from a pure body, from an innocent soul, from the Holy Spirit, not grains of incense costing a penny, the tears of an Arabian tree, nor two drops of unmixed wine, nor the blood of an un sound ox, anxious for death, and after all these stains a conscience M. T. 98 TERTVLLIANI conscientiam spurcam : ut mirer, cum hostiae probantur penes uos a uitiosissimis sacerdotibus, cum cuiuis praecordia potius uictimarum quam ipsorum sacrificantium examinantur. Sic itaque nos ad deum expanses ungulae fodiant, cruces suspendant, ignes lambant, gladii guttura detruncent, bestiae insiliant : 5 paratus est ad omne supplicium ipse habitus orantis Christiani. Hoc agite, boni praesides, extorquete animam deo supplicantem pro imperatore. Hoc erit crimen, ubi ueritas dei et deuotio est. 31. Adolati nunc sumus imperatori et mentiti uota quae diximus, ad euadendam scilicet uim. Plane proficit ista fallacia. 10 Admittitis nos enim probare quodcunque defendimus. Qui ergo putaueris nihil nos de salute Caesarum curare, inspice dei uoces, litteras nostras, quas neque ipsi supprimimus et plerique casus ad extraneos transferunt. Scitote ex illis praeceptum esse nobis ad redundantiam benignitatis etiam pro inimicis deum orare et 15 persecutoribus nostris bona precari. Qui magis inimici et per- secutores Christianorum quam de quorum maiestate conuenimur in crimen? Sed etiam nominatim atque manifeste, Orate, inquit, pro regibus et pro principibus et potestatibus, ut omnia tranquilla sint uobis. Cum enim concutitur imperium, concussis 20 etiam ceteris membris eius utique et nos, licet extranei a turbis aestimemur, in aliquo loco casus inuenimur. 32. Est et alia maior necessitas nobis orandi pro impera- toribus, etiam pro omni statu imperii rebusque Romanis, qui uim maximam uniuerso orbi imminentem ipsamque clausulam 25 saeculi acerbitates horrendas comminantem Romani imperii commeatu scimus retardari. Itaque nolumus experiri, et dum precamur ditTerri, Romanae diuturnitati fauemus. Sed et iuramus, sicut non per genios Caesarum, ita per salutem eorum, quae est augustior omnibus geniis. Nescitis genios daemonas 3 dici et inde diminutiua uoce daemonia? Nos iudicium dei suspicimus in imperatori bus, qui gentibus illos praefecit. Id in eis scimus esse quod deus uoluit, ideoque et saluum uolumus esse quod deus uoluit et pro magno id iuramento habemus. APOLOGETTCVS 30, 31, 32 99 also that is foul ; so that I wonder, when the victims are tested among you by vicious priests, when any one judges the hearts rather of the victims than of the sacrificers themselves. There fore let hooks thus dig into us while our hands are spread out to God, let crosses suspend us, let fires play about us, let swords behead us, let wild-beasts leap upon us ; the very attitude of the praying Christian is ready for every kind of capital punish ment. This is your duty, ye excellent governors, wrench out a soul that is praying to God for the emperor. The crime will be found there, where is the truth of a God and piety to him. CHAP. XXXI. Now they tell us that we have fawned upon the emperor and uttered lying prayers, of course with the view of escaping violence. Clearly this deception is to our benefit ; for you allow that we make good whatever point we defend. You therefore who have thought that we care nothing for the safety of the Caesars, look into our Scripture, the oracles of God, which we ourselves do not conceal and many accidents bring into the hands of strangers. Know from these that we are taught to the point of superfluity of kindness even to pray God for our enemies and to entreat benefits for our perse cutors. Who are to a greater extent enemies and persecutors of the Christians than those about whose majesty we are arraigned? But even by name and clearly: Pray, says (the scripture), for kings and for chiefs and for powers, that all things may be at peace for you. For when the empire is shattered, and when the other parts of it also are shattered, we too of course, although the crowd considers us foreigners, are involved in some quarter of the disaster. CHAP. XXXII. There is also another greater necessity for us to pray for emperors, even for the whole state of the Empire and the fortunes of Rome, since we know that the great force which is threatening the whole world and the end itself of world- history which threatens terrible afflictions is being kept back by the respite granted to the Roman empire. Therefore we are unwilling to experience this, and while we pray for its post ponement we are favouring the long continuance of Rome. But we also swear, though not by the genii of the Caesars, yet by their safety, which is more divine than any genii. Do you not know that genii is a name for daemones and for daemonia, a diminutive word derived from it? We look up to the judgment of God in the emperors, for He set them over the races of the world. We know that that is in them which God willed, and so we wish that also to be safe which God willed, and we consider 72 100 TERTVLLIANI Ceterum daemonas, id est genios, adiurare consueuimus, ut illos de hominibus exigamus, non deierare, ut eis honorem diuinitatis conferamus. 33. Sed quid ego amplius de religione atque pietate Christiana in imperatore ? quern necesse est suspiciamus ut 5 eum quern dominus noster elegit, ut merito dixerim : Noster est magis Caesar, a nostro deo cons ti tutus. Itaque ut meo plus ego illi operor in salutem, siquidem non solum ab eo postulo earn qui potest praestare, aut quod talis postulo qui merear impetrare, sed etiam quod temperans maiestatem Caesans infra 10 deum magis ilium commendo deo, cui soli subicio. Subicio autem cui non adaequo. Non enim deum imperatorem dicam, uel quia mentiri nescio, uel quia ilium deridere non audeo, uel quia nee ipse se deum uolet dici. Si homo sit, interest homini deo cedere. Satis habeat appellari imperator. Grande et hoc 15 nomen est, quod a deo traditur. Negat ilium imperatorem qui deum dicit; nisi homo sit non est imperator. Hominem se esse etiam triumphans in illo sublimissimo curru admonetur. Suggeritur enim ei a tergo: Respice post te! Hominem te memento ! Et utique hoc magis gaudet tanta se gloria corus- 20 care, ut illi admonitio condicionis suae sit necessaria. Minor erat, si tune deus diceretur, quia non uere diceretur. Maior est qui reuocatur, ne se deum existimet. 34. Augustus, imperii formator, ne dominum quidem dici se uolebat ; et hoc enim dei est cognomen. Dicam plane 25 imperatorem dominum, sed more communi, sed quando non cogor, ut dominum dei nice dicam. Ceterum liber sum illi. Dominus enim meus unus est, deus omnipotens aeternus, idem qui et ipsius. Qui pater patriae est, quomodo dominus est? Sed et gratius est nomen pietatis quam potestatis. Etiam 30 familiae magis patres quam domini uocantur. Tanto abest ut imperator deus debeat dici, quod non potest credi non modo APOLOGETICVS 32, 33, 34 101 that to be a great oath. But demons, that is genii, we have been accustomed to adjure, in order to drive them out of men, not to swear by them, in order to confer the honour of divinity upon them. CHAP. XXXIII. But why should I say more about the religious attitude and the loyalty of the Christians towards the emperor? We are bound to look up to him as the one whom our Lord has chosen. I should be justified in saying: the Caesar is more ours (than yours), as having been appointed by our God. Accordingly, as he is mine, I work more for his safety, since I not only ask it from Him who is able to grant it, or because I who ask it am such an one as deserves to obtain it, but also because by lowering the greatness of the Caesar as compared with that of God, I commend him the more to God, to whom alone I subject him. But I subject him to Him, to whom I do not make him equal. For I will not call the emperor God, whether it is because I am unable to lie, or whether I do not dare to mock him, or because he himself will not even wish to be called God. If he be a man, it is man s interest to yield to God ; let him be content to be styled emperor. This also is a great name, bestowed upon him by God. He who calls the Caesar God, denies him to be what he is, an emperor ; unless he be a man, he is not emperor. That he is a man he is reminded even when he is riding in his triumphal chariot. For a hint comes to him from the rear: Look behind you! Eemember that you are a man ! And surely he is all the more carried away by the thought of his resplendent glory, that a reminder of his lot is necessary to him. He were smaller (than he is), if he were then called God, because he would not be truly so called. He who is recalled to himself lest he should think himself God, is the greater. CHAP. XXXIV. Augustus, the creator of the empire,, refused even to be called Lord: for this too is a surname of God. Of course I shall call the emperor lord, but with the usual spelling, and only when I am not forced to call him Lord with a capital, in place of God. But I am free so far as he is concerned ; for I have but one Master, the almighty and eternal God, the same who is also his God. How can he who is father of his native city be its lord? Moreover, the name which suggests affectionate care is more pleasing than that which suggests authority. Even of a household men are called fathers rather than lords. So far is it from being a right of the emperor to be called God, which is incredible [except] by a flattery that 102 TERTVLLIANI turpissima sed et perniciosa adolatione. Tamquam si habens imperatorem alterum appelles, nonne maximam et inexorabilem offensam contrahes eius quern habuisti, etiam ipsi timendam quern appellasti? Esto religiosus in deum, qui uis ilium pro- pi tium imperatori. Desine alium deum credere atque ita et 5 hunc deum dicere cui deo opus est. Si non de mendacio erubescit adulatio eiusmodi hominem deum appellans, timeat saltim de infausto. Maledictum est ante apotheosin deum Caesar em nuncupari. 35. Propterea igitur publici hostes Christiani, quia impera- 10 toribus neque uanos neque mentientes neque temerarios honores dicant, quia uerae religionis homines etiam sollemnia eorum conscientia potius quam lasciuia celebrant. Grande uidelicet officium focos et toros in publicum educere, uicatim epulari, ciuitatem tabernae habitu abolefacere, uino lutuni cogere, 15 cateruatim cursitare ad iniurias, ad inpudentias, ad libidinis inlecebras. Sicine exprimitur publicum gaudium per dedecus publicum? Haecine solemnes dies principum decent, quae alios dies non decent? Qui obseruant disciplinam de Caesaris respectu, hi earn propter Caesarem deserunt, et malorum 20 morum licentia pietas erit, occasio luxuriae religio deputabitur ? nos merito danmandos ! Cur enim uota et gaudia Caesarum casti et sobrii et probi expungimus? cur die laeto non laureis postes obumbramus nee lucernis diem infringimus? Honesta res est solemnitate publica exigente induere domui tuae habitum 25 alicuius noui lupanaris. Velim tamen in hac quoque religione secundae maiestatis, de qua in secundum sacrilegium conuenimur Christiani non celebrando uobiscum solemnia Caesarum quo more celebrari nee modestia nee uerecundia nee pudicitia per- mittunt, sed occasio uoluptatis magis quam digna ratio per- 30 suasit, fidem et ueritatem uestram demonstrare, ne forte et isthic deteriores Christianis deprehendantur qui nos nolunt Romanes haberi, sed ut hostes principum Romanorum. Ipsos APOLOGETICVS 34, 35 103 is not merely base but baneful. It is just as if having an emperor, you were to call another [by the same title] ; will you not bring upon you the great and implacable hatred of the existing emperor, a hatred to be dreaded even by him to whom you have given the title? Be loyal towards God, you who wish Him to be propitious to the emperor. Cease to believe in another god, and so to describe him as a god, who has need of God. If such a flattery, calling a man a god, is not ashamed of the falsehood, let it at least be afraid of the ill-luck of so doing. It is the opposite of a blessing to call the Caesar god before his deification. CHAP. XXXV. On these grounds then the Christians are regarded as public enemies, because they do not offer to the emperors either useless or lying or ill-advised honours, because men of true religion celebrate even their regular festivals conscientiously rather than wantonly. It is forsooth an im portant duty, to bring out hearths and couches into the public street, to feast parish by parish, to efface the city under the guise of a tavern, to produce mud by wine 1 , to run about in crowds for the committal of outrages, insults and incitements to lust. Is it thus that public joy is expressed by public disgrace? Does such behaviour become the festal days of emperors, which befits not other days ? Shall those who observe order out of regard to Caesar, abandon it on account of Ca.esar, and shall loyalty grant a licence for immorality, and religion give occasion to indulgence? Verily we deserve to be con demned! For why do we, chaste, sober and honest people, fulfil the vows and joys of the Caesars? Why on the festal day do we not cover over our door-posts with bay garlands or violate the day with lamps ? Is it an honourable practice, when a public festival demands, to clothe your house with the garb of some new brothel ? I should like however to show your faithfulness and truth in the matter of this cult also of a second majesty, with reference to which we Christians are arraigned on a second charge of sacrilege, because we do not celebrate in your company the annual festivals of the Caesars in a manner in which neither sense of fitness nor modesty nor chastity allows them to be celebrated, but which the opportunity of pleasure rather than any worthy reason has prompted, lest perchance here too those who are unwilling that we should be considered Romans, but only as enemies of the Roman emperors, should be found worse than the Christians. I appeal to the citizens of Rome themselves, to the native 1 J. B. M. reading uinum luto, thicken your mud with wine. 101 TERTVLLIANI Quirites, ipsam uernaculam septem collium plebem conuenio, an alicui Caesari suo parcat ilia lingua Romana? Testis est Tiberis, et scholae bestiarum. lam si pectoribus ad translucen- dum quandam specularem materiam natura obduxisset, cuius non praecordia insculpta apparent noui ac noui Caesaris scenam 5 congiario diuidundo praesidentis ? Etiam ilia hora qua ad- clamant : De nostris annis augeat tibi lupiter annos! Haec Christianus tarn enuntiare non nouit quam de nouo Caesare optare. Sed uulgus, inquis. Ut uulgus, tamen 10 Romani, nee ulli magis depostulatores Christianorum quam uulgus. Plane ceteri ordines pro auctoritate religiosi ex fide. Nihil hosticum de ipso senatu, de equite, de castris, de palatiis ipsis spirat. Unde Cassii et Nigri et Albini? unde qui inter duas laurus obsident Caesarem? unde qui faucibus eius ex- 15 primendis palaestricam exercent? unde qui armati palatium inrumpunt, omnibus tot Sigeriis atque Partheniis audaciores? De Romania, nisi fallor, id est de non Christianis. Atque adeo omnes illi sub ipsa usque impietatis eruptione et sacra faciebant pro salute imperatoris et genium eius deierabant, alii foris alii 20 intus, et utique publicorum hostium nomen Christianis dabant. Sed et qui nunc scelestarum partium socii aut plausores cotidie reuelantur, post uindemiam parricidarum racematio superstes, quam recentissimis et ramosissimis laureis postes praestruebant, quam elatissimis et clarissimis lucernis uestibula nebulabant, 25 quam cultissimis et superbissimis toris forum sibi diuidebant, non ut gaudia publica celebrarent, sed ut uota propria iam ediscerent in aliena sollemnitate et exemplum atque imaginem spei suae inaugurarent, nomen principis in corde mutantes. Eadem officia dependunt et qui astrologos et aruspices et 3 augures et magos de Caesarum capite consultant, quas artes ut ab angelis desertoribus proditas et a deo interdict-as ne suis quidem causis adhibent Christiani. Cui autem opus est per- APOLOGETICVS 35 105 populace of the seven hills, I charge you to say whether that Koman tongue spares any Caesar belonging to it 1 . Witness not the Tiber only but the training-schools of wild beasts as well. Again, if nature had drawn over our breasts some transparent substance through which the light could pass, who is there whose heart would not appear to be engraved with the likeness of one new Caesar after another, presiding over the distribution of a dole ? Even at that hour at which they shout : May Jupiter add years to thine from ours! These words the Christian is just as unable to utter as he is to pray for this in the case of a new Caesar. But it is the mob, you say. Though it is the mob, yet they are Romans, and none demand the Christians for punishment more eagerly than the mob. No doubt the other classes of society, in proportion to their authority, are religious from conviction; nothing hostile breathes from the senate itself, from the knights, from the army, from the palace itself. Whence come the Cassii and the Nigri and the Albini? Whence those who besiege Caesar between the two bay- trees? Whence those who practise gym nastic exercises in order to strangle him? W T hence those who rush armed into the palace, more reckless than all the number of the Sigerii and Parthenii ? All come from among the Romans, if I am not mistaken, that is, from among the pagans. And yet all these traitors up to the actual outbreak of disloyalty were both sacrificing for the safety of the emperor and swearing by his genius, some out of doors, others within, and of course they were giving the name of public enemies to the Christians. But even those who are now daily revealed as the accomplices or abettors of criminal factions, the gleanings that still remain after the vintage of parricides, how they decked out their doors with the freshest and most luxuriant bay-trees, how they darkened their porches with the tallest and brightest lamps, with what elegant and splendid couches did they divide up the market-place among themselves, not that they might celebrate the joy of the people, but that they might now learn private prayers in a ceremony connected with another and might install both a copy and a picture of their hope, while changing mentally the name of the emperor! These same dutiful services are paid also by those who consult astrologers and soothsayers and augurs and magicians about the lives of the Caesars, which arts, as having been introduced by the apostate angels and forbidden by God, the Christians never employ even for their own concerns. Moreover, who needs to 1 not?. 106 TERTVLLIANI scrutari super Caesaris salute, nisi a quo aliquid aduersus illam cogitatur uel optatur, aut post illam speratur et sustinetur? Non enim ea mente de caris consulitur qua de dominis. Aliter curiosa est sollicitudo sanguinis, aliter seruitutis. 36. Si haec ita sunt, ut hostes deprehendantur qui Romani 5 uocabantur, cur nos, qui hostes existimamur, Romani negamur? Non possumus et Romani non esse et hostes esse, cum hostes reperiantur qui Romani habebantur. Adeo pietas et religio et fides imperatoribus debita non in huiusmodi officiis consistit quibus et hostilitas magis ad uelamentum sui potest fungi, sed 10 in his moribus quibus diuinitas imperat tarn uere quam circa omnes necesse habent exhiberi. Neque enim haec opera bonae mentis solis imperatoribus debentur a nobis. Nullum bonum sub exceptione personarum administramus, quia nobis prae- stamus, qui non ab homine aut laudis aut praemii expensum 15 captamus, sed a deo exactore et remuneratore indifferentis benignitatis. Idem sumus imperatoribus qui et uicinis nostris. Male enim uelle, male facere, male dicere, male cogitare de quoquam ex aequo uetamur. Quodcunque non licet in impera- torem, id nee in quemquam : quod in neminem, eo forsitan 20 magis nee in ipsum qui per deum tantus est. 37. Si inimicos, ut supra diximus, iubemur diligere, quern habemus odisse? Item si laesi uicem referre prohibemur, ne de facto pares simus, quern possumus laedere? Nam de isto ipsi recognoscite. Quotiens enim in Christianos desaeuitis, 25 partim animis propriis, partim legibus obsequentes? Quotiens etiam praeteritis uobis suo iure nos inimicum uulgus inuadit lapidibus et incendiis? Ipsis Bacchanalium furiis nee mortuis parcunt Christian is, quin illos de requie sepulturae, de asylo quodam mortis, iam alios, iam nee totos auellant, dissecent, 30 distrahant. Quid tamen de tarn conspiratis umquam denotatis, APOLOGETICVS 35, 36, 37 107 inquire into the safety of Caesar, except he who meditates or desires something against it, or who hopes and waits for some thing to follow after? For one does not consult about friends with the same feeling as about masters. The solicitude of kinship is of a different nature from that of servitude. CHAP. XXXVI. If this is so, that those are found out to be enemies who were called Komans, why are we, who are but thought to be enemies, denied to be Romans? We cannot be at the same time non-Romans and enemies, since those who \vere considered Romans are found to be enemies. The fact is that the loyalty and worship and faith that are due to the emperors do not consist in services such as even enmity can perform rather as a cloak to itself, but in those habits, which are as truly demanded by the godhead as they must be shown towards mankind in general. For indeed it is not to the emperors alone that such services of good will are due from us. No benefit that we accomplish pays any regard to special individuals, because it is to ourselves that we perform it, and we do not snatch at payment from a man either of praise or of reward, but from God, who exacts and rewards impartial kindness. We are the same to the emperors as w T e are to our neighbours. For we are forbidden to wish evil, to do evil, to say evil, to think evil, about any one without distinction. Whatsoever is not permitted against the emperor, neither is it permitted against any one; and what is permitted against no one, is perhaps all the more forbidden against him whom God has made so great. CHAP. XXXVII. If we are ordered, as we said above, to love our enemies, whom have we left to hate ? Likewise, if when injured we are forbidden to retaliate, lest by our action we should put ourselves on the level of our enemy, whom can we injure? For consider this matter yourselves. How often do you rage fiercely against the Christians in obedience partly to your own feelings, partly to the laws? How often also, passing you over, does the hostile rabble of its own right attack us with stones and fires? With the very rage of Bacchanals, they do not spare Christians even when they are dead, nay from the rest of the tomb, from the sort of refuge that death affords, they would drag them away, cut them up, tear them to pieces, when they are already decomposed, when already not even entire. Yet what instance did you ever note 1 of our retaliation 1 Reading denotastis. 108 TERTVLLIANI de tarn animatis ad mortem usque pro iniuria repensatum, quando uel una nox pauculis faculis largiter ultionis posset operari, si malum malo dispungi penes nos liceret? Sed absit ut aut igni humano uindicetur diuina secta aut doleat pati in. quo probatur. Si enim et hostes exertos, non tantum uindices 5 occultos agere uellemus, deesset nobis uis mimeroruni et copiarum? Plures nimirurn Mauri et Marcomanni ipsique Parthi, uel quantaecunque unius tamen loci et suorum finmm gentes quam totius orbis. Hesterni sumus, et uestra omnia impleuimus, urbes, insulas, castella, municipia, conciliabula, 10 castra ipsa, tribus, decurias, palatium, senatum, forum; sola uobis reliquimus templa. Cui bello non idonei, non prompti fuissemus, etiam inpares copiis, qui tarn libenter trucidamur, si non apud istam disciplinam magis occidi liceret quam occidere ? Potuimus et inermes nee rebelles, sed tantummodo discordes 15 solius diuortii inuidia aduersus uos dimicasse. Si enim tanta uis hominum in aliquem orbis remoti sinum abrupissemus a uobis, suffudisset utique dominationem uestram tot qualium- cumque ciuium amissio, immo etiam et ipsa destitutione punisset. Procul dubio expauissetis ad solitudinem uestram, 20 ad silentium rerum et stuporem quendam quasi mortui orbis. Quaesissetis quibus imperaretis. Plures hostes quam ciues uobis remansissent. Nunc enim pauciores hostes habetis prae multi- tudine Christianorum, paene omnium ciuitatium paene omnes ciues Christianos habendo. Sed hostes maluistis uocare generis 25 humani potius quam erroris humani. Quis autem uos ab illis occultis et usquequaque uastantibus mentes et ualitudines uestras hostibus raperet, a daemoniorum incursibus dico, quae de uobis sine praemio, sine mercede depellimus? Suffecisset hoc solum nostrae ultioni, quod uacua exinde possessio inmundis 30 spiritibus pateret. Porro nee tanti praesidii conpensationem cogitantes non modo non molestum uobis genus, uerum etiam APOLOGETICVS 37 109 upon you for injuries inflicted on us who are so united and so stout-hearted even to death, when even a single night with a few little torches could effect abundant vengeance, if it were allowable amongst us to wipe out wrong with wrong? But a truce to the thought that a sect actuated by the spirit of God should either be avenged by the torch of man or should shrink from suffering that by which it is tested. For if we wished to play the part also of declared enemies, and not merely that of secret avengers, should we lack the force of numbers and of troops ? The Moors and the Marcomani and the Parthians themselves, or any races of whatsoever size, which are limited nevertheless to one place and to their own territory, are I suppose more numerous than we are whose region is coextensive with the whole world ! We are but of yesterday, yet we have filled all that is yours, cities, islands, fortified towns, country towns, centres of meeting, even camps, tribes, classes of public atten dants, the palace, the senate, the forum ; we have left you only your temples. For what war should we not have been fitted and ready, even if we had been unequal in forces, we, who are so willing to be butchered, if it had not been more permissible according to this teaching of ours to be slain than to slay? We could also, unarmed, and not rebellious but merely disagreeing, have fought against you, using only the weapon of the ill-will which our separation creates. For if such a mass of men as we are had broken off from you and gone to some distant corner of the world, the loss of so many citizens, of whatever sort, would assuredly have shamed your rule, nay rather would have punished it even by the very fact of its desertion. Without doubt you would have been panic-stricken at your solitude, at the silence of business and the death-like stupefaction of the world; you would have had to seek subjects to rule over. More enemies would have remained to you than subjects. Now as a matter of fact you have fewer enemies, in consequence of the multitude of the Christians, owing to the fact that nearly all the citizens you have in nearly all the cities are Christian. But you have chosen to call them enemies of the human race rather than of human error. Moreover, who would have snatched you from those secret enemies that everywhere play havoc with your minds and health ? I mean from the incursions of spirits, which we drive from you, without reward and without price. This alone would have been sufficient for our vengeance, that an empty tenement was then left open to unclean spirits. Further, without even a thought of the compensation required for so great a protection, you have preferred to consider as enemies a class which is not only harmless to you, but even 110 TERTVLLIANI necessarium hostes iudicare maluistis, quia sumus plane, non generis humani tamen, sed potius erroris. 38. Proinde nee paulo lenius inter licitas factiones sectam istam deputari oportebat, a qua nihil tale committitur quale de inlicitis factionibus timeri solet? Nisi fallor enim, prohiben- 5 darum factionum causa de prouidentia constat modestiae publicae, ne ciuitas in partes scinderetur, quae res facile comitia, concilia, curias, contiones, spectacula etiam aemulis studiorum conpulsationibus inquietaret, cum iam et in quaestu habere coepissent uenalem et mercenariam homines uiolentiae suae 10 operam. At enim nobis ab omni gloriae et dignitatis ardore frigentibus nulla est necessitas coetus, nee ulla magis res aliena quam publica. Unam omnium rempublicam agnoscimus, mun- dum. Aeque spectaculis uestris in tan turn renuntiamus in quantum originibus eorum, quas scimus de superstitione con- 15 ceptas, cum et ipsis rebus, de quibus transiguntur, praetersumus. Nihil est nobis dictu, uisu, auditu cum insania circi, cum inpudicitia theatri, cum atrocitate arenae, cum xysti uanitate. Quo uos offendimus, si alias praesumimus uoluptates? Si oblectari nouisse nolumus, nostra iniuria est, si forte, non 20 uestra. Sed reprobamus quae placent uobis. Nee uos nostra delectant. Sed licuit Epicureis aliquam decernere uoluptatis ueritatem, id est animi aequitatem, et ampla negotia Chris- tianae. 39. Edam iam nunc ego ipse negotia Christianae factionis, 25 ut qui mala refutauerim, bona ostendam. Corpus sumus de conscientia religionis et disciplinae unitate et spei foedere. Coimus in coetum et congregationem, ut ad deum quasi manu facta precationibus ambiamus orantes. Haec uis deo grata est. Oramus etiam pro imperatoribus, pro ministris eorum et 3 potestatibus, pro statu saeculi, pro rerum quiete, pro mora finis. Coimus ad litterarum diuinarum commemorationem, si quid praesentium temporum qualitas aut praemonere cogit aut recognoscere. Certe fidem sanctis uocibus pascimus, spem APOLOGETIC VS 37, 38, 39 111 necessary, people that palpably are enemies, yet not indeed of the human race, but rather of error. CHAP. XXXVIII. Furthermore was not a somewhat gentler attitude also more fitting, namely the enrolment of this sect among the legal associations, seeing it commits no such crime as is wont to be feared from illegal associations? For unless I am mistaken, the reason for preventing associations derives its force from forethought as to public order, lest the state should be split up into factions. This result would easily disturb the elections, the assemblies, the senates, public meetings, even the shows, by the rival clash of partisanship, since even already men had begun to regard their deeds of violence as for sale and hire, and a means of earning a livelihood. But to us who are dead to all the zeal for fame and position, there is no need for meeting together, nor is tEere anytnTng more foreign to us than affairs of state. We recognise the world as one common wealth belonging to all. Your shows likewise we shun just as much as their beginnings, which we know arise from super stition, since we pass by even the events themselves which are their occasion. We have nothing to say, or see or hear, in connexion with the madness of the circus, the immodesty of the theatre, the ferocity of the arena, the vain-glory of the gymnasium. In what do we offend you, if we prefer different pleasures? If we refuse to be taught how to enjoy pleasure, it is our loss, perhaps, not yours. But we reject what pleases you, nor do our pleasures delight you. But the Epicureans were permitted to maintain some reality of pleasure, that is calm of mind, and for the Christian s pleasure there are great tasks. CHAP. XXXIX. I will now at once proclaim the actual 1 occupations of the Christian association, in order that I who rejected the idea that they were evil may show that they are good. We are a corporation with a common knowledge of religion, a common rule of life, and an union of hope. We come together for meeting and assembly, in order that having formed a band as it were to come before God we may encompass him with prayers. This violence is pleasing to God. We pray also for the emperors, for their ministers and those in authority, for the state of the world, for general quiet, for the postponement of the end. We meet to call one another to remembrance of the Scripture, if the aspect of affairs requires us either to be forewarned or to be reminded of anything. In any case we feed 1 ipsa, J. B. M. ipse cett. 112 TERTVLLIANI erigimus, fiduciam figimus, disciplinam praeceptorum nihilo- minus inculcationibus densamus; ibidem etiam exhortationes, castigationes et censura diuina. Nam et iudicatur magno cum pondere, ut apud certos de dei conspectu, summumque futuri iudicii praeiudicium est, si quis ita deliquerit, ut a communi- catione orationis et conuentus et omnis sancti commercii relegetur. Praesident probati quique seniores, honorem istum non pretio, sed testimonio adepti. Neque enim pretio ulla res dei constat. Etiam si quod arcae genus est, non de honoraria summa quasi redemptae religionis congregatur. Modicam 10 unusquisque stipem menstrua die, uel cum uelit, et si modo uelit, et si modo possit, apponit; nam nemo compellitur, sed sponte confert. Haec quasi deposita pietatis sunt. Nam inde non epulis nee potaculis nee ingratiis uoratrinis dispensatur, sed egenis alendis humandisque et pueris ac puellis re ac parentibus 15 destitutis, iamque domesticis senibus, item naufragis, et si qui in metallis, et si qui in insulis uel in custodiis, dumtaxat ex causa dei sectae, alumni confessionis suae fiunt. Sed eiusmodi uel maxime dilectionis operatio notam nobis inurit penes quosdam. Vide, inquiunt, ut inuicem se diligant ; ipsi enim 20 inuicem oderunt: et ut pro alterutro mori sint parati; ipsi enim ad occidendum alterutrum paratiores erunt. Sed et quod fratres nos uocamus, non alias, opinor, insaniunt quam quod apud ipsos omne sanguinis nomen de affectione simulatum est. Fratres autem etiam uestri sumus, iure naturae matris unius, 25 etsi uos parum homines, quia mali fratres. At quanto dignius fratres et dicuntur et habentur qui unum patrem deum agno- uerunt, qui unum spiritum biberint sanctitatis, qui de unq utero ignorantiae eiusdem ad unam lucem expauerint ueritatis. Sed eo fortasse minus legitimi existimamur, quia nulla de nostra 3 fraternitate tragoedia exclamat, uel quia ex substantia familiari fratres sumus, quae penes uos fere dirimit fraternitatem. Itaque qui animo animaque miscemur, nihil de rei communicatione dubitamus. Omnia indiscreta sunt apud nos praeter uxores. In isto loco consortium soluimus in quo solo ceteri homines 35 consortium exercent, qui non amicorum solummodo matrimonia APOLOGETICVS 39 113 our belief on holy words, we raise our hope, we strengthen our confidence, we clinch the teaching none the less by driving home precepts. There too are pronounced exhortations, correc tions and godly judgments. For our judgment too is delivered with great weight, as among those who are sure that they are acting under the eye of God, and there is the greatest anticipa tion of the future judgment, if any one has so sinned, as to be banished from the communion of prayer and assembly and all holy fellowship. We are governed by the most approved elders, who have obtained this office not by purchase, but on testimony ; for indeed nothing of God is obtainable by money. Even if we have a kind of treasury, this is not filled up from a sense of obligation, as of a hired religion. Each member adds a small sum once a month, or when he pleases, and only if he is willing and able ; for no one is forced, but each contributes of his own free will. These are the deposits as it were made by devotion. For that sum is disbursed not on banquets nor drinking bouts nor unwillingly on eating-houses, but on the supporting and burying of the poor, and on boys and girls deprived of property and parents, and on aged servants of the house, also on ship wrecked persons, and any, who are in the mines or on islands or in prisons, provided it be for the cause of God s religion, who thus become pensioners of their confession. But the working of that kind of love most of all brands us with a mark of blame in the eyes of some. See, they say, how they love one another ; for they themselves hate one another ; * and how they are ready to die for one another ; for they will be more ready to kill one another. But also they rage at us for calling one another brethren, for no other reason, I suppose, than because among themselves every name indicating blood relation ship is assumed from affection. But we are also your brothers, by right of nature, the one mother, although you are little deserving of the name men, because you are evil brothers. But how much more worthily are those both called and considered brethren who have recognised one Father, namely God, who have imbibed one spirit of holiness, who from one womb of the same ignorance have quaked before one light of truth ! But we are perhaps regarded as less legitimate for the reason that no tragedy proclaims aloud our brotherliness, or because we are brothers as the result of household possessions, which among you generally break up the relationship of brothers. And so we, who are united in heart and soul, have no hesitation about sharing a thing. Among us all things are common except wives. In this matter alo~ne we dissolve partnership, in ^which alone all other men practise partnership, who not only use the wives M. T. 8 114 TERTVLLIANI usurpant, sed et sua amicis patientissime subministrant ; ex ilia, credo, maiorum et sapientissimorum disciplina, Graeci Socratis et Roman! Catonis, qui uxores suas amicis communi- cauerunt, quas in matrimonium duxerant liberorum causa et alibi creandorum, nescio quidem an inuitas. Quid enim de 5 castitate curarent, quam mariti tarn facile donauerant? sapientiae Atticae, o Romanae grauitatis exemplum : lenones philosophus et censor ! Quid ergo minim, si tanta caritas con- uiolatur? Nam et coenulas nostras praeterquarn sceleris infames ut prodigas quoque suggillatis. De nobis scilicet 10 Diogenis dictum est: Megarenses obsonant quasi crastina die morituri, aedificant uero quasi numquam morituri. Sed stipulam quis in alieno oculo facilius perspicit quam in suo trabem. Tot tribubus et curiis et decuriis ructantibus acescit aer : Saliis coenaturis creditor erit necessarius : Herculanarum 15 decimarum et polluctorum sumptus tabularii supputabunt: Apaturiis, Dionysiis, mysteriis Atticis cocorum dilectus indicitur : ad fumum coenae Sarapiacae sparteoli excitabuntur. De solo triclinio Christianorum retractatur. Coena nostra de nomine rationem sui ostendit. Id uocatur quod dilectio penes Graecos. 20 Quantiscumque sumptibus constet, lucrum est pietatis nomine facere sumptum. siquidem inopes quosque refrigerio isto iuuamus, non qua penes uos parasiti adfectant ad gloriam famulandae libertatis sub auctoramento uentris inter con- tumelias saginandi, sed qua penes deum maior est contemplatio 25 mediocrium. Si honesta causa est conuiuii, reliquum ordinem disciplinae de causa aestimate. Quod sit de religionis officio, nihil uilitatis, nihil inmodestiae admittit. Non prius discum- bitur quam oratio ad deum praegustetur. Editur quantum esurientes capiunt, bibitur quantum pudicis utile est. Ita 30 saturantur, ut qui meminerint etiam per noctem adorandum deum sibi esse; ita fabulantur, ut qui sciant dominum audire. Post aquam manualem et lumina, ut quisque de scripturis sanctis uel de proprio ingenio potest, prouocatur in medium deo canere ; hinc probatur quomodo biberit. Aeque oratio con- 35 uiuium dirimit. Inde disceditur non in cateruas caesionum nee in classes discursationum nee in eruptiones lasciuiarum, APOLOGETICVS 39 115 of friends, but also most patiently supply their own to their friends, in accordance, I believe, with the well-known teaching of ancient sages and philosophers, the Greek Socrates and the Roman Cato, who shared their wives with friends, those wives whom they had married, perhaps with their consent, to bear children in other households also. For what care could they have for chastity, which their husbands had given away so lightly ! What an example of Athenian philosophy, of Roman seriousness ! A philosopher and a censor both acting the part of procurers ! What wonder is it then that so great affection is outraged ! For you also revile our little dinners as extravagant also in addition to being disgraced by crime. It was about us of course that Diogenes uttered his saying: The Megarians buy food as if they were to die to-morrow, but they build as if they were never to die ! But one sees a mote more easily in another s eye than a beam in one s own. The air becomes sour with so many tribes, parishes and guilds belching. The Salii will need a money-lender when they are to dine : the public accountants will sum up the expenditure of the tithes and offerings to Hercules ; at the Apaturia, the Dionysia, and the Attic mysteries a levy of cooks is proclaimed, at the smoke of a Sarapis banquet the firemen will be aroused. It is only the dining-room of the Christians that is objected to. Our dinner shows its significance by its name : it is called by the name which amongst the Greeks means affection. Whatsoever be its cost, it is a gain to incur expense in the name of religion, since by this refreshment we help those who are in need, not in the way that among you parasites eagerly strive for the glory of enslaving their freedom at the price of a belly that has to be filled amid insults ; but in the way that with God greater regard is paid to them of low degree. If the purpose of our entertainment is honourable, form your estimate of the remainder of our rule from its motive. As it is concerned with our religious duty, it allows nothing base, nothing disorderly. We do not recline until we have first partaken of prayer to God ; only so much is eaten as to satisfy hunger ; only as much is drunk as becomes the chaste. Appetite is satisfied so far as is consistent with the remembrance that they have to worship God even in the night ; they talk as those who know that the Master is listening/ After the bringing in of water for washing the hands, and lights, each is invited to sing publicly to God as he is able from his knowledge of holy scripture or from his own mind ; thus it can be tested how he has drunk. In like manner prayer closes the feast. The meeting then breaks up, not into riotous bands for assaulting the innocent, nor into disturbances in the streets, nor for outbursts of 82 116 TERTVLLIANI sed ad eandem curam modestiae et pudicitiae, ut qui non tarn coenam coenauerint quam disciplinam. Haec coitio Christia- norum merito sane inlicita, si inlicitis par, merito damnanda, si quis de ea queritur eo titulo quo de factionibus querela est. In cuius perniciem aliquando conuenimus ? Hoc sumus con- 5 gregati quod et dispersi, hoc uniuersi quod et singuli, neminem laedentes, neminem contristantes. Cum probi, cum boni coeunt, cum pii, cum casti congregantur, non est factio dicenda, sed curia. 40. At e contrario illis nomen factionis accommodandum 10 est qui in odium bonorum et proborum conspirant, qui aduersum sanguinem innocentium conclamant, praetexentes sane ad odii defensionem illam quoque uanitatem, quod existiment omnis publicae cladis, omnis popularis incommodi Christianos esse in causam. Si Tiberis ascendit in rnoenia, si Nilus non ascendit 15 in arua, si caelum stetit, si terra mouit, si fames, si lues, statim Christianos ad leonem ! adclamatur. Tantos ad unum ? Oro uos, ante Tiberium, id est ante Christi aduentum, quantae clades orbem et urbes ceciderunt? Legimus Hieran, Anaphen et Delon et Rhodon et Co insulas multis cum milibus hominum 20 pessum abisse. Memorat et Plato maiorem Asiae uel Africae terram Atlantico mari ereptam. Sed et mare Corinthium terrae motus ebibit, et uis undarum Lucaniam abscisam in Siciliae nomen relegauit. Haec utique non sine iniuria in- colentium accidere potuerunt. Ubi uero tune, non dicam 25 deorum uestrorum contemptores Christiani, sed ipsi dei ues.tri, cum totum orbem cataclysmus aboleuit, uel, ut Plato putauit, campestre solummodo? Posteriores enim illos clade diluuii contestantur ipsae urbes in quibus nati mortuique sunt, etiam quas condiderunt ; neque enim alias hodiernum manerent nisi 30 et ipsae posthumae cladis illius. Nondum ludaeum ab Aegypto examen Palaestina susceperat nee iam illic Christianae sectae origo consederat, cum regiones adfines eius Sodoma et Gomorra igneus imber exussit. Olet adhuc incendio terra, et si qua APOLOGETICVS 39, 40 117 lasciviousness, but to the same care for orderliness and modesty, as those who have fed, not so much on meats as on instruction in righteousness. This meeting together of Christians would have been deservedly illegal, I admit, if it were the same as the illegal, deservedly to be condemned, if any one complains of it with the same accusation as is made about clubs. For whose ruin have we ever met? We are the same when gathered together as we are when scattered, we are as a body what we are also as individuals, injuring no one, paining no one. When worthy, when good men come together, when the pious and pure are gathered together, it is to be called not a club, but a council chamber. CHAP. XL. But on the contrary the name of faction is to be applied to those who conspire to foment hatred against good and worthy persons, who cry aloud against the blood of the innocent, pretending forsooth in defence of their hatred that foolish excuse besides, that the Christians are to blame for every public disaster, every misfortune that happens to the people. If the Tiber rises to the walls, if the Nile does not rise to the fields, if the sky is rainless, if there is an earthquake, a famine, a plague, immediately the cry arises, The Christians to the lion ! What ! so many to one (lion) ? I pray you tell me: before the time of Tiberius, that is, before the coming of Christ, how many disasters smote the world or particular cities? We read that Hiera, Anaphe and Delos and Rhodes and Ophiusa 1 were ruined with many thousands of persons. Plato also mentions that a land greater than Asia or Africa was snatched away by the Atlantic Ocean. But an earth quake also drained the Corinthian sea, and the force of the waves cut off Lucania and banished it to bear the name of Sicily. These things of course could not happen without harm to the inhabitants. But where were at that time, I will not say, the Christians who think nothing of your gods, but your gods themselves, when a flood overwhelmed the whqle world, or, as Plato supposed, only the plains? For, that your gods are later than the catastrophe of the flood, is attested by the very cities in which they were born and died, or even which they founded ; for otherwise they would not have remained to-day, if they had not been later than that disaster. Palestine had not yet received its Jewish swarm from Egypt, nor yet had the beginning of the Christian sect settled there, when a shower of fire burnt up the neighbouring regions of Sodom and Gomorrha. 1 Reading Ophiusam for Co insulas. 118 TERTVLLIANI illic arborum poma, conantur oculis tenus, ceterum contacta cinerescunt. Sed nee Tuscia iam tune atque Campania de Christianis querebantur, cum Yulsinios de caelo, Pompeios de suo monte perfudit ignis. Nemo adhuc Komae deum uerum adorabat cum Hannibal apud Cannas per Eomanos anulos 5 caedes suas modio metiebatur. Omnes dei uestri ab omnibus colebantur, cum ipsum Capitolium Senones occupauerant. Et bene quod, si quid aduersi urbibus accidit, eaedem clades templorum quae et moenium fuerunt, ut iam hoc reuincam non ab eis euenire, quia et ipsis euenit. Semper humana gens male 10 de deo meruit. Primo quidem ut inofficiosa eius, quern cum intellegeret ex parte, non requisiuit, sed et alios insuper sibi commentata quos coleret; dehinc quod non inquirendo inno- centiae magistrum et nocentiae iudicem et exactorem omnibus uitiis et criminibus inoleuit. Ceterum si requisisset, seque- 15 batur, ut cognosceret requisitum et recognitum obseruaret et obseruatum propitium magis experiretur quam iratum. Eundem igitur nunc quoque scire debet iratum quern et retro semper, priusquam Christiani nominarentur. Cuius bonis utebatur ante editis quam sibi deos fingeret, cur non ab eo etiam mala intellegat 20 euenire cuius bona esse non sensit? Illius rea est cuius et ingrata. Et tamen si pristinas clades comparernus, leuiora nunc accidunt, ex quo Christianos a deo orbis accepit. Ex eo enim et innocentia saeculi iniquitates temperauit et depre- catores dei esse coeperunt. Denique cum ab imbribus aestiua 25 hiberna sus{)endunt et annus in cura est, uos quidem cotidie pasti statimque pransuri, balneis et cauponiis et lupanaribus operantibus, aquilicia loui immolatis, nudipedalia populo denuntiatis, caelum apud Capitolium quaeritis, nubila de laquearibus exspectatis, auersi ab ipso et deo et caelo : nos 30 uero ieiuniis aridi et omni continentia expressi, ab omni uitae fruge dilati, in sacco et cinere uolutantes inuidia caelum tun- APOLOGETICVS 40 119 The land still smells of fire, and if any tree bears fruit there, it can only be looked at, but when touched it turns to ashes. But neither did Tuscany nor Campania even in those days com plain about the Christians when fire from heaven flooded Vulsinii, and fire from its own mountain Pompeii. No one as yet worshipped the true God at Rome, when Hannibal by means of the Roman rings measured by bushel the extent of the slaughter he had inflicted at Cannae. All your gods were worshipped by all, when the Senones had seized the Capitol itself. And fortunately any misfortune that happened to cities involved temples in the same disasters as the city walls, which enables me now to prove that such disasters do not come from the gods, because they come upon themselves also. The human race has always deserved ill of God: in the first place indeed as neglecting its duty towards him, whom though it understood partly, it did not search out, but also devised for itself other deities besides to worship ; in the second place because, by not seeking out the teacher of uprightness and judge and avenger of guilt, it has grown in all vices and crimes. But if it had sought him out, it would have followed that, when it had sought him, it might learn to know him, and when it recognised him it might worship him, and when it had worshipped him it might find him by experience to be propitious rather than wrathful. Therefore we ought now also to know that the same god is angry, as always in the past also, before Christians received their name. Seeing that it enjoyed his blessings, which were displayed before it fashioned gods for itself, why should it not understand that evils also come from him, to whom it was not conscious that the blessings belonged ? It is guilty of that towards which it is also ungrateful. And yet if we were to compare the disasters of old, those of the present day are slighter, since God gave the Christians as his gift to the world. For from that time uprightness has moderated the injustices of the world and likewise men have begun to be intercessors with God. For example, when summer weather keeps the winter from rains, and the crops are a subject of anxiety, you to be sure, feeding daily and yet immediately ready to resume your meals, while the baths, the taverns and the brothels are busy, sacrifice offerings to Jupiter for rain, order the people to go for a season with bare fe^t, seek the heaven at the Capitol, and watch for clouds from its panelled roofs, turning away both from God himself and from heaven itself. But we, parched with fastings and pinched with every sort of self- restraint, separated from all bread necessary to life, wallowing in sackcloth and ashes, importune heaven with reproach, we 120 TERTVLLIANI dimus, deum tangimus, et cum misericordiam extorserimus, lupiter honoratur. 41 . Vos igitur inportuni rebus humanis, uos rei publicorum incommodorum inlices semper, apud quos deus spernitur, statuae adorantur. Etenim credibilius haberi debet eum irasci 5 qui neglegatur quam qui coluntur, aut nae illi iniquissimi, si propter Christianos etiam cultores suos laedunt, quos separare deberent a meritis Christianorum. Hoc, inquitis, et in deum uestrum repercutere est, si quod et ipse patiatur, propter profanos etiam suos cultores laedi. Admittite prius disposi- 10 tiones eius, et non retorquebitis. Qui enim semel aeternum indicium destinauit post saeculi finem, non praecipitat dis- cretionem, quae est condicio iudicii, ante saeculi finem. Aequalis est interim super omne hominum genus et indulgens et increpans. Communia uoluit esse et commoda profanis et incommoda suis, 15 ut pari consortio omnes et lenitatem eius et seueritatem ex- periremur. Quia haec ita didicimus apud ipsum, diligimus lenitatem, metuimus seueritatem, uos contra utramque de- spicitis : et sequitur ut omnes saeculi plagae nobis, si forte, in admonitionem, uobis in castigationem a deo obueniarit. Atquin 20 nos nullo modo laedimur; inprimis quia nihil nostra refert in hoc aeuo nisi de eo quam celeriter excedere, dehinc, quia si quid aduersi infligitur, uestris meritis deputatur. Sed etsi aliqua nos quoque praestringunt ut uobis cohaerentes, laetamur magis recognitione diuinarum praedicationum, confirmantium scilicet 25 fiduciam et fidem spei nostrae. Sin uero ab eis quos colitis omnia uobis mala eueniunt nostri causa, quid colere perse- ueratis tarn ingratos, tarn iniustos, qui magis uos in dolore Christianorum iuuare et adserere debuerant, quos separare deberent a meritis Christianorum? 30 42. Sed alio quoque iniuriarum titulo postulamur, et in- fructuosi in negotiis dicimur. Quo pacto homines uobiscum degentes, eiusdem uictus, habitus, instructus, eiusdem ad uitam necessitatis ? Neque enim Brachmanae aut Indorum APOLOGETICVS 40, 41, 42 121 touch the heart of God, and when we have wrested mercy (from Him), Jupiter gets the honour. CHAP. XLI. You therefore are dangerous to human affairs, you are to blame for public misfortunes, drawing them always upon us, since you despise God and worship statues. For surely it is more likely that one who is neglected should get angry rather than those who are worshipped. Otherwise they are indeed most unfair, if on account of the Christians they injure their own worshippers also, whom they ought to keep unaffected by the deserts of the Christians. This, you say, is to retort on your own god also, if he himself allows his own worshippers also to be injured on account of the profane. Learn first his plans, and you will not then retort. For He who has once for all ordained an everlasting judgment after the end of the world, does not hasten the separation, which is a circumstance of the judgment, before the end of the world. Meanwhile he deals impartially with the whole human race, both as indulging and reproving ; he wished that good and evil should be shared alike by his own servants and by the wicked, so that, by an equal partnership, all might have experience both of his gentleness and of his sternness. Because we have thus learnt these things in his own company, we love his gentleness and we fear his sternness, while you on the contrary despise both; and it follows that all the plagues of the world come from God on us, it may be, for warning, but on you for punishment. And yet we are not really injured at all, in the first place because we have no concern in this life except to depart from it as speedily as possible, in the second place because, if any misfortune is brought upon us, it is attributed to your deserts. But even if some troubles touch us also as being connected with you, we rejoice more in the recognition of the divine prophecies, which of course strengthen the assurance and confidence of our hope. But if it be the case that all these evils come upon you on our account from those whom you worship, why do you continue to worship beings so ungrateful and so unjust, whose duty it was rather to help and defend you in the suffering coming from the Christians, since it was their duty to keep you apart from the deserts of the Christians ? CHAP. XLII. But we are arraigned also on a different charge of injuries inflicted, and we are said to be unprofitable in business matters. How can this be true of men who live with you, who enjoy the same food, have the same manner of life, and dress, the same requirements for life? For we are 122 TERTVLLIANI gymnosophistae sumus, siluicolae et exules uitae. Meminimus gratiam debere nos deo, domino, creator! : millum fructuni operum eius repudiamus : plane temperamus, ne ultra moduni aut perperam utainur. Itaque non sine foro, non sine macello, non sine balneis, tabernis, officinis, stabulis, nundinis uestris 5 ceterisque cominerciis cohabitamus in hoc saeculo. Nauigamus et nos uobiscum et militamus et rusticamur et mercatus proinde miscemus, artes, opera nostra publicamus usui uestro. Quomodo infructuosi uidemur negotiis uestris, cum quibus et de quibus uiuimus, non scio. Sed si caerimonias tuas non frequento, 10 attamen et ilia die homo sum. Non lauor diluculo Saturnalibus, ne et noctem et diem perdam, attamen lauor honesta hora et salubri, quae mihi et calorem et sanguinem seruet; rigere et pallere post lauacrum mortuus possum. Non in publico Liberalibus discumbo, quod bestiariis supremam coenantibus 15 mos est, attamen ubi de copiis tuis coeno. Non emo capiti coronam. Quid tua interest, emptis nihilominus floribus quomodo utar? Puto gratius esse liberis et solutis et undique uagis. Sed etsi in coronam coactis, nos coronam naribus nouimus ; uiderint qui per capillum odorantur. Spectaculis 20 non conuenimus; quae tamen apud illos coetus uenditantur si desiderauero, liberius de propriis locis sumam. Thura plane non emimus. Si Arabiae queruntur, sciant Sabaei pluris et carioris suas merces Christianis sepeliendis profligari quam deis fumigandis. Certe, inquitis, templorum uectigalia cotidie 25 decoquunt: stipes quotusquisque iam iactat? Non enim sufficimus et hominibus et deis uestris mendicantibus opem ferre, nee putamus aliis quam petentibus inpertiendum. Denique porrigat manum lupiter et accipiat, cum interim plus nostra misericordia insumit uicatim quam uestra religio 3 tempi atim. Sed cetera uectigalia gratias Christianis agent ex fide dependentibus debitum, qua alieno fraudando abstinemus, ut, si ineatur quantum uectigalibus pereat fraude et mendacio APOLOGETICVS 42 123 neither Brahmins nor Indian gymnosophists, dwellers in the forests, and exiles from ordinary life. We remember the gratitude we owe to God our Lord and Creator; we reject no fruit of his works ; though it is true we refrain from the excessive or wrong use of them. Consequently we cannot dwell together in the world, without the market-place, without the shambles, without your baths, shops, factories, taverns, fairs and other places of resort. We also sail with you and serve in the army and we till the ground and engage in trade as you do, we join our crafts, we lend our services to the public for your profit. How we can seem unprofitable to your business affairs, when we live with you and by you, I do not know. But if I do not frequent your rites, nevertheless even on your holiday I am a human being. I do not bathe at dawn on the days of the Saturnalia, lest I should lose both night and day; nevertheless I bathe at a proper and healthful hour, which will keep me warm and ruddy ; I can be stiff and sallow enough after my last bath when dead. I do not recline at table in public at the Liberalia, as is the custom of those who contend with the beasts when par taking of the last meal of their lives ; yet I dine anywhere 1 on your supplies. I do not buy a garland for my head. What difference does it make to you, how I employ flowers which are none the less purchased ? I think they are more pleasing when free and unbound and trailing everywhere. But even if we have them combined into a garland, we know a garland by the nose; let those who have perfumed locks see to it. W^e do not meet together at the public shows : if nevertheless I want what is advertised at those meetings, I will take them more freely from their own places. We absolutely refrain from buying incense ; if the Arabias complain, let the Sabaeans know that their wares are used in greater quantity and at greater cost for the burial of Christians than for the fumigating of gods. Exactly, you say, the revenues of the temples are daily failing; how few people now cast in pieces of money! Yes, for we are not able to bring help both to men and to your gods when they beg, nor do we think that we ought to share with others than those who ask. So, let Jupiter himself hold out his hand and receive his share, while meantime our pity spends more street by street than your religion does temple by temple. But your other revenues will give thanks to the Christians, who pay down what they owe, in accordance with the belief by which we abstain from appropriating what is another s, so that, if the question is raised how much is lost to the revenues through the dishonesty and lying of your returns, a calculation can easily 1 ubiubi. 124 TERTVLLIANI uestrarum professionum, facile ratio haberi possit, unius speciei querela conpensata pro commodo ceterarum rationum. 43. Plane confitebor, quinam, si forte, uere de sterilitate Christianorum conquer! possint. Prim! erunt lenones, per- ductores, aquarioli, turn sicarii, uenenarii, magi, item aruspices, 5 arioli, mathematici. His infructuosos esse magnus est fructus. Et tamen quodcunque dispendium est rei uestrae per hanc sectam, cum aliquo praesidio conpensari potest. Quanti habetis, non dico qui iam de uobis daernonia excutiant, non dico iam qui pro uobis quoque uero deo preces sternant, quia 10 forte non creditis, sed a quibus nihil timere possitis? 44. At enim illud detrimentum reipublicae tarn grande quam uerum nemo circumspicit, illam iniuriam ciuitatis nullus expendit, cum tot iusti impendimur, cum tot innocentes ero- gamur. Vestros enim iam contestamur actus, qui cotidie 15 iudicandis custodiis praesidetis, qui sententiis elogia dispungitis. Tot a uobis nocentes uariis criminum elogiis recensentur : quis illic sicarius, quis manticularius, quis sacrilegus aut corruptor aut lauantium praedo, quis ex illis etiam Christianus adscribitur ? aut cum Christian! suo titulo offeruntur, quis ex illis etiam talis 20 quales tot nocentes? De uestris semper aestuat career, de uestris semper metalla suspirant, de uestris semper bestiae saginantur, de uestris semper munerarii noxiorum greges pascunt. Nemo illic Christianus, nisi plane tantum Chris tianus, aut si et aliud, iam non Christianus. 25 45. Nos ergo soli innocentes. Quid mirum, si necesse est? Enimuero necesse est. Innocentiam a deo edocti et perfecte earn nouimus, ut a perfecto magistro reuelatam, et fideliter custodimus, ut ab incontemptibili dispectore mandatam. Vobis autem humana aestimatio innocentiam tradidit, humana item 30 dominatio imperauit; inde nee plenae nee adeo timendae estis APOLOGETICVS 42-45 125 be made, as a complaint of one sort is balanced by the gain coming from all other calculations. CHAP. XLIII. I will readily confess what sort of people can perhaps truly complain of the unprofitableness of the Christians. First will come the procurers, the pimps, the bullies, then the assassins, the poisoners, the magicians; likewise the diviners, the soothsayers, the astrologers. To be unprofitable to these is great profit. And yet whatsoever loss there is to your property through this sect, can be balanced by some protection afforded by them. At what price do you value, I do not say, those who have the power to drive out evil spirits from you now I d n ot now say those who offer their prayers for you also before the true God, because perhaps you do not believe in Him, but those from whom you have nothing to fear? CHAP. XLIV. But indeed there is a loss to the state, as great as it is real, to which no one pays any regard, an injury to the state of which no one takes account, when in our persons so many just men are wasted, so many innocent men are squandered away. For we now appeal to your records of pro ceedings, ye who daily preside over the trials of prisoners, who by passing sentences erase the charges out of the calendar. So many guilty persons are examined by you on various charges : what assassin there, what cutpurse, what sacrilegious person or debaucher or thief of the baths, is there among them who is also described as a Christian? Or, when Christians are pro secuted on their specific charge (i.e. the charge of Christianity), who among them is also such as so many criminals are? It is with your own people that the prisons are always steaming, your own people who make the mines re-echo to their sighs, the wild beasts are always stuffed with the same, and from among them too the givers of shows always find herds of criminals to feed. No one there is a Christian, unless he is nothing but a Christian; or, if he be also anything else, he is already no longer a Christian. CHAP. XLV. We alone therefore are free from guilt. What wonder, if it is inevitable ? For indeed it is inevitable. Taught innocence by God, we both know it perfectly, seeing it has been revealed by a perfect teacher, and guard it faithfully, as com mitted to us by an observer who cannot be slighted. But to you man s judgment has handed down uprightness, man s tyranny, too, has commanded it: thence it is that you belong to a discipline which is neither complete nor really to be feared 126 TERTVLLIANI disciplinae ad innocentiae ueritatem. Tanta est prudentia hoininis ad demonstrandum bonuin quanta auctoritas ad exigendum; tarn ilia falli facilis quam ista contemni. Atque adeo quid plenius, dicere : Non occides, an docere : Ne irascaris quidem ? Quid perfectius, prohibere adulterium, an etiam ab 5 oculorum solitaria concupiscentia arcere? Quid eruditius, de maleficio, an et de maliloquio interdicere? Quid instructius, iniuriam non permittere, an nee uicem iniuriae sinere? Dum tamen sciatis ipsas leges quoque uestras quae uidentur ad innocentiam pergere de diuina lege, ut antiquiore forma, 10 mutuatas. Diximus iam de Moysi aetate. Sed quanta auctoritas legum humanarum, cum illas et euadere homini contingat et plerumque in admissis delitiscenti, et aliquando contemnere ex uoluntate uel necessitate delinquent!? Recogi- tate ea etiam pro breuitate supplicii cuiuslibet, non tamen 15 ultra mortem remansuri. Sic et Epicurus omnem cruciatum doloremque depretiat, modicum quidem contemptibilem pro- nimtiando, magnum uero non diuturnum. Enimuero nos qui sub deo omnium speculatore dispungimur, quique aeternam ab eo poenam prouidemus merito, soli innocentiae occurrimus, et 20 pro scientiae plenitudine et pro latebrarum difficultate et pro magnitudine cruciatus non diuturni, uerum sempiterni, euni timentes quern timere debebit et ipse qui timentes iudicat, deum, non proconsulem timentes. 46. Constitimus, ut opinor, aduersus omnium criminum 25 intentationem, quae Christianorum sanguinem flagitat. Osten- dimus to turn statum nostrum, et quibus modis probare possimus ita esse sicut ostendimus, ex fide scilicet et antiquitate diuinarum litterarum, item ex confessione spiritualium potestatum. Qui nos reuincere audebit, non arte uerborum, sed eadem forma qua 30 probationem constituimus, de ueritate? Sed dum unicuique manifestatur ueritas nostra, interim incredulitas, dum de bono sectae huius obducitur, quod usui iam et de commercio innotuit, non utique diuinum negotium existimat, sed magis philosophiae genus. Eadem, inquit, et philosophi monent atque profitentur, 35 APOLOGETICVS 45, 46 127 in view of the reality of innocence. A man s knowledge for the pointing out of what is really good, is just as great as his authority for exacting it: the former is just as easily deceived as the latter is slighted. And further which is the more com prehensive, to say: Thou shalt do no murder, or to teach: * Do not even become angry ? What is more absolute, to forbid adultery, or even to bar man from the solitary desire of the eyes? Which shows a deeper experience, the prohibition from evil-doing, or the further prohibition from evil-speaking? Which shows better instruction, not to permit injury, or not even to allow retaliation for injury? Provided, however, you know that your very laws also, which seem to tend in the direc tion of uprightness, have borrowed their form from the divine law as the older pattern. We have spoken already about the age of Moses. But how little is the authority of human laws, since a man has a chance both to escape them, and very often to lie hid in his crimes, and sometimes to set them at nought, sinning involuntarily 3 or of necessity ? Reflect also on them in view of the shortness of any punishment, which will not in any case last beyond death. So also Epicurus makes light of all torture and pain, by declaring indeed that if slight it is con temptible, while if great it will not last long. In very truth we who are examined before God who searches all, we who look forward to everlasting punishment from Him as our due, are the only ones who attain uprightness, both in view of the fullness of knowledge and in view of the difficulty of con cealment and in view of the greatness of the torture, which is not lasting only but everlasting, fearing Him, whom even he himself who judges the fearful will have to fear, that is, fearing God, not the pro-consul. CHAP. XL VI. We have maintained our ground, I think, against the denunciation of all charges, which clamours for the blood of the Christians. We have shown our whole position, and in what ways we can prove it to be such as we have shown, by the trustworthiness, of course, and the antiquity of our sacred writings, and also from the confession of spiritual powers. Who will dare to refute us, not by skill in words, but by the same method, by which we established our proof, namely on the ground of truth ? But while our truth is displayed to every man, mean time unbelief, confounded as it is by the goodness of this sect, which has now become known to experience, as well as from intercourse with it, does not of course regard it as a divine question, but rather as a kind of philosophy. Philosophers also, 1 inuoluntate. 128 TERTVLLIANI innocentiam, iustitiam, patientiam, sobrietatem, pudicitiam. Cur ergo quibus comparamur de disciplina, non proinde illis adaequamur a(J licentiam impunitatemque disciplinae ? uel cur et illi, ut pares nostri, non urgentur ad officia quae nos non obeuntes periclitamur ? Quis enim philosophum sacrificare 5 aut deierare aut lucernas meridie uanas proferre conpellit? Quinimmo et deos uestros palam destruunt et superstitiones uestras commentariis quoque accusant laudantibus uobis. Plerique etiam in principes latrant sustinentibus uobis, et facilius statuis et salariis remunerantur quam ad bestias pro- 10 nuntiantur. Sed merito. Philosophi enim non Christiani cognominantur. Nomen hoc philosophorum daemonia non fugat. Quidni? cum secundum deos philosophi daemonas deputent. Socratis uox est: Si daemonium permittat. Idem et cum aliquid de ueritate sapiebat deos negans, Aesculapio 15 tamen gallinaceum prosecari iam in fine iubebat, credo ob honorem patris eius, quia Socratem Apollo sapientissimum omnium cecinit. Apollinem inconsideratum ! Sapientiae testimonium reddidit ei uiro qui negabat deos esse. In quantum odium flagrat ueritas, in tantum qui earn ex fide praestat ofTendit ; 20 qui autem adulterat et adfectat, hoc maxime nomine gratiam pangit apud insectatores ueritatis. Quam inlusores et corrup- tores inimice philosophi adfectant ueritatem et adfectando corrumpunt, ut qui gloriam captant, Christiani et necessario appetunt et integre praestant, ut qui saluti suae curant. Adeo 25 neque de scientia neque de disciplina, ut putatis, aequamur. Quid enim Thales ille princeps physicorum sciscitanti Croeso de diuinitate certum renuntiauit, commeatus deliberandi saepe frustratus? Deum quilibet opifex Christianus et inuenit et ostendit et exinde totum quod in deum quaeritur re quoque 30 adsignat; licet Plato adfirmet factitatorem uniuersitatis neque inueniri facilem et inuentum enarrari in omnes difficilem. Ceterum si de pudicitia prouocemus, lego partem sententiae Atticae, in Socratem corruptorem adolescentium pronuntiatum. APOLOGETICVS 46 129 they say, give the same advice and make the same professions, uprightness, justice, endurance, sobriety, chastity. Why then are we not similarly made equal to them in the freedom and impunity accorded to our teaching, if we are compared with them in teaching? Or why are they also as our equals not forced to perform duties, the non-performance of which by us results in our trial? For who forces a philosopher to sacrifice, or to swear, or to expose useless lamps at midday ? Nay rather, they both openly demolish your gods and they even blame your superstitions in their writings, and you praise them for it. Very many of them even bark at the emperors, while you submit to it, and they are more readily rewarded with statues and salaries than sentenced to the wild-beasts. And deservedly; for they are surnamed philosophers not Christians. This name philo sophers does not put daemons to flight. Why should it be otherwise, since philosophers consider that daemons come next after the gods ? It is a saying of Socrates : If the daemon permit. He also, when he showed something of true wisdom in denying the gods, yet just at the close of his life ordered a cock to be sacrificed to Aesculapius, I believe out of respect to his father, because Apollo declared Socrates the wisest of men. Oh ill-advised Apollo! He gave a testimonial for wisdom to that man who denied the existence of the gods. With what soever vehemence truth is hated 1 , in that degree does he offend who sets it forth as the result of his belief; he however who adulterates, while pretending love for it, gains favour most of all on this account among the persecutors of the truth. Philosophers affect the truth by mockery and corruption with hostile intent, and by imitation corrupt it like those who snatch at praise, Christians both seek after the truth of necessity and display it in its purity, like those who care for their own salvation. So neither in knowledge nor in morality are we on a level, as you suppose. For what certainty was there in the reply which Thales, the first of natural philosophers, made to Croesus when he questioned him with regard to divinity, although he had often employed to no purpose the extension of time allowed him for deliberation? But any Christian labourer both finds and sets forth God and then ascribes to him in deed all that is sought for in God, although Plato asserts that the maker of the universe is not easily found and when found is with difficulty explained to the multitude. Moreover if we make our appeal on the point of chastity, I read that a part of the Athenian sentence was pronounced 2 against Socrates as a corrupter of youth. 1 Read odio. z pronuntiatam. M. T. 9 130 TERTVLLIANI Sexum nee femineum mutat Christianus. Noui et Phrynen meretricem Diogenis supra recumbentis ardori subantem, audio et quendam Speusippum de Platonis schola in adulterio perisse. Christianus uxori suae soli masculus nascitur. Democritus excaecando semetipsum, quod mulieres sine concupiscentia 5 aspicere non posset et doleret si non esset potitus, incontinentiam emendatione profitetur. At Christianus saluis oculis feminas non uidet; animo aduersus libidinem caecus est. Si de pro- bitate defendam, ecce lutulentis pedibus Diogenes superbos Platonis toros alia superbia deculcat: Christianus nee in 10 pauperem superbit. Si de modestia certem, ecce Pythagoras apud Thurios, Zenon apud Prienenses tyrannidem adfectant : Christianus uero nee aedilitatem. Si de aequanimitate con- grediar, Lycurgus apocarteresin optauit, quod leges eius Lacones emendassent: Christianus etiam damnatus gratias agit. Si de 15 fide conparem, Anaxagoras depositum hostibus denegauit: Christianus et extra fidelis uocatur. Si de simplicitate con- sistam, Aristoteles familiarem suum Hermian turpiter loco excedere fecit: Christianus nee inimicum suum laedit. Idem Aristoteles tarn turpiter Alexandro regendo potius adolatur, 20 quam Plato a Dionysio uentris gratia uenditatur. Aristippus in purpura sub magna grauitatis superficie nepotatur, et Hippias dum ciuitati insidias disponit, occiditur. Hoc pro suis omni atrocitate dissipatis nemo unquam temptauit Christianus. Sed dicet aliquis etiam de nostris excedere quosdam a regula 25 disciplinae. Desinunt tamen Christiani haberi penes nos, philosophi uero illi cum talibus factis in nomine et honore sapientiae perseuerant. Adeo quid simile philosophus et Christianus? Graeciae discipulus et caeli? famae negotiator et uitae ? uerborum et factorum operator, et rerum aedificator 30 et destructor ? amicus et inimicus erroris ? ueritatis interpolator et integrator et expressor, et furator eius et custos ? 47. Antiquior omnibus ueritas, nisi fallor, et hoc mihi APOLOGETICVS 46, 47 131 Nor does the Christian change the female sex [i.e. the natural use of the woman]. I know the harlot Phryne ministered to the lustful embraces of Diogenes. I am in formed too that a certain Speusippus of Plato s school died in the act of adultery. A Christian remembers his sex when thinking of his wife alone. Demqcritus, by blinding himself because he could not look on women without lust and was pained if he did not possess them, declares his incontinency by his attempted cure. But the Christian, though he preserve his sight, sees no women, because he is blinded against lust in his heart. If I were to defend him on the score of humility, behold Diogenes with muddy feet tramples down the proud couches of Plato with a pride of his own ; a Christian shows no arrogance even towards the poor. If I were to contend on the score of moderation, behold Pythagoras at Thurii, and Zeno at Priene, both aim at a tyranny, but the Christian does not even aspire to a magistracy in a country- town. If I were to meet you on the ground of equanimity, Lycurgus chose death by starvation, because the Spartans altered his laws ; a Christian even when condemned gives thanks. If I draw a comparison in loyalty, Anaxagoras denied a deposit made by the enemy; a Christian even among strangers is called faithful. If I were to take my stand on sincerity, Aristotle disgracefully ousted his intimate friend Hermias : a Christian does not injure even his enemy. The same Aristotle by ruling Alexander so disgracefully, rather fawns upon him, as Plato is praised by Dionysius for gluttony. Aristippus lives the life of a profligate in purple under a great appearance of gravity, and Hippias is killed while planning treachery against the state. No Christian ever attempted this revenge for his own friends though scattered abroad with all possible cruelty. But it will be said that some even from amongst our own people deviate from the rule of discipline ; they then cease to be regarded as Christians among us, whereas those philosophers in spite of such deeds continue in the name and respect accorded to wisdom. Further, what likeness is there between the philosopher and the Christian, the disciple of Greece and the disciple of heaven, the trader in reputation and the trader in salvation, the doer of words and the worker of deeds, the builder up and the destroyer of things, the friend and the enemy of error, the corrupter and the restorer and exponent of truth, its thief and its guardian? CHAP. XLVII. Truth is older than everything else, if I mis- 92 132 TERTVLLIANI proficit antiquitas praestructa diuinae litteraturae, quo facile credatur thesaurum earn fuisse posteriori cuique sapientiae. Et si non onus iam uoluminis temperarem, excurrerem in hanc quoque probationem. Quis poetarum, quis sophistarum, qui non omnino de prophetarum fonte potauerit? Inde igitur 5 philosophi sitim ingenii sui rigauerunt, ut quae de nostris habent, ea nos conparent illis. Inde, opinor, et a quibusdam philosophia quoque eiecta est, a Thebaeis dico, et a Spartiatis et Argiuis, dum ad nostra conantur, et homines gloriae, ut diximus, et eloquentiae solius libidinosi, si quid in sanctis 10 scripturis oifenderunt digestis, ex proprio instituto curiositatis ad propria opera uerterunt, neque satis credentes diuina esse, quo minus interpolarent, neque satis intellegentes, ut adhuc tune subnubila, etiam ipsis ludaeis obumbrata, quorum propria uidebantur. Nam et si qua simplicitas erat ueritatis, eo magis 15 scrupulositas humana fidem aspernata mutabat, per quod in incertum miscuerunt etiam quod inuenerant certum. Inuentum enim solummodo deum non ut inuenerant disputauerunt, ut et de qualitate et de natura eius et de sede disceptent. Alii incorporalem adseuerant, alii corporalem, ut tarn Platonici 20 quam Stoici; alii ex atomis, alii ex numeris, qua Epicurus et Pythagoras, alius ex igni, qua Heraclito uisum est : et Platonici quidem curantem rerum, contra Epicurei otiosum et inexer- citum, et ut ita dixerim, neminem humanis rebus; positum uero extra mundum Stoici, qui figuli modo extrinsecus torqueat 25 molem hanc ; intra mundum Platonici, qui gubernatoris exemplo intra id maneat quod regat. Sic et de ipso mundo natus innatusue sit, decessurus mansurusue sit, uariant. Sic et de animae statu, quam alii diuinam et aeternam, alii dissolubilem contendunt, ut quis sensit, ita et intulit aut reformauit. Nee 30 mirum, si uetus instrumentum ingenia philosophorum interuer- APOLOGETICVS 47 133 take not, and the antiquity of the divine literature already established is so far helpful to my argument in that it makes it credible that this was the storehouse for all later wisdom. And if I were not now reducing the size of this book, I might run on to prove this also. What poet, what philosopher is there, who has not drunk at all from the fountain of the prophets? It is from thence therefore that the philosophers have watered the thirst of their genius, that what they have taken from our writings may put us on a level with them. Thence, too, I fancy, philosophy was even banished by certain peoples, as by the Thebans, the Spartans and the Argives. While they are striving to imitate our doctrines, being both greedy as men with a lust, as we have said, of fame and of eloquence only, anything they took offence at in the holy scriptures, such is their inquisitiveness, they have at once rewritten it to suit their own fancy, neither sufficiently believing their divine character, which would prevent them from garbling them, nor yet sufficiently under standing them, as being even then somewhat obscure, and darkened even to the Jews themselves, whose property they were believed to be. For even when the truth was in simple form, all the more did that cavilling spirit of man, dis daining belief, begin to falter, and thus they confounded in uncertainty even that which they had found certain. For having found only that there was a God, they disputed about him not as they found him revealed, but as to his character, his nature and abode. Some aver that he is incorporeal, others corporeal, as the Platonists and Stoics respectively; some think him to consist of atoms, others of numbers, as was thought by Epicurus and Pythagoras (respectively), others of fire, as Heraclitus thought : "and the Platonists indeed (believe him) to take care of the world, but the Epicureans on the contrary hold him to be inactive and unemployed, and, if I may say so, non-existent as far as human affairs are concerned, while the Stoics believe him to be situated outside the world, where, like a potter, he makes this mass to revolve from without, but the Platonists that he was inside the universe, and that he remains inside that which he directs like a steersman. In the same way they differ also about the universe itself, as to whether it was created or uncreated, whether it will die or last for ever; so also about the condition of the soul, which some maintain is divine and eternal, and others perishable, as each thought, so he either introduced a new opinion or modified an old one. Nor can any wonder that the ingenuity of philosophers 134 TERTVLLIANI terunt. Ex horum semine etiam nostram hanc nouitiolam paraturam uiri quidam suis opinionibus ad philosophicas sententias adulterauerunt et de una uia obliques rnultos et inexplicabiles tramites sciderunt. Quod ideo suggesserim, ne cui nota uarietas sectae huius in hoc quoque nos philosophis 5 adaequare uideatur et ex uarietate defensionum iudicet ueri- tatem. Expedite autem praescribimus adulteris nostris illam esse regulam ueritatis quae ueniat a Cliristo transmissa per comites ipsius, quibus aliquanto posteriores diuersi isti corn- men tatores probabuntur. Omnia aduersus ueritatem de ipsa 10 ueritate constructa sunt, operantibus aemulationem istam spiritibus erroris. Ab his adulteria huiusmodi salutaris dis- ciplinae subornata, ab his quaedam etiam fabulae inmissae quae de similitudine fidem infirmarent ueritatis uel earn sibi potius euincerent, ut quis ideo non putet Christianis credendum 15 quia nee poetis nee philosophis, uel ideo magis poetis et philo sophis existimet credendum quia non Christianis. Itaque ridemur praedicantes deum iudicaturum. Sic enim et poetae et philosophi tribunal apud inferos ponunt. Et gehennam si comminemur, quae est ignis arcani subterraneam ad poenam 20 thesaurus, proinde decachinnamur. Sic enim et Pyriphlegethon apud mortuos amnis est. Et si paradisum nominemus, locum diuinae amoenitatis recipiendis sanctorum spiritibus destinatum, maceria quadam igneae illius zonae a notitia orbis communis segregatum, Elysii campi fidem occupauerunt. Unde haec, oro 25 uos, philosophis aut poetis tarn consimilia ? Nonnisi de nostris sacramentis. Si de nostris sacramentis, ut de prioribus, ergo fideliora sunt nostra magisque credenda, quorum imagines quoque fidem inueniunt. Si de suis sensibus, iam ergo sacra- menta nostra imagines posteriorum habebuntur, quod rerum 30 forma non sustinet. Nunquam enim corpus umbra aut ueritatem imago praecedit. 48. Age iam, si qui philosophus adfirmet, ut ait Laberius de sententia Pythagorae, hominem fieri ex mulo, colubram ex APOLOGETICVS 47, 48 135 has perverted the Old Testament. Certain men from their stock have by their opinions falsified even this more modern Testament of ours after the views of philosophers, and from the one way have caused many oblique and intricate paths to diverge. I should like to make this remark, lest any one should think that the notorious variety in our sect should seem to put us on an equality with the philosophers in this respect also, and condemn truth out of the variety of defences 1 . We, however, at once lay down to the corrupters of our faith that the rule of the truth is that which comes from Christ, passed on through his followers, somewhat later than whom these different commentators will be proved to have existed. Everything against the truth is built up from the tiuth itself, this rivalry being due to the spirits of error. By them the corruptions of this sort of wholesome teaching are instigated, by these even certain fables have been let loose, such as by their likeness should weaken belief in the truth or win it rather for themselves, leading a man to suppose that he must not believe the Christians for the reason that he must not believe either poets or philosophers, or should think that he must put more belief in poets and philosophers because he can put none in Christians. Thus we are laughed at when we preach that God will judge. For so do both poets and philosophers place a tribunal in the world, below. And if we were to threaten a hell, which is a storehouse of secret fire for subterranean punishment, we are similarly laughed to scorn. For so also is Pyriphlegethon a river among the dead. And if we were to name paradise, a place of celestial delight appointed to receive the spirits of the saints, separated from the knowledge of the common world by a sort of wall consisting of that fiery zone, if so, the Elysian fields have already anticipated the belief. Whence comes it, I pray you, that these things are so like the poets or philosophers ? Only from our mysteries ; if from our mysteries, then, as being taken from the earlier, ours are more reliable and more to be believed, whose copies even find credence ; if from their own inventions, our mysteries will then be regarded as copies of the later, which is not borne out by the plan of things ; for never does the shadow precede (in time) the body or the copy the reality. CHAP. XLVIII. Come now, if any philosopher were to assert, as Laberius does with regard to the doctrine of Pythagoras, 1 But with defectionem uindicet ueritatis should claim that the truth has failed. 136 TERTVLLIANI muliere, et in earn opinionem omnia argumenta eloquii uirtute distorserit, nonne consensum mouebit et fidem infiget etiam ab animalibus abstinendi propterea? Persuasum quis habeat, ne forte bubulam de aliquo proauo suo obsonet? At enim Christianus si de homine hominem ipsumque de Gaio Gaium 5 reducem repromittat, lapidibus magis, nee saltim coetibus a populo exigetur. Si quaecunque ratio praeest animarum human arum reciprocandarum in corpora, cur non in eandem substantiam redeant, cum hoc sit restitui, id esse quod fuerat ? lam non ipsae sunt quae fuerant, quia non potuerunt esse quod 10 non erant, nisi desinant esse quod fuerant. Multis etiam locis ex otio opus erit, si uelimus ad hanc partem lasciuire, quis in quam bestiam reformari uideretur. Sed de nostra magis defensione, qui proponimus multo utique dignius credi hominem ex homine rediturum, quemlibet pro quolibet, dum hominem, ut eadem 15 qualitas animae in eandem restauraretur conditioner^ etsi non effigiem. Certe quia ratio restitutionis destinatio iudicii est, necessario idem ipse qui fuerat exhibebitur, ut boni seu contrarii meriti iudicium a deo referat. Ideoque repraesentabuntur et corpora, quia neque pati quicquam potest anima sola sine materia 20 stabili, id est carne, et quod omnino de iudicio dei pati debent animae, non sine carne meruerunt intra quam omnia egerunt.. Sed quomodo, inquis, dissoluta materia exhiberi potest? Con- sidera temetipsum, o homo, et fidem rei inuenies. Recogita quid fueris antequam esses. Utique nihil. Meminisses enim, 25 si quid fuisses. Qui ergo nihil fueras priusquam esses, idem nihil factus cum esse desieris, cur non possis rursus esse de nihilo eiusdem ipsius auctoris uoluntate qui te uoluit esse de nihilo ? Quid noui tibi eueniet ? Qui non eras, factus es ; cum terum non eris, fies. Redde si potes rationem qua factus es, 30 APOLOGETICVS 48 137 that a man is made out of what was once a mule, and the snake out of what was once a woman, and should by force of eloquence have twisted all arguments to support that opinion, will he not gain assent and establish belief in abstaining even from animal food for that reason? Would any one be fully persuaded to abstain, lest perchance in buying beef he should be purchasing a bit of some ancestor of his ? But indeed, if a Christian were to promise that man would be made again from man and that very Gaius would be reproduced from Gaius, the people will rather insist on stoning him, and will not even come to hear him. If there rules any method for the reincarnation of souls, why should they not return into the same nature, since resto ration means this, to be that which it had been? Now they are not the very souls that they had been, because they have not been able to be that which they were not, unless they were to cease to be that which they had been. There will be need also for many topics treated in a leisurely way, if we would be playful in this direction, for instance, what kind of beast any particular person might appear likely to be changed into. But we are more concerned with our defence ; we lay it down that it is of course a much more worthy belief that man should be refashioned from man, given person for any given person, as long as it be a human being, so that the same kind of soul may be reinstated into the same rank, even if it be not into the same outward form. Assuredly, because the reason of restoration is what is appointed by judgment, of necessity the very same man, who had existed before, will be brought before the judgment seat, that he may receive from God the verdict on his good or evil deserts. Hence the bodies also will be again presented, both because the soul alone apart from material substance, that is the flesh, cannot suffer anything, and because whatsoever souls are doomed to suffer from the judgment of God, they have not deserved it apart from that flesh, within which they did every thing. But how, you say, can matter that has suffered dissolution be made to appear ? Consider thyself, man, and thou wilt find it not incredible. Reflect what thou wert, before thou hadst a being: assuredly naught; for if thou hadst been aught thou wouldst remember it. Thou therefore who wast nothing before thou wert, and who also becamest nothing, when thou didst cease to be, why couldst thou not be brought again to life from nothingness by the will of the very same Author, who willed that thou shouldest be from naught ? What novelty will happen to thee ? Thou who wert not, earnest into being : when a second time thou shalt not be, 138 TERTVLLIANI et tune require qua fies. Et tamen facilius utique fies quod fuisti aliquando, quia aeque non difficile factus es quod nun- quam fuisti aliquando. Dubitabitur, credo, de dei uiribus, qui tantum corpus hoc mundi de eo quod non fuerat non minus quam de morte uacationis et inanitatis inposuit, animatum 5 spiritu omnium animarum animatore, signatum et ipsum humanae resurrectionis exemplum in testimonium uobis. Lux cotidie interfecta respleridet et tenebrae pari uice decedendo succedunt, sidera defuncta uiuescunt, tempora ubi finiuntur incipiunt, fructus consummantur et redeunt, certe semina non 10 nisi corrupta et dissoluta fecundius surgunt, omnia pereundo seruantur, omnia de interitu reformantur. Tu homo, tantum nomen, si intellegas te uel de titulo Pythiae discens, dominus omnium morientium et resurgentium, ad hoc morieris, ut pereas? Ubicumque resolutus fueris, quaecunque te materia 15 destruxerit, hauserit, aboleuerit, in nihilum prodegerit, reddet te. Eius est nihilum ipsum cuius et totum. Ergo, inquitis, semper moriendum erit et semper resurgendum ? Si ita rerum dominus destinasset, ingratis experireris conditionis tuae legem. At nunc non aliter destinauit quam praedicauit. Quae ratio 20 uniuersitatem ex diuersitate conposuit, ut omnia aemulis sub- stantiis sub unitate constarent ex uacuo et solido, ex animali et inanimali, ex conprehensibili et inconprehensibili, ex luce et tenebris, ex ipsa uita et morte: eadem aeuum quoque ita destinata et distincta condicione conseruit, ut prima haec pars, 25 ab exordio rerum quam incolimus, temporaK aetate ad finem defluat, sequens uero, quam expectamus, in infmitam aeterni- tatem propagetur. Cum ergo finis et limes, medius qui interhiat, adfuerit, ut etiam ipsius mundi species transferatur aeque temporalis, quae illi dispositioni aeternitatis aulaei uice oppansa 30 est, tune restituetur omne humanum genus ad expungendum quod in isto aeuo boni seu mali meruit, et exinde pendendum APOLOGETICVS 48 139 thou shalt come into being. Give, if thou canst, a reason why thou wast created, and then ask how thou wilt come to be. And yet thou wilt of course more easily become what thou at one time wast, because with equal ease thou becamest what thou wast never at any time. There will be doubt felt, I believe, about the strength of God, who planted (in the void) this so great body of the universe from that which had never been, as well as from the death of emptiness and void, animated by the spirit which gives life to all souls, itself also stamped by the example of human resurrection for evidence to you. Light, though daily destroyed, shines again, and the shades of night in like manner departing come up in its place, stars die and come to life again, the seasons when they are ending are begin ning, fruits are brought to perfection and again return ; as suredly seeds, unless they decay and fall to pieces, do not spring up in rich fruitfulness, all things are preserved by perishing, all things are formed again from death. Thou, man, a name of such might, if thou wouldst understand thyself, learning even from the inscription of the Pythian priestess, thou who art lord of all that die and rise again, wilt thou die to this end, so as to perish for ever? Into whatever substance thou shalt have been resolved, whatsoever material has destroyed thee, swallowed thee up, effaced thee, wasted thee to nothing, it will give thee back (to life). Nothingness itself belongs to him to whom the whole also belongs. Therefore, you say, one must always be dying and always rising again. If the Lord of the world had so appointed, it would have been against your will that you would experience that law of your creation. But as matters are, he has appointed it exactly as he declared. That same Keason which constructed the universe out of diversity, so that all things should consist of rival substances under the bond of unity, as of empty and solid, of animate and inanimate, of things tangible and intangible, of light and darkness, of life itself and death, the same Eeason has also so disposed the whole course of existence as to make time consist of two parts so determined and distinct, that this first part in which we dwell should flow down in an age of time from the beginning of things to the end, but that the second part which we await should be extended to an endless eternity. When therefore the end and mid boundary, which yawns between, has come, so that even the fashion of the universe itself has passed away, which is equally a matter of time, spread like a curtain in front of that system of eternity, then will the whole human race be restored to settle what of good or evil it has earned in this life, and there- 140 TERTVLLIANI in immensam aeternitatis perpetuitatem. Ideoque nee mors iam, nee rursus ac rursus resurrectio, sed erimus idem qui nunc, nee alii post, dei quidem cultores apud deum semper, superinduti substantia propria aeternitatis: profani uero, et qui non integre ad deum, in poena aeque iugis ignis, habentes 5 ex ipsa natura eius diuinam scilicet subministrationem in- corruptibilitatis. Nouerunt et philosophi diuersitatem arcani et publici ignis. Ita longe alius est qui usui humano, alius qui iudicio dei apparet, siue de caelo fulmina stringens, siue de terra per uertices montium eructans ; non enifn absuinit 10 quod exurit, sed dum erogat, reparat. Adeo manent montes semper ardentes, et qui de caelo tangitur, saluus est, ut nullo iam igni decinerescat. Et hoc erit testimonium ignis aeterni, hoc exemplum iugis iudicii poenam nutrientis. Montes uruntur et durant. Quid nocentes et dei hostes? 15 49. Hae sunt quae in nobis solis praesumptiones uocantur, in philosophis et poetis summae scientiae et insignia ingenia. Illi prudentes, nos inepti; illi honorandi, nos inridendi, immo eo amplius et puniendi. Falsa nunc sint quae tuentur et merito praesumptio, attamen necessaria ; inepta, attamen 20 utilia; siquidem meliores fieri coguntur qui eis credunt, metu aeterni supplicii et spe aeterni refrigerii. Itaque non expedit falsa dici nee inepta haberi quae expedit uera praesumi. Nullo titulo damnari licet omnino quae prosunt. In uobis itaque praesumptio est haec ipsa quae damnat utilia. Proinde nee 25 inepta esse possunt ; certe etsi falsa et inepta, nulli tamen noxia. Nam et multis aliis similia quibus nullas poenas inrogatis, uanis et fabulosis, inaccusatis et inpunitis, ut innoxiis. Sed in eiusmodi enim, si utique, inrisui iudicandum est, non gladiis et ignibus et crucibus et bestiis, de qua iniquitate saeuitiae non 30 modo caecum hoc uulgus exsultat et insultat, sed et quidam APOLOGETICVS 48, 49 141 after to pay it down through an endless eternity. And there fore it is neither death at once, nor a recurring resurrection, but we shall be the same as now, nor different afterwards; wor shippers of God indeed and ever with God, clothed upon with the special nature of eternity ; but the profane and those who are not perfect before God, in the punishment of an equally lasting fire, having from its very nature a supply, divine of course, of imperishable quality. The philosophers also know the difference between a secret and a common fire. Thus that which is for human use is far different from that which ministers to the judgment of God, whether it draws down thunderbolts from heaven, or belches fire from the earth through the mountain craters; for it consumes not what it burns, but renews even while it destroys. Thus the mountains endure though always burning, and he who is stricken with fire from heaven is safe from being reduced to ashes by any other fire. And this will be a witness of eternal fire, this, an example of everlasting judgment, continually feeding its own punishment: the mountains are burned and yet endure. What shall we say of the guilty and of the enemies of God ? CHAP. XLIX. These are the things which in us alone are called vain assumptions, but in the philosophers and poets are instances of the highest knowledge and of extraordinary ability. They are wise, we are foolish; they are worthy of honour, we of ridicule, nay more than that, of punishment too. Let the opinions we hold be false and deserving of the name of prejudice, but yet they are necessary; let them be foolish, but yet they are advantageous, since those who believe them are constrained to become better men, from fear of everlasting punishment and hope of everlasting refreshment. Therefore it is inexpedient that those things should be called false, or regarded as foolish, which it is expedient should be presumed to be true; on no ground whatever ought that to be condemned which is bene ficial. It is in you therefore that we find this very prejudice which condemns the useful. Hence our belief cannot be foolish, and, assuredly, even if it were false and foolish, it is nevertheless injurious to no one; for it is like many other things on which you inflict no penalties, unreal and fictitious things, which are not prosecuted nor punished, as being harmless ; but indeed against such errors judgment ought to be pronounced, if at all, by ridicule, not by swords and fires and crosses and wild-beasts ; in which unjust cruelty not only this blind rabble exults and insults, but certain of your own selves also, who aim at popularity with the 142 TERTVLLIANI uestrum, quibus fauor uulgi de iniquitate captatur, gloriantur. Quasi non to turn quod in nos potestis nostrum sit arbitrium. Certe, si uelim, Christianus sum. Tune ergo me damnabis, si damnari uelim; cum uero quod in me potes, nisi uelim, non potes, iam meae uoluntatis est quod potes, non tuae potestatis. 5 Proinde et uulgus uane de nostra uexatione gaudet. Proinde enim nostrum est gaudium, quod sibi uindicat, qui malumus damnari quam a deo excidere: contra illi, qui nos oderunt, dolere, non gaudere debebant, consecutis nobis quod elegimus. 50. Ergo, inquitis, cur querimini quod uos insequamur, si 10 pati uultis, cum diligere debeatis per quos patimini quod uultis ? Plane uolumus pati, uerum eo more, quo et bellum miles. Nemo quidem libens patitur, cum et trepidare et periclitari sit necesse. Tamen et proeliatur omnibus uiribus, et uincens in proelio gaudet qui de proelio querebatur, quia et gloriam consequitur et prae- 15 dam. Proelium est nobis quod prouocamur ad tribunalia, ut illic sub discrimine capitis pro ueritate certemus. Victoria est autem pro quo certaueris obtinere. Ea uictoria habet et gloriam placendi deo et praedam uiuendi in aeternum. Sed obducimur. Certe cum obtinuimus. Ergo uicimus, cum occidimur, denique 20 euadimus, cum obducimur. Licet nunc sarmenticios et semaxios appelletis, quia ad stipitem dimidii axis reuincti sarmentorum ambitu exurimur. Hie est habitus uictoriae nostrae, haec palmata uestis, tali curru triumphamus. Merito itaque uictis non placemus ; propterea enim desperati et perditi existimamur. 25 Sed haec desperatio et perditio penes uos in causa gloriae et famae uexillum uirtutis extollunt. Mucius dexteram suam libens in ara reliquit : o sublimitas animi ! Empedocles totum sese Catanensium Aetnaeis incendiis donauit : o uigor mentis ! Aliqua Carthaginis conditrix rogo se secundum matrimonium 30 dedit : o praeconium castitatis ! Regulus, ne unus pro multis hostibus uiueret, toto coi-pore cruces patitur: o uirum fortem APOLOGETICVS 49, 50 143 mob through injustice, make a boast of it. As if all the power you have over us were not of our own free choice ! Surely it is only if I will it to be so, that I am a Christian; you will therefore condemn me, only if I will to be condemned; since the power you have over me, you do not possess unless I will it, your power therefore belongs to my will, not to your own authority. So also the mob vainly rejoices at the way in which we are tormented; for in the same way the joy is ours, which they claim for themselves, as we prefer to be condemned rather than to fall away from God : while, on the contrary, those that hate us ought to mourn, not to rejoice, because we have attained that which we have chosen. CHAP. L. So, you say, why do you complain that we persecute you, if you wish to suffer, since you ought to love those by whose means you suffer what you wish ? Certainly we wish to suffer, but in the way in which a soldier also suffers war. Nobody indeed willingly suffers, since both panic and danger are inevitably to be faced ; and yet the man who com plained about battle fights with all his strength and rejoices when he conquers in battle, because he attains both glory and booty. Our battle is that we are summoned before tribunals, to fight there for the truth at the risk of our lives. But to obtain that for which one has struggled is a victory, a victory that carries with it both the glory, of pleasing God, and the spoil, which is eternal life. But, you will say, we are convicted ; yes, but it is after we have won the day; therefore we have conquered, when we are killed. Thus we escape, when we are convicted. You may call us now faggoted and axle-men, because bound to a stake the length of half an axle we are burned by the faggots surrounding us. This is the garb of our victory, this our garment decked with palm-leaves, such is the chariot in which we triumph. Naturally therefore we do not please those whom we conquered; for that is the reason why we are regarded as desperate and reckless men. But this despe ration and recklessness in your midst exalts the standard of virtue in the cause of glory and renown. Mucius gladly left his right hand on the altar ; Oh loftiness of spirit ! Empedocles fresly gave his whole body to Etna s fires at the instance of the people of Catana : Oh what strength of mind ! We read of some foundress or other of Carthage who sacrificed her second marriage to the funeral-pyre : Oh noble encomium of chastity ! Regulus, lest his own single life should be spared in exchange for so many enemies, suffers tortures all over his body : What 144 TERTVLLIANI et in captiuitate uictorem! Anaxarchus, cum in exitum tisanae pilo contunderetur : Tunde, tunde, aiebat, Anaxarchi follem, Anaxarchum enim non tundis : o philosophi magna- nimitatem, qui de tali exitu suo etiam ioeabatur ! Omitto eos qui cum gladio proprio uel alio genere mortis mitiore de laude 5 pepigerunt. Ecce enim et tormentorum certamina coronantur a uobis. Attica meretrix carnince iam fatigato postremo linguam suam comesam in faciem tyranni saeuientis exspuit, ut exspueret et uocem, ne coniuratos confiteri posset, si etiam uicta uoluisset. Zeno Eleates consul tus a Dionysio, quidnam 10 philosophia praestaret, curn respondisset contemptum mortis, in- passibilis flagellis tyranni obiectus sententiam suam ad mortem usque signabat. Certe Laconum flagella sub oculis etiam hortantium propinquorum acerbata tantum honorem tolerantiae domui conferunt quantum sanguinis fuderint. gloriam 15 licitam, quia humanam, cui nee praesumptio perdita nee persuasio desperata reputatur in contemptu mortis et atroci- tatis omnimodae, cui tantum pro patria, pro imperio, pro arnicitia pati permissum est quantum pro deo non licet! Et tamen illis omnibus et statuas defunditis, et imagines inscribitis, 20 et titulos inciditis in aeternitatem. Quantum de monumentis potestis scilicet, praestatis et ipsi quodammodo mortuis resur- rectionem. Hanc qui ueram a deo sperat, si pro deo patiatur, insanus est. Sed hoc agite, boni praesides, meliores multo apud populum si illis Christianos immolaueritis, cruciate, torquete, 25 damnate, atterite nos: probatio est enim innocentiae nostrae iniquitas uestra. Ideo nos haec pati deus patitur. Nam et proxime ad lenonem damnando Christianam potius quam ad leonem confessi estis labem pudicitiae apud nos atrociorem omni poena et omni morte reputari. Nee quicquam tamen 30 proficit exquisitior quaeque crudelitas uestra; inlecebra est magis sectae. Plures emcimur quotiens metimur a uobis; semen est sanguis Chris tianorum. Multi apud uos ad toleran- APOLOGETICVS 50 145 a brave man, what a conqueror even in captivity ! Anax archus, when he was being pommelled to death with a barley pestle, kept saying : Pound, pound away : for it is the bodily coating of Anaxarchus, not Anaxarchus himself, that you are pounding! Oh the great-souled philosopher, who could actually joke about such a death as his! I leave out those who bargained for fame with their own swords or some other milder form of death. For, lo, even rivalries of tortures are crowned by you. An Athenian harlot who had already wearied out the executioner, at last bit through her tongue and spat it out into the face of the cruel tyrant, that she might spit out her own voice also, to prevent her from being able to confess the names of the conspirators, even in case she might give in and desire to do so. Zeno of Elea, being consulted by Dionysius as to what was the benefit of philosophy, when he had replied: Contempt of death, without showing feeling he was thereupon exposed to the scourges of the tyrant and con tinued to seal his opinion even up to the point of death. Assuredly the scourges of the Spartans, embittered, as they were, under the eyes even of cheering relatives, confer upon the family a reputation for endurance, in proportion to the blood they have shed. Here is a glory licensed because human, to which neither reckless prejudice nor desperate persuasion is ascribed in despising death and every sort of cruelty, to which it is allowed to endure more for one s city, for the empire, and for friendship, than it is allowed to endure for God! And yet for all these you cast statues and write inscrip tions and engrave titles to last for ever; certainly you your selves also, in so far as you can, in a certain sense confer resurrec tion on the dead by means of your monuments ; while he who hopes for a real resurrection from God, if he suffer for God, is thought insane. N But go on thus, ye excellent governors, and you will be all the more popular with the mob if you sacrifice Christians to their wishes : crucify, torture, condemn, annihilate us: your injustice is a proof of our innocence. It is for that reason that God allows us to suffer these things. For quite recently by condemning a Christian woman to the lust of man rather than to a lion, you confessed that the stain upon chastity is reckoned more heinous among us than any punishment and any death. Nor yet doth your cruelty, though each act be more exquisite than the last, profit you ; it is rather an attrac tion to our sect. We spring up in greater numbers the more we are mown down by you : the blood of the Christians is the seed ^ of a new life. Many among yourselves exhort men to the M.T. 10 146 TERTVLLIAN1 tiam doloris et mortis hortantur, ut Cicero in Tusculanis, ut Seneca in Fortuitis, ut Diogenes, ut Pyrrhon, ut Callinicus. Nee tamen tantos inueniunt uerba discipulos quantos Chris- tiani factis docendo. Ilia ipsa obstinatio, quam exprobratis, magistra est. Quis enim non contemplatione eius concutitur 5 ad requirendum quid intus in re sit? quis non, ubi requisiuit, accedit? ubi accessit, pati exoptat, ut to tarn dei gratiam redimat, ut omnem ueniam ab eo compensatione sanguinis sui expediat? Omnia enim huic operi delicta donantur. Inde est, quod ibidem sententiis uestris gratias agimus. Ut est 10 aemulatio diuinae rei et hurnanae, cum damnamur a uobis, a deo absoluimur. APOLOGETICVS 50 147 endurance of pain and death, as Cicero in the Tusculans, Seneca in his book on Chances, Diogenes, Pyrrho and Callinicus. But yet words do not find so many disciples as the Christians do by their teaching by deeds. That very obstinacy, with which you upbraid us, is a lesson. For who is there that is not stirred up by the consideration of it to ask what there is within it ? Who does not join us when he has asked? who when he has joined us, dpesjnpt : eagerly desire^to -suffer, that he may buy back the whole favour of God, that he may procure all indulgence from him by the payment of his own blood ? For all sins are forgiven to this action. Hence it is that in the same place we give thanks to your judgments. As there is an enmity between what is of God and what is of man, when we are condemned by you, we are acquitted by God. 102 In the following places Prof. Mayor appears to have preferred to read differently from Oehler : p. 2 1. 7 p. 8 1. 5 p. 12 1. 7 1. 19 1. 20 p. 161. 11 p. 24 1. 15 p. 28 1. 32 p. 36 1. 7 1. 8 p. 44 1. 15 1. 22 p. 46 1. 4 p. 48 1. 3 p. 50 1. 14 p. 56 1. 4 p. 58 1. 13 p. 60 1. 2 1. 3 p. 68 1. 26 p. 70 1. 2 1. 3 p. 74 1. 24 1. 25 p. 76 1. 23 p. 86 1. 3 obstruit] add. uiam et pr.] ut esse in causa (?) om. nomine ualde] nomen ualde om. , after nominis concurram] consistam inuerecundiam as one word iurulentiam (?) impenditis qua(?) insulas (?) repreh.] either non re- preh. or depreh. (?) perstrinximus Xolo pastorem (?) repurgabimus (?) prodacto Aristeas (?) ex aperto autem] etiam alterum numero reformetur(?) falsa (?) post renunt. hob. quae- uis alia contraria comperta(?) Astarte P- 86 1. 12 quia (?) p. 92 1. 6 intentionem 1. 23 metui (?) 1. 28 condition! (?) p. 94 1. 14 quolibet tuo add. after mor- tuo(?) p. 106 1. 7 non esse et hostes esse] esse et hostes non esse 1. 31 denotastis (?) P- 108 1. 3 penes nos dispungi (?) P- 114 i. 37 nee bis] neque bis P- 116 1. 15 causa 1. 23 abscissam 1. 30 hod.] in hod. P- 118 1. 1 cenantur P- 120 1. 24 perstringunt (?) P- 122 1. 16 ubiubi P- 124 1. 14 expendimur(??) 1. 27 perfecto (?) P- 126 1. 14 inuoluntate 1. 26 intentionem P- 128 1. 9 oblatrant (?) 1. 20 odio 1. 23 mimice P 132 1. 11 om. scripturis P- 134 1. 18 ridemur] et ridernur P- 136 1. 16 condicionem (?) l>- 138 1. 19 condicionis (?) P- 140 1. 19 tuemur 1. 20 praesumptiones NOTES ABBREVIATIONS The following are the more difficult abbreviations employed : aex. = ante exitum a. f. = ante finem a. m. = ante medium DH. = Dionysius of Halicarnassus DL. = Diogenes Laertius DS. = Diodorus Siculus f., fin. = in fine h. c. = in hoc capitulo h. l. = in hoc loco Lasaulx = E. v. Lasaulx, Studien des classischen Alterthums (Regensburg, 1854) m. = in medio omn. = omnia (the whole context) p. m. = post medium ppr.=post prohoemium pr. =in prohoemio Tzschirner = Tzschirner, Geschichte der Apologetik (Leipzig, 1805) < > sometimes enclose an explanatory word 1 Consult also the Introduction. CAP. I p. 2 1.1 ROMAN: IMPERII ANTLSTITES called praesides c. 9. 30 f. 50. p. 2 1. 7 SECTAE HVIVS c. 21 pr. n. p. 2 1. 10 SCIT SE PEREGRINAM IN TERRIS AGERE ep. ad Diognet. 5 5 Trarpi&as ol/covo-iv IBias, aXX a>? Trdpoucof 5 fjuere^jovo i irdvTwv a>9 TroXtrat /cat irdvO^ viro/jievovo iv w? gevoi Trdaa %evr) Trarpis eaiiv avrwv Kal Trdaa Trarpls ^evrj. ... 9 eVl 77)9 SiaTpiffovaiv, d\\ ev ovpava> 7ro\irevovTai. Cf. Light- foot on Clem. Rom. ep. pr. p. 2 1. 10 AGERE c. 10 m. p. 36 1. 30 certe enim oblitos 10 agitis. p. 2 1. 16 INAVDITAM SI DAMNENT ad nat. 1 20 p. 93 2 Wiss. emendate uosmetipsos prius, at Christianas puniatis, nisi quod emendaueritis, non punietis, immo eritis Christiani ; immo si fueritis Christiani, eritis emendati. discite quid in nobis 15 accasetis, et non accusabitis . . . 1. 8 damnate ueritateni, sed inspectam si potestis, et probate errorem, sed repertum si putatis. quodsi praescribitur uobis errorem amare et odisse ueritatem.cur quod amatis et odistis non noueritis? Minuc. 27 8 sic <dae- mones> occupant animos et obstruunt pectora, ut ante nos incipiant 20 homines odisse quam nosse, ne cognitos aid imitari possint aut damnare non possint. Lact. v 1 5 quia student damnare tarn- quam nocentes quos utique sciunt innocentes, constare de ipsa innocentia nolunt: quasi uero maior iniquitas sit probatam inno- centiam damnasse quam inauditam. 6 sed, ut dixi. 25 uerentur, ne, si audierint, damnare non possint. Acts 25 16. p. 2 1. 18 HANG ITAQVE PRIM AM CAVSAM APVD VOS COLLO- CAMVS INIQVITATIS ODII ERGA NOMEN CHRISTIANORVM Matt. 10 22. 24 9. Mark 13 13. Luke 6 22. 21 12, 17. lo. 15 21. Acts 5 41. 9 1416, 21. 1 Pet. 4 1416. Cf. Lightfopt on 30 Ign. Eph. 3 pr. ( the Name, absolute). Renan L Eglise 152 TERTVLLIANI [p. 2 1. 18 Chretienne 369 n. 2 and 3. Kortholt Paganus obtrectator pp. 711 720 de inuiso ipsomet Christianorum nomine. Itistin. apol. 2 2 p. 42 e seq. "Ptolemaeus accused and condemned solely as a Christian. Lucius, another Christian, asked : rt? f) atria ; 5 TOV fjLT)T /JLOIXOV /J,r)T6 TTOpVOV /jLTJT6 avpO$>OVOV /Jbr /T apTraya pr/re avrXw? aBi/crjfjLa TL irpd^avra e XpKmavov Trpoo-wvv/jiiav 6/jLO\oyovvra TOV avOpw- TTQV TOVTOV etco\d(rw ; Your judgement, Urbicus, ill befits the emperor Pius, or the emperor s son the Philosopher, or the sacred to senate." Urbicus replied : " You too seem to me to be one of them." " Certainly." He was sentenced and returned thanks. Tert. scorp. 10 p. 523 1. 15 Oehler ipsum nominis odium, ibid. p. 524 1. 10 et odium nominis hie erit, et persecutio hie erumpit. 11 p. 526 1. 4 from foot odio liabemur ab omnibus 15 hominibus nominis causa, quomodo scriptum est. p. 2 1. 22 QVID ENIM INIQVIVS, QVAM VT ODERINT HOMINES QVOD IGNORANT, ETIAM SI RES MERETVR ODIVM ? ep. ad Diognet. 5 fin. rrjv alriav r?;? e%0pa$ elirelv ol iMcrovvTes OVK e^ovtrtv. p. 2 1. 24 VACANTE...MERITI NOTITIA C. 11 p. 40 1. 29 20 u a cat ex hac parte causa, c. 18 p. 58 1. 30 sed ne notitia uacaret. p. 4 1. 6 TESTIMONIVM IGNORANTIAE EST, QVAE INIQVI- TATEM DVM EXCVSAT, CONDEMNAT cet. ad nat. I 1 pr. p. 59 Wiss. testimonium ignorantiae uestrae quae iniquita- 25 tern dum defendit, reuincit, in promptu est, quod omnes qui uobiscum retro ignorabant et uobiscum oderant, siinul eis contigit scire, desinunt odisse quia desinunt ignorare, immo fiunt et ipsi quod oderant et incipiunt odisse quod fuerant. 3 p. 4 1. 11 OBSESSAM VOCIFERANTVR CIVITATEM cet. C. 37 p. 108. ad nat. I 1 p. 98 1. 8 seq. Blunt Right Use 275, 277, 279. Kaye 85 seq. Vales, on Eus. h. e. iv 17. Lucian. Antioch. in Rufin. interpr. Eus. h. e. ix 6 (=Routh Reliq. sacr. iv 2 p. 6 1. 26) pars paene mundi iam maior huic ueritati adstipu- 35 latur ; urbes integrae, aut si in his aliquid suspectum uidetur, contestatur de his etiam agrestis manus, ignara figmenti. Eus. p. e. I 1 6 p. 3 a universality of the call, 3 10 p. 8 b , 15 p. 9 d universality of the preaching, through all lands. p. 4 1. 33] APOLOGETICVS 1 153 p. 4 1. 13 DIGNITATEM not only the lowborn and ignorant became Christians Blunt Right Use ser. 2 lect. 2 pp. 294317. Renan, 1 Antichrist 3 (Pomponia GraecinaX Orig. c. Gels. Ill 9 p. 117 pr. vvv fjiev ovv rd^a, ore &ia TO 7r\f)0os TWV Trpoaep- %o/jL6va)i> rc5 \6yti) KCLI irKovcnoi /cat, Tives TWV ev d^iw/jLacri tcai 5 yvvala ra dftpa KOI evyevf) dTro&e\ovTai TOU? CLTTO rov \6yov, \6yeiv &ia TO Bo^dpiov TrpotdTaadai TLVCLS TJ}? tcaia $ia<TKa\Las. Ill 12 p. m. OVTCO TOIVVV, eVet ae/jivov TL 6<j)dwrj rot? dv0pct)7Tois Xpio-TiavHTfjios, ov jjuovov, ft>9 6 KeXcro? OLTO,l, T0t9 dv8pa7ToSa)86(7TpO^, d\\CL KO I, <f>L\o\6yo)V, dvayfcaia)? vTreaT^aav, ov teal TO (f>i\6veiKov, aipecrets, d\Xa Sia TO TCL Xpiar^az/tcr/uoi) KOI TWV <>i\o\oyci)v TrXetoz^a?. cf. c. 44 71. VII 54 f. (of the words of Jesus) &vvdfj,ei \6\e^0at Stvpo eTTtcrTpecfrovTas ov TWV cnr\ovorTepwv Tivas 15 , d\\a /cal 7ro\\ov<$ TWV crvveTWTeptov. Rufin. h. e. V 21. p. 4 1. 17 AM ANT IGNORARE ignorance of Crescens lustin. apol. II 3. Demand for enquiry id. apol. I 3. p. 4 1. 19 IMPRVDENTES DE PRVDENTIBVS IVDICANTES ad mart. 1 p. 3 nee tantus ego sum, ut uos alloquar. uerumtamen 20 et gladiatores perfectissimos non tantum magistri et praepositi sui, sed etiam idiotae et sitperuacui quique adhortantur de longin- quo, ut saepe de ipso populo dictata suggesta profuerint. p. 4 1. 20 MALVNT NESCIRE cet. ad nat. I 1 p. 59 1. 15 Wiss. Mimic. 27 8 (of demons) sic occupant animos et obstruunt 25 pectora, ut ante rtos incipiant homines odisse quam nosse, ne cognitos aut imitari possint aut damnare non possint. p. 4 1. 25 SED NON IDEO, INQVIT, BONVM, QVIA MVLTOS CONVERTIT cet. to the end of c. 1. cf. ad nat. I 1 p. 59 1. 20 00 1. 16. 30 INQVIT they say. c. 31 p. 98 1. 19. luu. ill 153 n. (pp. 198, 373). xiv 153 n. Arnob. I 3, 34. in 6. Biinemann on Lact. de ira Dei 19 7. p. 4 1. 33 DINVMERANT IN SEMETIPSOS MENTIS MALAE IMPETVS, VEL FATO VEL ASTRIS IMPVTANT " either they tell up 35 against themselves the outbursts of an evil mind, or (if they excuse themselves) they make their destiny or their star re sponsible." 154 TERTVLLIANI [p. 6 1. 1- p. 6 1. 1 IMPVTANT de paenit. 6 a. m. p. 654 1. 6 quis enim seruus, postquam libertate mutatus est, furta sua et fugas sibi imputat? cf. on the stars as a scapegoat lul. Firm, math. I 1 in Heraldus. 5 p. 6 1. 2 CHRISTIANVS VERO QVID SIMILE ? C. 2 pr. quod- cumque dicimur. ibid. p. 6 1. 25 de nobis nihil tale. c. 8 p. 28 1. 24 homo es et ipse, quod et Christianus... homo est enim et Christianus et quod et tu. NEMINEM PVDET, NEMINEM PAENITET, NISI PLANE RETRO 10 NON FVISSE Minuc. 28 2 malum autem adeo non esse, ut Christianus reus nee erubesceret nee timeret, et unum solum- modo, quod non ante fuerit, paeniteret. p. 6 1. 4 SI ACCVSATVR, NON DEFENDIT Lact. V 20 10 ideo cum tarn nefanda perpetimur, ne uerbo quidem reluctamur, 15 sed Deo remittimiis ultionem. p. 6 1. 5 DAMNATVS GRATIAS AGIT C. 46 p. 111. p. 130 1. 15 Christianus etiam damnatus gratias agit. 50 f. (note) p. 146 1. 9 inde est quod ibidem sententiis uestris gratias agimus. ut est aemulatio diuinae rei et humanae, cum dam- 20 namur a uobis, a Deo absoluimur. 1 Cor. 4 12. lustin. apol. 11 2 f. p. 43 C Lucius, defending Ptolemaeus, and confessing himself a Christian, is ordered for execution: o Se /cal O)fjiO\6yl, y TTOVTJpWV Se<J7TOTc3l> TtOV TOLOVTWV VOXTKCOV KOL Trpos TOV Trarepa /cal /SacrtXea TWV ovpavtov Tropev- 25 ecr6ai, fcal aXXo? Be rpiros eTre\6u>v KO\aaOr)vat, Trpoo-erLfujOTj. Aug. serm. 309 4 (reply of Cyprian to the sentence of death) Deo gratias ! Le Blant les actes des martyrs 237 8. CAP. II Cf. c. 46 why have we not the same impunity as philosophers?" p. 6 1. 17 CHRISTIAN IS SOLIS NIHIL PERMITTITVR LOQVI 30 QVOD CAVSAM PVRGET lulitta, winning her case against one who had embezzled the greater part of her estate, was by him denounced as a Christian. Refusing to sacrifice, she was con demned to the stake (Basil, horn, cle diuersis v in mart. lulittam, II 33 a 43 C ). 35 p. 6 1. 19 ILLVD SOLVM EXSPECTATVR QVOD ODIO PVELICO p. 6 1. 21] APOLOGETICVS 1, 2 155 NECESSARIVM EST, CONFESSIO NOMINIS, NON EXAMINATIO CRI- MINIS cet. lustin apol. I 4 pr. p. 54 (1 55 b ovo^aTo^ yu,e/< ovv TrpoawvvfjLia ovTe dyaOov OVTC KaKov KplveTai dvev TWV vTroTrnr- TOVCTWV TW ovofiaTi Trpdgecov 7rei, oaov ye K TOV /carrjyopov- r ~ i f , r t i-^^i i \ > /jievov ijfjiwv ovojjiaTos, YpT)o~TOTaTOi vTrfipvo/jiev. aA,A, ewei ov 5 TOVTO SiKaiov rfyovueOa, Sid TO ovo/jia, eav KaKol eXey^M/jieda, aiTelv d(f)ie(T0ai, TrdXiv, el /jujSev Sid Te TTJV irpoa^yopiav TOV Kal Sid TTJV iroXiTeiav evpicrKo/jieOa dSiKovvTes, v^eTepov eo~Ti fjirj dSiKcos Ko\dovT$ TGI)? ^77 eKey^ofjievov^ Ty OIKTJ Ko\acriv 6(f)\i^(7rjTe. e ovofAaTos yap i} eiraivos rj Ko\ao~is 10 OVK av ev\6ya)s yevoiTO, rjv f^r} TI evdpeTOv 77 (f)av\ov Si* epywv a7roSeiKvvcr0ai SvvijTai. Kal yap TOVS KaTTjyopovjjievovs e V/AWV TravTas Trplv eXey^Orfvai ov TifjiwpeiTe, e ^> r)/j,a)v Se TO ovo/jia GO? \ey%ov \afjiftdveTe, KaiTrep, oaov ye 6K TOV ovo/jiaTos, TOf? KaTrjyopovvTas JJLO\\OV KoXd^eiv ocfreiXeTe. XpiaTiavol 15 yap elvai KaTijyopov^eOa TO Se ^prjo-Tov jJucrelcrBai ov SiKaiov. Kai Tra\iv eav aev TIS TWV KaTTjyopov/jievcov eapiso$ yevrjTai TTJ (pctivy [LTi eivai <f>?7<7ci9, (icbieTe avTov co? LLijSev e\eyyeiv evovTes a/j,apT(ivovTa, eav Se Tt? o/JLoKoy^crr) elvai, Sid TTJV 6/jio\oyiav KO- \deTe f Seov Kal TOV TOV ofJLO\oyovvTos (3iov evOvveiv Kal TOV TOV 20 apvov/Aevov, OTTWS Sid TOJV Trpd^ewv OTrolos ea-Tiv eKaaros <pai- Athenag. 2 p. 3 bc Kal yap ov vrpo? TT}? vueTepas SiKaio- ^, aiTiav \apovTa$ aoiKTj/jiciTcov, fjirj TrpoTepov ai, e(f> rjfjiwv 06 /jiei^ov io"vveiv TO ovofj^a TWV eTTi Ty SiKrj eXey^wv, OVK el rjSiKrjae TI 6 Kpivo/mevos TWV 25 SiKa^ovTwv e7rtr)TovvT(t)i>, aXX et? TO ovoaa w? et? dSiKrjaa evv/3piovTCi)v. ovSev Se ovo^a e($> eavTov Kal Si avTov ovTe Trovrjpov ovTe ^prjaTov vofjiit^eTai, Sid Se T? v TI Trovvjpds TJ dyaOds TT panels 77 <f)\avpa 77 dya6d p. 6 1. 21 NON STATIM CONFESSO EO NOMEN HOMICIDAE 30 VEL SACRILEGI. . .CONTENTI SITIS AD PRONVNTIANDVM cet. Tatiail 27 pr. p. 164 a 7T&;? yap OVK CLTOTCOV TOV fjiev XrjaTrjv Sid TO KaTafjiavOdveiv, rjads Se TTpo\tjjui/AaTi \oiSopias dvege- t , efjiicrrjKevai ; Lact. V 1 2 ab hoc < the pagan reader > 35 tamen si fieri potest humanitatis iure postulamus, ut non prius damnet quam uniuersa cognouerit. nam si sacrilegis et prodi- toribus et ueneficis potestas defendendi sui datur nee praedaiunari 156 TERTVLLIANI [p. 6 1. 21- qaemquam incognita causa licet, non iniuste peter e uidemur, ut si quis erit ille qui inciderit in haec, si leget, perlegat, si audiet, sententiam differ at in extremum. p. 6 1. 22 PVBLTCI HOSTIS cf. below in this chapter p. 8 1. 14 5 in reos maiestatis et publicos hostes omnis homo miles est. c. 35 pr. p. 102 1. 10 propterea igitur publici hostes Christiani, quia imperatoribus neque uanos neque mentientes neque temerarios honor es dicant. p. 6 1. 23 ELOGIIS 24 m. p. 84 1. 28. de cor. 5 f. Oehler. 10 Neumann der rom. Staat u. d. allg. Kirche I (Leipz. 1890) 33 n. 1. p. 6 1. 27 INFANTICIDIA...INCESTA Mimic. 28 2 et nos enim idem fecimus et eadem uobiscum quondam adhuc caeci et hebetes sentiebamus, quasi Christiani monstra colerent, infantes uorarent, conuiuia incesta miscerent; nee intellegebamus isfabtdas istas semper uentilari et numquam uel inuestigari uel probari, nee tanto tempore aliquem exsistere qui proderet, non tantumfacti ueniam, uerum etiam indicii gratiam consecuturum. lustin. apol. I 26 p. 70 hc (cf. Otto n. 14 on c. 10 f. p. 58 d ), speaking of Gnostics (cf. Otto n. 30) el Se /cat ra ^vor^^a eiceiva fivOo- 20 \oyovfj,va epya TrpaTTOvai, \v*%vlas fAV dvarpoTrrjv KO,I TO, 9 dve&rjv fjii^ei^ fcal dvd pwrreiwv (rap/cwv j3opd$, ov yiva)- o-KOfjiev. cf. c. 29 pr. p. 7l e 77 dveSrjv /JLL^L^. Tat. 25 fin. p. 163 d Trap rj/jilv OVK eanv dv6 pwrrofyayia. 32 p. 167 b ra 8e TT)? daeXyeias Troppco /ce^ajpLcrraL. Athenag. 3 pr. p. 4 C 25 rpla 7ri(f) r]fj,iov(n,i> ^JJLLV ey/cXtf/jiaTa, ddeorrjra, ^vearela Selirva, OlSiiroSeiov? /A/fet? (cf. Otto n. 1). 31 pr. p. 34 d (Otto n. 1). Theophil. ad Autol. speaks of cannibalism in 3 p. 118 d . 4 p. 119 b (Otto n. 4). 5 p. 119 C 120 d . 8 p. 122 C . 15 p. 126 d ; of incest 3 p. 118 d . 4 p. 119 b . 6 p. 120 a " d . 8 p. 30 122 C . 15 p. 126 d ; retorting the charges on gods and philo sophers. In the persecution at Lugudunum some heathen slaves, from fear of torture (Eus. h. e. V 1 14), Kare^revcravTo r^fjiwv v6crT6i,a SeifTva KOI Oi&iTToSeiovs fjLLgets. Byblias, who had denied the faith, recovered her constancy on the rack, 35 asking (ibid. 25 26) TTCO? av TraiSia fydyouev ol rotoOrot, ot? fjLTjSe d\6ya)v fywv al^a (frayetv e%ov ; A.D. 311, under Maximin (Eus. h. e. IX 5 2), the commandant of the garrison at Damascus compelled prostitutes to confess that they had once p. 8 1. 9] APOLOGETICVS 2 157 been Christians, avve&elev re avrois dOepirovpryias, ev aurofc? re row /cvpiafcols Trpdrreiv avrovs rd dico\ao-ra. Origen c. Gels, vi 27 f. 40 pr. traces these calumnies to the Jews ; in his day most even of the heathen refused to credit them. cf. Lightfoot Ignatius I pp. 52 53. On the chastity of Christians 5 cf. Tert. c. 38 f. p. 110 1. 18. 39 p. 112 1. 34. p. 6 1. 31 PLINIVS cf. Eus. h. e. in 33. My Bibliographical Clue to Latin Literature pp. 146 7 gives the literature on Plin. ep. 9697 up to 1875. Add Renan les eVangiles 469 484 and in Journ. des Sav. 1876 p. 725 seq. Keim Rom und 10 das Christen thum Berlin 1881 512 8 and ind. s. v. Plinius. Boissier Les Chretiens devant la legislation rom. (Rev. d. Deux Mondes 13 Apr. 1876), and on the authenticity of Pliny s letter and the earliest persecutions id. in Rev. Arche ol. 1876 Febr. and June. J. Variot, Les Lettres de Pline le jeune, correspond- 15 ance avec Trajan relativement aux Chretiens de Pont et de Bithynie (Rev. des Questions Historiques, July 1878, pp. 80 153) and id. De Plinio iuniore et imperatore Traiano apud Christianos et de Christianis apud Plinium iuniorem et im- peratorem Traianum. Par. 1878. 8vo. Arnold Studien zur 20 Geschichte der Plinianischen Christenverfolgung. 1877. My notes in Classical Review IV (1890) 121 3. Lightfoot Ignatius I pp. 50 56 ; pp. 57 62 comment on Tert. h. 1. and Eus. For other works of Overbeck, Aube, Allard, see Holzmann and Zopffel, Lex. f. Theologie 2 , Braunschweig, 1888, s.v. Christen- 25 verfolgungen. See esp. K. J. Neumann der rom. Staat u. die allg. Kirche bis auf Diocletian I (Leipzig 1890) 1733. [W. M. Ramsay Church in the Roman Empire (London 1893) chap, x ; E. G. Hardy Studies in Roman History (London 1906) chap. vi. A.S.] 30 p. 8 1. 3 OBSTINATIONEM c. 50 f. p. 146 1. 4 ilia ipsa obstinatio, quam exprobratis, magistra est. p. 8 1. 9 NEGAT INQVIRENDOS VT INNOCENTES Blunt Right Use 348. Mommsen, Strafr. 313 3. Harnack Gesch. d. altchr. Lit. (1893) i 866. Hadrian ep. ad Minucium Fundanum A.D. 35 125 according to Clinton, or A.D. 126 (Haenel corpus legum, Lips. 1857, pp. 86 87), the substance of which is given by Oros. vn 13 2 praecepit per epistulam ad Minucium Fundanum 158 TERTVLLIANI [p. 8 1. 9 proconsule Asiae datum, ut nemini liceret Christianas sine obiectu criminis ant probatione damnare. On the question of authen ticity see Otto on lustin. apol. I 69 p. 99 d n. 1. Lightfoot Ignatius I 1 442, 460 4. 522 where he (after Rigault) finds an 5 allusion to Hadrian s rescript to Fundanus in the mandatum of Tertull. ad Scap. 4 (p. 547 1. 1) Pudens etiam missum ad se Christianum in elogio concussione eius intellects dimisit, scisso eodem elogio, sine accusatore negans se audit ur am hominem secundum mandatum. Melito apol. to Marcus Aurelius (Eus. 10 h. e. IV 26 10) says of Antoninus Pius o Se Trartjp crou...Tcu9 TroXecrt Trepl rov /JirjSev vewTepi^euv vre/ol TIIJLWV eypa^ev (cf. Lightfoot 1. c. p. 443). Athenag. 3 p. 4 d (to Marcus Aurelius and Commodus) ical rov /jLwSev rovrayv dbiKelv ty-iet? K\evovTS /A?) i^rjvvciv 7T/3O? vjjiwv \oi7rov i^Tacn 15 /3iov, Soy/jLCLTCOv, TT}? TT/OO? VJJLCL^ K.CLI TOV v^erepov oiicov /cat rrjv fSaaiXeLav O-JTOV^ KOI uTra/co^?. Under Commodus (Eus. h. e. v 21 3) the accuser of Apollonius had his legs broken by sentence of Perennius. p. 8 1. 13 LATRONIBVS cet. Dio LXXVI 10. Mommsen 20 Strafrecht 312 1, 307 2. p. 8 1. 15 socios cet. Mommsen rom. Strafrecht 91 2, 98 34. p. 8 1. 22 CETERIS NEGANTIBVS TORMENTA ADHIBETIS AD CONFITENDVM, SOLIS CHRISTIANIS AD NEGANDVM ad Scap. 4 pr. 25 p. 546 1. 4 quid enim amplius tibi mandatur, quam nocentes confesses damnare, negantes autem ad tormenta reuoc- are ? uidetis ergo, quomodo ipsi uos contra mandata faciatis, ut confesses negare cogatis. adeo confitemini innocentes esse nos, quos damnare statim ex confessione non uultis. Cypr. 30 ad Demetrian. 13 pr. (p. 360 16) quin potius elege tibi alterum de duobus : Christianum esse aut est crimen aut non est. si crimen est, quid non interficis confitentem ? si crimen non est, quid persequeris innocentem? torqueri enim debui, si negarem. si poenam tuam metuens id quod prius 35 fuerain et quod deos tuos non cohieram mendacio fallente celarem, tune torquendus fuissem, tune ad confessionem criminis cum ui doloris adigendus, sicut in quaestionibus ceteris torquentur rei qui se iiegant crimine quo accusantur p. 10 1. 8] APOLOGETICVS 2 159 teneri, ut facinoris ueritas quae indice uoce non promitur dolor e corporis exprimatur. nunc uero cum sponte confitear et clamem et crebris et repetitis identidem uocibus Christianum me esso contester, quid tormenta ad- mo ues confitenti, et deos tuos non in abditis et secretis locis 5 sed palam, sed publice, sed in foro ipso magistratibus et prae- sidibus audientibus destruenti ? Ambr. de Cain et Abel II 9 27 in iudiciis saecularibus impositi eculeo torquentur negantes, et quaedam tangit iudicem miser atio confitentis...mitigat iudicem pudor reorum, excitat autem pertinacia denegantium. 10 p. 10 1. 4 SI NON ITA AGITIS CIRCA NOS NOCENTES C. 6 p. 22 1. 10 circa feminas quidem etiam ilia maiorum instituta ceciderunt. ibid. p. 22 1. 23 etiam circa ipsos deos uestros quae prospecte decreuerant patres uestri. Often in Quintil., the two Plinys, Tac., Suet. Burman on Quintil. decl. I 7 quid circa 15 te pecunia potest? 4 7 affectus circa liberos. Drager hist. Synt. I 576. p. 10 1. 8 VOCIFERATVR HOMO: CHRISTIANVS SVM C. 21 p. m. p. 74 1. 10 dicimus, et palam dicimus, et uobis torquen- tibus lacerati et cruenti uociferamur. Deum colimus per 20 Christum, de corona mil. 1 p. 416 1. 2 statim tribunus cur inquit tarn diuersus habitus? negauit ille sibi cum ceteris licere. causas expostulatus Chris tianus sum respondit. Scorpiace c. 9 the latter half (e.g. p. 164 1. 17 Wiss. qui se Christianum confitetur, Christi se esse testatur). passio Perpetuae 25 6 (p. 70 1. 16 Robinson) Hilarianus <procurator> Christiana es? inquit. et ego respondi Christiana sum. acta mart. Scillit. p. 114 1. 11 23 ed. Robinson. lustin. apol. II 2 p. 42 cde . 43 a . acta lustini c. 3 f. 4 (the whole). 5 f. waavrw^ Se fcal OL \OITTOI jjidprvpes eiTTov TToit-i o ^eXet9. 77/^669 jap Xpicm- 30 avoL e cr/Ltez^ KOI et &wXot? ov Ovo/^ev. Theophil. ad Autol. I 1 p. 69 en, oe (^779 fJie Xpianavov c9 /cdfcov Tovvo/jia (fropovvra, 70) fjii> ovv o/xoXo yco f.lvai, XptcrTta^o9, /cat (f)opa> TO Oeo(f)L\e^ ovofjia TOVTO e\T;ia)v ev^prjaroff elvai rcG 6eu). So the Gallic martyrs Eus. h. e. v 1 19 (Blandina). 20 (Sanctus) 7r^o9 35 iravra ra eTrepcorco/jLei a aireicpLvaro rrj Pco/jLaifcfj fywvf) Xptcr- elfjuJ 26 (Byblias). vm 3 3 (under Diocletian) X/9to-rta^o9 elvat e/cefcpdyei, rfj rov crwrrjplov Trpocr- 160 TERTVLLIANI [p. 10 1. 8 pharos o^oXoyia \afj,7rpvv6fjLi>o<;. Eus. mart. Pal. 3 3. acta Felicis (ad calc. Optati, ed. Du Pin, Par. 1702) p. 147 col. 1 med. GUI Anulinus proconsul dixit quod tibi nomen est? Felix episcopus dixit Christianas sum. Anulinus proconsul dixit 5 non te de uocabulo quaesiui professions, sed percunctatus sum quo nomine nuncuperis. Felix episcopus dixit sicut tibi iam disci, hoc nunc et iterum dico, quia Christianas sum et episcopus. Cf. acta Saturnini cet. c. 4 seq. (ibid. p. 151 col. 2 f. seq.) often, acta Eupli (p. 438 Ruinart). Lucifer Calar, 10 moriendum esse pro Dei filio 2 (p. 287 12 Hartel) cernimus una hac uoce religiosa Christianas sum, nolo esse ut tu es, Constantius, apostata omne crimen excludi...et tu inquis negate uos Christianos. Victor Vitens. ill 50 (= v 14) infantulo clamante ut poterat : Christianus sum, Christianas 15 sum, per sanctum Stephanum Christianus sum. Rufin. h. e. vn 12 p. 415. vin 3 p. 467. p. 10 1. 9 VERITATIS EXTORQVENDAE PKAESIDES (Kaye p. 48) DE NOBIS SOLIS MENDACIVM ELABORATIS AVDIBE MimiC. 28 3 nos <i.e. while yet heathens > tamen cum sacrileges 20 aliquos et incestos, parricidas etiam defendendos et tuendos suscipiebamus, hos nee audiendos in totum putabamus, nonnum- quam etiam miser antes eorum crudelius saeuiebamus, ut tor- queremus confitentes ad negandum, uidelicet ne perirent, exercentes in his peruersam quaestionem non quae uerum 25 erueret, sed quae mendacium cogeret. Justin cited on p. 6 1. 19. p. 10 1. 14 NE QVA vis LATE AT IN occvLTO the Evil Spirit infr. p. 12 1. 7 quaedam ratio aemulae operationis. cf. c. 22. 27 p. 92 1. 17 ille scilicet spiritus daemoniacae et angelicae 30 paraturae, qui nosier ob diuortium aemulus et ob Dei gratiam inuidus de mentibus uestris aduersus nos proeliatur occulta inspiratione modulatis. c. 32. lustin. apol. I 5. p. 10 1. 15 QVAE VOS ADVERSVS FORMAM. . .IVDICANDI CONTRA IPSAS QVOQVE LEGES MINISTRET cf. C, 21 p. 70 1. 27 35 elementa ipsa famularet. de carne Christi 12 (n p. 447 1. ult.) sine qua notitia sui mdla anima se ministrare potuisset. The usual sense of ministro (uiros, uires animumque cet.) may hold here : without self-knowledge no soul could have rendered its p. 10 1. 27] APOLOGETICVS 2 161 services ; and in the text : this mysterious power makes tools of you, lends your services. p. 10 1. 24 DEBITO POENAE NOCENS EXPVNGENDVS EST, NON EXIMENDVS eximere (cf. exemption) is the office of mercy, expungere of justice (the full satisfaction of all claims), c. 15 f. 5 libidinem. c. 20 f. (of time), c. 21 p. 70 1. 15 of the first advent iam expunctus est (fulfilled in every predicted detail), c. 35 p. 102 1. 22 (with Oehler s note) cur enim uota et gaudia Caesarum casti et sobrii et probi expungimus? cf. c. 44 pr. qai sententiis elogia dispungitis (clear off the police sheet by 10 sentencing the accused to their several punishments), de orat. 9 pr. (p. 187 1. 1 Wiss.) quot simid expunguntur official de corona mil. 1 pr. (i p. 416, with Oehler s note) liberalitas praestantissimorum imperatorum expungebatur in castris. de an. 35 pr. (p. 360 1. 9 Wiss.). 55 pr. (p. 387 1. 25) Christo in 15 corde terrae triduum mortis legimus expunctum. adu. Marc. 11 20 f. p. 363 1. 24 Kr. suum popidum in tempore expeditionis < of the Exodus > aliquo solacio tacitae cornpensationis ex- punxit. in. 5 (p. 382 1. 6 Kr.) et diuinationi propheticae magis familiar e est id quod prospiciat, dum prospicit, iam uisum atque 20 ita iam expunctum, id est omni modo futurum, demonstrare. 12 (p. 395 1. 24 Kr.). 17 (p. 405 six lines from end of ch.). 20 pr. (p. 410 1. 12 Kr.). 23 pr. (p. 417 1. 3 Kr.). 24 a.m. (p. 419 1. 28 Kr.). iv 16 (p. 471 1. 22 Kr.) coepit expungi quod dictum est per Osee. 20 a.m. (p. 484 1. 16 Kr.) nani cum trans- 25 fretatj psalm us expungitur (cf. c. 40 p. 559 1. 11 Ki\)...cum andas freti discutit, Abacuc adimpletur. 22 p.m. (p. 495 1. 20 Kr.). 29 a.m. (p. 520 1. 23 Kr.) ut quod supra distuli expunxerim. 34 p.m. (p. 537 1. 12 Kr.) donee consammatio rerum resurrectionem omnium plenitudine mercedis expungat. 30 39 prope f. (p. 558 1. 3) si quae a Creatore sunt } mento susti- nebunt elementa domini sui ordinem expungi, si quae a Deo Optimo, nescio an sustineat caelum et terra perfici quae aemulus statuit. v 7 f . (p. 596 1. 22). p. 10 1. 27 CHRISTIANVM HOMINEM OMNIVM SCELERVM 35 REVM...EXISTIMAS, ET COGIS NEGARE, VT ABSOLVAS et and yet c. 37 (p. 108 1. 9) hesterni sumus et uestra omnia impleuimus. luu. vii 124 n. xni 91 n. Holden on Mimic. 12 2. 24 2. M. T. 11 162 TERTVLLIANI [p. 12 1. 7- p. 12 1. 7 NOMEN, QVOD QVAEDAM RATIO AEMVLAE OPERA- TIONIS INSEQVITVR, HOC PRIMVM AGENS, VT HOMINES NOLINT SCIRE PRO CERTO QVOD SE NESCIRE PRO CERTO SCIVNT Instill. apol. I 5 pr. (p. 55 d ) TL &] TOUT av eiy ; e</> ?; 5 fjLWcov pyoev d$iKU> ^6 TO, d6ea ravra &o%deiv, ov ef era fere, d\\ dXuyco irddei teal ei;e\avv6tJ.voi, d/cpirax; /coXa fere pr) (frpovTi&vTes. Tert. apol. c. 5 (p. 20 1. 6) tales semper nobis insecutores. 21 (p. 72 1. 32) a ludaeis insequentibus multa perpessi. c. 50 pr. 10 (p. 142) f ergo inquitis ( cur querimini quod uos insequamur ? In Tert. do an. 20 Deus dominus is opposed to didbolus aeinnlus. p. 12 1. 13 IDEO TOBQVEMVR CONF1TENTES....ET ABSOL- VIMVR NEGANTES.. QVIA NOMINIS PRO ELI VM EST Orig. C. 15 Gels. II 13 (p. 68) Christians alone punished for opinions. Epicureans overthrow providence, Peripatetics deny the efficacy of prayer, and are unmolested. It may be said that Samaritans are persecuted for religion. No, the Sicarii are put to death for practising circumcision, a rite allowed to Jews alone, teal 20 OVK <TTIV CiKovoai SiicaaTOV TTwdavofJievov, el Kara rrfvBe T^V voiJLi^ofjikvrjv Otoaefteiav o ILiKapios dywvL^opei o^ fiiovv, pera- 6e/jii>o<; jj,ev dTroXvd^aerai, e/j./juevcov Se rrjv eVl Bavdrcp anra^- OrjaeraL. d\\a yap apKtl 8ef%^etcra ?; -rrepLToprj TT/JO? dvaipeaiv rov Tre-TrovOo-Tos avrrjv. Tert. Scorpiace 11 pr. ipsi denique 25 praesides cum cohortantur negation!: serua animam tuam, dicunt, et noli animam tuam perdere! p. 12 1. 10 SI HOMICIDA CHRIST1ANVS, CVR NON ET INCEST VS VEL QVODCVNQVK ALIVD ESSE NOS CREDITIS ? 1 Pet. 2 12. 3 16. 4 14. 30 p. 12 1. ID CHRISTIANVS SI NVLLIVS CRIMINIS REVS EST, NOMEN VALDE 1NCESTVM, SI SOLIVS NOMINIS CRIMEN EST pat. 2 ingratissimas nationes, ludibria artiwm et opera manuum suarum adorantes, nomen cum familia ipsius <Dei> perse- quentes. Athejiag. 1 p. 2 b V/JLIV e (*ai prj TrapaKpovdOipe 35 &)? ol TroXXot ef dfcorjs) TO ovo^a ri aTre^OdveTai ; ov yap rd ovopa-ra /jLicrovs d&a, d\\d rb d^iK7]fjLa oi/crjs Kal Ti^wpias. ibid. c eVl povw ovo^a-ri 7rpocr7ro\^ovvrwv rj^lv rwv TTO\\O)V. cf. c. 2. Arnob. n 1 pr. quid causae est quod tarn grauibus p. 14 1. 3] APOLOGETICVS 2, 3 163 insectamini Christum bellis, uel quas eius continetis offensas, id ad eius nominis mentionem rabidorum pectorum efferuescatis ardoribus? With Tert. c. 24 cf. lustin. apol. I 4. CAP. Ill p. 12 1. 22 VT BONVM ALICVI TESTIMONIVM FERENTES ADMIS- CEANT NOMINIS EXPROBRATioNEM innocence of Christians c. 45 5 pr. lustin. apol. I 14 15. Lact. ill 26. ep. ad Diognet. c. 5 6. Semisch Justin. II 191 seq. Neander I (I) 2 428 seq. p. 12 1. 23 GAIVS SEIVS...LVCIVM TITIVM lull. IV 13 II. p. 12 1. 25 NEMO RKTRACTAT, NE IDEO BONVS GAIVS..., QVIA CHRISTIANVS on ne (= /^) see Oehler on c. 2 p. 121 n. x. 10 adu. Marc, v 16 (p. 631 1. 6 Kr.) secundum uero Marcionem nescio ne sit Christ us creator is. Ronsch Itala u. Vulgata 400. Gesta apud Zenophilum (Routh reliq. sacr. IV 2 325 1. 4 and 7) quaere ne plus habeatis... quaere, ne plus habeat. Aug. de peccato originali 17 18 quis enim scit, ne forte det illis Deus paeni- 15 tentiam ? Aug. c. D. I 28 pr. (i 44 14 Dombart) interrogate fideliter ammas uestras, ne forte de into integritatis...bono uos inflatius extulistis. Irenaeus v 30 3 at ex multis colligamus ne forte Titan uocettir. Hermes xxv 124 1. 2 interrogari ne. Greg. dial, in 37 (p. 361 !lh Ben.) aspexit ne. Victor Vitens. ill 20 50 (= v 14) cogitauit impietas Ariana a parentibus paruulos filios separare, ne posset per pietatis affectum etiam uirtutem prosternere genitorum. p. 12 1. 31 EX IPSO DKNOTANT Qvoi) LAVDANT quam lascitta ! quam festiua ! quam amasius ! meant as praise by the heathen, 25 sound in Christian ears as a reproach. p. 14 i. 2 FACTI SVNT CHRISTIANI de cult. fein. ir 11 f. (i 731) grandis blasphemia est, ex qua dicatur : ex quo fact a est Christiana pauperius incedit. p. 14 1. 2 1TA NOMEN EMENDATIONI IMPVTATVR thus reform 30 is taxed with the name. Those who are no longer giddy, are charged with the name of Christian as a crime. p. 14 1. 3 NONNVLLI ETIAM DE VTILITAT1BVS SVIS CVM ODIO ISTO PACISCVNTVR they sacrifice their interests to this hatred, make a bargain with this hatred at the cost of their interests. 35 112 164 TERTVLLIANI [p. 14 1. 3 c. 50 p. 144 1. 4 omitto eos qui cum gladio proprio uel alio genere mortis mitiore de laude pepigerunt. p. 14 1. 5 VXOREM IAM PVDICAM MARITVS IAM NON ZELOTYPVS...ABDICAVIT ad nat. I 4 p. 64 1. 24 Wiss. scio maritum 5 unum atque alium, anxium retro de uxoris suae moribus, qui ne mures quidem in cubiculum inrepentes sine gemitu suspicionis sustinebat, comperta causa nouae sedulitatis et inusitatae captiui- tatis omnem uxori patientiam obtulisse 1 , negasse <se> zelo- typum, maluisse <se> lupae quam Christianas maritum: ipsi 10 suam licuit in peruersum demutare naturam, mulieri non permisit in melius reformari. cf. ad uxor. II 7. See the story of a reformed wife denounced as a Christian by her husband (lustin. apol. II 2 p. 41 e seq.). cf. what follows here and ad nat. about the son abdicated (the rhetoricians passim. Quintil. 15 vii 4 26 27) and the slave sent on the land. Blunt Right Use 3767. Kaye 1301. p. 14 1. 7 SERVVM IAM FIDELEM DOMINVS GLIM MITIS AB OCVLIS RELEGAVIT de idolol. 17 pr. (p. 50 1. 10 Wiss.) ceterum quid facient serui uel liberti Jideles, item officiates sacrifican- 20 tibus dominis uel patronis uel praesidibus suis adhaerentes? sed si merum quis sacrificanti tradiderit, immo si uerbo quoque aliquo sacrificio necessario adiuuerit, minister habebitur idolola- triae. cf. Blunt Right Use 378. Slaves sent into the country as a punishment luu. vm 180 n. Journal of Philology XX 279 25 280. Petron. 69 sic me saluum habeatis, ut ego sic solebam ipsumam meam debattuere, ut etiam domimis suspicaretur ; et ideo me in uilicationem relegauit. p. 14 1. 9 NVNC IGITVR, SI NOMINIS ODIVM EST, QVIS NOMINVM REATVS ? cet. cf. n. on p. 6 1. 19 and 21. lustin. 30 apol. I 7 f. (p. 56 e ) o9ev TTavrwv Twv KaTa^ye\\o/jLvwv v^lv ra? TTpa^et? KpiveaBai d%iovfj,ev, iva 6 eXey^Oels <w? aSi/cos Ko^d^Tai, a\\a jJbTj a>9 Xpicrriavos eav Be rt? az^eXe y/cro? (JMzivrjTai, (ITTO- \VIJTCU to? XpttTTta^o? ovSev abiKoyv. Athenag. 2 (p. 3 d ) TO TO IVVV TT/oo? aTTavras laov KOL rj^els d^iov/jiev, JJLT] on Xpio-navoi 35 \e>y6/jLe@a fJuaelcrOat Kal Ko\a%e<r8ai (TL yap rjfJLiv TO ovofj.a 7T/30? Ka/ciav Te\el;) aX\.a Kpivecr6at e^> orwv av Kal 1 Oehler strangely: omnem u. p. o.] h. e. repudium scripsisse. Rather, offered to wink at every infidelity. p. 14 1. 13] APOLOGETICVS 3 165 , teal 17 d<pi(T0ai QTroXuo/u.ei OL ? TT}? Karrjyopias r) dXicTfco/jievovs Trovrjpovs, /j,rj eVt T&J ovopari (ouSet? TTOVypOS, t //<?; V7TOKpLVTai TOV \OJOl ), 7TL $6 TO) Iren. I 24 6 ne pati quidem propter nomen possunt Tert. de idol. 14 totus circus scelestis suffragiis nullo merito 5 nomen lacessit. p. 14 1. 10 QVAE ACCVSATIO VOCABVLORVM, NISI SI AVT BARBARVM SONAT ALIQVA VOX NOMINIS AVT 1NFAVSTVM AVT MALEDICVM AVT 1MPVDICVM ? Quintil. x 1 9 n. omnibus fere uerbis praeter pauca, quae sunt parum uerecunda, in oratione 10 locus est. xi 1 60 esse in uerbis quod deceat aut turpe sit nemini dubium est. Liu. xxvili 28 8 4 Atrium Vmbrum semi- o lixam, nominis etiam abominandi ducem. cf. Lips, on Tac. h. iv 53. Lobeck on Soph. Ai. 430. Valckenaer on Eur. Phoen. 639. Elmsley on Eur. Ba. 508. Stanley on Aesch. Ag. 690. 15 Victorius uar. lect. xxxvi 24. Columna on Enn. Androm. p. 240 ed. ult. Spalding on Quintil. v 10 31. Aristot. rhet. II 23 20 p. 1440b 18 seq. with Cope s n. nomen omen. p. 14 1. 12 CHRISTIANVS VERO, QVANTVM INTERPRET ATIO EST, DE VNCTIONE DEDVCITVR adu. Marc, iv 14 f. (p. 463 1. 2 Kr.) 20 nomen Christianorum, utique a Christo deductum. Theophil. ad Autol. I 12 pr. (p. 77 b with Otto n. 1) -rrepi Be rov /carayeXdv fjiov, Kokovvrd yLte Xpicrnavov, ov/c ol&as b \eyeis. irpwrov /J,V OTL TO %pi(TTov r)8v teal ev^prjciTov KOI d/caTayeXao Tov eo"nv. ibid. fin. roiyapovv ridels TOVTOV e lveicev /ca\ov/j,60a Xpiartavol 25 on, xpio/jbeOa \aiov 6eov. lustin. apol. I 12 p. 60 a . II 6 p. 44 e . dial. 63 p. 287 b . 64 pr. p. 287 e . 117 p. 345 b . Lact. IV 7 6 7. Pearson on the Creed (Cambr. 1882) 175 seq. p. 14 1. 13 PERPERAM CHREST1ANVS PRONVNTIATVR A VOBIS the evidence is collected by Pearson on the Creed art. 2 (Cambr. 30 1882 pp. 1512). See lustin. apol. I 4 p. 54 (l . 55 a . 46 p. 83 d . Theophil. ad Autol. I 1 p. 69 b . Clem. Al. str. II 18 p. 438 P. Lact. iv 7 4 nam Christus non proprium nomen est, sed nuncu- patio potestatis et regni : sic enim ludaei reges suos appellabant. 5 sed exponenda huius nominis ratio est propter ignorantium 35 errorem, qui eum immutata littera Chrestum solent dicere. See Btinemann there. [Add inscriptions edited by J. G. C. Anderson in Studies in the History and Art of the Eastern Provinces of 166 TERTVLLIANI [p. 14 1. 13- t-he Roman Empire (Aberdeen 1906) pp. 215 ff. Selections from the Greek Papyri by G. Milligan (Cambr. 1910) p. 113. A.S.] It is very doubtful whether the impulsor Chrestus (Suet. Claud. 25) can denote Christ. See Herm. Schiller Gesch. d. 5 rom. Kaiserzeit I 447 n. 6. p. 14 1. 16 and 17 ODITVR Neue Formenlehre in 3 643. Georges Lexikon der lat. Wortformen. Hartel s ind. to Lucifer Calar. coniugatio p. 356 col. 2. Ronsch Itala u. Vulgata 283. p. 14 1. 17 QVID NO VI, SI ALIQVA DISCIPLINA DE MAGISTRO 10 COGNOMENTVM SECTATORIBVS SVIS INDVCIT ? NONNE PHILOSOPHI DE AVCTORIBVS SVIS NVNCVPANTVR PLATONICI, EPICVREI, PY- THAGORICI? lustin. dial. 2 p. 218 C 219 C . 35 p. 253 d 254 a . Clem. Al. str. VII 108 p. 900 P. Epiphan. haer. XLVIII 14. p. 141. 22 coci ETIAM AB APicio luu. iv 23 n. pp. 221, 396. 15 Tert. de pall. 5 f. (i p. 954) taceo Nerones et Apicios et Rufos. Friedlander Sittengeschichte n 5 622 629 shows that artists, dancers, athletes cet. assumed the names of famous predecessors. p. 14 1. 23 NEC TAMEN QVEMQVAM OFFENDIT PROFESSIO NOMINIS CVM INSTITVTIONE TRANSMISSA AB INSTITVTORE On the 20 impunity of philosophers see c. 48 49. lustin. apol. I 4 fin. p. 55. 26 f. p. 70 b Trdvres 01 diro TOVTCOV <gnostics> o/o/itco/uei ot, w? etprj/jLev, XpKTTiavol Kakovvrai, ov rpoirov KOI ol ov Koivwvovvres TWV avrwv Soyfjidrayv ev rot? <$>i\oao$>ois TO 7riKa\ov/jievov ovofia TT)? <f)i\o<TO<f)ias KOLVOV e^ova-iv. el 8e teal ra Bva<pr]/jLa eicelva epya TrpdrrovaL, \v~xyias n<ev avarpoTrrjv /cal rrt? teal avOpwireiwv aapicMV /3opa?, ov yivcoo-KO/^ev on [AT] Biw/covrai /jbySe fyovevoviai v<fi V/AWV, KCLV Sia ra jieOa. Orig. c. Cels. II 13 p. 68 $(,a TTOLOV <yap &6<y/jia TU>V ev dv Op to Trots yeyevTjfjievwv KO\d^ovrai teal aXXot, on 30 opwv rd do-eftrj rj rd ^ev^ij ru>v Soy/jbdrccv KaTr)<yopovfj,va, e Sofe /cal TOVTO aefjivuveiv Sid rov 7rpo\eyeiv BfjB&v Trepl avrov ; K.T.\. Philosophy does not in fact lack martyrs and confessors, an Anaxagoras, a Socrates, a Musonius, and had much to fear from the Roman government and from the mob Luc. Alex. 45 o Se 35 AXe^aySpo? dyava/crijcras evrt rc5 e\ty%w real /XT) (frepwv rov ovei- Soi>9 rr)v d\r]6eiav 6K\eve rovs Trapovras \L0ois (3d\\iv avrov rj /eal avrovs evayeis ecreaOai /cal ^TriKOvpeiovs K\7]9r]o-ea dai. 46 f. eSet yfjv irpb yrjs ekavvecrOai co? daeftfj /cal dOeov teal p. 16 1. 13] APOLOGETICVS 3, 4 167 ^EiTTitcovpeiov, r)7Tp TJV 7) /jLeyicTTrj \oiSopia. 47 Alexander burnt publicly the Kvpiat, Sogat, of Epicurus, and flung the ashes into the sea. cf. 25. 43. 44. His proclamation (c. 38) el TLS aOeos rj Hpicmavbs rj EtTTi/covpeios rjKei /caraa KOTTOS TWV opyiaiv, <j>ev- yerfo, ol Se TriaTevovres rco 8ew Te\eia-6wcrav rv^rj rfj ayaQf). 5 teal 6 fjiV rjyeiTo \eywv eo> \pia-riavovsl TO e 7rXr?^o9 c nrav p. 14 1. 29 IGNOTAM SECTAM, IGXOTVM ET AVCTOREM VOX SOLA PRAEDAMNAT, QVIA NOMINANTVR, NON QVIA REV1NCVNTVR cf. lustin. apol. I 4. II 2 p. 42 C seq. I0 CAP. IV p. 14 1. 33 IAM DE CAVSA IXNOCENTEAE CONSISTAM to join issue. exx. in Dirksen manuale under consistere n. 2 iudicio congredi, actione experiri/ and in Brisson de uerborum sigriificationibus. Read below (p. 16 1. 11) with Rigault and cod. Fuld. de legibus prius consistam <concurram Oehler> 15 uobiscum ut cum tiitoribus leg win. fragm. Fuld. c. 19 p. 62 1. 5. c. 46 pr. p. 126 1. 25 constitimus, ut opinor, aduersus omnium criminum intentationem. ibid. p. 130 1. 17. Oehler on de idol. 13 pr. p. 87 1. ult. Quintil. decl. 252 p. 30 1. 1 ut diceret, qua alia lege cum illo consistere potuerim. 5 other exx. in Ritter s 20 ind. p. 16 1. 4 NON DICO PESSIMI OPTIMOS de idol. 14 f. (p. 47 1. 6 Wiss.) si quid et carni indulgendum est, habes, non dicam tuos dies tantum, sed et plnres. de fuga in pers. 10 (p. 479 1. 6 up) ilium, non dico in mari et in terra, uerum in utero etiam 25 bestiae inuenio. p. 16 1. 8 INRIDENDI 18 p. 58 1. 15 haec et nos risimus aliquando. p. 16 I 9 LEGVM OBSTRVITVR AVCTORITAS 37 pr. p. 106 1. 25 quotiens enim in Christianas desae>iitis, partim animis propriis, 30 partim legibus obsequentes? Blunt Right Use p. 341. p. 16 1. 13 NON LICET ESSE vos Minuc. 8 3 homines... deploratae illicitae ac desperatae factionis grassari in deos non ingemescendum est? uit. Alex. Seu. 22 ludaeis priuilegia reseruauit, Christianos esse pass us est. Judaism was tole- 35 168 TERTVLLIANI [p. 16 1. 13 rated infr. c. 21 pr. p. 66 1. 17 insignissimae religionis, eerie licitae. Blunt Right Use 345. Sulpic. Seu. chron. n 29 3 post etiam datis legibus religio uetabatur, palamque edictis propositis Christianum esse non licebat. 5 p. 16 1. 14 INIQVAM EX ARCE DOMINATIONEM lull. X 307 n. Luc. viii 490. Plut. Timol. 22 1. DS. xvi 70. The new ed. of Diet. Ant. does not notice the political importance of the ai-x, though arx and esp. d/cpo7ro\t<; very frequently denote the stronghold of tyranny, or, metaphorically, of tyrannical passions. 10 lustin. xxi 5 2. Flor. I 1 5. p. 16 1. 20 SI LEX TVA ERRAVIT Grig. C. Gels. I 1 p. 5 Trap d\rj0eia ^iKCL^ovcrr) ol vofjiot, T&V eOvwv, ol Trepl d rfjs d6eov TroXvOeoTTjros, VO/JLOI elal Z/cvOduv /cal el TL ^. do-e/Beo-repov. OVK a\o<yov ovv avvOr^Ka^ Trapd rd 15 Troieiv, ra? virep dXijOeias. Many passages to the same effect in K. J. Neumann, der rom. Staat und die allg. Kirche bis auf Diocletian, I (Leipz. 1890) 234. p. 16 1. 21 NEQVE ENIM DE CAELO RVIT luu. XI 27 n. Muret. uar. lect. xin 7. Dorville on Chariton p. 133. Vulpi and 20 Wunderlich on Tibull. I 3 90. Wetstein on lo. 3 13 and Acts 19 35. esp. Otto die Sprichworter...der Romer (Leipz. 1890) 62. Add Liu. xxn 29 3 se acies repente, uelut caelo demissa, ad auxilium ostendit. Plin. xxvi 13 f. (of the physician As- clepiades) uniuersum prope humanum genus circumegit in se non 25 alio modo quam si caelo de missus aduenisset. Ammian. xxn 2 4 effundebatur aetas omnis et sexus tamquam demissum aliquem uisura de caelo. Lact. I 11 55 (citing Minuc. 21 7). lo. Sarisb. policrat. VII 12 (col. 662 C Migne). Heraclides said of Empedocles that he fell from the moon (DL. vni 72). Lexx. 30 under SioTreTtjs. Lydus de ostentis 7. p. 16 1. 27 SQVALENTEM siLVAM LEGVM praescr. haer. 37 m. pudic. 17 (i 254 3 Wiss.X exhort, cast. 6. p. 16 1. 29 PAPIAS LEGES see Rigault. Evidence in Haenel corpus legum (Leipzig 1857) pp. 2429. Lact. I 16 10 non 35 inlepide Seneca in libris moralis philosophiae quid ergo est inquit ( quare apud poetas salacissimus luppiter desierit liberos toller e? utrum sexagenarius factus est et illi lex Papia fibulam imposuit ? p. 16 1. 32] APOLOGETICVS 4 169 p. 16 1. 30 IVLIAE Rein das Privatrecht der Romer (1858) 461468. Tert. de monogam. 16 (i 786 1. 18) aliud est, si et apud Christum legibus luliis agi credunt, et existimant caelibes et orbos ex testamento Dei solidum non posse capere. Prud. perist. x 201 5 sed, credo, magni limen amplectar louis : \ qui si citetur 5 legibus uestris reus, \ laqueis minacis implicatus luliae, | luat seueram uinctus et Scantiniam \ te cognitore dignus ire in carcerem. cf. Rein in Pauly Real-Encyclopadie iv 979 981. p. 16 1. 31 SEVERVS on the persecutions under S. see Blunt church of the first three centuries 298305. Tert. ad 10 Scap. 4 (p. 547 1. 3 up) ipse etiam Seuerus, pater Antonini, Christianorum memor fait, nam et Proculum Christianum,. . .qui eum per oleum aliquando curauerat, requisiuit et in palatio suo habuit usque ad mortem eius; quern et clarissimas feminas et clarissimos uiros Seuerus, sciens huius sectae esse, non modo 15 non laesit, uerum et testimonio exomauit et populo furenti in nos palam restitit. Spartian. Seuer. 17 1 ludaeos fieri sub graui poena uetuit. idem etiam de Christianis sanxit. Clinton Fasti Rornani A.I). 202. Haenel corpus legum A.D. 202 and 204. Eus. h. e. VI 2 2 3. Aube Les Chretiens dans 1 erapire romain 20 de la fin des Antonins 1881, Gorres in the Jahrbiicher fur prot. Theologie (1878), and Reville, La religion a Rome sous les Severes (1886) are critical ; Wieseler, Die Christenverfolgungen der Caesaren bis zum 3. Jahrh. (1878) and Allard Histoire des persecutions pendant les deux premiers siecles (1885) and Hist. 25 d. p. pendant la premiere moitie du III 6 siecle (1886) are con servative. p. 16 1. 32 IVDICATOS IN PARTES SECARI A CREDITORIBVS LEGES ERANT, CONSENSV TAMEN PVBLICO CRVDELITAS POSTEA ERASA EST Blunt Right Use 645: "Matt. 24 51 The lord of 30 that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, and shall cut him asunder/ St^oTo/i^cret avrov. The term S^oro/^o-efc, as applied to the servant who had forfeited his trust, and abused his master s property in his absence, finds an illustration in Ter- 35 tullian, who speaks of an obsolete Roman law, by which the bankrupt debtor was condemned to be cut asunder by his creditors." See leg. xn tabul. n. 3 (Bruns-Mommsen Fontes 170 TERTVLLIANI [p. 16 1. 32- iuris Romani antiqui, Freib. in Br. 1887, p. 20 n. 6, who quotes Gell. XX 1 4852. Quintil. in 6 84 in XII tab. debitoris corpus inter creditores diuidi licu.it, and commends Niebuhr for interpreting the law literally, not, as John Taylor, of bonorum 5 sectio). p. 18 1. 4 Blunt Right Use p. 341. p. 18 1. 8 CVR DE SOLO NOMINE PVNIVNT FACTA, QVAE IN ALIIS DE ADMISSO, NON DE NOMINE PROBATA DEFENDVNT Heraldus, La Cerda, Oehler, take defendunt as = uldscuntur. 10 Havercamp, reading probanda, takes it thus maintain that they ought to be established by evidence of their commission, not by the name borne by the accused. That defendo can = ul- ciscor, is certain. See adu. Marc. I 26 (5 exx.). Brisson and Dirksen. Ronsch in Zeitschr. f. wiss. Theol. xvi 267 270 and 15 in das Buch der Jubilaen (Leipz. 1874) 144. Hildebrand gl. Par. p. 293 153 DEFENSVS uindicatus, ultus. vulg. ludith 112 quod defenderet = eK^ucrjcreiv LXX. Rom. 12 19 defendentes = KSt,Kovvres. Wopkens on lustin. xxvin 2 4. defensa Deut. 32 35 in Tert. adu. Marc. II 18 = e/cStV^o^? (wrongly translated 20 defence in Riddle- White and Lewis-Short), cf. corp. gloss. n (Leipz. 1888) 289 1. 28 eVSt^o-t? defensio . . .ultio cet. iv 479 1. 69 defensio etcSt/cta. Here, however, the opposition puniunt... defendant pleads for the usual sense of the word. Else one verb puniunt would have 25 sufficed : in our case they punish on the ground of the bare name acts, which in others they punish cet. More forcible by far is the antithesis ; in us they punish on the score of our mere name, what in others they uphold, even when proved by evidence of the fact, not by the name given to the accused/ 30 He speaks below e g. of tolerated abortion and lechery (cf. c. 9). p. 18 1. 10 cvu NON REQVIRVNT ? lustin. apol. I 3 pr. p. 54 a aXX (va //,?) akoyov (fxDvrjv KOI ro\fjiripdv So^rj rt? ravra elvai, d%iov/jiv rd Kar^opovfjueva avi^v e^erd^eo-dcu, /cat,, edv oi/rco? e^ovTa a7ro$eiKvvwvTai,, Ko\d^eo~t}ai ft)? irpeTrov ecrriv 35 a\6vTa<s Ko\d^iv el be /uirjfrev eot r/? rjr)s o^yo? ta >r]^r]v Trovrjpv vairovs v fjia\\ov Be eaurou?, 01 ou Kpiaei d\\d TrdOei rd 7rpd<y/j,aTa egdyeiv dfyovre. Athenag. 2 pr. (p. 3 a ) KOI el p,ev p. 18 1. 23] APOLOGETICVS 4, 5 171 77 fjutcpov rj /juel^ov dbucovvras, Ko\d^eadai ov 7rapaiTOVfji60a, d\\d teal tfns TTiKpordrrj KOI d p. 18 1. 11 IN DEOS...ALIQVID COMMITTO C. 22 28. p. 18 1. 11 IN CAESARES C. 2939. 5 CAP. V p. 18 1. 20 VETVS ERAT DECRETVM, NE QVI DEVS AB IM- PERATORE CONSECRARETVR NISI A SENATV PROBATVS C. 13 pr. p. 46 1. 4 nam, ut supra praextrinximus, status del cuiusque in senatus aestimatione pendebat. deus non erat quern homo consultus noluisset et nolendo damnasset. Marquardt rom. 10 Staatsverw. in 2 275 "The consecratio imperatoris is to be under stood like consecratio dei or natalis dei, as the day of the establishment of the worship. Cic. n. d. II 62 hunc dico Liberum Semela natam, non eum, quern nostri maiores . . .cum Cerere et Libera consecrauerunt. de leg. n 28." ibid. 466 15 " only those emperors were consecrated, for whom their suc cessors procured a special decree of the senate. Oros. vn 4 6. Prud. c. Symm. I 2235. 245250. GIL ix 2628 genio deiuei Iidii, quern senatus populusque Romanorum deorum in nu me rum rettulit. Athari. c. gent. 9 f. (i 20 d seq. Migne) ov 20 Trporepov, r) rd^a icai ^XP L v ^ v *? P^yLtato)^ o-vyK\t)TOS TrcoTTore avrwv % dpxijs apgavras ^ao-tXea?, rj Trdvras, rj ov* av avrol /3ov\wvTai Kal Kpivwai, Boy/jLari^ovo-iV v Oeols elvai teal 6 prfa K.eveo-6 at Qeov? ypdQovai* ol? per >yap ,, TOVTOVS &&gt;? TroXe/tttoi;? rrjv <f>vcriv ofjioXoyovaL icai 25 bvofjid^ovcriv 01)9 Se K.ara9v^iov^ e^owi, TOVTOVS Si dvBpayadiav Oprja/ceveo-Oai, Trpoo-raTTovo-iv, waTrep eV efowria^ TO BeoTroielv, avrol avOpwiroi rvy^dvovre^ Ka\ eivai rj dpvov/jbevoi,, K.T.\. More in Eckhel D.N. VIII 249." Mommsen Staatsr. n 3 732 7. See the exhaustive treatise of 30 the Abbe E. Beurlier Le culte imperial, son histoire et son organisation depuis Auguste jusqu a Justinien. Par. 1891. 8vo. p. 18 1/23 NISI HOMINI DEVS PLACVERIT, DEVS NON ERIT Mimic. 23 13 ecce plumbatur construitur erigitur : nee adhuc 35 172 TERTVLLIANI [p. 18 1. 23 dens est : ecce ornatur consecratur oratur : tune postremo deys est, cum homo ilium uoluit et dedicauit. p. 18 1. 24 HOMO IAM DEO PROPITIVS ESSE DEBEBIT C. 29 p. 94 1. 27 tota templa de nutu Caesaris constant, midti denique dei 5 habuerunt Caesarem iratum. facit ad causam, si et propitium cum illis aliquid liberalitatis aut priuilegii confert. p. 18 1. 24 TIBERIVS...CVIVS TEMPORE NOMEN CHRISTIANVM IN SAECVLVM iNTROiviT 7 p. 24 1. 21 census istius disciplinae, ut iam edidim.us, a Tiberio est. 21 pr. p. 66 1. 14 sectam istam... 10 aliquanto nouellam, ut Tiberiani temporis, plerique sciunt. 40 pr. p. 116 1. 18 ante Tiberium, id est ante Christi aduentum. Pearson Exposition of the Creed art. II Cambr. 1882, p. 195 "Tertullian seems to make it <the Christian name> as ancient as the reign of Tiberius... But I conceive indeed he speaks not 15 of the name, but of the religion... However the name of Chris tian is not so ancient as Tiberius, nor, as I think, of Gaius. Some ancient author in Suidas (in Nafapato? and in Xpio-riavoi) assures us, that it was first named in the reign of Claudius, when St Peter had ordained Euodius bishop of Antioch...And 20 Johannes Antiochenus (i.e. Malalas, chronogr. p. 247 Bonn)... tells us that Euodius. . .was the author of the name." cf. Lipsius. Ueber den Ursprung und den altesten Gebrauch des Chris- tennamens, Jena 1873. ibid. NOMEN CHRISTIANVM Arn. I 19 f. Christianum nomen 25 odisse. ibid c. 2 p. 4 3 postquam esse nomen in terris Christianae religionis occepit. Aug. c. D. I 15 multo minus nomen crimi- nandam est Christianum. p. 18 1. 26 ADNVNTIATA SIBI EX SYRIA PALAESTINA, QVAE ILLIC VERITATEM IPSIVS DIVINITATIS REVELAVERANT, DETVLIT 3 AD SENATVM CVM PRAEROGAT1VA SVFFRAGII SVI. SENATVS, QVIA NON IPSE PROBAVERAT, RESPVIT, CAESAR IN SENTENTIA MANSIT, COMMINATVS PERICVLVM ACCVSATORIBVS CHRISTI ANORVM C. 21 p. 72 1. 26 ea omnia super Christo Pilatus, et ipse iam pro sua conscientia Christianus, Caesari tune Tiberio mmtiauit. sed et 35 Caesares credidissent super Christo, si aut Caesar es non essent necessarii saeculo, aut si et Christiani potuissent esse Caesares. Eus. h. e. II 2 cites Tertull. and Chrys. horn. 26 in 2 Cor. (x 624 d ) repeats the tale. Tillemont (mem. eccl. I, Par. 1693, p. 18 1. 26] APOLOGETICVS 5 173 151 3) collects other patristic witnesses to the legend. Add anon, post Dionem (v 232 Dind.) on, Tt/3e/oto9 dvrjyy\\ev 7rl rr]v crvy/c^ rjTov, ware TOV Xpiarov rpts /caiSe/carov deov elvai r) 8e crvy/c\r]TO<> ovtc aTre&e^aro, ware fcai nva dcrreievo/jievov elirelv OTI rpisKcuSeKarov OVK Se^ecr#e, /cat TT/awro? 5 epxeTai. This writer wrote after Sozomen (i.e. after 439 A.D. Gorres in Jahrbb. 1875 2129). The Clementines (horn. I 6 seq. recogn. I 6 seq.) represent the fame of Christ as having reached Rome in autumn, He having come before the world in the spring of the same year 1 . Melito, in a famous passage (Eus. 10 h. e. IV 26 7 = Otto apol. IX 412. 4345) says that our philosophy took its rise under Augustus, alcriov dyaOov for the empire. etcroTe yap et? f^eya /cal \afjb r jrpov TO TWV ^w/jiaLwv TOs, ov &v SmSo^o? evKraios yeyovds re /cal eery rov Trat&o?, fyvXaao wv TT}? /SacrtXeta9 rrjv avvrpofyov KOL 15 rjv Avyovarw (f)i\oao<f)iav, fjv KCL\ 01 Trpoyovoi crov rat? aXXat? OprjcrKeiais erifLvjaav. See Winer Reahvorterb. Pilatus ad fin. Keim in Schenkel Bibel-Lexikon under Tiberius (v 535) and in Rom und das Christenthuin (Berlin 1881, pp. 167171). No Grotius (on Matt. 24 11), no Pearson lect. IV 20 14 15 in acta apost. (minor Theol. works, 1844, I 352 8) also concio II ad clerum (ibid. II 15 28), Fabricius (salutaris lux evangelii, Hamburg 1731, pp. 221 2), Mosheim (De rebus Christianorum ante Constantinum, Helmst. 1753, pp. 92 93), Lardner, Testimonies of ancient Heathen c. 2 1 (Works, 1829, 25 VI 604 620), but upholders of tradition, as Dr Pusey (n. ad loc.) and Canon Churton (on Pearson I.e. II 23 24, where he re bukes Kaye s scepticism), or uncritical readers, like Lasaulx, now support Tertullian. Tanaquil Faber, Basnage, Dupin, Gibbon, were wiser in their day ; so too Bishop Kaye (102 5). 30 See Lipsius Gospels, apocryphal in DCB n 708 9 (Tert. and lustin. apol. I 35 p. 76 C , 48 p. 84 imply the existence of a document drawn up in the form of official acta praesidialia). Rather they assume that the Roman archives contained an official report sent by Pilatus to Tiberius. The extant forgery 35 was founded on these notices of the early fathers and not con- 1 Orig. c. Gels, n 30 speaks of the pax Eotnana under Augustus as favorable to the diffusion of the Gospel over the world. 174 TERTVLLIANI [p. 18 1. 26- versely (Lightfoot Ignatius I 1 55). cf. Kaye 103. 110. The character of Tiberius disproves the statement in the text (Suet. Tib. 69 circa deos ac religion es neglegentior, quippe addictus mathernaticae plenusque persuasionis cuncta fato agi}. Far from 5 encouraging foreign rites (ibid. 36), externas caeremonias,Aegyp- tios ludaicosque ritus coinpescuit. Seneca s father seized the pretence of this persecution to wean the young Pythagorean from a bloodless diet (Sen. ep. 108 22) in Tiberii Caesaris principatum iuuentae tempus inciderat. alienigena turn sacra 10 mouebantur, sed inter argumenta super stitionis ponebattir quo- rumdam animalium abstinentia. patre itaque meo rogante, qui non calumniam timebat, sed philosophiam oderat, ad privtinam consuetudinem redii. Suppose that Pilate would have endorsed the biblical account of the trial and the Passion ; is it not 15 certain that he would not have reported facts so injurious to his character for justice? Lardner says (p. 611) "when he wrote to Tiberius, he < Pilate > would be very naturally led to say something of our Lord s wonderful resurrection and ascension, with which he could not possibly be unacquainted." We rather 20 infer from the Bible (Matt. 28 14) that the governor was kept in ignorance of the resurrection. The Gospel of Peter supports indeed Lardner s surmise. For writers of legends had no feeling for the tragic irony of history. The greatest event of human story passed unnoticed by the rulers of earth, not with obser- 25 vation or pomp. If we would know how provincial governors reported executions of Christians to head quarters, we need but turn to Plin. ep. x 96 3 perseuerantes dud iussi. p. 18 1. 30 CONSVLITE COMMENTARIOS VESTROS C. 44 pr. p. 124 1. 15 uestros enim iam contestamur actus. c. 19 p. 64 1. 8 30 reseranda antiquissimarum etiam gentium archiua. Scorpiace 15 p. 178 1. 11 uitas Caesar um legimus : orientem fidem Romae primus Nero cruentauit. See the evidence in Clinton Fasti Romani A.D. 64 and 65. Eus. h. e. II 25 4 quotes our text. 35 p. 18 1. 30 ILLIC REPERIETIS PRIMVM NERONEM IN HANC SECTAM CVM MAXIME ROMAE ORIENTEM CAESARIANO GLADIO FEROCISSE on the Neronian persecution see ind. general to Renan s seven volumes, persecutions p. 213. Lightfoot ( St p. 20 1. 3] APOLOGETICVS 5 175 Paul in Rome (Philippians, 1 28). ind. Nero to Clem, (both volumes) and (on this passage) Ignatius I 23. Herm. Schiller Nero 424 439. comment. Mommsen 41 47 and Gesch. der rom. Kaiserzeit I 359. 445 450. Keim, Aus dem Urchristen- thum (1878), Arnold, Die neronische Christenverfolgung (1888). 5 Lact. m. p. 2 6 (of Nero) primus omnium persecutus Dei seruos Petrum cruci cidfixit et Paulum inter fecit. Mommsen, rom. Geschichte v 520 seq., denies that the apo calypse pictures the Neronian persecution. The martyrs in the apocalypse suffer, not for burning Rome, but for refusing to 10 worship the Caesars. He accordingly dates the prophecy, with Irenaeus, under Domitian. p. 18 1. 31 CVM MAXIME this expression was perfectly well explained by scholars until Hand, Tursellinus in 599 603, following Priscian, took it as a particle of degree, rather than of 15 time. As here, with a participle, spect. 10 (i p. 12 1. 7 Wiss.) Nam saepe censor es nascentia cum maxime theatra destrue- bant moribus consulentes. Sen. ep. 95 14 fait sine dubio, ut dicitis, uetus ilia sapientia cum maxime nascens (at the very moment of its birth) rudis. Tac. ann. IV 27 coeptantem cum 20 maxime seditionem disiecit. cf. Tert. bapt. 1. spect. 1. paen. 6. p. 20 1. 1 TALI DEDICATORE DAMNATIONIS NOSTRAE paenit. 2 pr. Deus...in semet ipso paenitentiam dedicauit. p. 20 1. 2 QVI ENIM SCIT ILLVM scio (savoir) for noui (con- naitre), and conversely, in late Latin. Ronsch Itala u. Vulgata 25 380. Sil. vi 168 scire nemus pacemqae loci explorare libebat. Cornmodian. apol. 46. 172. 576. Lamprid. Alex. 45 3 omnes ambidabant, ne dispositionem Romanoram barbari scirent. Hier. ep. 130 12 pr. imitare sponsum tuum, esto auiae matrique subiecta. mdlum uirorum, et maxime iuiienum, nisi cum illis, 30 uideas. nullum scias, quern illae nesciant. id. uit. Hilarion. 42 i. pie risque asserentibus scire se quidem Hilarionem et uere ilium esse famulum Dei, sed ubi esset ignorare. Apul. herb. 6 1. 75. Paulin. uita Ambros. 30 sed cum in conuiuio a regibus gentis suae interrogaretur, utrum sciret Ambrosium, et respon- 35 disset n o s s e s e u i r u m. (In Sil. and Lamprid. scire = cognoscere, a use found by Madvig in Cic. and Livy.) p, 20 1. 3 TEMPTAVERAT ET DOMITIANVS, PORTIO NEROXIS 176 TERTVLLIANI [p. 20 1. 3 DE CRVDELITATE cited by Eus. h. e. in 20 7. Cf. luu. iv 38 n. caluo serairet Roma Neroni. Eus. h. e. in 17 7ro\\tjv 76 /JL^V et? TroXXou? eTrtSei^d/jievos 6 Ao/^erta^o? oo/jL6r7jra...T6\6VT(t)v TT}? Nepw^o? Beoe^Opia^ re /cal Oeo^a^ia^ StdSo^ov 5 eavTov /carecmjo-aro. Sevrepos Brjra TOV KaB rjpav dve- KLV6L SKOJ/JLOV, Kairrep TOV TraTpbs avTov Qveo-Tradiavov /jiTj^ev /caO rj/jiwv CITOTTOV eTTLvorjaavTo^. Melito ibid. IV 26 9 ^ovoi dvaTreio-Oevres VTTO TLVCDV ftaaicdvtov dvOpMTrwv TOV /caO as ev SiaffoXf/ Karaartjo-aL \6yov rjde^.rja av Nepcov teal Ao- 10 /jberiavos, a<f> wv /cal TO rfc o-vtcotyavTias d\6<y(p crvv^OeLa ire pi rou? TOIOVTOVS purjvat o-u/jL/3e/3r)/ce ^e08o?. On the persecution under Domitian see Lightfoot, Clement I 2 and n 2 indd. Domi- tian. Herm. Schiller, Geschichte der rom. Kaiserzeit I 576 9. Keim, Rom. u. d. Christenthum, ind. Domitian. Renan, index 15 general, Domitien. p. 20 1. 4 DE CRVDELITATE c. 9 p. 30 1. 31 o louem Chris- tianum et solum patris filium de crudelitate! p. 20 ibid. QVA ET HOMO c. 30 pr. p. 96 1. 9 sciunt quis illis dederit imperium, sciunt, qua homines, quis et animam. 20 p. 20 1. 5 FACILE COEPTVM REPRESSIT, BESTITVTIS ETIAM QVOS RELEGAVERAT Lightfoot, Clement, i 2 41 n. 3 "Tert. speaks as if Domitian himself had recalled the exiles. This father must, I imagine, have had in his mind the story which Hege- sippus tells (Eus. h. e. in 19), how Domitian was so impressed 25 with the poverty and simplicity of the grandsons of Jude that he not only set them free, but also by an injunction stopped the persecution of the Church. But this is inconsistent with the representations of all other writers, both heathen and Christian, who ascribe the restitution of Domitian s victims to 30 his successor Nerva." p. 20 1. TALES SEMPER NOBIS INSECVTORES, INIVSTI IMPII TVRPES, QVOS ET IPSI DAMN ARE CONSVESTIS, A QVIBVS DAM- NATOS RESTITVERE SOLITI ESTis see Lact. mort. pers. Eus. uit. Const. II 24 1 2. 26 2. 54. orat. Constantini ad sanctorum 35 coetum (ad calc. Eus. uit. Const.) c. 24 (of the miserable ends of Decius, Valerian and Aurelian). INSECVTORES add to lexx. lul. Val. II c. 15 fin. Ennod. p. 3 1. 1 (Lewis-Short omits the refer ence to Prud., given by Riddle- White). p. 20 1. 11] APOLOGETICVS 5 177 p. 20 1. 11 M. AVRELII Blunt Church in the first three centuries 284 294 Under him Justin, Melito, Athenagoras, Theophilus, Tatian, Miltiades, all wrote apologies. Keim, Rom u. d. Christenthum, ind. under Markus Aurelius. Lightfoot Ignatius I 1 460 seq. The Church and the Empire under Ha- 5 drian, Pius and Marcus (cf. ind. Marcus Aurelius ). Renan, index general Marc-Aurele p. 169. Herm. Schiller Kaiserzeit I 682 6. Melito in Eus. h. e. iv 26 5 gives a gloomy picture of the Church under Aurelius: TO yap ov&eTTWTrore yevopevov, vvv SiaJ/ceTCU TO rwv Oeoaeft&v 76^09, Kaivols ekavvo^evov 807- 10 fj,ao~L Kara rrjv *A.&Lav. ol yap dvaibels 0vrco(f)dvTai KOI d\\OTpicov pa<Trai, TTJV etc T&V ^larajf^drcov ejgQVTfS cfravepcos \r)aTvovffi vvKTWp KOI /jieO rj/iiepav SiapTrd foi/re? roi/9 /jLrfBev dSiKovvras. See the martyrdoms of the faithful in Lugu- dunum (Eus. h. e. v 1). cf. lustin. Apol II 2. Clinton, Fasti 15 Roman! A.D. 177 col. 4. Neumann Der rom. Staat u. d. allg. Kirche I (1890) 2839. p. 20 1. 11 LITTERAE M. AVRELII GRAVISS1MI IMPERATORIS a spurious letter is printed by Otto at the end of lustin. apol. II (i 3 246 252), and (with the evidence for the miracle of the 20 thundering legion) in Lightfoot (Ignatius I 1 469 476). Haenel, Corpus legum 1201 and add. 271. Clinton, Fasti Rom. append, pp. 2226. Otto, Corpus Apolpg. IX (1872) 486491 (on a fragment of Apollinaris in Eus. h. e. v 5 4). Lightfoot (pp. 473 4) "The simple fact that M. Aurelius wrote to the 25 Senate is mentioned, as we have seen (LXXI 10 5 /cal ry yepovaia eVecrretXe^) by Dion. The emperor could hardly have done otherwise. Tertullian hazards the assertion that in this letter mention was made of the prayers of the Christians. Accordingly he claims M. Aurelius as a protector of the Chris- 30 tians. But the very language in which he asserts his claim shows that he had no direct and personal knowledge of any such letter; si litterae M. AuYe\u...requirantur. Here he assumes that if sought among the archives the letter would be found. Just in the same way he elsewhere (apol. 21) refers his heathen 35 readers to the official reports which Pilate sent to Tiberius after the trial of Christ. He did not doubt that both documents would be found in the archives. Yet this hazard of Tertullian M. T. 12 178 TERTVLLIANI [p. 20 1. 11- is apparently the sole foundation on which later statements are built. Ens. h. e. V 5 5 fidprvs Be rovrwv yevoir* av d^io- o TpTv\\iai>6s... 6 ypd<f>l & ovv KOI avrcx; \eya)i> rov o-vi ra)T(irov /3a<7/\e&&gt;9 eTTicrroXas etVert vvv <f>epe- 5 crQai K.T.\. Keiiu Rom a. d. Christenthum, 632 4. p. 20 1. 12 ILLAM GERMANICAM S1TIM CHRISTIAXORVM FORTE MILITVM PRECATIOXIBVS IMPETRATO IMBRI PISCVSSAM COXTESTA- TVR c. 40 f. p. 118 1. 25 denique cum ab imbribus aestiua hiberna suspend lint,... uos quideni. . .aqualicia lout immolatis : nos 10 uero ieiuniis aridi et omni continentia e.rpressi, ab omni uitae frugedilatifin sacco et cinf.re uolutantes inuidia caelum tundimus, Deum tangimus, et cum misericordia/in e.rtorserimus, luppiier honoratur. ad Scap. 4 (p. 548 1. penult.) Marcus quoque Aure- lius in Germanica expeditione Christianorum milituin 15 orationibus ad Deum fact is imbres in siti ilia impetra- nit. quando non geniculationibus et ieiunationibus nontris etiant siccitates sunt depulsae: time et populus acclamans Deo deornni, qui solu-s patens, in loins nomine Deo Host ro teatimonium reddidit. de orat. 29 pr. (p. 199 1. 9 Wiss.) cetertim quanto amplius operatur 20 oratio Christiana! (\. 17) nunc uero oratio iustitiae omnem iraui Dei auertit, pro inimicis excubat, pro persequentibus suppUcat. minan si aquas caelestes extorquere iwuit, quae potuit et ianes int- petrare? See Clinton, F. R., A.D. 174. Kayo x, xi, 99 seq. Blunt, First three centuries, 294 6. Mosheim, Comment, rerum 25 christianarum ante Const. 247 252. Martigny, Diet, des ant. chret. (1877) p. 418. Keim, Rom u. d. Christenthum. (>28 ()34. Kraus, Real-Encycl. d. christl. Alterthiimer, under Legio fulminatrix. Lardner, Credibility pt II eh. 15 (Works, 1829. vn 176 198). He shows that the King who defended the miracle 30 against Movie was not (as Mosheim thought) Peter King, lord- chancellor. Classical Review 1895, p. 141 b. E. Peterson Blitx- und Regenwunder an der Marcus-Saule, Rhein. Mus. L (1895) pp. 453 tf. [Mommsen, Gesammelte Schritten, Bd iv pp. 498 rY. A. S.] 35 p. 20 1. 13 S1CVT XOX PALAM Al? EIVSMOD1 HOM1X1BV8 POEXAM DIMOV1T, 1TA ALIO MODO PALAM D1SPERS1T, ADIECTA ETIAM ACCVSATORIBVS DAMXATIOXE, ET QVIDEM TAETR1ORE Blunt Right Use 346. Eus. h. e. v 5 6 rovrov <M. Aurelius> p. 20 1. 20] APOLOGETICVS 5 179 oe (frrjcri, <Tert.> Kal Oavarov a7Ti,\rj(Tai rot? Karrjyopelv rj eTr^eipovcnv. To this refers V 21 3 dXX* 6 pep oeiXaios <the accuser of Apollonius> rrapd icatpov TTJV &i/cr)v eio~e\6<t)v, on, /J,T] f)v e^ov r)v Kara ftaa I\IKQV opov roi/v TGOV TOioovoe /JLTJVVTCIS, avTifca Kardyvvrai rd o~/ce\T>i, Tlepevviov Si/cacrTov Toiavrrjv KCLT 5 avrov -v/r//0o^ a7rVytcavTos. cf. K. J. Neumann, der rom. Staat u. cl. allg. Kirche I (1890) 81. Celsus (in Orig. VIII 69, p. 213 Lomm.) implies that under Aurelius inquisitio was made: vpwv &e KO.V TrXavdrai rt? ert \av6dvwv, d\\d fyreiTai 77/309 Qavarov SLKTIV. Athenag. 1 p. l te you (Aurelius and Commodus) by 10 your prudence secure profound peace to the empire. We Christians alone are shut out from your providence, dvy^cjpelre 8e /jLTj&ev d&i/covvTa<;...e\avi><T0ai, /cal fyepeaOat, /cal $ici)/cecr6ai,. p. 20 1. 18 TRAIANVS c. 2 p. 6 1. 31 n. Keim Rom u. d. Chris- tenthum, 512 541. Lightfoot, Ignatius, indd. to both volumes, 15 Blunt Right Use 3405. p. 20 1. 19 HADRIANVS Melito in Eus. h. e. IV 26 10 per secutions, instigated ( 9) by Nero and Domitian, repressed by Hadrian and Antoninus. Lightfoot Ignatius I 1 442 (cf. ind. Hadrian ) " only one recorded martyrdom under Hadrian is 20 absolutely certain... the death of the Roman bishop Telespho- rus " (Iren. Ill 3 4). Renan vi 5 6. 31 seq. The apologies of Quadratus and Aristides (this last newly discovered), of Apelles and Aristo appeared in this reign. p. 20 ibid. OMNIVM CVRIOSITATVM EXPLORATOR lulian. 25 Caes. 311 cd after Trajan enters dvrjp cro/3a/3o? rd re d\\a /cal 8rj /cal fJLOvaiicr]v epya^ofjievos, et ? re rov ovpavov d<f>opwv 7ro\\d/ci<; /cal 7ro\v7rpayfj,ova>v rd aTropprjTa. DCass. LXIX 5 1 (cf. Suid. ( Kbpiavos} yriaJvTO [Aev S/} . . avrov /cal TO trdvv d/cpiftes teal TO Trepiepyov fcal TO rroXi/TT pay fiov. 11 3 TCI re ydp 30 d\\a rrepiepyoTaTos ASpiavos, axrTrep elirov, eyevtro, /cal fjbavreiais payyaveiais re TravTooarrais e^prJTo. Spartian. Hadr. 11 4 et erat curiosus non solum dornus suae sed etiam ami- corum, ita ut per frumentarios occulta omnia exploraret. Re member his restless travels, e.g. to the statue of Memnon, and 35 his proficiency in many arts. Renan vi 4, 9 seq., 23, 37 n. 3, 40. His relation to Christianity id. ind. general p. 4 col. 1. p. 20 1. 20 VESPASIANVS Eus. h. e. in 17 f. see in Light- 122 180 TERTVLLIANI [p. 20 1. 20- foot, Ignatius, I 1 15 16 the evidence of Hilary and Sulpicius Seuerus for persecutions under Vespasian and Titus. p. 20 1. 20 DEBELLATOR above p. 20 1. 9 : also cited from Verg. and Stat. and vulg. (one ex. each). Add Claud, iv cons. 5 Hon. 28. Hier. in cant. tr. 2 col. 528. p. 20 1. 21 PIVS Keim, Rom u. d. Christenthum, 570 6. Lightfoot, Ignatius, I ind. p. 493 " The reign of Antoninus Pius, which has been regarded as a period of unbroken peace for the Church, is found to be stained with the blood of not a few 10 martyrs." ibid. 629 695 he dates the martyrdom of Polycarp A.D. 155. Renan, ind. general 14 col. 1. p. 20 1. 21 VERVS no special persecutions are attributed to him. CAP. VI p. 20 1. 24 RELIGIOSISSIMI c. 9 p. 30 1. 27 in ilia religio- 15 sissima urbe Aeneadarum. p. 20 1. 25 PROTECTORES c. 4 p. 16 1. 11 de legibus prius concarram uobiscum ut cum tutoribus legum. p. 20 11. 25 27 RESPONDEANT . . . SI . . . EXORBITAVERVNT on si = num and indie, in or. obi. see c. 21 p. 74 1. 23 n., Oehler on 20 ad Mart. 2 (i p. 7 8). p. 20 1. 27 IN NVLLQ *= nulla in re cor, 10. idol. 11 m. in nullo necessarius esse debeo alii. Rufm. h. e. I 1 p. 14. vi 31 p. 383. IX 8 p. 522 f. x 11. los. ant. II 9 p. 50 a.m. 49 m. II 12 p. 55. II 13 p. 56 m. & p.m. bis, 25 EXORBITAVERVNT irifr. 9 p. 34 1. 6. 16 p. m. n. ad nat. I 13. II 2. exhort, cast. 5 f. scorp. 3 f. Isid. off. in 39 (lexx. cite Lact. Aug. Sid.). p. 20 1. 28 OBLITTERAVERVNT monog. 3 p. m. ad ux. II 3. I 6 pr. Att. Cic. Catull. Liu. Tac. Suet. 30 p. 20 1. 28 SVMFTVM Arn. n 67 nam si inutare sententiam culpa est ulla uel crimen et a ueteribus institutis in alias res nouas uoluntatesque migrare, criminatio ista et uos spectat, qui totiens uitam consuetadinemque mutastis, qui in mores alios atque olios ritus priorum condemnatione transistis... leges conseruatis...in 35 cohibendis censorias sumptibus ? in penetralibus et culinis per- pet uos fouetis focos. p. 22 1. 6] APOLOGETICVS 5, 6 181 p. 20 1. 29 CENTVM AERA Saluian. gub, 1 10 fin. p. 20 1. 30 SVBSCRIBI 18 sed ne notitia uacaret, hoc quoque a ludaeis Ptolemaeo subscription est. uirg. uel. 10 certi sumus Spiritum sanctum magis masculis tale aliquid subscribere potaisse, si feminis sabscripsisset. idol. 13 festis diebus et 5 aliis extraor dinar Us sollemnitatibus, quas inter dam lasciuiae interdum timiditati nostrae subscribimus. p. 20 1. 31 SAGTNATAM pall. 5 f. praecidam gulam...qua Aufi- dius Lurco primus sagina corpora uitiauit et coactis alimentis in adulterinum proueocit saporem. Mart. XIII 62 pascitur et dulci 10 cet. inscr. auium fartor. auiarius altiliarius (Orelli 286G). fartores Colum. VIII 7 1. curator gallinarius Varro III 9 7. lex Fannia B.C. 161. Plin. ad Trai. 50 (71) 139 gallinas saginare Deliaci coepere, unde pestis exorta opimas aues et suopte corpore unctas deuorandi. hoc primum antiquis cenarum inter dictis 15 exceptum inuenio iam lege C. Fanni cos. XI annis ante tertium Punicum bellum, ne quid uolucre poneretur praeter unam galli- nam quae non esset altilis, quod deinde caput translatum per omnes leges ambulauit. i.e. C. Fannius Strabo [Pauly-Wissowa Bd vi 1994 A. S.]. cf. Rein in Pauly s.u. sumptus. 20 p. 20 1. 32 DECEM PONDO Plut. Sull. 1 pr. p. 22 1. 1 THEATRA . . . DESTRVEBANT spect. 10 theatrum proprie sacrarium Veneris est. hoc denique modo id genus operis in saeculo euasit. nam saepe censores nascentia cum maxime theatra destruebant, moribus consulentes, quorum scilicet 25 periculum ingens de lasciuia prouidebant, ut iam hie ethnicis in testimonium cedat sententia ipsorum nobiscum faciens et nobis in exaggerationem disciplinae etiam humanae praerogatiaa. Oros. IV 21 4. V. M. II 4 2. Plin. h. n. xvn 25 244. Dio LVII 11. Tiberius banished actors. Marquardt ill 2 530 n. 6. 30 p. 22 1. 2 DIGNITATVM Herald digress. I 6 p. 2034. p. 22 1. 3 Gell. II 24 215. Macrob. m 17. sumptuariae leges diet. ant. p. 22 1. 5 PARVM EST si idol. 7 m. p. sit si ab aliis mani- bus accipiant quod contaminent. patient. 3 m. parum hoc, si non 35 etiam proditorem suum secum habuit. p. 22 1. G FLAGRA RVMPENTIVM luu. 6 479 Friedl. hicfrangit ferulas] 8 247 nodosam posthac frangebat uertice uitem n. (and 182 TERTVLLIANI [p. 22 1. 6- in Journ. Phil, xx 289 f.) of a parasite. Sid. ep. in 13 5 uesicarum ruptor fractorque ferularum. p. 22 1. 9 PROSTIBVLAS Hier. ep. 84 7 (i 529 a ) gl. Par. p. 251 n. 492. Ambr. in ps. 118 s. 1 12. fr. Plaut. 5 p. 22 1. 10 CIRCA c. 2 p. 10 1. 5. p. 22 1. 13 OBPIGNORASSET 1 ex. each (not this) from Ter. Cic. Sen. Mart, in lexx. ANVLO de idolol. 16 circa officia uero priuatarum et com- munium sollemnitatum, ut togae purae, ut sponsaliam,. . .nullum 10 putem periculum obseruari de flatu idololatriae, quae inter- uenit eas mundas esse opinor per semetipsas, quia neque uestitus uirilis neque anulus...de alicuius idoli honore descendit, Bingham XXII 3 5. Selden uxor hebr. 2 14 & 25. Bailey Rituale Anglo-Oath, p. 316 (citing Clem. Al. paed. in c. 11 57 15 p. 287 1. 26). p. 22 1. 15 CELLAE VINARIAE Vitr. Plin. Apul. (add Met. ix 34) Plin. xiv 89 non licebat id feminis Romae bibere. inuenimus inter exempla Egnati Metenni uxorem, quod uinum bibisset e dolio, interfectam fasti a marito, eumque caedis a Romulo abso- 20 lutum. Fabius Pictor in annalibus suis scripsit matronam, quod loculos in quibus erant claues cellae uinariae resignauisset, a suis inedia mori coactam. Arn. II 67 f. (Elmenh. p. 102. Hildebr. p. 234) moires familias uestrae in atriis operantur domorum industries testificantes suas? potionibus abstinent uini? adfi- 25 nibus et propinquis osculari eas ius est, ut sobrias comprobent atque abstemias se esse ? Migne xvn 437 a . [Study of Ambro- siaster p. 30; Ps.-Aug. Quaest. Vet. et Nou. Test. 115 26. A. S.] p. 22 1. 16 METENNIO Mommsen Strafrecht 19 1 (no ex- 30 ample of the exercise of this right except aetiological legends) "Den Egnatius Mecennius, welcher seine Frau wegen uner- laubten Weintrinkens mit einem Knittel erschlagen hat, spricht Konig Romulus frei (V. M. vi 3 9. Plin. I.e. Tert. Seru. Aen. I 737. verallgemeinert Dion. Hal. II 25. Polyb. vi ll a 4 35(540, 4 Hultsch; 496, 33 Bekker; ed. Buttner-Wobst vol. n p. 253)). Diese Erzahlung soil wohl die urspriinglich dem Ehemann zustehende Gewalt liber Leben und Tod der Ehefrau erlautern. Wegen eines ahnlichen Yergehens wird eine Frau p. 22 1. 26] APOLOGETICVS 6 183 von den Ihrigen (sui) zum Hungertod verurtheilt. Fabius in Plin. I.e." So Fatua in Lact. I 22. p. 22 1. 17 OSCVLA Arn. II 67 fin. (among obsolete fashions) cited above. Gell. x 23. Athen. X 13. Pint. qu. Rom. 6. Plin. xiv 90 Cato idea propinquos feminis osculum dare ut scirent 5 an temetum olerent. hoc turn nomen uino erat, unde et temulentia appellata. Cn. Domitius index pronuntiauit mulierem uideri plus uini bibisse quam ualetudinis causa uiro insciente, et dote multauit. p. 22 1. 19 SEXCENTOS Hier. Mag. misc. 2 15. Marquardt 10 Privatleb. I 69 n. 2. p. 22 1. 20 SCRIPSIT properly misit. Marquardt Privatleb. I 76 n. 1. p. 22 1. 21 PRAE AVRO cet. cult. fern. I 9 f. Plin. xxxm 39 40 idem enim tu, Brute, mulierum pedibus aurum yes- 15 tatum tacuisti et nos sceleris arguimus ilium qui primus auro dignitatem per anulos fecit ! habeant in lacertis iam quidern et uiri, quod ex Dardanis uenit itaque et Dardanium uocabatur..., habeant feminae in armillis digitisque totis, collo, auribus, spiris; discurrant catenae circa latera et in secreto margaritarum sacculi 20 e collo dominarum aureo pendeant, ut in somno quoque unionum conscientia adsit ; etiamne pedibus induetur atque inter stolam plebemque hunc medium feminarum equestrem ordinem faciet ? Arn. n 67 f. cited above. p. 22 1. 22 VOTVM i.e. nuptiae. ad nat. nil fin. Apul. flor. 25 I 4 p. 18 togam parari uoto et funeri. met. IV 26 p. 293 uotis nuptialibus pacto iugali destinatus. dig. Testament, ludicr. M. Grunnii Corocottae sorori meae Quirinae, cuius in uotum interesse non potui. Sen. ben. ill 16 exeunt matrimonii causa, nubunt repudii. 30 p. 22 1. 23 CIRCA 2 p. 10 1. 5. p. 22 1. 25 LIBERVM B.C. 186. ad nat. I 10 p. 75 28 seq. Wiss. where also Serapis, Isis, cet. Aug. C. D. vin 9. xvni 13 p.m. Firmicus de errore prof. rel. 6 6 cet. Preller rom. Myth. 716. Marquardt ill 2 42 n. 2. Bayle oeuvres in 368. 35 p. 22 1. 26 ELIMINAVERVNT ad nat. n 7 (p. 107 13 Wiss.) criminatores deorum poetas eliminari Plato censuit I 10 (p. 75 28 Wiss.) certe Liberum patrem cum socru sua consules senattis 184 TERTVLLIANI [p. 22 1. 26 auctoritate non urbe solum modo, uerum tota Italia elimina- uerunt. Sid. ep. 1 2. Liu. xxxix 16 8. p. 22 1. 27 SERAPIDEM cet. ad nat. 1 10 (cited next page). Cic. n. d. in 47. Minuc. 21 5 despice sis Isidis ad hirundinem, 5 sistrum et adsparsis membris inanem tui Serapidis sine Osiridis tumulum. 7 Isis perditum filium cum Cynocephalo suo et caluis sacerdotibus luget, plangit, inquirit.... 8 haec tarnen Aegyptia quondam, mine et sacra Romana sunt. Preller rom. Mythol. 727 seq. (= n 378 seq.). Marquardt in 2 78 n. 1 and 6. 79 n. 9. 10 77 n. 6. cf. n. 5 and n. 4. Renan les apdtres 342 n. 1. Isis worshipped by Caracalla (Spart. who says that Commodus carried an Anubis) cf. Lampr. Al. Seu. 26 8 (Isis and Serapis). p. 22 1. 27 CYNOCEPHALO scorp. 1 p. 146 11 Wiss. Cypr. ad Demetrian. 12 crocodili et cynocephali et lapides et serpentes 15 coluntur, et Deus solus in terris aut non colitur aut non impune colitur. Aug. C. D. n 14. in 12. [Ps.-Aug. Quaest. Vet. et Nou. Test. 114 11 A.S.] Drexler in Roscher Hermanubis col. 2314. p. 22 1. 28 CAPITOLIO Marquardt ill 2 41 n. 7 called de spect. 20 12 (p. 15 11 Wiss.) omnium daemonum templum. Arnob. n. 73 quid? uos Aegyptiaca numina, quibus Serapis atque Isis est nomen, non post Pisonem et Gabinium consides in numerum uestrorum rettulistis deorum ? p. 22 1. 29 GABINIVS B.C. 58. ad nat. I 10 p 76 5 Wiss. 25 sed tamen et Gabinius consul Kalendis lanuariis, cum uix hostias probaret prae popularium coetu, quia nihil de Serape et I side constituisset, potiorem habuit senatus censuram quam impetum uulgi, et aras institui prohibuit. p. 22 1. 32 ad nat. I 10 p. 74 22 W T iss. de reliqua uero con- 30 uersationis humanae dispositione palam subiacet, quanta a ma- ioribus mutaueritis, cultu habitu apparatu ipsoque uictu ipsoque sermone. p. 22 1. 33 INSTRVCTV one ex. marked CITT. elp. in LS (from Cic.) add 41 pr. de an. 19 pr. Apul. met. xi 30. Seru. Aen. 35 v 402. Paulin Nol. ep. 3 3. Dirksen manuale. Symm. ep. 5 11. 20 2. Gen. 12 37 ap. Aug. quaest. in Exod. 47 [= a7TO(7KV^. A. S.]. p. 24 1. 1 RENVNTIASTIS 38 n. p. 24 1. 13J APOLOGETICVS 6, 7 185 p. 24 1. 1 ad nat. I 10 p. 74 20 Wiss. de legibus quidem iam supra dictum est, quod eas nouis de die consultis constitutis- que obruistis. NOVE Plaut. Cornific. (once). Sen. rhet. Gell. [add Iren. lat. quater, Nouat. Vincent. A. S.]. 5 p. 24 1. 6 PRINCIPALITER in this sense scorp. 2 f. Sol. dig. Marc. Emp. p. 349 17. Paulin. Nol. ep. 24 8. TRANSGRESSIOXIS cult. fern. II 5 p. m. cor. 11 bis. ad nat. I 10 a. m. p. 75 3 Wiss. Aug. Ambr. [also Cypr. Ambst. Hier. Rufin. etc. A. S.]. 10 p. 24 1. 8 I AM ROMANO Luc. IX 158 euoluam busto numen iam gentibus Isint. Of Serapis, Horus in Macr. I 7 15 nullum itaque Aegypti oppidum intra muros suos aut Saturni aut Serapis fanum recepit. 16 horum alter um uix aegreque a uobis admissum audio. 15 p. 24 1. 8 RESTRVXERITIS ad nat. I 10 p. 76 2 Wiss. ceterum Serapem et Isidem et Arpocraten et Anubem prohibitos Capitolio Varro commemorat, eorumque aras a senatu deiectas non nisi per uim popidarium restructas. Seru. Aen. viil 698 Varro de- dignatur Alexandrinos deos Romae coli. Suid. ey/carecr/c^av 20 TO, Tcav AlyvTTTiayv Kara TO, ev AXe^az^Spe/a 7ro\ei ey/carecr/CTT^re teal rf/ ( Pa)/j,y Ovdppcov. restruere only cited from Tert. (one other reference). [I have found it once in Iren. lat. A.S.] p. 24 1. 12 MANIFESTIOBA 9 fin. CAP. VII p. 24 1. 13 DICIMVR cet. 1 Pet. 2 1112. 3 16. 4 4. Robert 25 Turner M.A. fell. S. Joh. Cambr. vie. S. Pet. Colchester. The calumnies upon the primitive Christians accounted for. Or, an enquiry into the grounds, and causes of the charge of incest, infanticide, atheism, ono-latria, or ass-worship, sedition, cet. laid against the Christians, in the three first centuries. Lond. 30 Bonwicke 1727. 8. Kaye 403. lustin. apol. II 2 courage of Christians disproves the charge of lust. Some heathen slaves of Christians, fearing torture, and instigated by the soldiers (Eus. h. e. V 1 14) Kare^revaavro TIIL&V V(TT6ia SeiTrva /cat . cf. lustin. apol. II 12 13. I 10 23 27. 35 186 TERTVLLIANI [p. 24 1. 13 Hier. ep. 41. 4 pr. Bonwetsch Montan. 40. Epiph. and Philastr. probably do not follow Tert., as this reproach is nowhere else found in contemporary literature. Tert. ieiun. 13 seems not to know of it (but see Praedest. haer. 26). These reproaches 5 long obsolete. Tert. cult. fern. II 4. lustin. c. Tryph. 10 pr. p. 227 b . Carpocrates Clem. Al. strom. ill 2 5 8 p. 511 P. Eus. h. e. IV 7 911 [Tat. 25 fin.]. Aug. haer. 7. Praedestinat. haer. 48 14. Philastr. haer. 21 49. Thdt [ix 33 p. 128, 40(?) A. S.]. p. 24 1. 13 SACKAMENTO Kaye 336 7. On these charges 10 see Semisch lustin. d. Mart. II 100 seq. Athenag. suppl. 31 3 rpia 67TL(j)rj/jLL^ovo LV rj/jiiv I yKXr^fJiara^ (l) adeorrfra, (ll) ve(TTia SeiTTva, (ill) OtStTroSetou? fiigei?. He handles I c. 4 30. Ill c. 3234. II c. 356. lustin. dial. 10. apol. I 26 fin. (of philo sophers) el Be teal ra Bvcr^rj/jLa eicelva (jLv0o\oyov/jLva epya 15 Trpdrrovai,, \v)(yia^ fj,ev dvarpoTrr^v KCU ra? dveBrjv fu et<?, real aapKwv /Sopds, ov ^iv(i)aKOfjLev. Tatian 25 f. av- . 32 acre\<yeiav. Theophil. Ill 15 d&ia<f>6pa)<; tfiv fcal (TVfjL<f)vpeo-0ai, rat? dQe/jLirois pi^eaiv. ib. aaptcwv dvOpwjreiwv e(f)d7rr(T0ai. Mimic. 9 and 31. Eus. h. e. IV 7 11 says that 20 the real enormities of the Carpocratians were ascribed to all Christians. See impr. Christiani Kortholti de uita et moribus, Christianis primaeuis per gentilium malitiam affictis liber Kilonii 1683. 4to. c. 9 pp. 94151. Clem. Al. str. in p. 430 says of the disciples of Prodicus TO /caraLo-^vvov avrwv rrjv 25 TTopviKrjv ravriyv SiKaLoavv rjv efCTro&oDv Trot^o-a/zeVof? 0co? rp rov \vxyov irepiTpoTrfi yLi^jwaQai (Gnostics Epiphan. 26). These charges, originated by Jews (ad nat. I 14), nearly obsolete. Orig. Cels. VI 27 f. 40. Baur Gesch. der drei ersten Jahrh. 2 374 n. 2. 375 n. 1 (same reports in cent. 4 against the 30 Euchites (Psellus de operat. daemonum ed. Boissonade Norim- bergae. 1838 p. 8)). Philastr. haer. 57. Kortholt Pag. Obtr. 99. 546 sq. lo. Bona rer. liturg. I c. 4. Lardner n 337 8. Incest and infanticide Salu. gub. IV 85 ap. La Cerda. Bingham xv 7 10. Philastr. haer. 29 (59) de Carpocratianis. cf. Bingham 35 xxii 1 3. INFANTICIDII ad nat. I 7 p. 68 11 Wiss. Cynics allowed can nibalism. DL. VI 73. Epiphanius cet. make same charge against Montanists. Isid. Pelus. ep. I 242 77 Movravov (3\aa<f)ijfj;la p. 24 1. 19] APOLOGETICVS 7 187 re KOL 6t8coXoXarpe/at9 Cyrill. Hier. cat. 16 8 o Mo^rai/o? o aO^iwraros xal dicaOapcrias /cal acreXyeias 7re7r\ijpa}fjLevo<; cet. Rufin. h. e. V 16. 18. vii p. 188. p. 24 1. 15 CANES 8 discumbens dinumera loca, ubi mater, 5 ubi soror; nota diligenter, ut, cum tenebrae ceciderint caninae, non erres. piaculum enim ddmiseris, nisi incestum feceris. (Cf. the appeal of Marie Antoinette to all mothers) 8 lower down candelabra et lucernae, et canes aliqui et offulae, quae illos ad euersionem lumimim extendant: ante omnia cum matre 10 et sorore tua uenire debebis. omn. ad nat. I 2 p. 61 20 Wiss. Mimic. 9 6 illic post multas epulas, ubi conuiuium caluit et incestae libidinis, ebrietatis feruor exarsit, canis qui candelabra nexus est, iactu offulae extra spatium lineae, qua uinctus est, ad impetum et saltum prouocatur : sic euerso et extincto conscio 15 lumine, impudentibus tenebris nexus infandae cupiditatis inuol- uuntur per incertum sortis : et si non omnes opera, conscientia tamen pariter incesti; quoniam uoto uniuersorum appetitur, quicquid accidere potest in actu singulorum. cf. Rufin. h. e. IX 5, and on the darkness h. e. XI 25. lustin c. Tryph. 10 p. 227 b . 20 TENEBRARVM pudic. 22 p. 271 17 Wiss. uiolantur uiri ac feminae in tenebris plane ex usu libidinum notis, ad nat. I 16 pr. uentum est ad horam lucernarum et caninum ministerium et itigenia tenebrarum. quo in loco metuo ne cedam. quid enim tale in uobis detinebo ? uerum iam laudate consilium incesti 25 uerecundi, quod adulteram noctem commenti sumus, ne aut lucem aut ueram noctem contaminaremus, quod etiam luminibus terrenis parcendum existimauimus. p. 24 1. 15 INVERECVNDIAM paen. 6 f. praesumptio inuerecun- diae portio est. 3 p. 24 1. 17 ERVERE ad nat. I 16 fin. cf. apol. 2 n. Oehler. p. 24 1. 19 PRAESCRIBITVR ad nat. I 3 p. 62 21 Wiss. prae- scribitur enim uobis non posse crimina obicere, quae neque institntum dirigit neque probatio adsignat neque sententia enumerat. II 1 p. 93 20 Wiss. si tantam peruersitatem una 35 praescriptione discuti liceret, in expedito esset nuntiatio, cum omnes istos deos ab hominibus institutos. adu. Herm. 1 pr. solemus haereticis compendii gratia de posteritate praescribere. 188 TERTVLLIANI [p. 24 1. 19 Dirksen s manuale praescribere, praescriptio. Rudorff rom. Rechtsgesch. n 117 120. Cod. vin 36 de exceptionibus seu praescriptionibus. Gesner on Quintil. vn 5 2. p. 24 1. 21 NEGENT Cypr. ad Demetr. c. 13. 5 CENSVS Oehler on de cor. 13 f. (p. 452 n. u.). adu. Hermog. 4 pr. quis enim alms Dei census, quam aeternitas ? Blunt Right Use 3778. p. 24 1. 22 DLSCIPLINAE 2 39 etc. TIBERIO c. 21 pr. p. 66 1. 15. c. 5 p. 18 1. 24 n. 10 ODIO 14 p. 50 1. 1 plane olim, id est semper, ueritas odio est. infr. 46 in quantum odio flagrat ueritas, in tantum qui earn ex fide praestat offendit. Ter. Andr. I 1 41 (=68) obsequium amicos, ueritas odium parit, where Lindenbr. cites Lact. v 9 6. Snip. Seu. Aug. etc. Otto Sprichworter 368 (omits Tertullian). 15 Orig. c. Gels, vi 27 f. some would not even speak to the Christians. p. 24 1. 24 IVDAEI lustin. c. Tryphon. 17 (p. 234 e cf. c. 108 p. 335) after the resurrection the Jews, far from repenting, avbpas e /eXe/CTOu? CLTTO lepovo-dXrj/ji K\^dfJLVOi Tore e^e-rre^are 20 et? Tracrav Tr]v yfjv Xe^yoi/re? a tpecriv aOeov XpiaTiavwv 7re<>r)ve- vai, fcaraX.e yovTes re ravra aTrep Ka6 ^fjiwv ol dyvoovvres rj^as Trdvres Xeyovatv. The Jews (Bingham XIII 5 4) cursed Chris tians in their synagogues. lust. c. Tr. 16 f. p. 234 C with Otto s n. 25 p. 24 1. 25 CONCVSSIONE blackmail Cod. Theod. vm 10. xi 7 1. concussura militum mart. Perpet. in p. 64 13. fuga in pers. 12 prope f., miles me uel delator uel inimicus concutit, nihil Caesari exigens, immo contra faciens, cum Christian-urn legibus humanis reum, mercede dimittit. ib. 13 pr. (wrongly assigned 30 to ad Scap. by LS) sed et omni petenti me dabo in causa eleemosynae, non in concussurae...traditorem aut persecutor em aut concussorem. ib. 12 a. m. tu autem pro eo pacisceris cam delator e uel milite uel farunculo aliquo praeside, sub tunica et sinu, quod aiunt, ut furtiuo, quern coram toto mundo Christus 35 emit, immo et manumisit...Quid enim dicit ille concitssor? da mihi pecuniam, certe ne eum tradat. ad Scap. 5 p. m. Scorp. 10 m. Verb, Rufin. h. e. vn 26 p. 441 f. Blunt Right Use p. 645 cl. Luke 3 14 yu,r;SeW Siao-elcrrjre. Grot, (de p. 24 1. 27] APOLOGETICVS 7 189 concussione of dig. = irepl Siaa-eia-pwv of Basilica and Egyptian papyri). DOMESTICI ad nat. 1 7 p. 68 28 sq. Wiss. domesticorum curio- sitas furata est per riinulas et cauernas. quid? cum domestici eros uobis proderent ? Athenag. suppl. 35 cited below. Oehler 5 319 seruus. Blunt Right Use 3778. p. 24 1. 27 OPPRIMIMVR cet. Bingham xx 2 8 fin. Eus. v 1 14 (martyrs of Lyons and Vienne) o-vve\a^dvovro Se /cal edviicoi rives olfCerai rwv rjfjberepwv, eVel Brj/juocria eKeXevcrev 6 dva^rfrela-Oai irdvTas TJ/JLCL^ ol tcai KCLT evebpav rov 10 rwv (TTpaTitoTv et TOUTO Trapop/jLwvrcov ^WV vecrreta Selirva teal QlSlTTO&eiovs \a\elv yu-r^re voelv Oe/juis r)/*iv, d\\a /Aij el TL TOIOVTO TTGOTTOTe TTapd dvOpaiTTois eyeveTO. 15 TOVTCOV 15 vraz/re? d7re6r)pia)8r)Gav et? ^/Lta<, wcrre /cal et TO Trporepov 3t oi/ceioTTjra e^erpia^ov, rore /jLeydXcos %a\7raivov /cal &L7rplovTo Ka6" TULWV. Athenag. 35 rt9 ovv v <f>povwv eiTTOi ToiovTovs ovTas ?7yLta9 dv$po<$>ovov<$ elvau; ov yap ecrrt TrdcraaOai, tcpecov dvOpwTTLicwv /AT] Trporepov aTro/creivacri 20 nva. TO TTporepov ovv ^jrevSo/jLevoi, TO Sevrepov KCLV yueV Tt9 epijrai, el ecopd/cacriv d \eyovat,v, ovSels OVTCOS aTrtjpv- &&gt;9 elirelv ISeiv. /cairot /cal SovXol elcriv rjulv, Tot9 fiev /cal TrXetof? To?9 3e eXdrrovs, 01)9 ov/c ean \a6elv. d\\d /cal TOVTCOV ouSet9 /caB rj/nwv rd rr)\i/cavra ovoe Kare-^evaaro. 25 oik yap laaaiv 01)8 iSeiv KCLV t/cat a)9 <$>ovevon,evov VTro/jLevovras, TOVTWV Tt9 di> KareiTTOL TI dvopo<f)ovlav r) dvdpwTroftopiav ; lustin. apol. II 12 says that slaves and children and women, under torture, confessed these crimes, ad nat. I 7 p. 69 18 Wiss. quis umquam tamen semeso cadaueri super uenit ? quis in cruentato 30- pane uestigia dentium deprehendit? quis tenebris repentino lumine inruptis inmunda aliqua, ne dixerim incesta, indicia recognouit? 1. 16 seq. quod sciam, et conuersatio notior facta est; scitis et dies conuentuum nostrorum; itaque et obsidemur et opprimimur, et in ipsis arcanis conyregationibus detinemur.... 35 22 23 cited below. Minuc. 9 5 with the reply 28 2 5. c. 30. p. 24 1. 27 ff. Minuc. 28 2 Christians, while yet heathen, 190 TERTYLLIANI [p. 24 1. 27- accepted these calumnies, " quasi Christiani monstra colerent, infantes uorarent, conuiuia incesta miscerent, nee intellegebamus ab his fabulas istas semper uentilari et numquam uel inuestigari uel probari" 5 p. 24 1. 29 CYCLOPVM Plin. vn 9. p. 24 1. 31 CELAVIT cet. ad nat. I 7 p. 69 22 Wiss. si praemio impetramus, ne tales in publicum extrahamur, quare et oppri- mimur? possumus et omnino non extrahi; quis enim proditionem criminis alicuius sine crimine ipso aut uendit aut redimit ? La 10 Cerda cites Salu. I [Timoth.] ad eccl. 42 peccata uendere and Luc. Hermot. 81 wvrjaaaOai TO TrXT/yLt/^eXT/yLta. p. 26 1. 3 SILENTII ad nat. I 7 (p. 68 22 sq. Wiss.). adu. Val. 3. Apul. met. in 15 sacris pluribus initiatus profecto nosti sanctam silentii fidem. 20 rei tantae fidem silentiumque tribue. 15 xi 21 quis... tut o possint magna religionis committi silentia. Basil de spir. sancto 27 ol ra irepi ras 6KK\7jo-ia^ ef Sia0(T/jio06TrjcravTes aTroaroKoL /cal irarepes eV TO) Kal d(f)6y/CT(D TO (re/jivov rot? fJuvo-TripLo^ (>v\a<T<7ov. ovSe yap 0X0)9 fjLvaTTjpiov TO et? TTJV Sr)/jLO)8rj /cal el/caiav d/corjv eK(j)opov. 20 Lact. VII 26 8 10. v 19 19 nam fere uulgus, cui simplex incorruptumque indicium est, si mysteria ilia cognoscat in me- moriam mortuorum constituta, damnabit, aliudque uerius quod colat quaeret. hinc (Aen. in 112) fida silentia sacris insti- tata sunt ab hominibus callidis ut nesciat populus quid colat. -25 Celsus (Orig. I 7) complained Kpvfyiov TO S6y/j.a. Denied by Origen; Incarnation, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Judgement, are everywhere known. Esoteric doctrine e.g. of Pythagoras /cal TTGLVTa TO, TravTa^ov fAVcrTijpia Kara TTJV ( E\\doa /cal rrfv ftdpftapov /cpv(f)La OVTCL ov Sia/3/3\rjTai. cf. lul. Firm. math. 3 vii praef. apud Hau. Bingham x 5 3. p. 26 1. 4 ELEVSINIA omn. adu. Val. 1 (ap. Hau.). Hor. c. in 2 25 seq. Apul. apol. 13 f. p. 418 Oud. Aesch. S. c. Th. 593 seq. Antiphon de caede Herod. 82 seq. (Jebb Att. Or. I 42 3). [Lys.] 6 19. Ou. a. a. n 601 2 quis Cereris ritus audet 35 uulgare profanis ? magnaque Threicia sacra reperta Samo ? cf. Sozom. vi 25. Lucian Alex. 38. DG IV 14 3. Paus. v 17 3. Apollod. II 5. Philostr. Apoll. IV 18. Orig. Gels, in 59. p. 26 1. 7 EXTRANEIS 46 Anaxagoras depositum hospitibus p. 26 1. 25] APOLOGETICVS 7 191 denegauit, Christianus etiam extra (in the outer, heathen world) fidelis uocatur. p. 26 1. 8 PIAE ad nat. I 7 p. 68 25 Wiss. proves this (not I wpiae) to be the true reading : oro uos, extraneis unde notitia, cum etiam iusta et licita my sterna omnem arbitrum extraneum 5 caueant ? INITIATIONES LS only one ex. (Suet.). ARCEANT PROFANOS Hor. c. ill 1 1 odi profcmum uulgus et arceo. p. 26 1. 9 Nisi si 3 med. 11 ppr. 10 p. 26 1. 10 ad nat. I 7 p. 67 6 Wiss. Symm. ep. in 45 1 uera res estfamam esse uelocem. [Pelag. in 1 Thess. 1, 8. A. S.] p. 26 1. 12 Ou. fasti iv 311 conscia mens recti famae mendacia risit. p. 26 1. 13 Ou. m. xii 56 8 e quibus hi uacuas implent 15 sermpnibus aures, hi narrata ferunt alio, mensuraque ficti crescit et auditis aliquid nouns adicit auctor. p. 26 1. 14 EA ILLI CONDICIO cet. cf. ad nat. i 7 p. 67 10 Wiss. NON NISI cet. Minuc. 28 7 nee tamen mirum, cum hominum fama, quae semper insparsis mendaciis alitar, ostensa ueritate 20 consumitur : sic est negotium daemonum : ab ipsis enim rumor falsus et seritur et fouetur. On rumours against Christians Athenag. 2, cited on p. 28 1. 1. p. 26 1. 17 ET EXINDE cet. cf. ad nat. I 7 p. 67 13 Wiss. p. 26 1. 18 VERBI GRATIA bapt. 11 p. 211 11 Wiss. ad nat. 25 I 2 p. 61 1 Wiss. 7 pr. Paulin. Nol. ep. 39 7. Cic. fin. v 30 (exempli gr. off. in 50). p. 26 1. 21 AN VERO cet. cf. ad nat. I 7 p. 67 17 Wiss. p. 26 1. 23 AMBITIO circuit = ad nat. I 7 p. 67 19 Wiss. Oehler on idol. 1 pr. p. 67. 30 p. 26 1. 24 ASSEVERATIONS paen. 4 f. ad nat. II 4 p. m. p. 26 1. 25 NECESSE EST with subj. Cic. Lucr. Lact. EXINDE cet. cf. ad nat. I 7 p. 67 20 Wiss. TRADVCES praescr. haer. 32 proinde utique et ceterae (ecclesiae) exhibent, quos ab apostolis in episcopatum constitutos apostolici 35 seminis traduces habeant. ad nat. I 4 pr. mali nominis. 12 p. 83 1. 2 Wiss. 16 p. 87 1. 21 Wiss. tot compagines generis, tot inde traduces ad incestum. 192 TERTVLLIANI [p. 26 1. 27 p. 26 1. 27 RECOGITET NE. 2 non recogitetis . . .ne negarit. 15 p. 52 1. 3. 26 pr. ad nat. I 4 p. 64 1. 17 Wiss. nemini sub- uenit, ne ideo bonus quis et prudens, quid Christianus. ib. 10 pr. considerate ne. ib. f. nescio ne. Arnob. I 10 f. Hild. unde tibi 5 est scire, ne. 58 pr. uide ne. Aug. in ps. 21 enarr. 2 24 m. ps. 33 enarr. 2 9. ps. 64 4 f. ps. 70 serm. 2 9 a. m. (direct ib. 3 pr. 10 pr.) ps. 80 2 pr. ep. 96 2 pr. 147 17. 199 16 pr. 222 2 f. Eucher. p. 170 23. (Not in ind. Arn.) p. 26 1. 28 INGENIO inventiveness, inspiration, device. Oehler 10 on de corona 8 p. 436 n. g. p. 26 1. 29 Lucian Philopseudes 2 77 TTOV Karavevorjrcas ij&rj Twa<$ TOIOVTOV 9, ot? e/jLcfrvros epws ouro? eVrt TT/DO? TO ^eOSo? ; p. 26 1. 30 BENE cet. cf. ad nat. I 7 p. 67 25 Wiss. BENE...QVOD c. 40 p. 118 1. 8. c. 24 f. p. 86 1. 13. de ieiun. 15 13 p. 291 27 Wiss. idol. 5 f. Oehler. 15. 23. Aug. ep. 36 8. Quid. a. a. II 605 6 o bene quod frustra captatis arbore pomis, garrulus in media Tantalus aret aqua. Hieron. adu. Rufin. II 24. Quintil. decl. 335 p. 690 Burm. melius q. luu. 2 139. Paulin. Nol. c. 24 15. ep. 32 2. Apul. met. in 25. vi 8 f. x 14 f. 20 OMNI A TEMPVS REVELAT Gell. xii 11 7 (in Oehler) and Erasm. Otto Sprichworter 343. Matt. 10 26. Mark 4 22. p. 26 1. 32 FAMA Athenag. suppl. 2 pr. Otto ad 1. el e ^&XP L rj /caTTjyopia (et? yovv rrjv arjiiepov rj/Aepav a irepl o7roiov(7LV rj KOLVTJ /cal a/cpiTO<> TWV dv6pa)7T(0v ^>^H^ r l 25 Kal ovSet? d&iKutv XpidTiavos \^\eyfcrai). lustin. apol. I 23 fin. (where Otto compares ib. 10 26 54) of demons bv rpoirov /cal TO, Kaff rjfjbdov \ey6fJieva Bva^rj/Jia Kal doreffr) epya evrfpyijaav, wv ouSels fjidpTVS ovSe aTroSei^is eari. p. 28 1. 1 DISTVLIT Apul. met. v 10 populis tarn beatum eius 30 differamus praeconium. SOLA innocence of Christians c. 44. Cannibalism of Scythians Strabo xi 8 6 p. 513, and Indians (Megasthenes ib. xv 1 56 p. 710), and Irish IV 5 4 p. 201 (also incest). loseph. c. Apion. II 7 the Jews fattened a Greek yearly for sacrifice; one such 35 victim found by Antiochus in the temple. p. 28 1. 2 HANG INDICEM cet. cf. ad nat. I 7 p. 67 27 Wiss. p. 28 1. 3 CORROBORAVIT (Cic.) bapt. 18 f. de cor. 3 pr. ad nat. II 1. uirg. uel. 1 consuetude, initium ab aliqua ignorantia uel p. 28 1. 10] APOLOGETICVS 7, 8 193 simplicitate sortitur, in usum per successionem corroborator et ita aditersus ueritatem uindicatur. p. 28 1. 4 VSQVE ADHVC Plaut. Ter. Bunem. on Lact. in 8 30. PROBARE NON VALVIT ad Scap. 4 f. (p. 549. 8) quod aliud negotium patitur Christianus, nisi suae sectae, quam incestam, 5 quam crudelem tanto tempore nemo probauit. FIDEM NATVRAE IPSIVS infr. p. 28 1. 20. lustin. c. Tryph. 10 p. 227 b /z,r) Kal u/u.et? TTCTT tar eu /care Trepl rj/j-wv, on Srj eo-Biofjuev dvOpwTrovs Kal fjLera rrjv elXairivriv diroGftevvvvTzs TOU? \v^yov^ dOeo-fiois fj,i%eaiv <ytcv\i6/jL0a, r) avTO rovro 10 KaTaryi<yvc*)crKeT TJ/AWV fjiovov, on TOIOVTOIS Trpoae^ofiev \6<yois Kal OVK d\rj6el, co? olW^e, iria-revoiJLev Bo^rj ; rovro IGTW o 6av/jido/j,v, e<f>r) 6 Tpixfrtov, Trepl Be wv ol 7ro\\ol ov TTiarevo-aL aiov Troppa) yap K^Mp7jK6 rrjs d <f)vo-eo)<;. cf. on these charges Justin apol. I 26 n. 29 Otto. 15 Minuc. 80 1 nemo hoc potest credere, nisi qui potest audere. Quintil. IV 2 52 credibilis autem erit narratio ante omnia, si prius consuluerimus nostrum animum, ne quid naturae dicamas aduersum. CAP. VIII p. 28 1. 7 ECCE cet. cf. ad nat. I 7 p. 70 19 Wiss. Charges 20 unknown to Cypr. ad Demetrianum, Arn. Lact. In the reign of Maximin a Roman commander at Damascus (Eus. h. e. IX 5 2) seized certain abandoned women and by threat of torture forced them to confess, as he dictated, &&gt;? &rj elijvdv TTOTC Xpicmaval avve&elev re aurot? d6ejjLLTovp<yia^ (cf. n. on c. 2 p. 156 1. 36). 25 p. 28 1. 8 INTERIM 21 p. 70 7 recipite interim hanc fabulam, dam ostendimus. Orig. c. Cels. VI 27 f. p. 28 1. 10 VENI cet. cf. ad nat. I 7 p. 70 25 Wiss. Saluian. iv 85 deniqae quam praue ac nefarie pagani semper de sacris dominicis opinati sint, docent persecutorum immanium cruen- 30 tissimae quaestiones, qui in sacrificiis christianis nihil aliud quam impura quaedam fieri atque abominanda credebant. si- quidem etiam initia ipsa nostrae religionis non nisi a duobus maxime facinoribus oriri arbitrabantur, primum scilicet homi- cidio, deinde, quod homicidio est grauius, incestu, nee homicidio 35 M. T. 13 194 TERTVLLIANI [p. 28 1. 10- solum et incestu, sed et quod sceleratius quiddam est incestu ipso et homicidio, incestu matrum sacrosanctarum et homicidio innocentium paruulorum, quos non occidi tantum a Christianis, sed, quod magis abominandum est, etiam uorari existimabant : 5 et haec omnia...ad promerendam uitam aeternam, quasi uero, etiamsi posset his rebus accipi, tanti esset ad earn per scelera tain immania peruenire. p. 28 1. 13 RVDEM Minuc. 30 1 ilium iam uelim conuenire, qui initiari nos dicit aut credit de caede infantis et sanguine. 10 putas posse fieri, ut tarn molle, tarn paruulum corpus fata uulnerum capiat? ut quisqaam ilium rudem sanguinem nouelli et uixdum hominis fimdat caedat exhauriat? p. 28 1. 14 INTEREA cet. cf. ad nat. I 7 p. 71 3 Wiss. p. 28 1. 17 TALIA INITIATVS adu. Marc, iv 11 p. 450 1. 14 Kr. 15 aliam scilicet et contrariam initiatos diuinitatem. 21 p. 491 1. 7 Kr. nee pannis iam sepulturae inuolucrum initiatus. CONSIGN ATVS Scorp. 4 f. militem sacramento : later to con firm. Bingham xn 2 4 n. 86. 3 4 n. 17. p. 28 1. 18 CVPIO RESPONDEAS cet. cf. ad nat. i 7 p. 71 7 20 Wiss. si c. 6 pr. note. p. 28 1. 21 ALIA cet. cf. ad nat. I 7 f. Philostr. Apoll. in 45 ff. a beast with man s head, of the size of a lion, shooting from its tail thorn-like hairs, a cubit in length. 25 larchas, who described these, denied the existence Se dvOpcoTrovs, rj /jiaKpOK<f)d\ovs rj OTroora S/ l ire pi rovrwv aSovaiv, ovre aXXocre TTOL {Bioreveiv r^? 7779 oi/re fjbrjv eV Ii/Sot9. Plin. VII 23 (from Megasthenes) in multis . . .montibus genus hominum capitibus caninis ferarum 30 pellibus uelari, pro uoce latratum edere, unguibus armatum uenatu et aucupio uesci...Ctesias scribit... hominum genus qui Monocoli uocarentur singulis cruribus, mirae pernicitatis ad saltum, eosdem Sciapodas uocari, quod in maiori aestu humi iacentes resupini umbra se pedum protegant. 35 p. 28 1. 23 NERVI ad nat. I 7 f. luu. 10 206 n. Burm. anth. II pp. 533541. priap. 68 23. Acron in Hor. s. 1 2 118. Suid. s.v. flpiyevrjs p. 1281 14 Bernh. Epiphan. haer. LXIV 111 (i 527 a). p. 30 1. 14] APOLOGETICVS 8, 9 195 QVI ISTA cet. Minuc. 30 1 cited on p. 193 1. 16. p. 28 1. 24 QVOD 2 p. 10 1. 8 quod est dicit, tu uis audire quod non est. ib. p. 6 1. 13 quodcumque dicimur. 35 de Romanis id est. Arn. n 26 quid esset Dens uerus iam addiscerent suspicari. p. 28 1. 26 8VBICITVR of the cuckoo foisting its eggs on other 5 birds Plin. x 26 the fledgling afterwards called subditus. (cf. luu. 4 103.) p. 28 1. 28 ATQVIN Oehler on fug. in pers. 6 p. 473 n. k. Hand Tursell. I 213 seq. p. 28 1. 31 NESCIAT Saluian. iv 69 leg em et deurn. 70 10 praeceptum domini. p. 28 1. 32 IVRVLEXTIAM same v. 1. in Jerome [ep. 108 31 2. A. S.] adu. louin. I 18. p. 30 1. 1 CANDELABRA cet. cf. ad nat. I 16. p. 30 1. 2 EXTEXDAXT ad uxor. I 3 quod si apostolo cms- 15 cultamuSy obliti posteriorum, extendamur in prior a. adu. Val. 9 p. 187 1. 17 Kr. et uincitur dijficidtate et extenditur adfectione. Aug. contra Faustum xm 18 fin. libros propheticos et apostolicos legimus alterutris uocibus sibi concinentes ; et ea concinentia, tamquam caelesti tuba, et a torpor e mortalis uitae nos excitantes, 20 et ad palmam supernae uocationis extendentes. p. 30 1. 7 SVSTINENT c. 25 p. 90 1. 15 n. ad uxor. n 5 quater. p. 30 1. 10 SEQVITYR XE = ut non Saluian ind. p. 346 after ita, sic, hoc, in hoc. CAP. IX Jupiter and Apollo, when the Pelasgians in dearth vowed 25 a tenth of their fruits, afflicted them with plagues because they omitted to sacrifice y 1 ^ of their offspring D. H. I 23 seq. Porphyr. in Eus. p. e. IV 16 many exx. of human sacrifice : see also Eus. de laud. Constantini 13 6 Hein., and 7. p. 30 1. 14 IXFANTES luu. 6 fin. n. [unpubl. A. S.]. Fried- 30 lander in 767 n. 5. Marquardt in 2 74 n. 2. PEXES local, Africian. Sittl die lokale Verschiedenheiten d. lat. Sprache 136. de pall. 3 p. Latium. Claud. Mam. ep. 2 ad Sap. p. 205 2 E. penes Galliam nostram professionis tuae par unus et solus es. A.L.L. xni 364 5. 35 132 196 TERTVLLIANI [p. 30 1. 14 SATVRNO luu. 15 116 n. Macr. I 7 31. Winer Realwort. Molech. Schenkel Bibellex. Saturn. p. 30 1. 14 ff. Friedlander in 5 509. Oros. IV 6 36. Plato Minos 31 5** fuj.lv jjuev ov i/oyLto? earlv avOpwirovs Oveiv a)OC 5 dvoaiov, Kap fflo ovioi Se OvovcriVj o>9 oaiov ov KOI VOUIJAOV aurofc?, KOI ravra evioi avra>v /cal rovs avr&v vlels TO) Kp6vq>, to? 7G>9 fcal av dtcijKoas. Arnob. II 68. D. H. I 38. D. S. xx 14. Voss. theol. gent. 2 5. Porphyrius in Eus. p. e. iv 16 p. 155 b . Varro in Aug. C. D. VII 19 (cf. ib. c. 26) deinde idea 10 dicit a quibusdam pueros ei [Saturno] solitos immolari, sicut a Poenis, et a quibusdam etiam maiores, sicut a GaUis, quia omnium seminum optimum est genus humanum. Hier. in Esai. 1. 13 c. 46 (iv 544 bc ) Bel, quern Graeci Belum, Latini Saturnum uocant, cuius tanta fuit apud ueteres religio ut ei non solum 15 humanas hostias captiuorum ignobiliumque mortalium, sed et suos liber os immolarent. Grotius on Deut. 18 10. Lact. I 21 13 from Pescennius Festus. Sil. iv 767 flagrantibus aris...paruos imponere natos. Bayle oeuvres in 46. Plut. de superstit. 13. pr. p. 171. D.S. xm 86 3. xx 14 4. Orig. c. Gels, v 27 20 p. m. KOI 7TW9 ov^ oaLoi 7rapa\v6iv vo/jiovs rot/? (ftep 1 elirelv Trapa Tavpois irepl rov lepeia rou? feVou? irpocrd^eo-Oai rfj ApTefjLioi, rj Trapa Aiftvwv rial trepl rov /caraOveiv ra reicva TW Kpovw. lustin. xix 1 aex. Porph. de abst. n 54 57. TIBERII proconsul shortly before (?). 25 p. 30 1. 17 MILITIA, cf. leuis armatura, peregrinitas, ciuitas, custodiae. PATRIAE NOSTRAE Carthage : de pall. 1 Scorpiace 6 7 f . res. earn. 42. Kaye 6 n. 3. 9 10. p. 30 1. 18 FVNCTA EST c. dat. ad nat. n 10 m. Dirksen 30 manuale. p. 30 1. 21 PROPRIIS FILIIS ad nat. II 7 p. m. cur Saturno alieni liberi immolantur, si ille suis pepercit? Lact. I 13 2 from Ennius in historia sacra, v 10 15 quomodo aut paren- tibus parcent, qui expulsorem patris sui louem [colunt]? aut 35 natis ex se infantibus, qui Saturnum ? 5 9 10. Among the immoral legends of the poeticum deorum genus Scaevola (see n. on c. 16 p. 54 1. 31 below) named Saturnum liberos deuorare > Aug. Ciu. D. iv 27 (i 180 17). Greg. Naz. or. 4 115 (i 141 d ) p. 30 1. 23] APOLOGETICVS 9 197 Macr. S. I 8 10. Stallbaum on Plat. Euthyphr. 5 e seq. omn. D. H. II 19 (cited by Thdt gr. aff. cur. in 47 p. 45 22) ovre yap Qvpavos Kre/j,v6fjLVos VTTO roov eavTOv Traiowv irapd Pcoiiaiois \eyerai, ovre Kpovos dfyavi^wv ra? eavrov yovds, (/>o/3ft> 7-779 ef avrcov eVt^ecrea)?, ovre Zei>? /cara\vrov rrjv Kpovov 5 Svvaarelav. On Saturn, Thdt. gr. aff. cur. ill 36 and 38 who quotes Plato rep. 377 e seq. Athan. uit. Ant. 75 Kpovov (frvyrjv /cal retcvwv /caraTroaeis real Trarpofcrovias. p. 30 1. 23 PARENTES lustin. apol. n 12 (p. 234 n. 12 Otto). Aristid. c. 9 pr. Human sacrifices G. J. Voss idol. I 35 and b. n. 10 Orig. de princ. II 9 5 (xxi 222 L.). Lact. I 21 1 at Salamis in Cyprus, abolished by Hadrian. Victims willing infr. 28 pr. diui- nae rei faciendae libens animus indicitur. Chrys. in s. Romanum mart. 3 (ll 621 d ) e^e^9 avTOK\ev<TTQv lepelov, ri rov Seo-/jL(t)Tijv ravpov avavevovra o-uyLtTroStfet? ; Sen. Oed. 334 7 haec propere 15 admoue, \ et sparge salsa colla taurorum mola. \ placidone uultu sacra et admotas manus | patiuntur? Lasaulx 271 n. 258 9. PARENTES... GALLOS...TAVRIC AS Scorpiac. 7 fin. sed enim Scytharum Dianani aut Gallorum Mercurium aut Afrorum Saturnum hominum uictima placari apud saecalum licitit, et 20 Latio ad hodiernum loui media in urbe humanus sanguis in- gustatur; nee quisquam retractat aut non rationem praesumit aliquam aut inaestimabilem dei sui uoluntatem. si noster quo- que deus propriae hostiae nomine martyria sibi depostulasset, quis illi exprobrasset funestam religionem et lugubres ritus et 25 aram rogum et pollinctorem sacerdotem, et non beatum amplius reputasset, quern deus comedisset? Lact. I 21 3. lustin. apol. II 12 r/9 y a p ^)tX^8o^09 rj dtcparrfs /cal avOpwirlvw aaprcwv (Bopav dyaOov rjyovfJLevos Svvairo av Odvarov dcnrd^ecrOai ;... yap X"P LV OV X L KaL Ta VTa orj/noaia a)fjLO\oyov/j,ev dyadd 30 <f)i,\oo-o(f>iav deiav avrd dTreSei/cvvfjiev, (frdo-fcovres fjivcrrrjpia reXeiv ev rw dvopofoveiv, /cal eV ro> ///7r//7rXa<7$at, co? Xeyerat, rd Lcra rc5 Trap 1 V/JLLV et Sft)X&) [lupp. Lat.], c6 ov /jiovov d\6yo)v ^wwv al^ara irpocrpai- verai, d\\d /cal dvOpwireia, Sid rov Trap V/JLLV eTTLcrrjfjLordTOV 35 /cal evyevecrrdrov dvopos rrjv irpoa- xyviv rov rwv (frovevOevrow al^aros Troiovpevoi ; Minuc. 30 3 ubi Holden, et haec utique de deoriim uestrorum disciplina descendunt. nam Saturnus 198 TERTVLLIANI [p. 30 1. 23 filios suos non exposuit, sed uorauit. merito ei in nonnullis Africae partibus a parentibus infantes immolabantur, blanditiis et osculo comprimente uagitum, ne flebilis hostia immoletur. 4 Tauris etiam Ponticis et Aegyptio Busiridi ritus fuit hospites 5 immolare : et Mercurio Gallos humanas ml inhumanas uictimas caedere. Romani Graecum et Graecam, Gallam et Gallam, sacrificia uiuentes obruere: hodieque ab ipsis Latiaris luppiter homicidio colitur et, quod Saturni filio dignum est, mali et noxii hominis sanguine saginatur. On offerings of children to Saturn 10 Lact. I 21 915. Lasaulx Studien p. 250 n. 109 cf. 1078. 251 n. 113. 253 n. 130. Allard les dernieres persecutions 218. LIBENTES ad Scap. 2 cum et hostiae ab animo libenti expostu- lentur respondebant appeared when called, so resp. ad tempus, ad diem etc. Gronov. obs. II 4 p. 122 4 Fr. On the pro- 15 pitiatory use of blood Lasaulx Stud. 237. Plin. xxx 12 DCLVII (= B.C. 97) demum anno urbis Cn. Cornelia Lentulo P. Licinio Crasso coss. senatus consultum fact urn est, ne homo immolaretur, palamque fit, in tempus illud sacra prodigiosa celebrata. 13 Druids suppressed in Gaul by Tiberius, still 20 rampant in Britain, nee satis aestimari potest quantum Ro- manis debeatur qui sustulere monstra in quibus hominem occidere religiosissimum erat, mandi uero etiam saluberrimum. Suet. Claud. 25. p. 30 1. 25 MAIOR AETAS cf. p. 30 11. 67. 25 p. 30 1. 26 MERCVRIO Scorp-. 7 fin. Lact. I 21 3 Galli Esum atque Teutatem humano cruore placabant. Caes. b. G. IV 16. Cic. p. Font. 31. D. H. I 38. Solin. 21. Plut. de supers. 13 pr. p. 171. Tac. Germ. 10. Luc. Bell. Ciu. I 444 et quibus immitis placatur sanguine diro \ Teutates, horrensque feris 30 altaribus Esus. ib. Ill 399. So the Germans sacrificed the army of Varus. Tac. an. I 61 lucis propinquis barbarae arae, apud quas tribunos ac primorum ordinum centuriones mactauerant. ib. XIII 57 uictores [Hermunduri] diuersam aciem [Ckattos] Marti ac Mercurio sacrauere, quo uoto equi, uiri, cuncta uicta 35 occidioni dantur. Details D. S. .v 30. Dio LXXIII 6. Tac. xiv 30. Abolished by the Romans Mela in 2 3. Plin. (cited above). PROSECATVR 23 46. p. 30 1. 28] APOLOGETICVS 9 199 TAVRICAS luu. 15 116 n. Greg. Naz. or. 39 4 f. (i 679 C ) Tavpwv %evoKToviai. Athenag. 26 77 fjiev ev Taupot? ["Apre/At?] (f>ovevi, roi>9 eVou9. Lact. I 21 2 erat lex apud Tauros inhumanam et feram gentem, ut Dianae hospites immolarentur, et id sacrificium multis temporibus celebratum est. [Sen.] Oct. 5 978 seq. urbe est nostra mitior Aulis \ et Taurorum barbara tellus. | hospitis illic caede litatur \ numen superum: ciuis gaudet | Roma cruore. Lucian deor. dial. 16 1 (Hera to Leto) ol Be <rol TralBes 77 peis avrwv dppevi/crj irepa TOV peTpiov /cal o/c>609, teal TO Te\evTalov 9 rrjv ^KvOiav dTre\6ov<ra Truvres 10 Iff cur iv oia ecfOiei ^voKrovovcra KOI /jLi/jLovfjuevrj rou? ^rcvdas aurou? dv6pa)7ro(f)dyovs ovras. ibid. 23 1. lup. trag. 44. Toxaris 2 Amm. xxn 8 3436. Lasaulx 252 n. 124. THEATRIS SVJS cf. C. 15 p. 50 1. 33. p. 30 1. 27 RELIGIOSISSIMA c. 6 pr. ad nat. n 17 p. 132 15 1. 6 Wiss. seruant urbem Romanam, qui suas perdiderunt, si hoc religiositas Romana meruit [cf. Ps.-Aug. Quaest. 115 16 urbe Roma...sacratissima. A. S.]. Kaye 48. AENEADARVM ad nat. II 17 p. 131 4 Wiss....posthabita Samo dilectam et utique Aeneadarum ignibus adoleri. 20 p. 30 1. 28 IVPPITER cet. Scorp. 7 fin. Lasaulx Studien p. 249 n. 100. 248 n. 86. 251 n. 113. Fullest account in [Cypr.] de spect. 5 Minuc. 22 6 ipse luppiter uester...cum Latiaris \dicitur\ cruore perfunditur. ib. 30 4. Tatian 29 ravra ovv ISoov en- Be Kal jjivcrrrjpi^v peTa\aftu>v /cal ra? 25 Trapd TTacri OprjcrKeias Botcifjido-as BHI di]\vBpLa)v /cal di>Bpo r yvva)v avviGTa/JLevas, evpwv Be Trapd fiev f Pa>//.atof9 TOV /car avTOvs \aTiapiov Ata \vdpoi<$ avdptorrcov /cal rot9 drrb T&V dvBpo- KTacruMv atyu-atrt TepTr6fJLevov ) ...KaT ejJuavTov 76^6/16^09 etyrovv OTW TpoTry Tn\tj6es e^evpelv Bvvo)fj,ai,. The only heathen witness 30 is Porphyr. de abst. II 56 etXX ert /cal vvv r/9 dyvoei /cara TI]V fj,eyd\ijv TTO\IV Trj rov AaTiapiov A^O9 eopTrj a^a^o^evov av- QptoTrov; See the corresp. of Sir R. Peel and T. B. Macaulay with Ld Stanhope. S. Miscellanies Lond. 1863 pp. 128 144. Prud. c. Symm. I 379. Preller rom. Mythol. 191 (= I 2 215) 35 assumes that a criminal condemned to death (bestiarius) was executed at the Latian festival in Rome. Marquardt ill 2 297 n. 4. lustin. apol. n 12 p. 234 n. 14 Otto. Theophil. in 8, and 200 TERTVLLIANI [p. 30 1. 28 Saturn Lack v 6 6 and 7. I 21 3. luu. 15 116 n. Eus. laud Const. 13 16. Human Offerings Zahn Forschungen v 188. J. Reville, die Religion in Rom unter den Severen (Leipz. 1888) p. 99 n. 1 127 n. 4. J. Geffcken Zwei Apologeten (1907) p. 66. 5 p. 30 1. 31 DE CRVDELITATE 5 m. Domitianus, portio Ne- ronis de crudelitate, sed qua et homo. Saturn against Uranus, luppiter against Saturn Orig. c. Gels. I 17. p. 30 1. 32 Philostr. Apoll. IV 8 ascribes cannibalism to witches. Socr. ill 2 2, 5 men sacrificed to Mithras. 10 p. 32 1. 3 PRAESIDIBVS infra 30 f. spect. 30 p. 28 1. 23 Wiss. praesides persecutores dominici nominis saeuioribus quam ipsi flammis saeuierunt insultantes contra Christianas liquescentes. de idol. 23 p. 56 1. 12 Wiss. Kaye 48. Blunt Right Use 335. [0. Hirschfeld, Die Kaiserlichen Verwaltungsbeamten bis auf 15 Diocletian (2 Aufl.) pp. 385 ff. A. S.] p. 32 1. 5 EXTORQVETIS 30 f. extorquete animam deo suppli- cantem pro imperatore. p. 32 1. 6 CANIBVS Ou. her. 11 83 4 iamque dari paruum canibusque auibiisque nepotem iusserat in solis destituique locis. 20 Ter. Hecyra. EXPONITIS cet. ad nat. I 15 Herald pp. 206 8 and 64 65. Orig. c. Gels, vm 55 f. Minuc. 30 2 uos enim uideo procreatos filios nunc feris et auibus exponere, nunc adstrangulatos misero mortis genere elidere: sunt quae in ipsis uisceribus medicaminibus 25 epotis originem futuri hominis exstinguant et parriddium fa- ciant ante quam pariant. et haec utique de deorum uestrorum discipline descendunt. nam Satunms filios suos non exposuit, sed uorauit. cf. 31 3. cone. Ancyr. c. 21. Athenag. suppl. 35 fin. fcal ol T? rols d(Ji&\wdpi &iois xpto/jLevas dv^pofyovelv 30 re /cal \6yov vfye^eiv rr/9 ef ayLtySXcocrew? rw 6ew (fra/jiev, tcara TToloV dv$pQ<$>OVOVfJLV XoyOV , 0V 7/0 TOV aVTOU VOfJLl^eiV /JLV /cal TO /card ^aarpo^ ^u>ov elvai ical Sid TOVTO jjieXeiv rw /cat 7rap6\rj\v06ra et? TOV ftiov fyoveveiv, real /JLTJ eicTi0evai TO yevvyOev, co? TWV eKTiOevTwv TeicvoKTovovvTtov, Trd\iv Be TO 35 Tpa<f)ev dvaipelv aXX eVyu-ez/ Tcavra Tcawrayov o/JiOtoL KOI iaoi, Sov\evovT<t TW \6yw teal ov K ap^ovTes avTov. ep. ad Diogn. 5 p. 497 b (of Christians) ov p nrTovo-i Ta ^evvw/jiei a. lustin. apol. I 27 pr. tj/juels Se, r iva p. 32 1. 8] APOLOGETICVS 9 201 3/CT106VCU Kal ra yevvw/jueva Trovrjpwv elvai 8e&i$a>y/ji0a 29 pr. Lact. vi 20 21 quid illi, quos falsa pietas cogit exponere? num possunt innocentes existimari, qui uiscera sua in prae- dam canibus obiciunt, et quantum in ipsis est, crudelius necant, quam si strangulassent ? v 9 15 (Btinemann). Ambros. 5 hexaem. v 58 feminae nostri generis, ...si ditiores sunt, lactare fastidiunt. pauperiores uero abidunt paruulos et ex- ponunt et deprehensos abnegant. ipsae quoque diuites, ne per plures suum patrimonium diuidatur, in liter o proprios necant fetus et parriddalibus suds in ipso genitali aluo pignora sui 10 uentris exstinguunt, priusque aufertur uita, quam tradatur. Ael. u. h. ii 7. Plin. ep. Trai. 65 66. Visio Pauli c. 40 (pp. 32 33 James apocrypha anecd. 1893). Lact. vi 20 1825. Ambr. (ed. Vindob.) I 184 18 187 6 seq. Barn. ep. 19 5 n. Constit. apost. vn 3 [add Ambst. in Rom. 12 8. A.S.]. Lips. ep. 15 ad Belg. cent. 1 ep. 85. Lasaulx Studien pp. 454 455. Gerhardt Noodt, lulius Paulus siue de partus expositione et nece apud ueteres. Sagittarius, disp. de expositione infaritum, and on lustin. I 4 7. Bernays gesamm. Abhandl. I 243. Lindenbr. on Ter. Andr. 4 4 30. Becker Gallus II 3 61. Kraus in R. 20 Worterb. s.v. Findekinder. Marquardt-Mau Privatalterthiimer p. 3 n. 1 (cf. tollit) 82 n. 4 83. Rein Criminals 441 seq. Dollinger Heidenthum 7167. Bingham xi 4 18. p. 32 1. 8 CONCEPTVM VTERO exhort, cast. 12 quid ergo fades, si nouam uxorem de tua consdentia impleueris? dissoluas 25 medicaminibiis conceptam? puto nobis non magis licere nascentem necare, quam natum. Harnack Medicinisches aus der altesten Kirchengeschichte (Texte und Untersuchungen vni 4) 146 n. 3 cites Didache 2 2. Barn. 19 5. h. 1. Mimic. I.e. Athenag. I.e. Clem. Al. paed. 11 10 96. cf. Soran. de mulierum affectibus 1. 30 Sen. Helu. 16 3 f. Scribon. epist. 3 pr. luu. 6 592609. Basil, ep. 188 c. 4 n. 2. Philo in Ens. p. e. vin. 7 7 pr) yovrjv dvbptov e/cre/i^o^re?, pr) yvvaifcaiv drotclois Kal a\\ais ^^aval^ afjb(3\ovv. los. c. Ap. II 16 in Ens. p. e. vin 8 35 T6Kva rpefaiv ajravra Trpocrera^e, Kal yvvai^lv aVetTre yu,^r 35 a/ji/3\ovv TO cnrapev fjLrjre SiafyOeipeii , oXX* i]v (fraveirj, refcvo- KTVVOS av eir) ^rv^rjv a<j)ai iov(Ta Kal TO 76^0? eXarrouaa. Bingham xvi 10 4. 202 TERTVLLIANI [p. 32 1. 11- p. 32 1. 11 HOMO EST cet. luu. 6 596 7 quae steriles facit adque homines in uentre necandos conducit. dig. xxx 2 9 1 partus nondum editus homo non recte fidsse dicitur. ib. XLVIII 19 39. Hefele Beitrage zur Kirchengesch. n 3801. Routh 5 reliq. IV 125 (can. 1) 225-6. Mart. IX 41 10 istud quod digitis, Pontice, perdis, homo est. Hier. ep. 22 13 aliae uero sterilitatem praebibunt et necdum sati hominis homicidium faciunt. non- nullae, cum se senserint concepisse de scelere, aborti uenena medi- tantur, et frequenter etiam ipsae commortuae trium criminum 10 reae ad infer os perducuntur, homicidae sui, Christi adulterae, necdum nati filii parricidae. p. 32 1. 13 NECVBI Riddle-White., p. 1261 c. Lewis-Short ri&c-ne alicubi! adu. Prax. 1. cf. c. 3 p. 12 1. 25. HERODOTVM in 8 Arabs, iv 70 Scythians. I 74 Medes 15 and Lydians. Armenians Tac. an. xn 47. Luc. Toxaris 37. p. 32 1. 15 CATILINA (cf. Winer Real-Worterb. Bund ) so the Vitellii and Bruti Plut. Publicola 4 1. Sail. Catil. 22 1. Flor. II 12 4. Mela n 1 12 (Asiacae). Athen. 45 f. (Carmani). 20 Minuc. 30 5 ipsum credo [louem] docuisse sanguinis foedere coniurare Catilinam, et Bellonam sacrum suum haustu humani cruoris imbuere et comitialem morbum hominis sanguine, id est morbo grauiore, sanare. So Diogenes taught (D. L. VI 73. Theo- phil. in 5) and the Stoics (Theophil. 1. c. D. L. vn 121. Men. 25 188. Sext. Emp. Pyrrh. hyp. in 24). Lamprid. Comm. 9 Bellonae seruientes uere exsecare bracchium praecepit studio crudelitatis. p. 32 1. 16 AIVNT cet. allowed by Diogenes. Theophil. ill 4. Petron. 141 (quoted below). Tert. Adu. Marc. I 10 f. Hdt. I 30 216 of the Massagetae. in 99 of the Padaei. Theophil. in 5. Thyestes, Harpagus, barbarians. Athenag. Resurr. Carn. 4 fin. p. 44 bc . Euseb. Praep. Eu. I 4 6 p. ll bc ^778 avOpwtropopelv &ia TOV /cal iJLe^pL^ avr&v e\06vTa rov Xp^crroO \oyov adpfcas vetcp&v TWV (f)L\rdr(Dv Kara TO 7ra\aiov e6o<$ 35 BoivaaOat,. The natives of Pontus. cf. 7 p. ll d . Orig. contra Gels, v 27 pr. 34 p. 254. 36 p. 256. Tert. de Pall. 4. luu. 4 124 n. Lact. I 21 16, 17. v 10 15 quomodo enim sanguine abstinebunt qui colunt cruentos deos, Martem atque p. 32 1. 22] APOLOGETICVS 9 203 Bellonam ? Indian cannibals. Orig. contra Gels. VI 80. Hier. adu. louin. n 7 (n 335 bc ) Massagetae and Derbices. Euseb. Praep. En. I 4 p. ll d . Plin. iv 88. vi 53. VII 9, 11, 12. Strabo 231, 198. Solin. 15. Preller-Jordan rom. Myth, n 386 n. 3. Marquardt in 2 76 n. 9. Lasaulx 254 138. 5 SCYTHARVM Lucian Deor. Dial. 16 1. De Luctu 21 TO Se (lira TOVTOV St,e\6/jivoi, Kara Wvr) ra? ra^a? o /JLCV "EXX?;^ /cavcrv,...6 & 2fcv0r)<; KareaOLei. Petron. 141 apud quasdam gentes scimus adhuc legerti seruari, at a propinquis suis con- samantur defuncti, adeo quidem, ut obiurgentur aegri frequenter, 10 quod carnem suam faciant peiorem. his admoneo amicos meos, ne recusent quae iubeo, sed quibus animis deuouerint spiritum meum, eisdem etiam corpus consumant. Just before : omnes qui in testamento meo legato, habent, praeter libertos meos hac conditions percipient, quae dedi, si corpus meum in paries 15 conciderint et astante populo comederint. Lucian Toxaris 8 f. (of Sc.) /careaOiovai TOL/? Trarepas airodavovras. Orig. Princ. II 9 5 apud Scuthas, apud quos parricidium quasi ex lege geritur. Strabo 513 of the Massagetae (Burnes Travels I 189 Turcomans sacrifice aged prisoners). Thdt. IX c. 35 p. 129, 20 10 seq. Prudent, contra Symm. II 294. Wesseling on Herodot. I 216. m 38. p. 32 1. 18 cf. c. 23 p. 78 1. 29. p. 32 1. 21 Plin. h. n. xxvm 4 sanguinem quoque gladia- torum bibunt, ut uiuentibus poculis comitiales [morbi], quod 25 spectare facientes in eadem harena feras quoque horror est. at, hercide, illi ex homine ipso sorbere efficacissimum putant calidum spirantemque et uiuam ipsarn animam ex osculo uulnerum, cum plagis omnino ne feraram quidem admoueri ora mos sit humanus. 43 sanguine ipsius hominis ex qaacumque parte emisso effica- 30 cissime anginam inlini tradunt Orpheus et Archelaus, item ora comitiali morbo conlapsorum, exsurgere enim protinus. cf. xxvi 8 cure of elephantiasis in Egypt. Blunt Right Use 359. Lasaulx 237 n. 27. p. 32 1. 22 QVI DE HARENA Minuc. 30 6 non dissimiles et 35 qui de harena feras deuorant illitas et infectas cruore uel membris hominis et uiscere saginatas. Athenag. 4 questions raised about fish birds, and beasts which have preyed on men and been 204 TERTVLLIANI [p. 32 I. 22- eaten by men, and so the same particles have formed part of two human bodies. p. 32 1. 23 APER Ael. N.A. x 16 pr. 77 u? /cal TWV loiwv re/cvcov VTTO T7j<f \ai/jLapyias dcfreiSws e^et, KOI pevroi real 5 avOpcoTrov crwfjiaTi: evTW^ovaa OVK aTre^erai, XX ecrOiei. p. 32 1. 25 CRVDIT ANTES De leiun. 16 pr. ubi sepultus est populus carnis auidissimus usque ad choleram ortygometras cruditando. Add to lexx. Scorp. 5 p. m. (of Adam) edit inlicitum et transgressione saturatus in mortem -emit. [See Thes. A.S.] 10 p. 32 1. 26 RVCTATVR Manil. v. 463 ructantemque patrem natos (of Thyestes). luu. 4 31. p. 32 1. 29 INHIANT Cic. Catil. in 19 Romulus lactens uberibus lupinis inhians. cf. luu. 10 238. Epiphan. Haer. 26. HVMANO. So Athenag. Leg. 34 speaking of unnatural lust : 15 " like fish, which devour one another, the stronger chasing the weaker. KOL TOVTO ecrri, aapK&v cnrrecrOai dvOpwTriKwv." p. 32 1. 31 ERVBESCAT...CHRISTIAXIS 11 f. Testim. Anim. I p. 136 1. 1 Wiss. uel tibi erubescant. Aug. c. Julian, iv 14 unusquisque sibi uel alteri erubuerunt. 20 p. 34 1. 1 NE ANIMALIVM cet. Euseb. Hist. Eccl. v 1 26 Byblias, who had recanted, when tortured (at Lyon or Vienne) to confess infanticides, recovered her rank as martyr, crying on the rack : TTUX; av Trai&ia cftdyoiev ol TOIOVTOI, ot? firjSe d\6yeov tZwwv alfjLa (frayelv e ^oz/; so the martyr Attains, when roasted 25 alive, ib. 52, cried I8ov TOVTO I<TTIV dv@pa)7rovs eo-Oieiv, o TroieiTG v/neis f)fjil<$ Se ovre dv0pa)Trov^ ea6iop,ev, ovO* eTepov TL TrovTjpov irpaTTOfjiev! Minuc. 30 7 iwbis komicidiuvi nee uidere fas nee audire, tantumque ab humano sanguine cauemus, ut nee edulium pecorum in cibis sanguinem nouerimus. Routh 30 Rel. i 304. 343. Beveridge on Canon. Apost. 63 p. 470 b Cotel.-Clericus. Jer. Taylor ix 356. p. 34 1. 2 De leiunio adu. Psych. 1 p. 275 1. 2 Wiss. arguunt nos qiLod...xerophagias obseruemus,siccantes cibum ab omni carne et omni iurulentia (s. above). Kaye 146 (De Monogam. 5 De 35 Pudic. 12). Irenaeus Fr. 15 p. 343 Ben. I p. 832 St. (from Oecumen. on 1 Pet. c. 3 p. 498) transl. by Blunt Right Use of the Early Fathers 40. Slaves of catechumens on the rack confessed that the holy communion was the body and blood of p. 34 1. 15] APOLOGETICVS 9 205 Christ. The martyr Blandina answered : " how could we endure to do such an act; we who, in the practice of our Christian discipline, abstain even from permitted food ? " Orig. contra Cels. vni 30 (cf. n. in Lomm. xx 1478) c. 31. Clem. Al. Paedag. ill 25 (p. 276 P.) ovSe yap Ovyeiv al/jua rot? dvOpanrois 5 ot? TO aw/jLa ov&ev a\X rj adp% ecrnv ctffJLan jecopjov- Calmet on Acts 15 20. Councils. Aug. contr. Faust, xxxn 13 f. obsolete in his day, the few who observed the restriction mocked by the rest. Clem. Recogn. I 30. Cotelier on Const. Apost. vi 12 n. 27. I0 p. 34 1. 3 MORTICINIS Varr. p. 34 1. 5 BOTVLOS Arnob. II 42. Aristoph. Equit. 208 eW ai^aroTTwrrj^ ecrO* or aXXa? %a> Bpdiccov. CERTISSIMI c. inf. 12 f. 11 p. 40 1. 15. p. 34 1. 6 EXORBITARE c. 6 pr. n. [16 (p. 54 1. 24) n. A.S.] I5 p. 34 1. 8 De Spectac. 19 p. 20 1. 14 Wiss. si tales sumus, quales dicimur, delectemur sanguine humano. Human blood a cure for epilepsy, Cels. ill 23. p. 34 1. 10 FOCVLVM (Plaut. in lexx. 6) luu. 3 262 n. Sen. Ep. 66 51. 20 ACERRAM adu. Marcion. I 27 p. m. Arnob. II 76 perquiramus et nos contra, cur et uos, cum, tantos et tain innumeros colatis deos, cumque...acerras omnes turis plenas conficiatis altaribus, cur non inmunes agitis tot discriminibus et procellis, quibus cotidie uos agunt exitiabiles multiplicesque fortunae ? 25 p. 34 1. 14 CVSTODIARVM prisoners in custody. 44 n. p. 124 1. 16. Orat. 24. Sen. Ep. 70 23. Sueton. Calig. 27 Ner. 31 (sing.). Seru. Aen. xi 184. dig. XLVIII 3 10. p. 34 1. 15 INCESTI cf. c. 21 p. 68 1. 31. INCESTI...PERSAS Minuc. 31 2 haec enim potius de uestris 30 gentibus nata sunt. ius est apud Persas misceri cum matribus ...memoriae et tragoediae uestrae incestis gloriantur, quas uos libenter et legitis et auditis. sic et deos colitis incestos, cum matre, cum filia, cum sorore coniunctos. Holden ib. Incest of luppiter with Rhea and Proserpine. Athenag. Suppl. 20 35 p. 20 a cf. 32 p. 36 a . 34. Plin. Hist. Nat. n c. 7 17 matrimonia quidem inter deos credi tantoque aeuo ex his neminem nasci et alios esse grandaeuos semper que canos alios iuuenes atque pueros, 206 TERTVLLIANI [p. 34 1. 15 atricolores, aligeros, claudos, ouo editos et alternis dielms uiuentes morientesque puerilium prope deliramentorum est ; sed super omnem impudentiam adulteria inter ipsos fingi, mox iurgia et odia, atque etiam furtorum esse et scelerum numina. Xeno- 5 phanes. [See on p. 38 1. 21 A. S.] luppiter and Proserpina Grig, contr. Gels. I 25. 48. Arnob. v 21. Tatian 8 p. 148 a . 10, and luno. Theophil. ill 3. 8. Clem. Alex. Strom, in 11, Protr. II 15 and 16 p. 13 P. Euseb. Praep. Eu. I 4. 6 p. ll b co? lle/ocra? /jLtjTpoya/jieiv TOU? avrut (rco o-corrjpi) ^ad^rev 10 Lasaulx Studien 424 n. 219, 220. Chrys. Horn. 7 in 2 Cor. (x 489 C ). De Virgin. 8 (i 274 a ). Clem. Horn, iv 12. 15. 18. 24, VI 18. Bardesanes in Euseb. Praep. Eu. VI 10 16 p. 27o (cf. Basil. Ep. 258 4, in 39o a . Athenag. 12. Aristid. 9 8. 85). IVPPITER c. 11 p. 42 1. 8 n. ad nat. II 13 (after Saturn 15 and Ops). Lucian De Sacrif. 5 ey^e Se vroXXa? fjuev KOI a\\a<;, varar^v $...rr)V a8e\(f)rjv Kara TOI>? Tlpcra)i> TOVTO /cal Acravpltov vopov?. Xen. Mem. IV 4 20 sq. Luc. VIII 409. Euseb. Laud. Const. 16 p. 251, 33 Heikel. Theocr. Id. xvn 131 134 defends the incest of Ptolemy II by the example of 20 Zeus, see Bouche-Leclercq Hist, des Lagides I (Par. 1903) 163 n. 2. Ruinart Acta Mart. p. 357 quod Apollo sororem suam Dianam ante aram in Delo uiolauerit. Lactant. Diu. Inst. I 17 8. Ambr. De Virginibus in 2. Theoph. I 9 p. 13. Stallbaum on Plat. Euthyphr. p. 5 e . Clem. Alex. Paedag. I 7 25 55 p. 131. Strornat. Ill 11 p. 515. Tatian c. 28 p. 164. Jeremy Taylor ix 3745 Eden. Clem. Recogn. IX 25, 27, 29. Horn. 19, 19. Grig, contr. Gels, v 27, vi 80. Bingham xvi 11,3. PERSAS ad nat. I 16 p. 86 1. 15 Wiss. plane Persae, Ctesias 30 edit, tarn scientes quam non horrentes cum matribus libere faciunt. sed et Macedones id quod probauerunt palam sesefacti- tare, siquidem, cum primum scaenam eorum Oedipus intrauit trucidatus oculos, risu ac derisu exceperunt. tragoedus consterna- tus retracta persona, Numquid, ait, domini, displicui uobis? 35 responderunt Macedones : Immo tu quidem pulchre, at scriptor uanissimus si finxit, aut Oedipus dementissimus si ita fecit : atque exinde alter ad alterum, ij\avv, dicebat, et? TTJV p,arepa. Lasaulx 4245. Sen. Lud. 8 2. Philo De Spec. Leg. 3 pr. et p. 34 1. 21] APOLOGETICVS 9 207 med. (i 301 2 M.). Julian, p. 9 C (with sisters). [Ps.-Aug. Quaest. Vet. et Nou. Test. no. 115 19. A. S.] Thdt. Gr. aff. cur. in 37, 96, 97. aSeX<oyLufta, Basil. Ep. 217 can. 65 75. Euseb. Pj-aep. Eu. vi 10 46. Bingham xxn 1 4. Greg. Nyss. c. fat. (Migne P. G. XLV col. 170 A). Agath. n 24 pr. 5 p. 34 1. 17 TRAGOEDIAM Lactant. Diu. Inst. vi 20 23, 28. p. 34 1. 19 ad nat. I 16 p. 87 1. 7 Wiss. respicite igitur luxuria inter err ores et uentos fluctuante, si desunt populi, quos ad hoc sceleris incursent lata uada et aspera erroris. in primis cum infantes uestros alienae misericordiae exponitis aut in 10 adoptionem melioribus parentibus, obliuiscimini quanta materia incesti sumministratur, quanta occasio casibus aperitur ? Aug. Ep. 23 (98) ad Bonifat. (II 266 d ) aliquando etiam quos crudeliter parentes exposuerunt nutriendos a quibuslibet, nonnumquam a sacris uirginibus colliguntur et ab eis offeruntur ad baptismam. 15 p. 34 1. 20 PASSIVITATE promiscuousness, roving nature. De Cor. Milit. 8 p. m. huiusmodi quaestioni sic ubique respondeo, admittens quidem utensilium communionem, sed prouocans earn ad rationalium et irrationalium distinctionem, quia passiuitas fallit obumbrans corruptelam conditionis. Adu. Hermog. 41 20 p. 170 1. 22 Kr. haec inquies non est, haec turbulentia et pas siuitas non est, sed moderatio et modestia et iustitia motationis neutram in partem inclinantis. Salu. vil 16 immo, quantum ad passiuitatem libidinis pertinet, quis non coniugem in numerum ancillarum redegit? 18 atque illi, de quibus haec scripta 25 legimus, et minor e fortasse crimine et minor e, ut rear, numero criminum ac passiuitate peccabant. Oehler s ind. PASSIVVS (PANDO) ad nat. II 1 f. De Monogam. 6 pr. ad Vxor. I 2 f. Cone. Carth. 1 c. 7. Apul. Metain. ix p. 202, vi 10. cf. n. from Tert. ad nat. 30 I 16 f. (Journ. Phil, xx 279) a kidnapped boy sold in Asia and finally brought to the Roman market and bought by his own father. Socr. H. E. I 18 7 wives common property. Exposing children cause of incest, infr. 39 p. 112 1. 24 n. lustin. Apol. I c. 27 p. 70 e , c. 29 pr. p. 7l d . Mimic. 30 2. 31 3. Rein 35 Criminals 441 sq. Dollinger Heidenthum u. Judenth. 716 7. p. 34 1. 21 MISERICORDIA Paullus in dig. xxv 3 4 necare uidetur non tantum is qui partum praefocat, sed et is qui abicit 208 TERTVLLIANI [p. 34 1. 21- et qui alimonia denegat et qui publicis locis misericordiae causa exponit, quam ipse non habet. Cod. vm 52 2. Exposition Aug. De Nuptiis et Concupiscentia I c. 15 17 (x 619 Gaume). D.S. (n 231) approves Spartan infanticide, which was a capital 5 crime at Thebes. Ael. Var. Hist. II 7. Gibbon s guess that the church was largely recruited from foundlings has no support in antiquity (Blunt Right Use 3327). Lact. Diu. Inst. vi 20 || 21 3 quid illi quo s falsa pietas cogit exponere ? num possunt innocentes existimari qui uiscera sua in praedam canibus obiciunt 10 et quantum in ipsis est crudelius necant quam si strangulassent ? 22 quis dubitet quin impius sit qui alienae misericordiae locum tribuit? qui, etiamsi contingat ei quod uoluit, ut alatur, addixit certe sanguinem suuin uel ad seruitutem uel ad lupanar ? | 23 quae autem possint uel soleant accidere in utroque sexu per 15 errorem, quis non intellegit, quis ignorat ? quod uel unius Oedipodis declarat exemplum duplici scelere confusum. tain igitur nefarium est exponere quam necare. Clem. Alex. Paedag. Ill c. 3 21 f. (p. 265 P.) a\V ovSe avviaaiv ol TaXaiTrwpOi, &&gt;9 TO a&r)\ov TT)? crvvovcrias TroAAa? epya^erai rpayu>8la<f. 20 TTOpvevcravTi KOL yLta^Xwcrat? Ovyarpdaiv dyvorjcrai Tes Trarepe^, ov fL6/JLvrjfJLevoi roov eicreOevTwv TraiSiwv, /cal rovs yejevvTjKora^ a/cpaaia^ e^ovcria. Aug. c. duas epist. Pelagianorum II 11 plangit baptizata mater non baptizatum proprium ; et ab impudica expositum, baptizandum 25 casta fetum colligit alienum. cf. 14 pr. 16. Basil Ep. 217 can. 52. Epist. ad Diognet. 5 p. 49 7 b . Athenag. Suppl. 35 fin. p. 34 1. 24 ERROR Lact. Diu. Inst. vi 20 23. p. 34 1. 26 LIBIDO Saluian. VII c. 1622 ( 65100) con trasts the lewdness of the Africans with the chastity of their 30 Vandal conquerors. SALTVS ad nat. I 16 p. 87 1. 15 Wiss. p. 34 1. 27 IGNARIS, cet. Minuc. 31 3 merito igitur incestum penes uos saepe deprehenditur, semper admittitur : etiam nesci- entes miseri potestis in illicita mere, dum Venerem promisee 35 spargitis, dum passim liberos seritis, dum etiam domi natos alienae misericordiae frequenter exponitis, necesse est in uestros recurrere, in filios inerrare. 4 sic incesti fabulam nectitis, etiam cum conscientiam non habetis. lustin. Apol. I 27 KOI roov p. 34 1. 32] APOLOGETICVS 9 209 TOVTOIS ypwfJLevwv T? 7rpo<$ rfj dOeta KOI doreftel /cal d/cparel fillet-, el TV%OI, retcvw r) avyyevel rj d&e\<f)(p /jLiyvvraL cf. Clem. Alex. Paedag. in 3 21 p. 265. Bingham xvi 10 11. FILIOS = liberos. ad nat. I 16 p. 87 1. 16 Wiss. n 12 p. 117 1. 22 Wiss. De Exhort. Castit. 13 masculorum filiorum. James 5 on 4 Ezra p. L. Aug. Ep. 127 9 f. Hier. Migne P.L. XXIII 968 a cum hodieque Romae omnes filii uocentur infantes. los. Antiq. n 13 p. 57 p. m. bis (ed. 1524). Archiv f. lat. Lex. vn 7780. 84. 90. 92 94. rercva vp,&v 1 Cor. vii 14 is filii uestri in Tert. ad Vxor. II 2. 10 p. 34 1. 30 NOS cet. c. 39. 46. ad Vxor. I 6. De Cultu Fern. II 9. Athenag. Suppl. 33 yvvalica fiev eVacrro? rjfjucov rjv rjydyero Kara roi>9 vfi TI^WV TeOeijJbevovs VO/ULOVS vofMi^wv, /cal ravrvv (Ji^pi rov 7rai&07roMJ<7acr6ai...f)fjLiv fjierpov eTTiOvfJiias r] TraL&o- Troita. lustin. Apol. I 29 aXV r) Trjv dp^rjv ovtc eyajuovfjiev el 15 /j,rj eVl TraiScov dvarpo(f)f/ rj Trapairov/jievoi, TO ^i^aaQai re\eov eveycparevo/jLeOa. A Christian youth, in order to refute the charges of promiscuous intercourse, applied to Felix, governor of Alexandria, for a medical licence for his mutilation. It was refused, but he remained unmarried. Minuc. 31 5 at nos 20 pudorem non facie sed mente praestamus, uniits matrimonii iiinculo libenter inhaeremus, cupiditatem procreandi aut unam scimus aut nullam. Socrates I 13 3 married priests cohabi tation forbidden. 4 allowed by Paphnutius. 5, 6 priests marriage forbidden. IV 23 (Ammon). v 22 50. Athenag. 33 25 p. 37 a evpoi^; 8 civ TroXXou? TMV Trap t^fjulv /cal avSpas /cal yvval/cas, /carayripdcrKovTas d<ydfjLovs 6\7rt8t rov jJLa\\ov avve- aeo-Oai rw 6ew. Euseb. Laud, const. 17. Orig. contra Cels. I 26. VII 48 pr. Spencer on Orig. contra Cels. p. 21 1. 55 (annot. p. 21 ab). Theophil. in 15. Eus. D.E. I 9 14, 15, 21. 30 p. 34 1. 32 QVIDAM cet. ad Vx. I 6 quot enim sant qui statim a lauacro carnem suam obsignant? De Cultu Fern, n 9 non enim et multi itafaciunt et se spadonatai [cf. Socr. H. E. II 26 9] obsignant propter regnum Dei? lustin. Apol. I 15 p. 62 b after citing Matt. 19 12 : /cal vroXXot Tives /cal TroXXal e^vKovrov-rai, 35 real 6/3Sofjir)/covTOVTai 01 e/c TraiSwv efJLaOnrevOva-av ra> X/KO-T&), afyOopoi Sia/jievovo t, /cal ev^onai Kara irav yevos avdpa)7ru>v TOIOVTOVS Bel^at. Pitra Spicil. Solesm. I 323. Athenag. Suppl. M. T. 14 210 TERTVLLIANI [p. 34 1. 32 33 (quoted above). Minuc. 31 6 casto sermone, corpore castiore, plerique inuiolati corporis uirginitate perpetua fruuntur potius quam gloriantur. tantum denique abest incesti cupido, ut non- nullis rubori sit etiam pudica coniunctio. Harnack Texte VIII 4 5 (Medicinisches u.s.w.) p. 63 n. 3. A heresy in Eustathius bp of Sebastia in Armenia to forbid marriage, Socr. Hist. Eccl. II 43 3. Herzog-Hauck Real Encykl. xm 215. p. 34 1. 33 SENES Adu. Val. 5 p. 182 1. 13 Kr. Proculus noster uirginis senectae...dignitas. Schwegler Montanismus I 10 28 quotes Orig. I.e. p. 36 1. 4 VIDERE VIDEANTVK Beritl. on Hor. Carm. II 1. 21. cf. dixisse dicitur Cic. Verr. iv 73. p. 36 1. 5 MANIFESTIOKIBVS cf. C. 6 f. CAP. X p. 36 1. 6 DEOS NON COLITIS. Of the fathers Athenag. 4 30 15 treats most fully the charge of atheism, cf. Arnob. I 28 sq. Clem. Al. Strom, vn 1 4 Hort-Mayor s n. Plin. Ep. ad Trai. 96 5 qui negabant esse se Christianas aut fuisse, cum praeeunte me deos appellarent et imagini tuae, quam propter hoc iusseram cnm simulacris numinum afferri, ture ac uino supplicarent, 20 praeterea male dicerent Christo, quorum nihil posse cogi dicuntur qui sunt re uera Christiani, dimittendos esse putaui. 6 some informed against said that they had been Christians and were so no more, omnes et imaginem tuam deorumque simulacra uenerati sunt et Christo male dixerunt. Socr. Hist. Eccl. ill 22 25 | 1 pr. Julian gave soldiers the option, ^ Oveiv rj cnroaTpa- revecrOai. II 27 4. I 36 3 (of Asterius) lepwcrvv^^ /AW rjcTTO xya-e Sta TO eTTireOvKevai Kara rov BicojfjLOV. Ill 13 2. 15 5. 20 13. iv 1 9. 28 2 3. vn 25 18 19. i 6 37. Arnob. I 29 pr. ergone impiae religionis sumus apud uos rei, et 30 quod caput rerum et columen uenerabilibus adimus obsequiis, ut conuicio utamur uestro, infaasti et athei nuncupamur? ill 28 quantumlibet nos impios, irreligiosos uocetis et atheos, numquam fidem facietis esse amorum deos, esse bellorum, esse qui discordias conserant. v 30 iam dudum me fateor reputantem mecum in 35 animo rerum huiuscemodi monstra solitum esse mirari, audere p. 36 1. 9] APOLOGETICVS 9, 10 211 uos dicere quemquam ex is atheum irreligiosum sacrilegum qui deos esse omnino aut negent aut dubitent, aut qui eos homines fuisse contendant et potestatis alicuius et meriti causa deorum in numerum relatos, cum si uerum fiat atque habeatur examen, nullos quam uos magis huiusmodi par sit appellationibus nuncu- 5 pari, qui sub specie cultionis plus in eos ingeratis maledictionum et criminum, quam si aperte hoc facer e confessis maledictionibus coimbibissetis. VI 27 Minuc. c. 8. lust. Apol. I 6 pr. 56 b ev6ev B /cal dOeoi K/c\r){jL60a. KOI o/jLoXoyov/juev TWV TOLOVTWV /ca\ov- jjLevcov Oewv dQeoi elvai. Euseb. Hist. Eccl. IV 15 (martyrdom of 10 Polycarp) 19 (the proconsul) ""O/Aocroy rrjv Kai&apos Tv^y, jjLeravorjaov, euTrov A.lpe rovs dBeovs" 6 Se TIoXv/capTro? /jL/3piOel TO) TTpoaajTrw eh Trdvra TOV o%\ov rov eV ru> crraSiw /A/3\eiffas, 67rtcret(ja9 avrols rrjv ^eipa, GTevd^as re KOL dva- ySXe^a? et? rov ovpavov, eltrev, Alpe Toi/9 ddeovs. The crowd 15 had cried, 6, Alpe rou<? dOeovf ^reiorOw rioXv/ca/jTro?. cf. IV 13 3. SACRIFICIA Acta Mart. lustini c. 1 wcrre avrovs dvay- jcd^ecrOai o"rrev$eiv rot? ^uaratot? 6t8coXot?. c. 5 Pavcm/cbs etTre* To \OITTOV e\0a)^ev et? TO TrpoKeifJievov /cal 20 yfjia. avve\66vTe<$ ovv ofjiodv/JiaBov Bvo~are rot? .... Justin refused and so the other martyrs said vrotet o jap XpianavoL ea^ev, /cal et SwXot? ov ap^o? dTrecfriyvaro Xeycov Ot /JLTJ fB rot? 0eot? /cal ei^ai rc3 TOV avro/cpdropos TrpoaTayfjiaTi 25 p. 36 1. 7 IMPENDITIS Idol. 6 p. 36 1. 5 Wiss. nee anima pecudis impensa, sed anima tua. p. 36 1. 8 QVIA : qua Ashton. p. 36 1. 9 SACRILEGII 2 pr. nomen homicidae uel sacrilegi 30 uel publici hostis (ut de nostris elogiis loq uar). ib. med. sic enim soletis . . .laniari inhere sacrilegum, si confiteri perseuerauerit. ad Scap. 2 tamen nos, quos sacrilegos existimatis, nee in furto umquam deprehendistis, nedum in sacrilegio. omnes autem qui templa despoliant et per deos iurant et eosdem colunt, et 35 Christiani non sunt et sacrilegi tamen deprehenduntur. Rufin. Hist. Eccl. IV 15 18. de Polycarpo (Hav.). CONVENIMVR 31 f. n. ad nat. I 17 p. 89 1. 12 Wiss. uani- 142 212 TERTVLLIANI [p. 36 1. 9 tatis sacrilegia conueniam. Liebenam rom. Vereinswesen 270. Friedlander in 5 631 n. 10 cites Renan Les Evangiles 401 3. p. 36 1. 10 TOTA de Idol. 1 pr. principale crimen generis humani, summus saeculi reatus, tota causa iudicii idololatria. 5 p. 36 1. 11 DESPERAT the Academic scepticism e.g. in the speech of Caecilius in Mimic. p. 36 1. 12 Tzschirner 325. lustin. Apol. I 6 ofjbo\oyov^ev TWV TOIOVTWV ovofjLa^ofjievwv Qe&v d6eoi elvai. p. 36 1. 13 NON ESSE cf. c. 12 f. 10 p. 36 1. 17 SED NOBIS c. 13 pr. sed nobis dei sunt, inquitis. p. 36 11. 1920 Infr. cap. 11 pr. 40. Idol. 15 p. 47 1. 15 Wiss. si hominis causa est, recogitemus omnem idololatrian in hominis causam esse. recogitemas omnem idololatrian in homines esse culturam, cum ipsos deos nationum homines retro i$fuisse etiam apud suos constet. Cic. Nat. Deor. ill c. 19 nostri quidem publicani, cum essent agri in Boeotia deorum immor- talium excepti lege censoria, negabant immortales esse ullos, qui aliquando homines fuissent. Lact. Diu. Inst. I 15 cites Cic. Cons. non dubitauit dicere deos, qui publice colerentur, homines zofuisse...cum uero (inquit] et mares et feminas complures ex hominibus in deorum numero esse uideamus? Socr. Hist. Eccl. in 23 f. p. 204 205. Aug. Serm. 273 c. 3 4 (v 1106 b sq.). Bingham xm 3 3 n. 56 sq. Kaye 206. Euhemeri Reliquiae coll. Geyza Nemethy (cir. 1891) good ed. Aug. Ciu. Dei iv 27. 25 Athenag. Suppl. I p. l b names Hektor, Agamemnon, Erechtheus, Agraulos etc. cf. Mimic. 22 8 sq. of Saturn. Athenag. 28 cites Herodot. II 144 and Alexander the great in a letter to his mother as witnesses to the Egyptian priest s confession that the gods had been men. Minuc. 21 4 Alexander ille 30 magnus Macedo insigni uolumine ad matrem suam scripsit, metu suae potestatis proditum sibi de dis hominibus a sacerdote secretum. cf. Aug. and Plut. in Holden. Athenag. 30 cites the Sibyl. Aug. in Ps. 93 3 a. m. Theod. Gr. Aff. Cur. m 42 sq. VIII 113 sq. 35 p. 36 1. 21 TESTIMONIVM PERHIBENTIBVS Varr. Plin. Apul. Metam. II 36 uos in hanc rem boni Quirites testimonium per- hibetote [and often later, A. S.]. p. 36 1. 22 NATI cet. Arnob. I 37 discetis, quibus singuli p. 36 1. 26] APOLOGETICVS 10 213 patribus, qidbus matribus faerint procreati, qua innati regione, qua gente, quae fecerint egerint pertalerint actitarint. cf. 36. Tatian 21 ^kveaiv av \eywT6 dewv, Kal OVIJTOVS avrovs diro- $>avelcr9e. Athenag. 18 p. 18 a OVK ef dp^f)?, o>9 (f>ao-iv, rjaav ol Oeoi, aXX ovTCt)? yeyovev avrcov e/cacrro? &&gt;? yivo/jL0a rjfjiels cet. 5 lustin. Cohort, ad Gent. 2. Lact. Diu. Inst. v 19 15. Infra c. 25 luppiter in Crete. p. 36 1. 24 SEPVLTI c. 12 in insulas relegamur? solet et in insulis aliqui deus uester aut nasci aut mori. ad nat. II 7 p. 106 1. 14 Wiss. sepulcris regum uestrorum caelum infamatis. n 12 10 pr. nam quot deos et quos utique producam? ...ueteres an et nouicios? mares an et feminas ? . . .rusticos an et urbanos? dues an et peregrinos ? cet. Lact. Ira Dei 1 1 8 (Euhemerus and Ennius). Diu. Inst. I 11 33 34 (Ennius). 45 46 (Jove s tomb in Crete). 13 14. Epit. 13. Arnob. iv 29. v 31. Minuc. 21 1 15 Holden. Plut. n 680 a . Euhemerus in DS. (Mullach Fragm. Phiios. II 4318). Aug. Ciu. Dei vn 26. Constantine Or. ad Sanct. Coet. 4 | 3 TWV 8 d$>6dpTa)v eKelvwv ra^of? re KOL 6i]Ka^ lTTi>eiKvvov(Tiv avrot, KaroL^ofjierov^ re r/yLtat? dOavdrois <yepaipov<jiv. Luc. luppiter Trag. 45. 20 p. 36 1. 25 TOT AC TANTOS De Spect, 30 p. 28 1. 20 Wiss. quid admirer ? quid rideam ? ubi gaudeam, ubi exsidtem, tot spectans reges, qui in caelum recepti nuntiabantur, cum loue ipso et ipsis suis testibas in imis tenebris congemescentes? ad nat. I 10 p. 75 1. 16 Wiss. tot ac tanti. Ou. Trist. in 1 77 8 di, precor, 25 atque adeo (neque enim mihi turba roganda est) Caesar, ades uoto, maxime diue, meo. Aetna 62. Aug. Ciu. Dei ill 12 (Haverc.). luu. 13 468 n. Bayle oeuvres in 2823. Lobeck Aglaoph. 5079. 626. Keim Rom u. das Christenthum 226. Preller- Jordan rom. Myth. I 3 137. Marquardt ill 2 18 n. 10 and 11. 30 p. 36 1. 26 CAPTIVOS infr. c. 25 p. 90 1. 15. Marquardt in 2 34 n . i_3. Kortholt Pag. Obtr. 889. Prud. c. Symm. n 18 sq. 347 361 (349 351) inter fumantes templorum armata ruinas dextera uictoris simulacra hostilia cepit et captiua domum, uenerans ceu immina uexit. Arnob. in 38 f. Macr. S. 35 in 9 2. PROPRIOS ad nat. II 9 p. Ill, 10 Wiss. nos uero bifariam Romanorum deos recognoscimus, communes et proprios, id est, 214 TERTVLLIANI 10 [p. 36 1. 26- quos cum omnibus habent et quos ipsi sunt commenti. Arnob. IV 4 quid enim Romani deos possident peculiares, qui alia/rum gentium non sint, et quemadmodujn poterunt di esse, si non omnibus quae ubique sunt gentes aequabilitatem sui naminis 5 exhibebunt ? cf. Marquardt III 2 380 n. 2. p. 36 1. 27 MASCVLQS FEMINAS Arnob. in 6 (p. 115 27). Augustus (Dio LVI 3 1 pr.) commends married knights for imitating the divine example. p. 36 1. 28 OTIOSVM EST cet. Minuc. 23 1 otiosum est ire 10 per singulos et totam seriem generis istius explicare, cum in primis parentibus probata mortalitas in ceteros ipso or dine successionis influxerit. otiosum est also in Tac. Ann. xiii 3. Lact. Diu. Inst. n 4 28. p. 36 1. 28 infra c. 24. ad nat. n 12 p. 116 1. 15 Wiss. 15 quanta diffusa res est, tanto substring enda nobis erit, et ideo, qui in ista specie unum tuemur propositum demonstrcmdi iltos omnes homines fuisse (non quidem ut cognoscatis, nam quasi obliti (MS -a) agitis). Local gods comm. on Aen. n 351. v 95. Meurs. on Lycophr. 1473. 20 p. 36 1. 29 COGNOSCATIS Sen. Med. 194 si iudicas, cognosce ; si regnas, iube. p. 36 1. 30 OBLITOS AGITIS c. 1 p. 2 1. 10 c. 37 p. 108 1. 5 hostes exsertos agere. Praescr. Haer. 13 uerbum...ex ea natum egisse lesum Christum, ad nat. u 7 p. 107 1. 7 Wiss. quam 25 incerti agitis circa conscientiae pudorem ! ANTE SATVRNVM cet. same as Mimic. Oct. 21 Halm = 22 Oehler. Cf. Ebert 369 seq. Tert. ad nat. n 12 p. 116 1. 19 Wiss....originem generis illorum retractando. origo enim una totius posteritatis. ea origo deorum uestrorum Saturno, ut opinor, 30 signatur. Arnob. II 70. 71. p. 36 11. 33 ff. ad nat. II 12 p. 119 1. 8 Wiss. exstat apud litteras uestras usquequaque Saturni census, legimus apud Cassium Seuerum, apud Cornelios Nepotem et Taciturn (Hist. V 2 4), apud Graecos quoque Diodorum quiue alii antiquitatum 35 canos collegerunt. p. 36 1. 33 DIODORVS [lust. M.] Coh. ad Gent. 9 p. 10 c. sq. 25 f. p. 24 c. p. 38 1. 1 THALLVS infra c. 19. Lact. Din. Inst. 1 13 8, 23 2. p. 38 1. 9] . APOLOGETICVS 10 215 Theophil. TII 29. According to Africanus in Euseb. Praep. Eu. x 10 3 5 and Euseb. Chron. I p. 14 dealt with Syrian history from Troy to Olymp. 167. [lust. Mart.] Cohort, ad Gent. c. 9 p. 10 b . Lardner Heathen Pr. II c. 13 f. p. 1223 vol. 7 ed. 1829. Miiller Fr. Hist. Gr. in 5179. 5 CASSIVS SEVERVS C. Miiller Fr. Hist, in 517 : may be C. Hemina or C. Longinus, Pauly-Wissowa in 1744 9. Minuc. 1. c. scit hoc Nepos et Gassius in historia et Thallus ac Diodorus hoc loquuntur. In cap. 46 we have Hippias the sophist iden tified with the son of Pisistratus. Lact. Diu. Inst. I 13 8 10 omnes ergo non tantum poetae sed historiarum quoque et rerum antiquarian scriptores hominem fuisse consentiunt, qui res eius in Italia gestas memoriae prodiderunt, Graeci Diodorus et Thallus, Latim Nepos et Cassius et Varro. Thallus again ib. 23 2. Cf. infra c. 19 p. 64 1. 14. About Saturn, ad nat 15 II 12 (Tacitus for Thallus). Lact. Diu. Inst. I 11 50 15 2. p. 38 1. 2 COMMENTATOR Carn. Christi 22, euangelii (author) Cam. Res. 33, Adu. Marc, iv 2. c. Val. 34 f. De Cor. Mil. 7. Anim. 46. [Rufin.] c. in Joel I 1. 20 p. 38 1. 4 ad nat. II 12 p. 119 1. 11 Wiss. nee fideliora uestigia eius quam in ipsa Italia signata sunt. nam post plurimas terras et Attica hospitia Italiae uel, ut tune uocabatur, Oenotriae consedit, exceptus ab lano siue lane, ut Salii uocant. mons, quern colaerat, Saturnius dictus, urbs, quam depalauerat, 25 Saturnia usque mine est. Arnob. iv 24. p. 38 1. 5 POST infr. p. 38 1. 8, Scorpiace 11 (p. 170 1. 22 Wiss.). p. 38 1. 7 DEPALAVERAT ad nat. II 12 (above). Hermog. 29 pr. Archiv f. Lat. Lex. vin 189. Hernias Simil. v 2 5 uerum cum post aliquantum temporis dominus eiusdem rediens 30 in uineam intr asset et mdisset decenter earn depalatam, K%a- paKWfjuevov (cf. 3 cum uineae palos iunxisset, [reXeVa? rrjv %apd/cc0cri,v rov ayu-TreXw^o^]). CIL VIII 2728. p. 38 1. 8 POST p. 38 1. 5. p. 38 1. 9 SATURNIA Arnob. I 36 ciuitatis Saturniae Satur- 35 nus auctor. Verg. Aen. vn 180, vm 357. Seru. on vin 318. Muncker on Fulg. I 2 p. 626 Stav. TABVLAE Minuc. 22 9 Saturnus Greta profugus...rudes 216 TERTVLLIANI [p. 38 1. 9 illos homines et agrestes multa docuit, ut Graeculus et politus, litter as imprimere, nummos signare, instruments conficere. p. 38 1. 10 SIGNATVS NVMMVS Macr. Sat. I 7 22 Jan. HOMO cf. Cic. in Lact. Diu. Inst. I 15 19 seq. Arnob. iv 29. 5 Athenag. 28 p. 150. 29 p. 154 (examples 2830). Sibyl in Otto ix 4634. p. 38 1. 11 EX HOMINE cf. p. 38 1. 23. ad nat. n 12 p. 116 1. 21 Wiss. neque enim...nobis excidisse debet omnem patrem filiis antiquiorem, tarn Saturnum I one 10 quam Caelum Saturno: de Caelo enim et Terra Saturnus. DE CAELO (cf. 1. 16, C. 4, p. 16, 1. 21)...TERRAE FILIOS Mimic. 22 11 = 21 8 Halm (quoted by Lact. I 11 55) homo igitur utique qui fugit, homo utique qui latuit, et pater hominis et natus ex homine, terrae enim et caeli filius, quod 15 apud Italos esset ignotis parentibus proditus, ut in hodiernum inopinato uisos caelo missos, ignobiles et ignotos terrae filios nominamus. Petr. 43 Fr. Cic. Ad Fam. vn 9 3. Otto Sprichw. 344. luu. 8 257 terrae parenti. 4 98 n. malim fratercalus esse gigantis. Ammian. xxii 2 4 tamquam demissum aliquem 20 uisura de caelo. Paneg. 5 19 (146 11 B.) quern ut caelo de- lapsum intuebantur (Archiv f. lat. Lex. vii 610 1, vm 25). Lact. Diu. Inst. ill 20 7. cf. I 11 55 Bii. v 8 2 quid uobis inanem iustitiam depingitis et optatis cadere de caelo, tamquam in aliquo simidacro figuratam. 25 p. 38 1. 18 TACEO QVOD Val. Max. IV 4 9 taceo enim quod princeps ciuitatis filiam ei nuptum dedit. p. 38 1. 21. Heraldus quotes Aristot. Rhet. n 23 26 p. 1400 b 4 aXXo? <ro7ro?>, orav TL evavriov fjie\\rj rots" 7T7rpay/j,evois, a^a oncoTrelv, olov Hez^o^a^?; 30 epwrwGLV el OvcoaL rfj AevKoBea KCLI Oprjvwo-iv 77 ^irj, avveftov- \evev, el fjiev deov VTro\afJi(3avovcn.v, /JLTJ Oprfvelv, el $ dvOpwrrov, fMrj 6vew. Capitol. Aurel. 18 2 tantusque illius amor eo die... claruit, ut nemo ill am plangendum censuerit, certis omnibus, quod ab dis commodatus ad deos redisset. On Drusilla s death 35 A.D. 38, D. Cass. LIX 11 alriav re Tra^re? O/JLOIOJS r)cr0r)crav eiri rivi o>? \VTTOV /Jievot,, eire teal co? %aipovr rj yap fJi T] rrevdelv avrrjv &;? avOpcojrov T) 6pr)velv &&gt;9 6eov eveica- \ovvro. Luc. vm 833 et quern tu plangens hominem testaris p. 38 1. 29] APOLOGETICVS 10, 11 217 Osirim. L Abbe E. Beurlier Le Culte imperial, son histoire et son organisation depuis Auguste jusqu a Justinien. Par. 1861. My notes on luu. 4 71 (with add. and ind. deus) dis aequa potestas. Theodoret Graec. Aff. Cur. in 33, p. 43 1. 15 wrongly Nero, Domitian, Commodus. 5 p. 38 1. 22 PAVCIS Enn. Plaut. Ter. Afr. Cic. Sail. Yerg. Hor. Liu. XLII 34 1. p. 38 1. 23 IOVEM Arnob. I 34 f. n 70. HOMINEM EX HOMIXE (cf. p. 38 1. 11) Athenag. 29 p. 33 C of Hercules and Aesculapius : either they were gods and without 10 needs 17 avOpwiroi yeyovores teal Trovrjpol St dpadlav yjaav /cai Xprj/jLarayv eXdrrovs. TL 8ei /ze 7ro\\a \eyeiv 17 Kacrropo? rj Ho\v8evtcovs fJLV7]fjL,ovei)ovrari \\^idpew o i, &&gt;? elirelv teat, TrpcDTjf av6p(t)7roi e% dvdpwjrwv ryeyovores, deo\ Lact. Diu. Inst. I 8 3 4. Euseb. Pr. Eu. in 10 20 21. 15 p. 38 1. 24 EXAMEN cf. 40 p. 116 1. 32. PAR with genit. De Patient. 16 magnitudinis. Adu. Marcion. iv 15 p. 465 1. 7 Kr. creatoris. CAP. XI p. 38 1. 25 HOMINES ad nat. n 13 pr. affirmando illos post mortem deos factos, ut Varro et qui cum eo somniauerunt Aug. 20 de Ciu. Dei vin 26. vi 7 (i 258 19) nonne adtestati sunt Eulie- mero, qui omnes tales deos non fabidosa garrulitate, sed histoiica diligentia homines fidsse mortalesque conscripsit ? Zahn For- schungen v 287 347. Arnob. iv 29 pr. Hild. Lact. Diu. Inst. I 11 17. Miiller Fr. Hist, cited on p. 40 1. 33. 25 p. 38 1. 28 SVBLIMIOREM c. 24 a. m. nam ut constaret illos deos esse, nonne conceditis de (lestimatione communi aliquem esse sublimiorem et potentiorem, uelat principem mundi perfectae potentiae et maiestatis? p. 38 1. 29 MANCIPEM ad nat. I 9 pr. sub eodem mancipe erroris. 30 ib. II 13 p. 121 1. 17 Wiss. ita nullus datur uobis renuendi locus esse mancipem qaendam diuinitatis. De Idol. 1 f. idolorum mancipes. Arnob. I 28 per quern, si sunt, esse et habere sub- stantiam sui numinis maiestatisque coeperunt: a quo ipsam deitatem (ut ita dicam) sortiti se esse sentiunt. . Maximus Tyr. 35 Orat. 1. (11 or 17) p. 138 1. 3 ed. Hobein. 218 TERTVLLIANI [p. 38 1. 30 p. 38 1. 30 DIVINITATEM. cap. 22 f. p. 76 1. 33. p. 40 1. 4 NISI si c. 7 p. 26 1. 9. p. 40 1. 6 VT ALICVIVS OPERA INDIGERET cf. avevSeijs. p. 40 1. 8 TOTVM cet. Arnob. I 30 Apollo uobis pluit, Mer- 5 curius uobis pluit, Aesculapius, Hercules aut Diana rationem imbrium tempestatumque finxerunt? et hoc fieri qui potest, cum in mundo profiteamini eos natos certoque tempore sensum arri- puisse uitalem ? si enim temporis antiquitate mundus eos ante- uenit, et priusquam nati sunt, iam nouerat pluuias tempestatesque 10 natura, nullum serins nati pluendi ius habent, neque eis inserere rationibus se possunt, quas inuenerunt hie agi et maiore ab auctore tractari. Theophil. II 4 p. 82 C . lustin. c. Tryph. 5. Iren. Fr. 34 (I 845 St.). p. 40 1. 9 INNATVM : INNATVS and INFECTVS six exx. of each 15 in Adu. Marc. I 15. For innatus especially cf. c. 47, p. 132, 1. 28 n. INFECTVM arekearov gl. Paulin. Nol. Ep. 24 4 pr. p. 40 1. 10 PYTHAGORAM Theophil. in 7 p. 121 a (cf. ib. c ) HvOayopas Se, roaavra po^O^o-as Trepl 6e&v Kal rrjv ava) Kara) 20 Tropeiav TTOirja-d/bievos, ea^arov opi^ei (f>v(riv /cal elvai (frrjaw rwv Trdvrwv deovs dv6pu>7rwv /JLr)$ So Theodoret Graec. Aff. Cur. vi 13 p. 87 1. 18. P. taught necessity Lasaulx Studien p. 24 n. Theodoret Graec. Aff. Cur. IV p. 57 4 7 TO nrav...ov yevu^rov, dXA. dt &iov (Xenophanes). 25 Parmenides ib. 1. 24 ov\oi> /jiovvoyeves re /cal arpe^e? 778 dyevrj- rov. Arnob. II 56 mundum quidam ex sapientibus aestimant neque esse natum neque ullo esse in tempore periturum; immor- talem nonnulli, quamuis eum conscribant esse natum et genitum; tertiis uero collibitum dicere est, et esse natum et genitum et ordi- 30 naria necessitate periturum. Cic. Tusc. Disp. I 70 haec igitur et alia innumerabilia cum cernimus, possumusne dubitare quin eis praesit aliquis uel effector, si haec nata sunt, ut Platoni uidetur, uel si semper fuerunt, ut Aristoteli placet, moderator tanti operis et muneris ? 35 p. 40 11. 1321 omn. Arnob. I 30. p. 40 1. 15 CERTI RVISSE c. 9 p. 34 1. 5. c. 12 f. p. 40 1. 16 FLORVISSE De Patient. 2 qui florem lucis huius super iustos et iniustos aequaliter spar git. Adu. Marc. p. 40 1. 25] APOLOGETICVS 11 219 1. c. Heraldus p. 68 and Digress. I 7 pp. 204 5 7rop(f)vpas avOos. p. 40 1. 17 Ad Scap. 2 nos unum deum colimus, quern omnes naturaliter nostis, ad cuius fulgura et tonitrua contremiscitis. Theophil. ad Autol. I 6 f. 5 p. 40 1. 18 [Philo] Vita Contempl. 1 (II 472 M.) ol? rlva* dtov TWV eTrayyeXho/Aevcov evae/Beiav ; apd <ye ra aTOi^ela TifjLWvras, yfjv v8o)p aepa Trvp ; ol<? KOI edevro ere/oa? erepoc, TO pev Trvp r H(f)aio-Toi> Trapa TTJV ej-ayfriv olaai Kakovvres, "Hpav Be rov aepa, Trapa 10 TO aLpecrOai real /jLerecDpi^ecrdaL jrpos v^fros, TO Be Tlocrei&wva, Ta^a TTOV Bid TO TTOTOV, rrjv Be yijv Trap* ocrov i^r)Tt]p elvai Bo/cel TTUVTWV <f)VTwv re Kal Palladia arbor, rami, Palladia silua, corona, -i latices. Pallas = the olive. Ou. Ars Am. II 16 8 = oil. Haupt Opusc. n 15 168. Arnob. I 38 (Elmenh. p. 35) si enim uos Liberum, quod us um reppererit uini, si quod panis, Cererem,...si Mi- neruam, quod oleae...diuorum rettulistis in censum. ib. II 60. Lact. Diu. Inst. I 18 1 hoc loco refellendi sunt etiam ii qui deos ex hominibus esse factos non tantum fatentur, sed ut eos 20 laudent, etiam gloriantur, aut uirtutis gratia ut Herculem aut munerum ut Cererein et Liberum aut artium repertarum ut Aesculapium ac Mineruam. 18. Clem. Alex. Protr. 2 26 p. 22 P. p. 40 1. 21 ad nat. II 16 pr. sed enim quidam fructus et 25 necessaria uictui demon strauerunt. quaeso uos, cum dicitis inuenisse illos, nonne confitemini prius faisse quae inuenirentur? Adu. Marc. I 11 p. 304 1. 13 Kr. quando etiam ei~ror orbis propterea deos praesumpserit, quos homines interdum confitetur, quoniam aliquid ab unoquoque prospectum uidetur utilitatibus 30 et commodis uitae. De Idol. 15 pr. Lact. Diu. Inst. vn 14 1 2. Kaye 207. p. 40 1. 25 MALE cet. ad nat. II 16 cerasium Cn. Pompeius de Ponto <primus> Italiae prouolgauit. Hier. Ep. 31 3. Plin. Hist. Nat. xv 102 cerasi ante uictoriam Mithridaticam L. 35 Luculli non fuere in Italia, ad urbis annum DCLXXX. is primus uexit e Ponto, annisque CXX trans oceanum in Britanniam usque pervenere. 220 TERTVLLIANI [p. 40 1. 29 p. 40 1. 29 VAC AT c. 1 p. 2 1. 24 n. De Patient. 9 cum constet de resurrections mortuorum, uacat dolor mortis, uacat et impa- tientia doloris. p. 40 1. 33 Hor. Carm. in 3 918. Epist. n 1 5 6. 5 Marquardt in 2 58 n. 5. Heraldus Digress. I 11 (pp. 210 2) e.g. Marius Senec. De Ira in 18 1 (statues, frankincense and wine). Euseb. Praep. Eu. n 2 53 p. 59 C (from DS.) erepovs Be \eyovcriv eTTiyeiovs yevecrdai, Oeovs, Bid &e ra? t9 avupwrrovs evepyecrias dOavdrov reru^ijtcoras T^T}? re KOI 80^779, oiov 10 \Apaic\ea, kiovvaov, Apicrraiov, /cal rovs aXXou? roi>9 royrot? oyuotW Cic. De Nat. Deor. I 38 M., II 62 M. Philo Byblius (Miiller Fr. Hist, in 564 n. 1 7 from Euseb. Praep. Eu. I 9 p. 32 d ) ol TraXaiTaTOi TWV ftapfidpwv, e^aiperws Be Qoiviick re tcai Alyvrrrtoi, Trap wv KOI ol \oirrol 7rape\a/3ov dv9pu>Troi,, 6eoi>s 15 evojjLL^ov jjieyio TOVS rou? ra ?rpo9 rrjv j3t,(i)TiK,r)v %peiav evpovras, rj KOI Kara TL ev Troirja-avTas rd e0vrj evepyeras re TOVTOVS teal TJ-O\\OJV alrLov? dyadwv rjyovfjbevoi 009 Qeovs Trpoaeicvvovv, Kai etv TO XP e ^ v Karao-rdvra^ vaovs /caTaa-fcevaa-daevoi, (rrrjXas re Kal /Sr//3Sou9 d(f)ipovv ef ovoaaros avrwv. Plut. Dio 46 1, 20 Dio called God and Saviour. [Numerous similar exx. in Egyptian papyri, cf. ZNTW v [1904] 353 if. A. S.] Lact. Diu. Inst. i 8 8. Theodoret Graec. Affec. Cur. II 97 p. 35 28, in 24 p. 42 8. p. 42 1. 3 (of the heathen emperors) Prudent. Contra 25 Symm. I 25 27 hens male de populo meriti, male patribus ipsis | blanditi, quos praecipites in tartar a mergi \ cum I one siuerunt multa et cam plebe deorum. Lact. Diu. Inst. vn 14 3. p. 42 1. 4 cf. infr. c. 14. Verg. Aen. vi 608 seq. Phi- 30 losophers owed to prophets their knowledge of hell. Theophil. I 14. Bayle reply to questions, oeuvres t. iv p. 322 seq. Ja. Windet De Vita functorum Statu ex Hebr. et Gr. com- paratis Sententiis Lond. 1677 s. 1. CVM VVLTIS Friedlander in 5 754 seq. 35 p. 42 1. 5 INCESTI IN SORORES cf. c. 9 p. 34 1. 15 n. 21 p. 68 1. 13 like luppiter. Origen c. Cels. I 17 p. 14 fin. Hennecke Aristid. ind. avvovaLa. Luciari Necyom. 11. In Egypt Paus. I 7 1 Frazer. p. 42 1. 20] APOLOGETICVS 11 221 p. 42 1. 6 VIRGINVM lustin xxi 3 maidens devoted to prosti tution to win favour from Venus. p. 42 1. 7 QVI FVRANTVR Sext. Emp. Hypot. in 24 p. 181 Fabr. d\\d KOI K\e7TTlV /J,V Trap J]yCiV fjLV d&LKOV KOI TTapdvO/JLGV ecmv ol Be KOI /c\7rTi <TTaTov eivai Qeov X0yoiT$ rov Ep//,?}^ 5 OVK dSi/cov rovro vo/jLi^eaOai iroiovai. TTOJ? y fl P &v 0ebs etrj tea/cos; Lucian Prometh. 16 d\\d /caKovpyoi ni/e?, </79, elvcu ev avroLS KOL /jLOi^evovo-i real iroXe^ovcn /cat dSe\(f)d<$ ya/jiovai ical Trarpdaiv eTrtftovXevovcrr Trap rj/juv yap OV%L 7ro\\r) TOVT<>V n<f>8ovla; 10 p. 42 1. 8 DEI cf. Friedlander S. G. in 5 610. 6613. Cic. De Nat. Deor. I 42 M. Tatian 21. Aug. De Ciu. Dei II 7. in 3. esp. Sen. Vita Beata 26 6. Aristides Apol. 19 cf. Hennecke ind. 7rapdvofj,os. Theophil. in 3. Arnob. v 28 29. Bayle reuvres in 367. 15 p. 42 1. 10 HOMINES Athenag. 26 ol 8e rot? TroXXcu? dpeaKovres 6eol KOI rat? t-iKocnv e7rovop.a^(JiJLevot, &&gt;<? eorTiv fc T^? /car avrovs l<TTOplas el&evai, avOpwjroi ryeyovaaiv. Arnob. v30. p. 42 1. 11 Euripid. Bellerophontes in Plut. Stoic. Repugn. 20 p. 1049 el OeoL TL Spwo-iv alcr-^pov, OVK elalv 6eoi [= Nauck frag. 2 292 A. S.] Lact. i 19 6, 7. p. 42 1. 14 HORVM PARES c. 10 f. Oehler. p. 42 1. 15 lustin. Apol. II 14 f. Theophil. ill 3 (Thyestean feasts and incest among gods). Prudent. Perist. x 201 5 sed, 25 credo, magni limen amplectar louis : qui si citetur legibus uestris reus, \ laqueis minacis implicates luliae, | luat seueraiu uinctus et Scantiniam, \ te cognitore dignus ire in carcerem. Theodoret Graec. AfT. Cur. in 50 p. 45 41 seq. p. 42 1. 17 Cf. Clem. Horn, iv 12 seq. 2325. v 1019. 30 Arnob. v 8 (Havercamp). Julian. Caes. 334 b seq. reproaches M. Aurelius for deifying Faustina. Theodoret Graec. Aff. Cur. in 96. Aug. De Ciu. Dei iv 27 (i 180 11 D.) 26 f. p. 42 1. 20 Diog. Laert. VI 39 (in Havercamp). ALIQVEM cf. C. 19 p. 64 1. 10. 35 DE p. 20 1. 4. omn. Aug. Ep. 91 4 et reuera Terentianus (Eun. in 5) ille adulescens, qui spectans tabidam pictam in pariete, iibi pictura inerat de adidterio regis deorum, libidinem 222 TERTVLLIANI [p. 42 1. 20 qua rapiebatur, stimulis etiam tantae auctoritatis accendit, nullo modo in illud flagitium uel concupiscendo laberetur, uel perpe- trando immergeretur, si Catonem maluisset imitari quam louem : sed quo pacto id faceret, cum in templis adorare cogeretur 5 louem potius quam Catonem ? Verum haec ex comoedia, quibus impiorum luxus et sacrilega superstitio conuinceretur, proferre forsitan non debemus. p. 42 1. 21 AKISTIDEN Themist. p. 1146. Tert. ad nat. I 19 a. m. id < judgement after death > uos Minoi et Rhada- 10 mantho adscribitis, iustiore interim Aristide recusato. Nep. Aristid. I 24. V. M. vi 5 e. 2. Macrob. Sat. vi (vii) 3 17. Pauly-Wissowa II 880 885. Hermogenes irepl TWV o-rdaewv c. 1 (ill 7 1. 2, 3 Walz Rhett. cf. ind.) among airiOava olov el ^.(DKpaTTjv T9 7r\arroi TropvoftoaKOvvra rf Aptcrret^i/ aSt- 15 Kovvra. Aug. Ep. 138 18 pr. quis autem uel risu dignum non putet, quod Apollonium et Apuleium ceterosque magicaram artium peritissimos conferre Christo, uel etiam praeferre co- nantur ? quamquam tolerabilius ferendum sit, quando istos ei comparant potius quam deos suos : midto enim melior, quod zofatendum est, Apollonius fuit, quam tot stuprorum auctor et perpetrator, quern louem nominant. ista, inquiunt, fabidosa sunt. adhuc ergo laudent rei publicae luxuriosam licentiosam planeque sacrilegam felicitatem, quae ista deorum probra con- finxit, quae non sol um in fabulis audienda posuit, uerum etiam 25 in theatris spectanda proposuit ; ubi crimina plura essent quam numina, quae ipsi di sibi exhiberi habebant libe liter, qui in suos cultores uindicare debuerunt, quod ea saltern uiderent patienter. Aristides o &i/caios Aeschin. I 25. n 23. in 181 cet. Chalcid, in Tim. Plat. c. 172. Andoc. iv 12. Isocr. vm 7. Plut. Aristid. 30 3 6. 4 1. 6 1 2. 7 1 10. Diod. Sic. xi 47 2. Luc. Yer. Hist. II 10. Calumn. 27. Apul. de mag. 18 eadem est enim paupertas in Aristide iusta...in Socrate sapiens, v. 1. in Cic. de offic. m 16. Amm. xxx 4 21. Ampel. 15 10 A. Dicaeos. Sen. de benef. iv 27 2 Aristides, cui iustitia nomen dedit, 35 iniustus est? cf. Cons, ad Helu. 13 7. Cic. pro Sest. 141. Greg. Naz. c. 10 346 (vol. n p. 430). Liban. Ep. 506. Doxo- pater in Rhett. Gr. Walz II 269 16 seq, ^apa/crrjpL^eraL erepo? CLTTO &i/caioavvr}s, axrwep p. 42 1. 34] APOLOGETICVS 11, 12 223 p. 42 1. 25 SVBLIMIOR cf. de sublimitate Alexandrum supr. Sail. Hist. Fr. in 88 (p. 145 Maurenb.) Pompeius a prima adule- scentia sermone fautorum similem fore se credens Alexandra regi y facia consultaque eiits quidem aemulus erat. FELICIOR Plin. vn 137 unus hominum ad hoc aeui Felicis 5 sibi cognomen asseruit L. Sulla cet. cf. n 144. xvin 32. xxn 12. Sid. Ep. ii 13 2. Plut. Sull. 34 3. He named his children Faustus and Fausta. Luc. II 221 2 hisne salus rerum Felix his Sulla uocari, his meruit tumulum medio sibi tollere Campo ? Hier. c. looin. I 48 (n 316 C ) Lucii Sullae Felicis 10 {si non habmsset uxorem) Metella coniux palam erat impudica. p. 42 1. 28 CLVSIT Arn. n 66 p. 229 Hild. MELIORIBVS Aug. Ep. 138 18 (cited above). p. 42 1. 29 MVSSITANTIBVS Plaut. Liu Cypr. uulg. ERVBESCIT cf. c. 9 p. 32 1. 31. 15 CAP. XII On idols see Lact. II 2. Orig. c. Celsum I 5. p. 42 1. 33 MORTVORVM c. 40 p. 116 1. 29. Minuc. 23 6 manifestum est homines illos fuisse, quos et natos legimus et mortuos scimus. p. 42 1. 34 SIMVLACRIS images only emblems. Athenag 20 Suppl. 18 in. Arnob. vi 17 ()( 14). Lact. n 2. Celsus says that Christian wisdom is but a sorry thing, if it only teaches that wood, stone, bronze, polished by an artist is no true god. Theophil. n 1 the artists will worship, when sold, their own handiwork. 25 p. 42 1. 34 p. 44 1. 6. Ep. ad Diogn. 2 ov vrplv 77 rats Ttyvais TOVTWV et? rrjv /JLOpcfrrjv rovrcov efcrvjrcodrjvai, r)v CKCLVTOV avrwv e/cacrTft) elicd^eiv /JLera/jLoptyov/uevov ; ov ra vvv e/c TT)? v\r)<? ovra o-fcevrj Devoir av, el TV^OL TWV avrwv Texvirwv, TOIOVTOIS ; ov ravra 7ra\iv ra vvv v<f) v^S^v Trpocrfcvvov/jieva 30 cvvaiT av VTTO av0p(t)7ro)v a/cevr) ofJLOia yeveadat rofc Xot?rot9 ; Prudent. Perist. x 296 300 non erubescis, stulte pago dedite, \ te tanta semper perdidisse obsonia, \ quae dis ineptus obtulisti talibus, | quos trull a, pel ids, cantharus, sartagines | fracta et liquata contulerunt uascula? luu. 10 64 n. Arnob. VI 14. [Philo] Vita 35 224 TERTVLLIANI [p. 42 1. 34- Contempl. 1 (ll 472 M.) wv ra d$\<f>a aeprj Kal a-wyyevfj \ovrpo- <f>opoi yeyovaai /cal TroSoviTrrpa. Gregorius Palamas Migne P. G. CL (cent. 14) r/SeX0, (f>aai, Kal 6u6%poa /cal TT}? avrrjs /cepa- yLteta?. lustin. Apol. I 9 p. 57 d TI <yap Set el&ocriv V/JLLV \eyeiv, 5 a rrjv v\rjv 01 re^vlrai BtaTi0a<ri ^eWre? /cal Teavovres /cal ^wvevovres /cal TUTTTorre? ; /cal e driuayv TroXXflf/a? Sia re %i>779 TO o"%rjua JAOVOV aXXafayre? Kal Qeovs eTTovo/jid&vo-iv. Clem. Recogn. v 15. Commodian Instr. I 20 7 8 et deos audetis aeramine dicer e fasos 1 Solueretis eos 10 magis in uascula uobis. p. 44 1. 1 EX ISDEM VASCVLIS infr. c. 13 in caccabulum de Saturno, aliquando in trullam de Minerua. Minuc. 23 9 deus aureits uel argenteus de immundo uasoulo saepius, ut factum Aegyptio regi, conflatur, tunditur, malleis et incudibus figuratur. 15 Athenag. 26 p. 30 b d\)C 77 fiev v\if ^aX/co? e<rriv. rl Sal Svvarai /caO eawrov, ov /xeraTrot^crat rraKiv et? erepov J;<TTIV, &)? TOI^ TroBovLTrrijpa 6 irapa rco HpoSora) " [n 163], ridiculed for his low birth, he recast his golden foot- pan into an idol. cf. J. GefFcken zwei Apologeteii xxi. 20 p. 44 1. 2 LICENTIA ARTJS Prudent. Peristeph. x 266 270 sed pulcra res est forma in aere sculptilis : | quid inprecabor officinis Graeciae, \ quae condiderunt gentibus stultis deos? forceps Myronis, malleus Polycliti \ natura uestrum est atque origo caelitum. 291 295 miror, quod ipsum non sacrastis 25 Mentorem, \ nee templet et aras ipse Phidias habet, \ fabri deorum uel parentes numinum : | qui si caminis institissent segnius, \ non esset ullus luppiter conflatilis. p. 44 1. 3 ad Scap. 2 longum est, si retexamus, quibus aliis modis et derideantur et contemnantur omnes di ab ipsis cultoribus 30 suis. Ep. ad Diognet. 2 v^et? yap ol vvv vo^ovre^ Kal <Tej3o- fjievoi <roL Tou9 0ovs>, ov 7roXu 7r\eov avTMV /cara(j)poi>eLT ; ov TTO\V /JLO\\OV avrovs ^Xeuafere Kal v/Bpi^ere; Hennecke ind. Aristid. s.v. Srjpiovpyos. p. 44 1. 6 ad Mart. 4 (gladius, crux, rabies bestiarum, ignis, 35 tormenta). Sen. ad Marc. 20 3 uideo istic cruces non unius quidem generis, sed aliter ab aliis fabricatas: capite quidem conuersos in terram suspendere, alii per obscena stipitem egerunt, alii bracchia patibulo explicuerunt. Vit. Beat. 19 3 ad p. 44 1. 12] APOLOGETICVS 12 225 sapplicium tamen acti stipitibus singulis pendent. Ep. 14 5 adactam per medium hominem, qui per os emergeret, stipitem. p. 44 1. 9 VNGVLIS c. 30 f. sic itaque nos ad Deum expanses ungidae fodiant, craces suspendant [cf. Ps.-Aug. quaest. V. et 5 N.T. cxxvn 102 14 (p. 210 22 Souter) tortus huius modi et exungulatus hoc uerum esse dicit quod sequitur. A. S.] p. 44 1. 10 RVNCINAE Mimic. 23 9 deus enim ligneus, rogi fortasse uel infelicis stipitis portio, suspenditur, caeditur, dolatur, runcinatur. Aristid. apol. 13. Orig. c. Cels. VI 14 icav rives 10 Se fjir) ravrd <pacriv elvai TOVS Oeovs, a\\d /uyLu^uara. dewv d\rj- /cd/ceivwv cri;//,/3oXa ovSev IJTTOV KOL OVTOL, ev ftavavawv rr}? ^etoT^ro? fyavTa^opzvoi elvai, dtrai- elai Kal dv&paTro&a real a/ia^ets" 0)9 rou? eV^arou? ra>z/ eV rjfjLiv d r jrri\\a %dai ravrrjs r?}? dTratSevaias. Hier. in Esai. 15 1. xii c. 44 12 (iv 527 e 528 d ). p. 44 1. 11 ANTE ad nat. I 4 p. 64 1. 20 Wiss. quos retro ante hoc nomen uagos uiles improbos norant (cf. post Oehler on Scorp. 11 p. 526). cf. Arnob. I 39 pr. Minuc. 33. PLVMBVM c. 29 f. now ludimus de officio salutis eorum 20 [Caesar um], qui earn non putamus in manibas esse plumbatis. Arnob. vi 16. Cic. Rep. VI 8 ilia diuina uirtus non statuas plambo inhaerentes nee triumphos arescentibus laureis...desiderat. Basil, de legendis Libris Gentilium 5 (n 180 b ) ol dv&ptdvTes oi TCO /jio\v/3^a) orvv^e^e/jievoL. 25 GLVT1NVM Lucian lupp. Trag. 33 7rlrrrj(; yovv ova7re r rr\ri(jTai oo-jjfjiepai e/c/jLaTTo/Aevos, VTTO rcov dv&piavT07roia)v...eTi>yxavov <ydp apri ^a\Kovp>ya)v VTTO \ 7riTTOv/jLi>os arepvov re tcai yu-era- (frpevov. Prudent, c. Symrn. I 436 7 mollis si bractea gypsum \ texerat, injido rarescit glutine sensim. Lions of Rhea Lucian 30 Deor. Dial, xn 1 2. p. 44 1. 12 GOMPHOS omn. Luc. Gallus 24 tcd/ceivwv yap e/cao-ro? eKToOev /j,ev Ilocret^cor r) Zeiv? eVrt 7rdy/ca\os, /c ^pvaiov icai \(f)ai>TO<> crvveipyao ij.evos, icepavvov rj acrrpaTrrjv f) Tpiaivav ev rfj Sei;i,a TJV 8e VTroKv^jra? i8g$ rd 7 ev&ov, o\jrei 35 i;? rivas KOI y6[j,<f)ov$ /cal 77X01/9 Sta/LtTraf SiaTreTrepovij- ai fCOp/jLOVS Kal cr(f)f}va$ KOI TTITTCLV K.CLI Trrj\ov Kal TTO\\Y)V TLva dp,op<f)iav VTroiKovpovcrav eco \eyetv /AVWV 7r\fj@os M. T. 15 226 TERTVLLIANI [p. 44 1. 12 r) fjbwyaXwv e/jL7ro\iTv6/jLVov avrois evLore. Isaiah 41 7. Jerem. 10 4. SINE CAPITE Hier. on Abacuc 1. n c. 3 (vi 659 de Yall.) si quando tyrannus obtruncatur, imagines quoque eius depo- 5 nuntur et statuae, et uultu tantummodo commutato ablatoque capite, eius qui uicerit fades superponitur, ut manente corpore capitibusque praecisis caput aliud commutetur. Suet. Tib. 58 Casaub. statuae quidam Augusti caput dempserat, ut alterius imponeret. 10 p. 44 1. 13 CAELESTI cap. 23 p. 80 1. 8 luno Caelestis evoked and removed to Rome in the Third Punic War. Seru. Aen. xn 841. Astarte Preller- Jordan II 406 7 riding on a lion in the coins of Septimius Seuerus and Caracalla, frequent in inscrip tions (Roscher). P. Faber Semestrium (Lugd. 1595) 1. ill c. 2. 15 Hunter Relig. der Garth. 2 62. Saluian. de Gubernat. Dei vin 9 seq. Ambr. Ep. 18 30. Viet. Viten. in 49. p. 44 1. 14 IN METALLA DAMNAMVR infra c. 39 med. collec tions for si qui in metallis, et si qui in wsulis uel in custodiis. cf. 1. 27 f. p. 92 30. cult. fern. I 5 pr. Euseb. Hist. Eccl. vin 13 20 5 copper mines of Phaeno in Palestine, ix 1 7. Vit. Const. 11 32. 20 3. Rutin. h.e. x 4. cf. de martyr. Palest. 5 2. 7 2 3. 8 1 13. 9 1. 11 6. 13 1 2. " W. Wattenbach Passio Sanctorum iv coronatorum in Max. Biidinger Unter- suchng. zur rom. Kaisergesch. ill Leipz. 1870 pp. 321 379. 25 Andrewes, who used largely the old liturgies (Greek Devotions ed. Medd, p. 41) MvijcrBrjrt, Kvpie,...Tu>v eV yueraAAoi?. Constit. Apost. VIII 10 VTrep TWV eV /i/eraAAot? teal e^opiais /cal (bv\arcai$ teal Sea/AOL? OVTWV &ia TO ovofjia rov Kvpiov SerjOw/jiev. Litany n. 29 and to shew thy pity upon all prisoners and captives. 30 Liturgia Marci (Renaudot I 146) rov? eV ^uXa/cat?, eV f) KaTabifcais rj ev ei opLais 77 TTiicpa 8ov\La TJ \erjaoi , Travras e\ev9epwaov. Cypr. Ep. 77 (to Cypr.) c. 3 pr. (p. 835 1. 16) tenebras carceris inluminasti, mon ies metalli in plana deduxisti. Ep. 76 c. 1 (p. 828 1. 4 seq.) an ego 35 possim tacere et uocem meam silentio premere. cum de carissimis meis tarn multa et gloriosa cognoscam, quibus uos diuina dignatio honor auit, ut ex uobis pars iam martyrii sui consummation e praecesserit meritorum suorum coronam de Domino receptura, p. 44 1. 20] APOLOGETICVS 12 227 pars adhuc in carcerum claustris sine in metallis et uinculis demoretur ? c. 2 (p. 829 1. 8) quid uero mirum si uasa aurea et argentea in metallum id est auri et argenti domicilium dati estis? nisi quod mine metallorum natura conuersa est locaque quae a arum et argentum dare ante consiieuerant accipere coepe- 5 runt. c. 6 (p. 832 1. 15) denique exemplum uestrum secuta multiplex plebis portio confessa est uobiscum pariter et pariter coronata est, conexa uobis uinculo fortissimae caritatis et prae- positis suis nee carcere nee metallis separata. Plin. xxxm praef. et c. 1. Lucifer de S. Athanas. I 42 f. (142 15 seq.) et quomodo 10 dimisisti fractos in requiem quando uideas car ceres metalla exsilia uioc iam capere posse Christianorum numerum per te damnatorum ? Athanas. Vit. Antonii 46. Ant. ministered to confessors in mines and prisons. Brisson de Verb. Sign, "metalla." Athan. Hist. Arian. ad monach. 60 (l 300 Ben. 15 = 766 A Migne). Pint. I 56 5 b compar. Niciae cum Crasso 1 1 aXXft)? jap OVK CLV Tfc<? 8o/ClfJLfi(Tt6 TrjV CtTTO /JLTa\\(i)V py CIO" LdV , 179 ra 7r\tara vre p diver a L &ia /ca/covpydov TJ ftapffdpcov evicov &(!)/JL6VC0V KOi <f)06l pOfjLVO)V V TOTTOt? VTTOV\OIS Kdl VOGpol<$. p. 44 1. 15 INDE CENSENTVR, cet. c. 15 p. 50 1. 31. c. 29 20 pvto autem, hae ipsae materiae de metallis Caesarum ueniunt. p. 44 1. 16 INSVLA Crete infr. c. 25 p. 88 1. 8. Epiphan. Ancorat. 106 pr. p. 108 d . Martyr. Ign. 7 f. (also Venus at Paphos). Cic. de nat. deor. Ill 53. Ennius in historia sacra ap. Lact. diu. Inst. i 11 46. Sibylla (8 478) ib. 47. Du 25 Soul on Luc. Timon 6 fin. cf. Philops. 3. Lucan vui 872. Callim. Hymn. lou. 8 9. Anthol. Graec. ill 22. NASCI cf. c. 10 p. 36 1. 22. p. 44 1. 18 NON SENTIVNT Minuc. 23 9 lapideus [deus] caeditur scalpitur et ab impurato homine leuigatur, nee sentit 3 suae natiuitatis iniuriam, ita ut nee postea de uestra ueneratione culturam. Clem. Horn, x 7 8. Recogn. v 15. p. 44 1. 19 FABRIC ATIONIS Idol. 8 pr. idolorum. Iren. II 4 1. 10 S 4. o o p. 44 1. 20 INFRENDITE de Coron. Milit. 1 pr. denique 35 singuli designare, et eludere eminus, inf render e cominus. Paulin. Petricord. Vit. Mart. II 552. (Verg. and Stat. in lexx. partic. Neue II 429 -ere more common.) 152 228 TERTVLLIANI [p. 44 1. 21 p. 44 1. 21 c. 46 p. 128 1. 7 of philosophers, quin immo et deos uestros palam destruunt et superstitiones uestras com- mentariis quoque aecusant, laudantibus uobis. Seneca Fr. 30 44 (in 424 7 Haase) e.g. ap. Aug. de ciu. Dei vi 10 (i 267 5 13 18) sacros, inquit, inmortales, inuiolabiles in materia uilis- sima atque inmobili dedicant, habitus illis hominum ferarumque et piscium, quidam uero mixto sexu, diuersis corporibus induunt ; numina uocant, quae si spiritu accepto occurrerent, monstra haberentur. ap. Lact. I 16 10. 10 ALIQVEM c. 50 a.m. aliqua Carthaginis conditrix. p. 44 1. 23 Melito (in Otto Apolog. IX 413 fr. 2 = Chron. Pasch. p. 483 Dind.) ov/c eV//,ei> \L6wv ov&e/jiiav ato-Orjcriv e%6v- ro)i> OepcnrevTai d\\a JJLOVOV Oeov rov Trpb TTCLVTWV /cal eVl TTCIVTCOV, /cal TOV Xpicrrov avrov OVTOS 6eov \6yov Trpo alaivwvy 15 <r/jiv Oprjd/cevTai. Tatian 4 2 TTCO? Se v\a /cal \iOovs 0oi><? aTTocfravovfjiai, ; Melito (ex Syr. Apol. 3 in Otto IX 424) homines, cum deum quaererent, offenderunt in lapides et lignum, cf. Athenag. 17 (cf. 15) 777 ravra /cal \iOot /cal V\TJ. Clem. Alex. Protrep. 4 56 ^pucro? ecrri TO a<ya\/j,d aov, %v\ov eo-ri, \l0os 20 earl, 77} eariv. Theophil. I 1. lustin. Apol. I 9. Dial, cum Tryph. 35. Ep. ad Diognet. 2. cf. Melito c. 4 p. 425 and Otto s n. 114 (p. 463 5). Arnob. vi 14 16 17. Lact. n 2 1. v 12 12 cum dis suis araneosis. Keim on Origen c. Gels. I 5. vii 62. in 76 f. 25 p. 44 1. 24 MILVI cet. Clem. Horn, x 22. Mimic. 24 1 quanta uerius de dis uestris animalia muta naturaliter indicant? mures hirundines milui, non sentire eos sciunt, norunt inculcant insident ac, nisi abic/atis, in ipso dei uestri ore nidificant araneae uero faciem eius intexunt et de ipso capite sua fila 30 suspendunt, uos tergitis mundatis eraditis. Arnob. vi 1 6 non uidetis sub istorum simulacrorum caueis stelliones sorices blat- tasque lucifugas nidamenta ponere atque habitare, spurcitias hue omnes atque alia usibus accommodata conducere...uidulorum in mollitiem sollicite miserorum fomenta pullorum? non in ore 35 aliquando simulacri ab araneis ordiri retia atque insidiosos casses quibus uolatus innectere strididarum possint impudentium- que muscarum? non hirundines denique intra ipsos aedium circumuolantes tholos iacularier stercoris ].splenas,+ et modo p. 44 1. 32] APOLOGETICVS 12, 13 229 ipsos miltus, modo numina ora depinyere, barbam oculos nasos aliasque omnes paries, in quascumque se detulerit deonerati pro- luuies podicis ? Lact. n 4 13. V 12 12 13. Clem. Alex. Protrep. 51 p. 45. 52 p. 46 (about Olympian Zeus, Serapis, cet.). Hor. S. I 8 37 8 mentior at si quid, merdis caput 5 inquiner albis coruorum. Theodoret H. E. v 22 when Theo- philus bp Alexandria A.D. 390 laid the axe to Serapis and struck off his head: yu-ue? d<y\7j&ov 3&8pafU>v evo6ev JJLVWV yap olKrjrrjpiov rjv 6 AlyvTrricov #eo?. Baruch 6 20 22. Lucian Gallus 24 f. Aug. in Ps. 113 Serm. 2 c. 2 p.m. (iv I798 d 10 Gaume). Lucian lupp. Trag. 8. p. 44 1. 25 INTELLEGVNT Idol. 21 pr. timiditatis est autem, cum te alius per deos suos obligat iuratione uel aliqua testifica- tione, et tu, ne intellegaris, quiescis. p. 44 1. 27 CERTI c. infin. 9 p. 34 5 n. 15 QVOD NON EST c. 10 p. 36 1. 13. ad nat. I 10 p. 75 1. 6 Wiss. nisi quod perinde : nos enim contemptores deorum haberi nulla ratio est, quia nemo contemnit quod sciat omnino non esse. quod omnino est, id contemni potest, quod nihil est nihil patitur. St Paul 1 Cor. 8 4 an idol is nothing in the world. Athan. 20 Contr. Gentes 47 (l 96 a Migne) o/x&&gt;9 av&pwjroi irapafypoves, 7rapay/c(i)vi(TfiiJii>oi rrjv TT/OO? TOVTOV yvacrw KOI eixreSeiav, ra ov/c ovra irpb rwv ovrwv TL/j,7](rav /cal dvrl rov 6W<w9 6Vro? (^eou TO, /AT) OVTCI eBeoTTolrjcrav. CAP. XIII p. 44 1. 29 NOBIS DEI SVNT cf. c. 10 pr. p. 36 1. 17. 25 E CONTRARIO Cic. Caes. Nep. Quintil. (also in -um, per -urn). Clem, recogn. n 16 pr. 23 29. in 3 19. v 32 pr. vn 4 f. vin 53. [And often in late authors (see Thes.) A. S.] p. 44 1. 30 IRRELIGIOSI c. 28 p. 94 1. -16 adeo et in isto irreliyiosi erga deos uestros deprehendemini. Exhort. Cast. 3. 30 de orat. 12 fin. -itas Apol. 24 a. m. and med. [and 25 p. 90 1. 6 A. S.]. p. 44 1. 32 DESTRVITIS c. 46 p. 128 1. 7 quin immo et deos uestros palam destruunt. si c. 6 pr. n. c. 8 p. 28 1. 18. 35 230 TERTVLLIANI [p. 44 1. 33 p. 44 1. 33 seq. ad nat. I 10 p. 75 1. 12 Wiss. cum alii olios deos colitis, eos quos non colitis utique contemnitis ; praelatio alterius sine altering contumelia non potest nee ulla electio non reprobatione componitur. qui de pluribus suscipit aliquem, earn 5 quern non suscipit despexit. ib. II 9 (cf. below) turn si certos habebant, contenti esse debuerunt nee electos desiderare. in quo etiam inreligiosi deprehenduntur. si enim dei ut bulbi seli guntur, qui non seliguntur, reprobi pronuntiantur. ad ux. I 3 f. non propterea appetenda sunt quaedam, quia non uetantur, etsi 10 quodam modo uetantur, cum alia illis praeferuntur : praelatio enim superiorum dissuasio est infimorum. See Aug. Ciu. Dei vn 1 qua in re non dico quod facetius ait Tertullianus (ad nat. II 9 cited above) fortasse quam uerius, si di seliguntur ut bulbi, utique ceteri reprobi iudicantur. non hoc dico : uideo 15 enim etiam ex selectis seligi aliquos ad aliquid maius atque praestantius. sicut in militia, cum tirones electi fuerint, ex his quoque eliguntur ad opus aliquod maius armorum. Athenag. Suppl. 14 fin. p. 14 b av TOLVVV 77/^6^9, on fjurj KOLVWS exetvoi? Oeoo-eftovfJiev, a<re/3&&gt;yiiej>, Trdcrai /J,ev vroXet? iravra oe eBvrj 20 da {3 over iv ov yap rou? avrovs Trdvres ayovai, Oeovs. Orig. contr. Gels. V 27. lustin. apol. I 24 Trpwrov fiev OTI ra o^oia roi? "EXX?7<rt Xe7oz^re? JJLOVOL fJUia-ovfjieOa i ovo^a rov Xpto-roO, KOI /JbTjSev dSiKovvres co? dfjLapT(*>\ol dvaupov^eOa, d\\u>v a-XXa^oO KOL BevSpa o-effofjLevwv KOL Trorayu-ou? KOI yu-0? KOI 25 alXovpovs KOI KpOKo8ei\ovs /cat TMV d\oywv t^wwv rd 7ro\\d KOi OV TWV CLVTWV V7TO TTCLVTWV T I fJL-W fJ,V WV d\\ aXXcOZ/ aXXa^ocre, w(rr elvaL acre/3et9 aXX^Xot9 Trdvras Bid TO JJLTJ rd avrd aefBeiv. OTrep /AOVOV ey/caXeiv TJ/JLLV e^ere, on jbirj roi 9 avTOvs vfuv creftofjiev deovs. cf. Havercarap esp. Lact. II 16 30 10 1*7. p. 46 1. 2 Kaye 324. p. 46 1. 4 SVPRA 5 pr. ad nat. I 10 p. 75 1. 24 Wiss. utique enim impiissimum, immo contumeliosissimum admissum est, in arbitrio et libidine sententiae humanae locare honorem diuini- 35 tatis, ut deus non sit, nisi cui esse permiserit senatus. p. 46 1. 6 NOLVISSET ad nat. I 10 p. 76 1. 14 Wiss. priuatos enim deos, quos Lares et Penates domestica conse- cratione perhibetis, domestica et licentia inculcatis, uenditando, p. 46 1. 12J- APOLOGETICVS 13 231 pignerando pro necessitate ac uolnntate. Minuc. 23 10 tune postremo deus est, cum homo ilium uoluit et dedicauit. Woodh. cites Apul. Metam. vir c. 7 f. uoluit esse Caesar Haemi latronis collegium, et confestim intermit; tantum potest nut us etiam magni principis. 5 p. 46 1. 8 VENDITANDO Melito Apol. 10 (from Syr. p. 430 n. 191 Otto) stulte, num id est deus quod emitur? omn. Theophil. II 2 pr. p. 80. CACCABVLVM cet. Arnob. vi 14. cf. 13 simulacra, ista quae uos terrent quaeque templis in omnibus prostrati atque hv- 10 miles adoratis, ossa lapides aera sunt argentum aurum testa lignum sumptum ex arbore aut commixtum glutinum gypso, ex ornatibus fortasse meretriciis aut ex muliebfi mundo came- linis ex ossibus, aut ex Indici animalis dente, ex caccabulis ollulis ex candelabris et lucernis aut ex aliis obscenioribus 15 uasculis congesta conflata in has species ducta sunt, atque in formas quas cernitis eanerunt, fornacibus incocta figulinis, ex incudibus et malleis nata, grosis rasa, discobinata de limis serris ^furfuraculis l asceis, secta dolata effossa terebrarum excauata uertigine, runcinarum leuigata de planis. lexx. KarcK(i/3r). 20 Ka/cica8os. inscr. in Wochenschr. f. kl. Phil. Oct. 24 1894 p. 1188. Varro de ling. Lat. vi 127 uas ubi coquebant cibum ab eo caccabum appellarunt. The primitive often in Marcel. Empir., Theod. Prise., Pelagon. p. 46 1. 9 TRVLLAM Arnob. n 23. Corp. Gl. in 92 28. 25 Arnob. vi 15 si aliquis ponat in media collisos deorum uultus, confracta atque imminuta simulacra iubeatque uos idem frustis hostias et fragminibus caedefe, informibus massis sacra et munia impertire diuina : audire a uobis exposcimus, factu- rine istud sitis an contra quam imperabitur recusaturi ? for- 30 tasse dicetis : qua causa? quia nemo est in rebus humanis tarn stolide caectis, qui argentum aes aurum gypsum ebur argillam deorum in ntunerum referat ipsaque per se dicat uim habere atque obtinere diuinam. p. 46 1. 12 HASTARIO lexx. cite only Tert. h. 1. and ad nat. I 35 10 p. 76 1. 18 Wiss. sed aliquo solacio priuatorum et domesti- corum deorum querellae iuuantur, quod publicos turpius contumeliosi usque tractetis. iam primum, quos in hastarium 232 TERTVLLIANI [p. 46 1. 12 regessistis, publicanis subdi<dis>tis omni quinquennia inter uectigalia uestra proscriptos addicitis. sic Serapeum, sic Capitolium petitur, addicitur diuinitas, conducitur,...sub eadem uoce praeconis, eadem exactione quaestoris. Aug. Ep. 96 2 5 p. 515 1. 18 Goldb. de hastario emerat. p. 46 1. 1218 cf. ad nat. I 10 p. 76 1. 23 p. 77 1. 2 Wiss. p. 46 1. 13 HOLITORIVM F. Becker Gallus in 3 57. Dig. vn 1 13 4. p. 46 1. 17 TRIBVTARTI Theophilus I 10 T6\tj xal etV^opa? 10 7ra/56%et rw {3ao~i\L avrr] re (the Mother of the Gods) KOI ol viol avrrjs. Melito apol. 4 (ex Syr. IX 425 Otto) etenim ab his prioribus eorum dis et uectigalia et tributa penduntar Caesari, quippe qui maior est eis. Clem. Horn, x 22. Blunt Right Use p. 254. J 5 p. 46 1. 18 MAIESTAS ad nat. I 10 p. 77 1. 2 Wiss. maiestas prostituitur in quaestum, negotiatio religione proscribitur, sanc- titas locationem mendicat. exigitis... sacri, pro stipibits, pro hostiis, uenditis totam diuinitatem. non licet earn gratis coli. p. 46 1. 19 RELTGIO MENDICANS cf. c. 42, p. 122 1. 27. 20 [Passages] " which animadvert upon the practices of religious mendicants among the heathen in a manner which would be most unsatisfactory to the friars of the Church of Rome." Blunt s Right Use 105-6. Marquardt ill 2 211 n. 4. 143 n. 4. Minuc. 24 3 mendicantes uicatim deos ducunt. 25 Dion. Hal. n 19. Cic. de legib. n 22 40. Ou. Fast, iv 350. p. 46 1. 21 YEN ALES Theophil. II 2. Melito Apol. 10 (from Syr. Otto Apol. ix 431) stulte, num id est deus quod emitur? num id est deus quod egenum est ? . . . quomodo emis eum sicut seruum, et colis eum sicut dominum ? quomodo rogas eum ut 30 det tibi ceu diues, et das ei ut pauperi ? p. 46 1. 22 MORTVIS cf. De Cor. Milit. 10 quid tarn dignum idolo, quam quod et mortuo ? nam et mortuorum est ita coronari. ad nat. I 10 p. 77 1. 10 Wiss. quid enim omnino . . .uestris ex aequo praebeatis ? exstruitis deis templa, aeque mortuis templa ; 35 exstruitis aras deis, aeque mortuis aras ; easdem titulis super- scribitis litter as, easdem statuis inducitis formas, ut cuique ars aut negotium aut aetas fuit: senex de Saturno, imberbis de Apolline, uirgo de Diana fyuratur, et miles in Marie et in p. 46 1. 30] APOLOGETICVS 13 233 Vulcano faber ferri consecratur. Lact. II 4 9 quis usus est pretiosorum munerum nihil sentientibus ? an ille, qui mortuis ? pari enim ratione defunctorum corpora odoribus ac pretiosis uestibus illita et conuoluta humi condunt, qua deos honorant. Preller- Jordan II 95 n. 1. 5 p. 46 1. 23 ARAS Suet. Nero 50 in eo [gentili Domitiorum] monumento solium porphyretici marmoris superstante Lunensi ara circumsaeptum est lapide Thasio. omn. Clem. Alex. Protrep. c. 3 4 p. 39 i/eo)?. . .rdfovs. Theodoret. Graec. Affect. Cur. vm 34 Aristotle offered divine honours to his wife (cf. Cic. to Tullia). 10 p. 46 1. 25 EPVLO lovis Marquardt in 2 348 n. 4 (cf. 348-9). Arnob. vn 32. Liu. xxv 2 10. Valer. Max. II 1 2. iv 2 3. Guther De Vet. lure Pontif. iv 23. SIMPVLO : simpauium Apul. Mag. 18 (n 488 Hild.) Salm. ad Solin. p. 583. Muncker ad Fulgent, p. 781. Fest. p. 707 Lind. 15 HARVSPICE De Spect. 10 p. 12 1. 2 Wiss. duobus inquina- tissimis arbitris funerum et sacrorum, dissignatore et haruspice. Bouche-Leclercq Divination iv 65 2. p. 46 1. 26 POLLINCTOR Scorpiac. 7 fin. si noster quoque deus propriae frostiae nomine martyria sibi depostulasset, quis illi 20 exprobrasset fanestam religiunem et lugubres ritus et aram rogum et pollinctorem sacerdotem ? Spect. 10 has not the word, add to lexx. Seru. Aen. vi 218 f. ix 487 and h. L, and s. v. polling o Sen. De Vita Beata 7 2 f. p. 46 1. 27 Theodoret Graec. Aff. Cur. in 32 33 p. 43 25 8 seq. wrongly says that Nero, Domitian, and Commodus were deified. p. 46 1. 28 ACCEPTO FERRE (-um ferre or referre Cic. Caes. Hor. )( expensum). ad nat. I 7 p. 70 1. 12 Wiss. ceterum quam uanum est profanos scire quod nesciat sacerdos ! tacent igitur 30 et accepto ferunt. Paulin. Nol. Ep. 11 9 pr. [Study of Ambrosi- aster p. 79, and Thes. I 321 82 ff. A. S.] p. 46 1. 30 LABENTINAM c. 25 bis p. 86 1. 28 p. 88 1. 23. Mimic. 25 9 sane et Acca Larentia et Flora meretrices [cf. Ps.-Aug. Quaest. 114 9. A. S.] propudiosae inter morbos 35 Romanorum et deos -computandae. Arnob. I 28 m. in ciui- tatibus maximis atque in potentioribus populis sacra publice fiunt scortis meritoriis quondam atque in uolgarem Ubidinem 234 TERTVLLIANI [p. 46 1. 30 prostitutis : nullus tumor indignationis in dis est. Lact. I 20 | 1_5. Gell. vii (vi) 7 58. Macrob. Sat. I 10 11 sq. Plut. Qu. Rom. 35 p. 2723. Romul. 4. 5. 7. Aug. De Ciu. Dei vi 7. Preller-Jordan II 26 27 cet. Roscher Acca 5 Larentia 5 seq. Hercules 2294 5. p. 46 1. 32 SIMONEM Kaye 5423. lustin. Martyr Apol. I 26 with Otto. 56. Iren. I 23 1. p. 46 1. 33 PAEDAGOGIIS Oehler h. 1. ad nat. II 7 p. 107 1. 2 Wiss. p. 363 Oehler. n. h. 10 f. De Cor. Milit. 13 p. m. Adu. 10 Mansion. I 18 f. lustin. Apol. I 27 pr. p. 70 cd TrpGorov /jiev, on, TOU9 Trdvras o-^eSov opw^ev eVl iropveia Trpodyovras, ov /JLOVOV ra? Kopas d\\a KOL rou? dpvevas, /cal bv rporrov \eyovraL ol 7ra\cuol dyeXas ftowv TJ alywv rj Trpofidrodv Tp<j)i,v T) <t>op/3d&a)v, o#Tft>9 vvv Kal Tral&as et? TO atV%/3c3 15 fjiovov. cet. 29 f. p. 72 a . Athenag. (with Otto s note) (cf. p. 90 n. 7) 30 (vii 158 n. 16 Otto), 34. Tatian 28. Clem. Alex. Paedag. ill 4 26 and Protrept. 4 p. 43. (Clem. Alex, (in Euseb. Praep. Eu. p. 70.)) Theophil. in 8. Antinous called 0e6? on some coins. Orig. contra Cels. in 36. 37. 38. v 63. 20 vin 9. Hegesippus in Euseb. Hist. Eccl. iv 8 % Athan. contra Gentes 9 (l 20 Migne). Pausan. vin 9. 7. Theodoret Graec. Aff. Cur. vin 28 p. 115. 31. HE iv 18 8. Epiphan. Ancorat. 106 f. (n 109 C ). Klebs Prosopographia imp. Rom. Berl. 1897 I 812. Pauly-Wissowa I 243941, where the 25 many works of art depicting him are catalogued. Preller- Jordan n 450 1. NESCIO QVEM Prudent, contr. Symm. I 271. CAP. XIV On this chapter cf. J. Geffcken Zwei Christliche Apologeten (1907) xviii, xix. 30 p. 48 1. 4 NOLO. So Havercarnp, and Hartel Ztschr. f. oest. Gymn. 1869 366. Mimic. 24 3 quorum ritus si percenseas, ridenda quam multa, multa etiam miseranda sunt. p. 48 1. 5 ENECTA cet. c. 30 f. n. non grand turis unius assis t ...nec duas meri guttas, nee sanguinem reprobi bouis mori 35 optantis. luu. 10 270. 12 95 6 n. ind. s. u. sacrifice. Form p. 48 1. 10] APOLOGETICVS 13, 14 235 enectus Cic. De Diuinat. n 73. Tert. ad nat. I 10 p. "78 1. 14 Wiss. non dico...enecta et tabida quaeque mactatis, de opimis autem et integris superuacua esui capitula, et ungulas et plu- marum saetarumque praeuulsa, et si quid domi quoque abiecturi faissetis. Lasaulx 275 n. 387. Arnob. I 39 ueternosis arboribus. 5 Hermippos in Athen. 551 a (to Dionysos) ol yap Trevopevoi \ dvaTrypd CTOL Ovovatv rf&r) ffolSia, \ Aecorpecfri&ov \e7rr6repa ical (dovpdvTiSos. Aesop in Havercamp, a traveller vowed to Hermes the half of his windfalls : finding a bag full of dates and almonds, he gives to the god date-stones and almond shells. 10 Lucian bis ace. 10 in Hav. n. 47. Levit. 22. 20 sq. Nevelet Malach. 1 8. 14. Clem. Alex. Strom. VII c. 6 30 Pherecrates and Eubuhis. 31 Menander and Hesiod. Herod. II 38. Plut. Orac. Def. 49 (II 437 a ) Set TO 6vcri/j,ov TCO re GwpaTi teal rp tyv^fj fcaOapov elvai Kal derives Kal d8id(>0opov. Verg. Aen. IV 15 57 lectas de more bidentes. Ou. Me tain, xv 13J uictima labe car ens et praestantissima forma. Pollux I 1 26. Aristot. in Athen. 674 f. Com. Fr. Anon. Meineke iv 613 n. 41 from Clem. Alex. Strom. VII 34. Porphyr. Abst. Anim. II 58. TABIDOSA De Pudic. 14 m. 20 p. 48 1. 8 DECIMA HERCVLIS c. 39 p. 114 1. 15. Marquardt ill 1467. Macrob. HI 6 8 11. 12 8 2. Plut. Sull. 35 8 1. Crass. O O 2 (vol. in p. 40 1. 4 ed. Sink). Cic. de nat. Deor. in 88. p. 48 1. 10 DE PERDITO Aristoph. Plut, 11071145 Hav. The gods starving since Plutus recovered his sight ; Cario ate 25 up even before Mercury s share because, on discovery, you did not share the flogging. Lact. II 4 15 his aurum et argentum consecrap.t, quae tarn non habent qui accipiunt quam qui ilia donarunt. cf. the thefts of Dionysius 16 19. Publil. Syr. 604 mortuo munus qui mittit, nil dat illi, adimit sibi. 30 LITTERAS cet. supra c. 10 and 11. ad nat, I 10 p. 79 1. 2 Wiss. adhuc meminimus Homeri. ille opinor est, qui diuinam maiesta- tem humana condicione tractauit, casibus et passionibus humanis decs imbuens, qui de illisfauore diuersis gladiatoria quodammodo paria composuit : Venerem sauciat sagitta humana, Martem 35 trededm mensibus in uinculis detinet fortasse periturum, eadem louem paene perpessum a caelitam plebe traducit aut later imas eius super Sarpedonem excutit aut luxuriantem cum lanone 236 TERTVLLIANI [p. 48 1. 10 foedissime inducit, commendato libidinis desiderio per com- memorationem et enumerationem amicarum. Homer and Hesiod Thdrt. Gr. Aff. Cur. m 4. Minuc. 22 1 has fabulas et err ores et ab imperitis parentibus discimus et, quod est grauius, 5 ipsis studiis et disciplines elaboramus, carminibus praecipue poetarum, qui plvrimum quantum ueritati ipsi sua auctoritate nocuere. 2 et Plato ideo praeclare Homerum ilium inclitum laudatum et coronation de ciuitate, quam in sermone instituebat, eiecit. 3 hie enim praecipuus bello Troico deos uestros, etsi 10 ludos facit, tamen in hominum rebus et actibus miscuit : hie eorum paria composuit, sauciauit Venerem, Martem uinxit, uulnerauit, fugauit. 4 louem narrat a Briareo liberatum, ne a dis ceteris ligaretur, et Sarpedonem /ilium, quoniam morti non poterateripere,cruentis imbribus fleuisse et loro Veneris illectum 15 flagrantius, quam in adidteras soleat, cum lunone uxore con- cumbere. Leland Christian Revelation Pt I c. 4. Cyrill. adu. lul. I (VI 41 Aubert). Theophil. I 9. in 8. Clem. Alex. Protr. II 32 seq. p. 27 P. seq. Cic. de nat. Deor. in 77 di poetici. I 61 n. 42. 43 n. Marquardt in 2 60 n. 2. 61 n. 3 and 4. 20 Athenag. 21 n. 1 Otto. 22 pr. Aug. De Ciu. Dei I 3 pr. et nobis suscensent, cum de dis eorum talia dicimus, nee suscensent aucto- ribus suis, quos ut ediscerent, mercedem dederunt ; doctoresque ipsos insuper et salario publico et honoribus dignissimos habue- runt. omn. Lucian Necyomantia 3 (what Menippus learnt from 25 Homer and Hesiod). p. 48 1. 12 [lustin.] Cohort, ad Gr. 2 p. 3 e 4 a (II. xx 6672). Lact. Diu. Inst. I 3 17. Cic. de nat. Deor. II 70. Arnob. adu. Gent, iv 33 f. uulnerari, uexari, bella inter se gerere farialium memorantur ardore discriminum. Prudent. Peri- 30 steph. x 211 3 quid inter aras dissidentum numinum putas agendum? Martis indignabitur \ offensa uirtus, si colatur Lemnius. Plato Rep. 378 d Beo^a^ia^;. Clem. Al. protr. II 35 37 pp. 31 32 (see next note). p. 48 1. 13 VENEREM Athenag. 21 p. 21 a . Luc. lupp. Trag. 35 40. Firm. Mat. 12 7 fuit enim et apud ueteres, licet nondwin terrain illuminasset domini nostri Christi ueneranda dignatio, in spernendis super stitionibus religiosa constantia. 8 Dio- medes pudicus et eobrius Venerem uidnerat. Clem. Alex. p. 48 1. 18] APOLOGETICVS 14 237 Protrep. 36 p. 31 P.- Antisthenes would shoot Venus, if he met her, as the corrupter of her sex (in Clem. Alex. Strom. II 20 107 p. 485 P. and Theodoret Graec. Aff. Cur. in 53 p. 46 18). p. 48 1. 14 SAVCIATAM Pint. Qu. Symp. IX 8 a question 5 which hand was wounded. Verg. Aen. XI 277 makes Diomed say Veneris uiolaui uolnere dextram. [lustin.] Cohort, ad Gr. 2 p. 3 b (II. v 335340). p. 48 1. 15 MARTEM II. v 3827. Firm. Matern. 12 8 Oti et Ephialtae decreto Mars belli potens temporali exsilio 10 damnatus ferrea catenarum uincla sustinuit. Arnob. IV 25 pr. quis [prodidit Martem] mensibus in Arcadia tribus et decem uinctum? non Melae fluminis filius. Clem. Alex. Protr. 29 p. 25 P. p. 48 1. 17 MONSTRI lustin. Apol. I c. 27 fin. p. 69 b ovSe 15 \v6r)vai {3oT)0ias TW%6vTa Sta (*)ertSo9 VTTO TOV eKaroy^eipo^ Kivov. [id.] Cohort, ad Graec. 2 p. 2 e . II. I 399406. Lucian lupp. Trag. 40. Deor. Dial. 21 2 Hav. Minuc. 23 4 cited on p. 48 1. 9. p. 48 1. 18 SARPEDOXIS cf. ad nat. I 10 p. 79 1. 9 Wiss. 20 Constantine Or. ad Sanct. Coet. 10 2 (of poets) eladyovo-i e <Bai/jLOvas> teal oSupo/xe/ ou? ra<? ru>v ol/ceicov Trai&wv cr<ay9. Jortin Misc. Obs. (Lond. 1732) n 7 10 with Lamb and Dav. Viet. v. 1. 34 24. Minuc. 22. Plato Rep. 433 b . Auson. Epitaph. Sarped. Markland on Max. Tyr. 19 6. Cic. De 25 Diuinat. II 25 si enim nihil fit extra fatum, nihil leuari re diuina potest. hoc sent it Homerus, cum querentem louetn inducit, quod Sarpedonem filium a morte contra fatum eripere non posset. [lustin.] Cohort, ad Gentiles c. 2. p. 2 d TOVTOV epwvTCL KOI cryeTXid^ovTO, icai dKofyvpo/jievov KCLI VTTO TWV 30 <"t\\u>v 6e<*)v 7ri{3ov\ev6fj.vov "Q/jLrjpos eicrdyei, /cat trore fjbkv (II. XVI 433 4) eVl TOV eavrov TraiSbs \eyovra w (JLOL eyco^, ore jjLOi ^apTTn^ova, <j>i\Tarov dv&pwv, | palp* VTTO TIarp6fc\oLo ^levoiTidBao Saftrjvai. Athenag. 21 p. 21 a . Athan. Contr. Gentes 11 (i 26 a Migne). Firm. Matern. 12 8 Sarpedonem 35 filium mortuum in Troia luppiter plangit et mercedem fabri cator um murorum Neptunus a super bo rege non recipit: alterius regis Apollo greges pascit. Clem. Alex. Protr. 55 p. 49 P. 238 TERTVLLIANI [p. 48 1. 18 Sarpedon and subantem and Apollo and Neptune in los. Contr. Apion. n 34. SVBANTEM c. 46 (p. 130 1. 2). De Monogam. 15 p. in. (conj. in adu. Valent. 17). Lucr. Hor. Plin. Anthol. 712 15 R. Hier. 5 Ep. [54 15 ; p. 481 1. 19 Hilberg. A. S.] 147 10 fin. [lustin.] Cohort, ad Gr. c. 2 p. 3 ab citing II. xiv 3157. 9. 21. 23. 26 7. Athenag. 21 p. 21 d seq. Firm. err. 4 1 lunonem sane, ne et huic deesset incestum, louis uolunt ex sorore coniugem factam. Hild. on Arnob. iv 24 p. 376. 10 p. 48 1. 19 SOROREM c. 11 p. 42 1. 6. Frazer Pans. I 7 1. COMMEMORATIONS Ter. Cic. Sen. Ep. 79 15. 81 23. De Benef. II 11 1. Quintil. Tac. [many more in Thes. A. S.]. p. 48 1. 20 PRINCIPIS (see below p. 48 1. 27). ad nat. I 10 p. 79 1. 11 Wiss. exinde quis non poetarum ex auctoritate 15 principis sui in deos insolens aut uera prodendo aut falsa fingendo? ibid. p. 79 1. 19 Wiss. (of Socrates) nam etsi idcirco damnatus est, cum paenituerit Athenienses damnationis, ut criminatores quoque impenderint. II 7 p. 107 1. 13 Wiss. criminatores deorum poetas eliminari Plato censuit, ipsum 20 Homerum sane coronatum ciuitate pellendum. Homer expelled by Plato, Theodoret Graec. Aff. Cur. n 6 7. p. 22 1. 21. Orig. contr. Cels. iv 36 n. of Spencer. p. 48 1. 21 DEDECORATOR air. \ey. APOLLINEM cet. Minuc. 22 5 Apollo Admeto (cf. Tatian 25 21 p. 159 d ) peous pascit, Laomedonti uero muros Neptunus institute nee mercedem operis infelix structor accipit. Arnob. iv 25 n. Varro in Aug. De Ciu. Dei VI 5 (mythical theology teaches ut di . . .seruierint homini). Aug. De Ciu. Dei xvm 13 p. m. Apollo condemned to servitude for slaying the Cyclopes. 30 Diodor. Sic. iv 71 3. ADMETO. Clem. Alex. Protr. 35 p. 30 P. Lucian De Sacrif. 4 f. lupp. Conf. 8. Arnob. iv 25 p. 379 Hild. Aug. De Ciu. Dei in 2. p. 48 1. 22 STRVCTORIAS (air. \ey.) found in glosses. Loewe 35 Prodrom. 399. cf. Minuc. 23 5 structor (cited above). p. 48 1. 23 LAOMEDONTI Hor. Carm. in 3 21 22. Clem. Alex. Protr. 1. c. Lucian 11. cc. p. 48 1. 24 AESCVLAPIVM ad nat. II 14 fin. Arnob. I 41 nonne p. 48 1. 27] APOLOGETICVS 14 239 Aesculapium, medicaminum repertorem, post poenas et supplicia fulminis, castodem nuncupauistis et praesidem sanitatis uale- tudinis et salutis? IV 24 (161 3) numquid [a nobis dicitur] cupidinis atque auaritiae causa, sicut canit Boeotius Pindarus, Aesculapium fulminis transfixum esse telo ? VII 44 p. 278 23. 5 Diodor. Sicul. iv 71 p. 315. Muncker ad Hygin. f. 49 p. 113 recalled Androgeos to life. Prop, n 1 62. Lucian Dial. Deor. 131. lustin. Apol. c. 21 p. 67 a . c. 22 p. 68 b . c. 54 f. p. 90 b . Dial, cum Tryph. c. 69. Theophil. in 2. Apolog. Aristid. 10. Athenag. 29 p. 33. (Find. Pyth. 3 54 58. Gary. But lucre wisdom s self 10 can captive hold. | E en he was turn d by sight of tempting gain, | (When in the hands appear d the glist ning gold) | From death to rescue one already ta en. | And Jove in sooth, hurling with eager hand, | In either bosom did the breathing stay. | Fate follow d quick his flaming levin-brand/ and Hesiod p. 263 15 Gottling.) Tatian 8 p. 147 d 21 p. 159 d . Orig. Contr. Gels, m 22 23 25. omn. Plat. Rep. in c. 16 p. 408 b. Apollodor. in 10. Hygin. Astr. II 14. Roscher Lex. Myth. I 619 30 seq. Minuc. 21 16 Holden, Aesculapius, ut in deum surgat, fulminatur. Firm. Mat. 128 Aesculapius alibi fulminatur. Clem. Alex. 20 Protr. 30 p. 25 P. citing Pindar. Lact. Diu. Inst. I 19 3 (cited below). Verg. Aen. vn 772 3 (cited below). Ambr. De Virginibus in 2 7. Theodoret Graec. Aff. Cur. ill 27 p. 42 1. 26. vni 1923 p. 114. Pauly-Wissowa Asklepios col. 1654. 25 NOCENTER Colum. Cels. Nothing good from heathen gods, Bayle ceuvres in 259. p. 48 1. 25 si FVLMEN ILLIVS EST. cf. Bouche-Leclercq Divination iv 35 cet. p. 48 1. 26 NEQVE VERA PRODI NEQVE FALSA CONFINGI cf. 30 ad nat. I 10 p. 79 13 Wiss. p. 48 1. 27 RELIGIOSISSIMOS c. 6 pr. infra c. 25 p. 86 1. 24 n. Sail. Cat. 12 3 n. nostri maiores religiosissimi mortales. Marquardt in 2 6 n. 4. Gieseler Church History (Engl.) I p. 25 n. 1 ( 11). 35 Ad nat. I 10 p. 79 1. 13 Wiss. et tragici quidem aut comici pepercerunt, ut non aerumnas ac poenas dei praefarentur ? taceo de philosophis . . .denique et Socrates in contumeliam eorum 240 TERTVLLIANI [p. 48 1. 27 quercum et canem et hircum iurat. Aug. contr. Faust. XII 40 f. ea rident in theatris quae uenerantur in templis, in turpitudine nimium liberi, in superstitione. nimium send. Lact. Diu. Inst. I 19 3 clamat summits poeta...ipsum... ilium repertorem medi- 5 cinae talis et artis ad Stygias undas falmine detrusuin, ut intellegamus quantum ualeat pater omnipotent, qui etiam deos fulminibus exstinguat. 4 sed homines ingeniosi kanc secum habebant fortasse rationem: quia deus fulminari non potest, apparet non esse factum : immo uero quia factum est, apparet 10 hominem fuisse, non deum. cf. Verg. Aen. VII 772 3 ipse repertorem medicinae talis et artis \ fulmine Phoebigenam Stygias detrusit in undas (cf. 765 771). p. 48 1. 28 ERRORES e.g. of Ceres, Clem. Alex. Protr. 12. p. 12 P. [lustin.] Or. ad Gentil. 2 p. 38. Minuc. 21 15 9. p. 48 1. 29 PRAEFENTVR c. 18 p. 58 1. 17 prophetae de officio praefandi. p. 48 1. 30 IN CONTVMELIAM DEORVM )( in honor em. Liv. in lexx. Tac. Hist, v 4 in c. Hammonis. Plin. Pan. 11 in c. 20 numinum. p. 48 1. 31 CANEM. vr) TOV tcvva. Theophil. ill 2 p. H7 d 118 a TL ay(f)e\rjo-V... 5.(i)Kp(iTr)v TO ofAvveiv TOV KVVCL /cal TOP xfiva /cal Tr]v 7r\a,Tavov ; Spanh. on Aristoph. Nub. 627. Lact. ill 20 15 uerum idem per canem et anserem deierabat. o hominem 25 scurram (ut ait Zeno Epicureus) ineptum, perditum, desperatum, si cauillari uoluit religionem ; dementem, si hoc serio fecit, ut animal turpissimum pro deo haberet. 16 quis iam super- stitiones Aegyptiorum audeat reprehendere, quas Socrates Athenis auctoritate conjirmauit sua ? Lasaulx Studien p. 201 3 o n. 119. Diog. Laert. VII 32. platanus. Procop. Ep. 63 f. (p. 555 1 Hercher). Lucian Vit. Auct. 16 (dog and plane). Icaromenipp. 9 pr. (dogs and geese and planes) : same three in Philostr. Apoll. vi 19 6: goat an Egyptian god Theodoret Graec. Aff. Cur. in 85 p. 51 36. Porphyr. De Abst. in 16 f. 35 Menage on Diog. Laert. n 40. DEIERABAT Plaut. Ter. Varr. Prop. Amm. Tert. Apol. 32 f. 35 p. m. De Idolol. 20 f. Paulin. Nol. c. 24 331 [more exx. in Thes. A. S.]. cf. peiero. p. 50 1. 3] APOLOGETICVS 14 241 DAMNATVS ad nat. I 10 p. 79 1. 19 Wiss. (cited on p. 48 1. 20). Aug. De Ciu. Dei vm 3. p. 50 1. 1 DEOS DESTRVEBAT (the word, c. 46 p. 128 1. 7) infr. c. 46 a. m. o Apollinem inconsideratum ! sapientiae testimonium reddidit ei uiro, qui negabat deos esse. in quantum odio 5 flagrat ueritas, in tantum qui earn ex fide praestat offendit. ad nat. II 7 (cited above on p. 48 1. 20). De Anima 1, p. 299 28 Wiss. lustin. Apol. II 10. I 5 ore Be ^co/cpdrys \6yw a\rj6el KOI egeracTTiKtos ravra et? (fravepov eTreipdro fyepew /cal a7rd>yeiv rwv 8aifji6v(QV T0i>9 dv0pa)7Tovs Kal avToi [Thirlby avrov] OL 10 Salfjboves Sid TWV %aip6vTwv rfj KCLKIO, dvOpaTrcov evrfpyrjo-av 0)9 dOeov teal dcreftrj dTro/crelvai \eyovres icaiva elafyepeiv avrbv Sai/jiovia. /cal o/Wo>9 efi i]^wv TO avrb evepyov(n,v. Cf. Xen. Mem. i 1 1. Theodoret Gr. Aff. Cur. vn 47 p. 109 1. 50. Plat. Apol. 24 b . Arnob. I 40 condemnation of Socrates. Sen. 15 Ep. 104 28. Diog. Laert. n 43. vi 9. Wetstein on Acts 17 18. Orig. contr. Gels, iv 67 p. 554. Hermann Gotter d. Alterthum 10 9. ODIO EST Ter. Andr. 678 (cited by Cic. Lael. 89, Quintil. vm 5 4) namque hoc tempore \ obsequium amicos, ueritas 20 odium parit. Lact. I 1 7. v 9 6 Bii. 21 1. Epit. 64 17. Tert. Apol. c. 7 p. 24 1. 22 n. c. 46 p. 128 1. 20 n. (see last note). Magirus ueritas n. 34. Otto Sprichw. 368 n. 3. Lindenbrog on Ter. Andr. 1. c. (i 1 41). Socr. Hist. Eccl. VI praef. 6 TO dXijQe? TTitcpov. Bias in Auson. xx 191. [Prosper] De Promiss. 25 II 35. Commodian Instr. n 29 5 Respicite dictum, quod ueritas odia tollat. p. 50 1. 2 CRIMIXATORES see ad nat. (2 exx. cited above), gl. very rare (LS.) (Plaut. 1, Tac. 1) cf. Lact. Diu. Inst. II 12 17. Epit. 27 6 10. lul. ap. Aug. c. Sec. Resp. 3 o luliani in 168. Hier. vi 629. 721. Migne cvi 1300 b [more in Thes., to which add Aug. serm. (torn, v 94 f. ed. Bened.-Antv.) spec. 2, epist. 43, 19, uirg. 20 a.m. A. S.]. p. 50 1. 3 SOCRATIS cet. ad nat. I 10 p. 79 1. 20 Wiss. Diog. Laert. n 43 Menage, immediately after the death of S. the 35 Athenians banished the other accusers and sentenced Meletus to death, closed gymnasia and palaestrae, set up a brazen statue, the work of Lysippus, to S. in the Pompeium. Aug. Ciu. M. T. 16 242 TERTVLLIANI [p. 50 1. 3 Dei vin 3 p. m. Plut. n 537 f 538 a . (De Inuidia et Odio 6) vol. vni p. 128 R. Orig. contr. Gels, i 3 (p. 323) p. 5 1. 56 with Spencer (pp. 8 f.). 65 Aristotle withdrew to Chalcis, lest the Athenians should a second time sin against philosophy. 5 Thernist. Or. 20 p. 239 C . Wesseling on Diodor. Sicul. xiv p. 672 31. p. 50 1. 5 SED ET cet. ad nat. I 10 p. 79 1. 22 Wiss. sed et Diogenes nescio quid in Herculem lusit. p. 50 1. 6 TRECENTOS IOVES ad nat. I 10 p. 79 1. 23 Wiss. et 10 Romani stili Diogenes Varro trecentos I ones, sea luppiteres dicendum est, sine capitibus inducit. Theophil. I 10 Trevao^aL Se crov tcdya), c3 avdpcoTre, TTOCTOL Zfjves evpio-fcovrat ; Minuc. 22 6. Arnob. IV 17 f. nam esse Apollines quattuor aut tris Tones numquam nobis facietis fidem, nee si testem ipsum citetis louem 15 aut Pythium constituatis auctorem. Sen. lud. 8 1. Marquardt in 2 63 n. 4. CAP. XV p. 50 1. 8 INGENIA ad nat. I 10 p. 79 1. 25 Wiss. cetera... etiam uoluptates uestras per dedecus deorum administrant. dispicite apud uos Lentidorum et Hostioram sacrilegas uenus- 20 tates, utrum mimos an deos uestros in strophis et iocis rideatis ; sed et histrionicas litteras magna cum uoluptate suscipitis, quae omnem foeditatem designant deorum. Cult. Fern. I 2 m. utrumne mulieres sine materiis splendoris et sine ingeniis decoris placer e non possent hominibus ? pall. 1. Plin. Tac. Arnob. IV 2 ingeni- 25 orum lasciuire luxu. VI 12 ut in deorum corporibus lasciuiae artificum luderent. Teaching of Homer and Hesiod, Lucian Menippus 3. p. 50 1. 9 DEORVM gods on the stage, Arnob. IV 35 seq. LENTVLORVM ET HOST1LIORVM Teuffel-Schwabe 6 363 5. 3 o p. 50 1. 10 VENVSTATES Cic. Quintil. Symm. Ep. in 39 memoriam malorum ioci uenustate frangamus. Macrob. sat. n 1 | 10 et iam primum animaduerto duos quos eloquentissimos antiqua aetas tulit, comicum Plautum et oratorem Tullium, eos ambos etiam ad iocorum uenustatem ceteris praestitisse. Sen. 35 Contr. II 22 homo uenustissimus, qui nullius umquam impu- p. 50 1. 11] APOLOGETICVS 14, 15 243 nitam stultitiam transire passus est. ibid. X praef. 2. suas. 2 12. Sen. Const. Sap. 17 3 Vatinium, hominem natum et ad risum et ad odium, scurram faisse et uenustum et dicacem memoriae proditum est. MIMOS cet. Aug. De Ciu. Dei iv 26. Minuc. 37 12. Cypr. 5 ad Donat. 8 fin. p. 10. Arnob. iv 36 etiam mimis et scurrilibus Indict is sanctissimorum personae interponuntur deorum, et ut spectatoribus uacuis risus possit atque hilaritas excitari, iocu- laribus feriuntur cauillationibus numina...quod si kaberet uos aliqua uestris pro religionibus indignatio, has potius litteras uos 10 exurere debuistis olim, libros istos demoliri, dissoluere theatra haec potius, in quibus infamiae numinum propudiosis cotidie publicantur in fabulis. 35 (partly cited below). Prudent. Peri- steph. x 220 230 cur in theatris te uidente id plauditur ? cygnus staprator peccat inter pulpita, \ saltat tonantem tauricornem 15 ludius, | spectator horum pontifex summus sedes, \ ridesqae et ipse, nee negando diluis, \ cum fama tanti polluatur numinis. car tu, sacrate, per cachinnos solueris, \ cum se maritum fingit Alcmenae deus, \ meretrix Adonem uulneratum scaenica \ libi- dinoso plangit adfectu palam, \ nee te lupanar Cypridis sanctae 20 mouet? Cf. Lact. v 10 15 16, 20 12 at enim puniendi sunt, qid destruunt religiones. num peius nos destruimus, quam... idem ipsi, qui cum deos colere se dicant, tamen eos publice turpi- terque derident, de quibus etiam mimos agi cum risu et uoluptate patiuntur. Epit. 55 3. 63 6. Aug. Ciu. Dei iv 26 e. g. (i 179 25 7 sq.) in illis certe ludis poetica numinum crimina frequen- tantur, qui litdi cogentibus numinibus iussu senatus instaura- bantur. in illis ludis corruptorem pudicitiae louem turpissimi histriones cantabant agebant placebant. p. 50 1. 11 STROPHIS De Spect. 29 Oehler. Adu. Marcion. 3 o in 10 med. De Anim. 28 p. 347 1. 32 Wiss. Petron. 60. Hier. Ep. 88 (p. 537 b ) haereticorum -as. 133 2 (1027 a ). Contr. Rufin. ii 20 f. quasi mimum Philistionis uel Lentuli ac Marulli stropham eleganti sermone confictam. MASCVLVM LVNAM deus Lunus Mrjv in Spartian Carac. 6 35 7. Preller-Jordan n 411 4: Auch der deus Lunus auf dem zu Boden gestreckten Stiere auf einem Votivrelief aus Koula in Phrygien bei Texier Asie Mineure I 51 52 ist eine dem 162 244 TERTVLLIANI [p. 50 1. 11 Mithras verwandte Gestalt. Worshipped in Phrygia and Meso potamia. Amm. xxin 3 2. Hdn. IV 13. On coins ; a man on foot or horseback, with a Phrygian cap and crescent. p. 50 1 13 HERCVLES Lact. I 21 33 ^ovOoiv^ and 5 /3ov(f)dyos. Greg. Naz. Or. 4 122 f. (l 146 ab ) eWoTrrerw yao-rpi/Aapyiav 6 ^BovOoiva^. Cl. Al. Protr. 76 p. 65, Potter. Eur. Ale. 771, 789818. Spanh. on Callim. H. Dian. 160. Call. ib. 146. Philost. Apoll. v 23 a youth boasting that he could eat more, and drink more wine, than any one else, and 10 being asked what he was the better for his gluttony, replied TO Oav/jid^ecrOaL yu-e /cal d7ro/3\7T0 OaL KCLI yap TOV c H.pa/c\ea t crco? d/coveis, o>? /cal rd airia avrov 7rapa7r\j]criw<=; rot? a6\ois jjBero. Aristoph. Ranae 5501, 504512, 6213. Lucian Amor. 4. Icaromenip. 27. 15 FAMELICOS (the word, Plaut. Ter. Plin. luu. Apul. Bonif. p. 429 G.) Aristoph. Pax 741 and Schol. Vesp. 60. Athenaeus 41 l a 412 b , 656b. Aristippus to Antisthenes 4 (Socraticorum Epist. 9 in Hercher Epistolographi p. 617 f.) Tre/u/v/rco Se aoi TWV Oep/jLcov TO)? /jLyd\cos re fcal /Yef/cco?, tV e^?;? jjuera TO ejn- 20 ei%ao-6ai TOV Rpa/cXea Tot? veois vTrorpayelv. HISTRIONVM Lact. Diu. Inst. v 10 20. Prudent. Peristeph. x 221 -5 cited above (Roman). Arnob. iv 35 Hild. sed poetis tantummodo licere uoluistis indignas de dis fabulas et flagitiosa ludibria comminisci ? quid pantomimi uestri, quid 25 histriones, quid ilia mimorum atque exoleti generis mtdti- tudo ? nonne ad usum quaestus sui abutuntur dis uestris et lenocinia uoluptatum ex iniuriis adtrahunt contumeliisque diuinis ? . . . et quod nefarium esset auditu, gentis ilia genetrix Martiae, regnatoris et populi procreatrix amans saltatur Venus 30 et per adfectus omnes meretriciae uilitatis impudica exprimitur imitatione bacchari. 36. Aug. De Ciu. Dei vn 26 quid sunt ad hoc malum Mercurii furta, Veneris lasciuia, stupra ac turpi- tudines ceterorutn, quae proferremus de libris, .nisi cotidie cantarentur et saltarentur in theatris? Theophil. ill 15. Greg. 35 Naz. Or. 4 1202 (cf. above). p. 50 1. 14 LVGET SOL cet. ad nat. I 10 p. 80 1. 3 Wiss. luget Sol filium exstinctum laetantibus uobis. p. 50 1. 15 LAETANTIBVS VOBIS...NON ERVBESCENTIBVS VOBIS p. 50 1. 20] APOLOGETICVS 15 245 Woodham compares c. 46 deos uestros palam destruunt... laudantibus uobis, plerique etiam in principes latrant susti- nentibus uobis. CYBELE cf. p. 50 1. 26 n.. ad nat, I 10 p. 80 1. 4 Wiss. Cybela pastorem suspirat fastidiosum, non erubescentibus uobis et susti- 5 netis loitis elogia modulari. Arnob. IV 35 saltatur et Magna sacris compta cum infalis Mater et contra decus aetatis ilia Pessinuntia Dindymene in bubulci unius amplexum flagitiosa fingitur adpetitione gestire. v 42. omn. vn 33 p. 266 25. Obscene festival of Cybele at Carthage. Aug. De Ciu. Dei 10 ir 4. 5. vn 9. Zahn Forschungen v 176. Lucian Deor. Dial. 12 1. Sidon. C. 23 2818. Lact. Din. Inst. I 17 7. SVSPIRAT : Hor. Tibull. p. 50 1. 16 SVSTINETIS c. 25 p. 90 1. 15. TOVIS Arnob. IV 35 f. quin et ille in fabulis maximus ipse 15 regnator poli sine ulla nominis maiestatisque formidine adulte- rorum agere introducitur paries, atque ut fallere castitatem alienarum possit familias matrum, ora immutare pellacia et in species coniugum subditiui corporis simulatione succedere. id. vn 33 p. 266. 22. 20 p. 50 1. 18 ad nat. I 10 p. 80 1. 1 Wiss. constuprantur coram uobis maiestates in corpore impuro. famosurn et diminutum caput imago cuiuslibet dei uestit. p. 50 1. 18 seq. Spectac. 10 p. 12 1. 25 Wiss. (with Oehler s note) quae priuata et propria sunt scaenae de gestu, et corporis 2 $ flexu mollitiae Veneris et Liberi immolant. Hor. Carm. I 15 1, 2 pastor cum traheret per freta nauibus \ Idaeis Helenen, perfidus hospitam. IGNOMINIOSVM luu. 8. 188 n. p. 50 1. 19 EFFEMINATIONE Firmic. math, [vn 25 14, ref. 30 in LS. wrong. A. S.] Hier. Seru. ad Aen. iv 216. On actors playing female parts luu. 3 93 99 ind. s. v. actors. p. 50 1. 20 ALIQVAM c. 50 a. m. aliqua Carthaginis conditrix. HERCVLEM cf. Arnob. iv 35 nee non et ilia proles louis Sophoclis in Trachiniis Hercules pestiferi tegminis circumretitus 35 indagine miserabiles edere inducitur heiulatus, uiolentia doloris frangi atque in ultimam tabem diffluentium uiscerum maceratione consumi. 246 TERTVLLIANI [p. 50 1. 20 REPRAESENTAT c. 16 p. 52 1. 27. Plin. h. n. xxin 82 si uetusti non sit occasio, decoquitur ut uetustatem simulet. p. 50 1. 21 CONSTVPRATVR Idolol. 1. Cic. Liu. Suet, Hier. ore -atus Larnprid. Comm. I 7. [See also Thes. 5 A. S.] p. 50 1. 22 PLANE cet. ad nat. I 10 p. 80 1. 5 Wiss. plane religiosiores estis in gladiatorum cauea, ubi super sanguinem humanum, super inquinamenta poenarum perinde saltant dei uestri argumenta et historias nocentibus erogandis, ut in ipsis 10 deis nocentes puniantur. CAVEA Plaut. Cic. Verg. Suet. Sen. e.g. Ep. 84 10. Sil. xvi 535 cauea damnante furorem. 472. Stat. Theb. I 423. v 340. VI 654. Valer. Flac. iv 228. Bahrens PLM. v 110 10. Aug. De Ciu. Dei I 31. Prudent. Peristeph. vi 62. Coripp. De 15 Laudibus lustin. in 253. Lact. v 20 13 qualis haec religio aut quanta maiestas pntanda est, quae adoratur in templis, illuditur in theatris? et qui haec fecerint, non poenas uiolati numinis pendunt, sed honor ati etiam laudatique discedunt. p. 50 1. 23 INQVINAMENTA Vitr. (1). Gell. (1). Tert. De 20 Carne Christi 20 f. De Spectac. 8. 10 f. 15 pr. Ambr. Off. n 65. De Cain II 2. Chromat. in Matt. tr. 3 6. [Add Aug. spec. 4. Ps.- Aug. serm. ter. A. S.] Picture of Leda Clem. Horn. vi 23. p. 50 1. 25 NOXII cf. Mart, x 25. vni 30 (both Scaevola). 25 Spect. 7 (Laureolus). 8 (Daedalus). 21 (Orpheus). Friedlander us 40810. p. 50 1. 26 ATTIN ad nat. I 10 p. 80 1. 9 Wiss. uidimus saepe castratum Attin deum a Pessinunte, et qui uiuus cremabatur, Herculem induerat. risimus et meridiani ludi de deis lusum, 30 quod Ditis pater, louis frater, gladiatorum exsequias cum malleo deducit, quo Mercurius, in caluitio pennatulus, in caduceo igni- tulus, corpora exanimata iam mortemue simulantia e cauterio probat. Theophil. I 9. in 8. Minuc. 21 11 Holden, Keim 7 n. 2. Aug. De Ciu. Dei vi 7 (i 260 3 D.). Arnob. v 6 7. 35 Tatian 8 p. 147. Rationalised Porphyr. in Euseb. Praep. Eu. in 11 12 15 and in Aug. Ciu. Dei VII 25. Mommseri Strafrecht 927 n. 6. p. 50 1. 27 HERCVLEM Arnob. I 36 p. 54, Hild. vn 33 p. 50 1. 33] APOLOGETICVS 15 247 indignatio relanguescit Alcidae, si tragoedia Sophoclis, cui Trachiniae nomen est, Euripidis aut Hercules actitatur? MERIDIANORVM Sen. Ep. 7 5 mane leonibus et ursis homines, meridie spectatoribus suis obiciuntur. 3 casu in meridianum spectaculum incidi, lusus exspectans et sales et aliquid laxamenti, 5 quo hominum oculi ab humano cruore acquiescant. contra est, quicquid ante pugnatum est, misericordia fuit. nunc omissis nugis mera homicidia sunt : nihil habent, quo tegantur : ad ictum totis corporibus expositi, numquam frustra manum mit- tunt cet. 10 p. 50 1. 28 Blunt Right Use, 359. Marquardt ill 2 564 n. 2. 562 n. pr. p. 50 1. 31 INQVIETANT Sen. Ep. 2 1. 14 2. 27 6. De Tranquil. 2 1 cet. : see printed n. Tert. De Carn. Chr. 1 pr. qui fidem resurrectionis student inquietare. 15 p. 50 1. 32 OBSOLETANT. One other passage of Tert. cited. Cf. [Nicet. de uigiliis 3 p. 58, 19 ed. Burn. A. S.] paginam Greg. Turon. Mart. II 3 p. 610 16. Gloss. Isidor. obsoletatus, pollutus, inquinatus, Gloss. Arabico-Lat. p. 708 Vulc. obsolito, obtero uel inquino. With the reading of Cod. Fuld. adsolant 20 cf. ad nat. I 10 p. 80 1. 14 Wiss. singula ista (as here)...dmi- nitatis, si maiestatis fastigium adsolant. ibid. p. 75 1. 27 Wiss. with Oehler s note, saepe censores inconsulto populo adso- lauerunt. Gloss, in Mai Class. Auctor. VI 504 adsolitum (-at-) adlitmn (-is-). 25 CENSENTVR c. 12 p. 44 1. 15. infra c. 24 p.m. p. 86 1. 7. ad nat. I 10 p. 80 1. 16 Wiss. de contemptu utique censentur quam [surely tarn A. S.] eorum qui eiusmodi factitant quam eorum qui ista suscipiunt. Adu. Hermog. 39 p. 169 1. 9 Kr. si et materia eadem aeternitate censetur. Ad Vxor. I 6. De Cult. 30 Fern. I 4 f . lustin. xi 11 9 hoc se patre censeri iubet. Greg. Naz. Or. 4 118 (i 143 cd ). [5 15, 2, p. 185, 1. 10 Eng. A. S.] p. 50 1. 33 EIVSMODI c. 49. ad nat. 1. c. and I 5 p. 66 1. 4 Wiss. et tamen eiusmodi neque congregantur neqae participant nobiscum. Oehler p. 631 on Bapt. 12. De Idolol. 21 p. 55 1. 17 35 Wiss. in eiusmodi ridere. De Praescr. Haeret. 5 f. Hermas Simil. 1 (p. 70 17 Hilg.) diuitias uestras in eiusmodi consumite. Cypr. Ep. 2 1 (p. 468 4 EL). Studia Biblica iv 306. 248 TERTVLLIANI [p. 52 1. 1- p. 52 1. 1 LUDICRA cf. c. 9 p. 30 1. 26. p. 52 1. 2 IN TEMPLIS ADVLTERIA De pudic. 5 p. 227 1. 8 Wiss. ego quidem idololatria saepissime moechiae occasionem subministro. sciunt luci mei et mei monies et uiuae aquae 5 ipsaque in urbibus templa, quantum euertendae pudicitiae pro- curem. Bayle oeuvres ill 368. Minuc. 25 12 ubi autem magis a sacerdotibus, quam inter aras et delubra conducuntur stupra, tractantur lenocinia, adulteria meditantur? frequentius demque in aedituorum cellulis, quam in ipsis lupanaribus, loflagrans libido defungitur. luu. 9 24 quo non prostat femina templo ? See the story in los. Antiq. xvm 3 4 of the Egyp tian priests who were crucified A.D. 19, their temple destroyed, and the image of Isis thrown into the Tiber. Herod. II 64. Preller Rom. Myth. 728 cites Tibull. I 3 23 sq. Propert. n 33. 15 Ou. Amor, n 2 25. 13 7. Ars Amat. I 77. in 393. Trist. n 297. Epp. ex Pont. I 1 51. luu. 6 488. Theodoret Hist. Eccl. v 22. Rufin. n 25. Jacobs Verm. Schr. IV 257. COMPONI of assignation, Hor. Carm. I 9 19 20 lenesque sub noctem susurri composita repetantur hora. 20 p. 52 1. 4 Prudent. Peristeph. n 525 uittatus olim pontifex cf. Mart. Capella I 10 Kopp. Sil. Ital. xin 779. Greg. Naz. Or. 4 114 (l 140 d ) avrol rovs eavruv TrpoeSpovs ypa^rdrcoaav. d\ovpyl$ avrovs Koa/j^jcrei KOL raivia KOI cnefydvwv avdos KCU 25 APICIBVS Lexx. De Pall. 4 f. p. ^ pallium... super... omnes apices et tutidos sacerdos suggest us. Seru. ad Aen. vm 664. Gell. x 15 9. Festus p. 10 12 M. Dion. Halic. n 70 (the Salii). Arnob. IV 35 sedent diales cum apicibus flamines. GIL. 133. 3 o p. 52 1. 5 EXPVNGI c. 2 n. 20 f. 35 Oehler. De Anim. 35. 55. Adu. Marc. II 20 f. Hi 11 med. iv 34. v 21. Adu. lud. 11. 14. De Idolol. 1. 13. Scorpiac. 10 Oehler. De Pudic. 2 p.m. De Paenit. 3 p.m. adeo quod prohibetur administrare, satis pericu- lose animus sibi repraesentat et temere per uoluntatem it 35 effectum. [Rufin. i.e.] lulian.-Aecl. in Am. I (5 9). NE same words in ad nat. I 10 p. 80 1. 18 Wiss. nescio ne plus de uobis dei uestri quam de nobis querantur. On ne see c. 3 pr. n. Cf. Bayle oeuvres in 2967. p. 52 1. 14] APOLOGETICVS 15, 16 249 p. 52 1. 6 SACRILEGI luu. ind. s.u. Lucian Peregrin. 24. Deor. Concil. 12. Icaromen. 17. Schmidt (?) 264. Keim Rom. und das Christenthum 222. Sen. Nat. Qu. II 42 1 impunitis sacrilegis. Chrys. xi 7l3 ab . lustin. xxxn 3 9 11. Clem. Recogn. v 15. Horn, x 8. 5 DE VESTRIS c. 44 f. de uestris semper aestuat career cet. p. 52 1. 7 ADPREHENDVNTVR Plin. Ep. in 20 9. Iren. in 16 7 (dig. GelL). p. 52 1. 8 SPOLIARENT Melito Apol. 10 (Otto ix 430 ex Syr.) num id est deus quod custodiendiiin est?...ecce enim, si 10 hostes tui te deumctint, etiam emu decorticant. Ep. ad Diognet. 2. lustin. Apol. I 9 dBe/jurov KOI TO voelv r) "\eyeiv di>0p(t)7rov<> 6eu>v elvai (f)v\aicas. p. 52 1. 10 SVBIACET it is obvious. Polyb. vTroKeirai voelv Ashton. subiacens materia (v7ro/cifj,ei>7) v\ij) adu. Marc. I 15 15 p. 310 1. 6 Kr. ad nat. I 10 p. 74 1. 22 Wiss. de reliqua uero conuersationis humanae dispositione palam subiacet, quanta a maioribas mutaueritis. NEC...AMPLIVS nee iam a. Sil. Ital. vin 163. xvn 381 hand a. XV 789. Cic. De Or. I 54 non a. of time. 20 p. 52 1. 12 SACRAMENTI Kaye 337. p. 52 1. 13 REPERCVSSIS 41 pr. Adu. Marc, n 20 Oehler, 29. iv 23a.m. Adu. Hermog. 12 p. m. De Idolol. 5. De Pudic. 2. 7 pr. Oehler. Cf. infra 16 f. irrepercussum. CAP. XVI p. 52 1. 14 CAPVT ASININVM ad nat. I 11 pr. 14. Minuc. 9 4 25 audio eos turpissimae pecudis caput asini consecratuminepta nescio qua persuasione uenerari: digna et nata religio talibus moribus. ib. 28 8 inde est quod audire te dicis caput asini rein nobis esse diui- nam. quis tain stultus ut hoc colat ? quis stultior ut hoc coli credat ? los. contr. Ap. n 9. E. Rosch in Stud. u. Krit. 1882 Heft 3. 30 Ferd. Becker, Das Spottcrucifix der rom. Kaiserpalaste, Breslau 1866 (cf. Theol. Jahresber. 1867 p. 110). Ophite diagram in Orig. contr. Cels. VI 30 (Keim p. 88 n. 2). Keim Jesu von Nazara in 81 n. 4. Tac. Hist, v 3 and 4. Diod. Sic. xxxiv 1 (Phot. Bibl. c. 244) 3 Antiochus Epiphanes ela-rjXOev et? rov 35 250 TERTVLLIANI [p. 52 1. 14 rov Oeov (rrjfcov, ov vo^i^ov elcnevai fjiovov TOV iepea* evpcov Se ev avraj \idivov aydX/jua dv&pos fiaOvtrtoycovos Ka6rj- fievov eir ovov pera %eipa<$ \ov /3tySXto^, rovro jjiev L>7reA<z/3e Mwvaews elvai. Th. Hasaeus, Diatribe de Onolatria olim 5 ludaeis et Christianis impacta. Lips. 1817. 4to. E. A. Schulz, De Ononychoto deo Christianis quondam afficto, in his Exer- citatt. Philol. fasc. 1. Berol. 1755. Miinter, Die Christin im heidn. Hause p. 15 sq. Augusti, Beitrage zur christl. Kimst- gesch. I 116 seq. (Kurz Handb. I (1853) 100 n. 2). Epiphan. 10 Haer. I 26 Gnostics. Some gave to Sabaoth the form of an ass, some of a swine. Schiirer Gesch. d. jiid. Volkes II 2 550 seq. 785. in 3 104. On Apion Lightfoot in Smith I 128130. Mtiller Fr. Hist. Gr. in 506516. los. contr. Apion. n 6 said that Jews worshipped the head of an ass. Suidas s.v. WSa?. 15 p. 52 1. 21 ONAGRIS Varro Verg. Colum. Plin. Mart. Petron. 38. Gels, n 18 p. 64 1. 20 D. Solin. 27. Hier. Vit. Hila- rion. 31. [Aug. gen. ad litt. in. 11. A. S.] p. 52 1. 22 SVPERFICIEM Chalcid. Tim. p. 46 a. p. 52 11. 2329 ad nat. I 11 p. 81 11. 614 Wiss. 20 p. 52 1. 24 Testim. Anim. 5 p. 141 1. 21 Wiss. diuinae scrip- turae, quae penes nos uel fudaeos sunt, in quorum oleastro insiti sum-us. Cf. Pusey p. 36 n. Z. p. 52 1. 25 TACIT vs... LOQVACISSIMVS ad nat. I 11 p. 81 1. 7 Wiss. at enim loquacissimus, oblitus affirmationis suae in pos- 25 terioribus refert Pompeium Magnum de ludaeis debellatis captisque Hierosolymis templum adisse et perscrutatum nihil simulacri repperisse. ubi ergo is deus fuerit ? utique nusquam magis quam in templo tarn memorabili, praesertim omnibus praeter< quam A.S. > sacerdotibus clauso, quo non uererentur 30 extraneum. Sidon. c. xxm 153 4 et qui pro ingenio fluente nidli, | Cornell Tacite, es tacendus ori. II 192 qua pompa Tacitus numquam sine laude loquendus. p. 52 1. 26 POMPEIVM Tac. Hist, v 9, cf. 5. p. 52 1. 28 from los. contr. Apion. II 7 82 et cum uarii casus 35 nostram ciuitatem, sicut etiam alionim, uexauerint, et < Antio- chus > Theos ac Pompeius Magnus ac Licinius Crassus et ad nouissimum Titus Caesar bello uincentes obtinuerint templum, nihil huiusmodi illic inuenere. los. Ant. xiv 7 105 ff. B. 1. 1 8 p. 541. 4] APOLOGETICVS 16 251 8 (179). Diodor. Sicul. XL 5 4. Tac. Hist, n 78 eat ludaeam inter Syriamque Carmelus : ita montem uocant deumque. nee simulacrum deo aut templum sic tradidere maiores : ara tantum et reuerentia. ibid v 5. 9. Dio xxxvn 17 n. SIMVLACRVM ad nat. I 11 p. 81 1. 7 Wiss. luu. 14 97 n. nil 5 praeter nubes et caeli numen adorant. p. 52 1. 29 REPRAESENTABATVR C. 15 p. 50 1. 20. p. 52 1. 31 CVLTVRA (late in this sense) c. 21 dub. p. 74 1. 8 n. ad nat. I 10 p. 75 1. 5 Wiss. deorum. p. 52 1. 32 SOLIS SACERDOTIBVS holy of holies Hebr. 9 10 6 and 7. So Lucian Ue Dea Syr. 31, of her temple. p. 52 1. 33 OPPANSO c. 48 p. 1:38 1. 30. Gratt. cyneg. Prudent, (-sum n. s. Tert.). p. 54 1. 1 CANTHERIOS ad nat. I 14. Auson. Epist. 21 39. Arnob. v 11 f. Plaut. Varr. (add Sat. 5 Bucheler). Lucil. Cic. 15 de nat. Deor. in 11 Mayor (p. 69). Liu. Sen. Cato in Macrob. sat. in 14 9. Gallicis -is Hier. Ep. 27 3. in Jona c. 4. Apul. Metam. in 27. ix 13 ter Kavdr)\ios. CVM SVA EPONA Tert. ad nat. I 11 p. 81 1. 16 Wiss. cre- datur dens nosier asinina aliqua persona : certe negabitis uos 20 eadem habere nobiscum? sane uos totos asinos colitis et cum sua Epona et omnia iumenta et pecora et bestias, quae perinde cum suis praesepibus consecratis. et hoc forsitan crimini datis, quod inter cultores omnium tantum asinarii sumus. Minuc. 29 8 msi quod uos et totos asinos in stabulis cum uestra uel Epona 25 consecratis et eosdem asinos cum Iside religiose deuoratis. luu. 8 157 n. and Journ. Phil, xx 2756. p. 54 1. 256, 3 ad nat. I 11 fin. p. 54 1. 4 CRVCIS Kaye 432 3. On the fanciful discovery of the cross everywhere, cf. Blunt First Three Centuries 130, 30 Right Use 103. 55. Adu. lud. 10 (cl. Kaye 442). lust. Mart. Apol. I 55. Minuc. Fel. 29 6 cruces etiam nee colimus nee optamus. RELIGIOSOS Boissier La Relig. Rom. I 429 (inscr.) -i magnae Matris. On the worship of the cross La Cerda cites Ambr. 35 Orat. Funebr. de Obitu Theodosii 45. 46 habeat Helena quod legat, unde crucem Domini recognosco.t. inuenit ergo titulum, reyem adorauit, non lignum utique, quia hie gentilis est error, 252 TERTVLLIANI [p. 54 1. 4 et uanitas impiorum. sed adorauit ilium qui pependit in ligno, scriptus in titulo. Heathen gave out that Christians worshipped all crucified men. Orig. contra Gels. II 47 f. Tert. ad nat. I 12 pr. sed et qui nos crucis antistites affirmat, consacerdos erit 5 noster. ibid. c. 7 p. 68 1. 11 Wiss. tot cruces diuinitatem con- secutae. Pusey p. 37 n. C and append. B pp. 109 116. Pamel. Sinker in DC A. under cross/ Petron. 126 p. 777 B. Lact. iv 26 29 Bunemarm. Amok I 36 pr. vii 36. Elmenhorst on Arnob. p. 31. Cyril contr. lul. 1. 6. Athan. Vit. Ant. 74. 75. 10 CONSECRANEVS also in Capitolin. [See also Thes.] p. 54 1. 5 Tert. ad nat. I 12 pr. crucis qualitas signum est de ligno ; et eandem materiam colitis penes uos cum effigie : quamquam sicut uestrum humana figura est, ita et nostrum sua propria. uiderint mine liniamenta, dum una sit qualitas; uiderit 15 forma, dum ipsum sit dei corpus, quodsi de hoc differentia in ter cedit, quanto distinguitur a crucis stipite Pallas Attica et Ceres Pharia, quae sine forma nidi palo et solo staticulo ligni informis repraesentatur ? pars crucis, et quidem maior, est omve robur quod derecta statione defigitur. (See n. on p. 54 20 1. 9.) VIDERIT 25 n. 42 n. Adu. Valentin. 9 a. m. De Testim. Anim. 1 pr. Adu. Hermog. 1. De Cor. Milit. 13 Oehler. De Pallio 6 uiderit mine philosophia, quid prosit. De Paenit. 2 p. m. uiderit ergo ingratia hominum, si etiam bonis factis 25 paenitentiam cogit. uiderit et gratia, si captatio eius ad bene- faciendum incitamento est, terrena, mortalis utraque. 3 p. m. Adu. Marcion. v 10 pr. De Anima 10 pr. uiderint artes et disciplinae, uiderint et haereses. De Spectac. 15 pr. av o-fyei Matt. 27 4 (that s your look out). Cic. de nat. Deor. I 17 n. 30 in 9 n. -Lucian. Mort. Dial. 3 1 AyLt(/)tXo%09 fiev ovros av elbeirj 6 TL avra) aTTOKpireov VTrep avrov, 6yw Se rjpws eifMi. Contemplantes (Charon) 4 O.KOVW teal ravra el Se d\ij6^, orv av, EpyLt?}, Kal ol Tronjrai elBei^re. Orig. contr. Cels. VIII 14 avros av elSeiTj. ib. 16 p. 388 f. eio-ovrai. 35 p. 54 1. 7 STIPITE Adu. ludaeos 10 p. 728 Oehler, nam et in antenna nauis, quae crucis pars est, hoc <i.e. cornua> extre- mitates huius uocantur, unicornis autem medius stipitis palus. PALLAS ATTICA Frazer s Pausan. I 26 6 (n 340). p. 54 1. 14] APOLOGETICVS 16 253 p. 54 1. 8 Lucan in 412 3 simulacraque maesta deorum \ arte carent caesisque exstant informia truncis. 415 6 non uulgatis sacrata figuris \ numina sic metuunt. p. 54 1. 9 CRVCIS. Fanciful analogies in Adu. Marc, in 18. Adu. lucl 10. Ad nat. I 12 p. 82 1. 2 Wiss. (see note on p. 54 5 1. 5 ; then follows) sed nobis tota crux impiitatur, cum antemna scilicet sua et cum illo sedilis excessu. hoc quidem uos incusa- biliores, qui mutilum et truncum dicastis lignum, quod alii plenum et structum consecrauerunt. p. 54 1. 10 si FORTE Munro on Lucr. v 719. Cic. De Oratore 10 in 47 Wilkins. infr. 1. 17 and c. 20 f. 23 p. m. 43 pr. Ad Mart. 1 f. 2. Adu. Marcion. in 24, p. 421 1. 7 Kr. iv 10 bis. 17 pr. v 10 pr. Adu. Hermog. 36 m. De Cor. Milit. 5, Oehler. p. 54 1. 11 DIXIMVS c. 12 pr. 15 PLASTIS Idolol. 3 a.m. Veil. Plin. p. 54 1. 12 CRVCE Tert. De Idolol. 12 p. 43 1. 14 Wiss. corpus..., quod in modum crucis est. VICTORIAS Tert. ad nat. I 12 p. 83 1. 13 Wiss. con<structio>ne quo melius extollant, cruces erunt, intestina quodammodo tro- 20 paeorum. itaque in Victoriis et cruces colit castrensis religio, si signet adorat, signa deierat, signa ipsi loui praefert. Minuc. 29 7 tropaea uestra uictricia non tantum simplicis crucis faciem, uerum et adfixi hominis imitantur. lustin. Apol. I c. 55 p. 90 C OdXaaaa /Jbev yap ov re/jLverai, rjv ^ rovro TO TPOTTCLLOV, o 25 KdKelrai icniov, ev rfj vrfi crooov peivy. Prudent, contr. Symm. I 486 8 Christus purpureum gemmanti textus in auro \ signctbat labarum, clipeorum insignia Christus \ scripserat, ardebat sum- mis crux addita cristis. The labarum (Euseb. Vita Const. I 28 2) aravpov rpOTraiov, IK <^a)ro? crvviaTdfjievov. Cf. 40 1. 30 Laus Const. 9 8. Hist. Eccl. ix 9 10. lustin. Apol. I 55 p. 90 de (cited on p. 54 1. 16). Heraldus cites los. Antiq. XV 11 (8 1, 2) Herod built an amphitheatre at Jerusalem and set up trophies which gave great offence. He invited the leaders and asked what they supposed them to be. They replied 35. images of men. He ordered the trophies to be stript : eTrifei/c- VVGLV aurot9 <yvpva ra v\a. Laughter and tranquillity, p. 54 1. 14 SIGNA VENERATVR Blunt Right Use 380. 253. 254 TERTVLLIANI [p. 54 1. 14 Marquardt n 2 438 n. 68. Tert. ad nat. I 12 (see last note). De Cor. Milit. 11 med. uexillum quoque portabit aemulum Christi^ Dionys. Halicar. vi 45 2 d<f>icrravTai rv vTrdrwv dpTrdcravres rd arj/^eta n/jiicorara yap Pcoyu-atot? ravr* eVt 5 o-rpareias Kal wairep IBpvf^ara Oewv iepd vo^i^ovrai. los. De Bell. lud. vi 6 1 = (32). Claudian in Rufin. n 366. Tac. Ann. I 39 illic < Plan cus> signa et aquilam amplexus religione sese tutabatur, ac ni aquilifer Calpurnius mm extremam arcuisset, rarum etiam inter hastes, legatus populi Romani Romanis in 10 castris sanguine suo altaria deum commaculauisset. n 17. Hist, in 10 f. conuersus ad signa et bellorum deos. Suet. Tib. 48 f. munera Syriacis legionibus, quod solae nullam Seiani imaginein inter signa coluissent. Calig. 14 f. (of Artabanus) transgressus Euphratem aquilas et signa Romano, Caesarumque imagines 15 adorauit. Cf. Vitell. 2. Lasaulx 225 n. 97. IVRAT Liu. xxvi 48 12 (B. c. 210) stare him legionarios milites, hinc classicos, per omnes deos paratos iurare magis quae uelint quam quae sciant uera esse, et obstringere periurio non se solum suumque caput, sed signa militaria et aquilas sacra- 20 mentique religionem. Sen. Ep. 95 35. Tac. Ann. xv 16 adicit iure iurando Paeti cautum apud signa. Cf. Caes. B. G. VII 2 2. OMNIBVS Dis c. 28 f. citius denique apud uos per omnes deos, quam per unum genium Caesaris peieratur. 25 p. 54 1. 15 SVGGESTVS Rigalt Gloss. Tert. Adu. Marcion. II 22 a. m. ill 2. iv 7 a. m. De Carne Christi 16 a. m. De Cor. Milit. 13 Oehler. Ad nat. I 12 f. Gothofr. (an exact parallel throughout) sed ille imaginum suggestus et totius auri cultus monilia crucuni sunt. De Bapt. 2 med. 3 pr. De Spectac. 30 7. 12. p. 54 1. 16 SIPAKA Arnob. n 18. Apul. met. I 8 (-ium) x 29 fin. Cf. luu. 8 186. So = sails, Tert. Adu. Marcion. in 18. Adu. lud. 10. lustin. Apol. I c. 55 f. p. 90 de KOI ra Trap Se [877 ? A. S.] arv/jL/3o\a TTJV rov o-^ij/jLaTo^ rovrov ^v 35 Srj\ol, \e<ya) Se ra T&V ovr)i\\a)v /cat TWV TpOTraitov, 81 d>v CLI re TrpoaoSoi V/JLWV Travra^ov ^ivovrat, T?}? apx^ Kai &wdfj,ea)s ra cTT/yueta eV rovrois Seircvvvres, et Kal pr) voovvres rovro Trpdrrere. Not known to Saglio. Hier. Ep. 107 (=7 ad Lae- p. 54 1. 22] APOLOGETICVS 16 255 tarn) 2 uexilla militum crucis insignia sunt. Tert. ad nat. I 12 f. sic etiam <in canta>bris atque uexillis, quae non minore sanctitate militia custodit, siphara ilia uestes crucum sunt. erubescitis, opinor, incultas et nudas cruces colere. So the cross in birds. Tert. De Orat. 29 f. sed et aues mane exsurgentes 5 eriguntur ad caelum et alarum crucem pro manibus expandunt, et dicunt aliquid, quod oratio uideatur. CANTABRORVM Minuc, 29 7 uos plane, qui ligneos deos consecratis, cruces ligneas ut deorum uestrorum partes forsitan adoratis. nam et signa ij)sa et cantabra et uexilla castrorum 10 quid aliud quam inauratae cruces sunt et ornatae ? Cf. canta- brarius. p. 54 1. 18 SOLEM ad nat. I 13 pr. alii plane humanius solem Christianum deum aestimant, quod innotuerit ad orientis partem facer e nos precationem, uel die solis laetitiam curare. A prayer 15 to Sol (lul. Firm. Matern. Math. I 4 9) in Lasaulx Studien 157. p. 54 1. 19 PERSAS Brisson. De Regno Persarum 1. 2 pr. (op. min. 512 sq.). Kaye 116. 384. Orig. contr. Gels, vi 22. vn 65. si FORTE p. 54 1. 8 n. 20 p. 54 1. 21 CLIPEO = sun s disk also in Ou. Of medallions also Tac. Suet, in lexx. Migne xc 128 b 129 d . IRN. 5029. p. 54 1. 22 ORIENTIS. Newman s Fleury in 232 (bk 26 c. 54 n. r.), Kaye 384, Marquardt in 2 178 n. 7. [lustin.] Quaestt. ad Orthodoxos 118 (p. 470 d 47l ab ). Bingham ind. s. v. East. 25 Kortholt Paganus obtrectator 288 sq. Gass Zeitschr. fur hist. Th. (1842) 119 120. Kinnuel(?) Monum. Fidei Eccl. Or. n p. 198. lac. Thomasius De Ritu ueterum Christianorum pre- candi uersus Orientem. Lips. 1670, 4to. Lactant. Diu. Instt. II 9 5 Btinemann oriens Deo accensetur, quia ipse luminis 30 fons et illustrator est rerum et quod oriri nos faciat ad uitam sempiternam; occidens autem conturbatae illi prauaeque menti ascribitur, quod lumen abscondat, quod tenebras semper inducat, et quod homines faciat occidere atque interire peccatis. Lord King Primitive Church II 18 22 (chiefly from Zech. 6 12 whose 35 name is avaro\rj}. In the renuntiation the baptised turned to the W., in confession to the E. lustin. c. Tryph. 106 p. 334 a. Oratian Deere t. 5 223. Cyril in Bingham xm 5 7 n. 59 60. 256 TERTVLLIANI [p. 54 1. 22 Bingham xm 815. Origen Horn. 5 in Num. (n 284). De Orat. 32 (xvn 289 n. 291 n. with Ruaeus). La Cerda ad 1. omn. Clem. Alex. Strom, vn 7 43 f. p. 856 f. P. Pacat. Paneg. 3 2 (cf. Barth in Arntz. p. 162 b) diuinis rebus oper antes in earn 5 caeli plagam orci conuertimu-s, a qua lucis exordium est. Plut. Numa 14 6 TT/OO? ew TWV tepwv ftXe-TrovTwv. Marcell. 6 9. Lasaulx Studien 154 n. 95. loan. Damascen. De Fide Orthod. iv 13. Pusey h. 1. p. 38 n. k. Verg. Aeri. xn 172 Forbiger. vm 68 Forb. and Gossrau. Ou. Fast, iv 777. 10 Philo De Vita Contemplatiua 3 (il 475 M.) 61? Se /ca r)p,epav elwOaaiv ev^eaOai, ra? re o^et? KOI o\ov TO crco^ta TTIV ew o-Tcivres. Constit. Apost. II 57 Cotelier. VII 28. 44. v 7 (the Phoenix !). Tac. Hist, in 24 f. Lucian Necyom. 7. Harnack on Herm. Vis. I 4 1 Funk ib. Basil. De Spir. Sancto 27 TO 777)09 15 avaroKas rerpafyOai Kara rrjv Trpooreu^v, TTOLOV eS&ajjev ty^a? jpa/uifjia. Brisson. De Formulis I 61. Brouer De Vett. et Recentt. Adoratt. c. 20 (Poleni Suppl. Thes. n 1003. Diet. Christ. Antiq. East. Diet. Nat. Biog. Asplin, W m . contro versy 1722 40 between two Oxford men, Asplin and John 20 Andrews. J. A. Fabricius Bibliogr. Antiquaria 3rd ed. Ham burg, 1760, p. 361, c. xi 10 p. 506 sq. Aug. De Sermone Domini in Monte n 5 18 cum ad orationem stamus, ad orientem conuertimur, unde caelum surgit. Sid. Ep. n 10 4 1. 5 7 aedes...ortum prospicit aequinoctialem. Mayor on Cic. 25 De Nat. Deor. I 79 p. 183. p. 54 1. 23 LABI A VIBRATIS. ad nat. I 13 pr. non plerique affectatione adorandi aliquando etiam caelestia ad solis initium labia uibratis ? luu. 10 289 n. comm. on Petron. 85. Scriver on Mart, xii 90. Quid Ars Amat. n 327 multa uoue sed cuncta 30 palam. Mithra-worship, lul. Or. 4 et? TOI^ (3aai\ea TI\IOV and ind. Hertlein " sol." p. 54 1. 24 DIEM SOLIS ad nat. I 13 pr. De leiun. 15 p. 293 1. 13 Wiss. duas in anno hebdomadas xerophagiarum nee totas, exceptis scilicet salbatis et dominicis, offerimus deo. De Cor. 35 Milit. 3 p. m. die dominico ieiunium nefas ducimus. Philastr. Haer. 113 = 112. Bingham xx 21. Friedlanden 5 389 2. lustin. Apol^ i 67 ter. Const. Apost. n 59. v 20. vn 23. vm 33. Cf. Theophil. n 12 (where Otto cites Grotius De Verit. Rel. Chr. I p. 54 1. 28] APOLOGETICVS 16 257 16 n. Selden De lure Natur. et Gent. HI 13 seq. 21. Philo Opp. n p. 137. Euseb. Praep. Euang. xm 12. Aristobulus in Clem. Alex. Strom. V 14 108 rrjv eftSo/Jirjv lepav ov ^ovov ol Eftpaloi a\\a KOI ot "EXX^i/ev Ivacri). Cf. Schiirer Eng. tr. II 2, p. 83. Barnab. 15 9 (with Harnack) ayofMev rr)v rjfj^epav rrjv 5 0780777; et? ev$poo-vvr]v. Kaye 388 n. 2. Brissonius ad 1. 5 (Cod. Theod. xv 5) dominico, de spectaculis (Opera minora ed. Trekell, Lugd. 1749, pp. 231 sq.). Auson. Idyll. (Eclog. n. 5) = 9 p. 97 Peiper nomina quae septem uertentibus apta diebus annus habet. Julius Charles Hare " On the Names of the Days of the 10 Week" (Philolog. Mus. Cambr. 1832 pp. 173). Dio xxxvii 18 n. p. 54 1. 25 DIEM SATVRNI ad nat. I 13 f. quare...qui solem et diem eius nobis exprobratis, agnoscite uicinitatem; non longe a Saturno et sabbatis uestris sumus. Aug. Consens. Euangel. I 30 15 pr. alii dicunt, Saturnus est: credo propter sabbati sanctifica- tionem, quia isti eum diem Saturno tribuerunt. Selden De lure Nat. et Gent, in 15 sq. p. 54 1. 26 EXORBITANTES ad nat. I 13 p. 84 1. 2 Wiss. quod qiddem facitis exorbitantes et ipsi a uestris ad alienas religiones. 20 ludaei enim festi sabbata et cena pura, et ludaici ritus lucer- narum et ieiunia cum azymis et orationes litorales, quae utique aliena sunt a diis uestris. Friedlander in 5 628 n. 1. luu. 14 96. The word exorbitare 6 n. 20. De Pallio 5. De Praescr. Haer. 4 pr. fin. 44 f. De Pudic. 8 pr. De Virg. Vel. 8 pr. Adu. Marc. 25 II 10. in 2 med. Cypr. Ep. 70 2. Lactant. Diu. Instt. n 5 12. Aug. De Ciu. Dei ix 3. De Corrept. et Grat. 24. Iren. v20l. Koffmane I 96. [Add Sanday, N. T. S. Irenaei, Introd. A. S.] p. 54 1. 28 QVIDAM a Jew (ad nat. I 14 pr. : see below). No Jewish polemic of this age remaining, but on the Christian side 30 lustin. c. Tryph., Tert. Adu. lud. (which Semler asserted to be a compilation from the books Adu. Marc.) ; Origen (e.g. contr. Gels. I 55 pr. p. 42) mentions debates which he held with Jews. The Jew in Celsus is a lay figure (Tzschirner 182 sq.). lustin. c. Tryph. 17 p. 235 the Jews the authors of libels against 35 Christians. Tert. ad nat. I 14- p. 84 1. 16 Wiss. et credidit uulgus in/ami ludaeo. quid enim ? aliud genus seminari est infamiae nostrae. Orig. c. Gels. VI 27 p. 293 Jews charged M. T. 17 258 TERTVLLIANI [p. 54 1. 28 Christians with incest in the dark and with cannibalism. Bar-Cochba lustin. Apol. I 38. Dio LXVIII 18 1 (?), LXIX 12 slaughtered Christians. p. 54 1. 30 ovoKoir^ ad nat. I 11 f. 14 bis. Minuc. 9. 28. 5 ASININLS Varr. Plin. Fulgent. Mythol. m 9 aures. Cass. Fel. 40 p. 92 lac. Apul. Metam. vm 28 lactem. Renan Antechr. p. 40 n. 1. Celsus in Orig. vi 31 (p. 88 n. e Keim) 37 bis (6vo/ce(pd\ovs). vii 40 p. 359 bvoeiY)S bis. Asinarii by Hatch in Diet. Chr. Antiq. Bernays (Die Gottesfurchtigen bei Juvenal) 10 Comm. philol. in honorem Mommseni Berl. 1877 563 9 inter prets the Spottcrucifix of a proselyte. (luu. 14 101 n.) Empusa (Weizsacker in Roscher II 1243) ovoKa)~\ij or ovoaKe\i<t. His worshippers not Christians, but Ophites, Epiphan. Haer. xxvi 12. Harnack Ueberlieferung u. s. w. I 167. 15 p. 54 1. 31 VNGVLATVS Minuc. 22 5 (Martian. Capella). p. 54 1. 32 BIFORME Verg. Ou. Hor. Tac. Serenus c. 23 1 Muller. Firmicus Matern. math, vii 7 (Bas. 1551 p. 200 29) biformes hermaphroditique [= ed. Teubn. II 270 12 A. S.]. p. 54 1. 33 CANINO cet. Luc. lupp. Trag. 8 f. 9. Minuc. 28 20 8 de capro enim et homine mixtos et leonum et canum uultus deos dedicatis. Ambros. Apolog. David alt. 30 gentiles, qui deos suos (quoniam homines fuisse negare non possunt) humana specie uisos esse testantur, an rex eorum, quern illi suis dis omnibus anteponunt, prodigiales formas potuit pro amore sus- 25 cipere ? Aug. De Ciu. Dei iv 27 poeticum sane deorum genus cur Scaeuola respuat, eisdem litteris non tacetur : quia sic uidelicet deos deformant, ut nee bonis hominibus comparentur, cum alium faciunt furari, alium adulterare ; sic item aliquid aliter, turpiter atque inepte dicere ac facer e...louem ipsum 30 conuerti in bouem aut cygnum, ut cum aliqua concumbat. Otto on Athenag. 20 p. 20 a n. 21. LEONINO De Pall. 4. Arnob. vi 10, Hild. p. 502 and Orelli. Varr. Plin. dig. Vitruu. p. 82 26 Rose, capita. Sid. Ep. vii 14. Athanas. contra Gentes 9 m. (I 19 ab Migne) \OJLKCL yap d\6- 35 7049 e7n./ufai>Te? KOI avopoia rp ^VCTGL eyeipavres, &)? Oprjo-fcevovo-iv oloi elaiv ol Trap AlyvTrriois Kvvoice(pa\oi, 6(f)LOK(f)d\oL Kal 6po/ce(f)d\oL Kal o Trapa Ai/3vaL "Afjb/jb(i)i>. Porphyr. De Abst. IV 9 etVacrrat yap Trap avrois p. 56 1. 5] APOLOGETICVS 16, 17 259 avOpWTToeiSris, TO e TTpoo-coTrov bpveov 77 dpr)o~Kev6Tai, Kal fjuepo^ TI r?}9 AiyvTrrov, o Ka\ov<n VO/JLOV, 7ra)vvfj,ov %ei Aeovro7ro\Lr^v. Orig. c. Cels. VII 40 p. 359 the \d)i>, or \eovTOiSrj<^ (bis), not Christians but Ophites. 5 p. 54 1. 34 CAPRO Theodoret Graec. Affect. Curat. vn 8 p. 103 45 sq. CORNVTOS cap. 21 p. 68 1. 14. Fulgent. Mytholog. praef. 1 p 613 Stav. -us adulter (Jupiter with Europa). Hygin. astr. ii 20 f bis. Hier. vi 322 a . [Add exx. in Thes. A. S.] 10 A Apul. Mag. c. 4 ab ore honestissimos. p. 56 1. 1 HAEC cet. Apul. Apol. c. 3 tamen uel mea causa referenda sunt...ne. uidear cuiquam, si quid praeteriero, id agnouisse potius quam contempsisse. Cypr. Ad Demetrian. 2 tacere ultra non oportet, ne iam non uerecundiae sed diffidentiae J 5 esse incipiat quod tacemus, et dum criminationes falsas contem- nimus refutare, uideamur crimen agnoscere. EX ABVNDANTI Oehler on Tert. Ad Scap. 2 p. 540 14 pr. Adu. Marc, in 7 pr. iv 19 m. 38 p. 551 1. 1 Kr. v 4 pr. 9 pr. Adu. Prax. 15 m. De Cor. Milit. 7 pr. Ad Vxor. I 8. De Carne 20 Chr. 2 f. 25. Iren. in 12 11. Sen. Benef. I 11 5. Quintil. Archiv fiir lat. Lexik. VII 216 7. [See Thes.] CK -rrepiovalas H. St. Thes. (= ex superfluo Iren. [n xxiii I A. S.]. Hier. Ep. 84 11 f. 89 f. Adu. louin. I 28 pr. (?). Comm. in Amos vi 315 E ). p. 56 1. 2 IRREPERCVSSVM also in lul. in Aug. c. sec. resp. 25 lul. n 98. Cf. supr. 15 f. reper cassis. p. 56 1. 4 REPVRGABIMVS the simple purgo (factum, crimen, se). Gell. x 19 3 peccatum suurn . . .purgatum ibat. Cf. ex- pur go. CAP. XVII Ch. 1723. Cf. De Praescrip. Haeret. 13. 30 p. 56 1. 5 QVOD COLIMVS, DEVS VNVS EST Lucian Antioch. ap. Rufin. Euseb. Hist. Eccl. ix 6 in occulto non est quod nos Ckristiani quern colimus, Deus unus est. Bingham xm 3 1. Hennecke Aristid. ind. p. 52 col. 2 (#609 b). Harnack on Hernias Mandat. I 1. 35 172 260 TERTVLLIANI [p. 56 1. 5 1. 5 seq. c. 21 iam ediximus deum uniuersitatem hanc mundi uerbo et rations et uirtute molitum. . .et nos etiam sermoni atque rationi itemque uirtuti, per quae omnia molitum deum ediodmus y propriam substantiam spiritum inscribimus, cui et sermo insit 5 pronuntianti et ratio adsit disponenti et uirtus praesit praeficienti. Minuc. 18 7 cum palatn sit parentem omnium Deum nee principium habere nee terminum: qui natiuitatem omnibus praestet, sibi perpetuitatem ; qui ante mundiim fuerit sibi ipse pro mundo ; qui uniuersa, quaecumque sunt, uerbo iubet, ratione 10 dispensed, uirtute consummat. hie nee uideri potest; uisu clarior est; nee comprehendi. Tzschirner 325 seq. Christians no atheists because (lustin. Apol. I 16) they worship a Creator. Esp. Athenag. c. 4 p. 5 b God and matter distinct : the reign of law proves a providence. 15 p. 56 1. 9 INVISIBILIS cet. Athenag. 10 p. 10 b aoparov,... ...d^a)p7jTov. Tatian 4 p. 6 c, d doparos re tca\ The whole passage identical with Minuc. 18. Hennecke Aristid. ind. p. 53 col. 1 f. and 2 pr. [adu. Val. 7. Nouat. trin. 31 pr. A. S.]. 20 p. 56 1. 10 INCOMPREHENSIBILIS Athanasian creed (Bailey Rituale Anglocath. 48 seq.). Iren. II 18 2. iv 19 2. [Niceta de symb. 2 A. S.] Aug. Serm. 384 de Trin. (v 1485 bis). p. 56 1. 11 INAESTIMABILIS Minuc. 18 8 nee aestimari [potest], sensibiis maior est, injinitus, immensus, et soli sibi tantus 25 quantus est not us : nobis uero ad intellectum pectus angustum est et ideo sic eum digne aestimamus, dum inaestimabilem dicimus. [Study of Ambst. p. Ill A. S.] p. 56 1. 16 CAPIT = evSexercu Tert. De Idolol. 10. De Fuga in Persec. 1 p. m. Oehler. De Cultu Fern. I 2 p. m. haec non 30 capit aestimare. De Carn. Res. 26 fin. Adu. Haer. 44 f. Adu. Marc. I 6 p. 298 1. 10 Kr. n 9 p. 346 1. 7 Kr. in 6 p. 385 1. 20 Kr. 13 f = Adu. lud. 9 [references here wrong] iv 5 p. 431 1. 8 Kr. Adu. Prax. 7 p. m. Bapt. 15. Ad nat. n 3 p. 98 1. 13 Wiss. De Monogam. 2 pr. 15 m. Vulg. Luc. 13 33. Ronsch Ital. 351. 35 Gaudent. Tr. 9 (in Migne xx). Iren. II 28 4. in 118. [cet. See N. T. S. Irenaei chap. i. sect. C. A. S.] [See also Thes. p. 333. A.S.] p. 56 1. 18 Adu. Marc, v 16 p. 630 1. 19 Kr. creatori autem p. 56 1. 22] APOLOGETICVS 17 261 etiam naturalis agnitio debetur, ex operibus intellegendo et exinde in pleniorem notitiam requirendo. illius est ergo etiam igno- rantes deum plectere, quern non liceat ignorari. De Paenit. 5 etiam ignorantes dominion nulla exceptio tueatur a poena (quia deum in aperto constitutum et uel ex ipsis caelestibus bonis 5 comprehensibilem ignorare non licet), quanta cognitum despici periculosum est. Cf. De Anima 2. 6. Cypr. Idol. Van. 5 9 haec est summa delicti, nolle agnoscere quern ignorare non possis. Mirmc. 17 3 nos, quibus...sermo et ratio, per quae deum agnoscimus, sentimus, imitamur, ignorare nee fas nee licet 10 ingerentem sese oculis nostris caelestem claritatem. Lact. Diu. Instt. II 1 6 quam sibi ueniam sperare possint impietatis suae ? qui non agnoscunt cultum eius, quern prorsus ignorari ab homine fas non est. p. 56 1. 19 EX OPERIBVS Wetst. on Rom. I 20. Athenag. 15 4 p. 5 C . Lact. Diu. Instt. I 2 5 from Cic. Nat. Deor. II 4. Minuc. 17 4. Cf. 18 11. Greg. Naz. Or. 28 c. 16. 2830. p. 56 1. 21 ANIMAE...TESTIMONIO Test. Anim. 2. ad Scap. 2 pr. (cited on p. 56 1. 27). De Spectac. 2 p. 2 1. 22 Wiss. nemo negat, quia nemo ignorat, quod ultro natura suggerit, deum 20 esse uniuersitatis conditorem. Arnob. n 3 da uerum indicium, et haec omnia circumspiciens quae uidemiis inagis an sint di ceteri dubitabit quam in deo cunctabitur, quern esse om.nes naturaliter scimus, sine cum exclamamus o deus sine cum ilium testem [deuni] constituimus improborum et quasi nos cernat faciem sub- 25 leuamus ad caeliim. Adu. Marc. I 10 p. 303 1. 6 Kr. denique maior popularitas generis kumani, ne nominis quidem Moysei compotes ,nedum instrumenti, deum Moysei tamen norunt ; etiam tantam idololatria dominationem obumbr ante, seor sum tamen ilium quasi proprio nomine deum perhibent et deum deorum, et ( si 30 deus dederit et quod deo placet et deo commendo! lustin. Apol. II 6 0o<? Trpoa-ayopev/jia ovtc ovo/jid ecrrtv, a\\a TTpdy/JLaros Svo-e^yrjrov e fjifyv-r os rfj <t/cret TGOV dvOputTrwv 86j;a (pr. 44 e ). Christianity as old as creation, Aug. in Lasaulx Studien 85. Orig. contr. Cels. I 4. 35 p. 56 1. 22 CARCERE CORPORIS Cic. Paulin. Nol. Ep. 32 6 v. 3 libera corporeo mens carcere. Carm. XI 57 solutus corporali carcere. Senec. Ben. ill 20 1 corpora obnoxia sunt et adscripta 262 TERTVLLIAN1 [p. 56 1. 22 dominis : mens quidem sui iuris, quae adeo libera et uaga est, ut ne ab hoc quidem car cere, cui inclusa est, teneri queat. Prudent. Cath. 10 22. Joseph. De Bell. lud. n 8 11 pr. (Essenes) The world a prison, Tert. ad Mart. 2. 5 p. 56 1. 24 EVIGORATA : pall. 4. EXANCILLATA : air. elp. p. 56 1. 25 RESIPISCIT Ter. Afran. Cic. Liu. Prop. Plin. h. n. Tac. Suet. Apul. Metam. vm 31. Ambr. De Elia et ieiunio 45 f. (of Polemo) certe ille si resipuit a uino,fuit tamen semper 10 temulentus sacrilegio. Sid. Ep. IX 6 m. p. 56 1. 26 PATITVR De Spect. 15 p. 17 1. 9 Wiss. nemo ad uoluptatem uenit sine affectu, nemo a/ectum sine casibus suis patitur. De Anima 9 p. 310 1. 19 Wiss. est hodie soror apud nos reuelationum charismata sortita, quas in ecclesia inter 15 dominica sollemnia per ecstasin in spiritu patitur. p. 56 1. 27 DEVS BONVS ad Scap. 2 pr. nos unum deum colimus, quern omnes naturaliter nostis, ad cuius fulgura et tonitrua contremiscitis, ad cuius beneficia gaudetis. De Carn. Resur. 3 pr. quaedam enim et natura nota sunt, ut immortalitas 20 animae penes plures, ut deus noster penes omnes... utar et con- scientia populi co-ntestantis deum deorum ; utar et reliquis communibus sensibus, qui deum iudicem praedicant : deus uidet et deo commendo. De Anima 2 p. 300 1. 24 Wiss. sed et natura pleraque suggeruntur quasi ae publico sensu, quo animam deus 25 dotare dignatus est. ib. 41 p. 368 1. 30 Wiss. sic et diuinitas animae in praesagia erumpit ex bono prior e, et conscientia dei in testimonium prodit : l deus bonus et deus uidet, et deo com mendo. Adu. Marc. I 10 fin. habet deus testimonia ; totum hoc quod sumus et in quo sumus. De Testim. Anim. 2 pr. die testi- 30 monium, si ita scis. nam te quoque palam et tota libertate, qua non licet nobis, domi ac foris audimus ita pronuntiare, quod deus dederit, et si deus uoluerit. . . .de natura quoque dei quern praedicamus, nee te latet : deus bonus, deus benefacit, tua uox est. De Cor. Milit. 6 pr. quaeris igitur dei legem ? habes com- 35 munem istam in publico mundi, in naturalibus tabulis, ad quas et apostolus solet prouocare ipsum deum secundum naturam prius nouimus, sed deum appellantes deorum, bonum praesumentes et iudicem inuocantes. Pusey p. 40 n. Z. Kaye 164 170. 308. p. 56 1. 31] APOLOGETICVS 17 263 Blunt Right Use 593. Mimic. 18 11 quid quod omnium de isto habeo consensum. audio uulgus, cum ad caelum manus tendunt, nihil aliud quam Deum dicunt et Deus magnus est et Deus uerus est et si Deus dederit (T)V 0eo<? Trapao-xf/ Herodot. o~vv 6ew Aristoph. Soph, [add ov/c avev 6ewv -rivos. 5 A.S.]. eav <9eo? e0e\y Plat. Alcib. 1 ad fin. [1 Cor. 4 19, James 4 15. A. S.]. Xenoph. Cyrop. iv 2 13. Aristoph. Plut. 114). uulgi iste naturalis sermo est an Christiani confi- tentis oratio ? Neander Antignost. and Ch. Hist. Arnob. II 3 (cited on p. 56 1. 21). Cypr. De Idol. Van. 5 8. 6. Lact. Diu. 10 Instt. II 1 7 nam cum iurant et cum optant et cum gratias agunt, non louem aut deos multos, sed deum nominant: adeo ipsa ueritas cogente natura etiam ab inuitis pectoribus erumpit. p. 56 1. 28 CONTESTATVR c. 44 p. 124 1. 15. p. 56 1. 29 DEVS VIDET De Testim. Anim. 2 p. 137 1. 8 Wiss. 15 hinc ergo tibi, animv, de conscientia suppetit domi ac foris, nullo irridente uel proliibente praedicare, deus uidet omnia et ( deo commendo et deus reddet et deus inter nos iudicabitJ unde tibi hoc non Christianae? Plaut. Captiu. 310 Br. est prof ecto deus, qui quae nos gerimus auditque et uidet. Hier. in Malachi 20 II 13 seq. (vi 967 d Ven. 1768) of the law written in the heart: haec . . .impellit etiam incredulos dicer e Deus iudicet et Deus uideat. [Hier.] Breuiar. in Ps. xcv (vn (2) Ven. 1769 col. 356 pr.) denique gentiles idola colunt, hoc est, lapides et ligna uenerantur : et si forte rixam fecerint et si iuramentum aliquod 25 inter illos uenerit, non dicunt lapides isti uident ligna uident ; sed ( deus uidet et deus audit. In the De Testim. Anim. 5 p. 141 1. 24 Wiss. cap. 19 of Apol. is cited ( ut loco suo edocuimus!) [No reference in Wissowa. A. S.] Cf. De Carne Chr. 12 p. m. plenius haec prosequitur 30 libellus, quern scripsimus de testiinonio animae. Lasaulx 85 n. 41. p. 56 1. 31 AD CAELVM infr. cap. 30 p. 96 1. 21. Arnob. n 3 a. m. quasi nos cernat faciem subleuamus ad caelum. Cic. De Nat. Deor. n 4 Mayor. Lact. Diu. Instt. I 2 5. 35 264 TERTVLLTANI [p. 58 1. 1 CAP. XVIII p. 58 1. 1 IMPRESSIYS De Cam. Chr. 20 a. m. hoc quideni impressius, quod factum dicit, quam natum, simplicius enim enuntiasset natum. (Ib. 12 a. m. cited in lexx. some read pressius.) Oehler (p. 133 a on Apol. c. 5 f. inpressit) cites the 5 positive from De Exhort. Cast. 3 pr. Adu. Marc, in 8 p. 389 1. 24 Kr. : cited in material sense from Gael. Aurelian. p. 58 1. 2 INSTRVMENTVM c. 21 pr. p. 66 1. 13 n. c. 47 p. 132 1. 31. c. 31 p. 98 1. 12 ins-pice dei uoces, litteras nostras, quas neque ipsi supprimimus et plerique casus ad extraneos 10 transferunt. p. 58 1. 5 A PRIMORDIO antiquity, c. 19 pr. 46 f. 47 pr. Character of the prophets, Orig. Contr. Cels. vii 18 p. 336. Philo Quis Her. Diu. Her. 52 258 ff. (in p. 59 Cohn and Wendland). Theophil. n 9 p. 87 d . lustin. Dial. c. 7 p. 224 d . 15 Semisch, Justin Martyr Book iv c. 3 Art. 3. p. 58 1. 6 INVNDATOS Cypr. ad Donat. 5 quantum illuc fidei capacis adferimus, tantum gratiae inundantis haurimus. In spiration, Tzschimer 103 sq. Joseph. Contr. Apion. I 8. Philo De Monarchia I 9 (i 222 M.). De Praemiis et Poenis cc. 9. 10 20 55 ff. (II p. 417 M.). [lustin.] Cohort, ad Gr. 8 p. 9 b . Atheriag. 7 p. 8 b , 9 p. 9 d (Maximus). Clem. Al. Protrept. p. 53 Col. Cypr. testim. adu. lud. praef. p. 36 1. 22 H. calls the Bible diuinae plenitudinis fontes. Novatian De Trin. c. 29. Origen Philocal. c. 1 pp. 7 ff. Rob. proves inspiration from the divinity of Christ s 25 teaching and the enthusiasm which we experience from Bible reading. p. 58 1. 8 PROMETHEVS Adu. Marc. I 1 p. 291 1. 21 Kr. uerus Prometheus dens ommpotens. De Cam. Chr. 9 pr. ipsum certe corpus hoc nostrum, quod de limo ficjulatum est, etiam ad 30 falulas nationmn ueritas transmisit, utriusque origin em element i confitetur, came terrain, sanguine aquam. luu. 4 133 n. 14 35 n. Lasaulx Studien 332. p. 58 1. 10 IVDICANTIS Woodham compares Cypr. De Vnit. Eccl. 18 f. in compectu statim do-mini iudicantis extincti sunt. 35 PER IMBRES PER IGNES 2 Pet. 2. 5 6. Cf. lull. 11 63 n. Euseb. Praep. Eu. X 9 9 p. 484 ryiyverai yap pera KefcpoTra 6 p. 58 1. 19] APOLOGETICVS 18 265 Kara &ev/ca\ia)va K ar a K\ versos Kal J] ejri <&ae0ovros ef Cf. 21 p. 486 C . p. 58 1. 13 PRODACTO 48 p. m. Hieron. VII 755. Pacian. ep. I 15. De Anim. 33 fin. deus itaque iudicabit plenius, quia extremius, 5 per sententiam aeternam tarn supplicii quam refrigerii. p. 58 1. 15 REFORMATLS c. 48 p. 136 1. 12 quis in quam bestiam reformari uideretur. Prudent. Perist. VI 94 6 non est, credite, poena, quam uidetis, | quae puncto tenui citata transit: \ nee uitam rapit ilia sed reformat. Often in Apul. 10 p. 58 1. 16 DISPVNCTIONEM infra c. 19. Fuld. p. 62 1. 8. De Anima 33 p. 358 1. 9 Wiss. p. 58 1. 17 BISIMVS c. 19 Fuld. p. 62 1. 12 c. 47 f. p. 134 1. 17 itaque et ridemur deum praedicantes iudicaturum. DE VESTRLS cet. Minuc. 28 1 quam autem iniquum sit 15 incoynitis et inexploratis iudicare, quod facitis, nobis ipsis paenitentibus credite; et nos enim idem fuimus et eadem uobis- cum quondam adhuc caeci et hebetes sentiebamus. Sen. De Ira II 10 6 non irascetur sapiens peccantibus. quare? quia sdt neminem nasci sapientem sed fieri. Kaye 11 n. 6 cites other 20 proofs that T. was once a heathen. FIVNT as catechumens (audientes) De Paenit. 6. Cf. Kaye 240 sq. De Testim. An. 1 p. 135 1. 28 Wiss. non es, quod sciam, Christiana; fieri enim non nasci solet Christiana. [Ps. Aug. Quaest. 81. A. S.J Hier. Ep. 60 (= 3) 8 ab eo tempore censemur, 25 ex quo in Christo renascimur. 107 (= 7) 1 fiunt non nascuntur Christiani. Aug. De Peccator. Meritis in 9 17 if you say that of men cleansed from sin sinless children should be born, cur non adtenditis eo modo uobis posse did, de Christianis parentibus Christianas nasci filios debuisse ? cur ergo eos Christianos fieri 30 debere censetis? p. 58 1. 18 PRAEDICATORES Adu. Valent. 5 fin. Adu. Marc. v 15 p 627 1. 12 Kr. Cypr. p. 791 23. Vulg. Snip. Seu. [and in a host of other authors. I have 6 exx. from Aug. Cf. Sanday N. T. S. Irenaei. A. S.] 35 p. 58 1. 19 PRAEFANDI c. 14 p. 48 1. 29. VIRTVTES lustin. Dial. c. Tryph. p. 225 Bid ra? Sui/a/zet?, a 9 , Tncrreveo-dai Sifcaioi rjcrav, = miracles. Tert. Adu. 266 TERTVLLIANI [p. 58 1. 19- Marc. II 27 p. 374 1. 5 Kr. miscente in semet ipso hominem et deum, in uirtutibus deum, in. pusillitatibus hominem. Ill 3 p. 379 1. 24 Kr. 8 p. 389 1. 16 Kr. 16 p. 403 1. 15 Kr. angelum quidem eum dixit ob magnitudinem uirtutum, quas erat editarus. Lact. Diu. Instt, 5 IV 3 17 Biinem. 15 6. vn 17 2. Eugipp. Ep. ad Paschasium 5. 6. Clem. Recogn. I 6. Aug. De Trin. I 22. Iren. II 32 5. v 17 2. Oros. vn 4 5. Hier. Didym. Spir. S. 9 44. Druthm. in Matth. c. 14 = Migne cvi 1323 a . Koffmane I 934. 10 p. 58 1. 21 Ptolemy II Phil. (283247 B.C.). Cf. Schlirer n 697701, esp. 698 n. 2 p. 704. Susemihl Gesch. der griech. Lit. in der Alexandrinerzeit I 138 9, II 604 seq. On the zeal of Euergetes Susemihl II 667. Ritschl Opusc. I 13 sq. Philarchus (Mtiller Fragm. Hist. Gr. I 345 in Athen. 536 e ) calls the second 15 Ptolemy TraiSe/a? et TIVCL /cal a XXoj; /cal airov eV^eXf^ez/Ta, Strabo 789 f. calls him $i\icrTopwv. los. Antiq. praef. 3 evpov TOLVVV on TIro\fjiaicov fJ,V o bevrepos, fjid\i(TTa Srj /3acrtXei)? TraiSeiav, /cal /3i/3\ia)V o vvayw yrjv crTrovSdo as rov rjfjieTepov vo^ov KOI Tr)V KCLT avTov 20 T^? TroXtreta? et? Tr)v EXXaSa $wvr)v /LteraySaXet^ cet. (Eleazar sent Pentateuch only). Euseb. Praep. Eu. vm 1 5 c. 5. loseph. Contr. Apion. n 4. Philo Vit. Mosis II 5 7 (n 138 sq. M.). Aug. De Ciu. Dei xvin 42 43. p. 58 1. 22 SVPERNOMINO in this sense only here ; to name 25 after/ Aug. [rather Exod. 20 24 ap. Aug. A. S.] in Georges. LITTERATVRAE c. 47 pr. De Testim. Anim. 1 p. 135 1. 11 Wiss. 5 p. 141, 1. 10 Wiss. De Idolol. 15 p. 48 1. 6 Wiss. Ad nat. I 10 p. 78 1. 22 Wiss. n 2 p. 95 1. 20 Wiss. 12 p. 120 1. 11 Wiss. Wolfflin in Rhein. Mus. 1882 p. 91. Paucker Supplem. 30 Lex. I 455 6 (earlier : alphabet ; scholarship cet.). STVDIO Ritschl. I 19 n*. Strabo 608 f. o jovv Apto-ToreX??? rrjv eavrov < (3ifB\io6i]tcriv > Seo^pdcrrw nrapeSaiKev, (Ljrep KCLI rrjv a^o\rjL> avreXtTre, TT/^COTO?, wv icr/jbev, avvayajcov /StySXta. teal St8afa? roi;? eV Alyvirrq) ffao-tXeas avvra^iv. 35 p. 58 1. 23 BIBLIOTHECARVM Susemihl I 337 n. 39 344. PISISTRATVM Ritschl Opusc. I 6 3160 (die Sammlung der Hornerischen Gedichte) 205 seq. p. 58 1. 24 MEMORIARVM c. 19 p. 62 1. 25. Minuc. 7 2. p. 58 1. 33] APOLOGETICVS 18 267 16 6. 31 2. Cypr. ad Demetrian. 17 p. 363 8 ut memorias taceamus antiquas. Oudend. on Caes. Bel. Gal. I 13 f. p. 58 1. 25 SVGGESTV c. 33 f. sugge^itur enim ei a tergo. DEMETRI PHALEREI c. 19 p. 64 1. 13. Aristobul. in Euseb. Praep. Eu. XIII 12 1. Cf. 2 77 Se o\rj ep/jL^vfia rouv Sia rov 5 rrdvrwv errl rov TrpoaayopevOevros <&i\aoe\(f)ov v Se 7rpo<yovov, Trpocreveytca/jLevov /jiiova $i\orLfJiiav, rpiov rov <&a\r]pea)s Trpay/jLarevaafMevov ra rrepl rovrwv. Ritschl Opusc. Phil. I 15. Cf. p. 5 f. 28. 30 (foreign books translated cf. Susemihl I 344 n. 86). Susemihl I 138 6 n. 18 sq. 10 Hier. Ep. 34 1 beatus Pamphilus martyr,... cum Demetrium Phalereum et Pisistratum in sacrae bibliothecae studio uellet aequare. p. 58 1. 27 VERNACVLAS c. 19 p. 64 1. 15 losephus antiquita- tum ludaicarum uernaculus uindex. 15 p. 58 1. 28 O.T. [lustin.] Coh. 9 p. 9 C . 35 p. 32 d . Dial. c. Tryph. 7 p. 224 d . Tatian 29 p. 165 b . Athenag. 9 p. 9 d 10 (1 . 7 p. 8 a . 24 p. 27 d . Theophil. n 34 p. 110 a . p. 58 1. 30 RETRO Cic. Hor. inscr. Apol. c. 1 p. 4 1. 7. De Spect. 9 pr. Oehler. De Idolol. 3 pr. 15 p. 47 1. 18 Wiss. De 20 Orat. 1 p. 180 1. 8 Wiss. Adu. Valentin. 7 bis (p. 184 1. 11 Kr. p. 185 1. 10 Kr.). Adu. Hermog. 23 p. 151 1. 23 Kr. 29 p. 158 1. 9 Kr. 40 p. 170 1. 1 Kr. 44 p. 174 1. 4 Kr. Cf. retrosior c. 19 p. 64 1. 3. HEBRAEI...IVDAEI Zahn Forschungen v 232. 25 p. 58 1. 32 PTOLOMAEO Philad. and the library and the rivalry with Eumenes. Plin. Nat. Hist, xm 70 max aerrmlatione circa bybliothecas regum Ptolemaei et Eumenis, subprimente chartas Ptolemaeo idem Varro membranas Pergami tradit repertas. Clinton Fast. Hell, in 384 6. 30 SVBSCRIPTVM c. 6 p. 20 1. 30. Tert. in lexx. SEPTVAGINTA. On the LXX [lustin.] Cohort, ad Gr. 13 pp. 13 14 had seen the cells in which the translators worked, and heard in Alexandria of their miraculous agreement. Apol. I 31 p. 72 C he sent to Herod ! Clem. Alex. Strom. I pp. 288 342 ed. 35 Col. (Tzschirner 1113). p. 58 1. 33 MENEDEMVS cir. 352 278 B.C. Diog. Laert. n 125 seq. Zeller n 3 (1) 237 sq. Was Jos. Ant. xii 2 12 und 268 TERTVLLIANI [p. 58 1. 33 nach ihm Tert. Apol. 18 iiber Menedemus und seinen Vor- sehungsglauben sagen, stammt aus dem Aristeasbuch (los. n App. p. 121 Hav.) und ist natiirlich geschichtlich so werthlos, wie die ganze Aristeasfabel (Zeller in (2) 3 267 270). 5 p. 60 1. 1 SVSPEXIT c. 32. Mimic. 1 6 5. Plin. Ep. in 3 1 n. Sen. Ep. 14 10 non minus contemm quam suspici nocet. 18 8. Ad Marc. 10 2. Ad Helu. 11 5 Nat. Qu. iv praef. 10 (cf. 11 mirari). I praef. 5. Hor. p. 60 1. 2 ARISTEAS. Aristeae ad Philocratem epistula cum 10 ceteris de origine uersionis LXX interpretum testimoniis Ludo- uici Mendelssohn schedis usus edidit Paulus Wend land. Leipz. Teubner. 1900 pp. xxxii 229. 8vo. H. B. Swete, An Introduction to the O.T. in Greek. With an appendix containing the letter of Aristeas edited by H. St John Thackeray, pp. 499574. 15 Cambr. Univ. Press 1900 pp. xi 592 8vo. 7/6 (Theolog. Litera- turber. XX, 1901 pp. 7880). lustin. Apol. I 38. Clem. Alex. Strom. I pp. 288 342. The letter of A. in Joseph. Ant. II 12 and Euseb. Praep. Eu. vm 2 sq. pp. 350 sq. IX 137 p. 370 sq. (officer of the bodyguard of Ptol. Philad.). Cf. Mendelssohn 20 in Rhein. Mus. xxx 631 2. First doubted by Lud. Vives on Aug. Ciu. Dei xvm 42. Even Ussher and Is. Voss upheld it, but Humphry Hody de bibliorum textibus originalibus uersionibus Gr. et Lat. uulgata libri iv (Oxf. 1705 fol.) disproved it. See Selwyn in Diet. Bible s.v. Septuagint. Fritzsche in Herzog- 25 Plitt Real-Encykl. I 280 sq. Susemihl Gesch. d. griech. Lit. in der Alexandrinerzeit n (Teubner 1892) c. 38 die judisch- hellenistische Litt. 602622. Schiirer n 2 819824 (Arist.) and 697726 (Greek Bible). Harnack Gesch. der altchristl. Lit. i (1893) 863. 30 p. 60 1. 3 EX APERTO Sen. n. q. in 30 5. iv praef. 5. Liu. SERAPEVM De Spectac. 8 p. 10 1. 18 Wiss. ad nat. 1 10 p. 76 1. 23 Wiss. Surpassed only by the Roman Capitol, Ammian. xxn 16 12 13 in quo duo bybliothecae faerunt inaestimabiles : et loquitur monumentorum ueterum concinens fides septingenta 35 uoluminum milia, Ptolomaeis regibus uigiliis intentis conposita, bello Alexandrino, duin diripitur ciuitas, sub dictator e Caesar e conflagrasse. Destroyed by order of Theodosius and a Christian temple reared on the site, Hier. Ep. 107 (7) 2 iam Aegyptius p. 60 1. 8] APOLOGETICVS 18, 19 209 Serapis fact-its est Christianas. On the two libraries Susemihl I 335_344. Clinton Fasti Rom. a 389 390 (destroyed 390, for Ammian in that year speaks of it as still standing, loc. cit.). p. 60 1. 4 BYBLIOTHECAE Daremberg and Saglio s.v. Pauly- Wissowa Real-Encycl. Bibliotheken. Smith Dict.-Ant. ind. 5 Cell, and Scr. Hist. Aug. Vitruu. Plin. Ep. m 7 8 n. p. 123. Marquardt Privatleben I 113. Still extant in Hebrew in Egypt, lustin. Apol. I 31 p. 72 (l . los. Antiq. XII 2 1 sq. p. 60 1. 5 LECTITANT [lustin.] Cohort, ad Or. p. 14. Divine Providence, by making Jews the guardians of Scripture, frees 10 us from the suspicion of interpolation. Cf. Aug. in Ps. 40 14 the Jews are our capsarii, so to say, studentibus nobis codices portant. VECTIGALIS De Fug. in Persec. 13 f. nescio dolendum an erubescendum sit, cum in matricibus beneficiariorum et curio- 15 sorum, inter tabernarios et lanios et fures balnearum et aleones et lenones, Christiani quoque uectigales continent ur. ib. 12 prope fin. stipendiariae sectae. Ambr. Off. in 134 non uectigalis amicitia est. Schtirer n 2 207 n. 108. 109. in 3 75 n. 63. 94 n. 15. CAP. XIX p. 60 1. 8 INSTRVMENTIS c. 18 pr. 21 pr. n. p. 66 1. 13 46 f. 20 47 pr. De Pudic. 12 pr. de apostolico -o. De Monogam. 4 pr. euoluamus communia -a scripturarum pristmarum. 7 ad uetera transeamus -a legalium scripturarum (argument from antiquity 4.7). ANTIQVITAS c. 46 pr. 47. ad nat. ill the heathen too have 25 forsaken their fathers ways. Rufin. Hist. Eccl. I 1 pr. and f. Arnob. II 66. 69. Ambr. in Ps. 118 s. 2 5. Otto de lustini scriptis et doctrina p. 105 seq. Theophil. ad Autol. II 30. in 20 seq. Lact. Diu. Instt. I 23. n 6 7. iv 5. Clem. Alex. Strom. I 15 72. 21 101. [lustin.] Coh. ad Gr. 9 p. 9, Col. 13 30 p. 14. Tzschirner 99 seq. lustin. Apol. I 57 Moses older than any Greek writer. Tatian c. 31 p. 166 a sq. col. 36 41 p. 171 sq. Orig. contra Cels. I 14, Keim 15. 26. iv 11 p. 167. This argument not in Minuc. or Arnob. See Arnob. I 57 does antiquity guard from error ; may not falsehoods have been 35 270 TERTVLLIANI [p. 60 1. 8- circulated 10,000 years ago ? Do not things which happened in our neighbourhood deserve more credit, are they not freer from fabulous admixture, than what is wrapt in the darkness of antiquity ? 72. n 66. 71 religion to be judged by its intrinsic 5 worth, not by its duration, c. 57 antiquity no safeguard against error, rather teems with fables, c. 66 better evidence for modern times, ibid, progress and growth is from lower to higher, from acorns to wheat, from skins to cloth, c. 6970 everything, all sciences, your religion, has had a beginning, c. 72 non ergo 10 quod sequimur, nouum est ; sed nos sero addidicimus, quidnam sequi oporteat et colere. Theophilus in 1. 4. 16. 29 ov 7rp6(r<f>aTos 6 Xo7o?, ib. 26. 28. This chapter is referred to in De Testim. Anim. 5 prope fin. cited on p. 274 1. 15. Euseb. Hist. Eccl. I c. 2 c. 4 5 sq. c. 5 1. Tac. Hist, v 5 pr. hi ritus, quoquo modo 15 inducti, antiquitate defenduntur. Theodoret Graec. Affect. Cur. n g 4350 pp. 28 29 he calls Moses the ocean of theology, e ovTrep TraVre? Trora/^ol KOI iracra 6a\aacra. Prudent. Perist. X 411. 583. 613. 621. Confutation of the heathen argument from antiquity (Tzschirner 399) Minuc. 20 (Scylla, Chimaera, 20 Centaurs). lustin. Apol. I 23 p. 68 b . 44 p. 81 e . 59 p. 92 C . Dial. c. Tryph. 7 p. 224 d . Clem. Alex. Strom. I 72. 101. Euseb. Praep. Eu. I 2 p. 5. 5 p. 16. x 9 p. 483 sq. Hist. Eccl. I 2 1. Cyril, adu. lul. I 1 (VI p. 739 14). Philastr. Haer. 109. Greek philosophy new [lustin.] Coh. ad Graec. 12 p. 12. 25 Euseb. Praep. Eu. x 14 p. 502 sq. p. 60 1. 12 CONDITIONEM c. 48 p. 138 1. 19 conditionis (qu. conditionis) tuae legem. De Spectac. 2 p. 4 1. 6 Wiss. qaando haec sit tota ratio damnationis peruersa administratio conditionis a conditis. Adu. Hermog. 11 p. 138 1. 15 Kr. 25 p. 153 1. 21 Kr. 30 De Cor. Mil. 6 bis. De Hab. Muliebr. (= De Cult. Fern. I 8 f.) dei conditio est et tus et merum et ignis. Adu. Marc, iv 30 pr. v 12 p. 617 1. 12 Kr. Iren. in 1] 1. iv 6 6. 7 4. 19 2. 22 1. 24 1. 32 1. 33 2. 15. v 1 1. 12 2. 18 saepe. 19 1. 22 2. 23 2 ter. 29 1. 32 1. 36 1. Thomae Thes. 35 p. 48. Hieron. vn 548. 578 fin. 626 fin. sq. Phoebad. c. Arian. 1 praef. Oros. vn 20 p. 514 annus millesimus a conditione Romae. cf. vn 43 p. 586 fin. Hier. Ep. 140 2 and 3 and 6 (col. 1053 C . 1054 abc ). p. 60 1. 27] APOLOGETICVS 19 271 PVLLVLATIONEM Riddle-White only Prise, add Cypr. p. 352 16. Aug. contr. Julian. II 105. Hier. Orig. in Ezech. 11 5. [Rufin.] in Amos I (c. 4, v. 7 8). metaph. Praedestinat. n (Migne LIII 626 a ). p. 60 1. 13 CATACLYSMI c. 40 p. 116 1. 27 n. 5 p. 60 1. 14 Iliad I 70 (Kalchas) 09 p yBrj rd r eovra ra r ea-o-ofjLeva irpo T eovra. Apollo in Oil. Metam. I 517 per me quod eritque fuitque estque patet. Proteus Verg. Georg. IV 392 nouit namque omnia uates, quae sint, quae fuerint, quae mox ventura trahantur. Suid. s.u. rpiTrovs. Clem. Horn. II 6 12. 10 in 11 12. vni 10. Iren. iv 33 1 (of the Spirit) ab initio in uniuersis dispositionibus del adfuit hominibus et futura annun- tiauit et praesentia ostendit et praeterita enarrat. p. 60 1. 16 SVPPVTATIONEM Paucker Add. Lex. Lat. I 104. Hier. Ep. 14 7. in eccl. (?) p. 395. in Tit. in 9. Macrob. Sat. I 15 16 42. Bonif. p. 319 m. Yulg. Sulp. Seu. Chron. I 29 9. Cassian. Coll. vn 3 (in Vitr. only a conj.). Aug. De Ciu. Dei xvin 36. [See N. T. S. Irenaei introd. A. S.] p. 60 1. 17 Joshua died in the reign of Danaus, Aug. De Ciu. Dei xvm 11 fin. los. Contr. Apion. I 16 proves from 20 Manetho (c. 14. 15) that the so-called shepherds, our ancestors, left Egypt and settled in this land 393 years before the arrival of Danaus at Argos : the Exodus about 1000 years before the Trojan war. p. 60 1. 18 PROELIO war. lustin. Vopisc. Frontin. in Georges. 25 Aurel. Viet. Caes. 26 1. Hier. Quaest. Hebr. in Gen. 10 2. Am- pelius 14 5. Chronogr. 354. Momms. p. 644 11. p. 60 1. 20 THALLI Theophil. p. 139 a . Lact. Diu. Instt. I 22 2. p. 60 1. 25 ALIQVANTVLO Aurel. Victor Rufin. Hist. Mon. I 30 col. 402 C M. Clem. Recogn. praef. [See Thes. A. S.] p. 60 1. 26 LATORIBVS LEGIS Cic. Macrob. sat. in 17 13, legislator [Ps. Aug. Quaest. 115 1. A. S.]. Paulin. Nol. Ep. 23 15. loseph. Ant. p. 2 (1524) quater. p. 3 pr. bis. I 23 p. m. p. 22. Clem. Recogn. I 21 f. in 61. x 47 f. : on legislatio (Vulg. Rufin. 35 Orig. Princ. iv 1 15 cet.) cf. De Vit. p. 60 1. 27 THALES Pint. Plac. Phil. I 3 a\fy...Sotcel Se o euro? apgai -7-779 $i\o<ro$las. [luatin.] Coh. ad Gr. 3 272 TERTVLLIANI [p. 60 1. 27- (p. 4 C ) 6 TTpwros rr)? <uo-tAo}? fyiKocrofyias a/ofa?, Cic. Nat. Deor. I 25 TA. Milesius, qui primus de talibus rebus quaesiuit. p. 60 1. 29 SOLON luu. 10 2745. Lasaulx Studien p. 487 n. 137. Magirus Polymnemon (?) s.v. beatus n. 57. [lustin.] 5 Coh. ad Gr. 14 p. 15 b . p. 62 1. 3 AFFECTATIO c. 46 p. 128 1. 23 mimice philosophi affectant ueritatem et affectando corrumpant. c. 47 p. 132 1. 9 homines gloriae, ut diximus, et eloquentiae solius libidinosi, siquid in sanctis offenderunt digestis, exinde 10 regestum pro institute curiositatis ad propria uerterunt. De Anim. 1 p. 299 1. 10 Wiss. philosophic gloriae animal. De leiun. 17 p. 297 1. 5 Wiss. merito homines solius animae et carnis spiritalia recusatis. De Bapt. 8 (of the dove) animal simplicitatis et innocentiae. De Fug. in Pers. 13 p. m. mam- 15 monae hominibus. Apul. Apol. 523 (defended by Oud. n p. 556). Plin. Hist. Nat. xxx 2, 6 18 Apion grammatical artis (Woodham). p. 62 1. 5 from this point cf. c. 20. p. 62 1. 6 CONSISTEREM c. 4 pr. (al. concurram) 46 pr. 20 p. 62 1. 9 DISPVNCTIO c. 18 p. 58 1. 15 (cf. c. 44 p. 124 1. 16 n.). De Test. An. 4 pr. adjirmamus te manere post uitae dispunctio- nem. De Anim. 33 f. bene philosophi docetis utiliter suadetis leuiora post mortem supplicia uel praemia, cum, si quod indicium animas manet, grauius debeat credi in dispunctione uitae, quam 25 in administratione. Sen. Breu. Vit. 7 7 dispunge, inquam, et recense uitae tuae dies: uidetis paucos admodum et reiculos apud te resedisse. p. 62 1. 10 DISPOSITIONES c. 30 pr. sciunt quis illis dederit imperium. 30 p. 62 1. 14 PRAESVMPTIONEM c. 49 pr. haec sunt quae in nobis solis praesumptiones uocantur. ibid, falsa nunc sint quae tuemur, et merito praesumptiones, attamen necessaria. c. 25 pr. Adu. Marc, v 9 p. 601 1. 13 Kr. Adu. Valent. 4 p. 181 11. 3 and 18 Kr. De Anim. 32 pr. hie dimicenms necesse est aduersus portento- 35 siorem praesumptionem. Hier. Ep. 108 26 a me ipso, id est a praesumptione, pessimo praeceptore. Aug. De Trin. II 1. Ambr. Fid. Res. 27. Hexaem. v 32. Apul. Metam. IX 14 f. Clem. Recogn. I 15 pr. p. 62 1. 28] APOLOGETICVS 19 273 IDONEA E8T...FVTVRORVM C. 20 p. 66 1. 3. Adu. lud. 8 prope pr. [lustin.] Coh. ad Gr. 37. 38 p. 37 a . Procop. Bell Goth. I 14. lustin. Apol. I 52 p. 87 a . 33 p. 74 e . Dial. c. Tryph. 84 p. 310 b . p. 62 1. 17 VNVM EST TEMPVS c. 20 p. 66 1. 7. 5 p. 62 1. 20 SIBYLLAM. Passages from Clem. Alex, in Le Nourry ap. Sprengerbhes (?) ill 172 sq. e.g. p. 761 (Strom. VI 43 pr.). First cited (among Christians) by Hernias vis. II 4 1 (see Harnack pp. 245). Tert. ad nat. n 12 p. 120 1. 10 Wiss. Blunt Early Fathers 6063. Orig. contr. Cels. v 61 f. elire Se 10 Tivas elvat, /cal 2U/3iAXtcrTaV Ta^a Trapatcovo-as TIVWV ey/ca- \OVVTCOV rot? olo/jievois 7rpo(f)T]Tiv ryeyoveval, rr)v ^ij3v\\av tcai Hiftv\\i<iTas roi/9 TOLOVTOVS Ka\,eo-dvTO)v. VII 53. 56. Keim p. 115 n. 4. Cf. n. xix 2845 Lomm. Lact. Diu. Instt. I 6 7 ff. 15 15. IV 15 26 his testimoniis quidam reuicti solent 15 eo confugere, ut aiant, non esse ilia carmina Sibyllina, sed a nostris conficta atque composita. [Numerous references in Brandt and Laubmann s index, pp. 348 f. A.S.] Aug. De Ciu. Dei xvin 47 f. sed quaecumque aliorum prophetiae de dei per I. C. gratia proferuntur possunt putari a Christianis esse con- 20 Jictae. ideo nihil est firmius ad conuincendos quoslibet alienos, si de hac re contenderint, nostrosque faciendos, si recte sapuerint, quatn ut diuina praedicta de Cliristo ea proferantur, quae in ludaeorum codicibus scripta sutit. 23. Last ed. ed. Johannes Geffcken, Leipzig 1902. Schiirer n 2 790 ff. Klausen Aeneas u. die 25 Penaten (1839) 203312. Alexandre Orac. Sib. 1856 II 1101. Liicke Einleitung in die Offenbarung 2 ed. pp. 81 sq. Opso- poeus (1599) 56 143. Susemihl Gesch. der griech. Litt. in d. Alexandrinerzeit n 635642. Lardner Credibility pt 2 c. 29 n. 2 (n 333346 ed. 1829). Semisch lust. Mart. I 224 30 244. n 208. Coh. ad Gr. 37 p. 34 e sq. 36 b . 38 p. 36 37. 15 p. 15^. Apol. i 20 p. 55. 14 p. 70. p. 62 1. 23 DEI VESTRI c. 29. p. 62 1. 26 MEMORIARVM c. 18 p. 58 1. 23. p. 62 1. 28 DEOS. Moses 604 years before the apotheosis of 35 Dionysos, which was 63 years before Herakles and the Argo nauts ; from the rule in Argos to the apotheosis of Herakles and Asklepios 308 years; from that to the apotheosis of M. T. 18 274 TERTVLLIANI [p. 62 1. 28 Kastor and Polydeukes 53 years. (Clem. Alex. Strom. I 21 105 pp. 3812 P.) p. 62 1. 29 c. 47. p. 62 1. 30 THESAVRVS 47 pr. 5 p. 62 1. 31 SACBAMENTI Kaye 337. NOSTRI [lustin.] Coh. ad Gr. 13 fin. p. 14 de . p. 62 1. 32 MOYSEN c. 45 p. 126 1. 11. Moses earliest prophet, lustin. Apol. I 31 p. 73 b . 32 p. 73 b . 59 p. 92 C . Coh. ad Gr. 913 p. 9 C . 10 p. ll c . the story of Otos and Ephialtes from the 10 tower of Babel [lustin.] Coh. ad Gr. 28 p. 28 ab . replied to by Julian ap. Cyr. 135 ab . age of M. set forth by heathen Cohort. 9. 9 d . 10 cd . Plato learnt M. in Egypt 20 p. 18 d )( Julian 49 a . Coh. c. 9 p. 9 C . c. 11 p. ll e . c. 12 p. 12 C sq. c. 35 p. 32 C . c. 38 p. 36 d )( Julian 253 b . Plato again Coh. 25 p. 24 a . 25 p. 23 b sq. 27 15 p. 25 C . Tert. De Test. An. 5 p. 141 1. 21 Wiss. at enim cum diuinae scripturae, quae penes nos uel ludaeos sunt, in quorum oleastro insiti sumus, multo saecularibus litteris, quarum uel modica tantum aetate aliqua, antecedant, ut loco suo (h. 1.) edocuimus ad fidem earum demonstrandam ; et si haec eloquia 20 de litteris usurpauit anima, utique de nostris credendum erit, non de uestris ; quia potiora sunt ad instruendam animam priora, quam postera, quae et ipsa a prioribus instrui sustine- bant, cet. Clem. Alex. Protrept. p. 50 Colon, ol xpya/jLol OepeKiovcn TTJV dXrjQeiav. lustin. Martyr Apol. I 44 p. 81 e 25 n. 8 Otto. Coh. ad Gent. 8 (c. Tryph. 7 p. 224 d Col.), Tatian (29 p. 165 b Col.) and Theophilus (i 14 pr. p. 78 Col.) owed their conversion to the O.T. . Cf. below c. 47 pr. adhuc enim mihi proficit antiquitas praestructa diuinae litteraturae, quo facile credatur thesaurum earn fuisse posteriori cuique 30 sapientiae. et si non onus iam uoluminis temperarem, etiam excurrerem in hanc quoque probationem. quis poetarum, quis sophistarum, qui non de prophetarum fonte potauerit? inde igitur philosophi sitim ingenii sui rigauerunt ; nam quia quae- dam de nostris habent, ea propter nos comparant illis. Cf. c. 46 fin. 35 Celsus (i 21 Keim) makes Moses borrow from Egypt. Tert. De Anim. 28 p. 346 1. 28 Wiss. Orig. contr. Cels. iv 11 ov/c e7re<TT?7<Te rfj Mwu<rea)? ap^aiorrjTi, laropovijuevov VTTO TIVWV fcara TOU? %povovs <ye<yovevai p. 64 1, 4] APOLOGETICVS 19 275 rov <&opa)vea>s. 12. 21. 36. vii 28. 30. 59. vi 7. 43, M. older than Pherecydes, Heraclitus, Homer, later than Job. Date of Moses Euseb. Praep. Eu. x 8 18 p. 482 d (Greeks the borrowers), c. 9 1 p. 483 e , many wrote of the antiquity of Moses and succeed ing prophets. 8 p. 484 b . ib. 10 484 d , Moses contemporary 5 with Kekrops. 9 p. 484, after Kekrops the rape of Proser pine and Europa, the birth of Apollo cet. c. 9 11. 12 Porphyry from Sanchoniathon, comments by Euseb. 13 25 ( 18 Inachus 150 years later than Moses). Inachus, contemporary of Moses (Apion in lul. Africanus ap. Euseb. Praep. Eu. x 10 16 10 p. 490 h ). Ptolemy, a priest of Mendes, agrees, Africanus ib. 13 p. 493 d and Tatian (38 [59] p. I7l d ) ibid. 18 p. 494 b . Aug. Ciu. Dei xvni 3 (n 260 6 D.), Inachus contemporary with Isaac, ib. c. 37 tit. quod prophetica auctoritas omni origine gentilis philosophiae inueniatur antiquior. 15 p. 62 1. 33 DANAVM p. 60 1. 17 n. p. 64 1. 2 QVOS SEQVAR Theopompus Fr. 221 b (i 315 Miiller) in Clem. Alex. Strom. I p. 389 (in his Philippica book 43) dates Homer 500 years after the Trojan war. Christianity as old as creation, Euseb. Hist. Eccl. I 4. Vit. Constant, n 57. lustin. 20 Apol. i 69. [cf. n. on c. 17 p. 56 1. 21. A. S.] p. 64 11. 2 ff. Euseb. Praep. Eu. x 4 11 the latest Jewish prophets more than 600 years later than the Trojan war, and not less than 1500 years later than Moses. Orig. contr. Cels. VI 7 pr. Moses and the prophets before not Plato only, but 25 Homer. p. 64 1. 3 POSTVMANT only twice. EXTREMISSIMI Neue-Wagener Formenlehre II 3 2434 earliest ex. postremissimus, C. Gracchus ; commonest proximior Sen. cet. extremior Tert. De Anim. 33 p. 358 11. 1011 Wiss. 30 bis. Apul. Aug. Salu. infimior. intimius. nouissimior Perpet. et Felicit. praef. 1. optimissimus. summior. RETKOSIORES aTra% elp. : in local sense posit, in Plin. and Apul. Neue-Wagener n 3 748 (omits iusum). p. 64 1. 4 LEGIFERIS Prudent, in lexx. Paulin. Nol. and 35 Alcim. Auit. in Faber. Lact. Diu. Inst. IV 17 7 denuntiauit scilicet dominus per ipsum legiferum. Apul. Metam. x 33 quale autem et illud indicium apud legiferos Athenienses, catos illos et 182 276 TERTVLLIANI [p. 64 1. 4 omnis scientiae magistros ? gl. Oecr/jLocfropos legifer. Solon, [lustin.] Coh. ad Gr. 14 p. 15 b . p. 64 1. 7 DIGITOKVM cf. digit. Cerda h. 1. Tert. De Idolol. 9 fin. (of the numeri of astrologers) non potest regna caelorum 5 sperare cuias digitus aut radius abutitur caelo. Plin. Ep. II 20 3 quo die, qua liora nata esset, interrogauit. ubi audiit, com- ponit uultum, intendit oculos, mouet labra, agitat digitos, computat. luu. x 249 iam dextra computat annos. Sen. De Ira in 33 3. Plut. II 78 F (Anacharsis) = Ath. p. 159. Lucian Timon (of 10 Plutus) 13 p. 122 avvearraKtos rou? SCLKTV^OVS Trpos TO eOos TWV av\\o^i(jfjia)i>. Anthol. Palat. XI 289 4. Gow History of Greek Mathematics 6 7 912 13 2427 39 40. p. 64 1. 9 ARCHIVA v. 1. in c. 21 p. 72 1. 9. Cf. Rufin. Hist. Eccl. v 18 p. 292. i 15 p. 49. 15 p. 64 1. 10 MVNICIPES later com- so conciuis. ALIQVI c. 11 f. p. 42 1. 20 aliquem de sapientia Socraten. c. 50 p. 142 1. 30 n. aliqua Carthaginis conditrix. Cf. Grotius De Yerit. Rel. Chr. in 16 pp. 1501. p. 64 1. 11 MANETHON Bockh M. und die Hundsternperiode 20 in A. Schmidt Zeitschrift f. Geschichtswiss. n 385 sq. 592 sq. Berl. 1845 (v in Works ? ). C. Mtiller Fr. Hist. Gr. n 511616 and Syncellus p. 16 d , =p. 29 ed. Bonn. BEROSVS Miiller Fr. n 495510. Cf. A. v. Gutschmid Rhein. Mus. vm 2527. 25 HIEROMVS correspondence between Suron [= Hiram] of Phoenicia and Solomon, about the building of the temple, Eupolemos in C. Miiller Fr. in 207 sq. fr. Euseb. Praep. Eu. IX 3134. Clem. Alex. Strom. I 21 130. Chron. Pasch. I 168 Dind. 2 Chron. 2 215. 1 Kings 5 1525. Schurer 30 II 7324. Susemihl n 64851. los. Contr. Ap. I 17 corre spondence between Solomon and Hieram still at Tyre. p. 64 1. 13 PTOLEMAEVS Schlirer n 780 : cited by Tatian 38. [lustin.] Cohort, ad Graecos 9 and Clem. Alex. Strom. I 21 101. Euseb. Praep. Eu. x 11 p. 493 d . 12 p. 497 a : of Mendes, priest, 35 author of a history of Egypt. MENANDER C. Muller Fragm. iv 445 7. Susemihl I 636 1 acts of Greek and barbarian kings. DEMETRIVS c. 18 p. 58 1. 24. C. Muller Fragm. n 362369. p. 641. 21] >. APOLOGETICVS 19 277 Clinton Fast. Hell, in 478 sq. losephus c. Ap. I 23 also cited Dem. Phaler. as speaking of the antiquity of the Jews. uerum nullus dubito, quin Demetrius ille sit non Phalereus, sed Demetrius is qm ludaeorum historiam scripsit, Ptolemaeo IV uel V coaeuus (Clem. Alex. Strom. I 141 p. 403 P.). Clem, there 5 cites Dem. ev rco Trepl TU>V ev rfj loi/Saia (Bacri\eu)v. A Jew Schurer n 2 7302. omn. Susemihl I 486 n. 145. p. 64 1. 14 IVBA C. Miiller Fragm. Gr. ill 465484. Clinton Fast. Hell, in 2 578 sq. Schurer I 3756 (ob. A.D. 23). Susemihl II 40214 and ind. 10 APION C. Muller in 506516. Schurer n 2 777781. Lightfoot Diet. Chr. Biog. I 128130. THALLVS c. 10 p. 38 1. 1. C. Muller Fragm. in in title only (between Hermogenes and Memnon), but does not occur p. 524 5 ; also before Memnon in title of book vn p. 329, 15 comes out of his place between Apion and Pamphila pp. 517 519. Josephus does not name Thallus as a writer, but Antiq. xviil 6 4 a Samaritan freedman of Tiberius, who lent Agrippa 100 myriads. p. 64 1. 15 VERNACVLVS c. 18 p. 58 1. 26 proprias atque 20 uernaculas litteras. c. 25 p. 86 1. 31 uiderit Cybele, si urbem Romanam ut memoriam Troiani generis adamauit, uernacidi sui scilicet, c. 35 p. 102 1. 33 ipsos Qairites, ipsam uernaculam septem collium plebem. Apul. Apol. 18 pr. paupertas olim philosopkiae uernacula. Hence Paula and Eustochium to Mar- 25 cella (Hier. Ep. 46 = 17 c. 4 losephum, qui uernaculus scriptor est ludaeorum), so also Hier. (vin 649 ed. Ven. 1769), i.e. Euseb. Chron. A.D. 33 losephus etiam u. I. s. p. 64 1. 16 CENSVALES Symm. Ep. iv 8 3 and Relat. 23 2. 46 2 officium. CIL n 4248 tabularii. Cod. Theod. xi 28 12. 30 xiv 1 1. 9 1. [Seeck] in Pauly [-Wissowa in 19111914. A.S.] Tert. Adu. Marc, iv 7 p. 435 1. 12 Kr. de censu denique Augusti, quern testem fidelissimum Dominicae natiuitatis Ro- mana archiua custodiunt. p. 64 1. 17 CONCATENATIO Aug. Cael.-Aurel. Cassiod. [See 35 also Thes. A. S.] p. 64 1. 21 DIFFERRE cf. c. 20 p. 64 1. 23. 278 TERTVLLTANI [p. 64 1. 23- CAP. XX p. 64 1. 23 DILATIONS cf. c. 19 p. 64 1. 21. p. 64 1. 24 VETVSTATE cf. c. 19. p. 64 1. 26 SAECVLVM c. 41. p. 64 1. 27 VIDETVR De Spect. 25 (cf. Ou. Ars Am. I 99 5 spectatum cet.) nemo denique in spectaculo ineundo prius cogitat, nisi uideri et uidere. Cic. Acad. II 81 pisces illos qui neque uidentur a nobis. Sen. Nat. Quaest. I 5 11. Ep. 94 56. p. 64 1. 28 EXTERNA and INTERNA not ace. as Oehler. On earthquakes cet. infr. c. 40 Hiera, Anaphe, Delos cet. De Pallia 10 2 (pp. 9213 Oehler). p. 64 1. 29 DILANIANT Hier. Ep. 57 13 inter muliercularum radios et textrinct dilanior. COMPVLSO another ex. in Apul. avvaparrw. avvwOw gl The subst. -atio infr. 21. 38. [See also Thes. A. S.] 15 On the decline of Rome Woodham compares Tac. Hist. I 2, Sail. Cat. 2. 10, and generally Is. 40 4, Ezek. 5 17. 21 31. Matt. 24 67. p. 64 1. 30 LOCALES lexx. cite Tert. Amm. Charis. Cf. Tert. De Cam. Res. 21 p. 54 1. 14 Kr. Adu. Hermog. 41 bis. p. 171 20 11. 14. 18 Kr. [Iren. see N. T. S. Irenaei Introd. A. S.] Firmilian in Cypr. p. 817 3. Aug. Ep. 120 10. Fulgent, c. Fabian, fr. 29 [localia localities Firm. Math, in 8 s. 1 p. 68 11 Bas. 1551 [now emended in ed. Kroll and Skutsch, 1897. A.S.].] Cassian Coll. in 7 7. xvm 16 2 cet. Cass. Fel. 3 12. 10 14. 25 63 8 cet. p. 64 1. 32 MVTANTVR De Paenit. 6 a.m. quis enim seruus, postquam libertate mutatus est,furta sua et fugas sibi impntat? RARESCIT generally becomes rarified/ depopulated. As here Lact. Diu. Instt. vn 15 8 ita iustitia rarescet, ita im- 30 pietas et auaritia crebrescent. Clement. Recogn. iv 30 f. religio Dei...rarescere inter homines citque aboleri propemodvm coepit (here LS. better than RW., from Georges). Paulin. Nol. c. 18 407 noctis et extremae fuga rarescentibus astris. p. 64 1. 33 INCREBRESCO on increbesco Bucheler in Jahrbb. 35 1873 113 sq. p. 66 1. 3] APOLOGETICVS 20 279 p. 64 1. 34 OFFICIA TEMPORVM De Patientia 2 p. 2 1. 21 Kr. De Pall. 2 pr. quippe si mundus ex diuersis substantiis officiisque constabit. [Ps.-Aug. Quaest. 28, 2, see my index. A.S.] uitae (functions) Apul. Metam. n 29 Price (p. 129). spiritus ib. I 16. manus non iam pedes sunt, sed in erecta porriguntur officia 5 [whence ?]. Hermes xx v 130 p. m. uentris. Theod. Prise, n 18 52 (p. 152 1. 22 ed. Rose) uentris officium inoffense procurabo. Ter. (1). Lucr. (1). MVNIA Cic. Caes. Bell. Gall, vi 18 3 cet. Sail. Liu. Tac. Apul. Metam. vni 7 obiens . . .uiuentium -ia. Paulin. Nol. Ep. 10 18 7 pr. muniis. EXORBITANT c. 6 pr. c. 9 p. 34 1. 6. c. 16 p. 54 1. 24. De Pall. 5. De Praescr. Haer. 4. De Pudic. 8 (not classical). Cf. orbita culpae luu. 14 37. exorbitatio cited by Oehler De Idolol. 8 should be 14 p. 91 1. 1 Oehler (p. 45 1. 22 Wiss.)., 15 p. 66 1. 1 NATVRALIVM var. lect. 1 fin. naturalia mali. Adu. Marc, iv 1 p. 425 1. 24 Kr. -ia creatoris. I 22 (5 exx. e.g. naturalibus suis fungi p. 319 1. 13 Kr.). I 13 p. 307 1. 18 Kr. ad interpretation em -ium refugit. Iren. iv 13 1 naturalia legis. 20 p. 66 1. 2 PROVIDENTER (Cic. Sail. Plin. iun.) comparative De Fug. in Persec. 13 f. posit. Prudent. Peristeph. x 19. Lact. Diu. In. m 17 18. vi 15 2. De Ira 10 35. p. 66 1. 3 TESTIMONIVM...DIVINITATIS c. 22 fin. of demons: dispositions etiam dei et tune prophetis contionantibus exceperunt 25 et nunc lectionibus resonantibus carpunt. ita et hinc sumentes quasdam temporum sortes aemulantur diuinitatem, dum fu- rantur diuinationem. Arnobius alone, of the early apologists, neglects the argument from prophecy. lustin. Apol. I c. 37 of prophecy : ^irep /jbejicrTr] KOI aXtjOea-rarij avroSetf ? /cal v^lv, 30 to? vofjii^ofjiev, $>avj]creraL. For Justin cf. Tzschirner pp. 130 3, 134 7. Cyprian, Quod idola di non sint 7. Origen very often, e.g. contr. Gels. I c. 54 pp. 41 2. n c. 28 p. 78. m cc. 1 3 pp. 1123. c. 27 p. 127. So Theophilus n cc. 9. 10 p. 88. lustin. Dial. c. Tryph. 7 p. 224 d , Tatian c. 29 p. 165, Theo- 35 philus I 14 (19) p. 78 d owed their conversion to prophecy. Christian Sibyllines and Testam. xn Patriarch. (Tzschirner 1417). 280 TEBTVLLIANI [p. 66 1. 4- p. 66 1. 4 DIVINATIONIS cf. De Anima 28 pr. multo antiquior Moyses etiam Saturno nongentis circiter annis, nedum pronepoti- bus eius, certe diuinior multo, qui decursus generis humani ab exordia mundi quoque per singulas natiuitates nominatim tempo- 5 ratimque digessit, satis probans [pi^obatusVJiss. A.S.] diuinita- tem operis ex diuinatione uocis. Cf. Orig. contr. Gels. VI 10 p. 281 f. TO jap ^apaKTrjpi^ov -rrjv Oeorvra 77 nrepl peXXovrtov earlv aTrayyeXia, ov KCLT dvdpwrrivnv fyvaiv Xeyo/JLevcov /cal rat? eK^daecri tcpivofjueixov on Oelov Trvevfia r)v TO ravra dira<yye\\ov. 10 Semisch I 264 cites Plat. Men. c. 41. Cic. De Diuinat. I c. 52 sq. Sen. Suas. 4. los. Antiq. xi 1 1. xm 10 7. xv 10 5. Clem. Alex. Strom. I 181. Hil. De Trin. I 9. Lact. Dm. Instt. VII 8 10 uerum nobis diuinatione opus non est, quibus ueritatem diuinitas ipsa patefecit. 15 p. 66 11. 4 6 Same argument in Barnab. Ep. I 7 where Harnack cites lustin. Apol. I 52 p. 87 a . Theophil. I 14 p. 78 d . II 9 f. 33 p. 109 d . Iren. IV 33 1. Hippol. De Chr. et Antichr. 2. p. 66 1. 7 VNVM TEMPTS supr. c. 19 Fuld. p. 62 1. 16 n. Cypr. De Mortalit. 2 fiunt ecce quae dicta swnt et quando faint quae 20. ante praedicta sunt, sequentur et quaecunique promissa sunt. lustin. Apol. I 52 p. 87 a eVetSr/ TOIVVV TO, ^evo^eva rfSij Trdvra aTToSeiKw/jLev TTplv rj <yeve&6ai Trpo/ce/crjpv^OaL 8ia rcov 7Tpo(f)ij- TWV, dvayfcrj Kal Trepl TMV O/JLOIW^ 7rpo<j)WTv0evT(i)v, fJie\\6vTa)v Be yeveaOai, iriGTiv e^eiv &&gt;? Trdvrcos <yevr)crojj J i a}V. Orig. contr. 25 Cels. IV 21 f. p. 66 1. 8 si FORTE Ad. Mart. 1 f. [cf. above 16 m. n. A. S.]. p. 66 1. 9 EXPVNGITVR cc. 2. 15. 21 a. m. 35 Oehler. Adu. Marc, in 24 p. 419 1. 28 Kr. iv 34 p. 537 1. 14 Kr. v 7 p. 596 1. 22 Kr. De Idolol. 1 pr. 13 p. 44 1. 26 Wiss. Scorpiac. 10 30 Oehler (p. 169 1. 19 Wiss.). De Cor. Milit. 1 pr. Pers. 2 13 proximus expungam. schol. tractum a militibus, qui expuncti dicuntur dum for as a militia emittuntur. Dirksen Manuale. p. 66 1. 10 DEPVTATVR is reckoned of future present, and then of present past. 35 p. 66 1. 11 ORO vos infra c. 47 f. De Cam. Christ. 2 m. ex qua, oro te, auctoritate? 19 f. oro uos, si dei spiritus non de uulua carnem participaturus descendit in uuluam, cur descendit in uuluam ? Cic. in lexx. p. 66 1. 15] APOLOGETICVS 20, 21 281 CAP. XXI p. 66 1. 13 IVDAEORVM Tac. Ann. xv 44 ludaea origo eius mali. Keim on Orig. contr. Gels. I 2 p. 4 n. 2. Orig. II 4 6. Tac. Fr. Hist. [ed. C. D. Fisher, Oxon. 1910] ap. Sulpic. Seu. n 30 6 (Bernays Abhandlungen II 174 5) has super stitiones, licet contrarias sibi, isdem tarnen auctoribus profectas. Chris- 5 tianos ex ludaeis exstitisse. radice sublata stirpem facile perituram. Namat. I 389 calls the Jews radix stultitiae, i.e. (Barth, Bernays) Christianismi. INSTRVMENTIS c. 18 pr. Oehler 19 pr. De Pudic. 10 p. 240 1. 12 Wiss. Adu. lud. 1 f. (p. 702 Oehler). Koffmane I 58. 10 Ronsch N. T. Tertullians 4749. Paucker Suppl. I 411. Moses and the prophets teachers of Christianity, [lustin.] Coh. ad Gr. 10 p. 15, 38 p. 35. Quaest. et Resp. 101 p. 482. Theo- philus (i 14 p. 346) and Tatian 29 30 (p. 267). lustin. Dial, c. Tryph. 7 p. 109. 15 p. 66 1. 14 SECTAM infra p. 74 1. 5. c. 1 p. 2 1. 7. c. 40 p. 116 1. 32 n. Ad nat. I 10 p. 76 1. 10 Wiss. Ad Scap. 1 pr. 3 cet. Cf. Lact. De Opific. 1 2 philosophi nostrae sectae quam taemur. p. 66 1. 15 NOVELLAM Ignat. Ep. ad Magnes. 9 Kaivorr]^. 20 esp. Ep. ad Diogn. 1, 2. Bingharn vol. I p. 23 n. 18 (1855). Hennecke Aristides ind. KCLIVQS. [Ambst. on 1 Cor. 1 26. A. S.] Aug. Ep. 102 qu. 2 de tempore Christianae religionis 8 15. TIBERIANI c. 7 p. 24 1. 21 census istius disciplinae, ut iam edidimus, a Tiberio est. c. 5 p. 18 1. 24 Tiberius ergo, cuius 25 tempore nonien Christianum in saeculum introiuit. c. . 40 pr. p. 116 1. 18 ante Tiberium, id est ante Christi aduentum. infr. c. 37 p. 108 1. 9 hesterni. Ad nat. I 9 p. 73 1. 11 Wiss. ut supra edidimus, aetatis nostrae nondum anni trecenti.... c. 7 p. 68 1. 2 Wiss. principe Augusto nomen hoc ortum est...igitur aetati 30 nostrae nondum anni CCL. De Monogam. 3 f. annis circiter CLX exinde productis. Adu. Marc. I 15 p. 309 1. 14 Kr. cet. 19 p. 314 1. 8 Kr. 22 fin. iv 6 p. 432 1. 26 Kr. 7 pr. De Anim. 43 (wrong). Adu. lud. 8 p. 719 Oehler (birth under Augustus p. 717). Celsus in Orig. I 26 p. 10 n. 3 Keim. Tac. Ann. xv 35 44. Euseb. Hist. Eccl. I 2 1 fin. ravry e rjBrj KOI rrjs Xpi- 282 TERTVLLIANI [p. 66 1. 15 TO rra\aiov O/JLOV teal 6eoTrpTres Tot? veav avTr)v KOI eKreroirio-^evriv, ^^e? real ov TTpoTpov fyavelaav v-Tro\afjL^dvov<TLv avaoeixOrjo-erai,. 4 1. 2. 4. Kortholt Paganus Obtrectator cc. 1 and 5 (Kiloni 1698 4to) and on lustin. pp. 31 5 55 C . Mark 1 27 rt? 77 &8a%^ 77 /caivrj avrrj ; Acts 17 19. 20. Sue ton. Ner. 16 afflicti suppliciis Christiani, genus hominum super stitionis nouae ac maleficae. The inscr. doubted by los. Scaliger there is GIL. II app. p. 25* n. 231. Prudent. Peristeph. x 583 4 tantus nouelli dogmatis regnat furor. \ hinc nempe 10 uester Christus hand olim fuit. Christianity as old as the world, cf. Philastr. Haer. 110 (109). Prudent. Perist. vi 378 nouellum commenti genus, x 401 413. 578 9. Minuc. 6 3 quippe antiquitas caerimoniis atque fanis tantum sanctitatis tribuere consueuit quantum adstruxerit uetustatis, e.g. 1. 15 p. 66 1. 16 FORTASSE AN Ace. Varr. Gell. p. 66 1. 17 VMBRACVLO Aldhelm De Virginitate 8 furuo facessante ueteris instrumenti umbraculo et clara cormcante euangelii gratia. LICITAE c. 4 p. 16 1. 13. c. 18 fin. p. 60 1. 4. c. 38 init. n. 20 Neander (where ?). Liebenam Rom. Vereinswesen 268. Blunt Right Use 345. Lamprid. Alex. Seu. 22 ludaeis priuilegia reseruauit. Renan Les Evang. 482 citing dig. xxvu 1 15 6. L 2 3 3. Plainly not after Severus edict against proselytes to Judaism (199201). Bonwetsch 10. 14. Spartian. Seu. 17 1. 25 p. 66 11. 19 22 Ep. ad Diognet. 4 aXXa /JLTJV TO 76 irepl ra? /Spato-eis -^ro^oSee?, KOI Trjv rrepl TCL adfifBara Seio-LSaifioviav /cal Trjv T?}? Trepiro/jifjs aKa^oveLav, teal TTJV rt}? W](TTeia<i tcai elpwveiav, /caTayeXacrra /cai ov&evos a^ta \oyov ov ere ^p^eiv Trap* JJLOV fiaOelv. lustin. c. Tryph. 20 30 p. 237 b (=p. 71 n. 1 Otto). 10 p. 227. 8 p. 226 a . Cf. Tert. Adu. lud. 2 seq. where he urges that patriarchs were incircum- cisi and non sabbatizantes. p. 66 1. 19 EXCEPTIONIBVS Adu. Marc, v 5 p. 587 1. 20 Kr. quid tarn contemptibile qiiam cibonim eccceptw. De leiun. 2 35 p. 276 1. 1 Wiss. xerophagias uero nouum adfectati officii nomen et proximum ethnicae superstition^ quales castimoniae Apim Isidem et Magnam Matrem certorum eduliorum exceptione puri- ficant (where Hier. in Oehler s n. has abstinentia). p. 66 1. 24J APOLOGETICVS 21 283 p. 66 1. 20 SIGNACVLO CORPORIS Kaye 406. De Spectac. 4 pr. ad principalem auctoritatem conaertar ipsius signaculi nostri. cum aquam ingressi Christianam Jidem in legis suae uerba profitemur, renuntiasse nos diabolo et pompae et angelis eius ore nostro contestamur. ib. 24 hoc erit pompa diaboli, 5 adaersus quern in signaculo fidei eieramus... ceterum sic nos eieramus et rescindimus signaculum rescindendo testationem eius ? Adu. lud. 3 dari enim habebat circumcisio sed in signum, unde Israel in nouissimo tempore dignosci haberet, quando secundum sua merita in sanctam ciuitatem ingredi prohiberetur, cet De 10 Pudic. 9 p. 237 1. 9 Wiss. anulum (in the parable of the Prodigal) signaculum lauacri. lustin. Dial. c. Tryph. 16 p. 234 a TI yap CLTTO A/Spad/jt, Kara crdp/ca Trepiro/jirj els (nj/jLelov e$66rj, iva Y]T UTTO TWV a\\wv eOvwv /cal rjfAWV a(f)O)pLcr^6voL, teal (.va fjboi oi 7ra0r)T a vvv ev Sircy 7rcr^eTe, /cal iva ryevwvrai ai ^a/pat, 15 v/j,a)V pr)/jLOi /cal ai TroXef? Trvpl/cava-roL /cal rou? V/JL(JOV Kareadiwaiv a\\orpioi *al fArj&els e 6t? rrjv ^epovo-a^Tj/jL- ov jap ef a\\ov rti^o? Trapa rou? a\\ovs av6pa)7rovs, r) CITTO r?}? ev crapK\ v TrepiTo/jirjs. The Jew says ibid. 10 p. 227 C e/ceivo Be a7ropov/jLv 20 /jL(i\iara el vfJLels evaeftelv Xeyo^Te? /cal roov a\\a)v olo/jbevoi Sia<f>epLv, KCLT ov&ev avrwv aTroKeiireo-Oe ovSe 8t,a\\dao-T (iTTO TMV eOvtov rov vjuerepov ffiov, ev TO) /jujre ra? copras /JL^TC rd crd/3/3aTa Typelv yu/^re rrjv Trepiro/jirjv e%LV, /cal eri 7r* crTavpwQevTa eX-TTi &z? Troiov/jLevoi, o/xo)? eXTTifere 25 dyaOov TWOS irapd rov Oeov firj Troiovvres avrov rd$ ?. 18 p. 235 e . 19. 20 pp. 236 a 237 b . 46 p. 265 b . 92 p. 319 d 320 ab . 137 p. 366 d . Ep. ad Diognet. 4 p. 496 bc . The word signaculum Ambr. De Abrah. II 11 ter. De Isaac iv 4 37. Hegesip. I 39 p. 76 41. Clem. Recogn. in 11 f. Ennod. 30 p. 421 8 H. Ronsch p. 38. Bailey Rituale Anglocath. 2634. Iren. iv 30. [Also Ambst. Hier. Rufin. Aug. cet., very frequent. A. S.] p. 66 1. 22 SCIT c. 5 Oehler s ind. supr. p. 20 1. 2. Lact. in 29 15. Deum vi 6 5. Clem. Recogn. vn 8. vm 9 35 neque initium neque ftnem. Hier. in Eccles. 11 col. 482. in Is. in c. 6 9. Ronsch Itala u. Vulgata 380. p. 66 1. 24 cf. De Praescr. Haer. 7 uiderint qni Stoicum 284 TERTVLLIANI [p. 66 1. 24 et Platonic-urn ,et dialecticum Christianismum protulerunt. nobis curiositate opus non est post Christum lesum nee in- quisitione post euangelium. cum credimus, nihil desideramus ultra credere, hoc enim prius credimus, non esse quod ultra 5 credere debemus. Aug. in Ps. 141 9 usque adeo de cruce non erubesco, ut non in occulto loco habeam crucem Christi, sed in fronte portem. Matth. 8 38, Luke 9 26, Rom. 1 15. p. 66 1. 25 DEPVTARI reckoned. De Cult. Fern. I 2 pr. damnati in poenam mortis deputantur . . .angeli. 10 IVVAT Neumann I 153 n. 8. infr. c. 50 n. p. 146 1. 10. p. 66 1. 28 Cvpr. De Idol. Vanit. 6 1 ludaeis primum erat apud Deum gratia, sic olim iusti erant, sic maiores eorum religionibus obediebant. 2 inde illis et regni sublimitas floruit et generis magnitudo prouenit. 15 ORIGINALIVM AVCTORVM c. 18 pr. p. 58 1. 4. De Monogam. 7 originates personae (from Adam to Moses). p. 66 1. 29 SVBLIMITAS c. 25 pr. p. 86 1. 24 of Romans, p. 66 1. 31 SED QVANTA cet. Cypr. De Idol. Vanit. 10 quam fuerit illis profana uita, quae contracta sit uiolatae 20 religionis offensa, ipsi quoque testantur, qui etsi uoce tacent, exitu confitentur. Wailing of the Jews on the day of the destruction of the Temple. Hier. in Sophon. I 15 (vi 692). p. 66 1. 33 EXITVS Adu. lud. 13 p. 737 1. 10 sup. cf. p. 738 f. Schliemann Clementinen 402 n. 64. 407 n. Philo Legat. Gai. 25 32. Dio. Cass. LXV 7 2. Grot (?) p. 158. Gels, in Or. vm 69 neither clod (/SwXo?) nor hearth remains to Jews. p. 66 1. 34 DISPERSI los. De Bell. lud. vn 3 3 TO jap louSataw "yeVo? TTO\V fjuev Kara Trdcrav Tr^v oifCOV/JLevriv Trape- arirapTai rot? eV^wp/ot?. Sibyll. III. 271 (B. C. 140) jrao-a 30 8e <yala aeOev TrX^pT/? KOI nraaa Od\aaaa. Schtirer II 2 31 * Das Judenthum in der Zerstreuung. die Proselyten/ p. 493 sq. Westcott Dispersion in D. B. Tzschirner 303 sq. Kaye 151 n. 2. Clem. Recogn. I 39 f. Cyprian De Idol. Yanit. 10 dispersi et palabundi uagantur, soli et caeli sui profugi per hospitia aliena 35 iactantur. lustin. Apol. I c. 47 p. 84 b eipwrai, 8e KOI irepl rr)? pr)/jia)a-ea)S avrrf^ Kal irepl rov fJLrf eiriTpaTrrjcrea-Oai avrcov olxelv (Is. 1 7, Jer. 50 3, cf. 2 15).. .cm Se creraL vcf)* vfjbwr OTTW? /m i r)$eis ev avrfj yevyrai, /cal p. 68 1. 2] APOLOGETICVS 21 285 Kara rov Kara\afjb^avofji^vov lov&alov eiaiovros wpicrrai, dtpi/Bus eTTivraade. Dial. c. Tryph. 12 p. 229 a sq. c. 40 p. 259 b . c. 92 p. 319 d . esp. c. 16 p. 234 a . War with Bar Cochba 132135. Clinton Fasti. Hanel s. v. 131 (p. 87 b . 88 a ). Aristo Pellaeus in Euseb. Hist. Eccl. iv 6 3 (and with comm. at 5 end of Otto s Hermias (Apol. ix) pp. 356 9) cited below, infra c. 26 fin. Romani...numquam dominaturi ems < Iudeae>, si non ultimo deliquisset in Christum. Adu. lud. 10 f. post passionem enim Christi etiam captiuitas uobis et dispersio obuenit, praedicta per spiritum sanctum, cf. ib. 11. Orig. contr. Gels. I 10 c. 47 pp. 35 36. it c. 8 p. 62. c. 34 med. iv c. 22 p. 174. vin c. 69. Prud. Apoth. 538544. Scaliger Anim. Euseb. p. 216. Theodoret Graec. Affect. Cur. vi 89 p. 101 54. xi 70 71 p. 163 23 sq. Aug. in Ps. 124 3 pr. De Ciu. Dei xvni 46. PALABVNDI Cypr. p. 27 14. 611 3 and v. 1. in 602 20 (also 15 cited from Itiner. Alexandri). SOLI ET CAELI Adu. lud. 13 more (earlier) and later de longinquo earn oculis tantum uidere permissum est. Cypr. quod idola di non sint 10 (above). Auson. Ep. 52 (= 33 Peiper) orta salo, suscepta solo, patre edita caelo, \ Aeneadum genetrix, 20 hie habito alma Venus. Tac. Hist, v 7 solo caelpqite iuxta graui. Paulin. Nol. Carm. 15 82 ille solum caelo uertit. Symm. Ep. I 47 1 non illius caeli aut soli iltecebram retinax aduenarum lotos aequauerit. Cone. Trull, (quinisextum) can. 11 [Mansi xi 945 E. A. S.] /jurjSels TWV ev lepari/cq) rdyfiart, r) \aiicos ra irapa TMV 25 d^v/jia eadiera) rj TOIOVTOVS 7rpo(roiKiov(r0a), /cal Trap* avT&v \a/jL/3avera) y r) ev (Ba\avei(p Tra^reXw? av\\oveadw (penalty unfrocking, or for laity excommu nication). Marcus first Gentile bp of Jerusalem. Sulpic. Seu. Chron. II 31. Cf. Euseb. H. E. iv 5. 30 p. 68 1. 2 Euseb. Hist. Eccl. iv 6 3 Aristo Pellaeus TO Trav eOvos ef e/ceivov (after Bar Cochba s revolt) /cal rrj? trepl ra r lpocr6\v/jLa 7% eirifBaivetv eipyerai, VOJJLOV 86<yfjLari, teal ASpiavov, 0)9 av uw& ef anroirTov 6eu>polev TO e$a<f)o<> ey/ceXevcra/nevov. Tert. Adu. lud. 13 pr. 35 exinde quod interdiction est, ne in confinio ipsius regionis demoretur quisquam ludaeorum. Cf. Adu. Marc, in 23 p. 418 1. 22 Kr. Aug. in Ps. 68. Serm. 2 10 pr. consecuta est postea 286 TERTVLLIANI [p. 68 1. 2- uindicta Domini; expugnata est ciuitas, debellciti ludaei, occisa nescio quot hominum milia. nullus illuc modo permittitur accedere ludaeorum ; ubi potuerunt aduersus Dominum clamare, ibi a Domino won permittuntur habitare. perdiderunt locum sfuroris sui: atgue utinam uel nunc agnoscant locum quietis suae!...nam loca ilia omnia et hominibus plena sunt et ludaeis inania. Schurer I 3 699 n. 146. Renan, Egl. Chret. 221. p. 68 1. 3 Theodoret Gr. Aff. Cur. xi 69 p. 163 15 sq. PRAEMINARENTVR : the word Adu. Marc. V 19 p. 645 1. 22 10 Kr., Apul. p. 68 1. 4 EADEM Adu. Marc, iv 5 p. 431, 1. 4 Kr. FORE VTI cet. Cypr. De Idolor. Yanit. 5 4 = c. 11 Hartel (p. 28 1. 1 seq. H.) nee non deus ante praedixerat fore ut uergente saeculo et mundi fine iam proximo ex omni gente et 15 popido et loco cultores sibi allegeret deus multo et fidei fortioris et melioris obsequii, qui indulgentiam de diuinis muneribus haurirent.... 5 1. 5 cuius igitur gratiae disciplinaeque arbiter et magister serrno et filius dei mittitur, qui per prophetas omnes retro illuminator et deductor humani generis praedicabatur. 20 hie est uirtus dei, hie ratio, hie sapientia eius et gloria, hie cet. EXTIMIS De Anim. 48 pr. sub extimis noctibus. Amm. xxix 5 48 usque diei extimum. p. 68 1. 5 Arnob. II 12 Gospel in India, among the Seres, Persians, Medes, in every isle and province. 25 ADLEGERET De Cam. Resur. 8 p. 36 11. 2829 Kr. (but he reads alligatur, alligari). Adu. Marc. I 24 p. 323 1. 27 Kr. n 23 p. 366 1. 12 Kr. (bis). 24 p. 367 1. 16 Kr. 25 p. 370 1. 27 Kr. (adlectio). 28 (bis), p. 371 11. 1718 Kr. iv 9 p. 440 1. 18 Kr. 11 pr. (4 exx.) v 1 p. 568 1. 27 Kr. Hier. n 292 b 30 and in sacerdotium Ep. 82 a (col. 518 b ). p. 68 1. 8 REFORMANDAM De Orat. 7 p. 186 1. 7 Wiss. ut legem in melius reformaret. Adu. Hermog. 43 p. 173 1. 10 Kr. in bonum...de malo. Adu. lud. 2 p. 704 in melius... in hominis salutem. Aug. De Spir. et Litt. 37 f. Clem. Recogn. v 13 35 uos ad ipsius imaginem. [Many exx. in my index to Ps.-Aug. Quaest. A. S.] p. 68 1. 9 Orig. contr. Cels. I 7 says that almost all the world was better acquainted with the birth, crucifixion, passion p. 68 1. 14] APOLOGETICVS 21 287 of Christ than with the teaching of philosophers. So little is ours a Kpv<f)i,ov Boy/jia. p. 68 1. 10 INLVMINATOR Adu. Marc, iv 2 fin. 7 p. 434 1. 17 Kr. 17 f. 25 p. 504 1. 23 Kr. 40 p. 560 1. 11 Kr. Adu. Valent. 15 f. De Cor. Milit. 7 a. in. Cypr. p. 28 1. 7 (above). Vulg. 5 Aug. Serrn. 153 1 pr. 216 9. Contra Maximin. I 4 5 cet. (inluminatio Adu. Hermog. 15 p. 142 1. 25 Kr.). Paulin. Nol. Ep. 23 34 pr. p. 68 1. 11 DEDVCTOR Adu. Prax. 30 fin. 2 pr. paracletum, deductorem scilicet omnis ueritatis. De Cor. Milit. 4. De Fug. 10 in Persec. 1 (cf. 14) qui si forte paracletum non recipiendo, deductorem omnis ueritatis. Hil. Ambr. FILIVS DEI Zahn Forschungen v 310. NON ITA GENITVS Orig. contr. Cels. I 28. Clem. Alex. Protr. 2 31 p. 27. Clem. Horn, v 12 sq. Recogn. x 22 sq. Aristaen. 15 II 2 p. 630 Boiss. Aetna 8890. p. 68 1. 13 SORORIS INCESTO c. 9 p. 3 1. 15.11 p. m. (p. 42) the heathen gods worthier of hell than heaven, illuc enim abstrudi solent impii quique in parentes et in sorores incesti et maritarum adulteri et uirginum raptores et puerorum con- 20 taminatores. Theodore t Graec. Aff. Cur. vn 5 p. 103 14. 8 p. 103 43. Athan.-Euagr. Vit. Anton. 74. 75. 76 libidinum principem louem. Maury Hist. d. Rel. de la Grece III 320 6 . Porphyr. De Abstin. in 16 p. 138 20 Nauck. Aug. Ep. 91 4 and 5. lul. Firm. 12 2. Clem. Alex. Protrept. 38. Ambr. 25 Abr. I 9 84 vol. I 556 2 Schenkl. Athenag. 32 p. 36 b (= 166 Otto). Theophil. in 3. Theodoret Graec. Aff. Cur. in 81 p. 51 1 5, Ganymede, Leda, Danae. 97 p. 53 46 sq. sister Hera, mother Rhea, daughter Qeppe^arra (Orph. 30 67) 98 p. 54 1 (cf. 37 p. 43 1. 45). Epiphan. Ancorat. 105 p. 108 ab 30 Zev<;...eKiv$vvV6 7racra)v TWV yvvaucwv avr^p rylveadai. rpdyos for Penelope, Danae, Leda, Ganymede, Pasiphae and Europa. Lucian lupp. Trag. 2. STVPRO FILIAE Otto on Tatian c. 8 (p. 148 a or Otto s p. 38 n. 17). Arn. v 20 21. (filiae Proserpine Clem. Horn, v 14.) 35 p. 68 1. 14 SQVAMATVM Arnob. v 21. Swan and eagle Tatian 10. Sidon. Carm. 15 1748. 23 2818. 11 69 cygno loue nata 8990; also in Vulg. 1 Regg. 17 5 lorica. Cic. De Nat. Deor. 288 TERTVLLIANI [p. 68 1. 14- I 42 M. Senec. De Vita Beata 26 7 sic uestras alucina- tiones fero, quemadmodum luppiter 0. M. ineptias poetarum ; quorum alius illi alas imposuit, alius cornua, alius adulterum (cf. Sen. fr. 119) ilium induxit. Stat. Silu. I 2 1346 quod 5 nisi me longis placasset luno querellis, falsus huic pinnas et cornua sumeret aethrae rector, in hanc uero cecidisset luppiter auro. Lucian Charidem. 7 fin. Achilles Tatius II 37. Max. Tyr. v 1 p. 84. Tert. De Carne Chr. 4 f. et tamen apud illain < sapientiam saecularem > facilius creditur luppiter taurus iofactus aut cygnus, quam uere homo Christus penes Marcionem. Cypr. ad Donat. 8 f. (p. 10, 1823). Clem. Horn, v 13. Athanas. Contr. Gentes 15 f. 11 p. m. (i 26 ab Migne) 12 pr. Firmic. 12 2 and 4 (ap. La Cerda). 13. Prudent. Contr. Symm. I 59 78. Aug. De Ciu. Dei xvm 13 p. m. Fried- 15 lander in 5 6613. CORNVTVM c. 16 f. n. (p. 54 1. 32). Ad nat. I 14 fin. Adu. Marc, in 18 p: 406 1. 26 Kr. (= Adu. lud. 10 p. 728 Oehler). Europa and Leda Athenag. 22 f. (p. 24 C ). Arnob. V 21. vi 12 (Hammon 13 pr.). Tatian 9 10. Athenag. 20 32. Clem. Alex. 20 Protrept. 16. PLVMATVM Aug. De Ciu. Dei iv 27 (i 180 16 D.), Cic. poet. Apul. Metam. II 1 aues indidem -as. c. Sodoma 113 (Peiper s Cypr. Gall. Poet. p. 218) si quis plumat senio modulatior ales. Tatian 19 n. (p. 149 C or Otto s p. 44). $eo?, elire JJLOI, KVKVOS yiverai KOL 25 rrjv derov /uiopcfrrjv dva\a^dvei Kal Si olvo^otav rov Tavv/jirjSov^ rrj TraiSepacrria ae/jLvvveraL Tert. De Spectac. 8 p. 9 1. 20 Wiss. oua honori Castorum adscribunt, qai illos ouo editos credendo de cygno I one non erubescunt Aristid. Apol. 9 8 (Syr.). Lucian Deor. Dial. 4 pr. 20 6. Apollodor. in 12 2. Prudent. Perist. x 30 221 (Roman) cygnus stuprator. Arnob. iv 23. 26. Hild. p. 384. v 20 (taurus cf. 35). 29. 44. Elmenh. on Arnob. 1. c. p. 143. Greg. Naz. t. II c. 61 p. 142 Bill raOpo?, KV/CVOS, ^putro?, 6 (/H?, 7roo-45, dp/eras, d-rravra. Aug. De Ciu. Dei v 27. Hier. in Ion. c. 2 p. 406 d . Prudent, contr. Symm. I 77. Germ. Arat. Phaenom. 35 Plin. N. n 17. Ou. Fast, v 6056. Octauia 2037. 762 772. As an eagle with Aegina (Clem. Horn, v 13), as a vulture with Aetna (ib.), Lamia as a hoopoe (eVo-v/r) (ib.), Phthia as a dove Aelian Var. Hist. I 15, Hera as a cuckoo, Pausan. p. 68 1. 22] APOLOGETICVS 21 289 II 17 6. Schol. Theocr. xv 64. Aristoph. Birds 819 sq. Trypho (in lustin. Dial. 67 pr. p. 291 b ) the Christians speak as the Greeks in their myths, who represent Perseus as born of the virgin Danae, on whom lupiter descended in a shower of gold. So lustin. himself (Apol. I 22 f. p. 68 b) el 3e /cal Sia 5 irapOevov yeyevvrfcrOaL (frepo/jiev, KOIVOV /cat rovro TT^O? TOV llepcrea ear ay vjuv. Clem. Horn. V 13. Leda, Danae, Semele, Alcmene, Theodoret Graec. Aff. Cur. in 98. p. 68 1. 16 IMPVDICITIA Aug. Enchirid. 34 qualem de uirgine nasci oportebat, quern fides matris, non libido, con- 10 ceperat. [Mr Payne adds De Trin. xiii 23.] p. 68 1. 19 EDIXIMVS c. 17 pr. Kaye 517. p. 68 1. 21 RATIONEM c. 23 p. 82 1. 11. Adu. Prax. 5 p. 233 1. 7 Kr. ante omnia enini deus erat solus, ipse sibi et inundus et locus et omnia. solus autem, quia nihil aliud 15 extrinsecus praeter ilium, ceterum ne tune quidem solus; habebat enim secum, quam habebat in semet ipso, rationem, suam scilicet, rationalis enim deus, et ^ratio in ipsum prius, et ita ab ipso omnia, quae ratio sensus ipsius est. hanc Graeci \6yov dicunt, quo uocabulo etiam sermonem appellamus. ideoque iam 20 in usu est nostrorum per simplicitalem inter pretationis sermonem dicere in primordio apud deum faisse, cum magis rationem competat antiquiorem haberi, quia non sermonalis a principio, sit rationalis deus, etiam ante principium, et quia ipse quoque sermo ratione consistens, priorem earn ut substantiam suam 25 ostendat. Kaye p. 500 n. 6. Harnack Gesch. d. altchr. Lit. (1893) I 877. On Tertullian s knowledge of Greek Kaye 61. ARTIFICEM of God Lact. Diu. Instt. n 2 18. 17 9. Senec. Ep. 113 16 diuini artificis ingenium (Sij/juiovpyos}. Antisthenes in Lact. I 5. 3 o p. 68 1. 22 ZENO Pearson (Cambr. 1891) Zeno Fr. 44 (pp. 92 93, where he gives Lact. IV 9 2 twice, not knowing that bk IV = De Vera Sapientia). infr. c. 46 pr. Christians and philosophers. Minuc. 19 10 Zeno et Chrysippus et Cleanthes sunt et ipsi multiformes, sed ad unitatem prouidentiae omnes 35 reuoluuntur...Zenon eiusdem < Cleanthis > magister naturalem legem atque diuinam et aethera interim interdumque rationem unit omnium esse principium ; idem interpretando lunonem M. T. 19 290 TERTVLLIANI [p. 68 1. 22 aera, louem caelum, Neptunum mare, ignem esse Vulcanum et ceteros similiter uulgo deos elementa esse monstrando pub- licum arguit grauiter et reuincit error em. Cic. De Nat. Deor. I 36. The Xo7<>9 known to Orpheus ([lustin.] Cohort, ad 5 Gr. 15 p. 16 Col.). Orig. contra Cels. vi c. 8 p. 280 Plato in a letter to Hermeias and Koriskos speaks of the son of God. FACTITATOREM c. 46 p. 128 1. 31. Adu. Valent. 21 bis. Adu. Prax. 18 p. 260 1. 12 Kr. (cited from no other author). p. 68 1. 25 CLEANTHES Fr. 13 p. 245 Pearson. 10 PERMEATOREM UTT. \j. Cic. De Nat. Deor. I 36 (of Zeno) aliis autem locis rationem quandam per omnem naturam rerum pertinentem ui diuina esse affectam putant. Marc. Aurel. v 32 o <Ha TT)? ovaia? Sirffccov \6yos. Heraclit. in Plut. Moral. 885 a cet. in Lasaulx Studien p. 78 n. 20. Athenag. 6 p. 7 C (56) de 15 Stoicis. p. 68 1. 26 VIRTVTI Adu. lud. 9 prope fin. (p. 726 Oehler) duplici enim, nisi fallor, operatione distinctum eum legimus, praedicationis et uirtutis. Adu. Prax. 7 p. 236 1. 7 Kr. 30. Adu. Marc. I 19. in 6 p. 384 1. 16 Kr. 16. IV 21 p. 489 1. 22 Kr. 20 p. 68 1. 27 EDIXIMVS c. 17 pr. Kaye 523 4. PROPRIAM SVBSTANTIAM Orig. in lo. p. 56 IS lav ovo-iav i.e. vTToa-Tdcriv. Ashton. Kaye 524 n. 9. 526 n. 6. Grot, on Mark 2 8. Hippol. c. Noe t. 16 (I 242) quid est quod ex ipso genitum est, nisi Spiritus, id est Verbum 1 Celsus in Orig. 25 VI 72 says : eVetVep Trvev/Jid eariv CLTTO rov Oeov 6 vio$ ev dv@p(i)7riv(p ryeyovcos o-cojjuan, ouS av auro? eirj dOdvaros o rov Oeov f/o?. Mosheim s Orig. contra Cels. p. 712. On the Trinity Pamel. I p. 39 C sq. n. 31. Lightfoot on [Clem.] 2 c. 9 (n 2 230). Dorner I 205 sq. Maximilla in Euseb. Hist. Eccl. v 30 16 17 pjfjid et/u Kal 7rvev/j,a ical ^vvafja^. Georgii in Studien der evang. Geistlichkeit Wurtembergs 1838 72 sq. 107. 110. 112. 1167. Iren. v 1 2. lustin. Apol. I 33. [Cyprianic tract] De Montibus Sina et Sion 3 Sion...in quo monte Spiritus sanctus Filius Dei rex constitutus est. Cypr. Quod idola di non 35 sint 11 carnem spiritus sanctus induitur; where in Migne is cited Herm. Sim. v 5 2. C. Taylor in Class. Rev. vn 201. R. Seeberg in Zahn Forschungen v 330 and 223. (Aristid. 2 6. Herm. Sim. IX 1 1.) p. 68 1. 32] APOLOGETICVS 21 291 p. 68 1. 28 SPIRITVM c. 23 p. 82 1. 11. omn. De Orat. 1 bis. p. 180, 3. 12 Wiss. Adn. Marc, ill 16 spiritus creatoris qui est Christus. Pamelius I 33 EF n. 13. 2 [Clem.] 9, XpurTo<:...<v JAW rb TTp&Tov TTvevjjia. Otto on Atheiiag. Suppl. 10 p. 10 C (p. 46 n. 9). 5 p. 68 1. 30 PROLATVM cet. Adu. Prax. 8 pr. hoc si qui putauerit me probolen aliquam introducere, id est prolationem rei alterius ex altera, quod facit Valentinus, alium atque alium aeonem de aeone producens ; primo quidem dicam tibi : non ideo non utitur et ueritas uocabulo isto et re ac censu eius, quia et 10 haeresis utitur ; immo haeresis potius ex ueritate accepit, quod ad mendacium suum strueret. prolatus est sermo dei an non? hie mecum gradum fige. si prolatus est, cognosce probolen ueritatis et uiderit haeresis, si quid de ueritate imitata est. 6 fin. nam ut primum deus uoluit ea quae cum Sophiae ratione et 15 -sermone disposuerat intra se, in substantial et species suas edere, ipsum primum protidit sermonem habentem in se indiuiduas suas rationem et sophiam, ut per ipsum fierent uniuersa, per quern erant cogitata atque disposita, immo et facta iam, quantum in dei sensu. Adu. Valentin. 7 p. 185 1. 6 Kr. namque ibidem 20 Nus simul accepit prolationis suae officium ; emittit et ipse ex semet ipso Sermonem et Vitam. Cf. 37 p. 211 1. 4 Kr. prolatio uocis Lact. Diu. Instt. iv 8 12. Aug. Gen. ad litt. iv 39. Hilar. De Trin. iv 3. VI 5 cet. Rufin.-Orig. Princ. iv 1 28. Iren. II 28 3 fin. 4 pr. 5. 6. 31 1. Hier.-Didym. Sp. S. 26. 25 The term disapproved by Iren. II 13 5. 28 6 (Baur I 172 n. 12). Blunt Right Use 1623. Kaye 496 seq. p. 68 1. 31 VNITATE Adu. Prax. 2 p. 229 1. 26 Kr. quasi non sic quoque unus sit omnia, dum ex uno omnia, per substantiae scilicet unitatem. 30 p. 68 1. 32 CVM EADIVS EX SOLE cet. Adu. Prax. 8 p. 239 1. 7 Kr. tertius enim est Spiritus a Deo et Filio, sicut...tertius a sole apex ex radio. 27 pr. undique enim obducti distinctione patris et filii, quam manente coniunctione disponimus, ut solis et radii et fontis et fluuii. lustin. Dial. c. Tryph. 61 p. 284^ Otto 35 ad 1. cf. 128 \6yov <ydp TWO, TrpoffdXXovres, \6<yov <yvvw- ov Kar 9 aTrorofJirjv, 009 e\arra)0rjvai rov eV rjfjilv Xoyov, KOI OTTOIOV evrl Trvpos opw/juev a\\o 192 292 TERTVLLIANI [p. 68 1. 32 OVK e\arrov/jivov Kipov G ov TJ dva*fyis yeyovv, aXXa rov avrov pevovros, KOI TO ef avrov dva<f)0ev KOI avro ov fyaiverai, OVK 6\arrwa-av eicelvo e ov dvr}<f)8r}. /jLaprvptjaei Se /-tot 6 Xoyo? TT}? 0-0(t a?, avros (L>V ouro? o $eo? aVo rov rrarpos rwv o\wv 5 yevvrjOels /cat Xoyo? KOI o-ofyla teal Sum/At? teal Sofa rov yevvr)- a-avros v-jrdpx<6v. Cf. Lact. Din. Instt. iv 29 4 5. Iren. II 13 disapproves these analogies. Tat. 5=8 (p. 146 bc ) rocnrep yap fiTrb yLtta? SaSo? dvaTTTerai yu-ey Trvpd TroXXa, TT}? Se TrptwrT;? SaSo? Sm r^ e^atyiv TWV TTO\\WV &q&wv OVK eXarroOrat TO 10 (w?, oura) /cat o Xo70? 7Tpo6\Oa)i> eV 777? TOU Trarpo? Swdfjiewts OVK a\oyov Treiroi^Ke rov ryeyevvrjKora. KOI yap auro? 670) AaXco /cat uyu-et? a/couere, /cat ov ftrjirov Sid r^? /u,eTa/3acre&&gt;9 ro{) \oyov Kvos 6 7rpocro/jLi\d)v \6<yov ytvopai 7rpo{3a\\6fievos Se rrjv e/jiavrov (frwvijv SiaKoo-fjielv rrjv ev vfuv dKoo-^rov v\7)v 15 rrporjprjiJLai. p. 68 1. 33 SEPAKATVR Ad u. Prax. 2 fin. numerum sine diuisione patiuntur. 8 p. 238 1. 17 Kr. prolatum dicimus filinm a Poire sed non separatum. Tat. Apol. 8 ov /car diroKOTrrjv. lust. Dial. c. Tryph. 61 p. 284 c, 128 p. 358 Col. 20 p. 68 1. 35 LVMEN DE LVMINE Suicer s. u. (/><?. Athenag. 10 f. (p. 10 d) Kairoi /cat auro TO evepyovv Tot? eK^wvovai Trpo(j)T]TiKs ayiov Trvev/jua aTroppoiav elvai c^a^ev rov 6eov y djroppeov /cat eTrava^epo/jievov OK dtcriva J]\LOV. Euseb. Caes. in a letter to his flock (appended to Athan. De Deer. Syn. Nic. 25 and in Theodoret H. E. I 12 4) proposed at Nicaea the form we believe ets eva Kvpiov ^Tjaovv Xpio~r6v, rov rov 6eov \6<yov, Oeov IK Oeov, (^co? e /c <^&)TO?, ^ayrjv e /c fa)!}? cet. Epiphan. Haeres. LXII 1. LXIX 7 (Arms ad Alex.). Paulin. Nol. Ep. 42 2 Deum ex Deo. 30 INDEFECTA lexx. give De Pallio 3 and Apul. Cassiod. in Forcellini (not Bailey s ed.) and RW., but not in LS. or Georges or Muhlm. or Faber. Faber and Mlihlmann have h. L, Gesner F and G with ref. to Salm. p. 68 1. 36 MATRIX cet. Adu. Prax. 2 p. 229 1. 4 Kr. sermo 35 ipsius qui ex ipso processerit cet. 8 fin. tertius est spiritus a deo et Jilio, sicut tertius a radice fructus ex frutice, et tertius a fonte riuus ex flumine, et tertius a sole apex ex radio, nihil tamen a matrice alienator, a qua proprietates suas ducit. ita p. 70 1. 2] APOLOGETICVS 21 293 trinitas per consertos et conexos gradus a patre decurrens, et monarchiae nihil obstrepit et oikonomiae statum protegit. ibid, p. 238 1. 18 Kr. protulit deus sermonem, quemadmodum etiam Paracletus (in Montanus) docet, sicut radix fruticem, et fons fluuium, et sol radium, nam et istae species probolae sunt earum 5 substantiarwm, ex quibus prodeunt. nee dubitauerim filium dicere et radicis fruticem et fontis fluuium et solis radium, quia omnis origo par ens est, et omne, quod ex origine profertur, progenies est. 13 fin. nam et radium solis seorsum solem uocabo ; solem autem nominans, cuius est radius, non statim et radium solem 10 appellabo. nam nee soles duos faciam, tamen et solem et radium eius tam duas res et duos species unius et indiuisae substantiae numerabo, quam deum et sermonem eius, quam patrem et filium. Kaye 504. 519 seq. 527. Baur Dreieinigkeit I 176. TRADVCES c. 7 fin. Do Praescr. Haer. 32 m. seminis aposto- 15 lid traduces. De Patient. 5 p. 7 1. 18 Kr. De Anirna 9 p. 311 1. 18 Wiss. De Test. An. 3 p. 138 1. 7 Wiss. De Carne Chr. 22 sui. 20 p. m. neruum umbilicarem, quasi folliculi sui traducem. Vine. Viet. ap. Aug. De Nat. et Orig. An. I 17 [more exx. in index to Corp. Scr. Ecci Lat. vol. LX A. S.]. De Pecc. Orig. 3 20 3. Hier. Adu. Ruf. II 4 8. Caelest. Symb. 1. Mar. Mercator Subnot. 7 2. Rufin. xxi 626 a Migne. [Ambst. frequently : see Study of Ambst. p. 14-5, Ps.-Aug. Quaest. p. 574 (index): also Pelag. A. S.] p. 70 1. 2 MODVLO Adu. Prax. 9 p. 239 1. 19 Kr. necessi- 25 tate autem hoc dico, cum eundem patrem et filium et spiritual contendunt, aduersus oikonomian monarchiae adulantes, non tamen diuersitate alium Filium a Patre, sed distributione, nee diuisione alium, sed distinctione, quia non sit idem pater et filius uel modulo alius ob alio. 14 p. 250 1. 22 Kr. consequens 30 erit, ut inuisibilem patrem intellegamus pro plenitudine maies- tatis, uisibilem uero Filium agnoscamus pro modulo deriuationis, sicut nee solem nobis contemplari licet, quantum ad ipsam substantiae summam, quae est in caelis, radium autem eius toleramus oculis pro temperatura portionis, quae in terrain inde 35 porrigitur. Adu. Marc, iv 18 p. 478 1. 16 Kr. forma prophetici moduli (L. and S. omit the 3 passages from Tert. of which this and Prax. are in RW.) [Very often in Aug. A. S.] 294 TERTVLLIANI [p. 70 1. 3 p. 70 1. 3 NVMERO )( lustin. Dial. c. Tryph. 128 p. 358 C a erepov n. 62 p. 285. 129 pr. p. 358 d . ib. p. 359 ab . 56 p. 276 d . GRADV NON STATV Adu. Prax. 8 p. 239 1. 11 Kr. 19 fin. rationem reddimus, qua dei non duo dicantur nee domini, sed 5 qua pater et filius duo, et hoc non ex separatione substantiae, sed ex dispositione, cum indiuiduum et inseparatum filium a patre pronuntiamus, nee statu, sed gradu alium, qui etsi deus dicatur, quando nominatur singularis, non ideo duos deos faciat, sed unum, hoc ipso, quod et deus ex imitate patris uocari habeat 10 ib. 2 fin. quasi non sic quoque unus sit omnia, dum ex uno omnia, per substantiae scilicet unitatem, et nihilominus custodiatur oikonomiae sacramentum, quae unitatem in trinitatem dispomt, tres dirigens, patrem et /ilium et spiritum, ires autem non statu, sed gradu, nee substantia, sed forma, nee potestate, sed 15 specie, unius autem substantiae et unius status et unius potestatis, quia unus deus, ex quo et gradus isti et .formae et species in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti deputantur. 21 p. 264 1. 5 Kr. non eundem autem non quasi separatum, dispositione alium, non diuisione. [Cf. Ps.-Aug. Quaest. 122 26 A. S.] 20 KECESSIT Aug. Ep. 137 6 et putamus nobis de omnipotentia Dei incredibile did aliquid, cum dicitur Verbum Dei, per quod omnia facta sunt, sic desumpsisse corpus ex uirgine...ut a sinu Patris, id est a secreto, quo cum illo et in illo est, non recesserit. 10 f. homo quippe Deo accessit, non Deus a se recessit. 25 p. 70 1. 4 PRAEDICABATVR c. 18. p. 58 1. 17 qaos diximus praedicatores prophetae de officio praefandi uocantur. infr. p. 70 1. 18 manifestius praedicatum sperant. infr. p. 72 1. 8 id super Christo praedicatum non scierunt. De Fug. in Persec. 6 a. m. atquin persecutions eos passuros praedicabat et 30 tolerandas docebat. 12 p. m. persecutiones praedicatas non praecaueret. Adu. lud. 13 pr. igitur quoniam filii Israel affirmant, nos errare recipiendo Christum, qui iam uenit, prae- scribamus eis ex ipsis script uris, iam uenisse Christum, qui praedicabat ur, quamuis ex temporibus Danielis praedicantis 35 probauerimus, cet. Adu. Marc, iv 1 p. 423 1. 17 sq. Kr. Lact. Diu. Instt. iv 12 3 cites psalm of Solomon (not found there) [but it is, as we know now, in the Odes of Solomon 19 v. 6 A. S.]. Is. VII 14. (Is. vii 10 seq. cited by Cypr. Test, n 9.) p. 70 1. 12] . APOLOGETICVS 21 295 Here and De Carne Christi 5. 18, Adu. Prax. 27 no express mention of Christ s human soul (Ziegler Irenaeus 244 n. 1), but elsewhere, e.g. [adu. Prax. 30 A. S.]. p. 70 1. 5 DELAPSVS Cypr. De Idolor. Van. 11 hie in uirginem delabitur, carnem Spiritus Sanctus induitur, Deus cum homine 5 miscetur, hie Deus noster, hio Christus est. p. 70 1. 6 MIXTVS Pusey. Aug. Ep. 137 11 throughout, e.g. nam si anima in sua natura non fallatur, incorpoream se esse comprehendit : multo magis incorporeum est Verbum Dei, etc per hoc Verbi Dei et animae credibilior debuit esse permixtio, 10 quam animae et corporis. p. 70 1. 8 INTERIM provisionally cf. 8 pr. SIMILIS EST VESTRIS Tatian 21 p. 159 cd ov jap ^wpaivo^ev, av&pes r/ EXXr;^e?, ovSe \?jpov$ aTrayyeXhofjiev, Oebv ev dvOpw- TTOV iJ,op(f)f} yeyovevcu fcaTa r yye\.\ovTS...$i67r6p ctTroftXe^avTes 15 7T/009 ra olicela a7ro/iLvi)/JiOvevijiaTa /cav o>9 ofjboiws /J,v9o\o- yovvras aTToSegaaQe. Orig. contr. Gels. I 37 (cl. Tert. Adu. Valent. 10. Spencer ad 1. c.) compares the parthenogenesis of vultures, and the virgin mother of Plato. lustin. Apol. I 21 raj Se TOV Aoyov, 6 eari Trpwrov yevvrjfia rov eou, avev ITTL- 20 yu-t^/a? (fxicr/ceiv ^ytta? yeyevvricrOai Irjcrovv Xpt<7TO^,. . .ov Trapa roL/9 Trap V/JLLV \eyo/jivovs viovs rw Att KOLLVOV TL fyepopev. cf. 54. p. 70 1. 9 QVI PENES vos cf. c. 22. 47 p. 134 1. 10 omnia aduersus ueritatem de ipsa ueritate constructa sunt, operantibus 25 aemulationem istam spiritibus erroris. p. 70 1. 10 PRAEMINISTRAVERINT De Anim. 58 p. 394 1. 22 Wiss. Adu. Marc, iv 14 p. 461 1. 15 Kr. v 6 p. 589 1. 10 Kr. 18 p. 641 1. 14 Kr. Ad nat. I 7 p. 70 1. 11 Wiss. n 3 p. 98 1. 8 Wiss. Ad Vxor. I 2 f . De Paenit. 2 m. De Bapt. 10 p. 209 1. 11 30 Wiss. (Oehler ind.). Apul. Met. I 7. n 11. vi 15 f. 26 (p. 325 Price) vii 11. p. 70 1. 11 Adu. lud. 7 p. 713 5 uenturum enim Christum et Tudaeos non refutare scimus, utpote qui in aduentum eius spem suam porrigant. Cypr. De Idolor. Van. 12 sciebant et ludaei 35 Christum esse uenturum, nam hie illis semper prophetis monen- tibus adnuntiabatur. Kaye 203. p. 70 1. 12 Adu. lud. 7 and 14. 296 TERTVLLIANI [p. 70 1. 13- p. 70 1. 13 Tzschirner 184. Clem. Recogn. I 43 50 f. Hier. Prol. in lerem. c. 30 (v 282 ed. 1684). lustin. Dial. c. Tryph. c. 8 p. 226 the Messiah still to come. c. 32 p. 249 with victory, not on the cross, c. 49 p. 268 Elias has not yet come. Isaiah 7 5 not a virgin, but a young ivoman shall conceive. (lustin. c. Tryph. c. 67 p. 291 cf. lustin. Apol. I 43.) Isaiah 5253 (the sufferer) explained by a Jew, with whom Origen (contr. Gels. I c. 55 p. 42) argued, of the Jewish nation. CONPVLSATIO c. 38, cf. vonpulso c. 20. 10 p. 70 1. 14 DVOBVS ADVENTIBVS. Adu. lud. 14 pr. Adu. Marc, ill 7 pr. duos dicimus Christi habitus a prophetis demonstrates totidem aduentus eius praenotasse : unum in hu- militate, utique primum, cum tamquam ouis ad uictimam deduci habebat . . .quae ignobilitatis argumenta primo aduentui 15 competunt, sicut sublimitatis secundo. Orig. contr. Gels. I c. 56 p. 43 1. 13 Spencer, n 29 pr. Clem. Recogn. I 43. 49. 50 f. Iren. iv 22 2. Cypr. De Idolor. Van. 12 sed significato duplici eius aduentu, uno qui exercitio et exemplo hominis fungeretur, altero qui deum fateretur, non intellegendo primum aduentum, 20 quod in passione praecessit occultus, unum tantum credunt qui erit in potestate manifestas. quod autem hoc ludaeorum populus intellegere non potuit, delictorum meritum fait. sic erant sapientiae et intellegentiae caecitate multati, ut qui uita indigni essent, haberent uitam ante oculos nee uiderent. lustin. Dial. c. 25 Tryph. 8 p. 226 b (above). 14 p. 232 d . Apol. I 52 p. 87 a (Otto s n. p. 139 n. 4). Lact. Diu. Instt. iv 16 13 non credebant filium Dei esse, ignorantes duos eius aduentus a prophetis esse praedictos, primum in humilitate carnis obscurum, secundum in fortitudine maiestatis manifestum. Tzschirner 295 sq. 30 p. 70 1. 15 EXPVNCTVS [c. 2 n. A. S.] 15 p. 52 1. 3. 35 p. 102 1. 23 n. 48 p. 138 1. 31. Adu. lud. 11 fin. post quern habebant expungi quae nuntiabantur. 12 fin. quae si per Christum eue- niunt, non in alium erant prophetata, quam per quern expuncta consideramus. Ad Martyr. 6. Scorpiac. 10 p. 169 1. 9 Wiss. 35 Ad nat. I 7 p. 71 1. 7 Wiss. p. 70 1. 16 CONDITIONIS HVMANAE cf. adu. lud. 14 (p. 741). p. 70 1. 17 EXSERTAE cf. 37 a. m. p. 108 1. 5 hostes exsertos non tantum uindices occultos. Stat. Silu. v 2 39 bello. Ad p. 70 1. 24] APOLOGETICVS 21 297 Yxor. II 1 exserte iubet. Cypr. p. 398 16 H. exertum ac semi- nudum pectas, p. 420 11 exerte atque aperte. p. 70 1. 22 FRVGE c. 40 f. p. 271 1 Oehler ab omni uitae fruge dilati. p. 70 1. 24 SEQVEBATVR VTi Senec. De Benef. vn 11 1. 5 Cicero Orat. 75. 191. 221. Cf. restat, superest. [So with consequitur, consequens est, very frequently. A. S.] MAGVM c. 23 p. 82 1. 7 n. Adu. Marc, in 6 p. 385 1. 24 Kr. planum in signis. Aug. Contr. Faust, xn 45 p. m. quia etsi attestabantur miracula, non defuissent (sicut adhuc mine qaidam 10 mussitant] qui magicae potentiae cuncta ilia tribuerent, nisi tails eorum cogitatio contestations proplietica uinceretur. De Ciu. Dei xvni 53. Cons. Euang. I c. 9 14 sq. (Christ wrote magic books), cf. c. 14 22. Clem. Recogn. I 42 fin. 58. Euseb. Demonstr. Euang. in c. 6. 7 3 (Oehler says falsely Praep. Euang. ill 8). 15 Real wizards Simon and Menander (Euseb. Hist. Eccl. in 26), Saturninus and Basilides (iv 7). Hippolytus Haer. VII 1 28. Apul. [metam., apologia passim]. [Ign.] Philipp. 4. 5 Lightf. vol. ii pp. 777 13. 778 28. Epist. Pilati ad Claudium, Euangel. Nicodemi 2 A and B. Tischend. Euangel. Apocr. 2nd ed. pp. 216. 20 223. 288293 sexies. Tischend. Apocal. Apocr. p. 143. Apo cryphal gospels (Proteuangelium lacobi, Euangelium Infantiae, Tzschirner 158 seq.) teem with miracles. (See below.) Arri. (Tzsch. 1334) I 42. 48. 503. n 11. 12 the chariot and fiery horses of Simon Magus dispersed by Peter s breath. Demon- 25 stration of spirit and of power, Orig. contr. Cels. I c. 2 p. 5. 2 f. lx vi l remains of miracles in his day. Moral distinction between miracles and magic (Tzschirner 152 3) I 39. 68. (Egyptian magic) 71. II 9 f. 14 f. 16 p. 70 fin. 48 the prophets foretold miracles. 4951. in 1 fin. 8. 9. 23 fin. 24. 25. 27. 28. 30 vi 42. vni 47 f. Jews converted by miracles rather than by the argument of unlearned apostles. Spencer annotat. on Orig. contr. Cels. pp. 6 and 7. Sueton. Nero 16 afflicti suppliciis Christiani, genus hominum superstitionis prauae ac maleficae. lofSatot? (jvp^ayel et? apvyaiv rov aravpov, 35 f/ Ej\\i]a-i,v et? (jvKofyavrlav yu-o/yef a? [whence ? A. S.]. Cypr. De Idol. Van. c. 4. c. 13 itaque cum Christ us lesus secundum a prophetis ante praedicta uerbo et uocis imperio daemonia (cf. 298 TERTVLLIANI [p. 70 1. 24- Bingham I 2. 5) de hominibus excuteret, paralyticos restringeret, leprosos pur gar et, inluminaret caecos, clodis gressum daret, mortuos rursus animaret, cogeret sibi elementa famulari, seruire uentos, maria oboedire, inferos cedere, ludaei, qui ilium credi- 5 derant hominem tantum de humilitate carnis et corporis, existima- bant magum de licentia potestatis. Edm. Le Blant Recherches sur 1 accusation de magie dirigee centre les premiers chretiens, Nogent le Rotrou, 1869, 8vo. Kortholt 474487 de magia Christo huiusque cultoribus exprobrata. Lact. Diu. Iristt. II 10 16. iv 13. 16. 15. 1. v 3 9 sq. 18. Marcellinus Augustino Ep. 136 (4) 1 f . (n 598 d Gaume) Apollonium suum nobis et Apuleium aliosque magicae artis homines in medium proferant quorum maiora (than Christ s) contendunt exstitisse miracula. Of. Tzschirner 44 45 (Matt. 9 34. 12 24. Luke 11 17). Eisen- 15 menger s Entdecktes ludenthum 1 148 168 either an enchanter, who learnt magic in Egypt, or one who wrought miracles by the Schem Hamphorash, den erklarten Namen Jehovahs/ Tzschirner Gesch. Apol. 149 ff. lustin. Apol. I. 24 work by help of demons. 30. 34, cf. 73 Simon Magus. II 6 (cf. Matt. 9 20 32 sq. 12 22 sq. with parallels) regards miracles rather as a fulfilment of prophecy. Dial. c. Tryph. 69, p. 295. 6. Mimic. 26 9. Quadratus (Euseb. Hist. Eecl. iv 3) appealed to Christ s miracles. Hippolytus (i 268 Fabr.) preserved by Theodoret, Eranistes, attaches weight to the evidence of miracles. 25 p. 70 1. 25 VERBO Matt. 8 16. RELVMINARET De Carne Chr. 4 p. m., De Anima 34 p. 359 1. 14 Wiss. p. 70 1. 26 LEPROSOS RW has Prudent. Sedul. add Tert. De Pudic. 20 p. 267 1. 8 Wiss. Adu. Marc, iv 9 p. 443 1. 20 Kr, 30 Vulg. Hier. Ep. 121 1 (852). In Eccl. 10 p. 472 cet. Greg. Turon. Hist. Francor. I 19. [I have 5 exx. from Ambst. and 5 from Aug. A. S.] p. 70 1. 27 FAMVLARET c. 39 p. 114 1. 23 affectant ad gloriam famulandae libertatis. Cf. Oehler on the present passage. 35 p. 70 1. 29 \6yov. On T. s knowledge of Greek Kaye 61. On the doctrine ib. 517 n. 1 519 n. 9. p. 70 1. 31 AD DOCTRINAM cet. hence Cypr. De Idol. Van. 13 fin. hunc magistri eorum atque primores, hoc est, quos et p. 72 1. 4] APOLOGETICVS 21 299 doctrina ille et sapientia reuincebat, accensa ira et indignatione prouocati insecuti sunt et postremum detentum Pontio Pilato, qui tune ex parte Romano, Syriam procurabat, tradiderunt, crucem ems et mortem suffragiis uiolentis ac pertinacibus flagitantes. 5 REVINCEBANTVR c. 1 p. 2 1. 21. De Testim. Anim. 1 pr. Oehler. De Virg. Veland. 1 pr. Lucr. IV 489 an confutabunt nares oculiue reuincent? p. 70 1. 32 PRIMORES...MVLTITVDO Lact. iv 16 5 ergo cum magnus populus ad eum uel ob iustitiam quam docebat, uel ob 10 miracula quae faciebat, subinde conflueret...tum primores ludae- orum et sacerdotes ira stimulati, quod ab eo tamquam peccatores increpabantur et inuidia deprauati quod confluente ad eum mul- titudine contemni se ac deseri uidebant,. . .coierunt aduersus eum impiumque consilium de eo tollendo cruciandoque ceperunt. 15 p. 72 1. 1 SYRIAM ludaeam. los. Antiq. xvin 3 1, 4 2 Vitellius governor of Syria, yet Cypr. Quod Idola cet. 13 f. (quoted above) Pontio Pilato, qui tune ex parte Romana Syriam procurabat. Lactant. Diu. Instt. iv 18 4 Pontio Pilato, qui turn legatus Syriam regebat. Epit. 40 (45) 8 Pontius Pilatus, 20 qui turn legatus in Syriam iudicabat. (In A.D. 30 there was no acting legatus] hence none named in Luke 3 1.) Harnack Gesch. d. altchristl. Lit. (1893) I 865. p. 72 1. 3 PRAEDIXERAT Cypr. De Idolor. Van. 14 hoc facturos et ipse praedixerat et prophetarum omnium testimonium 25 sic ante praecesserat, oportere ilium pati...Fidem itaque rerum cursus impleuit. nam et crucifixus praeuento carnificis officio spiritum sponte dimisit, et die tertio rursus a mortuis sponte siirrexit. Justin. Apol. I 14 had foretold the sufferings of his disciples. Orig. contr. Gels. I c. 62 p. 49 cites Matth. 9 37 30 (great harvest, few reapers). II c. 13 pp. 68 9 cites Matth. 10 18 (ye shall be brought before kings and rulers). Matth. 24 14 (gospel preached in all the world;. Luke 21 20 (Jerusalem besieged). PARVM si c. 6 p. 134 1. 2 Oehler with n. g. De Fug. in 35 Persec. 13 p. 489 1. 4 up. De Idolol. 7 p. 36 1. 17 Wiss. Lact, I 10 12. parum est c. inf. luu. 15 166 n. p. 72 1. 4 SVFFIXVS Lips. De Cruce I 3. Lact. Diu. Instt. iv 300 TERTVLLIANI [p. 72 1. 26 32 suffixus itaque quid spiritual deposuerat, necessarium carnifices non putauerunt ossa eius suffringere, sicut mos eorum ferebat. Cypr. De Idol. Van. (= Quod idola di non sint), 14, quoted above. Orig. contr. Gels. II 16 p. 71 KOI 5 oid TOVTO (loan. 10 18) 7rpo\a/3a)v e%e\i i\vdev diro TOV f iva avTo T^prjcrrj KOI fir] /cara^Of) ra cr/ceX?;, 009 Ta TWV <rvv avTw a-ravpto6evTwv \yo-Twv. Ill 32 p. 130 (loan. 10 18) teal tcpd^as (fxvvfj fjieydXy, d^rftce TO Trvev/jia 7rpo\a(3a)i> TOU? TTL TWV dvO~KO\O7TlO-fJieV(i)V OTJ/jLLOV^, VTTOTe/JiVOVTaS TCI O~K\7] TU>V 10 aTavpov/jievwv, /cal Bid TovB vTroTefivovTas, iva (JLTJ eVt 7r\eov TLfJLWplCLV p. 72 1. 5 CVM VERBO: Btinem. on Lact. iv 15 22 cites sub uerbo and uerbum, in uerbo and the common cum dicto. p. 72 1. 6 MEDIVM ORBEM Wetstein N. T. torn. I p. 539. 15 Keim in 438 n. 3. Speech of Lucian the martyr in Rufin. Hist. Eccl. ix 6 f. solem uobis ipsum horum produco testem: qui cum haec fieri per impios uideret in terris, lumen suum meridie abscondit in caelo. requirite in annalibus uestris, inuenietis temporibus Pilati, Christo patiente, fugato sole interruptum 20 tenebris diem (of course no astronomical eclipse (Sepp, Leben Christi I 2 298)). Clem. Recogn. I 41 cum pateretur, omnis ei compassus est mundus. Of. 42. SIGN ANTE Senec. Cons, ad Marc. 18 2 solem cottidiano cursu diei noctisque spatia signantem. Cic. Tuscul. I 28 68 z^lunam festorum signantem... dies. Manil. Astr. I 596 et per quinque notat signantes tempora fines. [Cf. Lucan II 645. A. S.] p. 72 1. 7 DELIQVIVM. Add to lexx. [even to Thes. A. S.] Ad Scap. 3 m. p. 544 1. 2 (Plin. Seru. Fest. [etc. see Thes. A. S.]) Acta Pilati in Thilo Cod. Apocr. N. T. (1832) I 809 30 eyeveTO e</> o\rji> TTJV olfCOV/jLevrjv, TOV rjXiov KpvftevTOS KOI TOV 7ro\ov (TKOTeivov (patvo/jLevov r)/jipas ovcrrjs. lul. Afri- canus in Syncellus (Routh Reliq. n 2978 and nn. 477480). No eclipse except at the time of new moon. Daille I 4 p. 26 sq. no eclipse. Cramer s Cat. Matth. 27 45. [Dionys. Areopag.] 35 Ep. 7 3 ad Polycarpum (i 1081 C Migne) and 12 ad Apolloph. (opp. II 91). Cf. Amos 8 9. Jer. 15 9. Rev. 6 12. Sib. I 372 5. VIII 232 (cf. Aug. De Ciu. Dei xvm 23. Const, ad sanct. coet. 2 18). Athan. Ep. ad Epictet. 10 fin. (n 1068 A Migne) Sid TOVTO p. 72 1. 8] APOLOGETICVS 21 301 yovv 6 /lev r/Xto?, opwv TOV Brj/J,iovp i yov eavrou iv r&&gt; v crco/zart dre^ofjievov, ra? dfcrlvas crvveGTei\ /cal eaKOTicre rrjv yrjv. Suid. s.u. Dionysius, rj TO Oelov Trda-^ei rj TOJ TraGyovri o-v/jbTrda^ei. Aug. De Gin. Dei ill 3 (compares the eclipses at Romulus death). Sun and moon as accessories of crucifixion 5 from first cent, to renaissance. (Krause s. v. Sonne.) Oros. vii 3. Lardner (1829) VII 105124 heathen pt 2 c. 13. Bayle. Chapman 1734 5. Clarke cited Phlegon in Boyle Lect. 1706 p. 325, but afterwards omitted him, e.g. 8th ed. 1732 p. 357. p. 72 1. 8 PRAEDICATVM c. 48 p. 138 1. 20. Adu. lud. 13 pr. 10 (p. 736 1. 5) in this chap, twice. Adu. Marc, iv 10 a. m. bis, p. 445 11. 25, 27 Kr. 42 p. 564 1. 16 Kr. Cypr. Ep. 63 2, 7, 8 cet. Migne cvi 48 d Jahrbb. 1888 5089. So -ator a prophet c. 18 p. 58 1.17. Cypr. De Bon. Patient. 16. Adu. lud. 10 f. p. 730 ult. nam quod in passione eius accidit, ut media dies tenebresceret, Amos 15 propheta adnuntiat, dicens : et erit, inquit, in die ilia, dicit Dominus, occidet sol media die, tenebrescet super terrain dies luminis...et ponam eum quasi luctum dilecti et eos qui cum illo quasi diem maeroris . . .et ut prophetiae implerentur, properauit dies uesperam facere, id est tenebras efficere, qttae media die 20 factae sunt. Lactant. iv 18 3 cites Amos 8 9, 10 and 4 Jer. 15 9 (from Cypr. Testim. II 23 (p. 91)) as the source of Matth. 27 45. De leiun. 10 p. 287 1. 21 Wiss. itaque in earn usque horam celebranda pressura est, in qua a sexta contenebratus orbis de- functo domino lugubre fecit officium, ut tune et nos reuertamur ad 25 iucunditatem, cum et mundus recepit claritatem. Amos 1. c. cited also Aug. Ep. 199 34 = De Ciu. Dei in 15. Breu. Rom. Oct. 9 lect. IV Dionysius... cum adhuc in gentilitatis errore uersaretur, eo die quo Christus Dominus cruci affixus est, solem praeter naturam defecisse animaduertens, exclamasse traditur : aut 30 Deus naturae patitur, aut mundi machina dissoluetur! Whiston Testimony of Phlegon vindicated. Lond. 1732, with replies by A. A. Sykes (17334). Seru. ad Verg. Georg. I 465 ff. (solem quis dicerefalsum audeat ?...ille etiam exstincto miseratus Caesar e Romam cum cap-lit obscura nitidum ferruyine texit...insolitis 35 tremuerunt motibus Alpes) constat occiso Caesare in senatu prid. Id. Mart, solis faisse defectum ab hora sexta usque ad noctem. A whole year Plut. lul. Caes. 69 p. 741. Plin. II 30 98. At 302 TERTVLLIANI [p. 72 1. 8- the death of Aug., Dio LVI 29. Euang. Nicod. c. 11 p. 592 Thilo, Pilate to the Jews: eOewpr^a-are ra ^evofieva; ol Se CITTOV avrw- "E/cXet-v/rt? ffXiov yeyove Kara TO elwdos. Pilate in one MS (cf. Theophyl. and in c. Euthym. Zig. 27, 45) replied not 5 possible. Phlegon in C. Miiller Fr. in 606 n. 15 ( OXiy-wriaSe? % Xpovi/cd). Orig. contr. Gels. II 33 fin. p. 80 (xvm 187 Lomm.) 59 pr. p. 96. 14 p. 69 (Jesus a prophet), cites Phlegon, but Horn. 35 in Matt, he says that Phlegon s (Syncell. I 614 Bonn) eclipse cannot be that meant in the gospel. (So Basnage 10 Annal. A.D. 29 and 31 vol. I p. 249. Voss Harm. Euang. n c. 10. Mosheim Orig. Gels, transl. p. 1978.) Tzschirner 104 sq. 1145. Wetst. and [?] on Matt. 27 45 (cf. Joel 2 10). All the evidence collected by Clinton Fast. Rom. II 279 280. p. 72 1. 9 KELATVM IN ARCANIS VESTRIS. Ill Adu. Marc. 15 IV 7 p. 435 11. 12 ff. Kr. Tert. appeals to the census in the Roman archives. Kaye 148 150. For phrase cf. in acta referre. luu. 2 136 in litter as. Arnob. IV 14 in tabulas. Cic. often to enter, register. p. 72 1. 13 SVSPECTOS suspicious (Cat. Dist. iv 43 2 in lexx. 20 nam timidis et saspectis aptissima mors est). Apul. Metam. IX 20. Tert. Adu. Marc, v 3 p. 575 1. 14 Kr. Adu. Valentin. 21 fin. Amm. xxix 4 5. Bed. I 15 f. Baron. 601 20. Claud. 4 Cons. Hon. 278 neu dubie suspectus agas neu falsus amicis. With ne Greg. Turpn. Hist. Francor. IX 3. With ace. Spart. Seu. 15 5. 25 So VTTOTTTO? Eur. TO -ov Thuc. Lid. Oehler. p. 721. 16 sq. Tzschirner 46. Matth. 27 64. 281215. lustih. Dial. c. Tryph. 108 2 p. 335. Eisenmenger s Entdecktes ludenthum I 193 4. Toledo" th leschu says, Judas stole the body and buried it in his garden. Rabbi Abraham Perizol in 30 his book Maggen Abraham (against Christianity) says the disciples stole the body in the Sabbath night, while the Jews were busy with their meetings and with eating the Paschal lamb. p. 72 1. 20 NE Lact. Diu. Instt. iv 20 1 profectus ergo in 35 Galilaeam (noluit enim se ludaeis ostendere, ne adduceret eos ad paenitentiam atque impios resanaret), discipulis iterum congre- gatis scripturae sacrae litteras, id est prophetarum arcana patefecit. So, answering the question why Pythagoras and p. 72 1. 26J APOLOGETICVS 21 303 Plato, who went in quest of religion to the Egyptians, Magi, and Persians, did not seek it among the Jews, he says (iv 2 5) sed auersos esse arbitror diuina prouidentia, ne scire possent ueritatem, quia nondum fas erat alienigenis hominibus religionem dei ueri iustitiamque notescere. Celsus in Orig. 1 1 78 pr. makes 5 the Jew ask : rj eVl rovra) fcaTrj\0v, r iv a r jTL(TTr]o-w}jLv; Trpos ov XeXe^era*, OVK eVt TOVTW fJLev ri\6ev, iv epydo-rjrai, rrjv fiTTLorriav lovSatoLs TrpoyiyvcacrKcov & avrrjv i(TO^kvr]v irpoelire. p. 72 1. 23 Cypr. De Idolor. Van. 7 5 ad dies quadraginta remoratus est, ut de eo ad praecepta uitalia instrui possent, et 10 discerent quae docerent. p. 72 1. 24 Kaye 331 1. 215 n. 2. CIRCVMFVSA Cypr. De Idol. Van. 7 6 tune in caelum circumfusa nube sublatus est. Lact. Diu. Instt. iv 21 1 ordinato uero discipulis suis euangelio ac nominis sui praedi- 15 catione circumfudit se repente nubes eumque in caelum sustulit quadra gesimo post passionem die. p. 72 1. 25 Tert. De Spectac. 30 p. 20 1. 20 Wiss. ubi gaudeam, ubi exsultem, tot spectans reges, qui in caelum recepti nuntiabantur, cum loue ipso et ipsis suis testibus in imis tenebris 20 conge mescentes ? Sueton. Aug. 100 nee defuit uir praetorius, qui se effigiem cremati eurtteni in caelum uidisse iuraret. Cf. D. Cass. LVI 46 2 (Numerius Atticus. Dio refers to Proculus). Liuius Geminius, a senator, swore the same oath as a witness of Drusilla s ascension (A.D. 38) Dio Lix 11 4. Sen. Apoco- 25 locynt. 1 2 (Drusilla). On the eagle in consecrations cf. Artemidor. n 20. p. 72 1. 26 PROCVLI ad nat. n 7 p. 106 1. 17 Wiss. inrideri peierantes. Aug. De Ciu. Dei in 15 Haverc. Arnob. I 41. Lactant. I 15 32. So respecting the visible ascension of 30 emperors Tatian 10 p. 149 d . Minuc. 21 9 (= Cypr. Quod idola di non sint 4 p. 21 6) nisi forte post mortem deos fingitis et perierante Proculo deus Romulus. Liu. I 16. Plut. Romulus 28. lustin. Apol. I 21. Apol. n c. 14 p. 52. Tert. Adu. Marc, iv 7 p. 434 1. 5 Kr. indignum denique, ut Romulus quidem ascensus 35 sui in caelum habuerit Proculum adfirmatorem. Schwegler I p. 520 1. 9. 531 1. 10 A.V. Pilatus c. 5 p. 18 1. 26 n. cited by lustin. Apol. I 35. 48 pp. 76 c. 84 c. On the Acts of Pilate, 304 TERTVLLIANI [p. 72 1. 26- Cotelier on c. 3 n. 2 of Acta Martyr. Ignat. (vol. n ed. 1698 p. 162). Blasphemous acta Pilati cited A.D. 304 by the judge of Andronicus, c. 9 (Ruinart p. 485), perhaps by the judge of Theodotus, c. 23 (Ruinart 365), was distributed broadcast by 5 order of Maximin A.D. 311, read aloud and placarded on walls and taught to children in schools (Euseb. Hist. Eccl. ix 5 1). Of. Allard Persecution de Diocletien n 183 6. Tzschirner 115 sq. lustin. Apol. I 45, 63. The gospels do not state that Pilate heard of the resurrection. The two Latin letters of 10 Pilate to Tiberius (Fabric. God. N. T. Apocr. in 456). From such sources the Euang. Nicodemi (ib. I 238) was compiled. Another version of Pilate s letter to Tiberius and one of Tiberius to Pilate, from a Vienna MS, to be published by Birch among apocryphal writings of N. T. (Tzschirner 117 8). 15 Aurel. Victor Epitome 16 14 et quod de Romulo aegre cre- ditum est, omnes pari sensu praesumpserunt, Marcum caelo receptum esse (on caelo rec. see Arntzen). Pearson Lect. in Acta Apost. in 4 (Minor Theological Works I 3413). ad nat. I 10 m. (l 77 26 Wiss.) manifeste cor am populo non 20 peieraret contemplator [caelit- or homin-]-is w caelum recepti, nisi contemneret quos deieraret. In De Praescrip. Haer. 36 pr. he refers to the aitthenticae litter ae (autographs) preserved in the apostolic churches. Kaye 103. p. 72 1. 27 CAESARI TVNC TiBERio cf. 2 p. 8 1. 2 tune Traianum 25 imperatorem. Adu. Prax. I p. 228 1. 6 Kr. tune episcopum Romanum. Paulin. Vit. Ambr. 5. 8. 26. 31 bis, 34 bis (missis militibus tune ab Stilichone co mite... quod ubi uidit time Stilicko comes). In Adu. lud. 9 (n 719 Oehler) T. gives the day, month, year of the crucifixion. All the notices from Tert. collected by 3 o Clinton Fast. Rom. A.D. 29 and Keim in 4802. Pilate cited by Greg. Turon. I 21. Cf. Acta Andronici ap. Baron. Ann. 290 n. 26. Harnack Die Ueberlieferung u. d. Bestand der altchristl. Lit. bis Euseb. Leipz. 1893 I 2122 a saint in the Ethiopic calendar 25 June, the Copts make a martyr of him. Cf. Leyrer 35 Pilatus (Herzog-Plitt s.v. Pilatus). p. 72 1. 30 POTVISSENT Ignat. Ep. ad Smyrn. 6 rulers visible and invisible, if they believe not in the blood of Christ, await judgement. lustin. Dial. c. Tryph. 39 p. 258 cd KOI &ia rovro p. 741. 11] APOLOGETICVS 21 305 o/uLoXoyrjaat, on OL/TO? ecrriv o X/oicrro?, &&gt;? al ypacfral /cal rd (f>aiv6/LLva KOL rd <yivo/j,6va eVt ra) bvofiari avrov, f iva /AT) StooKrjaOe VTTO rwv dp^ovrcov, 01 ov iravaovrai drro TT}? rov Trovrjpov KOI ir\dvov TTvevfJbaros, rov 6 (ea>9, evep- 76/0,9 Oavarovvres /cal OLu>KovrS rou? TO ovofjia rov Xpicrrov 5 o/uoXo-yoO^ra?, e<y? irakiv Trapf} teal Kara\v(7r) irdvia^ KOI TO KO/T d^iav e/cdcrrfi) Trpodveif^rj. p. 72 1. 31 PER ORBEM omn. Adu. lud. 7 p. 713 Oehler, Britain, Spain, Gaul cet. p. 714 the only universal empire. p. 72 1. 32 IVDAEIS on the Jews as the chief instigators of 10 persecutions lustin. Dial. c. Tryph. 17 Otto p. 234 e . 16 Otto p. 234 bc . Orig. Contr. Gels, vi 27 f. Tert. Scorp. 10 p. 168 1. 12 VViss. synagogas ludaeorum fontes persecutiomim. Bingham vol. I (1855 Oxf.) p. 13. Zahn Forschungen v 170. p. 72 1. 33 NERONIS c. 5 p. 18 1. 31 n. Scorp. 15 p. 178 1. 11 15 Wiss. uitas Caesarum legimus; orientetn fidem Romae primus Nero craentauit cet. Prud. Symm. II 669 71 illiiis <Iouis> instinctu primus Nero matre perempta sanguinem apostolicum bibit ac me strage piorum polluit et proprium facinus mihi saeuus inussit. Lact. m. p. 2. Kaye 105 n. 8. 20 p. 74 1. 1 SEMINAVERVNT 50 f. semen est sang ids Chris- tianorum. p. 74 1. 2 MVLTVM EST Clem. Recogn. I 45 multum est ire per singula. p. 74 1. 5 SECTAE h. c. pr. p. 66 1. 14. 25 p. 74 1. 8 CVLTVRAM c. 16 p. 52 1. 29. Scorp. 2 f. (i 150 16 Wiss.) ab omni factura atque cultura idolorum cauere. Adu. Marc. I 5 p. 297 1. 5 Kr. uulg. Minuc. 23 12 Halm. Lact. Diu. Instt. v 7 2. Epit. 23 1. Apul. Met. xi 22. Hier. Ep. 78 mansio 1 f. (4716) peruersarum doctrinarum. Rufin. in Num. 30 17 1. Cassian Inst. II 5 cet. [More in Thes. A. S.] Firmic. Matem. Mathes. vm 26 1. 92 aeterna [but text doubtful, vol. n p. 339 1. 14, ed. Kroll-Skutsch-Ziegler, Lips. 1913. A. S.]. Prud. Psychom. 28 9 ecce lacessentem conlatis uiribus audet prima ferire Fidem ueterum cultura deorum, cet. cet. [Ps.-Aug. 35 A. S.] p. 74 1. 11 VOCIFERAMVR c. 2 p. 10 1. 8 uociferatur homo, Christianus sum. M. T. 20 306 TERTVLLIANI [p. 74 1. 12- p. 74 1. 12 HOMINEM PVTATE argumentum ad hominem, as lustin. Apol. I 22 pr. The Son of God, called Jesus, may well enough be called the Son of God on account of his wisdom, even if he be but a mere man, for all writers call God the 5 Father of gods and men (Blunt Right Use 1889). PER EVM cf. 1. 13 per hominem Moysen. p. 74 1. 14 Tert. De Anim. 2 p. 301 1. 7 Wiss. quia plerosqm auctores etiam deos existimauit antiquitas. 1. 11 ut Orpheum, ut Musaeum. ib. 46 p. 337 1. 10 nam et oraculis hoc genus stipatus 10 est orbis, ut...Trophoni in Boeotia. Trophonius at Lebadea (Lucian Dial. Mort. 10 3). Bouche-Leclercq Hist, de la divin. dans 1 antiquite in 321332. Aemil. Paullus 167 B.C. (Liu. XLV 27 8) Lebadiae quoque templum louis Trophonii adit, ibi cum uidisset os specus, per quod oraculo utentes scisci- istatum deos descendunt. Welcker Gotterlehre in 122 3 der Nahrende. Cic. De Nat. Deor. in 49 n. (p. 134) temple taxed. ORPHEVS [lustin.] Cohort, ad Graec. c. 36 37, and Musaeus, unknown to Homer. Ibycus, Simonides, and Pindar name 20 Orpheus. Maury in 300 337. Preller in Pauly. Bouche - Leclercq II Musaeus 110 2 Orpheus 113 5. Both in Plato Republ. 364 e . Busts of Christ and Orpheus, Abraham, Py thagoras and Apollonius Tyaneus in the chapel of Alex. Seu. Vit. 29 2. 25 p. 74 1. 15 MELAMPVS Bouche-Leclercq II 13 19. TROPHONIVS Plut. De Oracul. Defect. 5 p. 41 l e Boeotia, once vocal with oracles, has now been spent, like springs, and in Lebadea alone can you still receive a response; elsewhere there is deep silence or desolation, id. De Genio Socrat. 21 30 fin. 23 (599 a sq.). Sulla 17 12. Max. Tyr. 14 2. Theodoret x 3 p. 136 7 eV Ae/3aS/a pev, Tpcxfrwviov. ib. 46 all oracles dumb, T. among them. Plutarch and Dicaearchus on the or. lost. Philostrat. Vit. Apollon. vm 19. Pausan. ix 39 2 14 (he himself consulted the oracle). Aristoph. Nub. 507 n. Tert. 35 De Anim. 46 p. 377 1. 12 Wiss. (cited above) speaks of Tr. as still subsisting : he is the last author who names him. Dan. Clasenius [Theologia Gentilis ?] Helmst. 1673 4to. Limburg- Brouwer vi 1179. Diet. Ant. n 3 291. Preller in Pauly. p. 74 1. 17] APOLOGETICVS 21 307 Miiller Orchomenus 250260. Wieseler Das Orakel des Tro- phonius 1848. p. 74 1. 16 INITIATIONIBVS c. 7 p. 26 1. 8. LS cites 1 ex. Sueton. add h. 1. Aclu. Marc, iv 33 p. 532 1. 6 Kr. Hier. in Amos in (9 1) (R.W. cites Apul.) add Hier. in Abacuc I (2 5 15 S(].). DOMINATORES Adu. Itid. 6 f. Adu. Marc, iv 20 pr. My note on Cic. De Nat. Deor. n 4 (p. 69 ). Many exx. in Sen. add Clem. Recogn. v 8 f . VH 28 pr. Prud. Apoth. 448 and 88. Lact. n 14 2. Hermae Pastor I Vis. n 2 cet. Aurel. 10 Viet. Caes. 19 (Did. Lilian.) 1. Sedul. v 209. Sil. xi 151. Greg. Tur. Glor. Mart, prooem. Bonifat. p. 225. Chromat. Contio I f. (v 989 e Bibl. max. Patr.) [I have seven exx. from Aug. with cet. added. A.S.]. Cf. Verg. Aen. I 282 Rornanos rerum dominos. I5 p. 74 1. 17 c. 25 p. 88 1. 34 (cf. 1. 21) De Praescr. Haeret. 40 a.m. (IT 38 Oehler) ceterum si Numae Pompilii super stitiones reuolua- mus, si sacerdotalia officict et insignia et privitegia, si sacrificalia miiiisteria et instrumenta et uasa ipsa sacrificiorum ac piacu- lorum et uotorum curiositates consider emus, nonne manifeste 20 diabolus morositatem illam Ludaicae legis imitatus est ? Arnob. II 1 2 (after speaking of the spread of the gospel) ipsam denique apud dominam Romam, in qua cum homines essent Numae regis artibus atque antiquis superstitionibus occupati, non distulerunt tamen res patrias relinquere et neritati coalescere Christianae 25 (cf. Elmenhorst ad loc.). vn 26 religionibus artifex in commis- cendis Numa. iv 31 (cf. Cic. har. resp. 23, a graphic picture of the painful preciseness of Roman ritual (simpuuia indicates Numa)). Lact. Diu. Instt. I 22 9 Pompilius apud Romanos institutor ineptarum religionum fuit Cic. De Republ. n 27 30 sacrorum ipsorum diligentiam dijft-cilem, apparatum perfacilem esse uoluit. nam quae perdiscenda quaeque obseruanda essent multa constituit, sed ea sine impensa. Liu. i 21 1 deorum adsidua insidens cura, cum wteresse rebus humanis caeleste numen uideretur, ea pietate omnium pectora i?nbuerat. Pint. 35 Coriol. 25. Preller-Jordan ind. s.u. Numa (e.g. the apocryphal books of Numa, B.C. 181 (n 368372) burnt (7 Gr. 7 Lat.), i 3 119142). Marquardt in 2 6 n. 3, 18 n. 9. Cf. Schwegler I 541. 202 308 TERTVLLIANI [p. 74 1. 17 Ambrosch ub. d. Religionsblicher der Rom. (Bonn 1843) 27 8. Lasaulx Studien p. 135 n. 213. p. 74 1. 18 LICVERIT Adu. lud. 9 m. (n 724 1. 5 Oehler) licuit ergo et Christo Dei in psalmis sine bellicis rebus ense 5 sermonis Dei praecingi. p. 74 1. 19 RVPICES lexx. cite Lucil. Gell. and 3 other exx. from Tert. (Apul. rupico), Cf. stipes, lapis, saxum in Otto Sprichvvorter. p. 74 1. 21 NVMA c. 25 p. 88 1. 34 a Numa concepta est 10 curiositas superstitiosa. De Praescr. Haer. 40 cited above. Cic. Republ. II 26 27 (above) v 3 ilia diuturna pax Numae mater huic urbi iuris et religionis fuit. Tac. An. ill 26 Numa religionibus et diuino iure populum deuinxit. p. 74 1. 22 Arnob. II 65 ut enim di certi certas apud uos 15 habent tutelas licentias potentates neque eorum ab aliquo id quod eius non sit potestatis ac licentiae postulatis, ita unius ponti- jicium Christi est dare animis salutem et spiritum perpetuitatis adponere. VRBANITATE DECEPTO8 cf. c. 17 p. 56 1. 20 (anima) insti- 20 tutionibus prauis circumscripta. esp. De Testim. Anim. 1 p. 135 1. 4 Wiss. Liu. I 19 4 omnium primum rem ad multitudinem imperitam et illis saeculis rudem efficacissimam deorum met um inidendum rat us est. p. 74 1. 23 OCVLARET Cypr. De Idolor. Vanit. 7 6 dis- 25 cipuli...caecos et ignaros ad agnitionem ueritatis ocularent. Tert. De Paenit. 12 m. (i 664 Oehler) hirundo, si excaecauerit ptdlos, nouit illos ocular e rursus de sua chelidonia. De Pudic. 8 pr. (I 234 2 Wiss.) in uestibus pwrpura oculandis. Adu. Marc. IV 36 p. 546 1. 25 Kr. Jidem...melius ocidatam. [Ps.-Aug. 30 Quaest. and in Matth. 2 exx. in my index, p. 562. A. S.] Vit. Cyprian, (p. xcn 1. 8 Hartel) nondum secunda natiuitas nouum hominem splendore toto diuinae lucis oculauerat. si... EST c. 6 pr. n. infra c. 25 p. 86 1. 31 n. c. 42 p. 122 1. 8. Oehler on Ad Mart. 2 (both si in indir. interr. and indie, in 35 or. obi.). Aug. Serm. 162 1 pr. nescio si. Bentley and Obbar on Hor. Ep. i 3 30. Cf. I 7 39. Liu. iv 20 8. xxx 16 13. Early authors indie. Drager II 460 seq., poets and late Latin 474 sq. Petron. Apul. Gell. Hist.-Aug.-Scr. Lact. e.g. Diu. p. 74 1. 31] APOLOGETICVS 21, 22 309 In. iv 16 9 Blinem. (from Wisdom ii 17) uideamus ergo si sermones illius ueri sunt p. 74 1. 24 internal evidence c 45. Cf. n. on p. 126 1. 20. REFORMATVR supra p. 68 1. 8. Infr. c. 48 pr. p. 136 1. 13 quis in quam bestiam reformari uideretur. Cypr. p. 448 5 2 (sententiae episc. n. 29 f.). Orig. Contr. Gels, in 42 f. rl Tr)\ifcovTov \(TK\r)7rio<$ TJ kiovvcros rj Hpa/cX^ /cal rivas e^ovcrw aTro^el^ai fteXrLwOevra^ ra 7J0r) /cal yevo/jievovs aVo rwv Koytov teal rov /3uov avrwv, iva yevwvrai 0eoi; Apul. Metam. xi 16 ad hominem. 10 p. 74 1. 25 RENVNTIETVR c. 38 n. p. 110 1. 14. p. 74 1. 26 RATIONE c. 2 fin. nomen .(Christianuni) quod quaedam ratio aemulae operationis insequitur . . .nomen illius aemulae rationis inimicum (for OMNI Herald, inani or aemula}. DELITESCENS Lact. Diu. Instt. II 16 19 sed illorum sunt 15 isti lusiis, qui sub nominibus mortuorum delitescentes, uiuentibus plagas tendunt. itaque sine ill ad periculum quod imminet uitari potest, idderi uolunt id placati auertisse ; sine non potest, id agunt, lit propter illorum conteinptum accidisse uideatur. p. 74 1. 27 ORACVLIS infr. c. 22. Do Cult. Fern. I 2 pr. 2 o 3 pr. Socr. in 18. Clem. Alex. p. 1002 P. Bouche-Leclercq, Astrol. 606. CAP. XXII p. 74 1. 29 Kaye, 198, 200 seq. p. 74 1. 30 DAEMONES cc. 23. 27. 37. Ad Scap. 2. De Praescr. Haer. 40. Lact. n 14 5. Euseb. Praep. Euang. iv 25 17 5 6. v 4 1. Minuc. 26 9 eos spiritus daemonas esse poetae stiunt, philosophi disserunt, Socrates nouit, qui ad nutum et arbitrium adsidentis sibi daemonis uel declinabat negotia uel petebat. p. 74 1. 31 SOCRATE...A PUERITIA ADHAESISSE Plat. Apol. 30 p. 31 d . Phaedr. p. 242. Tert. Apol. 46 p. 128 1. 14 Socratis vox est: si daemoniam permittat! De Anim. 39 p. 366 1. 29 Wiss. sic igitur et Socraten puerum adhuc spiritus daemonicus inuenit. 1 p. 299 1. 23 Wiss. (Socrati) aiunt daemonium a puero adhaesisse. Lact. n 14 9 et Socrates esse circa se assiduum 35 daemona loquebatur, qui sibi a puero adhaesisset, cuius arbitrio et 310 TERTVLLIANI [p. 74 1. 31- nutu sua uita regeretur. Epit. 28 2. Minuc. 26 9 cited above. Orig. c. Gels, vi 8. Cypr. Quod idola di non sint 6 (p. 23 15) hos et poetae daemonas norunt et Socrates instrui se et regi ad arbitrium daemonii praedicabat (the only reference 5 in Cyprian to Socrates). Aug. De Ciu. Dei vni 14 speaking of Apul. De Deo Socr. [especially De Philosophia Libri, but see Teubner indexes to all works. A.S.]. Cf. Plut. De Genio Socr. Max. Tyr. [Hobein s index, p. 507. A. S.]. AD ARBITRIVM Cic. pro Murena 19 uixit ad aliorum arbi- 10 trium, non ad suum. Hor. Carrn. in 6 40 matris ad arbitrium recisos fustes, so in 2 20. Suet. Tac. p. 74 1. 32 DEHORTATORIVM only ex. in lexx. add Hieronym. in Ezech. vii 10. -ator add to lexx. ; it occurs Aug. in Ps. 80 11 cet. [Thes. has Donat. (1 ex.) Aug. (1 ex.). A.S.] 15 p. 74 1. 33 POETAE Lact. II 14 7 eos poetae et sciunt esse daemonas et loquuntur. Hesiodus ita tradit (Opera et Dies 122 3) ol fjuev Sai/Jioves elai Ato? fjLeyd\ov Sid /BovXas eV#Xoi, 7Ti^06vioi, <j)v\aKes OvrjTwv dv6po)7ra)v (cf. Minuc. 26 9 (cited on 1. 30)). 20 p. 74 1. 34 De Test. Anim. 3 p. 137 1. 23 Wiss. daemonium iiocas hominem aut iinmunditia aut malitia aut insolentia aut quacumque macula, quam nos daemoniis deputamus, ad necessi- tatem odii importunum. Satanan denique in omni ueocatione et aspernatione et detestatione pronuntias, quern nos dicimus malitiae 25 angelum, totius erroris artificem, where Rigault supposes that the interjection malum (cf. mains = malignus, the Evil one) is meant. Heathen gods demons Keil Opusc. Acad. ed. Goldhorn II 584 601 often in Orig. Contr. Gels, in 2, who cited Psal. 95 5, the gods of the heathen Saifjiovia. 30 p. 76 1. 1 EXSECRAMENTI Vulg. and Adu. lud. in lexx. Add Aug. Haer. 46. [Add Num. 5, 21 ap. Aug. quaest. hept. iv 11, Deut. 7. 26 ap. Aug. ep. 47, 3. A.S.] PLATO cf, on demons, Tim. 40 de cited by Athenag. 23. Lact. II 14 9 phiiosophi quoque de his dixerunt ; nam Plato etiam 35 naturas eorum in Symposio exprimere conatus est. p. 76 1. 3 DE ANGELIS cet. Gen. vi 2. lustin. Apol. n 5 (see Pusey p. 54 n. c. Zahn Forschungen II 301 2) ol 8 , 7rapa/3dvres Trjvbe rrjv rdgL p. 76 1. 17] APOLOGETICVS 22 311 Orjaav KOI TrouSa? ereicvwcrav, oi dviv 01 \ey6/j,6vot, Athenag. 245. Clem. Alex. Strom, v 1 10. Pseudo-Clem. Horn, vi 13. Lact. n 1415. Cf. Joseph. Antiq. I 4. Tert. De Idolol. 9 p. 38 1. 10 Wiss. (Oehler s n. a p. 77) unitm propono, angelos esse illos desertores Dei, amatores feminarum. Adu. 5 Marc, v 18 fin. (p. 640 11. 2021 Kr.). p. 76 1. 5 LITTEBAS SANCTAS probably Enoch, which he cites De Cult. Fern. I 3 n 10. De Idolol. 4 p. 33 1. 22 Wiss. 15 p. 48 1. 16 Wiss.: perh. however Gen. vi 2, Ashton. For Enoch cf. Orig. Contr. Cels. v 54 f. (Spencer s n. in Lommatzsch 269 10 270). p. 76 1. 7 EVERSIO Minuc. 26 8 ad solatium calamitatis suae non desinunt perditi iam perdere et deprauati errorem prauitatis inftmdere et alienati a Deo inductis prauis reli- gionibus a Deo segreyare. Lact. n 14 11 solatium perditionis 15 suae perdendis kominibus operantur. 16 9. 20, 17 10. Epit. 27 11. [Cf. also Ps.-Aug. Quaest. 110 1, 127 11, 2 nov. 50. Gaud-Brix. serm. 18. Ambros. in psalm, cxviii I 13. Leo Serm. 22, 1. A.S.] p. 76 1. 8 cf. de Spect. 22 fin. 20 CORPORIBVS Minuc. 27 2 inrepentes etiam corporibus re- pente ut spiritus tenues morbos fingunt. Lact. II 14 14 qui, quoniam sunt spiritus tenues et incomprehensibiles, insinuant se corporibus hominum et occulte in uisceribus operati ualetudinem uitiant, morbos citant. Id. Epit. 2 8. Cypr. Quod idola di non 25 sint c. 7 (p. 24 H.). Tatian 31 f. p. 70. Origen Contr. Cels. VIII 31. Clem. Horn. IV 4 (Simon at Tyre) -zroXXou? Se yorjra CLVTOV e\eyx6iv Treipwfjievovs &ia\\di~a$ Trpbs eavrov evdva-repov uco^ta? ftovv 6vcras, KOI ecrrmo a? avrovs, oiacfropois 7rpie(3a\ev teal Bat/jLoaiv vjrefiaXev. Recogn. IV 19. 30 lustin. Apol. i 5, n 5 p. 44 b . [Cf. Ps.-Aug. Quaest. 112 9 p. 290 11. 22 ff. A.S.] p. 76 1. 11. Origen xx 301 L. p. 76 1. 17 EADEM cet. Athenag. 27 ol Trepl rrjv v\rjv ra? A/reuSo- 35 raura? T&V iro\\wv TT)? A/TL ^T)? Kivrjaew a>? aVo rwv i$(t)\c0v real dyaX/Jbdrcov, e TO?? vorffjLacriv, elapelv irape^ovo L KCLI ocra tcaff 312 TERTVLLIANI [p. 76 1. 17- &)? dOdvaros ovcra, \oyi/ca)<; /civeirai ^v^tf, 77 rrpo/jLrjvvovcra rd IJLe\\ovra ?} Oeparrevovcra rd eveorrrj/cora, rovrwv rrjv S6%av /caprrovvrai ol Sai/ioves. Euseb. Praep. Euang. V 2 1 ey<yv0ev efaSpoi /cal crvvepyol TT}? rr\dvrjs rraprjcrav, TO?? rwv dvOpwrrwv 5 tca/cois errevrpvfywvres real rovs r)\i6iovs rds \^iry9 drrarwvres /c(,vrj<T(Ti re ^odvcov, a 6V; errl ripfj avSpdov Trpo? T<MV TTdXcuwv d(f)iep(orai teal fyavT adieus. Minuc. 27 1 isti icjitur impuri spiritus, daemones, ut ostensum mac/is, a philosophis et a Platone, sab statuis et 10 imaginibus consecrati delitescunt et adflatu suo auctoritatem quasi praesentis numinis consequuntur, dum inspirantur interim uatibus, dum fanis immorantur, dum nonnumquam extorum fibras animant, auium uolatus gubernant. p. 76 1. 21 c. 23. c. 35 p. 104 1. 32. Pusey n. e. p. 55. Ad J 5 Scap. 2 kaec enim [odor et sanguis] daemoniorum pabula sunt. De Idolol. 6 p. 36 4 Wiss. Adu. Marc, v 5 f. p. 587 1. 16 Kr. (nidorosorum). lustin. Apol. I 5. II 4 (5) of demons, TO dv0pa>- Treiov 76^0? eat rot? eSov\wcrav...rd Be Sid StSa^rj? OV/JLUTCOV /cal Ovfjaafjidrwy KOL aTrovScov, wv eVSeet? yeyovacri yuera TO 20 7rd6ecriv eTrtOv/jLidov ov\wQr)vai. Of. Minuc. 27 3 Holden, membra distorquent, ut ad cultum sui cogant, ut nidore altarium uel hostiis pecudum saginati remissis quae constrinxerant curasse uideantur. Clem. Alex. Protrept. 50 cites as the demons own confession of gluttony Xot/S^s Te Kvidar^ re, TO yap \d^o/jiv 25 7epa? 77^6^. Euseb. Praep. Euang. V 2 1 a ipavi re /cal \v6pois /cal rravroiwv ^oowv crca/mao i rfj re e/c rwv dvaOvfJuw- /j,eva)v /cal drro TT)? 77}? e^ar/jLi^o^evuiv dvaSocrei ^ai povre^, 01 re Tovrwv ap^ovres <iepioi rives vTrdp^ovres, rj /cal /cara%06vioi Svvd/jieis, errel /careuaQov ro dvOpwmvov <yevos Karw rrov rrepl 30 veKp&v dvSpdov Oeorrouav l\varru>fjievov, Ovaiais re teal rals Srj fjid\icrra avrols /ce%ap ia^jievais Sid rrdarfs e/crrovov/jievov. Origen XX p. 297 L. Id. Contr. Gels, ill 29. 37, p. 133. iv. 32. vi 6 p. 335 a. f. 336 pr. vn 5 p. 334 fin. 35. 56 f. 64. vin 18. 30. Athenag. c. 26 pr. (p. 29 b fin.), c. 27 35 p. 30 d . Tatian 12 p. 151 d . Oenomaus (temp. Hadr.) says to Apollo (Euseb. Praep. Euang. V 21 5 p. 213 C ) ri Se crv /ci io-ids; Luc. bis ace. 2 bis. Iliad iv 49. IX 458. Aristoph. Aues 187. 193. 151424 cet. Ps. 40 811. 50 13. 51. 16, 17, ps.- p. 76 1. 31] APOLOGETICVS 22 313 Aq.= 50 911. 1 Sam. 15 22. Is. 1 1020. Jer. 6 20. Amos 5 2127 cet. Clem. Horn, vn 3. vin 20. ix 15. Theodoret Gr. Affect. Curat. v 60 p. 47 1. 25. 66 p. 48 20 sq. vn (of sacrifices) 14 p. 104 29 sq. 22 sq. p. 106 1 sq. (from O.T.). Denied by Aug. Contr. Faust, xx 22 m. (vin 547 a sq.) illi 5 quippe superbi et impii spiritus, non nidore ac famo, sicut non- nulli uani opinantur, sed hominum pascuntur erroribus : non sui corporis refectione, sed maleuola delectatione cam quoquo modo decipiunt, uel arroganti fastu simulatae maiestatis cum diuinos sibi honores exhiberi gloriantur. Porphyr. De Abst. II 42 fin. 10 p. 204 in Aug. C. D. n 11 (i 419 19 IX), of evil demons, ovroi ol \oi/3fj re Kvicrcrrj re, i u>v avrdav TO Tnaiverai. fj jap rovro drools KCU d 7TOIKI\COS Sid TU)V 7TOiKi\WV, fCdi Swa/jLOVTCLl Tttt? K TWV dLfJid- Twv KOL arapKtov KvLcro-ais [Ovaiais Euseb.] (cited by Euseb. 15 Praep. Euang. iv 22 12). Cf. Porphyr. Epist. ad Anebon. in Euseb. Praep. Euang. v 10 2 p. 197 (1 . Greg. Naz. Or. 38 (I 614 = P.G. XXXVI 316 d ) deovs...Kvio-0-ais ^aipovra^. p. 76 1. 23 ACCVRATIOR more exquisite Cic. Brut. 283 accuratius et exquisitius dicendi genus. 20 PASCVA (UTT. \ey.) Ronsch p. 101 (but Ep. Barn. 16 has -id [gen. sing.]), also in Arn. inn. in Ps. 78 etc. Aug. in Ps. 129 4. Gael. Aurel. tard. IV 3 55. [Add Aug. in lob, torn, in p. 501 E of ed. Bened. Antv. A. S.] RECOGITATV Adu. Marc. IV 43 p. 566 1. 2 Kr. and in lexx. 25 p. 76 1. 28 VELOCITAS Athanas. (and Euagr.) Vit. Anton. 31, 32. p. 76 1. 29 ET SVNT and indeed. Woodham cites Kritz Sail, lug. 86. Tac. Hist. I 72. p. 76 1. 30 PLANE... TAMEN c. 37 f. hostes iudicare maluistis: 30 qui sumus plane, non generis humani tamen, sed potius erroris. p. 76 1. 31 DISPOSITIONES c. 41. Lact. Diu. Instt. n 16 14 cum dispositiones Dei praesentiant, quippe qui ministri eius fuerunt, interponunt se in his rebus, nt quaecumque a Deo uel facta sunt uel fiunt; ipsi potissimum facere aut fecisse uideantur: 35 et quoties alicui populo uel urbi secundum Dei statutum boni quid impendet, illi se id facturos uel prodigiis uel somniis uel oraculis pollicentur, si sibi templa, si honores, si sacri- 314 TERTVLLTANI [p. 76 1. 31- Jicia tribuantur. quibus datis, cum illud acciderit quod ne- cesse est, summam sibi pariunt uenerationem. Firmilian in Cypr. Ep. 75 10 (817 3 seq.) a prophetess, ita autem princi- palium daemoniorum impetu ferebatur ut per Ion gum tempus 5 sollicitaret et deciperet fraternitatem, admirabilia quaedam et portentosa perficiens id facer e se terram moueri polliceretur : non quod daemoni tanta esset potestas ut terram mouere aid element um concutere ui sua ualeret, sed quod nonnumqiiam nequam spiritus praesciens et intellegens terrae motum futurum id se facturum 10 esse simularet quod futurum uideret. Kaye 203. Lasaulx Studien p. 134 n. 206. Harnack on Hernias Mand. 11 3. A familiar spirit revealed to Apollon. Tyan. the future. Eus. c. Hier. 35. EXCERPVNT Plin. ep. in 5, 10 n. 15 p. 76 1. 33 SORTES luu. 1 82 n. pp. 129130. AEMVLANTVR supra c. 2 f. illius aemulae rationis. De leiun. 16 p. 296 1. 11 Wiss. diabolus diuinorum aemulator. De Anim. 20 p. 333 1. 8 Wiss. praesunt ; secundam nos quidem Deus domi- nus et diabolus aemulus. 20 DIVINITATEM C. 11 pr. p. 38 1. 30. DIV1NITATEM...DIVINATIONEM C. 20 p. 66 1. 4. p. 76 1. 34 FVRANTVR c. 47 p. 134 1. 10 n. lustin. Apol. I c. 4 pp. 54 e 55. c. 54 p. 89 d TOVTMV ovv TWV 7rpo$r]TiKwv \6^a)v aKovcravres ol Saifjioves kiovvaov fjiev efyaaav yeyovevcu, 25 viov TOV Ato?, evperrjv 3e <yeve<rdai afjL,7re\ov TrapeBco/cav. Clem. Alex. Strom. I c. 17 81 (4) p. 366 err ovv ^vvapis rj ayy\o? TL T?)? d\r)0ia<; KCU ^r] KarafJieivas ev avry, ravra /cal Xe>^a? ebiSagev. VII c. 2 6 (4) p. 832 ouro? [6 /cvpios] eo-riv 6 StSoi/9 /cal Tois f E\\r)cri rr/v <f)(J\ocro(f)iav Sia 30 rwv vTrobeeo-repcov d>yye\(0v. V c. 1 10 (2) p. 650 the amorous angels of Gen. 6 communicated higher truths to the women their paramours. ORACVLIS Minuc. 27 1 sortes regimt, oracula efficiunt falsis pluribus inuoluta. 26. Lactant. n 7 7 seq. 14 6 seq. 35 Tzschirner 401 3. Arnob. iv 11 12. Orig. Contra Cels. vn cc . 3_6 pp. 3335. Bk x of Theodoret Graec. Aff. Cur. 2 sq. p. 135 sq. is on true and false oracles (the demons inspire them). He cites Plut. 418 e demons, but good ones. Myers Essay on p. 76 1. 35] APOLOGETICVS 22 315 Oracles. lamblichus and Porphyry ascribe them to Serapis and Hecate, Gods of Hell. Cf. Van Dale 150. Euseb. Praep. Euang. in 17 p. 127. p. 76 1. 35 AMBIGVITATES Luc. lupp. Trag. 28. 31. Vit. Auct. 14. Theodoret Graec. Aff. Cur. x 25 p. 139 1. 40. Clem. 5 Horn, in 24. Ammian. xxm 5 8 9. Hier. iv 504a. Capella 9. Herodot. vn 111. Cic. De Diuinat. I 116. II 1156 (see below). Pint, n 4089 399. Arnob. in 23 Hild. TEMPERENT Lact. Diu. Instt. II 14 6 sciunt illi quidem futura multa, sed non omnia, quippe quibus penitus consilium 10 Dei scire non licet, et ideo solent response in ambiguos exitus temperare. Semisch lustin Mart, n 381 seq. Luc. Dial. Mort. 3 1. Deor. Dial. 16 1 o & \\7r6\\a)v TrpoaTrotelrai eiSevai,...Kal KaracrTTjo-d/jLevos epyaarjjpta rfjs Trara rovs ^pwfjievovs avrw, Xofa /cal eTra^orepi^ovra 15 eKaTepov r?}? epctirrjcrecDs ciTTOKpivofjievo^, &&gt;? CIKLV^IVVOV elvcu TO (?<l>d\fjLa. Plut. ed. Reiske VII 569 sq. 609 f. CROESI the stock ex. of ambiguity Aristot. Rhet, in 5 4, Cope. Tert. ad nat. n 17 p. 131 1. 16 Wiss. Theodoret Graec. Aff. Cur. x 26 p. 139 47 (other oracles follow). Chalcid. 20 inTim.c.167. See Myers (op. cit.). Herodot, I 46 56.91. Arnob. iv 24 numquid a nobis dicitur...Apollinem ditemfactum eos ipsos reges quorum gazis faerat locnpletatus et donis, ambiguitate fefellisse responsi. Cic. De Diuinat. n 115 116, Davies. Cf. I 37. Neither mentioned by Plutarch. Both in Amm. xxni 25 5 9. esp. Lucian Alex. 48 f. Charon 11 12. lup. Conf. 14 pr. Iup.Trag.20pr. 30.43, bis ace. 1. Lasaulx 312 313. Dio Chrys. x p. 149 [=11 67l d ed. Paris, 1834]. Nonnus Hist. 94 in Gr. Naz. O-TIJ\I,T. Suid. Kpoicros and Aofta?. PYRRHI Aug. De Ciu. Dei in 17 2 (i p. 124 1. 34 ff. ed. 30 Dombart 3 ). Enn. in Cic. De Diuinat. 11 116 Davies. Quintil. vii 9 6 (amphibolici ainbigaitas). Minuc. 26 6 de Pyrrho Ennias Apollinis Pythii responsa conjinxit, cum iam Apollo uersus facere desisset: cuius tune cautuni illud et ambiguum defecit oractdiim, cum et politiores homines et minus credit li esse 35 coeperunt Arnob. in 23 p. 127 26. iv 24 p. 161 5. 28 p. 164 30. Euseb. Praep. Euang. v 20 21. Limburg-Brouwer VI 76 sq. 316 TERTVLLIANI [p. 78 1. 1- p. 78 1. 1. Max. Tyr. 19 (= 3) 3. Cf. 3 p. 362 (= 13 [19] 3 a, p. 160 ed. Hobein) TO Se 6elov Botcel croi <yivuKTKeiv nrdvra ef?}?, KOI ra tca\d teal ra ai<r%pd, teal rd rt/uo, KOI ra dnjjLa ; (freiSopai TGOV prj/jbdraiv KOI ai8a)s fjie rov Oeov e^et. ae/jbvov *ydp TL TO 5 elBevcu, Kal dpiOfjiov ^dfju^wv /cal OaXdrrr)? /juerpa, /cal g droTTov XeffijTO? tyofjievov ev AuSo??. Cf. 176 Davies, 11 (= 30) [=5 Hobein] 2 p. 190 [pp. 53 f. Hobein] (oracle cited) schol. Luc. in 272. See esp. the fragments of Oenomaus (Mullach Fr. Phil. II 359385, preserved by Euseb. Praep. Eu. v 18 sq. 10 vi 7), esp. Praep. En. v 20 8. 21 15 pp. 21F 213 d . Obliquoloquus A of /a? Gloss. Philox. Cic. De Diuinat. II c. 56 140(?). Hier. in Esai. c. 41. Theodoret Graec. Aff. Cur. x 25 sq. p. 78 1. 2 MOMEXTO cf. p. 76 1. 26. 15 p. 78 1. 3 HABEXT SAPEKE 37 pr. n. 36 pr. n. Oehler on De Fug. in Persec. 12 p. 485 n. t. INCOLATVS the word in Yarro ap. Tert. ad Nat. n 5 p. 102 1. 20 Wiss. 3 other exx. in Oehler s ind. add De Cor. Mil it. 13. Arch. f. lat. Lexik. vm 239. Ps. 119 5 in Psalt. Yeron. and 20 Aug. [cf. Le Texte du Psautier Latin en Afrique, par P. Capelle, Rome, 1913, p. 107. A.S. and] Paulin. Nol. Ep. 13, cf. 28 4. Lexx. cite inscr. dig. Cod. Theodos. [Add Exod. 12 40 ap. Aug. quaest. hept. n 47, Cyprian of Toulon in Migne P. L. LXVII 1002 c. Hil. Ambr. Hier. A. S.] 25 p. 78 1. 4 PARATVRAS Oehler ind. c. 47 p. 134 1. 2 n. c. 27 p. 92 1. 18. Scorp. 10 p. 169 1. 2 Wiss. Adu. Valentin. 26 p. 202 1. 16 Kr. De leiun. 11 p. 289 1. 4 Wiss. De Monog. 7 pr. Adu. Marc. I 11 p. 305 1. 22 Kr. in 10 p. 393 1. 2 Kr. iv 1 p. 422 1. 23 Kr. 3 p. 427 1. 15 Kr. 31 p. 526 1. 25 Kr. 30 43 p. 565 1, 23. Pontius Vit. Cypr. 2 p. xcn 10 H. 11 p. en 6 H. Oehler on De Spectac. 4 p. 6 1. 8 Wiss. De Cor. Milit. 1 a. in. De Yirg. Yeland. 12 f. uulg. PLVVIAS c. 23 p. 80 1. 8 ista ipsa mrgo coelestis pluuiarum pollicitatrix. 35 p- 78 1. 5 PLANE ironical c. 35 p. m. p. 78 1. 6 LAEDVNT cet. Tatian 18 fin. Minuc. 27 3 irrepentes etiam corporibus occulte, ut spiritus tenues, morbos fingunt, terrent mentes, membra distorquent, vt ad cultum sui p. 78 1. 9] APOLOGETICVS 22 317 cogant : at nidore altarium uel hostiis pecudum saginati, remissis quae constrinxerant, curasse uideantur. Lact. Dili. Instt. n 14 13 et scientes daemonas uenerantur, quasi terrestres deos et quasi depulsores malorwm, quae ipsi faciunt et irroyant. 15 1 prod- esse enim eos putant, cum nocere desinunt, qui nihil aliud 5 possunt quam nocere. Iren. II 31 2 nee enim caecis possunt donare uisum neque surdis auditum neque omnes daemones effuyare [he is speaking of magicians], praeter eos qui ab ipsis immittuntur, si tamen et hoc faciunt. Euseb. Praep. Eu. V 2 1 fin. 0epa7Tiais re crco/uidrwv, a Sid rr}? ol/ceias avrav evepyeias 10 avrol \v^aivo^voi^ ird\iv ol avrol Bid TTJ? e f avroov ehevOepovs TraOwv rjfylecrav. Athenag. 23 TO /JLCV Srj /card TOTTOU? KOI TroXet? ical edvrj yivecrOai Tivas eV v& 77/^669 clvriXeyo/jLev ov fA>r}v, el /cal av e\WTrr)6 f r)crav erepoi, Oeovs voovpev TOU? e<^ 15 e/cdrepa evep^aavTa^. Diog. Laert. VIII 32 (Pythag.) elvai T Trdvra rov depa ^rv^wv e/uiTrXewv /cal ravras ^>ai^ovd^ re /cal rjpwas ovofjid^ecrdai /cal VTTO TOVTCDV Tre/jLTreo-Qai, dv6p<*)7rois row? T oveipovs Kal rd arj^ela voaov re real vyieias. Porphyr. De Abst. II 43(?). Clem. Horn, ix 16. 18. Cf. Tert. De Anim. 20 9 p. 310 1. 23 Wiss. of the Montanist prophetess, medicinas desiderantibus submittit. p. 78 1. 7 lo. Sarisbur. Policrat. vi 24 p. 623 d (of presby ters and cardinals) nocent saepius et in eo daemones imitantur, quod tune prodesse putantur cum nocere desistunt. 2 5 p. 78 1. 9 PHANTASMATA CASTORVM. . .ET NAVEM CINGVLO PROMOTAM Mimic. 7 3 testis mater Idaea, quae aduentu suo et probauit matronae castitatem et urbem metu hostili liberauit : testes equestrium fratrum in lacu, sicut ostenderant, statuae consecratae, qui ankelis spumantibus equis atque fumantibus de 30 Perse uictoriam eadem die qua fecerant nuntiauerunt. ib. 27 4 de ipsis [daemonibus] etiam ilia quae paullo ante tibi dicta sunt...ut cum equis Castores uiderentur, ut cinyulum matronae nauicula sequeretur. Lact. Diu. Inst. II 7 9 Castor and Pollux at luturna s lake in the Latin war. 10 in the Macedonian 35 war. Cf. Cic. De Nat. Deor. II 6 (both). Lact. n 7 9. Val. Max. I 8 1 and 21 Flor. I 11. II 12. Bayle ceuvres in 282. CASTORES Kiihner vol. n p. 50 n. 2. Cf. d&e\(f>oi 318 TERTVLLIANI [p. 78 1. 9 Amm. xix 10 4. Mimic. 22 7. Plin. vn 86. xxxv 27. 71. 93. Tac. Hist, n 24. Apul. Oros. vn 8 6. Capitolin. Maximin. 16 1. Auson. Grat. Act. ad fin. (cf. reges luu. xui 52 n. Quirinos xi 105 n.). Cypr. p. 19 10. Namatian I 155 5 gemino...Castore. domini = dominus and domina Ou. Am. n 2 32. Arnob. quater. Pacat. 39 4 Castoras geminos. Itin. Alex. 90. Neue i 2 3934. Nothing in Roby or Kennedy. Ruddiman-Stallb. n 367. Quintil. ix 3 60 (of <rvveevy- fievov) iungit autem et diuersos sexus, lit cum mar em feminam- 10 que filios dicimus. De Yit. Onom. [cf. Expositor for July, 1914, p. 95. Jan., 1915, pp. 94 ff. A.S.] p. 78 1. 10 AQVAM CRIBRO GESTATAM Otto Sprichworter cri- brum n. 3 p. 98. Valer. Maxim, vin 1 absol. 5. Plin. xxvm 2 12. Dioiiys. Halicarn. II 69 (uulg. Aovtcia). Liu. Epit. 20 (incesti 15 damnata est). Ace. to Detlefsen in Plin. A.U.C. 619 (135 B.C.), ace. to Livy in 2nd decad of 6th cent. Aug. De Ciu. Dei x 16 2 (i 427 32 D.), by Tuccia, xxn 11 (n 586 11 D.). Sidon. Carm. 24, 41 3 qualis nee Phrygiae dicata Vestae, quae contra satis Albulam tumentem, duxit uirgineo ratem capillo. Claud. 20 Laus Serenae 18 ducens Claudia uirgineo cunctantem crine Gybelen. (Aug. zona.) CINGVLO Lact. Diu. Instt. n 7 12. 16 11. Sil. xvn. 34 seq. Savaro on Sidon. Carm. 24, 42 43 p. 207 (cited above) B.C. 204 Claudia Quinta prob. granddaughter of Caecus 25 (Cic. pro Gael. 34 progenies Caeci). Cic. Har. Resp. 27. Liu. xxix 14. Plin. vn 35 120. App. Hannibal 56. Ou. Fast, iv 305 seq. Diodor. Sicul. xxxiv 33 2. Valer. Maxim. I 8 11 (wrongly called a Vestal by Aurel. Viet. 111. 46 and Hdn (reference below) and Aug. de Ciu. Dei x 16, matrona 3 o in Cic. and Liu. Orelli Onom. Tull. 149. Herodian i 11 4 5. Claudian Laus Serenae 178 (cited above). Cf. 2830. De Vit. Onom. n p. 301 col. 2. Solin. I 126. Arnob. vn 49. Julian. Or. 5 p. 159 seq. Hier. Adu. louin. I 41 (n 307 b ). BARBAM Sueton. Nero 1. 2. Pint. Aemil. Paul. 25. Corio- 35 Ian. 3. Dion. Halicarn. vi 13. [Cic. De Nat. Deor. n c. 2 6 (battle with Latins at Lake Regillus (B.C. 496) M.] Mart, vin 523. p. 78 1. 11 IRRVFATAM De leiun. 17 p. 296 1. 22 Wiss. p. 78 1. 13] APOLOGETICVS 22, 23 319 (wrongly 16 in R.W.) si tibi lenticulam defruto inrufatam obtulero. Hier. Ep. 107 (al. 7) ad Laetam c. 5 pr. nee capillum inrufes. LAPIDES infr. c. 41 pr. apud qaos Deus spernitur, statuae adorantur. Arnob. vn 48 49, on the statue of the Magna 5 Mater as an ally against Hannibal. CAP. XXIII p. 78 1. 13 MAGI c. 21 p. 70 1. 24, infra p. 82 1. 7. Oehler ad De Idolol. 9 p. 38 1. 16 Wiss. Minuc. 26 9 magi quoque non tantum sciunt daemonas, sed etiam quidquid miraculi ludunt per daemonas faciunt, illis adspirantibus et infundentibus prae- 10 stigias edunt, uel quae non sunt uideri uel quae sunt non uideri. Lact. II 14 10 magorum quoque ars omnis ac potentia horum aspirationibus constat. a quibus inuocati uisus hominum prae- stigiis occaecantibus fallunt, ut non tiideant ea quae sunt, et uidere se putent ilia quae non sunt. 16 4. vn 13 7 certis 15 carminibus cieri ab inferis animas et adesse et praebere se humanis oculis uidendas et loqui et futura praedicere. lustin. Apol. I 18 p. 65a 24. 34. 73. Clem. Recogn. n. 13. I 5 (Horn. I 5 II 30). Herodian iv 128. Tzschirner 149 seq. Cyprian Quod idola di non sint c. 4. Elmenhorst on Arnob. I 43 p. 40 20 41. Aug. Consens. Euang. I 8 10. 14. Geffcken Zwei Apolo- geten (1907) p. 240 n. 9. DEFVNCTORVM Porphyr. in Euseb. Praep. Euang. v 10 3. Philostr. Vit. Apollon. Tyan. iv 16 evokes Achilles (Eus. c. Hierocl. 28 and 35 f.), a girl IV 45 (Euseb. 35 f.). lustin. Apol. 25 I 18 (and 8 ?). Bouche-Leclercq Divination I 97 n. 1. tyvya<yw- yelv. Stallbaum on Plat. Tim. 71 A, esp. Tert. de Anim. 57. Pauly Magia pp. 1411 2. Winer Real-Worterb. and Schenkel Bibel-Lex. " Todtenbeschwb rurig." Hor. Epod. 17 e.g. 79 possim crematos excitare mortuos. Sat. I 8 e.g. 28 9 cruor in fossam 30 confusus, ut inde manes elicerent, animas responsa daturas. Tac. Ann. ii 28 temptatus ut infernos animas carminibus elicerei. Lucan vi 423827. Stat. Theb. iv 406645. Broukh. on Tibull. I 2 456. Cerda on Verg. Eel. 8 98. Ou. Metam. vii 206. Cf. Grote Plato n 202. 35 320 TERTVLLIANI [p. 78 1. 14- p. 78 1. 14 PVEROS luu. 6 552. Hor. Epod. 5. 12 cet. Dollinger Heidenthum 660 sq. Bohringer [ed. 2 Ill 194]. p. 78 1. 15 MIRACVLA Arnob. I 43 Herald. CIRCVLATORIIS Quintil. in lexx. (uolubilitas and iactatio). 5 Add Tert. De Idolol. 9 p. 39 1. 4 Wiss. Simon Magus iam iam Jidelis, quoniam aliquid adhuc de circulatoria secta cogitaret. [See Thes. A.S.] Epiphan. haer. xxxiv. Arn. I 43. Lact. II 14 12. Kaye 202 (8). SOMNIA Minuc. 27 3 somnos inquietant, where Holden 10 cites Tatian c. 18. lustin. Apol. I c. 14. Thilo Cod. Apocr. Nou. Test. I 525. Lact. Din. Instt. n 14 14. p. 78 1. 17 CAPRAE Clem. Protrept. c. 2 11 p. 11 P. (in Euseb. Praep. Eu. II 3 5) (jvv^iropoi rfjcrSe -7-779 yorjreias alyes al eir\ fj,avTiKr)v rjo-fcrj/Aevai, KOI Kopaxes avOpooTrois Xpav UTT 15 avOpanrtov SiSao-fco/JLevoi. MENSAE Sozom. vi 35, certain would-be philosophers, anxious to learn who would succeed Valens, made a wooden tripod of bay, which they consecrated with their customary invocations, so that the name of the future emperor was 20 signified letter by letter, through the art of the tripod and divination, The order of letters tallied down to 8 with the name of Theodorus, a soldier of mark about court. He and they were put to death. Amm. xxix 1 29 (Maitland, False Worship 263 seq.), the letters were on the margin of the 25 circular table. Maitland (op. cit. 226 seq.). Table-lifting among Jews cent. 17 (Harless, das Buch der agyptischen Mysterien, Munchen 1858 pp. 1078. 1302). p. 78 1. 20 gods of the heathen, demons, 1 Chron. 16 26 ol Oeol TWV eOvwv eiSco Xa, and Ps. 95 5 ol Beol rav edvwv 30 Conflated in lustin. Apol. I 41 p. 80 a TrdvTes ol Oeol rwv ei&coXa Baifjiovicov elcrl (cf. Otto p. 116 n. 4). Zahn Forschungen v 233. p. 78 1. 27 DEMEMTIRE De Anim. 18 p. 329 1. 1 Wiss. Lact. Diu. Instt. vn 12 14. Blinem. on de Mortibus Persecu- 35 torum vii 10. Lucr. Apul. [See also Thes. A. S.] TVRRES PERVOLAT luu. 3 78 n. Graeculus esuriens in caelum, iusseris, ibit. Schliemann, Clementinen 126. Lipsius, die Quellen der rom. Petrussage, Kiel 1872, pp. 164. 21. 42. p. 80 1. 3] APOLOGETICVS 23 321 55 n. 1. 5859. 77. 83 n. 1 and 2. 88. 89. 90 (cf. Matt. 4 5 and 6. Luke 4 9 and 10) 91. 92. 142. 157 f. 158. 16012. Theodotus in Rufin. Hist. Eccl. v 16 p. 285. [Add Ambst. in Rom. 8, 38 9. A.S.] p. 78 1. 29 LACERTOS cf. c. 9 p. 32 1. 18. Lact. Diu. Inst. I 5 21 17. Sen. in Aug. De Ciu. Dei vi 10. p. 80 1. 3 power of exorcism. Matt. 7 22. Luke 10 17. Acts 3 6. Dionys. Alexandr. in Euseb. Hist. Eccl. vn 10 4 (cf. Heinichen ad 1. p. 334). Bingham in 4. xvi 6. 3 f. Theodoret Graec. Aff. Cur. in 105 p. 55 26. Athanas. Vit. 10 Ant. passim e.g. 78 f. 80. Kaye 8997. 389 seq. 399. 433. infr. 25 pr. n. 27. 32. 37 p. 108 1. 29 n. Ad Scap. 2. De Spectac. 26 p. 25 1. 23 Wiss. 29 p. 27 1. 22 Wiss. quae maior uoluptas... quam mortis timor mdlus ? quod calcas deos nationam ? quod daemonia expellis?. ..hae uolaptates, haec spectacuia Christian- 15 orum sancta, perpetua, gratuita. Minuc. 27 6 haec omnia sciunt pleraque pars uestrum ipsos daemonas de semetipsis con- fiteri, quoties a nobis et tormentis uerborum et orationis incendiis de corporibus exiguntur. Cypr. Ep. 75 10 sq. Ad Demetriam. 15 o si audire eos uelis et aider e, quando adiurantur a nobis, 20 torquentur, spiritalibus flagris et uerborum tormentis de obsessis corporibus eiciuntur, quando heiulantes et gementes uoce humana et potestate diuina flagella et uerbera sentientes uenturum indicium confitentur. ueni et cognosce uera esse quae dicimus : et quid sic deos colere te dicis, uel ipsis crede quos colis. aut si uolueris et 25 tibi credere, de te ipso loquetur audiente te qui nunc tnum pectus obsedit, qui nunc mentem tuam ignorantiae nocte caecauit. uidebis nos rogari ab eis quos ta rogas, timeri ab eis quos ta adoras: uidebis sub manu nostra stare uinctos et tremere captiuos quos tu suspicis et ueneraris ut dominos. eerie uel sic confnndi in istis 30 erroribus tuis poteris, quando conspexeris et audieris deos tuos quid sint inter rogatione nostra statim prodere et praesentibus licet uobis praestigias illas et fallacias suas non posse celare. Quod idola di non sint 7 (25 3). Zeno De Resur. in Bibl. Max. Patr. in 412 bc (= ed. Ballerini, Verona, 1739, p. 122), 35 a very graphic description of exorcism , ubi uentum fuerit ad diuini certaminis campum coeperintque sacri nominis telo pulsari . . .cum diuina adiuratione in eculeo spiritali et qui sint M. T. 21 322 TERTVLLIANI [p. 80 1. 3- nolentes edicant et inuiti discedant. Paulin. Vit. Ambr. 14. 15. 20. 21. 28. 33 fin. 43 spiritus immundus arreptum discerpere coepit, quo uiso non minima timore repleti sumus et admiratione. multos etiam diebus illis imponente illo manus et imperante ab 5 spiritibus immundis uidimus esse purgatos. lustin. Apol. n 6 p. 45 ab (n. 15 p. 216 Otto). Dial. 30 p. 247 C Otto, 85 p. 311 b Otto, 121 p. 350 b . Theophil. II 8. Lact. Diu. Instt. II 15 3 Biinem. iv 27 (sign of cross) n 17 11 v 21 46 22 23. Epit. 51 7. Clem. Recogn. iv 7 8 13 19 (on demoniacs). 10 Blunt Right Use sec. 2. c. 6 wholly taken up with the question of exorcisms, healings, visions etc. which he allows against Kaye. Orig. Contr. Gels. I. 7 IBiajrai TO TOIOVTOV TrpdrTovcrw. Spencer on Orig. Contr. Cels. I c. 2 f. p. 5 1. 46 (p. 6 annot.) cf. 6. 22. 24. 25. 46 p. 34 f. II 8 f. (miracles seen by Origen), 15 ill 24 f. vii 4 (even IStwTai}. 17 fin. (numbers recovered from the dominion of demons). 35 f. 67. Allard les dernieres persec. 50. Iren. II 32 4 in Euseb. Hist. Eccl. v 7 4. Rufin. Hist, Eccl. x 4. p. 80 1. 7 NVMEN CONCIPIVNT Dido Aen. iv 474 concepit zofurias. Ou. Metam. II 640 mente uaticinos furores. Lucan I 630 fata. [Closer still v 163 numen. A. S.] p. 80 1. 8 CAELESTIS c. 12 p. 44 1. 13 c. 24 p. 86 1. 4 n. POLLICITATRIX cf. c. 22 p. 78 1. 4. p. 80 1. 9 DEMONSTRATOR Cic. lex. Colum. Tert. De Pat. 4 25 p. 6 1. 4 Kr. very rare LS [more in Thes., to which add two from Aug. in C.S.E.L. LIII p. 373. A.S.]. Arnob. I 41 pr. Aesculapium medicaminum repertorem. Rufin. Apol. II 43 pr. tamquam si unius hominis membra diuulsa rursus in eiusdem corporis soliditatem Aesculapii arte reficerentur. 30 ALIAM = alteram. Spartian Ant. Pi. 12 45. Hadr. 17 7. Seuer. 7 4. Paucker Hist. Aug. pp. 66 7. luu. 7 114. Harnack (Texte vin 4) Medicinisches aus der altesten Kg. 55 n. 1. p. 80 1. 10 Kellner in his Germ, transl., Kempten 1870, 35 points out that these are names of medicines, Teucrum Scor- dium Linn. Cf. Dierbach Flora Mythol. p. 213. Ascl. gift of A. panacea. Th. if not corrupted from mithridation cet. must be from p. 82 1. 7] APOLOGETICVS 23 323 p. 80 1. 22 FACIT c. 29 ad causam. AEMVLIS De Virg. Vel. 1. De Exhort. Cast. 13. De leiun. 16 p. 296 1. 11 Wiss. Ad Vx. I 8. De Cor. Milit. 15. De Praescr. Haer. 40. De Pat. 16 p. 23 1. 21 Kr. p. 80 1. 25 DIRECTO Adu. Prax. 27 p. 281 1. 17 Kr. sed enim 5 inuenimus ilium directo et Deum et hominem expositum ( )( schemate Madvig Aduers. I 37). reuelatus directo Adu. Marc. I 26 p. 327 1. 3 Kr. n 14 p. 354 1. 19 Kr. iv 10 p. 448 1. 1 Kr. p. 80 1. 31 CONCVRRIT c. 24 m. p. 80 1. 34 DAEMONAS cet. Harnack Medicinisches (Texte 10 vin 4) p. 116. Socr. Hist. Eccl. vn 8 19. iv 27 5. p. 82 1. 2 IN CONTINENT! De Praescr. Haer. 5 pr. lustin. I 9 16. v 3 7. 5 4. vi 7 10. xi 4 12. Ps.-Cypr. p. 61 7. 62 6. 73 22. 265 14. Cypr. Ep. 80 1. [See also Thes. iv 710 78 A. S.] 15 p. 82 1. 7 MAGVS c. 23 pr. p. 78 1. 13. Aug. De Ciu. Dei xvin 53 (some acquitted Christ but fastened witchcraft on Peter), ib. 54 confuted by Euseb. Demonstr. Eu. in 2 78 (called yorjra /cat nrKdvov). c. 3 no TrXai/o?. c. 6 no 70779 cet. Arnob. 1 43 (cf. 53 p. 36 1. 12) occursurus forsitan rursus est 20 cum aliis multis calumniosis illis et puerilibus uocibus : magus fidt, clandestinis artibus omnia ilia perfecit, Aegyptiorum ex adytis angelorum potentium nomina et remotas faratus est disci- plinas. Orig. Contr. Cels. I 6 p. 7 tcarrjyopei S ev rot? ef?}? /cal rov (jcDTTJpo?, ft>? yoijreia SwijOevros a e Sofe TrapdSo^a ireTTOiriKevai. 25 28 (p. 12 n. 3 Keim). 38 p. 30. 46 p. 34 fin. 68 p. 53. n 48 pr. p. 87. Clem. Recogn. I 58 pr. et ecce quidam de scribis de medio poptdi exclamans ait: lesus uester signa et prodigia quae fecit, ut magus non ut propheta fecit. lustin. Dial. c. Tryph. c. 69 f. p. 269 a ol Se Kal ravra opwvres ytvofMeva ^avraaiav <ylve(r6ai 30 \eyov Kal yap /j.ayov eivai, avrov ero\fjLwv \eyeiv teal \ao7r\d- vov. Apol. I c. 30 pr. p. 72 a OTTOJ? Be ^ rt? eiTrr) dvriTLdeis ijfMV ri KwXvet, real rov Trap r^ilv \ey6fji6vov Xpia-rov, avOpayjrov % di>0p(t)7T(i)i> ovra, fjuayifcfj re^vy a? \eyojjiev SwafJieis TreTroir)- Kevai Kal Sofat Sta rovro vibv Oeov elvai, ; Lact. Diu. Instt. V 3 35 19 fecit mirabilia: magum putassemus, ut et uos nunc putatis et ludaei tune putauerunt, si non ilia ipsa facturum Christum prophetae omnes uno spiritu praedicassent. Cf. ib. 7 9 212 324 TERTVLLIANI [p. 82 1. 7- (Apollonius Tyanaeus and Apuleius). Aug. Cons. Euangel. I 11 17. 14 22. [Hier.] in Ps. 81 (vn app. 296 fin. ed. Ven. 1769) and Aug. Ep. 136 (= 4) 1 f. (n 598 d Gaume). 138 (= 5) 18 pr. (ii 623 a ). 5 p. 82 1. 11 SPIRITVS c. 21 p. 68 1. 28. Kaye p. 526 n. 6. RATIO supr. c. 21 p. 68 1. 28. Kaye p. 500 n. 5. p. 82 1. 13 PRO TRIBUNALI Cic. Liu. Suet. Vit. 9 pro tri- bunali itira reddenti. 13 exx. in Suet. p. 82 1. 14 si FORTE 16 m. n. 38 fin. 10 MINOEM RHADAMANTHVM Lact. Diu. Instt. Ill 20 17. VII 22 5. Cic. Tusc. I 41. Justin. Apol. I 8 p. 14. p. 82 1. 17 SANGVINE Athenag. Suppl. 27 oi Trepl r^v v\r)v 8aifjiov<>, \L^(VOL irepl ra? Kviaa^ /cal TO roov iepeiwv al/jia ovres. Porphyry in Euseb. Praep. Euang. iv 10 p. 147 d (thence in 15 Theodoret Graec. Aff. Cur. x 15 p. 138 11) /j,ri xpfjvat $eoi/9 V7ro\a^/3dveiv TOI>? rais Sid wa)v Ovaiai eivai yap (j)rj(7i irdvrwv abitcaiTarov ro ^(poOvTelv, Kal avocnov Kal fjbvaapov Kal ffXaffepov, Kal Sid rovro /j,r]B6 deol? 7rpocr(f)i\es. See more in Euseb. Praep. Eu. iv p. 166 b (Theodoret Graec. Aff. 20 Cur. x 16 p. 138 22) sq. (Porphyry corrected Pythia s verses). 25 p. 139 40 TO Xof ov of oracles. Lucian lup. Trag. 18. 22. 32. p. 82 1. 19 PRAEDAMNATOS 27 p. m. praedamnatione. p. 82 1. 22 Matt. 7 22. Infr. 37 f. p. 108 1. 28 n. 43. Lact. Diu. Instt. v 21 4. Otto on lustin. Dial. c. Tryph. 85 p. 311 b. 25 Arriob. I 43. 45. 46. n 12 the chariot and fiery horses of Simon Magus vanished when Peter named the Name of Christ. The work of Middleton, A Free Inquiry cet. Lond. 1749. A Vin dication of the Free Inquiry 1751. So Schrockh vi 381 2. Gibbon. Miinscher Handb. der Dogmengesch. I 165. Miinter 30 Handb. der altesten christl. Dogmengesch. I 136 8. Kaye 433 n. 9. Spencer on Orig. c. Cels. p. 17 1. 14 (annot. p. 16 f. 17 8) Demons and wizards impotent in presence of higher powers. Orig. c. Cels. I 60. 67 f. 68 magicians, v c. 45 p. 2612 virtue of the conjuration by the God of Abraham Isaac Jacob. 35 Magicians rely on strange names of gods, vi 39 pr. 40, C. had seen in Christian hands barbarian books containing ^ai^bvwv ovo/jLara /cal repareias. 41, Christians unassailable by demons. Aug. Tr. 7 in loan. f. in 2 344 b enchanters employed the name p. 84 1. 14] APOLOGETICVS 23, 24 325 of Christ. Prudent. Peristeph. [where ?]. Vincent, [where ?] pulsi e latebris corporum uirtute Christi et nomine. Apotheosis lustin. Apol. II 6. 8. Dial. 30. p. 82 11. 2428 Blinemann on Lact. Diu. Instt. II 15 3. p. 82 1. 26 AFFLATV On exsufflation see Bingham x 2 8 5 n. 72. Pusey h. 1. Julian, in Hermes ix (1875) 257 ff. 1. 35 (new letter on the bp Pegasius). p. 82 1. 30 HONOREM Lact. Diu. Instt. n 15 3 iustos autem, id est cultores Dei, metuunt, cuius nomine adiurati de corporibus excedunt, quorum uerbis tamquam flagris uerberati, 10 non modo daemonas esse se confitentur, sed etiam nomina sua edunt, ilia, quae in templis adorantur, quod plerumque coram cidtoribus suis faciunt, non utique in opprobrium reliyionis, sed honoris sui ) quia nee Deo per quern adiurantur, nee iustis quorum noce torquentur, mentiri possunt. itaque maximis saepe ululati- 15 bus edit is uerberari se et order e et iam iamque eodre proclomant. p. 82 1. 36 QVOD SCUM infr. c. 25 p. 88 1. 14. ad nat. I 7 p. 69 1. 16 Wiss. quod s. et conuersatio notior facta est. 8 fin. ubiscdtem Aegyptii, et ipsi, q. s.,priuatae curiosaeque religionis. Ad Vxor. II 3 a. m. q. s. non sumus 7iostri, sed pretio empti. 20 CAP. XXIV p. 84 1. 6 MANCIPAMVR c. 21 pr. p. 66 1. 22 si eidem deo manciparenmr. De Idolol. 1 fin. Iren. I 39 4 [more exx. in Study of Ambrosiaster p. 117. A.S.]. CRIMEN LAESAE cet. Celsus ed. Keim p. 1. p. 84 11. 79 PRO CERTO Ter. Ad. 478. Caes. E.G. vn 25 5 6 pro certo esse proponendinn. Cic. Sail. Liu. Quintil. Suet. Clem. Recogn. I G4 pr. p. c. comperimus quod, in 9 p. c. nesci- erit. v. 35 f. p. 84 1. 10 Pint. mor. I. [De Superstitione, ed. Ber- nardakis, I 402 if. ?] 30 p. 84 1. 12 IRRELIGIOSITATIS Aug. De Cura pro Mortuis 10 (vi 877 b Gaume). Iren. II 14. 2 (Hil. and Salu. in lexx.). [add Aug. C. D. iv 12. A.S.] p. 84 1. 13 VT c. 35 p.m. p. 84 1. 14 SVBLIMIOREM c. 11 pr. in primis quidem necesse 35 326 TERTVLLIANI [p. 84 1. 14- est concedatis esse aliquem sublimiorem deum et mancipem quendam diuinitatis, qui ex hominibus deos fecerit. Apul. Apol. c. 64 idem Maximas optime intellegit, ut de nomine etiam uobis respondeam, quisnam sit ille, non a me primo, sed a Platone /3ao-tXeu? nuncupatus,...totius rerum naturae causa et ratio, cet. Arnob. passim. p. 84 1. 17 PENES VNVM Keirn s Celsus p. 135. p. 84 1. 18 Plato Phaedr. 246 e 6 fjiev 877 fieyas rjye/jiouv ev ovpava) Zev<*, e\avvwv Trrrjvbv apfia, TT/DWTO? Tropeverai, 10 SiaKocr/jiwv Trdvra teal eTrt/ieXouyite^o? rw S eVereu crrpana 6eu>v re KOI Sai/jbovcov, Kara evSe/ca /jueprj Kefcoa/jL^/jLevij. Ar nob. in 30 f. nam quid de ipso dicemus loue, quern solem esse dictitauere sapientes, agitantem pinnatos currus, turba conse- quente diuorum? cf. 34 f. 15 p. 84 1. 20 SVSPICI c. 18 p. 58 1. 33. c. 32 indicium Dei suspi- cimus in imperatoribus. Arnob. VII 11 efficiturque ut uideatur magnus quern suspectio minoris extiderit. p. 84 1. 27 LACVNAKIA 40 f. caelum apud Capitolium quaeritis, nubila de laquearibus expectatis. 20 HIRCI Lucian bis ace. 10. p. 84 1. 28 ELOGIVM c. 2 p. 6 1. 23. De Idolol. 1 p. 30 1. 8 Wiss. De Cor. Milit. 5 f. Oehler: the inscription on a statue ; a brief summary of the case against a prisoner (eligo, cf. toga) ; brief, minutes, protocol ; charge on police-sheet. 25 cf. Neumann I 33 n. 1. Perizon. on Ael. Var. Hist, xiv 43. Casaub. on Vulcat. Gall. Hist. Aug. I 470. CONCVRRAT c. 23 p.m. p. 84 1. 30 COLERE QVEM VELIM c. 28 init. ad Scap. 2 pr. humani iuris et naturalis potestatis est unicaique quod puta- 30 uerit colere nee alii obest aut prodest alterius religio. sed nee religionis est cogere religionem, quae sponte suscipi debeat, non ui ; cam et hostiae ab animo libenti expostulentur. ita etsi nos compuleritis ad sacrificandum, nihil praestabitis dis uestris ; ab inuitis enim sacrijicia non desiderabunt, nisi si contentiosi sunt. 35 Lact. Diu. Instt. v 19 23 nam si sanguine, si tormentis, si malo religionem defendere uelis, iam non defendetur ilia, sed polluetur atque uiolabitur. nihil est enim tarn uoluntarium quam religio, in qua si animus sacrificantis auersus est, iam sub- p. 86 1. 3] APOLOGETICVS 24 327 lata, iam nulla est. ib. 20 5 11 libet igitur ex eis quaerere, cui potissimum praestarese putent cogendo inuitos ad sacrificium. ipsisne quos cogunt ? at non est beneficium quod ingeritur recu- santi. sed consulendum est etiam nolentibus, quando, quid sit bonum nesciunt. cur ergo tarn crudeliter uexant, cruciant, debi- 5 litant, si saluos uolunt? aut wide pietas tarn impia, ut eos miseris modis aut perdant aut inutiles faciant, quibus uelint esse consultum ? an uero dis praestant ? at non est sacrificium, quod exprimitur inuito. nisi enim sponte atque ex animo fiat, exsecratio est, cet. Id. Epit. 53 6 11. Themist. Or. 12 10 ad louian. (p. 57 of Arnberg edition, 1605) /cal TOVTO rov 6eov> 09 TO /j,ev e^eiv Trpbs evaefteiav hriT KOivov eTTOirjcre TTJ? avBptowivtf^ TOV rpoTrov 8e r?}? ef/Ji|rf TT}? eV e/cacrrw ffovXijaeax;. 6 Se Trpocrdywv avarywjv ac^aipelrai rrjv e^ovaiav rjv 6 ^609 avve ^toprjae. Bailey 15 Rituale Anglocath. 259. p. 84 1. 32 AEGYPTIIS ad nat. I 8 fin. ubi saltern Aegyptii, et ipsi, quod sciam, priuatae curiosaeque religionis. Minuc. 28 9 nonne et Apim bouem cum Aegyptiis adoratis et pascitis? nee eorum sacra damnatis instituta serpentibus crocodilis beluis 20 ceteris et auibus et piscibus, quorum aliquem deum si quis occiderit, etiam capite punitur. Athenag. Suppl. 1 p. 2 a ol e AiyvTTTioi, /cai al\ovpovs /cal /cpotco&eiXovs /cal o^et? /cal /cal KVVCL<$ Oeovs vofj.t,%ovcri. teal TOVTOLS TTCLGIV 7U- KOI uyLte?9 /cal OL vo/JLoi. Clem. Alex. Paedag. Ill 2 4. 25 Arnob. I 28 p. 1 8 1. 28 templa faelibus, scarabaeis et buculis, sublimibus sunt elata fastigiis : silent inrisae numinum potestates, nee liuore afficiuntnr ullo, quod sibi comparatas animantium ailiaiiL conspiciunt sanctitates. Hennecke Aristid. ind. e5a (p. 52a). Zahn Forschungen v 191 n. 1. 30 p. 86 11. 34 Friedlander ill 5 54-2. lustin. Apol. I c. 24 p. 68 (le . Tatian 10. Orig. contr. Gels, v 27. Athenag. cc. 1 princ. 14. cc. 12 15 pp. 13. 14 different nations have different gods ; are the Christians atheists, because they do not accept your gods ? Athanas. contr. Gentes c. 23 /cal 0X0)9 35 efcdarr) 7roXi9 ^al rca)/j,r) roi/9 lie ryeirovwv ovrc elBvla Oeovs, rot/9 6aur)9 Trpo/cpivei real (JLOVOVS TOUTOVS elvai vo^ i^i Oeovs ... ibid, /cal 6 X&&gt;9 Trdvrwv TWV eV et ScoXot9 fJLavevrwv e 328 TERTVLLIANT [p. 86 1. 3 ear iv ?; Sofa Ken rj QprfcrKeia Kal ov ra avra Trapa rot? aurofc evpicr/cercu. cf. Liu. 15. 36 38 n. p. 86 1. 3 ASTARTE ad nat. n 8 p. 108 1. 12 Wiss. at enim cum illi quoque, quos totus orbis communiter colit, excidant pro- 5 bationi uerae diuinitatis, quanta magis isti quos ne ipsi quidem municipes sui norunt ? nam quae idonea auctoritas praecucurrit eiusmodi tkeologiae quam etiam fama destituit ? quanti sunt qui norint uisu uel auditu Atargatim Syrorum, Caelestem, Afrorum, Varsutinam Maurorum, Obodan et Dusarem Arabum [Euseb. 10 Praep. Eu. I 7 (?) [surely an error for in Const. 13 or Theoph. II 12. A.S.]], Belenum Noricum, uel quos Varro ponit, Casi- niensium Deluentinum, Narniensium Visidianum, Atinensium Numiternum, Asculanorum Anchariam, -\et quam praeuerint, Vulsiniensium Nortiam, quorum ne nominum quidem dignitas 15 humanis cognominibus distat ? satis rideo etiam deos decuriones cuiusque municipii, quibus honor intra muros suos determwatur. Cic. De Nat. Deor. in 59 Mayor. Minuc. 6 1 inde adeo per uniuersa imperia prouincias oppida uidemas siugulos sacrorum ritus gentiles habere et deos colere municipes, ut Eleusinios Cere- 20 rein, Phrygas Matrem, Epidaurios Aesculapium, Chaldaeos Belum, Astarten Syros, Diaaam Tauros, Gallos Mercurium, <numina> uniuersa Romanos. Winer Bibelworterb. Aschera and Astarte. Merx in Schenkel Aschera. Schlottmann in Riehm (cuts) s.v. Astarte. Arnob. iv 4 peculiares deos. 25 p. 86 1. 4 BELENVS ad nat. II 8 (quoted above). Auson. bis (Commemor. Professor. Burdigalens. iv 9. x 24(16)). Greg. Turonens. Glor. Conf. 7. lul. Capitolin. in Maximin. 22 1 (Apollo). Preller- Jordan Rom. Myth. I 3 312. 270 (old Celtic sun-god Beal, Grimm Deutsche Myth. 579 sqq.). Inscr. found 30 at Aquileia, Venice, Tibur, Vienne, the village Belin (near Autun), the islands Grado and Corgle. Herodian vin 3. 8 [Pauly- Wissowa s.v. A.S.]. Belis = Apollo, prophetic. CIL v ind. p. 1178. CAELESTIS De-Vit, Onomast. [and now Thes. A.S.] Tanit. 35 CIL vin. ind. p. 1082. Corp. Inscr. Semit. I c. 13. Her temple destroyed at Carthage A.D. 421 by order of the emperor Con- stantius, [Prosper] Liber Promissionum et Praedictorum Dei ill 38 5 (the author was present). Obscene rites, supr. c. 23 p. 86 1. 11] APOLOGETICVS 24 329 p. 80 1. 8 and Oehler s note, c. 12 p. 44 1. 13. ad nat. II 8 (quoted above). Aug. De Ciu. Dei n 4. 26. Ambros. Ep. 18. 30. Trebell. Pollio Trig. Tyr. 29. Victor Vitensis Hist. Persec. Vandal. I 3. Capitolin. Maximin 3. Pertin. 4 pr. Apul. Metam. vi 4 pr. Saluian. Gob. vm 9 13. Occurs in Rome, 5 Dacia and elsewhere (inscr.). P. Faber Semestr. 1. ill (Col. Agr. 1611) p. 22 sq. Munter, Religion der Karthager 2 62. Originally identical with Astarte. Evoked in the 3rd Punic war and brought to Rome (Seru. Aen. XII 841). Marquardt in 2 83 n. 3. Preller- Jordan Rom. Myth. ii :i 4067. 10 MAVRITANIAE Minuc. 23 2 luba Mauris uolentibus deus est et diui ceteri reges, qui consecrantur, non ad fidem numinis sed ad honorem emeritae potestatis. So Hiempsal GIL vm 8834 lemsali L. Percenius L. f. Stel. Eogatus u. [s. I. a.]. Mommsen Rom. Gesch. v 622. 2. Lact. Din. Instt. I 15 6 hac scilicet 15 ratione Romani Caesares suos consecrauerunt et Mauri reges suos. cf. 8 Mauri lubam <coluerunt>. So the Aethiopians Diodor. Sicul. in 9 1, and Persians Brisson c. 1. Cyprian Quod idola di non sint 2 f. Mauri uero manifests reges colunt nee ullo uelamento hoc nomine obtexunt. Isidor. Orig. 20 vm 11 1. p. 86 1. 7, MVNICIPALI Minuc. 6 2 (quoted above, on Astarte) deos municipes. CENSENTVR c. 15 p. m. p. 50 1. 31 n. note on local gods supr. c. 10 p. 36 1. 25 seq. 25 p. 86 1. 11 IVNO Cupra whose worship after the conquest of Veil was transferred to Rome, Liu. v 21 22. xxvn 37 (I. Curitis or Quiritis). Inscr. Orelli 1304. Henzen 5659 (from Tibur Orelli 1303). luno Curis in Paulus (Preller Rom. Mythol. 248). Jordan in Hermes vm 219 sq. [See Thes. s. u. 30 Curritis. A.S.] xos SOLI cf. the end of the chapter. Tzschirner 305 sq. (lustin. Apol. I 32 cf. 24). Athenag. c. 1 pp. 1 2 all Rome s subjects enjoy religious freedom, the Trojan, Lacedaemonian, Athenian : even the Egyptian may adore his brute gods ; we 35 alone are denied the exercise of our religion. lustin. Apol. I 34. 35 Simon of Samaria, and his pupil Menander, who professed to be gods, are honoured by you. We alone are persecuted. 330 TERTVLLIANI [p. 86 1. 11 So Tertullian c. 46 contrasts heathen tolerance of philosophy with the persecution of Christians. p. 86 1. 12 NEC ROMANI HABEMVR C. 36 pr. p. 86 1. 13 BENE QVOD c. 7 (p. 26 1. 30). 40 ined. (p. 118 5 1. 8 n.). De Idolol. 5 fin. Oehler. 23 p. 56 1. 21 Wiss. ad nat. i 7 p. 67 1. 25 Wiss. bene quod omnia ternpus reuelat. p. 86 1. 14 VELIMVS...NOLIMVS Lact. Diu. Instt. v 20 9 at nos contra non expetimus ut deum nostrum, qui est omnium uelint nolint, colat aliquis inuitus. Paulin. Nol. Ep. 16. 5 10 uelimus nolimus. Hier. Ep. 60. 14 [add Min.-Fel. Ambst. Aug. Ps.-Aug. A.S.]. Aemilian to Dionys. Alexandrin. : You may worship your own god as much as you will, if you will but worship our gods also/ Euseb. Hist. Eccl. VII 11. CAP. XXV p. 86 1. 20 TESTIMONIIS c. 46 pr. constitimus, id opinor, 15 aduersus omnium criminum intentationem, quae Christian or um sanguinem flagitat. ostendimus totum statum nostrum et quibus modis probare possimus ita esse, sicut ostendimus, ex fide scilicet et antiquitate diuinarum litterarum, item ex confessione spiri- talium potestatum. 37 f. n. quis ciutem uos ab illis occultis et 20 usquequaque uastantibus mentes et ualetudines uestras hostibas raperet ? a daemonioram incur sibus dico. quae de uobis sine praemio, sine mercede depellimus. suffecisset hoc solum nostrae ultioni, quod uacua exinde possessio immundis spiritibus pateret. c. 23 passim e.g. edatur hie aliqai ibidem sub tribanalibus uestris, 25 quern daemone agi constet. iussus a quolibet Christiana loqui spiritus ilte, tarn se daemonem confitebitur de uero, quam alibi deum de f also... quid isto opere manifesting, quid hac probatione fidelius . . .credite illis cum uerum de se loquuntur, qui menti- entibus creditis . . .haec denique testimonia deorum uestrorum 30 Christianas facere consaerunt, quia plurimum illis credendo in Christo domino credimus. ipsi litterarum nostrarum fidem ac- cendunt, ipsi spei nostrae fidentiam aedificant. p. 86 1. 22 OCCVRRIT c. 24 f. CONGRESSIONEM Scorpiac. 4 p. 152 1. 29 Wiss. De Idolol. 35 21 p. 54 1. 32 Wiss. certe quisquis ille est, aut arnica aut inimica p. 86 1. 27] APOLOGETICVS 24, 25 331 congressione adstringit. Ada. Valentin. 6 p. 183 1. 4 Kr. quam- quam autem distulerim congressionem, solam interim professus narrationem, sicubi tamen indignitas meruerit suggillari, noti erit delibationi transpiinctoria (Kroymann wrongly trannfunctoria) expugnatio. congressionis lusionem [prelude, mock-fight] deputa, 5 lector, ante pugnam. (Often in Justin of an engagement.) De Praescrip. Haer. 16 c. scripturaram i.e. de scripturis. Lact. Epit. 52 4 quia ratione congredi non queunt, uiolentia premunt. Tert. Apol. 4 a.m. de legibus prius concarram uobiscum. p. 86 1. 23 supra c. 14 p. 48 1. 26 n. Posid. in Athen. 10 p. 274. Polyb. vi 56 6. Hor. Carm. in 6 5 dis te minorem quod geris imperas. Minuc. 25 1 at tamen ista ipsa super stitio Romania dedit auxit fundauit imperium, cum non tarn uirtute quam religione et pietate pollerent. ib. 6 3 sic imperium suum ultra solis uias et ipsius Oceani limites propagauit ; dum exer- 15 cent in armis uirtutem religiosam, dum urbem muniunt sacrorum religionibus, castis uirginibas, multis honoribus ac nominibus sacerdotum. Cic. De Nat. Deor. II 8 n. Harusp. Resp. c. 19 79. Dionys. Halicarn. II 18. 19. 6673. Valer. Max. I 1 8. Marquardt ill 2 53 5. Sail. Catil. 12. Proof of heathen religion 20 from the greatness of Rome, Tzschirner 399 seq. Cypr. Quod idola di non sint 3. Celsus (Orig. vin 69 p. 213 L.) points to the low estate of Jews and Christians. Aug. De Ciu. Dei iv, especially cc. 8. 9. 28. 29. 34. Symm. epist. x 3 9 (pro ara Victoriae) makes Rome say : hie cultus in leges meas 25 orbeni redegit. Prudent. Contra Symm. II passim. Oros. vi 1. PRAESVMPTIO DICENTIVM prejudiced assertion. p. 86 1. 24 SVBLIMITATIS c. 21 p. 66 1. 29 (of Jews). p. 86 1. 27 STERCVLVS Marquardt in 2 17 n. 3. Mutunus 30 15 n. 6. ad nat. II 9 p. 112 1. 26 Wiss. quid Sterculinus meruit ad diuinitatem 1 si agros stercoribus iuuando diligens fuit, plus fimi Augias conferebat. 17 pr. p. 130 1. 3 Wiss. nobis superest adhuc ilia Romanarum super stitio num praegrandis praesumptio . . .propterea scilicet Romanos totius orbis dominos atque arbitros 35 factosfuisse, quod officiis religionum meruerint dominare...nimi- rum Sterculus et Mutunus et Larentina prouexit hoc imperium. Festus 154 b . Prudent. Peristeph. II 449 (Laurentii) lanum bi- 332 TERTVLLIANI [p. 86 1. 27- frontem et Sterculum \ colit senatus : horreo \ tot monstra patrum dicere \ etfesta Satiirni senis. p. 86 1. 28 LARENTINA c. 13 p. 46 1. 30, infra p. 88 1. 23. PROVEXIT Verg. Aen. VI 796 proferet imperium. 5 PEREGKINOS c. 10 p. 36 1. 26 n. ad nat. n 17 p. 130 1. 10 Wiss. peregrinos enim cet. p. 86 1. 31 TRANSFRETANIS air. elp. VIDERIT c. 16 m. 42 n. De Test. Anim. 1 p. 135 1. 3 Wiss. iam igitur nihil nobis erit cum litteris et doctrina peruersae feli- 10 citatis, cui in falso potius creditur quam in uero. uiderint si qui de unico et solo Deo pronuntiauerunt. Adu. Hermog. 1 p. 126 1. 16 Kr. sed uiderit persona, cum doctrina mihi quaestio est. Adu. Valentin. 9 p. 187 1. 7 Kr. ex illis duodecim Aeoni- bus, quos Homo et Ecclesia ediderant, nouissima natu Aeon 15 (uiderit soloecismus, Sophia enim nomen est). Gronou. ad Sen. De Prou. 3. VIDERIT si ADAMAVIT c. 6 pr. n. c. 21 p. 74 1. 23 n. CYBELE Bayle ceuvres in 47. Adu. Marc. I 13 p. 307 1. 21 Kr. Miriuc. 24. Arnob. n 73. vn 49. Liu. xxix 11 and 14. 2oLact. Diu. Instt. n 7 12. Aug. De Ciu. Dei I 30. in 12. Claudian De Raptu Proserpinae I 200 seq. Herodian I 11. 7. Zoega Bassirilievi Antichi (Rome, 1808) 188 f. Marquardt Rom. Staatsverwaltung in 355 9. p. 86 1. 32 VERNACVLI c. 19 -p. 64 1. 15 n. c. 35 ipsam 25 uernaculam septem collium plebem. p. 86 1. 33 TRANSIRE PROSPEXIT had the forethought to cross over. p. 86 1. 34 DEBELLATRICEM Adu. lud. 9 p. 723 m. Oehler (= Adu. Marc, in 13 p. 398 1. 21 Kr.) sic et Babylon apud loan- 30 nem nostrum Romae urbis figura est, proinde et magnae et regno superbae et sanctorum debellatricis. Cassian Coll. xxii 3. Lact. in lexx. [see also Thes. A.S.]. p. 88 I. 1 Death of Marcus 17 Mar. 180 Clinton Fasti. p. 88 1. 2 ARCHIGALLVS De Carn. Resur. 16 p. 46 1. 7 Kr. 35 et tamen calicem, non dico uenenarium, in quern mors aliqua ructarit, sed frictricis uel archigalli uel gladiatoris aut carni- ficis spiritu infectum, quaero, an minus damnes, quam oscula ipsorum. Plin. inscr. Finnic. Matern. Math, in 6 22 faciet p. 88 1. 9] APOLOGETICVS 25 333 eanuchos, aut abscisos, archigallos aut hermafroditas. Prud. contr. Syrnm. II 863. p. 88 1. 3 SANGVINEM IMPVRVM Minuc. 24 6 quid? qui sanguine sao libat et uulneribiis suis supplicat, non profanus melius esset, quam sic religiosus? aut cui exta sunt obscena demessa, quomodo deum uiolat, qui hoc modo placat ! The 24th March is dies sangainis Marquardt IV 318= in 2 327 n. 2. Preller 737. esp. Prud. Peristeph. x 1061 sq. Allard Les der- nieres Persec. 1967. Mart, xi 84. 3. Stat. Theb. x 170 [Tert.] poem ad senatorem [a] Chr. religione ad idola conversum 10 [best published in Corp. Scr. Eccl. Lat. vol. xxni pp. 227 ff. A.S.] 19. LACERTOS La Cerda cites Sen. De Vita Beata 26 8 cum sistrum aliquis concutiens, ex imperio mentitur ; cum aliquis secandi lacertos suos artifex bracckia atque umeros suspensa 15 manu cruentat. id. Agameni. 687 tristis lacerat bracchia tecum cet. Mart, xi 84 3 alba minus saeuis lacerantur bracchia cultris, cum furit ad Phrygios enthea turbo, modos. Prudent, peristeph. x 1061 cultrum in lacertos exserit fanaticus, sectisqne Matrem bracchiis placat deum. Apul. Metam. vin 27 sua qais- 20 que bracchia dissicant. p. 88 1. 4 INTERCEPT: <i7ro6avtov gl. Colum. Quintil. Tac. Suet, (add Claud. 1. Nero 35 fin. Tib. 7). Ammian. Marcel. p. 88 1. 6 DIPLOMATA Cic. Suet, (add Nero 12). Sen. dig. Plin. ad Tra. 64. 120. 121. Capitolin. Pertin. 1 6. CIL 25 vni 1027. Daremberg and Saglio Diet. art. Cursus Publicus 1647. 1652. EXCESSVM absol. cf. If 0809. Also (with excedere, with which Cic. joins e uita or uita) in Tac. Suet. Cypr. Tert. ad Yxor. I I m. 30 p. 88 1. 8 CRETAM SVAM supr. 12 p. 44 1. 16 Origen contr. Cels. in 43 (Keim p. 40 n. 1). Clem. Horn, v 23. Arnob. I 34 fin. in 30. iv 14. Pacat. pan. 4. Prudent, contr. Symm. II 492. Claud. 4 Cons. Hon. 134 Cretaque se iactat tenero rap- tata Tonanti. Euseb. Praep. Eu. in 10 21 p. 107 b . 35 p. 88 1. 8 sq. = ad nat. II 17 p. 130 1. 13 Wiss. 13 p. 123 1. 5 Wiss. p. 88 1. 9 ANTRVM Verg. Georg. iv 152 Dictaeo caeli 334 TERTVLLIANI [p. 88 1. 9 regem pauere sub antro. Cic. De Nat. Deor. in 17 sq. 21. Clem. Alex. Protr. c. 2 p. 24 P. Lact. Dm. Instt. I 11 45. 21 37 seq. AERA CORYBANTIA Lucr. II 633 sq. Aen. in 111. On. 5 Fast, iv 207 sq. Arnob. in 41. Hygin. Fabulae 139. p. 88 1. 10 NVTRICIS Mimic. 21 10 et quae louis sacra sunt? nutrix capella est et auido patri subtrahitur infans, ne uoretur : et Corybantum cymbalis, ne pater audiat uagitus, tin nitus eliditur. TO p. 88 1. 12 ivxo Prudent, contr. Symm. II 495 concessit et ipsa luno suos Phrygiis seruire nepotibus Afros, et quam sub- iectis dominam Dea gentibus esse, si qua fata sinant, iam turn tenditque fouetque, iussit Romuleis addictam uiuere frenis. luu. 16 6 n. Lact. Dm. Instt. I 15 9 Athenae Mineruam, 15 Samos Innonem. Apul. Metam. vi 4 (Flor. 15 (?)) Magni louis germana et coniuga, sine ta Sami, quae sola partu uagi- tuque et alimonia tua gloriatur,...siue celsae Carthaginis. p. 88 1. 14 QVOD SCIAM c. 23 fin. n. p. 88 1. 22 DESTINATVM Liu. Curt. Sen. Tac. Suet. 20 p. 88 1. 23 LVPAE ad nat. I 4 p. 64 1. 29 Wiss. II 10 p. 113 1. 11 Wiss. Arnob. iv 3. Lact. I 20 1. Cic. Liu. luu. LARENTINAE c. 13 p. 46 1. 30. Lact. i 20 2. p. 88 1. 31 INCIDERENTVR c. 50 p. m. imagines inscribitis et titulos inciditis in aeternitatem. 25 p. 88 1. 32 RELIGIOSITATIS ad nat. II 17 p. 132 1. 6 Wiss. seruant urbem Romarn qui suas perdiderunt, si hoc religiositas Romana meruit. atqui non post summum imperiwni auctis iam rebus superstitio quaesita est? etsi a Numa sacra introducta sunt, nondum tamen aut simulacris aut templis res uestras di- 30 uina frustrabant. frugi religio et paupertina superstitio; altaria temeraria et uasa sordida et nidor paruus ex illis et deus ipse nusquam. POST Scorpiace c. 11 p. 526 Oehler, with note d (= p. 170 1. 22 Wiss.). 35 p. 88 1. 34 NVMA c. 21 Pompilius Numa, qui Romanos operosissimis superstitionibus onerauit. De Praescr. Haer. 40 si Numae superstitiones reuoluamus, si sacerdotalia officia, in signia et priuilegia, si sacrificalia ministeria et instrumenta et p. 90 1. 1] APOLOGETICVS 25 335 uasa ipsorum sacrificiorum, acpiaculorum et uotorum curiositates consider amus, nonne manifeste diabolus morositatem ludaicae legis imitatus est? Cic. Rep. 11 c. 14 26. De Nat. Deor. in 43. luu. 6 343 n. [unpublished A.S.I. Lasaulx Studien p. 135 n. 214. 211 n. 58. Schwegler I 541 n. 4. 5 CONCEPTA c. 38 aeque spectaculis uestris in tantum renunti- amus, in quantum originibus eorum, quas scimus de superstitione conceptas. CVRIOSITAS Aug. De Ciu. Dei vn 35 (i 319 2) in ilia igitur kydromantia curiosissimus rex ille Romanus et sacra didicit, 10 quae in libris suis pontifices haberent, et eorum causas, quas praeter se neminem scire uoluit. ( very rare (1 Cic. 2 Tert. 1 Macrob.) LS. add ad nat. II 2 p. 95 1. 20 Wiss. 4 fin. De Cult. Fern, i 2. Ad Yxor. n 5. De Idolol. 9 p. 38 1. 11 Wiss. De Praescr. Haer. 8 pr. 14 pr. Apul. Metam. I 12 fin. in 14 pr. 15 v 15. 19. 20 fin. 21. ix 13. xi 15. 22 fin. 23. [See Thes. for many more. A.S.] NONDVM...SIMVLACRIS De Idolol. 3 pr. idolum aliquamdiu retro non erat. priusquam huius monstri artifices ebullissent, sola templa et uacuae aedes erant, sicut in hodiernum quibusdam 20 locis uetustatis uestigia permanent, tamen idololatria agebatur, non in isto nomine, sed in isto opere. nam et hodie extra templum et sine idolo agi potest. at ubi artifices statuarum et imaginum et omnis generis simula crorum diabolus saeculo intulit, rude illud negotium humanae calamitatis et nomen de idolis consecutum est 25 et profectum. Plut. Numa 8. Varro in Aug. De Ciu. Dei IV 31. On. Fast. VI 295 8. More in Marquardt in 5 n. 1. Lasaulx 109 n. 40. 110 111. supra c. 16 no image in the Temple. p. 88 1. 36 FRVGI RELIGIO ET PAVPERES RITVS Numa pauper Mart, xi 5 2. Plin. xvin 2. 2 7 Numa instituit deos 30 fruge colere et mola salsa supplicare. CAPITOLIA Arnob. I 34. p. 90 1. 1 TEMERARIA DE CAKSP1TE ALTARIA luu. 12 2 3 festus promissa deis animalia caespes expectat. Lucan ix 988 erexit subitas congestu caespitis aras. Apul. Metam. vn 10. 35 /Swyitou? a^roo-^eSt of? Dionys. Halicarn. and lamblich. in Oehler. VASA Pers. n 59 60 aurum uasa Numae Saturniaque 336 TERTVLLIANI [p. 90 1. 1- impulit aera Vestalesque urnas et Tuscum fictile mutat. Schwegler I 541. Plut. Num. 8 (his offerings) al TroXXai, 81? a\dttTOV KOI crTrov&fjs KOI rwv 7r67roL7]/jLL aL. luu. 6 342 5 et quis tune hominum 5 contemptor numinis ? aut quis simpuuium ridere Numae nigrumque catinum et Vaticano fragiles de moute patellas ausus erat? 11 109. 116. Preller-Jordan I 129. p. 90 1. 3 TVSCORVM De Spectac. 5 p. 6 1. 25 Wiss. igitur in Etruria inter ceteros ritus superstition am suarum spectacula 10 quoque religionis nomine instituunt. inde Romani arcessitos artifices mutuantur, tempus, enuntiationem, ut ludi a Lydis uocarentur. Liu. v 1 6 (of the Etruscans) gens... ante omnes alias eo magis dedita religionibus, quod excelleret arte colendi eas. Plin. Hist. Nat. xxxiv c. 7 34 signa quoque Tuscanica 1 5 per terras dispersa, quin in Etruria factitata sint non est dubium. p. 90 1. 5 OB HOC not ante-Aug. Liu. Sen. Colum. Suet. Aug. 94. Dom. 17. gr. 3. 16 (also ob id, ea, haec, quae). p. 90 1. 6 INRELIGIOSITATE [The word c. 24 p. 84 1. 12, n. 20 1. 28. A.S.] cf. Minuc. 25 impiatum cet. lustin. Apol. I 12 p. 59 cd . Dial. c. Tryph. 14 p. 213 d . p. 90 1. 7 NI FALLOR cet. ad nat. n 17 p. 132 1. 16 Wiss. nisi fallor enim, omne regnum imperium bellis quaeritur, et bellis ampliatur. porro laeduntur mctoribus et dei urbis. nam 25 eadein strages et moenium et templorum, pares caedes et ciidum et sacerdotum, eaedem rapinae profanorum et sacrorum. tot sacrilegia...triumphi. manent et simulacra captiua. infr. 40 p. 118 1. 8. p. 90 1. 9. So Marcellus from Syracuse, Plut. Marcell. 21. 30 Liu. xxv 40 1. 2. p. 90 1. 13 DE Dis so the verb often e.g. Apul. Metam. xi 15 de sua fortuna. p. 90 1. 15 CAPTIVORVM 10 a. m. mine ergo per singulos decurrarn tot et tantos, nouos ueteres, barbaros Graecos, Romanos 35 peregrinos, captiuos adoptiuos. SVSTINENT 8 fin. certe postea cognoscunt et sustinent et ignoscunt. c. 15 p. 50 1. 16. p. 90 1. 16 IMPERIVM SINE FINE Verg. Aen. I 278 9 p. 92 1. 3] APOLOGETICVS 25, 26 337 luppiter to Venus of the Romans : his ego nee metas rerum nee tempora pono, imperium sine fine dedi. Archiv f iir lat. Lex vn 300 f. p. 90 1. 17 REMVNERASSE pass. c. 11 p. 40 1. 33. c. 46 p. 128 1. 10 cf. De Cult. Fern. I 2 p. m. illud ipsum bonum feminarum 5 naturalis decoris, ut causam mail, sic remunerauerunt Paulin. Nol. ep. 23, 31. 26, 2. Plin. ep. Quintil. decl. Petron. ApuL dig. [I have exx. from Ambst. Aug. and Ps.-Aug. A.S.] QVI NIHIL SENTIVNT La Cerda cites Lact. Diu. Inst. II 4 9. 7 7 (?). vi 7 3(?) n. on luu. 13 119 statuamque Vagelli. 10 p. 9 1. 24 sq. 1. 31 seq. ad nat. II 17 p. 133 1. 8 Wiss. regnam uniuersae nationes...habuerunt, ut Assyrii ut Medi ut Persae ut Aegi/ptii...quaerite quis tetnporum uices ordinanit idem regna dispensat. Minuc. 25 12 et tamen ante eos Deo dispensante diu regna tenuerunt Assyrii, Medi, Persae, Graeci etiam et 15 Aegijptii, cum Pontifices et Aruales et Salios et Vestales et Aaqures non haberent. CAP. XXVI p. 90 1. 24 XE Hennas cod. Pal. uis. in 10. 9 uidete, ergo, filii, ne forte hae dissensiones uestrae deserant uitam uestram. p. 90 1. 25 REGNATVR So in Tac. : the poets have reg- 20 natus, regnandus. p. 90 1. 26 SAECVLVM c. 32 dausulani saeculi. c. 41 finem saeculi. Lact. Epit. 70 14 cum certa et constituta diuinitus tempora compleri coeperint, interitum et consummationem rerum fieri necesse est, ut innouetur a Deo mundus....^ 15 sed cum sint 25 innumerMlia, quae de fine saeculi et conclusione temporum dicta sunt. p. 90 1. 29 SILVESTRIS Verg. Aen. vin 346 ad Capitolia ducit aurea nunc, olim siluestribus horrida dmnis. p. 92 1. 1 IVDAEA cet. same argument Minuc. 33 prius eos 30 deseruisse comprehended, quant esse desertos ; nee, ut inipie loqueris, cum Deo suo esse captos, sed a Deo at disciplinae trans- fugas deditos. p. 92 1. 3 Schlirer n 302. FOEDERIBVS los. Antiq. xiv 16 relates the foedus between 35 M. T. 338 TERTVLLIANI [p. 92 1. 3- the Jews and Romans, and c. 17 the decree of C. Caesar concerning the privileges, immunities and honours of the Jews (Woodham). cf. c. 21 p. 66 1. 34 sq. p. 92 1. 4 DOMINATVRI Eivs : so regnare, desinere, desistere 5 c. gen. Graece. The gen. also De Cult. Fern. I 1. (scripture ap. De Pudicit. 17 p. 256 1. 29 Wiss.). Apul. Asclep. 39. Lact. Diu. Instt. iv 14 3. Hermae Past, in 9. 2:3. Hieron. vi 194 a . [Other exx. in Hier. Add Clem. Hil. Iren. lat. Priscill. Filast. Greg.-Illib. Aug. A.S.] CAP. XXVII 10 p. 92 1. 6 INTENTATIONEM Here as 46 pr. u. 1. intentionem. De Cult. Fern. I 4 alteri ambit ionis crimen intendimus, alteri prostitutionis. Arnob. II 66 quod nobis obiectare consuestis, ratione intenditur nulla. In Cic. int. actionem, litem, etc. In Cic. Cornif. Quintil. inientio )( depulsio. Lact. Epit. 45 7 15 mtentabant autem pro crimine id ipsum, quod se Dei filium diceret. On impiety see Arnob. I 29 pr. (Elmenh. p. 20). p. 92 1. 7 NON ESSE 1 Cor. 8 4. p. 92 1. 8 OBSTRVIMVS GRADVM c. 1 pr. mam. De Virgin. Vel. 15 f. temptationibus gradum. De Praescr. Haer. 15 hunc 20 igitur potissimum gradum obstruimus, non admittendos eos. cf. De Cam. Resur. 48 p. 98 1. 20 Kr. Many other metaphorical uses of gradus (from the palaestra) cited by Oehler on Scorp. 8 pr. p. 92 1. 11 CONSECRATIONE De Cor. Milit. 10 pr. nam et 25 mortuorum est ita coronari, uel quoniam et ipsi idola statim fiunt et habitu et cultu consecrationis, quae apud nos secunda idololatria est DEMENTIAM c. 50 propterea. . .desperati et perditi eocisti- mamur. De Spectac. 1 p. m. p. 1 1. 18 Wiss. sunt qui existiment 30 Christianas, expeditam morti genus, ad hanc obstinationem abdi- catione uoluptatiam erudiri, quo facilius uitam contemnant, amputatis quasi retinaculis eius. Lact. Diu. Instt. v 13 2 stultosque arbitrantur esse, qui cum habeant in pot estate, sup- plicia sua uitare, cruciari tamen et emori malunt. ibid. 18 35 12 docui, ut opinor, cur populus nosier apud stultos stultus p. 92 1. 19] APOLOGETICVS 26, 27 339 habeatur. nam cruciari atque inter fid malle, quam tura tribus digitis compreliensa in focum iactare, tarn inept urn uidetur, quam in periculo uitae alterius animam magis curare quam suam. Plin. Ep. Trai. 96. Arr. Epict. IV 7 elra VTTO pavlas Svvarai TIS ovra) ^iare6r)vai irpos ravra (death, etc.) ical VTTO 5 0ov$ cos ol ra\i\aloi, VTTO \oyov Be teal Bvvarai. M. Aurel. XI 3 o ia eariv 77 ^1^77 77 erot/zo?, eav ijSrj airo\v0f)vat Bey rou o-w/zaro?, teal ? /rot afteaOrivai 77 Br}vai T) cru^fj,LiaL ; TO Se eroLjJiov TOVTO, iva CITTO ISi/crj *PXn Tat > M Kar(l "fy^v irapdra^v, w? ol Xpio-riavol, d\\a 10 \e\oyio-pevws KOI (T^vw^ KOI ooarre fcal aXXov nrdaai aTpaywStos. Minuc. 11 2 3. 37 4. Lact. Epit. 57 13 et si hominibus ineptum uidetur ac stultum torqueri et mon malle quam libare dis et ubire sine noxa. Euseb. Praep. Euang. vm 6 10. CVM POSSIMVS cet. c. 49 p. 142 1. 2 n. 15 p. 92 1. l:j OBSTIXATIONEM c. 50 f. n. lustin. Apol. u 12 pr. Otto s n. Kaye 110 1. p. 92 1. 14 Scorpiac. 11 p. 170 1. 14 Wiss. ipsi denique praesides cum cohortantur negationi : serua animam tuam dicunt, et noli animam tuam perdere! 20 p. 92 ]. 15 VNDE i.e. by demons c. 2 p. m. suspecta sit uobis ista peruersitas, ne qua ms loteat in occulto, quae uos aduersus formam, aduersus naturam iudicandi, contra ipsas quoque leges ministret. ibid, nomen quod qaaedam ratio aemit- lae rationis insequitur .. .nomen illius aemulae rationis inimicum. 25 Lact. Diu. Instt. n 1 13 quanam istud ex causa fieii putemus? nisi esse aliquam peruersam potestatem, quae ueritatis sit semper inimica. ib. v 21 3. lustin. Apol. I 5 f. 10 f. 44. n 1. 5. 8. 11. 12. Dial. c. Tryph. 39. Minuc. 28 pr. p. 92 1. 16 ASTVTIA SVADEXDI Scorpiac. 11 pr. (cited above). 30 Keim on Gels. I 8 p. 6 n. 4. p. 92 1. 17 DEICIENDAM c. 2 p. 10 1. 14 (cited above) De Spectac. 29 f. ids et pugilatus et luctatus ? praesto sunt . . .adspice impudicitiam deiectam a castitate. In Cyprian deici ( )( stare) is used of the lapsed, who are laid low, receive a fall, from the 35 devil. Cf. ind. p. 92 1. 18 PARATVRAE make. c. 47 p. 134 1. 2 n. p. 92 1. 19 DE as from a stronghold. 340 TERTVLLIANI [p. 92 1. 21 p. 92 1. 21 IN PRIMORDIO c. 1. 2. p. 92 1. 22 SUBIECTA see below h. c. c. 37 p. 108 1. 29 n. De Cor. Mi lit. 11 a. in. et quos interdiu exordsmis fugauit, noctibus defensabit, incumbens et requiescens super louche, qua 5 perfossum est latus Christi. Harnack Medicinisches (Texte viii 4) p. 120. p. 92 1. 23 METVI is not wrong. Ou. Col. Verg. Aen. vn 661. vni 432. Liu. xxm 4 7. xxiv 31 3 etc. Plin. Ep. vii 27 13. vni 8 5. ad Trai. 61 (= 69) 2. 10 p. 92 1. 25 ODIVM cet. Mimic, 27 9 ideo inserti mentibus imperitorum odium nostri serunt occidte per timorem: natu- rale est enim et odisse quern timeas et quern metueris infestare si possis. Cic. De Off. II 7 23 quern metuunt, oderunt; quern quisque odit, perisse expetit. Persecution due to demons, lustm. 15 Apol. i 5 p. 55 1 . 9 p. 57 C . 12 p. 59 fl . 44 p. 82"(?). n c. 5 p. 44 b . c. 8 p. 46 C . c. 11 p. 49 e . 50 a . Dial. c. Tryph. 39. Lact. Diu. Instt. v 21. p. 92 1. 26 PRAEDAMNATIONE cult. fern, ii 4 pr. Apol. c. 23 p. m. p. 82 1. 19 renuant ob malitiam praedamnatos se in eundem 20 iudicii diem. Matt. 8 29. 2 Pet. 2 4 : verb also De leiun. 15 pr. De Cult. Fern. I 2 f. De Idolol. 4 p. 33 1. 22 Wiss. Paulin. Nol. Ep. 18 7 f. 25 2 f. p. 92 1. 28 SVCCIDVNT De Pudic. 1 p. 221 1. 15 Wiss. quotiens uolunt nubunt, ne moechiae et fornicationi succidere 25 cogantur. De Cor. Milit. 6 conditionem inuitam uanitati suc- cidisse. DE LONGINQVO De Idolol. 12 p. 44 1. 1 Wiss. Scorpiac. 1 p. 146 1. 14 Wiss. De Cor. Milit. 10 p. m. De Pat. 3 pr. Adu. Hermog. 44 fin. De Spectac. 2 (see below). Is. 33. 13 3 o bis in Adu. lud. 13. Adu. Marc, in 5 pr. Cassian Coll. xi 1. p. 92 1. 29 DE PROXIMO cet. De Spectac. c. 2 p. 2 1. 26 Wiss. de longinquo, non de proximo, c. 30 pr. Ad Vxor. I 8. II 3. De Cult. Fern, n 9. Apul. Metam. n 4. 21 pr. xi 6. 23 f. Minuc. 27 9 Christianas de proximo fugitant, quos longe in 35 coetibus per uos lacessebant. Harnack (Texte vm 4) p. 121. VICE c. 34 pr. n. dei nice. De Idolol. 12 p. 44 1. 1 Wiss. De Pat. 1 p. 1 1. 17 Kr. Sail. hist, iv Fr. 67 (but Maurenb. uicem). Cic. ad Attic, x 8 Sardanapalli nice (but Miiller p. 92 1. 35J APOLOGETICVS 27 341 mceiri) in SILO lectulo mori. Apul. Me tarn. I 12 nice Calypsonis. iv 6 fin. exigui tramitis nice. p. 92 1. 30 ERGASTVLORVM Adu. Marc, n 2 p. 335 1. 24 Kr. in ergastulum terrae laborandae relegatus (the fallen Adam). Plin. Hist. Nat. xvm 3 21 fin. luu. 6. 151 pueros omnes, 5 ergastula tota. 14. 24 n. quern mire afficiunt inscripti, ergastula, career. Casaub. ad Hist. August. I 386 (ed. 1671). CARCERVM Ter. Lucil. METALLORVM c. 12 p. 44 1. 14. c. 29 p. 94 1. 27. c. 39 p. 112 1. 17 n. c. 44 p. 124 1. 22. ornn. De Cult. Fern. I 5 pr. auruin et 10 argentum principes materiae cultus saecularis id sint necesse est, unde sunt, terra scilicet, plane gloriosior, quoniam in male- dictorum metallorum feralibus officinis poenali opera deplorata nomen terrae in igni reliquit, atque exinde de tor mentis in orna- inentd, de suppliciis in delicias, de ignominiis in honores, metalli 15 refuga mutatur. Dirksen Manuals s. u. metallicus subst. and metallum. In Egypt Diodor. Sicul. in 12 with Wesseling. v 35 38 Spanish mines. Leading (honorati) Manichaeans sentenced to the mines, Mos. et Rom. Leg. Collat. xv 3 7 (others to be burnt or beheaded). Misery of miners, Chrysost. 20 Horn, in Matt. pp. 464 b . 559 d . Ambr. n 499 16. The fallen Adam (Tert. De Pall. 3 m. p. 928 Oehler) pellitus orbi, lit metallo, datur. Const. Apost. v 1 pr. Prayers for, Const. Apost. vin 10 (i 1088 c Migne). Suet. Calig. 27, Caligula branded and sentenced to the beasts or the mines multos 25 honesti ordinis (a slave s punishment). Kern in Pauly vi 1122-3 seruitus poenae. Mommsen Strafrecht 947 2. p. 92 1. 31 HOC GENVS De Orat. 27 alleluia... et hoc genus psalmos. Suet. Tit. 7 f. Dom. 4. Aug. 75. Claud. 34. gr. Cato Yarro Cic. Lucr. Apul. Metam. II 5 lapillis et id genus 30 friuolis. in 17. SERViTVTis concr. as in Plaut. and Hor. p. 92 1. 32 De Orat. 1 p. 181 1. 11 Wiss. Dominum quern ultro suis prospicere certi sumus. p. 92 1. 34 DETRIVMPHAMVS Adu. Marc. I 2 [wrong refer- 35 ence A.S.]. Cypr. de Spect. 10 diabolum ilium, qui totum detriumpliauerat mundum. Minuc. 25 7 [see also Thes. A.S.]. p. 92 1. 35 FIDEI OBSTIXATIOXE sententiae, Cic. animi, Sen. 10 342 TERTVLLIANI [p. 92 1. 25 Tac. Hist, in 39 Blaeso super daritatem natalium et elenantiam morum fidei obstinatio fait, a stubborn loyalty, plur. ad nat. I 17 pr. 19 pr. : sing., Apol. 50 f. n. ad nat. I 4 p. 64 1. 23 Wiss. 18 pr. De Exhort. Cast. 13 m. CAP. XXVIII p. 94 1. 1 cf. c. 24. p. 94 1. 2 INVITOS Ad Scap. 2 pr. ita etsi nos compuleritis ad sacrificandum, nihil praestabitis dis uestris ; ab inuitis enim sacrificia non desiderabunt, nisi si contentiosi sunt ; contentiosus autem deus non est. Apol. 9 pr. cum propriis filiis Satumus non pepercit, extraneis utique non parcendo perseuerabat, quos quidem ipsi parentes sui offer ebant, et libentes respondebant, et infantibus blandiebantur, ne lacrimantes immolarentur. AD SACRIFICANDVM Dispensation Euseb. Hist. Eccl. vin 1 2 TWV Kparovvrwv al Trepi Tou? r)/jL6Tepovs Sef^oKje/?, ols 15 Kal ra? TWV edv&v eve%eipi^ov r]yefjLovia^, rrjs Trepi TO Ovuv Kara 7ro\Xr)v, iiv arrecrw^ov Trepi TO Soyfjia, <$>i\Lav aTraXkaTTOVTes. Cf. 2 5 rrdo-rj fjirj^avfj Oveiv e^avay/cd- ^0-6 ai. Cone. Illiber. c. 3 excommunication of flamens, qui non immolauerint, sed munus tantum dederint. Cf. 4. 55. Lact. 20 De Mort. Persec. 15 1 primam omnium jiliam Valeriam coniuyemque Priscam sacrijicio pollui coeyit. 4 indices per omnia templet dispersi uniuersos ad sacrificia cogebant. 5 ne cui temere ius diceretur, arae in secretariis ac pro tribunali positae, ut litigatores prius sacrificarent atque ita cansas suas 25 dicerent. Euseb. De Mart. Palaest. 2 1. p. 94 1. 5 PRAE MANY De Test. Anim. 4 f. si de aliquo iarn pridem defuncto tamquam de uiuo quis requirat, prae manu, occurrit dicer e : abiit iam et reiierti debet. Scorpiac. 10 p. 168 1. 22 Wiss. Apul. Metam. vi 18 aes si forte prae maim non 3oferit. Plaut. Ter. Gell. dig. p. 94 1. 6 De Idolol. 21 p. 55 1. 7 Wiss. scio qnendam, cui Dominus ignoscat, cum illi in publico per litem dictum esset : Iiippiter tibi sit iratus, respondisse : " immo tibi." quid aliter fecisset ethnicus, qui loiiem deum credidit ? 35 p. 94 1. 7 QVA VELIT = utrauis. p. 94 1. 16] APOLOGETICVS 27, 28 343 QVID TIBI MECVM EST my n. on Plin. ep. in 9 27 p. 162 3. Tert. De Cor. Milit. 15 m. quid tibi cum flore morituro? Adu. Marc. I 25 p. 325 1. 19 Kr. quid illi cum Christo, molesto et ludaeis per doctrinam et sibi per lesum ?. . .et quid illi cum Epicaro, nee sibi nee Christianis necessario? ib. 11 p. 304 1. 1 5 Kr. quid ergo illi cunt extraneis ? p. 94 1. 10 AD SECVNDVM TITVLVM c. 10 pr. deos, inquitis, non colitis et pro imperatoribus sacrificia non impenditis. sequitur ut eadem ratione pro aliis non sacrificemus, quia nee pro nobis ipsis, semel deos non colendo. itaque sacrilegii et maiestatis rei 10 conuetiimur. infr. c. 32 Christians swore per salutem (but not per genium) imperatoris. ad Scap. 2. ad nat. I 17 pr. prima obstinatio est, quae secunda a deis religio constituitur Caesarianae maiestatis, quod inreligiosi dicamur in Caesar es, neque imagines eonun tare propitiando neque genios deierando hostes populi 15 nuncupamur. Theophil. I 11 pr. roiyapovv p,a\\ov Ti^cra) TOV /3acn\a, ov Trpoa/cvvdov avrw, d\\ ev^ofjuevo^ vjrep avrov (he had been speaking of idols). Bayle oeuvres in 381. p. 94 1. 12 Minuc. Oct. 29 5 sic eorum (principum et regum) numen uocont, ad imagines supplicant, genium, id est 20 daemonem eorum implordnt, et est els tutius per louis genium peierare quam regis. OBSERVATis Verg. Georg. iv 210 2 praeterea regem non sic Aegyptos et in gens Lijdia nee pupuli* Parthorum aut Medus Hyddspes obseruant. Cic 2 5 p. 94 1. 13 ET MERITO Adu. Marc, v 4 p. 582 1. 6 Kr. Adu. lud. 9. p. 94 1. 14 MORTVO POTIOR c. 29 pr. c. 30 pr. n. homines qui utique uiuunt et mortuis antistant. Chrys. De Sancto Babyla oper. I 6645 cited in Bayle Babylas n. E. Eccles. 9 4 a living 30 dog is better than a dead lion. Cypr. Ad Demetrian. 14. p. 94 1. 15 PRAESENTANEAE (cf. consecraneus 16. consentaneus classical) ad nat. I 7 p. 68 1. 23 Wiss. : generally with remedium Plin. and Marcel. Empir. p. 313 8. Sen. Suet., uenenum Plin. and Gell. vn (vi) c. 4 1 [but Hosius reads praesentarium 35 A. S.]. p. 94 1. 16 IRRELIGIOSI Arnob. iv 30 pr. [cf. c. 13 pr. n. A.S.]. DEPREHENDEMINI C. 13 pr. 344 TERTVLLIANI [p. 94 1. 17 p. 94 11. 1718 Euseb. Hist, Eccl. iv 15 18. 19. 21 (to Polycarp, the proconsul) O/JLOCTOV TTJV Kaiaapos TV^V. 21 " If you vainly imagine that I shall swear by the fortune of Caesar, as pretending that you know not who I am, be assured once for 5 all that I am a Christian." Apol. c. 16 p. m. religio Romanorum tota castrensis signa ueneratur, signa iurat, signa omnibus dis praeponit. infr. c. 32 (p. 98 1. 29 n.) sed et iuramus, sicut non per genios Caesarum, ita per salutem eorum, quae est augustior omnibus geniis. c. 35 p. 104 1. 20. ad nat. I 17 p. 89 1. 16 Wiss. 10 sed aliud opinor est non iurare per genium Caesaris. I 10 p. 78 1. 6 Wiss. immo iam per deos deierandi periculum euanuit, potiore habita religione per Caesar em deierandi, quod et ipsum ad offuscationem pertinet deorum uestrorum ; facilius enim per Caesarem peierantes punirentur qiiam per ullum louem. Ad 15 Scap. 2 iidem ipsi, qui per genios eorum in pridie usque iura- uerant, qui pro salute eorum hostias et fecerant et tiouerant, qui Christianas saepe damnauerant, hostes eorum sunt reperti. Melito Apol. 4 pr. (ex Syr. ix 425 Otto) ego uero dico quod etiam Sibylla de eis dixit, eos simulacra regum mortuorum 20 adorare. atque lioc facile est intellectu ; nam ecce etiamnunc adorant simulacra Caesarum ac ma gis uenerantur quam ilia prior a. Philostr. Apoll. I 15 2 in a dearth in Pamphylia the mob rose against the governor and were about to burn him KdLTOL 7TpOaKifA6VOV TOi? /3aO~L\LOLS flV&pldaiV, o i fCdl TOV 25 AtO? TOV V OXu/ATT/tt 4)0/3pCt)T6pOL !}OaV TOT KCU d(TV\6TpO(, Tiftepiov 7 6We<>. Minuc. 29 5 cited above, dig. xn 2 13 6 siquis iurauerit in re pecuniaria per genium principis, dare se non oportere, et peierauerit,. ..imperator nosier cum patre [Septim. Seu. et Antonin. Carac.] rescripsit fustibus eum castigatum dimitti 30 et ita ei superdici : Tr/soTrerw? /z^ onvve. cod. IV 1 2 Imp. Alexander A. Felici iurisiurandi contempta religio satis Deum ultorem habet. periculum autem corporis uel maiestatis crimen secundum constitutes diuorum parentam meorum, etsi per prin cipis uenerationem quodam calore fuerit peieratum, inferri non 35 placet. Cf. On offences against diuus Augustus Suet. Tib. 58. On swearing by the genius Caesaris, Lightfoot on Martyr. Polycarpi 9 (n 9623). E. Beurlier, Le Culte imperial, son histoire et son organisation depuis Auguste jusqu a Justinien. p. 94 1. 26] APOLOGETICVS 28 ? 29 345 Paris 1891 (p. 156 n. 12), il est tres rare, dans les dedicaces faites a la fois a Auguste et a uri autre dieu, fut-ce Jupiter, de voir le nom du prince an second rang (but see Mommsen Staatsr. n 2 784 n. 4. cf. p. 783). Orig. Exhort, ad Mart. 7 (xx 2401 L.). Lasaulx Studien d. klass. Alterthums (1854) 5 p. 212 n. 27. Lightfoot Ignatius n 7623. Acta Mart. Scillit. 1 (cf. 2. 3). Rufin. Hist. Eccl. iv 15 p. 209 sq. Apul. Metam. IX 41 (Hildebrand p. 867). CAP. XXIX p. 94 1. 22 PKRDITI CONSERVANT De Cult. Fern. I 2 haec qualia sint, interim iain ex doctorum suorum qualitate et con- 10 ditione pronuntiari potest, quod nihil ad integritatem peccatores, nihil ad castitatem adamatores, nihil ad timorem dei desertores spiritus aut nionstrare potuenint ant praestare. Cypr. De Idol. Van. 3 f. [from Mimic. 26 7] spiritus insinceri et uagi...non desinunt perditi perdere et deprauati error em prauitatis in- 15 fnndere. p. 94 1. 24 vivos c. 30 pr. n. p. 94 1. 25 AEDES struck by lightning Sen. Nat. Quaest. II 42 1. Lucr. II 11014. vi 4169. Aristoph. Nub. 399 sq. Minuc. 5 9. Mart, iv 21. Diog. Laert. vi 74. Lucian lupp. 20 Conf. 17. Cic. De Diuinat. u 104 cet. : arson Arnob. vi 23. p. 94 1. 26 EXCVBIIS Clem. Recogn. v 15. luu. 14 260 n. sq. ad uigilem ponendi Castora nuinini, ex quo Mars Vltor galeam quoque perdidit et res non potuit seruare suas. De Cor. Milit. 11 a.m. et excnbabit pro templis, quibas renuntiauit ? . . .quos 25 interdiu exorcisinis fugauit, noctibus defensabit. De Idolol. 11 (Christians not to sell things used for idolatry) p. 42 1. 22 Wiss. qua constant ia exorcizabit aluninos suos, quibus domum suam cellarium pfaestat ? Arnob. vi 20 cur eos [deos] sub ualidissimis clauibas ingentibusque sub claustris habetis inclnsos, ac ne forte 30 fur aliquis aut nocturnus irrepat latro, aedituis inille protegitis atque excubitoribus mille ? Cypr. ad Demetr. 14 quid praestare colentibus possunt qui se de non colentibus uindicare non possunt ? nam si eo qui uindicatur pluris est ille qui uindicat, tu dis tuis niaior es. si ergo his quos colis maior es, non tu eos colere, sed 35 346 TERTVLLIANI [p. 94 1. 26 ab illis coli debes. sic illos laesos ultio uestra defendit, quomodo et clausos ne pereant tutela uestra custodit pudeat te eos colere quos ipse defendis, pudeat tutelam de eis sperare quos tu tueris. Ambros. De Virginit. II 5 36 7. Lact. Diu. Instt. II 4 5. 5 v 20 3. Aristid. Apol. 3. lustin. Apol. I 9 p. 58 a . [Melito] Apol. 10. Ep. Diognet. 2 p. 495. omn. Chrys. II 547 e sq. Hennecke Aristid. ind. rrjpew. Mommsen Strafrecht 311 1. MATERIAE cet. c. 12 f. in metalla damnamur. inde censentur di uestri. 27 (p. 92 1. 30 n.). 10 p. 94 1. 28 IRATVM Bayle oeuvres in 85. Sen. De Ira I 20 8. p. 94 1. 29 FACIT c. 23 p. 80 1. 22. PROPITIVM 5 pr. facit et hoc ad causam nostram, quod apud uos de humano arbitratu diuinitas pensitatur. nisi homini deus 15 placuerit, dens non erit ; homo iam deo propitius esse debebit. Ambr. ad Valentinian. adu. Symm. [= epist. 18 A. S.] 8 uos pacem dis uestris ab imperatoribus obsecratis, nos ipsis impera- toribus a Cltristo pacem rogamus. p. 96 1. 3 PLVMBATIS c. 12 p. 44 1. 11 ante plumbum et 20 glutinum et yomphos sine capite sunt di uestri. c. 42 f. denique porrigat manam luppiter et accipiat. CAP. XXX p. 96 1. 7 cf. end of chapter, c. 19 Fuld. p. 01 c. 39 pr. oramus etiam pro imperatoribus, pro ministeriis eorum ac potestatibas. Ad Scap. 2 m. Christianas nullius est hostis, nedam 25 imperatoris, quern sciens a deo suo constitai necesse e, v t at et ipsum diligat et rei(ereatur et honoret et saluam uelit cum toto Romano imperio . . .itaque et sacrificamus pro salute imperatoris, sed deo nostro et ipsius, sed quomodo praecepit deus, pur a prece...ita nos magis oramus pro salute imperatoris, ab eo earn 30 postulantes, qui praestare potest. Cypr. ad Demetrian. 20 f. pro pace ac salute uestra propitiantes et placatites deum diebus ac noctibm. Arn. iv 36 f. heathen prayers for the state. Lasaulx Studien 152 n. 85. Mart, vn 59 in Hau. Chrys. xi 579 a . Bingham XIII 10 5. Galerius A.D. 311 asked for the prayers of 35 the Church and gave indulgence for Christians, on condition p. 96 1. 7] APOLOGETICVS 29, 30 347 of praying for the state. Lact. De Mort. "Persec. 34 5 ande, iuxta hanc imhdgentiam nostram, debebunt deum suum orare pro salute nostra et rei publicae ac sua, ut nndique uersum res publica praestetur incolumis et securi uiuere in sedibus suis possint = Euseb. Hist. Eccl. vin 17 10. (Hanel Corp. Leg. 5 p. 185.) Rufin. Hist. Eccl. vui 19. ix 10 p. 539. iugiter atque instanter oramus [whence ? A.S.]. Athenag. c. 37 (concludes with a prayer for the Antonines. Cf. 1 Tim. 2 vv. 1 2. Prayer to be said by heathen soldiers on behalf of the emperor and his family, Euseb. Vit. Const, iv 20. Schtirer II 3 c. 1 304. Clem. 10 Rom. Ep. I 61, edd. Harnack Patr. Apost. 1 (I) 2 p. 103 sq. and Funk). 1 p. 2 bc ?7//,et9 Be ol \ey6uevoi, Xpiariavoi, on /j.rj rrpove- vorjcrOe Kal rjuwv, ovy^wpelre Be urjBev dBiKovvTas, d\\d KOLL TTpoloi To^ TOV \6jov Bei^OrjcreTai^ evae/Becrrara Kal SiKcuorara vrpo? re TO Oelov Kal n]v vfj,repav 15 /3aa-i\Lav, eXavvea-Bai Kal fyepeaOai Kal &iwKea6ai. Tatian 4 pr. irpoo-rdrrei ^opou? re\elv 6 /Sacr/Xeus^; erot/zo? Bov\Viv 6 SecnTOTTjs Kal V7rr]perelv ; rtjv &ov\iav TOV /juv yap avOpwTTOv dv6pW7rivws TlfJkrjTeov, (f)O/3i]Teov Be TOV 6eov OO-TK; dvOpajTriros OVK eaTiv oparo? o<f)0a\jj.ol<>, ov 20 vreptXr/TTTo?. TOVTOV uovov dpvela6ai K\ev6/jLevos ov T.6vr]l~ofJLai Be udXXov, tva /A*} ^revaTri^ KOI i^Ow. Theophil. I 11 Toiyapovv ud\\ov Tiuyj(T(o TO/ ftadikea, ov TTpooKvvutv aimo d\\d eu^o/Ltei/o? V7Tp ai/Tov- Oef Be TU> OI/TWS Qeai Kal d\7]6el Trpo<TKVvw, et Scb? 25 oTi o (3aoi\evs UTT avTov yeyovev. . .TO^ e Baa-iXea Tipa eivowv avrw, vTTOTaao-ouevos avrw, ev^ofjievos vTrep avTov. lustin. Apol. I 14. 17 6eov utv uovov 7rpoo~Kvvovaev, VULV Be rrpo^ Ta a\\a xaipovres, VTriypeTov/jiev, /3acrtXet? Kal dp^ovTas dvOpoiTrwv oao\oyoviTe^ Kal ev-^o/juevoL aeTa TT}? ftacri\.iKr)s Bvvduecos Kal 30 o-co<f)pova TOV Xoyicruov e^ovTa^ vuds evpeOrjvai. Euseb. Hist. Eccl. x 8 16. Vit. Const. IV 4. n 12 1 Licinius charges the bishops with praying for Constantine and not for him. Orig. contr. Cels. vni 70 p. 214. (Lomm. t. xx) 73 p. 220 (L. t. xx) sqq. Concil. Chalced. act. 4 (Hefele n [Freib. 1856] 35 p. 489 f.). Bailey Rituale Anglo-cath. 16. 20. 3234. 174. Prudent. Peristeph. x 426 8. Cypriani Acta Procons. 1 (p. ex ]. 1820). 348 TERTVLLIANI [p. 96 1. 10 p. 96 1. 10 QVA HOMINES c. 5 m. Domitiaiius, portio Neronis de crudelitate, sed qua et homo, facile coeptum repressit. p. 96 1. 12 SECVNDI c. 33 temperans maiestatem Caesaris infra deum, magis ilium commendo deo, cui soli subicio. .sec. 5 a quo. Hirt. Liu. Hor. lustin. xvui 4 5. xxxn 1 9. Tert. Adu. Prax. 5 fin. 7 fin. Ad Scap. 2 p. m. colimus ergo et impera- torem sic, quomodo et nobis licet et ipsi expedit, ut hominem a Deo secundum et, quicquid est a Deo consecutum, solo Deo minorem. My Latin Heptateuch p. 207 1. 10. Barrow in C. Wordsworth 10 Chr. Instt. iv 151. SVPER OMNES DEOS Ad Scap. 2 p. m. hoc et ipse < imperator > uolet. sic enim omnibus maior est, dum solo uero Deo minor est ; sic et ipsis dis maior est, dum et ipsi in potestate sunt eius. Yeget. Epit. Rei Mil. n 5 iurant per Deum, et per Christum et 15 per Spiritual sanctum, et per maiestatem imperatoris, quae secundum Deum generi humano diligenda est et colenda. p. 96 1. 13 VIWNT ET MORTVIS ANTISTANT C. 10. C. 29 pr. p. 94 1. 23 si denique, quod in conscientia uestra est, mortui uiuos tuentur. c. 28 fin. quis enim ex uiuentibus non quolibet 20 mortuo tuo [om. ?] potior ? p. 96 1. 14 ANTISTANT De Virg. Veland. 10 p. m. non enim et continentia idrginitati antistat. De Fug. in Persec. 3 f. nos autem, puto, multis passerib us antistamus (cf. Matt. 10 31 in De Cam. Resur. 13 fin. 35 p. 77 1. 10 Kr.). Sil. ix 538. Gellius vi 25 5 1. Anim. Apul. Metam. iv 8. Ennius Agam. fr. 11 (271 Trag. Vahlen) plebes in hoc regi antistat. Fronto p. 8 4. [See Thes. A.S.] RECOGITANT Plant. Cic. (1). Sen. Colum. Tert. Exhort. Cast. 3 pr. 10 pr. 12 a. m. De Cor. Mil. 10 p. m. De Idolol. 11 pr. 30 De Monog. 3 f. LS have Ad Max. read Ad Vx. I 4 fin. not " rare." p. 96 1. 17 CAPTIVVM as the models of cities, mountains, etc. Hor. epist. n 1 193 captiua Corinthus. p. 96 1. 18 seq. supra c. 25. infr. c. 33 (cited on p. 96, 12) 35 si homo sit, interest hominis deo cedere. Ad Scapul. 2 p. m. (cited above on p. 96, 12 and 7) non enim eget Dens, conditor uniuersitatis, odoris aut sanguinis alicuius. Hor. Carm. ill 6 5 dis te minorem quod geris, imperas. Plin. Panegyr. 2 4. p. 96 1. 22] APOLOGETICVS 30 349 p. 96 1. 21 ILLVC SVSPICIENTES Arnob. n 3 (supr. 17 fin.). p. 96 1. 22 MANIBVS EXPANSis raising hands. Ps. 119 48. Isai. 1 15. 1 Tim. 2 8 Price. James 4 8. Tert. Adu. Marc, i 23 p. 322 1. 22 Kr. ad alienum caelum alii deo expanditur. in 18 p. 407 1. 14 ff. Kr. of Moses. De Orat. 13 p. 188 1. 22 5 Wiss. Cf. ad fin. cap. expansos . . Jiabitum orantis Christian. Kaye 383. 429 (from Adu. Marc. I 23 fin.). De Orat. 14 fin. nos uero non attollimus tantum, sed etiam expandimus, et dominicam passionem modulantes et orantes conjitemur Christo. 29 fin. sed et aues inane exxurgentes eriguntur ad caelum, et 10 alarum crucem pro manibus expandunt et dicunt illiquid quod oratio uideatur. De Baptismo 20 fin. cum de illo sanctissimo lauacro noui natalis ascenditis et primas maims apud matrem cum fratribus apentis, petite de patre, petite de domino peculia gratiae. De Spectac. 25 p. 25 1. 16 Wiss. iltas manus, quas 15 ad deum extuleris, postmodum Laudando histrionem fatigare? Lasaulx 154 n. 9799. Athanas. Vit. Ant. 54. Paulin. Vit. Ambr. 47 expansis manibus in niodum crucis orauit. Clem. Alex. Strom. VII 40 pr. p. 854 P. Tavrrj < rfj ev^LaOerw oyiuXta > /cai irpoaavaTeivofJiev n]v Ke$a\i]v Kal r9 %6t/?a? et? ovpavbv 20 alpopei . K. F. Hermann Alterth. II- (1858) 21 n. 10. Marquardt ill 2 178 n. 8. [Lucian] Philopatris 29 rj/jLeis Se TOV ev \\0rjvais * K^vwarov efyevpovres /cal 7rpo(Tfcvvr}(TavTes -^elpa^ et? ovpavov eKreivavres TOVTW ev^apio-T^o-ofjbev. Lucret. V 1200 1 nee procwmbere humi prostratum et pandere palmas 25 ante deum delubra. Prudent. Peristeph. vi 106 8 (like the cross : so Maxim. Taur. horn. 2 de passione, Migne P. L. LVII 342 C 343 a . [Paulin. above and Aug. Serai. 342 1. 352 6. A.S.]). Aristot. De Mundo vi 31. Lact. De Mort. Persec. 46. Euseb. Vit. Const, iv 18. 19. H. E. vm 7 4. Athan. ep. ad Serapion. 30 3 (l 270 b ) ra? re ^et/aa? e/cretVa? irpos TOV Oeov. Synes. ep. 11 ad fin. Chrys. xi 664. Smith Diet. Chr. Ant. Prayer. Acad. 10 Febr. (1894) p. 125. Prof. Ramsay Ch. in Roman Empire 421. Bingham xm 8 10. Le Blant Les Actes des Martyres in (1883) 100. 35 CAPITE NVDO )( capite operto. Cypr. De Laps. 1 (p. 238 5) ab impio sceleratoque uelamine quo illic uelabantur sacrifican- tium capita captiua, caput uestrum liber um mansit. aperto 350 TERTVLLIANI [p. 96 1. 22 % capite = Graeco ritu. Suet. Vitell. 2 idem miri in adulando ingenii, primus C. Caesarem adorare ut deum instituit, cum reuersus ex Syria, non aliter adire ausus esset quam capite uelato. Marquardt in 2 176 n. 6. Pint. Qu. Rom. 10 p. 266 C 5 Wytt. Plant. Amph. 5 1 44, capite operto. Bingham xin 8 9. Kaye 384. p. 96 1. 23 SINE MONITORE Kaye 387 8 not like the heathen c. 35 de nostris annis tibi luppiter augeat annos. )( praeire uerba. King Primitive Church n 33 42 no forms. 10 Thuc. vi 32 prayers of the fleet before the Sicilian expedition VTTO Kijpv/cos. Marquardt ill 2 178 9. Bingham XIII 5 5 (iv 388). monitor sacrorum (Orelli 3142. 5670 = Wilmanns 1761. 1758). Mommsen in Rh. Mus. xix (1864) 458 esp. Plin. xxvm 11- 15 p. 96 1. 24 PRECANTES cet. c. 33. 39. Arnob. iv 36 f. Cyril. Hierosol. Catech. 5 mystagog. c. 8 (Migne P. G. xxxiu 1116 a ). Athenag. Suppl. 37 rt^e? yap teal Si/caiorepoi, GUV Beovrai Tv^elv, r) oir/2 69 Trepl iJitv rfjs <*>PXW T % v/Aerepas ev^o^eOa, Iva ?raK fJii> Trapa Trarpos Kara TO SiKatorarov BiaSe^ijaOe rrjv 20 /3a<ri\eiav, avgrjv 8e real eiriBotriv /cal 77 apX*] v^&v, iravrwv VTTO ^eipiwv ryivo/jLevcov, \a(JL(3dvr) ; rovro 8 ecrrl /cal irpos i] fjiwv , OTTO)? ^pefjbov /cal rjav-^tov /3iov Btdyot/juev [= 1 Tim. 2 2. A. S.], avrol 8e Trdvra ra K/C6\ua-/^6va Trpotfv/jLws VTrriperol^v. Tert. Ad Scap. 2 (cited on p. 96, 7). Prudent. Peristeph. x 417 25 420 (partly cited below). Lightfoot Ignatius I 576. Euseb. Vit. Const, iv 45 2. Bailey Rituale Anglo-Cathol. 174 (Church militant prayer). Dionys. Alex, epist. 1 p. 31 1. 4 ed. Feltoe, cited by Herald, in Orelli Arnob. II 259. 1 Tim. 2 2 Grot. Pirke Avoth c. 3 2 p. 43 ed. Taylor 2 . Ps. 15. Esdr. 6 10. 30 loseph. vii 17. xii 17 cet. Elrnenhorst on Arnob. iv 36 f. (p. 152) (bk iv f.). p. 96 1. 26 ORBEM QVIETVM Prudent. Peristeph. 419 420 atque subiugatis hostibus | ductor quietum frenet orbem legibus (La Cerda). 35 p. 96 1. 29 PRAESTAT cet. c. 33 non solam ab eo postulo earn [saluteni] qui potest praestare, aut quod talis postulo qui merear impetrare. Lact. De Mort. Persec. 52 f. to a confessor : tu praecipue, Donate carissime, qui a Deo mereris audiri, Dominum p. 96 1. 33] APOLOGETICVS 30 351 deprecare. Woodham. Ad Scap. 2 a. f. ita nos magis oramus pro salute imperatoris, ab eo earn postulantes, qui praestare potest. p. 96 11. 2930 c. 33 p. 100 1. 8 cited above, c. 29 f. insuper eos debellatis, qui earn < salutem imperatorum > sciunt petere, 5 qui etiam possunt impetrare, dum sciunt petere. c. 45 f. merito soli innocentiae occurrimus. p. 96 1. 31 OPIMAM Plin. vin 183 hinc (of bulls) uictimae opimae et lautissima deorum placatio. maiores )( lactentes. Henzen Acta Fr. Arual. 143. 10 p. 96 1. 32 the sacrifice of prayer 1 Sam. 15 22. Ps. 50 814. 51 1617. Prov. 21 3. Kaye 424. Lact. Din. Instt. vi 25 11. Adu. lud. 5 ante fin. p. 710 1. ult. Oehler. De Orat. 27 est optimum utique institutum omne quod praeponendo et hono- rando deo competit saturatam orationem uelut opimam hostiam 15 admouere. 28 haec est enim hostia spiritalis quae pristina sacrificia deleuit....nos sumus ueri adoratores et ueri sacerdotes, qui spiritu orantes spiritu sacrificamus orationem hostiam dei propriam et acceptabilem, quam scilicet requisiuit, quam sibi prospexit. hanc de toto corde deuotam, fide pastam, ueritate 20 curatam, innocentia integram, castitate mundam agapen coro- natam cum pompa operum bonorum inter psalmos et hymnos deducere ad dei altar e debemus, omnia nobis a deo impetraturam. De leiun. 10 fin. pinguiorem orationem deo immolat. De Idolol. 6 fin. negas te quod fads colere ? sed illi non negant, quibus 25 hanc saginatiorem et auratiorem et maiorem hostiam caedis, salutem tuam. Ad Scap. 2 p. m. (cited on p. 96 1. 7 ; then after prece) non enim eget deus, conditor uniuersitatis, odoris aut sanguinis alicuius. haec enim daemoniorum pabula sunt Iren. iv 14 3. Athenag. 13 (n. 7 Otto). lustin. Apol. I 9. 13. 30 Ep. ad Diogn. 3. Mimic. 32 2 seq. p. 96 1. 33 THVRIS 4 grains Luc. lupp. Tnig. 15 p. 659 (n 356 ed. Jacobitz )( De Mnesitheo). Tert. De Idolol. 11 p. 41 1. 20 Wiss. Arnob. vi 3 pr. vn 27 sq. Prudent. Peristeph. in 121 130, especially 121 5 haec, rogo, quis labor est fugere? \ si 35 modicum salis eminulis \ turis et exiguum digitis \ tangere uirgo benigna uelis, \ poena, grauis procul afuerit. x 916 8 reponit aras ad tribunal denuo \ et tus et ignem uiuidum in carbonibus, \ 352 TERTVLLIANI [p. 96 1. 33 taurina et exta uel suillci abdomina. Portable altars, Daremberg and Saglio Dictionnaire s.v. ara p. 349 fig. 415. 416. Le Blant Les Actes des Martyrs p. 63 20 (Allard La Persecution de Diocletien, 1890 I 48 49). Petri episc. Alexandr. can. 5 (306 A.D.) 5 in Routh Reliq. Sacr. iv 23 seq. Some offered incense by pagans, can. 14 others had their hands held (cf. Concil. Ancyr. A.D. 314 can. 3). Lact. Dm. Instt. v 18 12 docui, at opinor, cur popidus noster apud stultos stultus habeatur. ncim cruciari atque interfici malle quam turn tribus digitis comprehensa in lofoctim iactare, tarn ineptum uidetur, quam in periculo uitae alterius animam magis curare quam suam. I 20 26 nee tamen desinunt ea colere quae fugiunt et oderttnt : colunt enim ture ac summis digitis quae sensibus intimis horrere debuerunt. Hiero- nym. Ep. 14 5 non est tantum in eo seruitus idoli, si quis 15 duobus digitalis tura conprehensa in bustum arae iaciat, aut haustum patera fundat menun. VNivs ASSIS c. 14 pr. n. Catull. 5. 3 Ellis, passer unius assis (Matt. 10 29 in Tert. De Fug. in Persec. 3 f. and De Exhort. Cast. 1 f.). Otto Sprichworter 39 (does not know 20 Tert.). Plaut. Poen. 451 quiae ulium turis granum sacrifi- cauerit. Ou. Fast. IV 410 turea grana. Plin. xii 83 aesti- mentur postea toto orbe singuiis annis tot funera, aceruatimque congesta honori cadauerum quae dis per sing ul as micas dantur. On offerings of tus Arnob. vn 26 28. 25 p. 96 1. 34 ARABICAE De Cor. Milit. 10 a. m. si me odor alicuius loci offenderit, Arabiae illiquid incendo, sed non eodem ritu nee eodem Jtabitu nee eodem apparatu, quo agitur apud idola. Martian. Cap. 215 with Kopp. Plin. xn 51 tura praeter Arabiam nullis, ac ne Arabiae quidem uniuersae. Verg. 30 Georg. II 117 solis est turea uirga Sabaeis (Cerda there). LACRIMAS Verg. Colum. Plin. Marc.-Empir. p. 317 17 & 30. Theod. Prise. I 4 m. I 19 m. & p. m. [I cannot verify the reff. in Theod. Prise., but see Rose s index. A. S.] MERI Arnob. VII 26 pr. 32 pr. 29 pr. merum turis est socium. 35 30 et quae grauior infligi contumelia dis potest, quam si eos credits accepto mero propitios fieri, aut honorem existimes habitum his magnum, si modo uini exigui rores super uiuidam ieceris atque instillaueris prunam? Cf. 31. Verg. Georg. iv p. 98 1. 4] APOLOGETICVS 30 353 384 ter liquido ardentem perfudit nectare. Vestam. Suet. Galb. 18 (in Haverk.). p. 96 1. 35 REPROBI BOVIS c. 14 pr. n. luu. 12 95 7 libet expectare, quis aegram et claudentem oculos gallinam impended amico tarn sterili. reprobus dS6Kifj,o<;. dig. uulg. of bad money ; 5 Leu. 22 2022. Deut. 15 21. Mai. 1 8. Winer Realworterb. Opfer. lulian. Misopogon 361 b 362 <l he went to Daphne to the temple on a great feast, expecting processions and victims and libations and choirs in white raiment. The priest had brought a goose as his offering, the city nothing, though the temple was 10 largely endowed. iNQViNAMEiNTA 15 a. m. p. 50 1. 22. De Spectac. 8 p. 10 1. 10 Wiss. 10 p. 13 1. 12 Wiss. 15 pr. De Carne Christi 20 f. De Cult. Fern, n 7. Ad Vx. n 2 p. m. 7. De Orat. 13 p. 189 1. 4 Wiss. ad nat. I 10 p. 80 1. 7 Wiss. Ambr. Off. II 65. 15 De Cain n 2. Chromat. in Matt. 3 6 (Vitr. 1. Gell. 1). [I have a number of exx. from Aug. and Ps.-Aug. A. S.] p. 98 1. 1 CONSCIENTIAM SPVRCAM 1 Cor. 8 7. Tit. 115. Plin. vin 183 hide tantum animali < boici > omnium quibus procerior cctuda non statim nato consummatae ut ceteris 20 mensurae. crescit uni donee ad uestigia ima perueniat. quam- obrem uictimarum probatio in uitulo ut articulum suffraginis contingent, breuiore non litant. Cic. De Leg. Agr. II 93 erant hostiae maiores in foro constitutor, qiiae ab his praetoribus de tribunali sicut a nobis consulibus de consili sententia probatae 25 ad praeconem et ad tibicinem immolabantur. Lucian. Sacrif. 12 they bring their victims, the husbandman the ox from the plow, the shepherd a lamb, the goatherd a goat...a\V OL 76 -crTefyavtoa-avTes TO cooy, /cal TTO\V 76 Trporepov e fera- , et eVreXe? 6L7j, i va yit^Se rwv d^prjdrwv rt Karaa^drrwa-L, 30 Trpoadyovo-i TW jSaypw. Plut. De Defectu Orac. 49 p. 437. p. 98 1. 4 EXPANSOS pr. huius cap. Clem. Alex. Strom, n 125 p. 494 P. Zeno would rather see one Indian roasted alive than learn all demonstrations of endurance, rjfilv Se a(f)6ovoi fjLdpTvpwv TTwyai daily, before our eyes, burnt, crucified, 35 beheaded. VNGVLAE c. 12 p. 44 1. 9. Tert. Scorpiac. 1 p. 146 1. 13 Wiss. De leiun. 12 p. 290 1. 24 Wiss. Cf. Theodoret Graec. Affect. M. T. 23 354 TERTVLLIANI [p. 98 1. 4 Cur. vni 9 \a/jL7rdcri...ovvj;i. Juret on Paulin. Petricord. Vit. Mart, v 278. Cypr. p. 423 24. Prudent. Peristeph. in 133. x 484. 557. xi 57. Aug. Conf. I 15. [Ps.-Aug. Quaest. 102 14, p. 210, 22 A.S.] Hieronym. Ep. 1 3. Greg. Turon. Glor. 5 Marfc. 105 f. (p. 561 1). Ruinart 384. Bolland 18 Aug. Acta Agape ti 11. oW^e? Synes. Ep. 44 p. 185 C (cf. below). FODIANT cf. Siopvo-crco Synes. Ep. 44 p. 185 b . p. 98 1. 5 IGNES...BESTIAE Polycarp s martyrdom Euseb. Hist. Eccl. iv 15 23 24 2738. t)C 10 LAMBANT Verg. Hor. Sil. xiv 312. Dracont. (see index of Vollmer s edition, 1905). Paulin. Nol. Ep. 28 2 f. GVTTVRA pi. Ou. DETRVNCENT Liu. Colum. Plin. Ou. Senec. De Ira in 17 3. Hieronym. Ep. 84 11 (sex librorum caput). Contra Ruf. I 7. 15 in 5 [many more in Thes. A. S.]. BESTIAE INSILIANT Suet. Ner. 29 in the skin of a wild beast N. sprung on men and women bound to the stake. p. 98 1. 6 HABITVS ORANTIS Euseb. Vit. Const, iv 15 in his coins rrj v auro? avrov el/cova wSe ypdfacrOat, SiervTrov, &&gt;? 20 avd) j3\7riv So/ceil/ di>arerafjivco<; vrpo? Beov rpoTrov ev^o/jievov : in his palace, on statues, e<7To>9 opOios eypdfaro, avco pev els ovpavov ejjL/3\7ra)v, TGD %etpe S eVrerayLte^o? ev^o/jLevov cr^^art. p. 98 1. 7 HOC AGITE c. 50 p. m. p. 144 1. 24. Adu. Marc, iv 7 p. 434 1. 26 Kr. ut did solet, Ad quod uenimus, hoc age. 25 luu. 7 20 n. 48 n. PRAESIDES 9 a. m. p. 32 1. 2 ex ipsis etiam uobis iustissimis et seuerissimis in nos praesidibus. omn. c. 50 p. m. sed hoc agite, boni praesides.... cruciate torquete, damnate atterite nos. EXTORQVETE 9 a. m. p. 32 1. 5 crudelius in aqua spiritum 30 extorquetis. Lact. Diu. Inst. v 1 a. m. dicatas deo mentes euisce- ratis corporibus extorquent. SVPPLICANTEM C. 30 pr. p. 98 1. 8 VERITAS Prudent. Peristeph. I 48 ueritas crimen putatur, uox fidelis plectitur. CAP. XXXI 35 p. 98 1. 9 ADVLATI cet. like irony De Cult. Fern, n 8 pr. uidelicet nunc et uir et sexus aemulus feminas a suis depello. p. 98 1. 16] APOLOGETICVS, 30, 31 355 Iim. 6 634 5 fingimus haec alt um satira sumente cothurnum scilicet p. 98 1. 12 DEI VOCES : on inspiration c. 18 pr. p. 58 1. 5. p. 98 1. 14 EXTRANEOS c. 7 p. 26 1. 7. Cf. extra 46 prope fin. De Cor. Milit. 4. De Exhort. Cast. 4. De Anim. 28 (wrong ?). 5 Cf. Apol. 21 (inspiration of prophets), ol e%<*>. Kaye 143. Blunt First Three Centuries 23 it would appear, I think,... that the scriptures themselves seldom fell into the hands of the heathen, except by accident. In the persecution of Diocletian, cir. 303 A.D., Eusebius saw churches overthrown, ra<? Se eV#e ou<? 10 teal iepas <ypa<f>as Kara yu-ecra? dyopas Trvpl TrapaSiBo/AGvas ai)rot? 67T6iSo/jLv o(>0a\[Ao2<>. [h. e. viii 2 1. A.S.] p. 98 11. 1516 c. 37 pr. Aug. De Bono Perseuer. (x 855 e ) quando enim non oratum est in ecclesia pro infidelibus atque inimicis eius, ut crederent? Bingham xvi 2 17. Zahn For- 15 schungen zur Gesch. des NTlichen Kanons v 226 7. Aristid. 13 9 (?). 17 3. Didache 1 3. Const. Apost. viii 12 f. Chrys. in 354 d . p. 98 1. 16 PERSECVTORIBVS De Orat. 29 p. 199 1. 17 Wiss. mine aero oratio iustitiae omnem iram Dei auertit,pro inimicis excubat, 20 pro persequentibus supplicat. (Litany enemies, persecutors, and slanderers. ) Oros. vn 8 5. lustin. Dial. c. Tryph. 35 p. 254 b Bio teal vTrep v/j,wv teal virkp TWV a\\ayv aTrdvrwv dv0p(t)7ra)i Tcov e^Opaivovrwv r]fuv ev^ofMeda. ib. 96 p. 323 d , 324 a . Apol. i 57 p. 91 d . 65 p. 97 C with Otto s n. 2. 14 p. 61. 25 Dionys. Alex, in Euseb. Hist. Eccl. vn 1 1 TO u? trepl TT)? eipijwrjs avrov teal rij^ vyieias Trpecrftevovras Trpo? rov Otov ij\aav (Gallus). Some cursed their enemies. Chrys. Ill 35 2 b . 353 a . Bingham xv 3 21. 8 15. PRECARI c. 43 quanti habetis,...non dico iam qui pro u obis 30 quoque aero deo preces sternant. Ad Scap. 2 Christianas... necesse est ut et ipsum < imperatorem > saluum uelit cam toto Romano imperio. Theophil. I 11 fin. quoted on p. 96 1. 7. in. 14. lustin. Apol. I 17 Otto. Tatian 4 quoted on p. 98 11. 312. Athenag. 1 and 37. Prudent. Peristeph. x 417420. Arnob. 35 IV 36 f. nam nostra qaidem scripta car ignibus meruerunt dari ? cur immaniter conaenticala dirai, in quibas sammas oratur deus, pax cunctis et uenia postalatar magistratibus exer- 232 356 TERTVLLIANI [p. 98 1. 16- citibus regibus familiaribus inimicis, adhuc uitam degentibus et resolutis corporum uinctione, in quibus aliud auditur nihil nisi quod humanos faciat, nisi quod mites uerecundos pudicos castos, familiaris communicator es rei et cum omnibus uobis 5 solidae germanitatis necessitudine copulatos ? p. 98 1. 17 CONVENIMVK 35 ante m. p. 102 1. 26 religione secundae maiestatis de qua in secundum sacrilegium conuenimur Christiani. c. 10 pr. Oehler maiestatis rei conuenimur. Adu. Marc. II 8 p. 345 1. 14 Kr. nee quern excusabilem sciret nomine 10 imbecillitatis, eum definitione mortis conuenisset. p. 98 1. 19 INQVIT c. 1 prope f. sed non ideo, inquit, bonum, quia multos conuertit. Burm. on Phaedr. in prol. 4. Cic. in Verr. v 148. Brut. 287. Att. xiv 12 2. luu. 3 153 n. PRO REGIBVS Chrys. x 440 e . 15 POTESTATIBVS cf. Lightfoot, Ignatius I p. 576. p. 98 1. 20 CVM EN1M cet. c. 41 p. 120 1. 23 aliqua nos quoque perstringunt ut uobis cohaerentes. CONCVTITVR Find. Pyth. 4 272 crelaai TTO\LP. Lucan I 5 certatum totiens concussi uiribus orbis. Woodham. CAP. XXXII 20 p. 98 1. 23 cet. from 2 Thess. 2 6 o KaT^wv. Diet. Bible 3 app. p. Ixxv b. Ad Scap. 2 (quoted on p. 98 1. 16). De Cam. Resur. 24 f. (o Ka-re^wv) quis, nisi Romanus status, cuius ab- scessio in decem reges dispersa Antichristi super ducet? Apol. c. 39 (quoted below). Cf. Blunt Right Use p. 192, n. 6 and 7. 25 Aug. De Ciu. Dei XX 19. [Ambr.] ad Ep. 2 ad Thess. 2. 14 non prius ueniet do minus, quam regni Romani defectio fiat et appareat Antichristus, qui inter ficiet sanctos, reddita Romanis libertate, sub suo tamen nomine. Lact. Diu. Instt. vii 25 etiam res ipsa dedarat lapsum ruinamque rerum breui fore, nisi quod 30 incolumi urbe -Roma nihil istiusmodi uidetur esse metuendum. at uero cum caput illud orbis occiderit et pv/juj esse coeperit, quod Sibyllae fore aiunt, quis dubitet uenisse iam finem rebus Romanis orbique terrarum ? ilia, ilia est ciuitas, quae adhuc sustentat omnia, precandusque nobis et adorandus est Deus 35 caeli, si tamen statuta eius et placita differri possunt, ne citius p. 98 1. 29] APOLOGETICVS, 31, 32 357 quam putemus tyrannus ille abominabilis ueniat, qui tantum facinus moliatur, et lumen illud e/odiat, cuius interita mundvs ipse lapsurus est. He calculated ib. that the world had only 200 years to run of its 6000. Kaye 348 (expectation of speedy second advent 347). Christians retard the judgement Ep. ad 5 Diognet. 6 p. 498 a , lustin. Apol. n 7 p. 45 b Otto (see below). The world s decay Cypr. ad Demetrian. 3. Dio LXXV 4. Lamprid. Diadumen. 1. Censorin. 17. ORANDI c. 39 pr. 1 Tim. 2 2. Theophil. in 14. Euseb. Vit. Const, iv 45 2. Const. Apost. vm 12 p. m. 13. Cyril. 10 Catech. 23. Mystag. 5 n. 6 al. 8 p. 327 d . Blunt Right Use 192. Kaye 20. Lightfoot Ignatius I 576. Bingham xv 3 15. Hennecke Aristides ind. eWeuf t?. The priest of Isis prayed for the emperor Apul. Metam. xi 17. .p. 98 1. 25 VIM c. 2. 15 CLAVSVLAM c. 39 p. 110 11. 312. De Idolol. 4 p. 34 1. 5 Wiss. 9 p. 38 1. 6 Wiss. tus illud et myrram et aurum ideo infanti tune domino obtiderunt, quasi clausulam sacrificationis et gloriae saecularis, quam Christus erat adempturus. Scorpiac. 8 p. 161 1. 4 Wiss. of Jo. Baptist, clausula legis et prophetarum. Ad Vxor. 20 n 2. De Fug. in Persec. 6 p. m. Paulin. Nol. ep. 19. 4. 22. 3 f. p. 98 1. 27 COMMEATV respite, infr. c. 46 p. 128 1. 28 n. De Anim. 35 p. 360 1. 11 Wiss. ind. Cypr. Kaye 348. p. 98 1. 28 DIFFERRI lustin. Apol. II 7 oOev icai eTTL^evei o $eo? Tr]v avyxvcriv teal Kard\vcn,v TOV TTCLVTOS tco&fiov fJ^rj 25 TToLTjaaL, f iva KOI ol (f>av\oi, ayy\oi Kal Sat /zo^e? KOI /JL7JK6TL WGL, Sta TO (TTTep/JLa TO)V XpHTTiaVtoV, O JlVftXTKet, V (frvaei, on CILTIOV eo-riv. eVet et JJLI] rovro r\v, OVK av ovSe -ravra en Troielv /cal evep^elaOai VTTO rccv $av\wv ^ai^ &vvarbv r)v, d\\a TO. irvp TO TTJ? /cpiaews t<aTe\dov avebrjv 30 TrdvTd Siefcpivev. Maximilla (Epiphan. Haer. XLV1II 2) fiT e yae ov/ceTL 7rpo(j)r)Tis eaTcu, d\\d avvTeXeia. Cf. Tert. c. 39 pr. orainus pro mora finis. De Orat. 5 p. 184 1. 8 Wiss. p. 98 1. 29 IVRAMVS Keim s Celsus p. 136 n. 4. Christians the soul of the world, Ep. ad Diognet. 6 1, Zahn Forschungen 35 v 304 n. 2. SICVT...ITA Quintil. x 1 1 n. Plin. Ep. in 8 2 n. LS I Ab. 358 TERTVLLTANI [p. 98 1. 29- GENios oaths by the genius of the emperors Brisson De Formulis vin 2. supr. c. 28 p. 94 1. 18. Origen Contr. Gels. vni 65 p. 206 sq. L. id Exhort, ad Martyrium 7 p. 240-2 (long note). 40 p. 290. Bingham xvi 7 7 and 4 Scillitan martyrs. 5 So Joseph per salutem Pharaonis vrj rrjv vyieiav <&apaa), Gen. 42. 15. Tert. ad nat. I 17 p. 88 1. 25 Wiss. prima obstinatio est, 1 \ab eis} 7 . . ...... qiiae secunaa { , . > reliqio constituitur L>aesananae maies- (a deis] tatis, quod inreligiosi dicamur in Caesar es, neque imagines 10 eorum ture propitiando neque genios deierando. hastes populi nuncupamur. SALVTEM Beurlier Le Culte imperial (1891) 272-3. The military oath. (rv^V = genius, o-wrrjpia = salus.) Epictet. I 14 14 ttXX o #eo? ev&ov ecrri, /cal 6 u/xerepo? Sai/jicov eari. teal 15 r/9 rourot? %/oeta ^>&)TO? et? TO (3\eTreiv ri Trotelre ; 15 rovra) TO) deaj e&et KOI uyu.0.? o/jivveiv op/cov, olov ol crrpartwrat rai Kalaapt. aXX eicelvoi fj-ev TI]V fjuo-dofyopia bfJivvovcri irdvTtov TrpoTi/jbTJcreiv rrjv TOV Katcra^o? Cod. ii 4 41 qui nomina nostra placitis inserentes salutem prin- 20 cipum confirmation em initarum iurauerint esse pactiomun. lust, n 23 1. Mommsen Staatsr. n 2 784 n. 3. p. 98 11. 31 32 Ad Scap. 2 circa maiestatem imperatoris infamamur. Theophil. I 11 (quoted on p. 96 1. 7). Tatian 4 TrpocrraTTet (/)opof9 T\elv 6 /3acrtXeu9; erotyiio? Trape^eiv Sov- 25 \eveiv o SecrTroT?;? teal vTrrj perelv ; TYJV ov\eiav TQVTOV [TOI^ Oeov\ IAQVOV apvelaOai tceKevofJLevos ov i Be /LtaXXoi/, iva f^r) "^revarri^ icai a^dpidro^ CITTO- Athanas. Apol. 1 ad Constant. 14 (l, 1, 240 e ) dfyovv- dv TT) /jieyaXr) KK\r)cria <rvve\6elv icd/cel iravras ev^eaOau 30 vTrep r^? (rris crtoTrjpias. Cf. 18 (242 e ) al yap yevo^evat Trapa TTflVTCOV TTpl T?}? (777? (TGOTTJpiaS CV^dl OV/C e^TTO^>i^OV(Ti TT]V TWV eyicaivitov Travijyvptv. Ambr. De Elia efc leiun. 17 (62) biba- mus pro salute imperatorum. p. 100 1. 1 ADIVRARE exorcise c. 37 fin. p. 108 1. 28 n. 35 Cypr. Ad Demetrian, 15 pr. o si audire eos uelis et uidere, quando adiurantur a nobis, torquentur spiritalibus flagris et uerborum tormentis de obsessis corporibus eiciuntur, quando heiulantes et gementes uoce humana et potestate diuina flagella et uerbera p. 1001. 9] APOLOGETICVS 32, 33 359 sentientes uenturum indicium confttetitur. Quod Idola di non sint 7 hi tamen adiurati per deum uerum nobis statim cedunt et fatentur et de obsessis corporibus exire coguntur. Cf. ind. rer. p. 388 a under exorcizare -ista and ind. uerb. p. 425 b -cidiare, -cismus. -cista. Lact. Din. Instt. II 15 3 iustos autem, id est 5 cultores Dei, metuunt cuius nomine adiurati de corporibus ex- cedunt. quorum uerbis, tamquam flagris uerberati, non modo daemonas esse se confitentur, sed etiam nomina sua edunt. v 21 4 hi (spiritus contaminati)...citm corpora hominum occu pant animasque diuexant, adiurantur ab his et nomine Dei ueri 10 fugantur. quo audito tremunt exclamant et uri se uerberarique testantur. Paulin. Natal. 4. Felicis = c. 15 108 110 primis lector seruiuit in annis : \ inde gradum sumpsit, cui munus uoce fideli | adiurare malos et sacris pellere uerbis. Bingham in 4. dig. L 13 1 3 [= Ulpian] si incantauit, si inprecatus est, si, ut 15 uulgari uerbo impostorum utar, si exorcizauit. Athan. Vit. Anton. 48. 62. 63. 64. 71. 78. 80. p. 100 1. 2 DEIERARE De Idolol. 20 fin. porro quid erit deieratio per eos quos eierasti, quam praeuaricatio fidei cum idololatria ? quis enim, per quos deierat, non konorat ? (Cf. 20 the 2 ch. 20 and 21 ib.) CAP. XXXIII p. 100 1. 4 Bailey Ritual Anglocath. 1623 (Prayers for Qu. in Communion Service). p. 100 1. 5 XECESSE c. 45 pr. n. p. 100 1. 6 Ad Scap. 2 (quoted on p. 98 1. 16). 25 p. 100 1. 8 OPEROR IN SALVTEM Cypr. De Opere et Elee- mosynis 1 pr. multa et magna sunt...beneficia diuina quibus in sal idem nostram Dei patris et Christi larga et copiosa dementia et operata sit et semper operetur. Lact. Diu. Instt. IV 17 1 quod sabbatis non uacaret, operans in salutem hominum. Epit. 30 47 3 dedit eis potestatem mirabilia faciendi, ut in salutem hominum tarn factis quam uerbis operarentur. p. 100 1. 9 MEREAR c. 30 med. p. 96 1. 29 ipse est qui solus praestat et ego sum cui impetrare debetur. Cf. Zahn For- schungen v 302. 35 360 TERTVLLIANI [p. 1001. 11- p. 100 1. 11 cvi SOLI SVBICIO c. 30 pr. a quo sunt secundi, post quern primi. p. 100 1. 12 ad nat. I 17 fin. sed non dicimus deum impe- ratorem ; super hoc enim, quod uulgo aiunt, sannam facimus. 5 immo qui deum Caesarem dicitis et deridetis, dicendo quod non est, et male dicitis, quia non uult esse quod dicitis ; mauult enim uiuere quam deus fieri. Scorp. 14 p. 177 1. 21 Wiss. condixerat scilicet Petrus regem quidem lionorandum, ut tamen tune rex honoretur, cum suis rebus insistit, cum a diuinis honoribus 10 longe est. Theoph. ad Aut. I c. 15 p. 76 C : worship of emperors and kings Arnob. I 64 a. ra. Tatian 4 Otto. p. 100 1. 19 SVGGERITVR c. 18 p.m. p. 58 1. 24. CAP. XXXIV p. 100 1. 24 Aug. is reformator imperil in Tert. De Anim. 46 p. 376 1. 9 Wiss. formatores imperil Ammian. Marcel, xvm 15 6 6 xxvi 2 7. Sen. Colum. Quintil. Plin. epist. Pallad. uulg. DOMINVM luu. 4 96 n. On the Christians refusal of the title to emperors Walch in Nou. Comm. Soc. Gott. II 18. Sueton. Aug. 53 domini appellationem ut maledictum [cf. Tert. ad fin. c.] 20 et opprobrium semper exhorruit. cum spectante eo ludos pro- nuntiatum esset in mimo: o dominum aequum et bonum ! et uniuersi quasi de ipso dictum exsultantes comprobassent, et statim manu uultuque indecoras adulationes repressit et inse- quenti die grauissimo corripuit edicto dominumque se posthac 25 appellari ne a liberis quidem aut nepotibus suis, uel serio uel ioco, pass us est. id. Tiber. 27 dominus appellatus a quodam denunti- auit, ne se amplius contumeliae causa nominaret. Gardthausen Augustus n 291 10. [Cf. G. Milligan, Selections from the Greek Papyri p. 49 n. 6, H. A. A. Kennedy in Expositor vn 7 3o(1909), 297 f. AS.] p. 100 1. 27 DEI VICE 27 fin. nice rebellantium ergastulorum [and n. A.S.]. Iren. II 31 1, v 24 2. Gell. n 6 9. Quintil. Plin. Tac. Sueton. LIBER SVM ILLI c. 13 pr. nobis dei sunt. p. 102 1. 12] APOLOGETICVS 3335 361 p. 100 1. 28.VNVS lustin. Apol. I 17 Oeov vov^ev, vfjilv Se Trpo? ra a\\a ^aipovre p. 100 1. 29 PATER PATRIAE luu. 8 244 n. p. 100 1. 31 Sen. ep. 47 14 ne illud quidem uidetis, quam omnem muidiam maiores nostri dominis, omnem conttimeliarn 5 sends detraxerint? dominum patrem familiae appellauerunt : seraos, quod etiam in mimis adhuc dur at, familiar es. TANTO ABEST VT De Cor. Milit. 14 pr. De Test. Anim. 1 p. 135 1. 9 Wiss. De Fug. in Persec. 2 fin. (no ellipsis of magis) but abl. differ. Adu. Marc. I 23 p. 321 1. 21 Kr. 10 p. 102 1. 3 OFFEXSAM Suet. p. 102 1. 8 MALEDICTVM ad nat. I 17 fin. quoted on p. 100 1. 12. Minuc. 23 3 inuitis denique hoc nomen adscribitur ; optant in homine perseuerare, fieri se deos metuunt ; etsi iam senes, nolunt. Sue ton. cited hoc cap. pr. Tac. An. XV 74 Cerealis 15 Anicius proposed id templum diuo Neroni quam maturrime pecunia publica poneretur. quod quidem ille decernebat tam- quam mortale fastigium egresso et uenerationem hominum merito, quod ad omina olim sui exitus uerteretur. Caracalla of his brother Geta (Spartian Antonin. Geta 2 8) sit diuus, dum 20 non sit uiuus. CAP. XXXV p. 102 1. 10 PVBLICI HOSTES c. 2 p. 6 1. 22. p. 8 1. 14 in reos maiestatis et publicos hostes omnis homo miles est. Of. c. 35. 37 p. 108 1. 25 n. Ad Scap. 2, after the charge of impiety, sic et circa maiestatem imperatoris infamamur, tameti numquam 25 (below), 4 f. pro deo uiuo cremamur; quod nee sacrilegi nee hostes publici nee tot maiestatis rei pati solent. ad nat. I 7 p. 68 1. 6 Wiss. hostis publicus, cf. c. 17. Sueton. Cal. 28. Prudent. Peristeph. x 423. Spartian Sen. 14 5, 9 de Plau- tiano. Mommsen Staatsr. Ill 1026. 30 p. 102 ]. 12 SOLLEMNIA De Spectac. 6 p. 8 1. 8 Wiss. reliqui ludorum de natalibuset sollemnibusregum etpublicis pro- speritatibus et municipalibus fastis superstitionis causas habent. Ambr. De Obit. Valentin. 15 ferebatur primo ludis circensibus delectari: sic istud abstersit, ut ne sollemnibus quidem princi- 35 362 TERTVLLIANI [p. 102 1. 12 pum natalibus uel imperialis honoris gratia cir censes putaret esse celebrandos. 16 coepit ita frequentare ieiunium, ut pier uni que ipse impransus conumium sollemne suis comitibus exhiberet. Maxim. Serm. [Migne P.L. LVII 221 a A.S.] inter Ambrosianos 5 14 [in oldest editions, omitted in Bened. and Migne A.S.] pr. laetitia quanta sit quantusque concursus cum imperatoris mundi istius natalis celebrandus est, bene nostis cet. Plin. ad Trai. 35 (44) sollemnia uota pro incolumitate tua, qua publica salus continetur, et suscepimus, domine, pariter et soluimus, precati 10 deos, ut uelint ea semper solui semper que signari. ibid. 102 (103) diem quo in te tutela generis humani felicissima succes- sione translata est, debita religione celebrauimus, commendantes dis imperil tui auctoribus et uota publica et gaudia. Tac. An. iv 70 1 Caesar sollemnia incipientis anni Kalendis lanuariis 15 epistula precatus. On the stadium and the theatre cf. De Spectac. 18 and passim. p. 102 1. 14 FOCOS ad Mart. 2 (of a confessor in prison) non uides alienos deos, non imaginibus eorum incurris, non sollemnes nationum dies ipsa commixtione participas, non nidoribus spurcis 20 uerberaris. IN PVBLICVM c. 42 p. 122 1. 14 non in publico Liberalibas discumbo. Tac. Ann. XV 37 pr. ipse, quo fidem adquireret nihil usquam perinde laetum sibi, publicis locis struere conuiuia totaque urbe quasi domo uti. loseph. De Bell. lud. VII 10. 25 VICATIM Ad Vxor. II 4. Sisenii. Hor. Liu. Plin. Tac. Suet, e.g. Calig. 35. p. 102 1. 15 TABEHNAE HABITY Mart, vin 61 910 tonsor caupo coquus lanius sua limina seruant, nunc Roma est, nuper magna taberna fuit. 3 o ABOLEFACERE marked * by LS. De Cult. Fern. I 3 abole- factam [more in Thes. and Georges ed. 8. A.S.]. LVTVM Anth. Pal. XI 8 3 4 %wvri pot, el rt 0eXe*?, ^dpiaai- T(f)pr)v 8e /jL0i>(TK(*)V TrrjXov Trot^cretv, KOV-% o Oavuiv Trierai. Cf. Pint. II 463 a olvov Trrj\ov -rroielv. Toup Emend. Suid. II 66. 35 Casaub. Ath. 661. p. 102 1. 16 CATERVATIM cet. c. 39 p. 114 1. 36 inde disceditur non in cateruas caesionum neqae in classes discarsationam neque in eruptiones lasciuiarum. Apul. Metam. II 18 p. 39 1. 22 Helm, p. 102 1. 23] APOLOGETICVS 35 363 nam uesana, factio nobilissimorum iuuenum pacem publicam infestat; passim trucidatos per medias plateas uidebis iacere. Philo Adu. Flacc. 17 p. 537 M. of the diacroi at Alexandria, cf. luu. 3 278 ebrius ac petulans, qui nullum forte cecidit cet. The word in Sail. Lucr. Verg. Liu. Colum. Plin.: add Bell. Afr. 5 32. Rufin. Hist. Eccl. ix 8 p. 520 pr. [but ed. Mommsen, p. 821 1. 20, apparently with all MSS, aceruatim. A.S.] Sidon. Ep. I 11 m. [more in Thes. A.S.]. CVRSITARE rare. Ter. Cic. Hor. (2). Cornif. Suet. (ter). add Apul. Metam. IX 33. Hieronym. Apol. c. Rufin. I 30 [see 10 Thes. A.S.]. p. 102 1. 18 Ad Mart. 2 p.m. (cf. p. 102 11. 289) cited on 1. 14, then follows : non clamoribus spectaculorum, atrocitate uel furore uel impudicitia celebrantium caederis. p. 102 1. 21 OCCASIO LVXVRIAE De Idolol. 1 p. 31 1. 3 15 Wiss. quae enim idololatriae sollemnitas sine ambitione cultus et ornatus ? in ilia lasciuiae et ebrietates, cum plurimum uictus et uentris et libidinis causa frequententur. p. 102 1. 23 EXPVNGERE In Forcell. ed. Germ, and LS expung. effectual (which occurs in De Paenit. 3) is cited from 20 this ch. See c. 2 p. m. n. and add Adu. lud. 11 fin. 12 fin. 13 p.m. 14 p. m. bis. De Paenit. 3 fin. 9 fin. De Idolol. 1 pr. 13 p. 44 1. 26 Wiss. 16 p. 50 1. 1 Wiss. (expunctio). Ad Mart. 6. LAVREIS infr. h. c. De Cor. Milit. 13 f. (where more) at enim Christianus nee ianuam suam laureis infamabit, si norit quantos 25 deos etiam ostiis diabolus affixerit. De Idolol. 15 p. 48 1. 18 Wiss. autem < eorum daemonum > sunt, qui in ostiis adorentwr, ad eos et lucernae et laureae pertinebunt. idolo feceris, quicquid ostio feceris. hoc in loco ex auctoritate quoque Dei contestor, quia nee tutum est subtraliere, quodcumque uni fuerit ostensum 30 utique omnium causa, scio fratrem per uisionem, eadem nocte castigatum arauiter, quod ianuam eius subito adnuntiatis gaudiis publicis send coronassent. et tamen non ipse coronauerat aut praeceperat ; nam ante processerat, et regress u-s reprehenderat factum: adeo apud deum in huiusmodi etiam disciplina familiae 35 nostrae aestimamur. luu. 6 79 ornenttir posies et grandi ianua lauro. Sen. Thyest. 54 56 ornetur altum columen et lauro fores | laetae uirescant: dignus aduentu tuo \ splendescat ignis. 364 TERTVLLIANI [p. 102 1 23- Eurip. Ion 103 105 Trropdoiai 8ac/>z;?7? v-rkfytaiv 6 Upois eo-68ovs <$>oi/3ov \ KaOapas Or/cro/jiev. D. Cass. LXIII 20 4 de Nerone e? TO Ka7ri,Tco\iov dve/Sr), KOI eiceWev e ? TO TraXartoz/, TTrtcr?;? pev TT)? TroXeco? ea-re^avw/jievTjs /cal \v%vo tcavToixrrjs ical 5 Qv/jLicoo-ris. Stat. S. in 1 69 70 angustasque fores assuetaque tecta grauati frondibus [this passage should be omitted as wrongly punctuated and misunderstood. A. S.]. Lucan. n 354 festa coronato non pendent limine serta, infulaque in genii nos discarrit Candida posies. Rutil. Namatian. I 425 exornent 10 uirides communia gaudia rami. Tac. xv 17 in Hau. Plin. xvi c. 30 124 Hau. Hist. Apollon. Tyr. 49 et facta est laetitia omni ciuitati maxima, coronantur plateae. p. 102 1. 24 LVCERNIS c. 46 p. 128 1. 6. De Idolol. 15 fin. accendant igitur cotidie lucernas, quibus lux nulla est ; affigant 15 postibtis lauros postmodum arsuras, quibus ignes imminent: illis competunt et testimonies tenebrarum et auspicia poenarum. tu lumen es mundi et arbor uirens semper, si templis renuntiasti, ne feceris templum ianuam tuam. Cone. Eliber. c. 34. 37 (Bingham XVI 4 17 n. 84 sq.). Baron. A.D. 58 n. 2. Chrys. 20 i 701 b (cf. Bingham xx 1 3 n. 18). luu. 10 65 n. 12 912 n. longos erexit ianua ramos et matutinis operatur festa lucernis. Mart. X. 6. Chrys. Horn. 20 ad Pop. [where ?] oVep ovv rare eiroirjaare crTe^avcooravre^ rrjv ayopav KCLI \v^vov^ atyavres KOI cmffdSas Trpo TWV epycKTTrjpiwv avvOevres. Herodian IV 2 5 8 8 SaSov^iaL^ re KOI dvOecov /3o\ai$ eTi/jiwv TOV fiacriXea. Euseb. Hist. Eccl. X 9 7 tfv Se ^>a>ro9 eyu-vrXea irdvra. Can. Apost. 70 et rt? Xpio-Tiavbs e\aiov eTreveytcr) et? lepa IBvwv i) et? avvaywyriv "iov^aiwv eV rat? eoprals avT&v rj Xv^vov? avrret, dfyopi^eo-Ow. loseph. De Bell. lud. VII 10. Dio (in Seuer.) 30 LXXIV 1 4 avdeai KCLL 8a^>z^ai? eVre^az/WTO. p. 102 1. 26 NOVI LVPANARLS De Idolol. 15 fin. si lupa- naribus renuntiasti, neindueris domi tuae faciem noui lupanaris. Ad Vxor. II 6 procedet de ianua laureata et lucernata, ut de nouo consistorio libidinum publicarum. De Cor. Milit. 13 fin. a sae- 35 culo coronantur et lupanaria et latrinae et pistrinae. Apul. Me tarn, iv 26 domus tota lauris obsita, taedis lucida, strepebat hymejiaeum. p. 102 1. 27 c. 28 m. uentum est igitur ad secundum titu- p. 104 1, 8] APOLOGETICVS 35 365 lam laesae augustioris maiestatis. ad nat. I 17 pr. quoted on p. 98 1. 29. SACRILEGIVM Saluian. vii 12 55 latro aut sacrilegus, cum flammis exuritur, cet. Vlp. ad 1. 6 D. ad 1. lul. de pecul. scio multos ad bestias damnasse sacrileges, nonnullos etiam uiuos 5 exussisse. Cf. Herald. CONVENIMVR C. 31 p. 98 1. 17 n. p. 102 1. 28 SOLLEMNIA supr. p. 102 1. 12. p. 102 11. 323 Kaye 48. p. 104 1. 1 VERNACVLAM c. 19 p. 64 1. 15 n. Cf. 38 10 p. 110 1. 17 n. insania circi. (ad nat. I 17 cited below.) De Spectac. 16 fin. sed circo quid amarius, ubi ne principibus quidem aut ciuibus suis parcunt ? Tac. Hist, n 88 et effusa plebs totis se castris miscuerat. incuriosos milites uernacula urbanitate quidam spoliauere abscisis furtim balteis an accincti essent 15 rogitantes. ill 32 mox tertiadecimanos ad exstruendum amphi- theatrum relictos, ut sunt procacia urbanae plebis inyenia, petu- lantibus iurgiis illuserant. CONVENIO c. 28 me conueniat lanus iratus ex qua tielit f route. De Spectac. 16 f. cited above, ad nat. I 17 p. 89 20 1. 12 Wiss. uanitatis sacrilegia conueniam, et ipsius uernaculae gentis inreuerentiam recognoscam, et festiuos libellos, quos statuae scitint, et ilia obliqua nonnumqaain dicta a concilio atque maledicta, quae circi sonant, si non armis, saltim lingua semper rebelles estis. 25 p. 104 1. 2 LINGVA ROMANA Hau. cites Sueton. Ner. 89. Vesp. 19. p. 104 1. 3 TRANSLVCENDVM cet. Themist. Or. 14 (= 2) p. 29 a Siavoijerai yap JJLOL TO crrrj^o? /col rj /capBla fcal Siavy- arepa yiverai. rj tyv^r) KOI ra ojjLf^ara o^vrepa rfj? Siavoias. 30 p. 104 1. 5 NOVI AC NO vi Adu. Marc, i 8 p. 300 1. 11 Kr. haec erit nouitas, quae etiam ethnicis deos peperit nouo semper ac nouo titulo consecrationis cuiusque. p. 104 1. 6 CONGIARIO Daremberg-Saglio s.u. p. 104 1. 8 Ambr. De Obit. Valent. 43 nee ego abnuo imma- 35 tura obisse aetate, quern nostrae uitae temporibus fulcire cupe- remus, ut de nostris annis uiueret, qui fungi non potuit suis. Acclamation of the fratres Aruales A.D. 213 de nostris annis 366 TERTVLLIANI [p. 104 1. 8 augeat tibi luppiter annos (probably from Ou. Fast. I 613 augeat impenum nostri duds, augeat annos), repeated by fr. Aru. A. D. 218 (p. ccvn n. 36 cf. p. 108 Henz.) 9. Herm. Peter die Scriptt. Hist. Aug. Leipz. 1892 p. 221. Brisson De Formul. 5 p. 719 ed. Francof. 1592. Ferrar. De Acclamat. n 19 sq. p. 104 1. 10 VT though, as c. 24 pr. ut constaret illos deos esse, nonne conceditis? p. 104 1. 11 DEPOSTVLATORES Scorpiac. 8 p. 161 1. 28 Wiss. Danielum nullius praeter dei supplicem et idcirco a 10 Chaldaeis delatum ac depostulatum. ib. 7 fin. TT. elp. (Lewis- Short falsely cf. ib. 50 f. ). On the fierceness of the mob c. 50 p. m. sed hoc agite, boni praesides, meliores inulto apud populum, si illis Christianas immolaueritis. p. 104 1. 12 VULGVS infr. c. 37 pr. 49 fin. proinde et uulgus 15 uane de nostra uexatione gaudet. De Carn. Resur. 22 p. 56 1. 9 Kr. quis inimicos Christi iam subiecit pedibus eius secundum Dauid, quasi uelocior patre, omni adhuc popularium coetu recla- mante: ( Christianos ad leonem ? De Spectac. 27 pr. odisse debemus istos conuentus et coetus ethnicorum, uel quod illic nomen 20 Dei blasphematur, illic in nos cotidiani leones eapostulantur, inde persecutiones decernuntur, inde temptatiunes emittuntur. De Idolol. 14 p. 45 1. 20 Wiss. totus circus scelestis saffragiis nullo merito nomen lacessit. De leiun. 10 p. 288 1. 21 Wiss. Ep. Smyrn. in Cotelier II 193 sq. Euseb. Hist. Eccl. v 1. 25 Cypr. Ep. 56 1 59 8. Polycarp. Mart. 10 2 irelaov rbv Bfj/jLOV. PLANE sq. Kaye 111. p. 104 1. 14 Ad Scap. 2 sic et circa maiestatem impera- toris infamamur ; tamen numquam Albiniani, nee Nigriani uel 30 Cassiani inueniri potuerunt Christiani ; sed idem ipsi, qui per genios eorum in pridie usque iurauerunt, qui pro salute eorum hostias et fecerant et uouerant, qui Christianos saepe damna- uerant, hostes eorum sunt reperti. ad nat. I 17 p. 89 1. 8 Wiss. mdla in prouinciis affectata maiestas. At the 4th council of 35 Toledo c. 75 the whole clergy and people thrice exclaimed Quicumque a modo ex nobis uel cunctis Hispaniae populis qualibet meditatione uel studio sacramentum fidei suae, quod pro patriae salute gentisque Gothorum statu uel incolumitate reaiae p. 104 1. IS] APOLOGETICVS 35 367 potestatis pollicitus est, uiolauerit aut regem nece attrectauerit aut potestate regni exuerit aut praesumptione tyrannica regni fastigium usurpauerit, anathema sit Cf. Cone. Tolet. 6 c. 18. Neumann I 96 n. 3 seq. 239 4. 240 1. p. 104 1. 15 LAVRVS Herodian pey la-rots Karaa/ciov 8a<f>vrj- 5 <f>6pots a\aecrLv. Lampr. Comm. 17 1 2. Q. Aemilius Laetus praef. et Marcia concubina eius inierunt coniurationem ad occidendum eum. primumque ei uenenum dederunt; quod cum minus operaretur, per athletam, cum quo exerceri solebat, eum strangularunt. Allard Persecution de Diocle tien i 131. 10 p. 104 1. 16 PALAESTRICAM De Spectac. 18 p. 20 1. 7 Wiss. et palaestrica diaboli mgotium est. Quintil. PALATIVM Capitol. Pertin. 11 1 trecenti igitur de castris armati, ad imperatorias aedes cuneo facto milites uenere. 4 sed subito globus ille in Palatium peruenit neque aut 15 arceri potuit aut imperatori nuntiari. 6 superuenerunt Per- tinaci, cum ille aulicum famulicium ordinaret, ingressique portions Palatii usque ad locum qui appellatur Sicilia et I ouis cenatio. 8 uerum cum ad interior a prorumperent, Per- tinax ad eos processit eosque longa et graui oratione placauit. 20 9 sed cum Tausius quidam, unus e Tungris, in iram et in timorem milites loquendo adduxisset, hastam in pectus Pertinacis obiecit. tune ille precatus louem Vltorem toga caput operuit atque a ceteris confossus est. 13 multi sane dicunt etiam cubiculum milites inrupisse atque illic circa lectum fugientem 25 Pertinacem occidisse. Herodian II 1 1 (?). p. 104 1. 17 SIGERIIS Sueton. Domit. 17 Stephanus Domi- tillae procurator . . . professus conspirationis indicium et ob hoc admissus legenti traditum a se libel I um et attonito suffodit inguiha. saucium ac repugnantem adorti Clodianus et Maxi- 30 mus Parthenii libertus et Saturius decurio cubic ulariorum et quidam e gladiatorio ludo uulneribus septeni contrucidarunt. Mart, iv 78 5 8 et sine te nullifas est prodire tribuno, nee caret officio consul uterque tuo ; et sacro deciens repetis Palatia cliuo tiigeriosque meros Partheniosqiie sonas. D. Cass. LXVII 15. 35 Zosim. I 7(?). p. 104 1. 18 DE ROMANIS c. 44 f. de uestris semper aestuat career. 368 TERTVLLIANI [p. 104 1. 18 NON CHRISTIANIS Oehler on c. 2 p. 117 n.g. [= our p. 8 11. 34.] ATQVE ADEO c. 4 pr. 22 pr. 24. 25. p. 104 1. 19 ERVPTIONE c. 39 f. p. 114 1. 37 n. 5 p. 104 1. 20 GENIVM Ad Scap. 2 cited in note on p. 104 1. 14. cf. c. 28 f. p. 94 1. 18 n. p. 104 1. 22 PLAVSORES De Paenit. 10 m. Hor. Petron. Suet. Sid. ep. 4 25 promiserat ecclesiastica plausoribus suis praedae praedia fore. Kaye 49. 10 p. 104 1. 23 PARRICIDARVM Tac. Ann. xv 73. Hist. I 85. RACEMATIO air. el p. Spartian Seu. 15 3 sed posted in Syriam redit, ita ut se pararet ac beUum Parthis inferret. inter haec Pescennianas reliquias Plautiano auctore perseque- batur, ita ut nonnullos etiam ex amicis suis quasi uitae suae 15 insidiatores appeteret. id. Geta 4 Bassianus (Caracalla) en couraged, Geta deprecated wholesale executions. p. 104 1. 24 RAMOSISSIMLS superl. also in Plin. hist. nat. PRAESTRVEBANT Adu. Marc, v 16 p. 632 1. 1 Kr. qui a primordio rerum naturam operibus benejiciis plagis praedica- 20 tionibus testibus ad agnitionem sui praestruxit. luu. 10. 65 n. p. 104 1. 25 NEBVLABANT : word nowhere else found. [An error. It occurs Aug. Serm. 164, 12, and Benoist-Goelzer cite Victor Vitensis. A. S.] p. 104 1. 29 Capitolini M. Antonin. Phil. 6 8 9 erat autem 25 in summis obsequiis patris Marcus, quamuis non deessent qui aliqua aduersum eum insusurrarent et prae ceteris Valerius Homullus, qui cam Lucillam matrem Marci in uiridario uenerantem simulacrum Apollinis uidisset, insusurrauit ilia nunc rogat ut diem tmim claudas et filius imperet. quod omnino 30 apud Pium nihil ualuit. p. 104 1. 30 ASTROLOGOS c. 43 p. 124 1. 6 Spartian Seu. 15 5 multos etiam, quasi Chaldaeos aut uates de sua salute consu- luissent, interemit, praecipue suspectus unum quemque idoneum imperio, cum ipse paruulos adhuc filios Jiaberet, idque did ab 35 his uel crederet uel audiret, qui sibi augurabantur imperium. Against Valens A.D. 371 Ammian. (in Hau.) xxix 2 27 (below). Tac. Ann. xn 52. xvi 30 cited by Oehler ad fin. cap. When legatus proconsulis Africae, Septimius Seuerus (Spart. 2 f.) cum p. 104 1. 32] . APOLOGETICVS 35 369 sollicitus mathematician consuluisset positaque hora ingentia uidisset astrologus dixit ei tuam, non alienam pone genituram. cumque Seuerus iurasset suam esse, omnia ei dixit quae posted facta sunt. Cf. c. 4 f. ibid. pr. in Sicilia quasi de imperio uel uates uel Chaldaeos consuluisset reus factus est, praefectis prae- 5 torio, quibus audiendus datus fuerat, iam Commodo in odio (-um vulg.) ueniente absolutus est, calumniatore in crucem acto. Cf. Spartian Geta 1. 2. 3. Paulus Sentent. V 21 3 qui de salute principis uel summa re publica mathematicos hariolos haruspices uaticinatores consulit, cum eo qui respondent, capite punitur. 10 Firmic. Matern. Math. II 30 4 ff. forbids such enquiries. p. 104 1. .32 AB ANGELIS c. 21 f. 22. De Idolol. 9 pr. animad- uertimus inter artes etiam professiones quasdam obnoxias idolo- latriae. de astrologis ne loquendum quidem est non allego quod idola honoret, quorum nomina caelo inscripsit, quibus 15 omnem dei potestatem addixit ; quod propterea homines non putant deum requirendum, praesumentes stellarum nos immuta- bili arbitrio agi : unum propono, angelos esse illos desertores dei, amatores feminarum, proditores etiam huius curiositatis, prop terea quoque damnatos a deo. o diuina sententia usque ad 20 terram pertinax, cm etiam ignorantes testimonium reddunt! expelluntur mathematici, sicut angeli eorum. urbs et Italia interdicitur mathematicis, sicut caeluni angelis eorum. eadem poena est exitii (exilii Gel.) discipulis et magistris. De Cult. Fern. I 2 pr. of the angels who married the children of men : 25 cum et materias quasdam bene occultas et artes plerasque non bene reuelatas saeculo multo magis imperito prodidissent, si- qnidem...et incantationum uires prouulgauerant et omnem curio- sitatem usque ad stellarum interpretationem designauerant. ib. 3. II 10 he cites Enoch as the authority for these traditions. 3 Tatian 8 Sidypa/jL/jia yap avrols [rot9 dv0pa>7roLs^ a [ol Sai/jioves], obcnrep ol rot? Kvft elo-^yijcravro \Lav aSi/cov. Ammian. Marcel. xxix 2 f. 27 (below) Lindenbr., constellationem principis col- ligere. Hermias pp. 213 4 c. Book of Enoch. Clem. Alex. 35 p. 1002 P. Strom, i. p. 366 P. 368 sq. v 650. vi 822. vn 832. lustin. Apol. ii 5 p. 44 b . Aug. De Ciu. Dei v 7. Kaye 201. Bouche-Leclercq Astrol. p. 619 2. M. T. 24 370 TEETVLLIANI [p. 104 1. 33- p. 104 1. 33 CHRISTIANI La Cerda cites Cone. Tolet. 4 c. 29 and 7 c. 18. PERSCRVTARI Tac. Ann. in 22 sq. adiciebantur adulteria uenena quaesitumque per Chaldaeos in doinum Caesaris. Herald. 5 cites los. xvii 7. p. 106 1. 2 SVSTINETVR Minuc. 39 6 nee adnectimus arescentem coronam,sed a deo aeternis floribus uiuidam sustinemus. Holden ad 1. cites uulg. Tob. 5 9 sustine me (yiro^ivov /ue), obsecro, donee et ipsa nuntiem patri meo. Acts 20 5 sustinuerunt 10 (enevov) nos Troade. Add Iren. IV 20 6 pr. Ronsch Itala 3812. Oehler on De Fug. in Persec. 11 pr. p. 480. Ad Mart. 2 a. m. [Ps.-Aug. Quaest. 1 2 p. 14 1. 5. A. S.] p. 106 1. 3 CARIS Apul. Metam. ix 36 pr. suam suorumque carorum salutem. 15 p. 106 1. 4 SOLLICITVDO SAXGVINIS Tac. Ann. xvi 30 recens discrimini patris filiam conectebat, quod pecuniam magis dilar- gita esset. acciderat sane pietate Seruiliae (id enim nomen puellae fuit) quae caritate erga parentem, simid imprudentia aetatis, non tamen aliud consultauerat quam de incolumitate 20 domas, et an placabilis Nero. Ammian. Marcel, xxix 2 27 in chartis cuiusdam munidpis clari genitara cuiusdam Valentis inuenta est, repellensque calumnias is, caius inter er at, cum obiec- taretar ei quamobrem constellationem principis collegisset, patrem suum fuisse Valentem dudumque obisse documentorum plena fide 25 monstrare pollicitus, inexspectato ueritatis indicio laniatus, lacer trucidatus est CAP. XXXVI p. 106 1. 5 ROMANI c. 24 f. laedimus Romanos nee Romani habemur, quia non Romanorum deum colimus: argument as c. 1 med. cum ergo propterea oderint homines, quia ignorant quale 30 sit quod oderunt, cur non liceat eiusmodi illud esse, quod non debeant odisse? p. 106 1. 10 HOSTILITAS LS has only one ex. (from Cassiod.), not in Miihlmann, Scheller has only (the false) Seneca. It occurs Tert. De Pall. 2 fin. p. 925 eradicato omni aconito hostilitatis. 35 Fore, and Georges and LS have Cassiod. Var. iv 50, RW. Paull. Pellaeus, Benoist-Goelzer Sid. ep. v 3. Add [Cypr.] 217 12. p. 106 1. 18] APOLOGETICVS 35, 36 371 Ennod. 245 10 H. Seru. ad Aen. ix 438. Greg. Turon. Glor. Mart, i 57. 105 pr. (collective) [add Siric. ap. De-Vit and Ps.- Aug. Serm. 298, 1. A. S.]. p. 106 1. 12 NECESSE HABENT EXHIBERI cf. c. 33 pr. quetn [imperatorem] necesse est suspiciamus ut eum, quern dominus 5 nosier elegerit. 37 pr. n. De Aniin. 35 p. 360 1. 13 Wiss. totiens animam reuocari habere. Adu. Prax. 4 p. 232 1. 9 Kr. adeo autem manet [monarchia] in suo statu, licet trinitas in- feratur, ut etiam restitui kabeat patri a filio. Cf. ibid. 1. 19 uidemus igitur non obesse monarchies [/ilium], etsi hodie apud 10 filium est, quia et in suo statu est apud filium, et cum suo statu restituetur patri a filio. De Paenit. 6m. quidam autem sic opinantur, quasi deus necesse habeat praestare etiam indignis, quod spopondit. Lact. Diu. Instt. iv 30 2 et ipsum et legatos eius praedixisse, quod plurimae sectae et haereses haberent 15 existere. Woodh. Cf. the Romance futures. [Arch. f. lat. Lex. n 4889. 157202. A.S.] p. 106 1. 14 SVB Plin. ep. I 2 5 sab hac exceptione ueniam postulare. Sueton. Caes. 78. p. 106 1. 16 EXACTORE Not in Cic. Below c. 40 p. m. 20 ( = avenger) nocentiae iudicem et exactorem. De Cult. Fern. II 4 omnis maritus castitatis -or est. REMVNERATORE De Paenit. 2 bis. Aug. uulg. CIL viii 7174. Paulin. Nol. ep. 13 23 f. 23 31 [add Ps.-Aug. serm. ter A.S.]. p. 106 1. 18 Cone. Garth. 4 can. 10 (n 1200 e ) psalmista, id 25 est cantor, potest absque scientia episcopi, sola iussione presby- teri, officium suscipere cantandi, dicente sibi presbutero: Vide ut, quod ore cantas, corde credas: et, quod corde credis, operibus comprobes. MALE COGITARE cet. cf. contritio cordis, confessio oris, satis- 30 factio operis. Cowell in Journ.of Phil.in (1871) 215ff. on thought, word and deed. Athenag. 32 p. 36 b ol? ovv /mrjBev TO TT\OV opav rj e<^> a eVXacre^ rovs o(f)0a\,/jLovs 6 $^09, i^fjilv 0w? elvai,, real ot? TO ISelv 7/Sew? /jLOi^eta, e^> erepa rwv yeyovorwv, fjbe^pis evvoias KpiOriaojjLevoi^, TTW? av 35 OVTOL dTTiarrjOelev awfypovelv ; Minuc. 31 5 at nos pudorem non facie sed mente praestamus. Theophil. in 13 pr. /cal Trepl ov fjiovov St8acr/c6t rj/jid<f 6 ciyios \6yo<? TO pr) ci/jbaprd- 242 372 TERTVLLIANI [p. 106 1. 18 veiv epyw, a\\a Kal yu-e%pt? evvoias. Orig. Contr. Gels, praef. 2 f. alleges the virtuous life of Christians as their best defence. p. 106 1. 19 EX AEQUO Oehler on ad Scap. 2 where he also cites ex pari, ex diuerso, ex abundanti [and might have cited ex 5facili. A.S.]. De Bapt. 17 bis p. 214 1. 29 Wiss. ad nat. I 10 p. 77 1. 11 Wiss. Ad Vx. i 6 fin. 8. n 8 fin. Sueton. Tib. 11. Schwarz on Plin. Panegyr. 83 6. Lucr. Liu. Ou. (saepe) Tac. CAP. XXXVII p. 106 1. 22 De Orat. 29 p. 199 1. 17 Wiss. nunc uero oratio iustitiae omnem iram dei auertit, pro inimicis excubat, pro per- 10 sequentibus supplicat. ad Scap. 1 pr. itaque hunc libellum non nobis timentes misimus, sed uobis et omnibus inimicis nostris, nedum amicis; ita enim disciplina iubemur diligere inimicos quoque, et or are pro eis qui nos persequuntur, ut haec sit perfecta et propria bonitas nostra, non communis. Euseb. Hist. Eccl. IX 8 15 1315. Athenag. c. 10 pp. 11, 12 the Christians love of enemies and other virtues inconsistent with atheism. Theodoret Graec. Affect. Cur. ix 65 p. 133 1. 45 KCU ov povov TOVS <t Xou? i>pyT6iv, aXXd KOL rou? e^Opov^ e/eeA,et>crez> ev Troieiv. Greg. Naz. Or. 33 = 25c. 5 f . (i 607 b ) Contr. Arian. 77/^*9 Be /cal rovs 20 (/>oz/et?, et /u,r) fyopriKov elirelv, e^rjT7j(7a/jL0a KivSvvevovras (Hau.). SVPEA c. 31 p. 98 11. 1516. p. 106 1. 23 HABEMVS ODISSE c. 22 prope fin. habent de incolatu aeris et de uicinia siderum et de commercio nubium caelestes sapere paraturas. 36 init. n. Oehler on De Fug. in Persec. 25 12 p. 485 note t. Adu. lud. 13 a. m. cum...pati haberet. De Cult. Fern. I 1 etiam filius dei mori habuit De Idolol. 5 p. 34 1. 16 Wiss. uiuere. De Carn. Resur. 27 pr. hoc habeo dicere etc. Adu. Valent. 14 p. 193 1. 20 Kr. nee habens superuolare crucem. n. on Zumpt 562. Cypr. 653 11. Ps. Cypr. 263 10: cf, 30 ind. Valer. Flac. I 671 2 tollique uicissim pontus habet. Cic. Vlp. (dig. xlviii 5. 16 (15) 3) laborare. Macer (dig. xlviii 19. 10 1) operari [and countless others, cf. e.g. Hoppe Syntax u. Stil des Tert. pp. 43ff., my Study of Ambrosiaster p. 109. A. S.]. p. 106 1. 26 LEGIBVS c. 4 p. 16 1. 9 postremo legum 35 obstruitur amtoritas. c. 1, of truth, quid hinc deperit legibus p. 108 1. 2] APOLOGETICVS 36, 37 373 in suo regno domwantibus si audiatnr ? Blunt Right Use 342. Kaye 111. p. 106 1. 27 VVLGVS c. 35 p. 104 1. 12 n. c. 49 fin. ad Scap. 3 pr. sub Hilariano praeside, cum de areis sepulturarum nostra- rurti acclamassent : areae non sint. See Heraldus from Euseb. 5 iv 15 26. p. 106 1. 28 LAPIDIBVS ET iNCENDiis c. 48 p. 136 1. 6. Aen. I 150 iamque faces et saxa uolant Tac. Ann. xiv 45 multi- tudine saxa ac faces minitante. Greg. Naz. in Epitaphio Basilii Or. 43 c. 57 4 (i 812 (l ) at SaSe? eV %e/><V, ol \idoi, 7rpo@e- 10 /3\7]ijuvoi,. La Cerda. luu. 15 63 5. Euseb. ep. eccl. Vienn. Hist. Eccl. v 1 7 \[0tov /3oXa?. BACCHANALIVM FVRiis Prochor. Vit. loann. (1) c. 39. p. 106 1. 29 REQVIE SEPVLTVRAE Apul. ii 29 me in meam quietem permitte. (de lamiis, corpses disinterred for magical 15 uses, as in Lucan.) [Quintil] Decl. 15 5 f acinus... turn ulos busta scrutari et amputatis cadaueribus ipsas in scelera ar- mare manus. Cassiodor. Var. vi 8 defunctorum quin etiam -sacram quietem, aequabilia iura tuae conscientiae commiserunt. rv/ji(3a}pv^oL lul. Firm. M.ath. I 2 10 ilium quiescentium 20 securas animas et iam Lethaei fluminis obliuione purgatas Mercurius cogit nefariis carminibus excitare. Persecution of Maximin, Euseb. Hist. Eccl. vin (Herald.). [The passage is really Mart. Palaest. 9 10. A.S.] p. 108 1. 1 REPENSATVM De Idolol. 8 p. 37 1. 15 Wiss. 25 minor merces frequentiore actu repensatur. Paul in. Nol. ep. 29 9 illi uotiuus Samuel in plures partas repensatus est. Veil. Sen. Colum. Lact. [add Aug. c. Acad. II 3 (but Aug. prefers rependo), Ps.- Aug. serm. ter. A.S.]. p. 108 1. 2 FACVLIS Scorp. 6 p. 158 1. 7 Wiss. qui is oleum 30 non praeparassent. Cato Varro Cine. ap. Gell. Plaut. uulg. Paulin. ep. 41 1. Hist. Apollon. regis Tyri 26 fin. [I have 5 exx. from Aug., and one from Ps.-Aug. Serm. A. S.] Nero s fire. Lact. De Mort. Persec. 14 (cited by Woodham) sed Caesar non con- tentus est edicti legibas. aliter Diocletianum aggredi parat 35 nam ut ilium ad propositum crudelissime persecutions im- pelleret, occultis ministris palatio subiecit incendium. et cum pars quaedam conflagrasset, Christiani arguebantur uelut hostes 374 TERTVLLIANI [p. 108 1. 2- publici, et cum ingenti inuidia simul cum palatio Christian- orum nomen ardebat. Christian loyalty lustin. Apol. I 11. 12. 23. LARGITER VLTIONIS e/cBt/crjaea)^ (iBrjv Ashton. Plaut. Rud. 5 iv 4 144 illic inesse auri et argenti largiter. ib. v 2 28 largiter mercedis indipiscar. (The Plaut. in lexx.) Apul. De Magia 28 largiter aquae. Petron. 71 uinearum largiter. p. 108 1. 3 DISPVNGI Oehler h. 1. ad nat. I 2 p. 61 1. 1 Wiss. non statim confesso eo nomen homicidae dispuncta causa est 10 aut satiata cognitio. De Exhort. Cast. 2 a. m. quae uult prae- cipit et accipit et aeternitatis mercede dispungit. Adu. Marc. II 4 p. 337, 1. 28 Kr. 23 p. 367 1. 1 Kr. De Monogam. 8 a. m. p. 108 1. 4 IGNI HVMANO )( 48 p. 140 11. 89. SECTA c. 40 a. m. nee iam illic Christianae sectae origo con- 15 sederat. De Spectac. 2 p. 2 1. 19 Wiss. ad nat. I 4 pr. 6 p. 66 1. 15 Wiss. 10 p. 76 1. 10 Wiss. saepe. Minuc. 40. Prudent. Contr. Symrn. II 93. 276. Apoth. praef. 2 1. Lact. De Opif. Dei 1 2 [see Btinemann s note. A. S.]. With diuinitas sectae of Fuld. cf. c. 39 d. disciplinae. De Orat. 18 p. 191 1. 24 Wiss. 20 De Cor. Milit. 1. Kaye 85 sq. p. 108 1. 5 si ENIM cet. Cypr. Ad Demetrian. 17 pr. inde est enim quod nemo nostrum quando adprehenditur reluctatur nee se aduersus iniustam uiolentiam uestram quamuis nimius et copiosus noster popidus ulciscitur. 25 EXSERTOS declared, downright, overt. De Baptismo 12 p. 211. 14 Wiss. probatio exserta. 18 p. 216 1. 2 Wiss. manifestam et exsertam dignationem domini inter cessisse. De Monogam. 3 prope fin. iam non oblique a nuptiis auocans, sed exserte. Adu. Marc. I 29 p. 331 1. 2 Kr. tune denique coniugium 30 exserte defendentes, cum inimice accusatur spurcitiae nomine in destructionem creatoris. Adu. Valent. p. 180 1. 14 Kr. qui talia neque facile producunt neque exserte defendunt. De Spectac. 3 p. 4 1. 23 Wiss. plane nusquam inuenimus, quemadmodum aperte positum est: non occides ..., ita exserte definitum: non 35 ibis in circum! Apul. Metam. n 22 exsertis oculis. 30 pr. exsertam uigiliam. p. 108 1. 6 AGERE cf. c. 10 p. 36 1. 30. NVMERORVM Ammian. xx 4 7. Tac. Plin. ep. in 8 4 p. 108 1. 9] APOLOGETICVS 37 375 n. pp. 1345. Suet. dig. Mommsen in Hermes XIX (1884) 219231 OGesammelte Schriften, 6 ter Bd, 103115. A. S.], GIL x 1202. Capitolin. Max. Balb. 5 7. Greg. Dial, iv 35 (p. 428) n. a. Coripp. lust, ill 354, Dempster. Philulog. XLI 486 9. 493. Passio S. Hieronis (ed. Surius 7 Nov.) 5 in numeros militiim ascriberent eos qui essent idonei. Sozom. Hist. Eccl. I 8 11 ra Pco/zatcoy rdyjjiaTa, a vvv p. 1 08 1. 7 PLVRES cet. Kaye 49. MAVRI Adu. lud. 7 in Han. 10 p. 108 1. 8 PARTHI cf. Rawlinson s Great Monarchies. On the Parthians as rivals of Rome Tac. Ann. II 2, xn 10 where Parthian ambassadors say: subueniendum sociis uirium aemidis cedentibusque per reuerentiam. Luc. vm 252 351. Woodham. Cf. Apocal. 21. 2 sq. In Adu. Marc, in 24 p. 419 1. 27 Kr. 15 a recent expedition to the east, probably that of Severus against the Parthians. Geffcken Zwei Apologeten 242 n. p. 108 1. 9 HESTERNI cet. supr. c. 21 pr. p. 66 1. 15 n. adu. Prax. 2 p. 229 11. 16, 17 Kr. ad nat. I 8 p. 72 1. 19 Wiss. non ulla gens non Christiana. Adu. lud. 7 fin. Christi autem 20 regnum et nomen ubique porrigitur, ubique creditur, ab omni bus gentibus supra enumeratis (i.e. Babylonians, Parthians, Egyptians, India, Aethiopia, Alexander s empire, Asia, Germans, Moors, Britons, Roman empire) colitur, ubique regnat, ubique adoratur. Novelty, Grig. Contr. Gels, n 4. Arnob. I 55. 54 25 (p. 51 Elmenhorst). Blunt 3 Cent. 2012. Tert. ib. 2035, cites Adu. Marc, in 20 p. 410 1. 13 Kr. uniuersas nationes de uoragine erroris humani exinde emergentes ad detini creatorem, ad deum Christum... Christo, qui totum iam orbem euangelii sui fide cepit. Blunt op. cit. 200 citing lustin. Dial. c. 30 Tryph. 91 p. 318 1 (ev Traai rot? Mveai,). c. 117 pr. (p. 344 C ) eucharist over all the world, ib. f. p. 345 in every nation Greek, Barbarian, nomads in wagons and homeless, herds men in tents, prayers and thanksgivings in the name of Christ crucified. Origen in Blunt 208211 and generally 35 ch. 10 pp. 183225. Clem. Alex. Protrept. 110 pp. 85, 86. Orig. Contr. Cels. I 53. 62 p. 48 f. II 79. Iren. i 10 2 and 1. Ill 11 8. IV 36 2. Ep. ad Diognet. 1 ri Stj Trore tcaivov TOVTO 376 TERTVLLIANI [p. 108 1. 9- 77 eTnrij&evfjia elcrrfkOev et? TOV ftlov vvv Kal ou Trporepov. Aug. ep. 197 4 (A.D. 419) of the 2nd coming of Christ: some may think that the conversion of the world may take place even in our lifetime, ib. 199 46 sunt enim apud nos, 5 hoc est in Africa, barbarae innumerabiles gentes, in quibus nondum esse praedicatum euangelium, ex eis qui ducuntur inde captiui et Romanorum seruitiis iam miscentur, cotidie nobis addiscere in promptu est. pauci tamen anni sunt, ex. quo quidam eorum rarissimi atque paucissimi, qui pacati Romanis finibus 10 adhaerent, ita ut non habeant reges suos, sed super eos praefecti a Romano constituantur imperio, et illi ipsi eorum praefecti Christiani esse coeperunt. ET and yet c. 2 post med. p. 10 1. 27 Christianum hominem omnium scelerum reum...existimas et cogis negare, ut absoluas. 15 luu. 13 91 hie putat esse deos et peierat. 7 124n. Verg. eel. 957. OMNI A IMPLEVIMVS c. 1 p. 4 1. 11 n. c. 50. Cf. ad Scap. 2. 5. De Fuga in Persec. 12 p. m. tanta cotidie aerario augendo prospiciuntur remedia censuum uectigalium collationum sti- 20 pendiorum, nee umquam usque adhuc ex Christianis tale aliquid prospectuni est, sub aliqua redemptione capitis et sectae redi- gendis, cum tantae multitudinis nemini ignotae fructus ingens meti posset. Maximin (A.D. 313) rescript. 1 ad calc. Euseb. Hist. Eccl. IX 9 1 avvelbov cr%e$ov ajravTas dvOpcaTrovs, Kara- 25 \i(f)@eicr rjs TT)? rwv Oewv Opijcr/ceiaf;, TM edvei rwv ILpHTTiavoiv eavrovs o-v/jL^e/jii^ora^. Lact. Diu. Instt. v 13 1 5. Neu mann I 20. 120. 121. Orig. Contr. Cels. I 26 p. 21. 27 p. 22. 30 p. 24. 43 p. 33. 47 p. 35. 57 p. 44. 67 fin. n 13. 30 p. 79. 42. in 24. v 62. VI 11. Christian officials, Zahn Forschungen v 300. 30 Otto on lust. Apol. I 1 pp. 4, 5. Lucian Alex. 2 fin. Minuc. 9 1 ac iam, ut fecundius nequiora proueniunt, serpentibus in dies perditis moribus per uniuersum orbem sacraria ista teterrima impiae coitionis adolescunt. Epiphan. Haer. xxx 9 p. 133 and Petau. n. p. 158. Harnack on Hernias Sim. vm 3 2. Harnack 35 Die Mission.. .des Christentums (1902) 360376. Arnob. I 55 si falsa, ut dicitis, historia ilia rerum est, unde tarn breui tempore totus mundus ista religione completus est ? aut in unam coire qui potuerunt mentem gentes regionibus dissitae, uentis p. 108 1. 11] APOLOGETICVS 37 377 caeli conuexionibusque dimotae? n c. 5 p. 50 1. 18 c. 12. Friedlander III 5 646 n. 4. Ep. ad Diognet. 5 4 Se TroXet? EXXifi/t Sa? re Ka\ (Bapftdpovs, a> 6 | 2 ecTTraprai Kara nrawTwv TGOV TOV <7coyLtaro9 yLteXro^ f) KOI XpHTTtavol Kara T9 TOV KOO-^OV Tro Xet?. Iren. Ill 1 1. 5 Tzschirner 1725. Clem. Alex. Protr. c. 8 p. 68. p. 108 1. 10 CASTELLA cet. c. 1 p. 4 1. 12 lex Rubria between 49 and 42 (GIL I 205 tab. n 3. 26. 53. 56. 58) o(ppido) m(uni- cipio) c(olonia) p(raefectura) n(ico] c(onciliabido) c(astello) t(erritorio)ue [= Brims, Fontes luris Roman! Antiqui 6 , pp. 98 ff. 10 A. S.]. Frontinus De Controuersiis Agrorum p. 35 12 ager colonicus )( municipalis aut alicuius castelli aid conciliabuli. lul. Paulus Sentent. IV 6 2 testamenta in municipiis coloniis oppidis praefecturis (u.l. -a) castellis (u.l. -o) conciliabulis facta in foro uel basilica. I5 p. 108 1. 11 CASTRA c. 42 p. 122 1. 7. ad Scap. 4. Semisch lustin. (Eng.) I 39. Tarachus (Ruinart 458) on his conversion retired from the army. Sulp. Sen. Chron. n 33 2 Licinius, quiet aduersum Const antinum de imperio certauit, milites snos litare praeceperat: abnuentes militia reiciebat. Cone. Nic. 20 Can. 12. [C. H. Turner, Ecclesiae Occidentalis Monumenta I pp. 214 ff. A. S.] 40 martyrs of the legio xii fulminata [R. Knopf, Ausgewahlte Martyrerakten, 2 aufl. (Tubingen, 1913) pp. 101 ff. A. S.] (many fathers in Allard Persecution de Diocletien II 307). [Add the interesting epitaph of M. lulius 25 Eugenius, discovered by W. M. Calder in 1908, and published, for example, in Ramsay, Luke the Physician, pp. 339 ff. A. S.] PALATIVM Iren. IV 49 (Grabe) quid autem et hi qui in reyali aula sunt fideles? nonne ex eis, quae Caesaris sunt, habent utensilia, et his qui non habent, uniisquisqae eorum secun- 30 dum suam uirtutem praestat? Minuc. 8 4 de ultima faece collectis imperitioribus et mulieribus credulis. 31 7 nee de ultima statim plebe consistimus, si honores uestros et purpuras recusamus. SEXATVM De Idolol. 19. De Cor. Milit, 11. Mimic. 31 35 7 (cited above). Cf. Keim s Celsus p. 11 n. 1. Orig. Contr. Gels. I 29. Ruinart 263 seq. Harnack Mission... des Christen- tums (1902), 388 395. We first meet a Christian senator in 378 TERTVLLIANI [p. 108 1. li the middle of century iv, Apollonius Euseb. Hist. Eccl. v 21 (who does not expressly call him so, as Jerome does in his catalogue). See Evans Biography of the Early Church I 270284 e.g. 283- Even after Caesar had become the conscious servant of Christ, 5 his senate, at the head-quarters of the old religion of the empire, followed him with scarcely half its numbers into the assembly of the church. He refers to Lardner s Credibility TX 150 in proof that 200 years after the death of Apollonius, it is at least questionable whether a majority of the senate were 10 Christians. The controversy of Symmachus with Ambrose and Prudentius shows the state of things long after. Lact. Diu. Instt. v 1 haec in primis causa est, car apud sapientes et doctos et principes huius saeculi scriptura sancta fide careat, quod prophetae communi ac simplici sermone, ut ad populum, sunt 15 locuti (partly Woodham). Cf. 1 Cor. 1 27. p. 108 1. 12 TEMPLA Minuc. 10 2 cur nullas aras habent, templa nulla ? 32 1 putatis autem nos occultare quod colimus, si delubra et aras non habemus? Grig. Contr. Gels, vin 17 p. 389 o KeX.o-0? cfrrjo-lv T^Lia? ficofAovs Kal ajaXfjuara Kal i^ew? 20 ibpvecrOai favyeiv. Arnob. VI 1 8. Vopiscus Aurelian 20 5 in Christianorum ecclesia, non in teniplo deorum omnium. Neumann I 125 n. 3. Blunt Early Church ser. 2 lect. 1 pp. 271293. Plin. ep. Tr. 96. p. 108 1. 14 Hau. cites Sen. ad Helu. 13. Publil. Syr. 25 259. 422. Luc. I 459 sq. Add Aug. ep. (127 =) 100 2 necessitate nobis impacta et indicia, ut etiam occidi ab eis eligamus, quam eos occidendos uestris iudiciis ingeramus. Lact. Diu. Instt. v 20 defendenda est religio non occidendo, sed moriendo, non saeaitia, sed patientia. Plato Gorgias 469 e\oi^r]v av fjba\\ov dSi/celo-flai 30 r) aSifcelv. 473 d . 474 b . 479 e . 508 b . 509 C . 527 b . Ast on Plat. Rep. p. 358 e , p. 391 a . Plato Crito 49 a cet. Gataker on Anton, vm 55. Adu. c. 5. Hierax in Stob. x 77. Plut. Phocion 32 5 p. 78 bc . comp. Ag. et Cleom. c. Ti. et C. Gracch. 4 2. Plut. n 36 b . Musonius in Stob. in 19 16. 20 61. 40 9 fin. [= ed. Hense 35 pp. 52, 126. A.S.]. Aristot. Rhet. I 7 22. Eth. v 15 p. 1138 a 28. Socrates in Gell. xu 9 6. Sen. ep. 95 52. Xen. Anab. vn 6 21. Cic. Tusc. v 56. Phil. XI 9. Wolf on Liban. ep. 1188. Arnob. I 6 iniuriam perpeti quam irrogare esse p. 108 1. 22] APOLOGETICVS 37 379 praestantius. ind. Chrys. s.u. iniuria. comtn. on Sail. Cat. 9 5. Lucian Phalaris prior 9. Max. Tyr. 18 (2) c. 7. Demo- crit. fr. 224 Mullach (Democrat, in Orelli n. 11) o d&i/cewv rov d^iKeofjuevov ica/co&ai/jLoveo-Tepos. Boissonade Anecd. II 162 sq. Philo de Iosepho 4 fin. n 44 M. 8 n 47 M(?). Aristid. 115 p. 65 sq. Jebb. Albinus in Fabric. Biblioth. Gniec. in c. 30 f. Antiphon or. 13 p. 84. Booth, de Consol. Phil, iv prosa 4 f. Isidor.-Pelus. ep. lib. II 257. Synesius ep. 67 fin. p. 215. Synes. epigr. 30 is the same as Liban. I.e. Kaye 85 seq. 136 seq. 139 sq. 10 p. 108 1. 17 ABRVPISSEMVS De Pudic. 7 p. 232 1. 26 Wiss. ob tale quid extra gregem datus est uel et ipse forte ira, turn ore, aemulatione, quod denique saepe fit, dedignatione castigationis abrupit. Adu. Valent. 4 p. 181 1. 1 Kr. de ecclesia authenticae regulae abrupit. Adu. Marc, v 1 p. 570 1. 24 Kr. So in Celsus 15 (vili 61. 71. 75) the supposition of active hostility or with drawal of Christians. p. 108 1. 18 SVFFVDISSET abashed, supr. c. 4 p. 18 1. 2 bonorum adhibita proscriptio suffundere maluit hominis san- guinein quam effundere. Scorp. 10 a. m. p. 521 Oehler (= p. 166 20 1. 17 Wiss.) with his n. p. 108 1. 19 DESTITVTIO Cic. uulg. Tert. De Cor. Milit. 2 a. m. d. obseruationis [more in Thes.]. p. 108 1. 20 PROCVL DVEIO very rare LS (1 Lucr. 1 Liu. 1 Plin. Hist. Nat. dubio procul. 2 Lucr.) add Apul. Metam. 25 iv 3. 25. Under procul LS give Quintil. 2. Liu. 1. Plin. Hist. Nat. 1. Suetonl dub. pr. Flor. 1. Lucr. 1. procul uero Colum. [Add also Rufinus often, Ambst. sometimes, Aug. often; and many other authors. A. S.] EXPAVISSETIS AD c. 39 p. 112 1. 29. c. 1 pr. p. 2 11. 4 5 timet 30 ad. Adu. Prax. 3 p. 230 1. 12 Kr. exp. (absol). ad Mart. 3 a. m. ne corpora atque animi expauescant de umbra ad solem. De Spectac. 17 p. 19 11. 910 Wiss. ad lucem. De Orat. 22 p. 196 1. 14 Wiss. (= 17 fin.) uelandas ex ea die esse, qua ad primum uiri corpus osculo et dextera expauerint luu. 13 35 223 n. hi sunt qui trepidant et ad omnia fulgura pallent. p. 108 1. 21 STVPOREM palsy. p. 108 1. 22 QVAESISSETIS See Woodham : also Lucan vi 380 TERTVLLIANI [p. 108 1. 22 154. Burm. ad Ou. Metam. 11 239. Plin. ep. n 1 7. vi 2 1. Hau. cf. Flor. in 21 25 uiuere aliquos debere, ut essent quibus imperarent and Sail, in Seru. Aen. vm 557 [= hist. I 30 Maurenb. speciem captae urbis efficere. A. S.]. 5 HOSTES c. 2 p. 10 1. 28. c. 32 publicorum hostium nomen Christianis dabant. 35 pr. publici hastes Christiani. Arnob. I 1 neque enim negauerim ualidissimam esse accusationem istam, hostilibusque condignos odiis nos esse. Tac. Ann. XV 44 multitudo ingens haud proinde in crimine incendii quam 10 odio humani generis conuicti sunt, where Zeller (Zeitschr. f. wiss. Theol. 1891 356367), recanting his former opinion (Vortrage n 195), sees ijao-avOpwiria Menschenscheu rather than Menschenhass. p. 108 1. 27 VSQVEQVAQVE Scorp. 15 pr. ad nat. I 18 fin. 15 n 12 p. 119 1. 8 Wiss. De Monogam. 17 pr. Sidon. Ep. n 10 1. ix 3 7. 15 ver. 41. Aug. ep. 153 14 pr. 185 25. [Add Ps. 118, 8. 43 : probably as many as 100 instances in Aug. A.S.] p. 108 1. 28 DAEMONIORVM c. 23 p. 82 1. 22 n. (last half), 20 c. 25 pr. n., c. 27, c. 32 fin., c. 43 quanti habetis, non dico iam qui de uobis daemonia eoccutiant? lustin. Apol. II 6 f. (Otto p. 216 n. 15). cf. Lact. Diu. Instt. iv 27 214. Tzschirner 175 sq. INCVRSIBVS De Anim. 57 p. 392 1. 5 Wiss. pluribus 25 notum est daemoniorum quoque opera et immaturas et atroces effici mortes, quas incursibus deputant : he goes on to speak of exorcisms. De Praescr. Haer. 15. Clem. Recogn. iv 14. 17, incur sio daemonis. Chrysolog. Serm. 18, Migne P. L. LII p. 248 b pelluntur a nobis daemones. Lact. Diu. Instt. n 15 6 30 affirmat eos Hermes, qui cognouerint deum, non tantum ab in cursibus daemonum tatos esse, uerum nefato quidem teneri. IV 27 2 nam sicut ipse, cum inter homines cigeret, uniuersos daemones uerbo fugabat liominumque mentes emotas et malis incursibus furiatas in sensus pristinos reponebat. ib. 14 denique si con- 35 stituatur in medio et is, quern constat incurs um daemonis perpeti, et Delphici Apollinis uates, eodem modo dei nomen horrebunt, et tarn celeriter eoccedet de uate suo Apollo, quam ex homine spiritus ille daemonicus. Appeal to contemporary p. 110 1. 13] - APOLOGETICVS 37, 38 381 miracles: lustin. Dial. c. Tryph. p. 258. Iren. II 31. 32. v 6. Cypr. Quod Idola di non sint 7. ad Demetrian. 15. ad Donat. 5 p. 8 1. 5 H. ut quis explains (Herald.). Minuc. 27. Arnob. I 46. Grig. Contr. Gels. I 2 f. p. 5. 46 p. 34 f. 67 f. p. 53. Ill 24 f. p. 124 (had himself seen many men cured of lunacy 5 etc.). 36 f. exx. in Dodwell Diss. Cyprianica iv. Accepted by Mosheim, Comm. de rebus Christ, ante Const, p. 220, and Cramer in die Fortsetzung von Bossuet s Einleitung in die Geschichte der Welt I 4323. p. 108 1. 29 SINE MERCEDE Iren. in Euseb. Hist. Eccl. v 10 7 4 5 ap. Herald. (=Iren. n 32 4). p. 108 1. 30 VACVA POSSESSIO LS ii D uacuus (possessio, bona cet.) also uacantia bona : undisputed, empty, swept and garnished. Milton P. L. XI 103 vacant possession. Kaye p. 89. p. 108 1. 31 COMPENSATIONEM Cic. Gai. dig. ad nat. I 7 15 p. 70 1. 17 Wiss. De Fuga in Persec. 11 in compensationem. [See Thes. A.S.] p. 110 1. 1 PLANE... TAMEN c. 22 p. m. p. 76 1. 28 sic et auctores interdum uideri uolunt eorum, quae adnuntiant: et sunt plane malormn nonnumquam, bonorum tainen numquam. 20 CAP. XXXVIII p. 110 1. 5 INLICITIS FACTIONIBVS c. 21 init. Minuc. 8 3 homines, inquam, deploratae, inlicitae ac desperatae factionis grassari in deos non ingemescendum est? Orig. Contr. Cels. I 1 &&gt;9 avvQj]K.a^ KpvftBrjv Trapa rd vevo^iafjueva iroiovpevtov. Kaye 110. 2 5 p. 110 1. 9 CONPVLSATIONIBVS c. 21 med. p. 70 1. 13 : a rare word. [See Thes. A. S.] IN QVAESTV esse Quintil. p. 110 11. 1112 Cf. c. 46 p. 130 1. 13 Christianus uero nee aedilitatem < affectat >. Kaye 342 3. Neumann I 1249. 30 p. 110 1. 13 Minuc. 17 2 nee possis pidchre gerere rein ciuilem, nisi cognoueris hanc communem omnium mundi ciui- tatem. Lucian Hermotim. 22 24. Vit. Auct. 8. Plut. De Alex. fort, seu uirt. I 6 p. 329. In Philo the world is /j,eya- , de Opificio Mundi 4 tin. (i 4M.). De losepho 6 35 382 TERTVLLIANI [p. 110 1. 13 pr. (n 46 M.). Ep. ad Diogn. 5 p. 497 b . /co 07x0^0X1x77 9 Diogenes in Diog. Laert. VI 63. 72. Philo quod omnis probus liber 20 (i 468 M.). (de Antigenida) 445 M. Antonin. IV 4. X 15. Const. Apost. VII 39. Aristoph. Plut. 1151 Trarpls yap evn TTCLCT 5 r iv av Trpdrrp rt? i>. Epictet. Ill 24 66 (of Diog.) Trdaa 777 Trarpls rjv eiceivw /JLOVW, effaiperos ovBe/jbia. Democrit. fr. 225 avbpi crocfrq) Traaa yij ftarr) -^1^7)9 7p ayaOij^ irarpl^ o fu/xTra? *;oo>to9 (Stob. Flor. XL 7). Sen. de Otio Sap. 4 1. ep. 28 4 n. [unpublished A. S.]. 48 3. 95 52. De Ira 10 ii 31 7. Clem. Alex. Strom. IV 172 p. 642 P. p. 110 1. 14 Kaye 3668 (De Spectac.). RENVNTIAMVS cf. c. 42 p. 122 1. 20 n. De Anima 35 p. 360 1. 24 Wiss. turn si in diabolum transfertur aduersarii mentio, ex obseruatione comitante cum illo quoque moneris earn inire 15 concordiam, quae deputetur ex fidei conuentione: pact as es enim renuntiare ipsi et pompae et angelis eius. conuenit inter aos de isto. haec erit amicitia obseruatione sponsionis, ne quid eius postea resumas ex his, quae eierasti, quae illi red- didisti, ne te ut fraudatorem, ut pacti transgressor em iudici deo 20 obiciat, De Spectac. 1 p. 1 1. 19 Wiss. 2. 4 p. 6 1. 2 Wiss. cum aquam ingressi Christianam fidem in legis suae uerba projitemur, renuntiasse nos diabolo et pompae et angelis eius ore nostro contestamur. quid erit summum atque praecipuum, in quo diabolus et pompae et angeli eius censeantur, quam idolo- 25 latria?...igitur si ex idololatria uniuersam spectacidorum para- turam constare constiterit, indubitate praeiudicatum erit etiam ad spectacula pertinere renuntiationis nostrae testimonium in lauacro, quae diabolo et pompae et angelis eius sint mancipata scilicet per idololatrian. 6 f. (also renuntiatio). 13 pr. 24 p. 24 30 1. 20 Wiss. hinc uel maxime intellegunt factum Christianum, de repudio spectacidorum. ad Mart. 2 non sollemnes nationum dies ipsa commixtione participas, non nidoribus spurcis uer- beraris, non clamoribus spectacidorum, atrocitate uel furore uel impudicitia celebrantium caederis, non in loca libidinum publica- 35 rum oculi tai impingunt. De Idolol. 6 pr. 15 f. bis. 24 firi. De Paenit. 5 m. 6 pr. De Cult. Fern. I 2 f . De Cor. Milit. 3 med. denique ut a baptismate ingrediar, ibidem, sed et aliquanto prius in ecclesia sub antistitis manu contestamur, nos renuntiare diabolo p. 110 1. 14] APOLOGETICVS 38 383 et pompae et angelis eius. Ambr. De Mysteriis 2 5 (n 326 b ) renuntiasti diabolo et operibus eius, mundo et laxuriae eius ac uoluptatibus. [Cf. De Sacr. I 2 5. A. S.] Coll. 3rd S. after Easter, omn. Saluian. VI 31 33. Chrys. Horn, in Coloss. 6 C. 4 pr. (XI 369) opare ovv /j,rj TOVTW d\w^v /xera TO eiirelv 5 aTTOTrto-cro/zat rw aarava. ib. p. 370 b (of baptism) elra iva fj,rj rov 0(/>e&)9 d/cova-ys, evOews Si^dcr/cei \jeiv diroTaaaofjLai aoi. Bailey Rituale Anglo-Cathol. 2567. 2689. 282. Bingham bk xi c. 7 15. Const. Apost. vn 41 (or 42). Oresiesis Inst. Mon. (Bibl. Max. Patr. iv 96 d mundo. 95 b saeculo). Lact. 10 Din. Instt. I 1 4 uniuersis uoluptatibus. Cypr. ep. 13 5 (508 13 H.) saeculo renuntiaueramus cum baptizati sumus. De Habit u Virg. 7 (192 19) mundus..., cuius pompis et deliciis iam turn renuntiauimus, cum meliore transgressu ad deum uenimus. cf. 6 (p. 191 23). De Lapsis 2 fin. (p. 238 21) saeculo. 8 (p. 242 15 24) diabolo et saecido. De Orat. Dominica 13 (p. 276 8) saeculo. 19 pr. (p. 281 3) qui saeculo renuntiauimus et diuitias eius et pompas fide gratiae spiritalis abiecimus. De Bono Patientiae 12 f. (p. 406 3) [cf. also abrenuntio in Thes. A.S.]. Neumann I 130 n. 9 sq. Mimic. 12 5. 37 11. Kaye 366 seq. Theophil. in 20 15. Prudent. Contr. Symm. i 379 seq. Athenag. Suppl. 35 rt? ov)(i TWV Trepl aTrovSfjs ra? Si OTT\U>V dyoavia? real Sid 6i)pi(ov /ecu eivai TO iBeiv rov <$>ovev6[Jievov TOV u ra? rotaura? 6ea<$. TroS? ovv /-ujSe opw^re?, iva ^JLTJ 25 /cal fjuiaa /JLO, Trpoo-Tpi-fraifAeOa, (ftoveveiv SvvdfJieBa ; Lact. Diu. Instt. VI 20 9 quae [spectacida publica] quoniam maxima sunt irritamenta uitiorum et ad corrumpendos animos potentissime ualent, tollenda sunt nobis, quia non modo ad beatam uitam nihil conferunt, sed etiam nocent plurimum. 27 30 in scenis quoque nescio an sit corruptela uitiosior. nam et comicae fabulae de stupris uirginum loquuntur aut amoribas meretricum et, quo magis sunt eloquentes, qui flagitia ilia finxerunt, eo magis sententiaram elegantia persuadent et facilius inliaerent audientium memoriae uersus numerosi et ornati. 28 35 item tragicae historiae sabiciant oculis parricidia et incesta regum malorum et cothurnata scelera demonstrant. 29 histri- onum quoque impudicissimi mot as quid aliud nisi libidinem 384 TERTVLLIANI [p. 110 1. 14- docent et instigant ? cet. 33 uitanda ergo spectactda omnia non solum ne quid uitiorum pectoribus insideat, qaae sedata et pacifica esse debent, sed ne cuius nos uoluptatis consuetudo deleniat et a deo atque a bonis operibus auertat. Cf. Epit. 63. 5 On the word renuntiamus see also Blunt Ch. First 3 Cent. p. 39 n. 1. 104 n. 1. 1056. supr. 6 p. m. p. 24 1. 1. De Exhort. Castitatis 10 pr. carnalibus fructibus. Cypr. p. 426 8. 652. 11, Aug. Bapt. c. Donat. v 28 39. Syrnm. Pro Patre 6 fin. 8 fin. (ed. Seeck pp. 3334). Saluian De Gubernat. Dei in 15 ter. 10 Ronsch 380. Quintil. x 7 1 n. ciuilibus officiis. Sen. Plin, Suet. lustin. Apol. I 49 5 p. 85 b rofc etSo>\ot? cnrerd^avro. p. 110 1. 15 SVPERSTITIONE De Spect. 5 11. Lact. Diu. Instt. VI 20 34 nam ludorum celebrationes deorum festa sunt, siqui- dem ob natales eorum uel templorum nouorum dedicationes sunt 15 constituti. 35 et primitus quidem uenationes, quae uocantur munera, Saturno attributae sunt, ludi autem scenici Liber o. cir -censes uero Neptuno. paidlatim tamen et ceteris dis idem honos tribui coepit, singulique ludi numinibus eorum consecrati sunt, sicut Sisinnius Capito in libris spectaculorum docet. 36 si 20 quis igitur spectacidis interest, ad quae religionis gratia con- uenitur, discessit a Dei cultu et ad deos se contidit, quorum natales et festa celebrauit. Epit. 63. [Cypr.] De Spect. 4 quid scriptura inter dixit? prohibuit enim spectari quod pro- hibet geri. omnia, inquam, ista spectaculorum genera damnauit. 25 quando idololatriam sustidit ludorum omnium matrem, unde haec uanitatis et leuitatis monstra uenerunt. quod enim specta- culum sine idolo, quis ludus sine sacrificio, quod certamen non consecratum mortuo ? Bingham xvi 4, 9 n. 43. CONCEPTAS c. 25 post med. p. 88 1. 34 nam etsi a Numa 30 concepta est curiositas superstitiosa. p. 110 1. 16 PRAETERSVMVS air. elp. p. 110 1. 17 INSANIA De Spectac. 14. 16 pr. cum ergo furor interdicitur nobis, ab omni spectaculo auferimur, etiam a circo, ubi proprie furor praesidet. adspice populum ad id specta- 35 culum iam cum furore uenientem...unius dementiae una uox est. cognosce dementiam de uanitate. Adu. Marc. I 27 p. 329 1. 4 Kr. quid non frequentas tarn sollemnes uoluptates circi furentis et caueae saeuientis et scaenae lasciuientis ? Prud. Hamartigenia p. 1101. 18] APOLOGETICVS 38 385 361 2 nee equum uesania feruida circi auctorem leuitatis habet rapidiue fragoris. Stat. Silu. ill 5, 14 eerie lasciuia corde nulla nee aut rapidi mulcent te proelia circi aid intrat sensus clamosi turba theatri. [Add Aug. cat. rud. 16 25 plus aduersus se ipsos insanientes ipsi spectator es alter pro alter o, 5 quam illi quorum insaniam insani prouocant, sed insaniendo spectare desiderant. A. S.] Blunt Right Use 361. Marquardt in 2 517 n. 2. p. 110 1. 18 INPVDICITIA THEATRI De Spectac. 18. 10 p. 12 1. 7 Wiss. saepe censor es nascentia cum maxime theatra destrue- 10 bant, moribus consulentes, quorum scilicet periculum ingens de lasciuia prouidebant. Aug. n De Symb. 2 1. Cypr. Ad Donat. 8. [Cypr.] De Spect. 3. ATROCITATE HARENAE De Spectac. 18, cited below. Salvian VI 10 in spectaculis...primum deliciarum genus est mori 15 homines, impleri ferarum aluos humanis carnibus cum circum- stantium uoluptate et conspicientium laetitia: utque hoc fiat, orbis impendium est: adeuntur loca abdita, lustrantur inuii saltus, peragrantur siluae inexplicabiles et, ut deuorari possint homines, non licet naturam rerum habere aliquid secretum. 20 Petron. 119 14 18 quaeritur in siluis auro fera et ultimus Hammon Afrorum excutitur, ne desit belua dente ad mortes pretiosa; fames premit aduena classes, tigris et aurata gr adieus uectatur in aula, ut bibat humanum populo plaudente cruorem. Hieron. Vit.Hilarion. 2 non circi furoribus, non harenae sanguine, 25 non theatri luxuria delectabatur. Pelagius ep. ad Demet^iad. Hier. XI 2 p. I7 e (also in editions of Aug.) 14 ad consulatum eorum diuersae totius orbis prouinciae, ad quas domus uestrae potentia extenditur, per egrinas f eras et ignota animalia transmi- serunt, quae crudelis harenae solum uel suo uel hominum sanguine 30 cruentarent. Iren. I 6 3 KOL eVt Trao-av eoprdcri/jiov rwv eQvwv et9 Tifirjv rwv et ScoXcoz/ yiyvo/jLevrjv Trpwroi avviaa-LV, 0)9 T)? Trapa eco KOI av0pct)7rois /jie/AicrrjfAevrjs r^? rwv dr)pi / o/j,d %a)v Kal /xo^oyLta^ta? dv8po<f)6vov deas aTre^eaOai eviovs avTcav. Cypr. ad Donat. 7. Neumann I 235 9 11. (Orig.). 35 Chrys. Horn. 13 in 1 Cor. 4 (Hauerc.). XYSTI xystici De Spectac. 30 p. 29 1. 9 Wiss. (Sueton. Galba 15) tune xystici contemplandi, non in gymnasiis sed in M. T. 25 386 TERTVLLIANI [p. 110 1. 18- igne...iaculati. ib. 18 p. 20 1. 3 Wiss. non probabis usquam uanos cursus et iaculatus et saltus uaniores; nusquam tibi uires aut iniuriosae aut uanae placebunt, sed nee cur a facti- cii corporis, ut plasticam dei supergressa. et propter Graeciae 5 otium altiles homines oderis. et palaestrica diaboii negotium est: primos homines diabolus elisit. ipse caestus colubrina uis est, tenax ad occiipandum, tortuosa ad obligandum, liquida ad ela- bendum. Cyril. Hieros. catech. I 4 ap. Hau. 319 a. p. 110 1. 20 INIVRIA c. 40 p. 116 1. 24 haec utique non sine 10 iniuria incolentium accidere potuerunt. c. 44 pr. illam iniuriam ciuitatis nullus expendit, cum tot iusti impendimur. Otto on lustin. Apol. I c. 8 f. p. 57 C el pev ovv a-jriarov fj dSvvarov TOVTO (j>r)(7l, T9, 7T/909 ^/A9 ?j&6 7? 7T\dv7] eCTTlV aXX, OV TTpOS erepov, f^e^pt^ ov 6/070) /nrjSev d^ncovvre^: e\e>y^6^eOa. 15 Si FORTE c. 16 med. p. 54 1. 8 n. nos, si forte, integram et totum deum colimus. 20 f. 41. 43 pr. ad nat. I 15 p. 85 1. 23 Wiss. De Pudic. 1 p. 222 1. 4 Wiss. De Paenit. 10. De Fug. in Persec. 2 p. m. De Cor. Milit. 5, Oehler p. 427 15 f. p. 110 1. 21 SED REPROBAMVS cet. De Spectac. 28 pr. nostrae 20 cenae, nostrae nuptiae nondum sunt, non possumus cum illis discumbere, quid nee illi nobiscum. p. 110 1. 22 EPICVREIS De Spectac. 28 p. 27 1. 8 Wiss. deli- catus es, Christiane, si et in saeculo uoluptatem concupiscis, immo nimium stultus, si hoc existimas uoluptatem. philosophi 25 quidam hoc nomen quieti et tranquil lit ati dederunt, in ea gaudent, in ea auocantur, in ea etiam gloriantur. tu mihi metas et scaenam et puluerem et harenam suspiras. Usener Epicurea p. 158 5. CAP. XXXIX p. 110 1. 26 CORPVS Licin. in Lact. De Mort. Persec. 48 30 quae omnia corpori Christianorum protinus per intercessionem tuam ac sine mora tradi oportebit. et quoniam idem Christiani non ea loca tantum, ad quae conuenire consueuerunt, sed alia etiam habuisse noscuntur ad ius corporis eorum, id est ecclesi- arum non hominum singulorum, pertmentia, ea omnia lege qua 35 superius comprehendimus, citra ullam prorsus ambiguitatem uel p. 110 1. 30] APOLOGETICVS 38, 39 387 controuersiam isdem Christianis, id est corpori et conuenticulis eorum, reddi iubebis...in quibus omnibus supradicto corpori Christianorum intercessionem tuam efficacissimam exhibere de- bebis. Cassian Inst. II 5 p. 21 1. 24 Petsch. quinam modus cotidiano cultui per uniuersum fraternitatis corpus decerni 5 deberet, tractaturi conueniunt. Arnob. I 16 corporis non nostri )( Ghristianos, 1 Cor. 10 12. Tzschirner [where?]. p. 110 1. 28 MANY FACTA Ad Scap. 5 Arrius Antoninus in Asia cum persequeretur instanter, omnes illius ciuitatis Christiani ante tribunalia eius se manu facta obtulerunt. Woodham cites 10 Arnob. I 14 collatis precibus adoramus etc. Pont. Vit. Cypr. 16 sic autem comitatui eius infinitus exercitus adkaerebat, quasi ad expugnandam mortem manu facta ueniretur. Liebenam Rom. Vereinswes. 271 n. 1. p. 110 1. 30 ORAMVS c. 30 33. Fragments of primitive 15 liturgy Blunt First Three Centuries c. 2 e.g. p. 36. cf. De Orat. 22 [rather 23 ? A. S.]. Euseb. Vit. Const, iv 20. Athanas. Apol. ad Const, (i 1, 239 a ). Arnob. IV 36 nam nostra quidem scripta cur ignibus meruerunt dari? cur immaniter conuenti- cula dirui, in quibus summus oratur dens, pax cunctis et uenia 20 postulatur magistratibus exercitibus regibus familiaribus inimi- cis, adhuc uitam degentibus et resolutis corporum uinctione, in quibus alind auditur nihil nisi quod humanos faciat, nisi quod mites uerecundos pudicos castos familiaris communicatores rei? Cyril. Hieros. Cat. 5 Myst. 8, Migne P. G. xxxm p. 1116 a 25 7rapaKa\ov/jiv rov 6eov VTrep Koiwfjs rcov /CK\r](Ti,a)v eiprjvrjs, rov KOCT/JLOV evo-raOeias, VTrep fSacn\ewv, virep a-rpa- Oi (7V^/LLd^Q)V, V7T6p T0)l> l> d(r6eViaLS, V7Tp TWV jjievwv /cal ttvra^-aTrXw? VTrep Trdvrwv ^orjOeia^ Seo- Martyrium Sebastiani 23 85 pro salute tua sempw 30 Christum colui et pro statu orbis imperii Romani [Romani orbis Migne P.L. xvn. A. S.] ilium qui in caelis est semper adoraui. Dionys. Alex, in Euseb. Hist. Eccl. vn 1. Acta SS. Achatii (in Ruinart). lustin. Apol. I c. 65 pr. p. 97 Koivas eu^a? nroir)croijbevoi VTrep re kavr&v KOI TOV fywnaOevTOS teat, d\\a)v 35 irdvrwv evTovws. c. 14 p. 6l c VTrep rwv e^Op&v c. 17 p. 64 d 06 ev 6eov pev /JLOVOV Trpoa-fcvvovpev, Be 7T/909 rd d\\a %aipovTes vTrvperov^ev, (Ba<TL\els /cal 252 388 TERTVLLIANI [p. 110 1. 30- dv0p(t)7T(*)v 6/jLO\oyovvres KOI ev^o/jievoi /uera ri<; Swduea)? Kal craxfrpova rov \oyi<r/jbov e^ovras i. c. 79. 859. Dial. c. Tryph. c. 35 f. p. 254 bc . c. 96 f. p. 323 d . Athenag. c. 37. Theophilus ill 4. Tzschirner 307 sq. 5 Bailey Rituale Anglo-Cath. 79. 80. 102. 174. Acta Cypriani p. 216 Ruinart. p. 110 1. 31 POTESTATIBVS luu. 10 100 n. Arnob. II 32 tyrannos dominos alias innumer as pot estates, uulg. for efovtria. PRO RERVM QVIETE Kaye 20. Bailey Rituale Angl. 137 10 (5th Sun. after Trin.). 98 prayer in war. Hennecke Aristid. ind. JlvTvi$. PRO MORA FINIS c. 32 pr. quae nolumus experiri, ea dum precamur differri, Romanae diuturnitati fauemus. Kaye 348. Zahn v 304 n. 3. *5 p. 110 1. 32 lustin. Apol. I 23. 28. 67 teal T$ rov r}\iov \eyofjuevrj rjuepa TTCLVTCOV Kara vroXet? rj aypovs yuevovrwv errl TO avro avve\ev(Tis yiverai, Kal ra aTrofjLV^iJLovevfjLaTa rwv a7ro(7TO\(0v rj ra avyypafjLfiara rwv rrpofyriruiv dvayivcoafcerat,, fjue^pi^ ey^wpel. elra rravaa^kvov rov avayivuxrKovros o 20 7r/9oeo-To>9 Sta \6yov rvjv vovOeaLav [cf. p. 112 1. 2 exhortationes. 1 Tim. 4 13 rrpocre^e rf) avayvwaei, ry 7rapaK\7ja-et, ry &ioa(7Ka\ia] Kal TTpOKXijcriv Tijs TGOV Ka\5)V TOVTWV JJLLJJLYI crews TTOLelrai. Tert. De Praescr. Haer. 36, in the apostolical sees the apostles writings are read, a reader ib. 41 f. Among 2 5 Montanists Tert. De Anim. 9 p. 310 1. 24 Wiss. iam uero prout scripturae leguntur aut psalmi canuntur aut allocutiones proferuntur aut petitiones delegantur. Orig. Contr. Gels, in 50 p. 142 f) ri rovrots 7raparr\r}crLOv rrpdrro/Jiev, ol Kal Si dvayvaxT- udrcov Kal Sid TWV els avrd Sirjyr/crecov rrporperrovres aev errl 30 Trjv rov eou ra>v o\(jov evaeffeiav. Bailey Rituale 6 8. p, 112 1. 3 CENSVRA DIVINA 1 Cor. 6 9 ff. 1 Tim. 3 10. Bailey Rituale Anglo-Cath. 354 5 (commination). p. 112 1. 7 RELEGETVR Orig. Contr. Gels. Ill c. 51 r iva roi>? uev rd eTTippijra rrpdrrovras drroKW\va(d(Tiv rjKeiv eirl rov KOIVOV 35 avrwv av\\oyov. Cf. both indd. Cypr. abstinere. Kaye 342. PRAESIDENT Ad Vxor. I 7. De Monogam. 12. De Cor. Mil. 3. De Pudic. 14 p. 248 1. 21 Wiss. De ieiun. 17 p. 297 1. 2 Wiss. Liebenam Rom. Vereinswes. 271 n. 5. Cypr. ep. 72 p. 112 1. 11] APOLOGETICVS 39 389 1 fin. coepiscopos in Numidia praesidentes. id. De Vnitat. Eccl. 5 pr. quam unitatem tenere firmiter et uindicare debemus, maxime episcopi qui in ecclesia praesidemus. Lucian Peregr. 11. cf. Keim s Celsus 148 n. lustin. Apol. I 67, Trpoa-Tarrj^. cf. Otto on lustin. Apol. I 66 p. 97 C rw Trpoeo-rwrt T&V doe\(j>a)v. 5 cf. p. 98 1 . Lord King Prim. Church p. 61 (citing Cave Primi tive Christianity pt. 3 c. 5 p. 379) says that Firmilian in Cypr. ep. 75 7 fin. is used to expound this place: quando omnis potestas et gratia in ecclesia constituta sit, ubi praesident maiores natu qui et baptizandi et manum imponendi et ordi- 10 nandi possident potestatem: By these approved elders, bishops and presbyters must necessarily be understood. Harnack on Hennas Vis. II 4 3 (TrpoiG-Tanzvoi. Trpoearws. Trpoardrr)^. praesides. praepositi). SENIORES Kaye 208 seq. 220. 236. 334 seq. presbyteri = 15 episcopi Ziegler s Irenaeus 141. HONOREM cet. De Praescr. Haer. 43 fin. promotio emerita. p. 112 1. 8 NON PRETIO against simony Can. Apostol. 29 with Beveridge p. 465 Cotel. TESTIMONIO Bingham iv 3 4. 20 p. 112 1. 9 ARCAE cf. Blunt First Three Centuries 1135. Beveridge on Can. Apostol. 3 p. 456 Cotel. Julian, ep. 49 p. 429 d ovSe d7ro/3\e7ro/jiV, &&gt;? /jLaXicrra rrjv ddeorrjra crvv- rjv^riaev rj Trepl rou? ^evovs <f)i\av6pwiTia /cal T) irepl ra? rac/xz? rwv veicpwv irpo/jLTJOeia /cal 77 7T67r\acr/jLi>ij ae^vorri^ 25 Kara TOV /3iov (to Arsacius high priest of Galatia). Misopogon p. 363 a vvvl Be Vfjiwv e fcao-ros eTrnpeTrei /j,v rfj ryvvaiicl iravra ev$o6ev et? rovs Fa\,i\aiovs, /cal rpecfrovcrai airo TWV e/celvai, rou? Trevrjras TTO\V rfjs dOtorrjTO^ epyd^ovrat, po? TGI/? TMV TOLOVTWV SeofAevovs. Fragmentum 30 Epistulae p. 305 bc . Gaius in dig. in 4 1 1 (quoted in note on p. 112 1. 17). HONORARIA fee. p. 112 1. 11 STIPEM De ieiun. 13 p. 872 1. 9. lustin. Apol. I c. 67 p. 99 a ol evTTOpovvres e /cal ftov\6fj,evoi, Kara irpoaipea-iv 35 eVacrro? rr]i> eavrov b /3ov\rai, 8iS(0(Ti, /cat TO Trapa rco nrpoeaTWTL dTroriOerai, ical auro? t re /cal ^jpat?, /cal rot? Bid voaov fj Si a\\r)v alrlav 390 TERTVLLIANI [p. 112 1. 11- KGLI T09 V O(T/JLos OVCTi Kol TOt? TrapeTTLt/jLOt,^ OVCTl eVOl<>, KOL racrfc rot? ev XpeLa oven Krj&e/jicov ylverai. c. 14 p. 61 C %0jj,ei> 6t9 KOIVOV (frepovres real Travrl Seoyu-eVft) Koivwvovvres. c. 67 pr. p. 98 C /cat o/ e^o^re? rot? Xe/vroyLteVot? TTCLO-LV eVt- 5 tcovpovfjLev. c. 13 pr. p. 60 C rot? Seo/^eVot? Trpovtyepeiv. Dial. c. Tryph. c. 47 p. 266 b Kouvwvelv Inrdvrwv. Cypr. De Opere et Eleemos. 15 locuples et diues dominicum celebrare te credis quae corban omnino non respicis, quae in dominicum sine sacrificio uenis, quae partem de sacrificio quod pauper obtidit losumis? Mosheim Dissert, ad Hist. Eccl. vol. n (Alt. 1743) p. 36 seq. Uhlhorn Die christl. Liebesthatigkeit 1882 seq. 3 vols. Blunt First Three Centuries 2731 (N.T. and early Church). Cf. T6\rj Rom. 13. 7. Heinrici Stud. u. Kr. 1881 520 sq. 15 MENSTRVA DIE Bingham v 4 2 and 3 salaries paid monthly : mensurna diuisio Cypr. ep. 34 4 (p. 571 2), 39 5 (p. 585 2). De Opere et Eleemos. 9 13. 15. Allard Les dernieres per secutions (1887) 39 40. Henzen 6086 (= Dessau 7212 = CIL xiv 2112). omn. dig. XLVII 22. 3 1. Euseb. Hist. Eccl. vi 43 20 11. Liebenam Vereinswesen pp. 40 41 172 320, 11. p. 112 1. 14 POTACVLIS elsewhere only De Cam. Resur. 4 p. 30 1. 22 Kr. VORATRINIS in Amm. Cf. Liebenam 41. 262. DISPENSATVR cet. Cf. Cypr. ep. 72 5. 5 1 quantum ad 25 sumptus suggerendos, siue illis qui gloriosa uoce dominum confessi in car cere sunt constitute, sine his qui pauper es et indigentes labor ant et tamen in domino perseuerant, peto nihil desit, cum summula omnis quae redacta est illic sit apud clericos distributa propter eiusmodi casus, ut haberent plures unde ad 30 necessitates et pressuras singidorum operari possint. lustin. Apol. I 67 (cited on 1. 11). [Greek inscr. in Ramsay Luke the Physician p. 352. A. S.] Blunt Right Use 315. Charge against the presidents, De leiun. 13 p. 291 1. 28 Wiss. (avarice) 17 p. 296 1. 18 ff. Wiss. (gluttony). 35 p. 112 1. 15 HVMANDISQVE Ad Scap. 3 pr. (i 543 2) sub Hilariano praeside cum de areis sepulturarum nostrarum adclamassent : areae non sint! Cypr. ep. 8 3 siue uiduae siue thlibomeni qui se exhibere non possunt siue hi qui in p. 1121. 16] APOLOGETICVS 39 391 carceribits sunt sine exclusi de sedibus suis utique habere debent qui eis ministrent : sed et catecumini adprehensi infirmitate decepti esse non debebunt, ut eis subueniatur. et quod maximum est, corpora martyrum aut ceterorum si non sepeliantur, grande periculum imminet eis quibus incumbit hoc opus. ep. 12 1 5 corporibus etiam omnium, qui etsi torti non sunt, in car cere tamen glorioso exitu mortis excedunt, impertiatur et uigi- lantia et cura propensior. Bingham xxm 3, 7. Neumann I 111 sq. PVERIS AC PVELLIS orphans taught a trade and supplied 10 with tools (Const. Apost. IV 2), not, as Gibbon said, foundlings (Blunt 3327). The childless to adopt orphans (Const. Apost. IV 1). Orphans, Zahn Forschungen zur Gesch. des NTlichen Kanons v 227. Harnack on Herm. Mand. vm 10 pp. 100 1. p. 112 1. 15 PARENTJBVS cf. Hennecke Aristides ind. xnpa.^5 p. 112 1. 16 Ad Mart. 1 init. inter carnis alimenta, benedicti martyres designati, quae uobis et domina mater ecclesia de uberibus suis et singuli fratres de opibus suis propriis in carcerem subministrant, capite cdiquid et a nobis quod faciat ad spiritum quoque educandum. ib. 2 ipsam interim con- 20 uersationem saeculi et carceris comparemus, si non plus in carcere spiritus acquirit, quam caro amittit: immo et quae iusta sunt caro non amittit per curam ecclesiae et agapen fratrum, et insuper quae semper utilia fidei, spiritus adipi- scitar. De leiun. 12 p. 21)0 1. 27 Wiss. plane vestrum est 25 in carceribus popinas exhibere martyribus incertis, ne con- suetudinem quaerant, ne taedeat uitae, ne noua abstinentiae disciplina scandalizentur. Story of Pristinus who recanted on the first application of torture, having been gorged before with meat and wine. Julian. Misopogon 363 a (cited on p. 112 3 1. 9). fragm. ep. p. 305^ (Hercher I 391 13 sq.) eVetS^ yap otyuat avve^ roL/9 TrevrjTas d/jL\ia0ai Trapopwpevovs VTTO TWV iepecw, oi ^facre^ei? FaXtXatoi tcaTavorjo-ai>re<; erreOevro ravrrj rrj <f>t,\av0pc07ria, fcal rb ^ipiarov TWV epytov Sea rov SOICOVVTOS TWV eTriTw&evfjidTwv d/cparvvav. ep. 49 p. 429 d re- 35 commended for imitation the fyiXavOpM-rria of Christians. Kaye 132. Neumann I 230 3 4. Christian hospitality Hennecke Aristides ind. /o9. Zahn Forschungen v 301. 392 TERTVLLIANI [p. 112 1. 16 Const. Apost. V 1 pr. and (prisoners) I col 829 b . v 2. Matth. 25 43 4. When Peregrinus Proteus was in prison (Lucian de Morte Peregr. 12, 13) the Christians endeavoured to procure his release ; when that failed, from early dawn widows 5 and orphans might be seen waiting about the prison, oi eV T6\i bribed the watch and spent the night with him. elra oeiTrva 7TOLKL\a elaeKOfjii^eTO /cat \6yoi, lepol CLVTWV \eyoi>ro. 13, crowds came from the cities of Asia with rich presents : ev (Spa^el jap afaiSovai Trdvrwv Their first lawgiver per- 10 suaded them that they were all brethren. p. 112 1. 17 METALLIS c. 12 p. 44 1. 14 n. in metalla dam- namur. c. 27 p. 92 1. 30 n. Const. Apostol. iv 9. Euseb. Hist, Eccl. ix 1 10. De Mart. Palaest, 7 2 (Phaeno). 8 1 (Thebais) 13. 11 6 (Cilicia) Aug. Serm. 178 4 (v 850). 15 Bingham xv 1, 2 n. 13 (v p. 221 col. 2). IN INSVLIS supra c. 12 p. 44 1. 15 n. in insulas rele- gamur. c. 1 p. 4 1. 11 obsessam uociferantur ciuitatem, in agris, in castellis, in insulis Christianas. De Pudic. 22 p. 271 1. 19 Wiss. luu. 1 73 n. Friedlander in 5 631 n. 10. Mines, 20 Dionys. in Euseb. Hist. Eccl. iv 23 10 to the Romans, e Q-PXn^ V^p V/JLIV e$o? earl TOVTO, vra^ra? /JLCV aSeX<oi>? Trot/aXco? evepyerelv. Const. Apostol. VIII 9 eV /aeraXXeu? Be a8eA(/>ot? vTrdp^ovoriv eTrixopijyovvTas &i wv Tre/iTrere dp^Oev (f)O$i(t)v. Hippolyt. Haer. IX 12 (in Sardinia), dig. XLVIII 19 28 pr. 25 proximo, morti poena metalli coercitio. Neumann I 77 79. Cassian. coll. xvm 7 8. Rutin. Hist. Eccl. iv 23 p. 230. IN CVSTODIIS Ad Vxor. II 4 quis in carcerem ad osculanda uincula martyris reptare patietur? Ad Mart. I 2 (Hau.). Aug. Breuiculus Coll. cum Donat. in 25 quidam etiam in 30 eadem epistula facinerosi arguebantxr et fisci debitores, qui occasione persecutions uel carere uellent onerosa multis debitis uita, uel purgare se putarent et quasi abluere facinora sua, uel certe acquirere pecuniam et in custodia deliciis perfrui de obsequio Christianorum. Cf. Acta Saturnini in Baluze Misc. 35 1 s 18 [=Migne P.L. VIII 701 a . A. S.]. Prisoners Zahn For- schungen v 228 (Aristid. Syr. 15 8) 224. 227. Cyprian sent 800 (sestertia centum milia numorum) to the Numidian bishops for the redemption of Christian slaves, collected from his clergy p. 112 1. 23] APOLOGETICVS 39 393 and laity (ep. 62 4). Euseb. Hist. Eccl. ix 10 = Rufin. Hist. Eccl. IX 10 p. 540. Care for prisoners Bingham XX(?) 2 3n. 68 sq. Const. Apostol. iv 9. v 2. lustin. [Apol. I 67 5. (?) A. S.]. Business of deacons, cf. Deutscher Merkur 1889 313. Acta Perpetuae 3. Lucian De Morte Peregrini 12. 13 (see p. 112 5 1. 16 n.). p. 112 1. 19 NOT AM INVRIT De Cult. Fern. I 4 pr. nulla nunc muliebri pompae nota inusta sit, Lact. De Mort. Persec. 3 etiam mortuo notam inureret (Woodham). Orig. Contr. Cels. ill 30. 10 p. 112 1. 20 VT INVICEM SE DILIGANT Friedlander in 5 642 n. 3. 643 n. 1. Mimic. 9 2 (cited below). p. 112 1. 21 Kaye 131. p. 112 1. 23 FRATRES ad Scap. I ita enim disciplina iube- mur diligere inimicos quoque et or are pro eis qui nos perse- 15 quuntur, ut haec sit perfecta et propria bonitas nostra, non communis. amicos enim diligere omnium est, inimicos autem solorum Christianorum. Scorpiac. 1 p. 145 1. 16 Wiss. haeccine pati homines innocentes ? ut putes fratrem aut de melioribus ethnicum. De Virgin. Velandis 2 cam quibus <psychicis> 20 communicamus ius pads et nomen fraternitatis ; una nobis et illis fides, unus Deus, idem Christus, eadem spes, eadem lauacri sacramenta, semel dixerim, una ecclesia sumus. luu. 5 135 n. cf. Neumann I 140 n. 3 sq. 237 n. 1. 243 n. 8. Luc. Peregr. 13. Aristid. ed. Hennecke ind. aSeX<o<?. Liebenam rom. 25 Vereinswes. 273. Arnob. iv 36 fin. (germanitas). Arn. inn. in Ps. 133. Clem. Alex. Strom, n c. 9 41 p. 450 P. // *a\ aeX</>ou<? roi/s- TO> avrw \6yw dvayevvr)6evras rrpoaayopevo- fjuev. Minuc. 9 2 passim etiam inter eos quaedam libidimim religio miscetur ac se promisee appellant fratres et sorores, ut 30 etiam non insolens stuprum intercession sacri nominis fiat incestum. Athenag. Suppl. 11 p. ll d asks what philosophers eKKeKaOapiievoi elal ra<? ^f^a? ftW avrl rov ^Laelv rou? u? dyaTrav, tcai avrl rov, ro fierpLwrarov, KCIKW dyopevcw U? TrpoKardpgavra? \otSopias evXoyeiv, Kal vTrep ra>v eVf- 35 Pov\ev6vTo>v et? TO &V 7T/9O(7ei;^6<7^at ; ib. 12 p. 12 d pexpi Toaovrov Se . <f>i\av6pQ)7r6rvro(, ware w fiovov arepyeiv TOU? . 32 p. 36 C . Cypr. ad Demetrian. 25. lustin. Apol. I 14 394 TERTVLLIANI [p. 112 1. 23- p. 61 C . 39 p. 78 b . 57 p. 91 d . Dial. c. Tryph. 35 p. 254 b . 96 p. 323 b . 133 p. 363 C . Julian in a letter to the Galatian priest Arsacius, Sozomen Hist. Eccl. V 16 /zaXtcrra rrjv adeorrjra avvrfv^crev 77 7re/cH row? feVou? (f>i\av6pwTrict. Hier. Adu. Heluid. 15 5 affectu fratres did, qui in duo scinditur, in spiritale et in com mune, in spiritale, quia omnes Christiani fratres uocamur. Chrysost. Horn. 9 ad pop. rot? tteX(/>o? dvafja^Oei^. Fulbert Carnot. Ep. 5 (1) Migne P. L. CXLI 196 b pro aedificandis fratribus adhuc infirmis. Albaspinaei Obseru. in Optat. De 10 Schism. Donat. I 1 pr. clarissimi fratres. IV 2. Acta Saturnini etc. 14 in Optat. [ed. Dupin, Paris, 1702. A. S.] p. 154 col. 2 ad haec proconsul, vis inquit, ire cum Fortunatiano fratre tuo ? respondit, ( nolo, quia Christiana sum, et illi sunt fratres mei qui Dei praecepta custodiunt. Lact. Diu. Instt. v I 5 15 2 nee alia causa est, cur nobis inuicem fratrum nomen impertiamus, nisi quia pares esse nos credimus. ib. c. 6 12. 8 6. 22 7. vi 10 48. Epit. 65 3. [Euseb. Emisen.] Homil. 4. Gottfr. Arnold De fratrum appellatione. Buddei Sel. lur. Nat. et Gent. p. 753. 20 p. 112 1. 27 Eph. 4 3 sq. Ep. Petr. ad lac. 1 2 p. 608 Cotel. el? #eo9, efc VO/JLOS, fjiia eXTT/9. p. 112 1. 29 AD VNAM LVCEM c. 37 p. 108 1. 20. ad Mart. 3 sudore omnia constant, ne corpora atque animi expauescant de umbra ad solem. De Spectac. 17 p. 19 1. 8 Wiss. ipsae illae 25 pudoris sui inter emptr ices de gestibus suis ad lucem et populum expauescentes, semel anno erubescant. Optat. I 3 nemo miretur eos me appellare fratres, qui non possunt non esse fratres. est quidem nobis et illis spiritalis una natiuitas, sed diuersi sunt actus. Archiv f. lat. Lexik. I 507 (exp. also with super 30 c. abl.). p. 112 1. 32 DIRIMIT Cassian Coll. xxiv 26 fratrum diri- mit caritatem contentiosa diuisio. Chrysolog. Serm. I (Migne P.L. LII 185 a ) ceterum facultates unitatem scindunt, fraterni- tatem separant, cognationem spargunt, parentum perdunt et 35 uiolant caritatem. Sen. ep. 88 11 quid mihi prodest scire agellum in partes diuidere, si nescio cum fratre diuidere ? p. 112 1. 34 INDISCRETA cet. c. 9 p. 34 1. 30. Kaye 344. Ep. ad Diognet. 5 7 rpdire^av /coivrjv TrapariOevTai, aXX ov p. 114 1. 5] APOLOGETICVS 39 395 (so Maranus, Overbeck, Draseke). Chastity of Christians lustin. Apoi. I 37 (general morality c. 17). p. 112 1. 35 p. 114 1. 1 De Patient. 16 p. 23 1. 23 Kr. the devil teaches his followers patience, quae maritos dote uenales aut lenociniis negotiantes uxorum potestatibus subicit. DeCult. Fern. 5 111. Cypr. De Habitu Virg. 4 etc. Chastity of Christians. Athenag. 31_34 pp. 3537. Minuc. 31 5 )( c. 2 supra p. 6 1. 27. In his tr. De leiunio 17 p. 296 1. 24 Wiss. sed maioris est agape, quia per hanc adidescentes tui cum sororibus dormiunt. appendices scilicet gulae lasciuia atque luxuriae )( cc. 7. 8 supr. cf. Kaye 10 403 4. Galen. (Arabice in Abulfeda Hist, anteislamitica ed. Fleischer p. 109) homines illi, qui Christiani uocantur, quod mortem contemnunt, id quidem omnes ante oculos habemus; item quod uerecundia quadam ducti ab usu rerum uenerearum abhorrent, sant enim inter eos et feminae et uiri qui per totam 15 uitam a concubitu abstinuerint. Schwegler Montan. 127 sqq. Semisch lustin. I 198 sqq. Staudlin Sittenlehre lesu II 114 sqq. 432 sqq. p. 114 1. 3 SOCRATIS Clem. Recogn. x 5. Saluian. vn 101 uideamus ergo quas Socrates de padicitia leges sanxerit et quas 20 illi, de quibus loquimur. uxorem, inquit Socrates, propriam nullus habeat, matrimonia enim ciuictis debent esse communia 103 nee suffecit sapientissimo, ut quidam aiunt, philosopho docere hoc, nisi ipse fecisset ; uxorem enim suam alteri uiro tradidit, scilicet sicut etiam Romanus Cato, id est alius Italiae 25 Socrates, ecce quae sunt et Romanae et Atticae sapientiae exempla : omnes penitus maritos, quantum in ipsis fait, lenones uxorum suarum esse fecerunt. sed uicit tamen Socrates, qui de hac re et libros condidit et memoriae haec pudenda mandauit. plus habet unde gloriari sibi praeceptis suis possit, quantum ad 30 doctrinam suam pertinet, lupanar fecit e mundo. CATONIS Quintil. x 5 13 n. Elmenhorst on Arnob. I 64 p. 58. Hier. c. louin. II 36. Aug. c. lul. v 46. So Agetus cedes his wife to Aristo, Herodot. vi 62. p. 114 1. 5 CREANDORVM Spartian Pesc. Nig. 6 6 rei uene- 35 riae nisi ad creandos liberos prorsus ignarus. [Ambr.] in 1 Cor. 7 5 si enim, causa filiorum creandorum ducitur uxor, non mul- tum tempus concessum uidetur ad ipsum usum. 396 TERTVLLIANI [p. 114 1. 6- p. 114 1. 6 FACILE Hor. Sat. II 5 75 scortator erit: caue te roget, ultro Penelopen facilis potiori trade. p. 114 1. 7 LENONES cet. Minuc. 39 7 philosophorum supercilia contemnimus, qaos corruptores et adulteros nouimus 5 et tyrannos et semper aduersus sua uitia facandos. Lactant. Diu. Instt. in 15. iv 24. p. 114 1. 8 CON VIOL ATVR Herm. Vis. I 3 (p. 6 1 Hilg.). Prudent. Psychomach. 398. -jrepl <JT. vi 56. p. 114 1. 11 MEGARENSES Hier. ep. 123. cf. 129, 4. Frazer s 10 Pausan. vol. n p. 538. p. 114 1. 13 STIPVLAM ad nat. I 20 p. 92 1. 26 Wiss. auferte stipidam de oculo uestro, aut < trabem > de oculo uestro, ut stipulam de alieno extrahatis. Wetst. on Matth. 7 3 4. Plin. ep. vi 1 (?) [vin 22 1 might be cited. A. S.] ad Trai. 15 117(?), dig. xxx. 122(?), xxxv 1, 73 (?). p. 114 1. 14 RVCTANTIBVS c. 9 p. m. ACESCIT Sidon. carm. 5 340 ganeaque perenni pressus acescentem stomachus non explicat auram. p. 114 1. 15 SALIIS Marquardt m 2 232 n. pr. 20 p. 114 1. 16 DECIMARVM c. 14 p. 48 1. 7. p. 114 1. 17 Preller- Jordan Rom. Myth. II 383 n. 3. p. 114 1. 18 FVMVM Apul. Apol. 57 fin. est quidem Crassus iste summus heluo et omnis fumi non imperitus, sed profecto pro studio bibendi, quo solo censetur, facilius ad eum Alexandriam 25 uini aura quam fumi perueniret. SPARTEOLI firemen. Sen. ep. 64 1 maior fumus...ex lautorum culinis terrere uigiles solet. p. 114 1. 19 CENA NOSTRA Bingham xv 7, Sand 10. Kaye pp. 4034. De Orat. 28 p. 198 1. 30 Wiss. hanc [hostiam i.e. 30 oration em] agapen corona tarn... deducere ad dei altar e debemus. Aug. contr. Faust, xx 20 agapes nostrae pauperes pascunt sine frugibus, sine carnibus. Serm. 178 4 (v. 850 f.). Hier. [ad Eustoch.] epist. 22 32 cum ad agapen uocauerint, praeco con- ducitur. Vit. S. Ludgeri 32 inuitat ad agapen egentes ac miseros. 35 The word in ad Martyr. 2 Oehler. De Bapt. 9 p. 208 1. 23 Wiss. De leiun. 17 (cited in note on p. 112 1. 35 ff.). Cypr. p. 107 5. p. 112 14. Cassian Collat. xvi 14. xxiv 12. Warnefr. De Gest. Longobard. I c. 26 signat adesse dapes agapes, sed liuidus obstat. p. 114 1. 29} APOLOGETIC VS 39 397 Orig. cont. Gels. I 1 p. 4 /cat /3ov\Tai $ia(3a\eiv TTJV /ca\ov- fj,evrjv dyaTrrjv XpKniav&v. In Spanish caridad )( epai/o?, collecta, collecticia, symbolica. Cone. Gangr. Can. 11 ei rt? /cara(f)povoir) TWV e/c iriarew^ dyaTras TTOIOVVTWV teal bia n^v TOV Kvpiov o-vy/caXovvTwv roi/? dSe\(j)ov^, KOI /Mr) eOeXoi 5 crvy/coivctiveiv rat? fcXtjcrea-i Bia TO e%evTe\L%eiv TO yivo^evov, dvdOefjia ecrrco : si quis despicit eos, qui fideliter agapas (id est conuiuia pauperibus) exhibent et propter honorem domini con- uocant fratres et noluerit communicare huiuscemodi uocationi- bus,... anathema sit. [Turner, Eccl. Occid. Monum. n p. 196 ff. 10 A. S.] Chrys. Horn. 27 in 1 Cor. pr. p. 240 e . Cypr. Testim. Ill 3. Ducange s.v. agape. Renan Saint-Paul 226 sq. Marc- Aurele 519 n. 3. p. 114 1. 22 REFRIGERIO infr. c. 49 p. 140 1. 22. Hieron. praef. 1 ad reg. S. Pachomii, speaking of Paula (II 53 a ) multorum 15 incisa illius morte refrigeria suspirarem. After death inscr. (Kraus Realencyckl. des christl. Alterth. II 684 sq.). p. 114 1. 23 PARASITI Valerian Episc. Horn. 10, of parasites tweaked by the nose, having their seat drawn from under them etc., tanta est igitur libido uiuendi, ut putent miseri 20 nullum sine laetitia transire conuiuium, nisi in cibos uerterint aut uestimenta corporum aut ministeria poculorum. Names of parasites, Gnatho, Saturio, Artotrogus, peniculus (sweeping the table clean), curculio. Herald. Digress. I c. 21 (p. 237), cites De Patient. 16 p. 23 1. 20 Kr. nam ut in isto quoque domino 25 diabolus aemularetur, quasi plane ex pari...docuit et suos patientiam propriam, illam dico,...quae uentris operarios con- tumeliosis patrociniis subiectione libertatis gulae addicit. luu. 5, 171 n. p. 114 1. 24 FAMVLANDAE cf. c. 21, p. 70 1. 27. 30 p. 114 1. 26 ORDINEM De Exhort. Cast. 7. De Monogam. 11. p. 114 1. 28 VILITATIS Apul. Flor. I 7 3 morum. Amm. xiv 6 2 (a disgraceful story). Woodh. p. 114 1. 29 & 35 ORATio grace before and after meat. Bas. ep. 2 6 (ill 74) i>x a i ^P T ^ ? Tp<f>*is, ev-^al /xera Tpofa jv. 35 Hieron. (ad Eustoch.) epist. 22 35, 4 post hoc concilium soluitur et unaquaeque decuria cum suo parente pergit ad mensas. . . 37, 1 nee cibus a te sumatur nisi oratione praemissa etc. Lasaulx 398 TERTVLLIANI [p. 114 1. 29- Studien 151 n. 67. Orig. Contr. Gels, vm 33 fin. Herald, on Arnob. iv pp. 151 2. p. 114 1. 29 30 QVANTVM cet. Clem. Alex. Paedagog. n 4. Vit. S. Postumii [Pachomii] [c. 6 = Migne P. L. LXXIII 432 C . 5 A. S.] panem etiam suum ad mensuram accipiebat, et aquam ad mensuram bibebat ; numquam pleno uentre a mensa recessit. Ambr.(?) [probably De exc. fr. Satyri I 56 non umquam accuratioribus epulis aut congestis ferculis delectatus est, nisi cum amicos rogaret : quantum naturae satis esset, non quantum 10 uoluptati superesset, requirens. A. S.] p. 114 1. 31 Ad Vxor. II 4 quis nocturnis conuocationibus, si ita oportuerit, a later e suo adimi libenter ferat ? Hieron. (ad Laetam) epist. 107 10, 1 sic comedat,...ut statim post cibum possit legere orare psallere. (Ad Furiam) epist. 54 11, 1 15 quondo comedis, cogita, quod statim tibi orandum, ilico legen- dum sit (Ad Eustoch.) epist. 31 3, 3 ita tibi semper come- dendum est, ut cibum et oratio sequatur et lectio. Kaye p. 404 n. 5. p. 114 1. 33 POST Scorpiace 11 (p. 170 1. 22 Wiss.) with 20 Oehler s note. AQVAM De Orat. 13 quae ratio est, manibus quidem ablu- tis, spiritu uero sordente, orationem obire, quando et ipsis manibus spiritales munditiae sint necessariae . . . ? hae sunt uerae munditiae, non quas plerique superstitiose cur ant, ad 25 omnem orationem, etiam cum a lauacro totius corporis ueniunt, aquam sumentes. id cum scrupulosius percontarer et rationem requirerem, comperi commemorationem esse Pilatum m.anus abluisse in domini deditione. nos dominum adoramus, non dedi- mus, immo et aduersari debemus deditoris exemplo nee propterea 30 manus abluere, nisi ob aliquod conuersationis humanae inquina- mentum conscientiae causa lauemus. In the panegyric on church-building addressed to Paulinus bp of Tyre (Euseb. Hist. Eccl. x 4 40) the atrium was surrounded with porches, iepMV 3 evravBa /caOapa-iwv eriOet cruyLt/3oXa, Kpr)vas avn/cpvs 35 et? TrpoacoTTOv eTricrKevd^wv rov vea), 7ro\\a> rw ^evfjLan rov rot? 7T6pij36\wv iepwv eVt ra ecrw Trpolovcn rrjv aTrop- 7ra/36%oyu-e^a?. called (j>peap Socr. Hist. Eccl. II 38 (Migne P. G. LXVII 332 a ); cantharus Paulin. Nol. ep. 32 (ad Sulp. Seu.) p. 114 1. 36] APOLOGETICVS 39 399 15 p. 290 1. 3 Hartel [see also his index. A. S.]. Chrys. Horn. 73 in Io., t. viii (Paris, 1836) 3 p. 496 (= 433 d ), complains of those . who on entering the temple washed their hands only, not their hearts, and in Ps. 140, v (Paris, 1835) p. 520 ( = 431 e ) urges men to cleanse the hands rather by alms, by love and charity to the 5 needy : if you are loath to raise in prayer hands unwashed, how much more hands stained by sin. Praying with unwashed hands is not so offensive as praying with an impure mind. Custom (which led to holy water stoups) borrowed from the heathen, who retained it in Julian s time. Sozom. Hist. Eccl. 10 vi 6 (Migne P. G. LXVII 1307 C ). Bahr Symbolik I 491. SCRIPTVRIS Ad Vxor. II 6 quae dei mentio ? quae Christi inuucatio ? ubi fomenta fidei de Scripturarum interlectione ? ubi spiritus refrigerium ? ubi diuina benedictio ? p. 114 1. 35 CANERE Cypr. ad Donat. 16 quoniam feriata 15 nunc quies ac temp us est otiosum, quidquid inclinante iam sole in uesperam dies superest, ducamus hunc diem laeti nee sit uel hora conuiuii gratiae caelestis immunis. sonet psalmos con- uiuium sobrium : ut tibi tenax memoria est, uox canora, ad- gredere hoc munus ex more, magis carissimos pascis, si sit nobis 20 spiritalis auditio, prolectet aures religiosa mulcedo. Harnack Gesch. der altchristl. Lit. I 795. Medicinisches aus der altesten Kirchen-gesch. (Texte vni 4) 51 citing 1 Cor. 11 21. Eph. 5 18. Acts 2. Apostol. Const, (in Texte II 5 23). p. 114 1. 36 DIRIMIT Hier. (ad Eustoch.) epist. 22 37, 1 25 non recedatur a mensa, nisi referantur gratiae Creatori. Ambr. De Virg. in 4 18 certe sollemnes orationes cum gratiarum actione sunt defer endae, cum e somno surgimus, cum prodimus, cum cibum paramus sumere, cum sumpserimus. Chrysost. Or. de Bapt. Christi [II 37 5 b ] /juera rrjv rpd^re^av eVt ev-^v 30 TpeTrrj. Clem. Alex. Paedag. II 9 77 (1) p. 216 P. pera <yap rrjv evw^iav ev\o>yr)aavTs rov 6eov. ib. 10 96 (2) p. 228 P. ecrvrepa? 8e dvaTrava ao Oai KaOijfcei yu-era TYJV eariaaiv teal /Aero, rrjv eVl rat? aTrokavcrecnv ev^apLO-riav. Maxim. Horn. 88 De non timendis hostibus carnalibus (P. L. LVII 456 ab ) 35 a nobis exspectat qui nos pascit deus, ut pro praestitis ab eo escis illi gratias referamus, et saturati donis ipsius laudes dica- mus. Clem. Recogn. I 19 (P. G. I p. 12l7 b ) post cibum cum 400 TERTVLLIANI [p. 114 1. 36 laudem dedisset deo et gratias egisset. Cf. c. 35 pr. heathen excess. CAESIONVM luu. 3 88 (?). Sueton. Aug. 45 spectauit autem studiosissime pugiles et maxime Latinos, non legitimos atque 5 ordinarios modo, quos etiam committere cum Graecis solebat, sed et cateruarios oppidanos inter angustias uicorum pugnantes temere ac sine arte. Perhaps an allusion to gladiators. Nicol. Dam. ed. C. Miiller, B ragm. Hist. Graec. vol. ill p. 417 fr. 84. 10 p. 114 1. 37 DISCVRSATIONVM Theodoret H. E. v 20 /cat ol TOV Aiovvcrov ra opyta TT\o-p,evoi, fjiera TU>V aiyiScov erpe^ov, TOU9 Kvva<$ Stao-TTwi Te? KOI /JLe/nrjvore^ KOI fta/c^evovre^ Kal ra d\\a SpwvT<? a TTJV TOV SiSaaKfiXov Travrjyvpiv 8/7X0?. ERVPTIONES c. 35 p. rn. p. 104 1. 19 ad nat. I 17 p. 89 1. 7 15 Wiss. (sensu proprio, Caes. Cic. Plin. Sen.). LASCIVIAKVM Cone. Laod. c. 54 on ov Sel leparitcovs 77 Tiva? Bewpelv ev yd/jbois 77 SeiTrvois, d\\a Trpo rov i rou? 9vfjb6\iKovs eyeipeordat avrovs Kal dva-^wpelv. Cone. Trull, c. 24. Hieron. Adu. Heluid. 20 m., of a dinner with 20 its timbrels and pipes, harps and cymbals : ingrediuntur eocpositae libidinum uictimae et tenuitate uestium nudae impudicis oculis ingeruntur. Clem. Alex. Paedag. II 7 Ka66\ov [lev ovv veoi pev Kal veav&es. Arnob. II 42. more in La Cerda. Poenitent. Rom. tit. 5 c. 2 remoueantur a conuiuio cuncta turpitudinum arqu- 2 5 menta. luu. 11 162 sq. p. 116 1. 2 corno Vlp. 1. 1 D. de off. praef. urb. I 12 1 14. Diuus Seuerus rescripsit eos etiam, qui illicitum collegium coisse dicuntur, apud praefectum urbi accusandos. cf. Keim on Orig. contr. Cels. I 1 pp. 3 4. Liebenam Rom. Vereinswesen 41. 30 2701. p. 116 1. 4 TITVLO c. 42 pr. p. 116 1. 5 Minuc. 31 7 nee fastidiosi sumus. si omnes unum bonum sapimus, eadem congregati quiete qua singuli: nee in angulis garruli, si audire nos publice aut erubescitis aut 35 timetis )( ibid. 8 4 plebem profanae coniurationis instituunt, quae nocturnis congregationibus et ieiuniis sollemnibus et inhu- manis cibis non sacro quodam sed piaculo foederantur. Plin. ad Trai. 96 (97) 7 adfirmabant...summam culpae suae,... p. 116 1. 10] APOLOGETICVS 39, 40 401 quod essent soliti stato die ante lucem conuenire carmenque Christo quasi deo dicere secum inuicem. p. 116 1. 8 FACTIO Sail. lug. 31 15 haec inter bonos amicitia, inter malos factio est. CAP. XL p. 116 1. 10 c. 40. cf. c. 20. Aug. in Ps. 80 1 med. 5 (iv 1225 d Gaume) heathen s taunts : abundare pressuras temporibus Christianis. . .prouerbium : non pluit Dens, due ad Christianas. De Ciuitat. Dei in. Oros. Arn. pr. Aug. ep. 5 Ad Marcellinum [now epist. 138 16. A. S.] haec generalis conquestio calumniosa est etc. Oros. I 8 14. iv 6 | 34 42. 10 23 10. vn 37 6 10. esp. the letter of Maximinus copied from a brazen pillar at Tyre (Euseb. Hist. Eccl. IX 7 214, cf. note on 1. 14). Elmenhorst on Arnob. p. 2. 3. 4 fin. Elmenhorst and Godefroy cite Nouell. Theodosii n tit. 3 8 [1. 75 Mommsen-Meyer], which turns the tables on Jews, Samaritans, 15 heretics, Pagans (an diutius perferemus mutari temporum uices irata caeli temperie, quae paganorum exacerbata perfidia r.escit naturae libramenta seruare? unde enim uer solitam gratiam abiurauit... nisi quod ad inpietatis uindictam transit legis suae natura decretum?) Firmilian in Cypr. ep. 75 10, persecution 20 consequent on earthquake. Cypr. Ad Demetrianum c. 2. 3. 4. 5. Aug. Serm. 87 13 fin. nemo dicat : antea melior erat mundus quam modo: ex quo coepit iste medicus artem suam exercere, midta hie uidemus horrenda. omn. Aug. De Ciu. Dei II 2. 3 e.g. proverb quoted below on line 15. Arnob. I 25 1 postquam esse in mundo Christiana gens coepit, terrarum orbem perisse. Passio (Gr.) Porphyrii in Elmenhorst p. 2. in 36 audetis intendere, nostri nominis causa res hamanas ab dis premi. iv 24 nam nos quidem quid de illis < dis uestris > aliquando aut inconueniens sensimus aut conscriptionibus edi- 30 dimus indecoris, ut in inuidiam iaciantur nostram labores generis humani et commoditates quibus uiuitur imminutae? Orig. in Matt. c. 24 v. 9 (iv 270 Lomm.) cum haec ergo con- tigerint mundo, consequens est quasi derelinquentibus hominibus deorum culturam, ut propter multitudinern Christianorum dicant 35 fieri bella et fames et pestilentias. frequenter enim famis causa M. T. 26 402 TERTVLLIANI [p. 116 1. 10 Christianos culparunt gentes, et quicumque sapiebant quae gen tium sunt ; sed et pestilentiarum causas ad Christi ecclesiam rettulerunt. scimus autem et apud nos terrae motum factum in locis quibusdam, et facias fuisse quasdam ruinas, ita ut qui 5 erant impii extra fidem causam terrae motus dicer ent Christi anas, propter quod et persecutions passae sunt ecclesiae, et incensae sunt. non solum autem illi, sed et qui uidebantur prudentes, talia in publico dicerent, quia propter Christianos fiunt grauissimi terrae motus. Heinichen on Euseb. Hist. Eccl. 10 ix 7 9. p. 116 1. 11 ODIVM Tac. Ann. XV 44 odio humani generis. Rufin. Hist. Eccl. ix c. 7. p 116 1. 12 CONCLAMANT De Idolol. 14 p. 45 1. 18 Wiss. si de omni blasphemia dictum est, Vestra causa nomen meum blasphe- 15 matur, perimus uniuersi, cum totus circus scelestis suffragiis nullo merito nomen lacessit. De Spectac. 27 pr. odisse debemus istos conuentus et coetus ethnicorum, uel quod illic nomen dei blasphematur, illic in nos cotidiani leones expostulantur, inde persecutions decernuntur, inde temptationes emittuntur. The 20 Christian retort, leg. Novell.- Theodos. n 1 3 p. 10 Rittershusius, paganorum exacerbata perfidia cause of all trouble [quoted more fully on 1. 10. A. S.]. p. 116 1. 14 CLADIS ad nat. I 9 pr. uos recognoscendo miremini, in quantam stultitiam incidatis, qui omnis cladis publicae uel 25 iniuriae nos causas esse uultis. Cypr. ad Demetrian. 2 cum dicas plurimos conqueri et quod bella crebrius surgant, quod lues, quod fames saeuiant, quodque imbres et pluuias serena longa sus- pendant nobis imputari, tacere ultra non oportet. 3 dixisti per nos fieri et quod nobis debeant imputari omnia ista quibus nunc 30 mundus quatitur et urguetur. 7. 10. Friedlander m 5 610. In the time of Maximin the children in the schools had to learn by heart of Jesus and Pilate real ra e (/> vfipei, Tr^aaOevra v7rofj,vtjfjLara (Euseb. Hist. Eccl. IX 7 1). Euseb. (I.e. 2 15) transcribed from a pillar at Tyre a sort of lay-sermon of M. s 35 against the Christians : all convulsions of nature Bid rrjv o\e6piov nT\awr)v rfjs vrroicevov /jLaraioTrjTos r>v aOefJbirwv etcelvwv avOputTrwv. Maximin. (Euseb. Hist. Eccl. IX 8 3) boasted that his devotion to idols and persecution of Christians p. 116 1. 15] APOLOGETICVS 40 403 would secure him from famine, plague, war, but all came upon him A.D. 311 (ix 8 1. 2. 415). Aug. De Ciu. Dei I v, especially n c. 2, worship of the gods not necessary for temporal, VI x nor for eternal happiness. Retract. II 43 (cf. Fleury xxm 7). in Ps. 136. 9. Oros. I prol. 9 10. Melito 5 (Euseb. Hist. Eccl. iv 26) retorts the charge. The Empire rose and grew with the church under Augustus. Orig. contr. Cels. in 15 p. 269 4. In Matt, tract. 28. 39 (in 857). Arnob. I 1 and 3. in 36. Blunt Right Use 360. Bayle oeuvres ill 46. 52 (Liu.) 53 sq. Symm. ep. x 54(?) [34?] the Vestals a 10 prop of the state; loss of Cannae owing to Juno s jealousy, Valer. Max. I 1 16. Lasaulx 34. IN CAVSA c. 2 prope f. (p. 12 1. 6) intellegere potestis non scelus aliquod esse in causa, sed nomen. ad nat. I 3 p. 62 1. 11 Wiss. nomen in causa est, quod quaedam occulta uis per 15 uestram ignorantiam oppugnat. ad Scap. 5 fin. quisque enim tantam tolerantiam spectans, ut aliquo scrupulo percussus ; et inquirere accenditur, quid sit in causa, et ubi cognouerit ueritatem, et ipse statim sequitar. luu. 14 105 sed pater in causa. Cic. Liu. Quintil. Plin. hist. nat. and Plin. ep. add Liu. 20 xxxiv 56 9. 11. XL 26 5. Quintil. Decl. 12 cap. 24. Plin. ep. VI 1 2. 10 3. vii 5 1. ad Trai. 39 (48) 1. 21 (32) fin. Arnob. I 3 p. 5 1. 29. [See Thes. A. S.] p. 116 1. 15 ad nat. I 9 p. 73 1. 6 Wiss. si Tiberis re- dundauerit, si Nilus non redundauit, si caelum stetit, si terra 25 mouit, ...tiua uastauit, si famis afflixit, statim omnium uox Christi.... Aug. De Ciu. Dei II 3 memento me ista commemo- rantem adhuc contra imperitos agere, ex quorum imperitia illud quoque ortum est uulgare prouerbium : pluuia defit, causa Christiani sunt. ill 17. 18. Tac. Ann. I 76 1 sq. on the rising 30 of the Tiber the Sibylline books consulted. Hist. I 86 another inundation. Hor. carm. I 2 13 uidimus flauum Tiberim retortis cet. History of these floods, Friedlander i 5 c. 1 fin. pp. 2729. luu. 15 123 inuidiam facerent nolenti surgere Nilo. lo. Bapt. Scortia S. I. Libri II De natura et incremento Nili. 35 NILVS Sozomen h. e. vii 20. Cf. Rufin. h. e. ix 7 f. Jortin Christian Religion 82-3 ; so by witchcraft Luc. vi 474 Nilum non extulit aestas. Symmachus in Ambr. epist. 18 19. 2G 2 404 TERTVLLIANI [p. 116 1. 16 p. 116 1. 16 STETIT Same words in ad nat. I 9 pr. quoted on 1. 15. Arnob. I 45 stabant profluuia sanguinis (Woodh.). Prayers for rain, Cypr. Ad Demetrian. 7. 8. TERRA MOVIT Euseb. h. e. IX 7. IV 13 2 a-eia-fi&v. 5 Earthquake A.D. 191. Hdn. I 14. mouit intrans. : ad nat. I 9 pr. Sueton. Cl. 22. Gell. n 28 lemma and 2. iv 6 1 (also 1. 2 hastas Martias mouisse. ib. lemma). LVES Porphyr. later (Theodoret Graec. Affect. Curat. xii fin. IV 1040) vuv\ &, (prjai, Oav^d^ovaiv el TOCTOVTWV ercov 10 KareL\r)^>6 vocros rrjv 7r6\iv, AcveX^Trtoi) fjbev eVi&j/ua? /cal rwv a\\(Dv Oewv ov/cert ovcrrjs. lyo-ov yap Ti/juwf^evov ovSe fj,ia<$ BrjfjUMTias ns Oeu>v wcfreXeias fjcrdero. Popular outcries in the circus: usque quo genus tertium? Scorp. 10 p. 168 1. 15 Wiss. De Pudic. 22 p. 271 1. 25 Wiss. puta in stipite iam leoni 15 concesso. De Spectac. 27 pr. p. 116 1. 1 7 AD LEONEM c. 50 p. 144 1. 29. De Exhort. Cast. 12 p. m. ne non sint qui acclament, Christianis leonem! De Cam. Resur. 22 p. 56 1. 12 Kr. De Pat. 15 (?) 5 (?). Ad Scap. 3 fin. De Spectac. 21. 27 pr. quoted on p. 116 1. 12. 20 Arnob. I 26 p. 17 1. 8. Polycarpi mart. 12. Rufin. Hist. Eccl. VIII 7. Kaye 119. 111. Prudent. Cathemer. 157(1). [3, 162 ? A. S.] Vit. Cypr. 7 cum et suffragiis saepe repetitis ad leonem postularetur. Cypr. ep. 59 6 totiens ad leonem petitus,... his ipsis etiam diebus, quibus has ad te litter as fed ob sacrificia 25 quae edicto proposito celebrare populus iubebatur clamor e popu- larium ad leonem denuo postulatus in circo. Lamprid. Comm. 18 15 te salue delator -es ad leonem. Euseb. Hist. Eccl. iv 15 | 27 ravra Xe yoz Te? eirefiowv ical r^pa^rwv TOV aaidp ^rjv QiXlTTTTOV, r (va 7Ta(j)f} TW Tlo\VK(ip7r(f) \6OVTCL 6 Se 6<prj fJ/Y) 30 elvai e%ov avrw, 67T6t8^ TreTrXijpw/cei, ra icvvrjyeo-ia. Renan Les Evangiles 487. Hadrian ad calc. lustin. Apol. I p. 164 n. 4 Otto. Shouts of spectators at games in Hist. Aug. Scr. cf. Ferrar De Vett. Acclam. et Plausu VJi c. 18. Tatian 22 p. 161 a called the pantomime KaraSifca&fjievwv afpopprjv. 35 Euseb. Hist. Eccl. v 1 47 (at Lugudunum) oaoi jjuev ovv e&o/covv TroXireiav Pw/JLaicov ea^fcevai,, TOVTCOV aTrere/jive ra? K.e<j>a\d<$, TOU? Be XotTrou? eTrepTrev et? 07jpia. VIII 7 1 leopards, bears, boars, bulls. 2 turning on the heathen. p. 116 1. 19] APOLOGETICVS 40 405 cf. 3 4 5, a wild bull. Cf. Rufinus h. e. IX 6 pr. Spencer on Orig. Contr. Cels. in c. 30 p. 129 1. 9. omn. Comm. on Matt. 39 (iv 270 L., on Matt. 24 9). Aug. Contr. Faust, xxn 79 fin. TANTOS c. 1. c. 50 p. m. ORO cet. Arnob. I 3 sed pestilentias inquiunt, ( et sicci- 5 tates, bella, frugum inopiam, locustas, mures et grandines, resque alias noxias, quibus negotia incursantur humana, di nobis important iniuriis uestris atque offensionibus exasperati! si in rebus perspicuis et nullam desiderantibus defensionem non sioliditatis esset diutius immorari, ostenderem profecto replicatis 10 prioribus saeculis mala ista quae dicitis non esse incognita, non repentina... penuria, inquit, frugum et angustiae frumentariae artius nos habent! antiqua enim et uetustissima saecula neces- sitatis istius aliquando fuerunt expertia ?... difficiles pluuiae sata faciunt emori et sterilitatem indicunt terris! immunis 15 enim antiquitas malis ab his fuit ? cum etiam flumina cogno- uerimus ingentia limis inaruisse siccatis. pestilentiae contagia urunt genus humanum! annalium scriptores percurrite lingua- rum diuersitatibus scripta, uniuersas discetis gentes saepenumero desolatas et uiduatas suis esse cultoribus . . . terrarum ualidis- 20 simis motibus tremefactae nutant usque ad periculum ciuitates! quid ? hiatibus maximis interceptas urbes cum gentibus superiora tempora non uiderunt ?. .. c. 4 quando est liumanum genus aquarum diluuiis interemptum ? non ante nos ? quando mun- dus incensus in fauillas et cineres dissolutus est ? non ante nos ? 25 quando urbes amplissimae marinis coopertae sunt fluctibus ? non ante nos? Ill 40 feras. Jeremiah 44 15 19 (neglect of the queen of heaven). ORA vos cf. oro te Cic. Liu. Sen. Tert. De Exhort. Cast. 8 pr. Ad Vxor. I 3 a. m. 4 f. De Cor. Milit. 14 m. 30 ad nat. I 7 p. 68 1. 25 Wiss. II 4 p. 102 1. 2 Wiss. p. 116 1. 18 TIBERIVM c. 5 n. c. 21 pr. p. 66 1. 15 n. Adu. Marc. I 15 p. 309 1. 14 Kr. Adu. lud. 8. p. 116 1. 19 ORBEM ET VRBES earliest ex. Cic. Catil. I 9 urbis atque adeo orbis. 35 HIERAN cet. ad nat. I 9 p. 73 1. 15 Wiss. ubi tune Christiani, cum res Romana tot historias laborum suorum subministrauit ? ubi tune Christiani, cum Hierennape [1. Hiera, Napea or 406 TERTVLLIANI [p. 116 1. 19 Anaphe] et Delphos [1. Delos] et Rhodos et Cea insulae multis cum milibtis hominum pessum ierunt. Sibyll. iv 92 cf. A^Xo? a8rj\o$. Ammian. XVII 7 13 fiunt autem terrarum motus modis quattuor : aut enim brasmatiae sunt, qui humum more 5 aestus imitus suscitantes, sursum propellunt inmanissimas moles, ut in Asia Delos emersit, et Hiera et Anaphe et Rhodus, Ofiusa et Pelagia prioribus saeculis dictitata...aut chasmatiae qui grandiore mota patefactis subito uoratrinis, terrarum paries absorbent, ut in Atlantico mari, Europaeo orbe spatiosior insula. 10 Euseb. Chron. a. d. 7 in insula Co terrae motu plurima con- ciderunt. Plin. Hist. Nat. n c. 8 (?). 79 191. 88 203 sq. 89 204. On earthquakes De Pallio 2 cum inter insulas nulla iam Delos. p. 116 1. 20 DELON Herodot. vi 98 12. Thucyd. n 15 8 3. Seneca Nat. Quaest. VI 26 3. Dittenberger Sylloge Inscr. Gr. I 2 155. Bouche-Leclercq Divination II 22 1. On Rhodes Oros. iv 13 13. p. 116 1. 21 PLATO Amm. xvn 7 13. ad nat. I 9 p. 73 1. 19 Wiss. uel quam Plato memorat maiorem Asia aut Africa 20 in Atlantico mari mersam...cum terrae motu mare Corinthium ereptum est? cum totum orbem cataclysmus abolevit? Plin. Hist. Nat. II 90 205 in totum (mare) abstulit terras, primum omnium ubi Atlanticum mare est, si Platoni credimus, inmenso spatio. Arnob. I 5 pr ut ante milia annorum decem ab insula 25 quae perhibetur Atlantica Neptuni, sicut Plato demonstrat, magna erumperet uis hominum et innumeras funditus deleret aique exstingueret nationes, nos fuimus causa? De Pallio 2 a. m. aeon in Atlantico Libyam aut Asiam adaequans quaeritur nunc. [Aristot.] Mirab. Audition. 103 etc. Diodor. Sicul. xvm 30 5 2 sq. (?). MAIOREM ASIAE Drager I 494 (Apul. 5 exx.). Amm. xvi 12 (?). Passio Sanctorum iv coronatorum p. 333 n. 2. Ronsch 435. Archiv f. lat. Lex. vn 117129. Clem. Recogn. I 60. 66 f. ii 10. 53. 54 bis. 55. 56. 57 pr. in 58. 63. iv 15. v 19. 35 Rufin. Hist. Mon. 9. in Cant. II p. 390 L. irepl (ipx<*>v I 1 7. Dan. 13 4 uulg. Corippus lust, iv 30. Kopp on Capella 6 fin. p. 25. Hier. ep. 108 3. in Matt. 2. 11 11. Sidon. carm. 11 52 magnorum maior auorum (lexx. under prior). p. 1161. 28] APOLOGETICVS 40 407 [Stolz-Schmalz Lat. Gramm. 4 p. 385, Souter Study of Ambro- siaster p. 117. A. S.] p. 116 1. 22 CORINTHIVM Plin. Hist. Nat. n 92 206 Helicen et Buram sinus Corinthius (abstulit), quarum in alto uestigia apparent. Oros. ill 3 1. 5 p. 116 1. 23 vis VNDARVM cet. De Pallio 2 a. in. Italiae quondam lotus Hadria Tyrrhenoque quassantibus medio tenus interceptum reliquiae Siciliam facit, cum iota ilia plaga discidii contentiosos aequorum coitus angustiis retorquens, nouum uitium maris induit, non exspuentis naufragia sed deuorantis. La 10 Cerda on Aen. in 414-9 (^Vj-Q uenit medio ui pontus et undis Hesperium Siculo latus abscidit, aruaque et urbes litore diductas angusto interluit aestu) ann. in Niceph. Constant, [which ?] Lasaulx Studien p. 31 n. 109. 108. Strabo I 3 10 p. 82 Kr. vi 1 6 p. 410 Kr. Valer. Flac. I 589 cum flens Siculos 15 Oenotria fines \ perderet et mediis intrarent montibus undae. ABSCISS AM Strabo (cited above). Mela II 7 115. Sail. Hist. Fr. IV 26* (Maurenb. p. 168). The word Hor. Carm. I 3 21. Stat. Silu. in 2 61. Valer. Flac. n 615. Flor. n 8 9. p. 116 1. 24 INIVRIA c. 38 f. p. 110 1. 20. c. 44 pr. ad 20 nat. I 9 p. 73 1. 22 Wiss. ubi tune, non dicam conternptores deorum Ghristiani, sed ipsi dei uestri, quos clade ilia posteriores loca, oppida approbant, in quibus nati morati sepulti sunt, etiam quae condiderunt? non alias enim superfuissent ad hodiemum nisi postuma cladis illius. 25 p. 116 1. 25 NON DICAM c. 4 pr. = ad nat. I 9 p. 73 1. 23 Wiss. Apol. c. 43 f. bis. p. 116 1. 26 DEORVM CONTEMPTORES contemptor diuom Mezentius Verg. Aen. VII 648. superum Ou. ad nat. I 9 ter. 10 p. 75 1. 6 Wiss. (i 9 cited above). Arnob. I 30. 30 p. 116 1. 27 CATACLYSMVS ad nat. I 9 p. 73 1. 22 Wiss. II 12 p. 120 1. 15 Wiss. De Cult. Fern. I 3 ter. Ad Scap. 3 pr. Adu. Marc, iv 3 p. 428 1. 14 Kr. Adu. lud. 8 a. m. Cypr. append. 56 15 18 (Ad Nouatian. c. 4 fin. 5 pr.). Lact. Diu. Instt. II 10 10 11. id. De Ira 23 4. First in Varro. 35 PLATO Legg. p. 677. Tert. De Pallio 2 a. m. cupientes Platoni probare etiam ardua fluitasse. p. 116 1. 28 CAMPESTRE in Tac. and Plin. Hist. Nat. plur. -ia. 408 TERTVLLIANI [p. 116 1. 29- p. 116 1. 29 MORTVI c. 12 pr. p. 42 1. 33 n. Cf. c. 10. c. 11 pr. Arnob. I 37. iv 29 Hildebr. p. 116 1. 30 ALIAS = aliter Lewis and Short n. 5. De Idolol. 1 p. 31 1. 10 Wiss. [See Thes. alias, in. A. S.] 5 IN HODIERNVM De Idolol. 3 pr. GIL vm 105*70. ad hod. ad nat. I 9 p. 73 1. 26 Wiss. Scorp. 7 f. p. 160 1. 5 Wiss. p. 116 11. 30 1 c. 10 fin. etiam louem ostendemus tarn homi- nem quam ex homine et deinceps totum generis examen tarn mortale quam seminis sui par. 10 p. 116 1. 31 POSTVMAE c. gen. ad nat. I 9 (a parallel ch.) p. 73 1. 26 Wiss. non alias enim stcperfuissent ad hodiernum, nisi postuma cladis illius. p. 116 1. 32 EXAMEN hence Lact. iv 10 14 postea uero cum in deserta quadam parte Syriae consedissent, amiserunt i^uetus nomen Hebraei : et quoniam princeps examinis eorum ludas erat, ludaei smit appellati. supr. c. 10 fin. cf. Hor. ep. I 19 23 dux regit examen. SECTAE c. 21 pr. n. (p. 66 1. 14). ad nat. I 10 p. 76 1. 9 Wiss. habetis igitur in maioribus uestris, etsi non nomen, attamen 20 sectam Ghristianam, quae deos neglegit. Mimic. 40 2. Prudent Contr. Syram. II 93. 96. Apoth. praef. n 1. Lact. De Opif. 1 p. 116 1. 34 IGNEVS IMBER Paulin. Nol. c. 23 221. Rufin. Hist. Eccl. I 1 p. 13 population ignei imbris. SIQVA cet. Pseudo-Cypr. De Sodoma 134 8 semiperempta 25 etiam siqua illic iugera laetas \ autumni conantur opes, facile optima sese \ promittunt oculis pira persica et omnia mela, \ donee carpantur: nam protinus indice tacta \ soluitur in cinerem uacui fallacia pomi. Tac. Hist, v 7 hand procul inde campi qitos ferunt olim uberes magnisque urbibus habitatos ful- 30 m,inum iactu arsisse, et manere uestigia terramque ipsam, specie torridam, uim frugiferam perdidisse. nam cuncta sponte edita aut manu sata, sine herba tenus aut flore, sen solitam in speciem adoleuere, atra et inania uelut in cinerem uanescunt. loseph. De Bell. lud. IV 8 4 TJTIS earl Tri/cpa jjLev...Kai a i yovos... f yeLTVia 35 8e j] SoSoyiuTt? avrfj, iraKat, fjuev evSai/jicov yrj Kapirwv re evefca /cal rr}? Kara TroXet? 7repiov<Jias, vvv 8e KKav/j,6vr) Traaa <^aa\ Se &)? C aa-efSeiav ol/crjropcov icepavvols Kare(f)\e<yr) ecrrt yovv TL Xeityava rov 6eiov Trvpos, /cal irevre j^ev iro\ewv ISeiv a/ads, p. 1181. 10] APOLOGETICVS 40 409 ert, 8e KCLV rot? /ca/OTrot? (TTro&iav dvayevvw/jLevriv, oi ^poav fikv eyovdi rot? eSto&ifjiois ofMoiav ^p^afjiivwv Be %palv et? KCUTTVQV dva\vovrai teal refypav. Prudent. Hamartigen. 725 sq. Tert. De Pallio 2 m. aspice ad Palaestinam, qua lordanis amnis Jinium arbiter: uastitas ingens et orba regio et frustra ager et 5 urbes retro et populi frequentes . . .dehinc ut deus censor est, impietas ignium meruit imbres: hactenus Sodoma, et nulla Gomorra, et cinis omnia, et propinquitas maris iuxta cum solo mortem Mbit. Aug. De Ciu. Dei xxi 8 p. m. (n 2 507 1 D.). Solin. 48. 10 p. 118 1. 1 OCVLIS TENVS Adu. Marc. I 24 p. 323 1. 22 Kr. anima tenus. (Oehler ad loc. pp. 75 6.) p. 118 1. 2 CINERESCVNT Fulgent. Mytholog. Gael. Aurelian [see Thes. and add now Laber. (?) in inscr., Not. Scavi, 1912, p. 87. A. S.]. 15 p. 118 1. 3 VVLSINIOS De Pallio 2m. ex huiuscemodi nubilo et Tuscia Vulsinios [pristinos] deusta, quo magis de montibas suis Campania speret, erepta Pompeios. Gataker on Antonin. IV 48 think... how many cities are entirely dead, so to speak, Helice and Pompeii and Herclanum and others innumerable! 20 p. 118 1. 4 cf. Ambr. ep. 18, 4 sq. Aug. C. D. II 8. in 17. 31. p. 118 1. 6 MODIO Otto Sprichworter 225. Funck in Archiv f. lat. Lex. vin 406. luu. 3 220 hie modium argenti. 10 1656 n. Aug. De Ciu. Dei in 19. Oros. iv 16 5. Hor. 25 Sat. I 1 95 dines, ut metiretur nummos. Cornm. in hon. Momms. 340. Hemst. on Luc. Dial. Mort. 12 2. p. 118 1. 7 SENONES luu. 8 234 n. Oros. n 19 5. Aug. De Ciu. Dei II 22 asks were the gods asleep. p. 118 1. 8 BENE QVOD c. 7 p. 26 1. 30 n. c. 24 p. 86 1. 13. 30 Apul. Metam. m 25. VI 8 f. x 14 fin. Paulin. Nol. Carm.24 15. ep. 32 2. p. 118 11. 8 9 c. 25 f. p. 90 1. 8 bella et uictoriae captis et euersis plurimum urbibus constant id negotium sine deorum iniuria non est. eaedem strages moenium et templorum, pares 35 caedes ciuium et sacerdotum. p. 118 1. 10 IPSIS EVENIT c. 25 p. 90 1. 10 cf. 86 1. 30 Mart, (where ?). Lightning Arnob. in 23 Vulcan. 410 TERTVLLIANI [p. 118 1. 10- HVMANA GENS = genus so Cic. De Finib. v 65. Hor. Carm. I 3 26. p. 118 1. 11 INOFFICIOSA c. gen. as reus and ingratus below. p. 118 1. 12 EX PARTE De Fug. in Persec. 3 pr. Cic. Liu. 5 p. 118 1. 13 DEHINC c. 41 n. TNNOCENTIAE MAGISTRVM c. 45 pr. innocentiam a deo edocti et perfects earn nouimus ut a perfecto magistro reuelatam et fideliter custodimus, ut ab inconteinptibili dispectore mandatatn. p. 118 1. 14 NOCENTIAE Adu. Marc, n 13 p. 353 1. 14 Kr. 10 quomodo innocentiae mercedem secter, si non et nocentiae spectem ? (no other ex. cited), no other known to me. EXACTOREM De Spectac. 2 p. 4 1. 4 Wiss. deus exactor innocentiae. Adu. Marc, u 13 p. 353 1. 7 Kr. quis boni auctor, nisi qui et exactor? La Cerda cites Greg. Nyss. Or. Funebr. 15 Placillae (Migne P. G. XLVI 888) rov SiwvefCT] (f)opo\6jov, rrjv jaarepa \ya). p. 118 1. 15 SEQVEBATVR infr. c. 41 p. 120 1. 19 n. ad nat. I 7 p. 68 1. 24 Wiss. 15 pr. p. 118 1. 19 c. 5 pr. Tiberius ergo, cuius tempore nomen 20 Ghristianum in saeculum introiuit. p. 118 1. 22 INGRATA c. gen. Adu. Marc. II 24 p. 24 1. 11 Kr. beneficii. m 24 p. 422 1. 1 Kr. promissionis [cf. on p. 118 1. 11. A. S.]. ET TAMEN cet. Arnob. I 5 pr. quamquam ista quae dicitis 25 bella religionis nostrae ob inuidiam commoueri, non sit difficile comprobare post auditum Christum in mundo non tantum non aucta, uerum etiam maiore de parte furiarum compressionibus imminuta. Aug. C. D. in 20, of Saguntum. The world s decay ascribed to the Christians. Lasaulx 34 n. 120. 30 p. 118 1. 24 DEPRECATORES Caes. Cic. Liu. Tac. Cypr. ep. 11 (al. 8) 5 p. 499, 1. 18 H. [also ep. 55 18 p. 637 1. 7 H. See also Thes. A. S.]. p. 118 1. 25 Ashton quotes Sen. Quaest. Nat. in 27 1 elisa aestate hiems pertinax inmensam uim aquarum ruptis nubibus 35 eiciat. Cf. Ambr. ep. 18 17. p. 118 1. 27 LVPANARIBVS Plaut. Catull. Quintil. luu. add Sen. Contr. I 2 14. 30 13 14. Valer. Maxim, ix 1 8. Sen. Nat. Quaest. I 16 6. Quintil. v 10 39. vn 3 9 10. p. 118 U. 301] APOLOGETICVS 40 411 Suet. Tiber. 58. Calig. 41. Apul. Metam. vn 9. 10. x 21. Rufin. Hist. Eccl. vin 12 p. 487 f. p. 118 1. 28 etc. c. 24 med. colat alias deum, alius louem, alius ad caelum supplices manus tendat, alius ad aram Fidei, alius, si hoc putatis, nubes numeret orans, alius lacunaria. 5 Marquardt ill 2 262 n. 3. AQVILICIA only h. 1. and Festus p. 2 M. [see Thes. and Lindsay, who spell aquaelicium. A.S.] : at Carthage c. 23 p. 80 1. 8 ista ipsa Virgo Caelestis pluuiarum pollicitatrix. Hor. Carm. Saec. 31 32 nutriant fetus et aquae salubres \ et 10 louis aurae. epist. n 1 132 5 castis cum pueris ignara puella mariti \ disceret unde preces, uatem ni Musa dedisset? \ poscit opem chorus et praesentia numina sentit; \ caelestes implored aquas docta prece blandus. Frazer on Paus. I 32 2 (11 426). NVDIPEDALIA I)e leiun. 16 p. 295 1. 24 Wiss. cited by 15 Oehler. Hier. Suet. Aug. 100 f. Gas. primores discincti pedi- busque nudis. Petron. 44 nemo enim caelum caelum patat, nemo ieiunium seruat,nemo louem pilifacit,sed omnes opertis oculis bona sua computant. antea stolatae ibant nudis pedibus in cliuum ) passis capillis, mentibus puris, et louem aquam exorabant. itaque 20 statim urceatim plouebat: aut tune aut numquam: et omnes redi- bant udi tamquam mures. luu. 6 159 160 obseruant ubi festa mero pede sabbata reges et ue.tus indulget senibus dementia porcis. 524 6 inde superbi totum regis agrum nuda ac tremebunda cruentis erepet genibus. Joseph. Bell. lud. II 15 1 BepeviKT} 25 <yfAt^O7rou? re Trpb TOV {3r)/JL(iTOS t/ce refcre TOV <&\u)pov, lam- blich. Vit. Pythagor. 51. 85 Oveiv ^prj dvwjro&eTov /cal Trpo? rd ipd irpovievdi. inter symbola Pythag. nudis pedibus rem sacram facito et adorato. Zockler Gesch. d. Askese 92 sq. Clem. Alex. Strom, v 8 56. Knobel cet. on Exod. 3 5 (lustin. 30 Apol. I 62 p. 95 a attributes the heathen practice to an imitation of Moses). Ou. Metam. vu 182 of Medea, egreditwr tectis uestes induta recinctas, nuda pedem, nudis umeris infusa capil- los. Fasti vi 397 hue pede matronam uidi descendere nudo. Flor. I 13 (=1 7) 12 uirgines simid ex sacerdotio Vestae nudo 35 pede fugientia sacra comitantur. Cobet Collectan. 330. Preller Rom. Mythol. 173. 313. Lasaulx Studien 295 78. p. 118 11. 301 Cf. supr. 5 ad fin. ad Scap. 4. 412 TERTVLLIANI [p. 118 1. 31 p. H8 1. 31 IEIVNIIS ARIDI De leiun. 1 p. 275 1. 1 Wiss. arguunt nos, quod ieiunia propria custodiamus, quod stationes plerumque in uesperam producamus, quod etiam xerophagias obseruemus, siccantes cibum ab omni came et omni iurulentia et 5 imidioribus quibusque pomis, nee quid uinositatis uel edamus uel potemus; lauacri quoque abstinentiam, congruentem arido uictui. 13 p. 291 ]. 27 Wiss. bene autem, quod et episcopi uniuersae plebi mandare ieiunia adsolent, -non dico de industria stipium conferen- darum, ut uestrae capturae est, sed interdum et ex aliqua 10 sollicitudinis ecclesiasticae causa, itaque si et ex hominis edicto et in unum omnes Taireivo^pov^cnv agitatis, quomodo in nobis ipsam quoque unitatem ieiunationum et xerophagiarum et statio- num denotatis? 15 p. 294 1. 7 Wiss. esca nos deo non com- mendat [= 1 Cor. 8. 8. A.S.] non ut de arida dictum putes, sed i 5 potius de uncta et accurata. ad Scap. 4 (p. 549, 1. 1) quando non geniculationibus et ieiunationibus nostris etiam siccitates sunt depulsae? Cypr. ep. 11 pr. 1 admoneo...relligiosam sollicitudinem uestram ut ad placandum atque exorandum deum non uoce sola sed et ieiuniis et lacrimis et omni genere depre- 20 cationis ingemescamus. 60 5 hortamur...ut, quoniam...admo- nemur appropinquare iam certaminis et agonis nostri diem, ieiuniis uigiliis orationibus insistere cum omni plebe non desi- namus. Bailey Rituale Anglo-Oath. 756 (tempest), 89 (fruits of the earth), 94 (for rain), 967 (prayer in dearth). 25 EXPRESSI ? shrunk, shrivelled, pinched. Greg. Naz. Or. 1 in Julian. 7 (Migne P. G. XXXV 593 a ) opas rou? a/3tW TOVTOV? /cal aveariovs Kal acrdpicovs pifcpov KOL avai^ova^, Kai 6eu> Kara rovro p. 118 1. 32 IN SACCO ET CINERE De Paenitent. 11 pr. deuer- 30 sari in asperitudine sacci. ib. 9 de ipso quoque habitu atque uictu mandat sacco et cineri incubare, corpus sordibus obscurare, animum maeroribus deicere. De Patient. 13 p. 20 1. 9 Kr. in primis adflictatio carnis,...cum sordes cum angustia uictus domino libat, contenta simplici pabulo puroque aquae potu, cum 35 ieiunia coniungit, cum cineri et sacco inolescit. De leiun. 16 p. 295 1. 26 Wiss. saccis uelati et cinere conspersi idolis suis inediam (inuidiam cod.) supplicem obiciimt. Cedren. p. 300 of the emperor eV o-d/c/cfo /cal <T7roSa>. Ambr. [rather Niceta. A. S.] p. 120 1. 3] APOLOGETICVS 40, 41 413 De Lapsu Virg. 8 35 totum corpus incuria et ieiuniis mace- retur, cinere adspersum et opertum cilicio perhorrescat, quia male sibi de pulchritudine placuit. Maxim. Taurin. Horn, de Litaniis [= Migne, P. L. LVII 459 b . A.S.]. Hier. epist. 77 4 (i p. 455 d ). Ruric. ep. 21 ut deponant saeculi byrrum et 5 sumant ecclesiae uestimentum, quod est cilicium, contritionis indicium. Greg. Naz. Or. 1 [= 2 59, Migne, P. G. xxxv 469 ab . R. W.] eV (77roBa) Kal craicicois KOI \iav raTreivws Kara 7779 eppi/j,- pevovs. Concil. Mogunt. can. 4. Herald. Digressionum 1. n c. 4 (ad calc. Apol. 275 sq.). Bingham xvin 2 2. Sidon. ep. v 14 10 Mamercus established rogations: erant quidem prius...oscita- bundae supplicationes ) ...maxime aut imbres, aut serenitatem deprecaturae. Cyprian. Ad Demetrian. 20 p. 365 1. 23 H. et tamen pro arcendis hostibus et imbribus impetrandis et uel auferendis uel temperandis aduersis rogamus semper et preces 15 fundimus. Euseb. Hist. Eccl. V c. 28 12 evSvvdpevov a-dtcKov KCLI cnroSbv KaTCUiraaa^evov. INVIDIA De leiun. 16 p. 295 1. 25 Wiss. apud quasdam uero colonias praeterea annuo ritu (then as cited on 1. 32) cf. Oehler (from La Cerda). De Orat. 5 p. 184 1. 12 Wiss. 20 clamant ad dominum inuidia animae martyrum sub altari. De Fug. in Persec. 10 f. siperire me uolet, ipse me perdat, dum me ego seruo illi. malo inuidiam eifacereper uoluntatem ipsius per e undo, quam bilem per meam euadendo. Stat. Silu. v 5 77 78 nonne horridus ipsos inuidia superos iniustaque Tartara pulsem 1 25 Pseudo-Cypr. Sodom. 21 2 pulsabant caelum inuidia, conubia mixta incestu parili. luu. 15 123 n. Heraldus cites bvvwjrrjo-ai 6e6v from Joseph. A. J. xn 4 (cf. Greg. Naz.). inuidiam facer e: Oehler on Tert. De Orat. 5 (cited above). Adu. Marc, n 9 fin. Herald, on Arnob. iv p. 180. [Mayor s own note on Pliri. 30 epist. m 4 7. A.S.] p. 120 1. 1 EXTOESERIMVS wrung. CAP. XLI p. 120 1. 3 vos Cyprian. Ad Demetrian. 5 non enim, sicut tua falsa querimoma et inperitia ueritatis ignara iactat et clamitat, ista accidunt, quod di uestri a nobis non colantur, sed 35 414 TERTVLLIANI [p. 120 1. 3 quod a uobis non colatur deus...utique quando ea fiunt quae iram dei indignantis ostendunt non propter nos fiunt a quibus deus colitur, sed delictis et meritis uestris inrogantur, a quibus deus omnino nee quaeritur nee timetur. Arnob. I 2 efficietur 5 enim profecto rationum consequentium copulatu, ut non impii nos magis sed illi ipsi reperiantur criminis istius rei, qui se numinum profitentur esse cultores atque inueteratis religionibus deditos* Lact. v 8 5 discite igitur (si quid uobis reliquae mentis est) homines ideo malos et iniustos esse, quia di coluntur, 10 et ideo mala omnia rebus humanis cotidie ingrauescere, quia deus huius mundi effector et gubernator relictus est, quia susceptae sunt contra quam fas est, impiae religiones, postremo quia ne coli quidem uel a paucis deum sinitis. 11 uniuersa igitur mala, quibus humanum genus se ipsa conficit, iniustus J 5 atque impius deorum cultus induocit ; nee enim poterant retinere pietatem qui communem omnium patrem deum tamquam pro- digi ac rebelles liberi abnegassent. cf. 8. Maximin in Euseb. Hist. Eccl. ix 7 8 11 ascribes misfortunes to the spread, prosperity to the downfall of Christianity. Euseb. c. 8 20 confutes him. Aug. De Ciu. Dei v 22. Zeno Veronensis Sermo de lob (ed. Ballerini, Veron. 1739, p. 190) scidit uestimenta sua, non ut deo inuidiam faceret cet. p. 120 1. 4 INLICES De Paenit. 9 conuersationem mise- ricordiae inlicem. Paulin. Nol. ep. 40 9. 41 2. carm. 24 719. 25 25 119. Plaut. Apul. Prudent. p. 120 1. 5 Cf. 22 fin. p. 78 ut numina lapides crederentur ut deus uerus non quaereretur. p. 120 1. 7 Arnob. n 76. Aug. De Ciu. Dei I 29. p. 120 11. 810 Holden on Minuc. 12 2. Otto on lustin. 30 Apol. ii 5 pr. Cels. in Orig. vni 69. Arnob. II 76 pr. Orelli. Euseb. Hist. Eccl. v 2 5. D. E. x 8. Clem. Alex. Strom, iv cc. 11. 12 pp. 599. 600 P. Lact. v 22. Gaudent. Praef. ad Beneu. pp. 46. 47. p. 120 1. 9 REPERCVTERE c. 15 fin. De Idolol. 5 p. 34 35 1. 16 Wiss. De Pudic. 7 p. 231 1. 5 Wiss. with Oehler s n. (Adu. Hermog. 12 p. 139 1. 20 Kr. De Anim. 23 fin. in Hau.) Adu. Marc. I 9 pr. Plin. h. n. Quintil. p. 120 1. 11 RETORQVEBITIS (Apul. Metam. vn 20. lustin. p. 120 1. 24J APOLOGETICVS 41 415 dig.) ad nat. I 14 p. 84 1. 21 Wiss. De Cor. Milit. 2 fin. male- dictum De Idolol. 21 p. 55 1. 10 Wiss. with cur ad nat. I 5 p. 65 1. 26 f. Wiss. with inf. ib. I 10 p. 79 1. 21 Wiss. p. 120 1. 12 NON PRAECIPITAT Aug. (where ?) God is patient, because eternal. Lact. De Ira Dei 20. Aug. De Ciu. Dei i 8. 5 Lucan II 106. v 795. vn 52, 353 in Havercamp. cf. Apul. Me tarn. IX 1 pr. consilium. DISCRETIONEM cf. Aug. De Ciu. Dei xvm 54. p. 120 1. 15 Arnob. I 22. in 24. p. 120 1. 19 SEQVITVR VT c. 40 p. 118 1. 15 [n. A.S.]. 10 si FORTE c. 38 fin. c. 43 pr. p. 120 1. 21 cf. Arnob. II 76. Kaye 133 sq. p. 120 1. 22 EXCEDERE De Spectac. 28 fin. non possumas uiuere sine uoluptate, qui mori cum uoluptate debemus. nam quod est aliud uotum nostrum, quam quod et apostoli, exire de 15 saeculo et recipi apud dominam? hie uoluptas, ubi et uotum. De Orat. 5 p. 184 1. 5 W 7 iss. si ad dei uoluntatein et ad nostram siispensionem pertinet regni dominici repraesentatio, quomodo quidam pertractum quendam in saeculo postulant, cum regnum dei, quod ut adueniat oramus, ad consummationem saeculi 20 tendat ? optamus maturius regnare et non diutius seruire. De Patient. 9 fin. cupio, inquit apostoltis, recipi iam et esse cum domino [= Phil. 1. 23. A. S.]. quanto melius ostendit uotum ? Chnstianorum ergo uotum, si alios consecutos impatienter dolemus, ipsi consequi nolumus. De Idolol. 12 p. 43 1. 25 2 5 Wiss. 24 p. 57 1. 21 Wiss. DEHINC so c. 40 p. 118 1. 13 primo...dehinc. So in Sail. Verg. Sen. Suet. p. 120 1. 24 LAETAMVR cet. supr. c. 31 fin. cum enim concu- titur imperium,...utique et nos...in aliquo loco casus inuenimur. 30 c. 20 quicquid agitur, praenuntiabatur cet. The same answer (fulfilment of prophecy) in Clem. Alex. Strom, iv 11 8082. Woodham cites Cypr. De Mortal. 2 fiunt ecce quae dicta sunt et quando fiunt quae ante praedicta sunt sequentur et quae- cumque promissa sunt cet. Ad Demetrian. 4. cf. the whole 35 tract. 416 TERTVLLIANI [p. 120 1. 31 CAP. XLII p. 120 11. 31 ff. cf. supra c. 37 p. 108. 11. 2829 n. Neander (where ?). Blunt First Three Centuries 149 priests and lawyers. 150 soldiers. 150 teachers. 150-1 all who lived by the games (Apost. Const, vin 32). 151-2 temples (architects, builders, 5 artists). Blunt Right Use 257-8 (from Tert. De Idolol. 17 p. 50 1. 14 Wiss. magistrates) 291-2. Zeller Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. 1891 356367 interprets (correcting his Vortrage n 195) the Christians odium humani generis (Tac. Ann. XV 44) pi<Tav0pa>7ria, also nicht ein zu Verbrechen geneigter 10 Menscherihass, sondern weltfluchtiger Menschenscheu. omn. Ep. Ad Diognet. 5 1 sq. cited on p. 122 1. 1. Minuc. 8 4 latebrosa et lucifuga natio, in publico muta, in angulis garrula. lustin. Apol. I 11 12. Orig. Contr. Cels. vni 73. TITVLO c. 39 f. 44. 15 p. 120 1. 32 Kaye 122. Suet. Dom. 15 (Flauius Clemens) contemptissimae inertiae. Philostrat. Vit. Apollon. v 33 p. 216. De Cult. Fern, n 11 med. ac si necessitous amicitiarum officio- rumque gentilium uos uocat, cur non uestris armis indutae procedatisl tanto magis, quanto ad extraneas fidei? ut sit 20 inter dei ancillas et diaboli discrimen, ut exemplo sitis illis. Clem. Alex. Paedag. Ill 78 f. p. 299 P. e foi/ Se aKpodaOai ^v <ro<ia? 6eltcr]S, a\\a ical Tro\iTevaaa6ai e foi/, d\\a teal ra ev KOO-IJLM, /eo0>u &&gt;9 Kara 6eov aTrdyeiv ov KK(t)\vrai,. infructuosi lit. Colum. trop. infra hoc cap. et 43. Sen. rhet. Tac. Plin. ep. 25 Hier. Adu. Heluid. I (II 205). Paulin. Nol. ep. 10 2. 21 5 p. in. 34 1. 43 4 f. Philastr. Haer. 49. Rufin. Hist. Eccl. v 3 p. 259. Iren. IV 17 5. 36 4. [Aug. very often. A. S.] Migne LII 496 d . 497 ab . 703 b . 704. 710 C . 719 b . 750 C . p. 120 1. 33 INSTBVCTVS c. 6 p. 22 1. 33. De Anim. 19 30 p. 330 1. 12 Wiss. (anima) quam dicimus cum omni instructu suo nasci. 32 p. 353 1. 27 Wiss. Exod. 12 37 ap. Aug. Qu. in Hept. II 47 pr. [= aTroovceur?. A. S.]. Oros. II 14 18. IV 6 24. v 4 3. 6 3. 14 1. Symm.ep. v 11. 20(19) 2. Ronsch p. 315 (once in Cic.). Cassian. Inst. v 37 tit. de traditis 35 n-obis ab abbate Archibio cum instructu suo cellis. Apul. Metam. xi 30. Seru. Aen. v 402. Paulin. Nol. ep. 3. 3. p. 122 1. 1] APOLOGETICVS 42 417 [ = Paul. Nol. ap. Aug. epist. 24 3. A. S.] Cf. De Idolol. 13 p. 44 1. 12 Wiss. de hoc quidem primo consistam, an cum ipsis quoque nationibus communicare in huiusmodi seruus dei debeat, sine habitu, sine uictu, uel quo alio genere laetitiae earum. D p. 120 1. 34 No monks at this time. Kaye 356. BRACHMANAE Philostr. Vit. Apollon. in c. 10 ff. [Other references in the index to Phillimore s translation, vol. n (Oxford 1912) p. 285. A. S.] Eus. c. Hierocl. 17 p. 443. Sid. ep. vin 3 p. 489 Savaro. Aug. De Ciu. Dei iv 16. Tert. 10 Adu. Marc. I 13 p. 307 1. 15 Kr. Theodoret Graec. Affect. Curat. i 25 p. 8 1. 2. v 58 p. 79 1. 40. xn 44 p. 172 1. 15. Apul. flor. 15 p. 56. Plin. vi 64. Prud. Hamart. 403. Diod. Sic. xvii 102 fin. Strabo xvn p. 703 etc. Porphyr. De Abst. iv c. 17. V. M. (1 ex.). [add Ps.-Ambrose De Moribus 15 Brachmanorum (Migne P. L. xvn 11671184) and exx. in Thes. s.v. Bragmani. A.S.] p. 122 1. 1 GYMNOSOPHISTAE De Idolol. 14 p. 46 1. 10 Wiss. si non prohibet nos conuersari cum idololatris et adulteris et ceteris criminosis, dicens, Ceterum de mundo exiretis, non utique 20 eas habenas conuersationis immittit, ut, quoniam necesse est et conuiuere nos et commisceri cum peccatoribus, idem et com- peccare possimus. ubi est commerciurn uitae, quod apostolus concedit, ibi** peccare, quod nemo permittit. licet conuiuere cum ethnicis, commori non licet conuiuamus cum omnibus, 25 conlaetemur ex communione naturae, non super stitionis. pares anima sumus, non disciplina, compossessores mundi, non erroris. Clem. Alex. Strom. I c. 15 71 fin. Ill 7 60 oure Se 01 ryv/jLvo(TO(f)i(TTal ov6 ol \<yo/j,voi (re/Aval yvvaigl xpwvrai (ex- sules vitae). On the charge of unsociable seclusion Ep. ad 30 Diogn. 5 pr. Xpurriavol yap ovre 717 ovre (fxovfj ovre edeai TWV \OLTTWV eiaiv dvOputTrwv: ovre yap TTOV KaroiKovaiv ovre &La\eicrw riv\ 7rapr)\\ay/jLvrj , ovre ftLov Trapda-rj/uiov <\CFKOVGIV . . . KaroLKovvres 8e fcSa? re /cal ffapftdpovs, ro<? /cacrros K\i)pa>6r), 35 /cal rot? eyxcopiois eOecriv dico\ov6ovvTS, ev re ctrQvjn real Siairr] /cal rco \OITTO) /3tco, 6 av i^acrrrjv KOL 6/jLO\oyovfjLei>(i)<> evSeitcvvvrai rrjv /cardaraaiv rfjs eavrwv TTO\L- M. T. 418 TERTVLLIANI [p. 122 1. 1- reias. TraTptSas ol/covaiv ISias, AA, OK irdpoiKoi. Trdvrwv &)? TroXlrai /cal TrdvO* inrofjievovo iv oo? %i>r) TraTpis eaTLV dVTwv. . .eVl 777? SidTpiftovcnv , a\J)C ev ovpavai) TroXirevovTCLi TreiOovTdi rot? wpKT^Levoi^ VO/JLOL^, teal 5 rot? t$<H9 /3toi? vitctocn TOI>? VO/JLOVS. dyaTrwai, Trdvras xal VTTO Trdvrwv Sicofcovrai. Aug. De Ciu. Dei XIX 19 says that converts make no change in non-essentials. EXSVLES ad nat. I 8 p. 71 1. 23 Wiss. exsules uocis huruanae. So Ou. in lex. exsul mentisque domusque. Publil. Syr. ciconia 10 auis exsul hiemis. p. 122 1. 2 GRATIAM Bailey Rituale Anglo-Cath. 105-6 (general thanksgiving). p. 122 1. 5 BALNEIS Clem. Alex. Paedag. in 9 (Harnack Texte vni 4 56). 15 STABVLIS Petron. Plin. ep. Mart. Suet. Vitell. 7. Apul. Metam. I 4 fin. 15 pr. 21 pr. X 1. p. 122 1. 6 COHABITAMVS Hier. Aug. los. Ant. i 3 p. 4 p. m. (Bas. 1524). Cone. Garth. 3 c. 17. Rufin. Hist. Eccl. VII 26 p. 444 [see Thes. A. S.]. 20 p. 122 1. 7 MILITAMVS c. 37 p. 108 1. 11. 38. 46. Kaye 344. Blunt Right Use 253-4. Yet he says De Idolol. 19 at nunc de isto quaeritur, an fidelis ad militiam conuerti possit, et an militia ad jidem admitti, etiam caligata uel inferior quaeqne, cui non sit necessitas immolationum uel capitalium 25 iudiciorum, non conuenit sacramento diuino et humano, signo Christi et signo diaboli, castris lucis et castris tenebrarum ; non potest una anima duobus deberi, deo et Caesari. Cf. De Cor. Milit. 11, where he draws a distinction between a Christian enlisting and a soldier converted. 11 fin. puta denique licere 30 militiam usque ad causam coronae. Lactant. v 17 12 13. VI 20 16 ita neqae militare iusto licebit, cuius militia est ipsa itistitia. v 10 10 dicet hie aliquis quae ergo aut ubi aut qualis est pietas? nimirum apud eos, qui belia nesciunt. Grotius De lure Belli et Pacis i 2 9 10. Cf. Acta Maxi- 35 miliani (Ruinart p. 309 sq.) c. 1 mihi non licet militare, quia Ghristianus sum. Neumann I 115 n. 8. 127 n. 10. 241 n. 1. 240. Orig. Contr. Cels. vm 73 p. 220 L. Constit. Apost. vni 32 allowed soldiers to be baptized, provided they would p. 122 1. 15] APOLOGETICVS 42 419 promise to abstain from violence, from false accusation and to be content with their wages [Cf. Luke 3 14. A.S.] Tert. De Patient. 7 fin. p. 12, 1. 24 Kr Gentiles prefer gain to their soul, cum...ludo et castris sese locant. Euseb. (Hist. Eccl. vili 4 3) thinks it matter for high commendation that Christian 5 soldiers under Diocletian suffered themselves to be turned out of the army rather than renounce their religion, and represents their station as very honourable and very lucrative. Soldiers Zahn Forschungen v 300. Aug. Ep. 1 28 ( ?). 1 89 4 iff. De Ciu. Dei I 21. 26. Cone. Arelat. (A.D. 314) can. 3 (Hefele i 2 Freib. 10 1873 p. 206). Paulin. ep. 18 7 S. Martin retires from service. RVSTICAMVR Cic. Colum. Sidon. p. 122 1. 8 QVOMODO...VIDEMVE, NGN scio : indie, cf. c. 21 p. 7423 n. 15 p. 122 1. 11 De Cult. Fein. II 11 pr. nam nee templa cir- cuitis nee spectacula postulatis nee festos dies gentilium nostis. DILVCVLO Plaut. Cic. Censorin. Fronto uulg. Suet. Vit. 15. Apul. Metam. in 25 f. iv 21. p. 122 1. 13 RIGERE ET PALLERE stiff and pale with the 20 bath in midwinter. Ennius Ann. frag. Ill (Baehrens) Tar- quinii corpus bona femina lauit et unxit. Greg. Horn. 39 (?), of his deceased sister, cumque corpus eius ex more mortuorum ad lauandum nudatum esset. Dial, ill 17 quern ex more lotum et uestimentis indutum. Acts 9 37 of Tabitha. Pet. Damian. 25 ep. 5. Nicet. Choniat. in Vit. Isaaci I 3. Greg. Turon. De Gloria Confess. I 4 (La Cerda). Herald. Digress. I 27 p. 253. Bingham xxm 3 3. p. 122 1. 15 LIBERALIBVS 17 March. De Idolol. 16 pr. togae purae. De Spectac. 5 p. 7 1. 5 Wiss. et cum promiscue ludi 30 Liberalia uocarentur, honorem Liberi patris manifeste sonabant. Liber o enim a rusticis primo fiebant ob beneficium quod ei adscribunt demonstrati gratia uini. Aug. De Ciu. Dei vn 21. Valer. Max. v 4 4. App. B. C. iv 30. SVPREMAM CENANTIBVS Woodham cites [after La Cerda 35 comm. on luu. 11 20 miscellanea ludi] Liu. xxvi 14. Tac. Ann. n 31, of Libo, ipsis quas in nouissimam uoluptatem adhibuerat epulis excruciatus, i.e. idtimam cenam. Herald, cites 27 2 420 TERTVLLIANI [p. 122 1. 15 Apul. IV 13 gladiatores isti famosae manus, uenatores illi probatae pernicitatis, alibi noxii perdita securitate suis epalis bestiarum saginas instruentes. Marquardt ill 2 561 n. 8. p. 122 1. 16 VBI VBI Ter. Eunuch. 295. 1042. Andr. 684. 5 Attius 425. Publil. 154. [Sail.]. Irmect. in Cic. I 1. Fronto p. 70 Naber. [Add Aug. ord. n 19 p. m. conf. IX 11. x 34. A. S.] CAPITI De Cor. Milit. 5 pr. haec [natura] prima praescribet coronam capiti non conuenire . . .utere itaque floribus uisu et 10 odoratu, quorum sensuum fructus fst...tam contra naturam est florem capite sectari, quam cibum aure, quam sonum nare. cf. 7 on its connexion with idolatry. p. 122 1. 17 CORONAM cet. cor. mil. 2 neminem dico fidelium coronam capite nosse alias extra tempus temptationis eiusmodi. 15 5, cited above. De Spectac. 18 f. nullus tibi coronarum usus est. Minuc. 12 6 non floribus caput nectitis. 38 2. 39 34 his enim [floribus] et sparsis utimur mollibus ac solutis et sertis colla complectimur. sane quod caput non coronamus, ignoscite. auram boni floris naribus ducere, non occipitio capillisue solemus 20 haurire. Holden ib. cites Lucian. Nigrin. 32 yridro rwv (TTeffravovjjLevtov, on /j,r) icraai rov crre^avov TOV TOTTOV el yap TOI, e</>?7, rfj TTvofj TWV Iwv re /cal pobcov ^aipovcnv, VTTO rfj pivl /jbciXicTTCi XP*)v CLVTOVS crre(f)cr0ai Trap* avrrjv co? olov re rr)V dva- Trvorjv, f iv ft)? 7r\eicrTov dveaTrcov TT)? 77^0^779. Cypr. De Lapsis 2 25 (p. 258 5 8). Cone. Illiber. c. 55. Clem. Alex, in Neumann I 114 n. 3 sq. e.g. Paedag. II 8 72 p. 213 P. are^avwv Be r^jCiv /cal /jbvpwv %prj<ri,<> ov/c dvayfcaia* el~OKei\ei yap e/? r)So vas real paQvuias. eipyovrai, roivvv o-refyavwv ol TO> \6y(t) TraiSayw- yovfjuevoi. Kaye 362-6. Bingham xvi 4 8. xxm 3 9. 30 p. 122 1. 20 NOVIMVS De Paenitent. 9 pastum et potum pura nosse, non uentris scilicet, sed animae causa. VIDERINT c. 25 p. 86 1. 31 n. De Spectac. 15 pr. De Idolol. 7 fin. 11 p. 41 1. 20 Wiss. Adu. Prax. 1 p. 227 1. 16 Kr. De Patient. 16 p. 24 1. 5 Kr. Minuc. 39 7. ind. 35 Cypr. Pseudo-Cypr. p. 294 (= Sodoma, CSEL xxm p. 218) 1. 112. SPECTAC VLIS cf. c. 38 p. 110 1. 14 sq. De Spect. 24 p. 24 1. 19 Wiss. atquin hinc uel maxime intellegunt factum p. 122 1. 24] APOLOGETICVS 42 421 Christianum, de repudio spectacular urn. cf. c. 1. 2. 19. Clem. Alex. Paedag. in c. 11 76 77 p. 298. Minuc. 12 5. 37 11. Neumann I 130 n. 9. p. 122 1. 21 Blunt Right Use 361. p. 122 1. 22 Kaye 360-1 (trades forbidden to Christians in 5 the De Idolol). TVRA De Idolol. 11 p. 42 1. 21 Wiss. (cf. Neumann I 135) quo ore Christian us turarius, si per templa transibit, quo ore fumantes aras despuet et exsufflabit, quibus ipse prospeocit ? De Cor. Milit. 10 m. et si me odor alicuius loci off en- 10 derit, Arabiae aliquid incendo ; sed non eodem ritu nee eodem habitu nee eodem apparatu, quo agitur apud idola. Optat. in p. 59 (62) nulli dictum est aut tus pone aut basilicas dirue! istae enim res solent martyria generare. Bingham XXIII 2 5 p. 123. Clem. Alex. Paedag. ill 8 el /nvpois /cal 15 <7Te</><77;ofc9 %pr?<7TeozA Lactant. iv 3 9 ( 8 if a philosopher is a priest, philosophia inter sacra cessabit) : ilia enim religio muta est, non tantum quia mutorum est, sed quia ritus eius in manu et digitis est, non in corde aut lingua, sicut nostra, quae uera est. cf. I 20 26. Ou. Met. I 248 quis sit laturus in aras 20 tura ; cf. vm 277. p. 122 1. 24 CARIORIS )( Migne LIT 754 ad hoc solum uilius emitur ut carius distrahatur. So Cic. Suet, in lexx. and Apul. Metam. ix 10. Aug. De Trinit. xm 3 uili uelle emere et caro uendere. [Add Conf. xi 2. Serm. 86 7. A. S.] Paulin. Nol. 25 ep. 23 34 f. caro aestimauit. CHRISTIANIS SEPELIENDIS De Idolol. 11 p. 41 1. 20 Wiss. uiderint, si eaedem merces, tura dico et cetera peregrinitatis ad sacriftcium idolorum etiam hominibus ad pigmenta medici- nalia, nobis quoque insuper ad solacia sepulturae usui sunt. 30 De Cam. Resur. 27 p. 65 1. 3 Kr. corpora medicata condimentis sepulturae mausoleis et monumentis sequestrantur. Apul. Florid. 19 ed. Helm p. 40 1. 2 (= Oud. p. 94) iam miseri illius membra omnia aromatis perspersa. Cassian. Collat. xv 3. Greg. Nyss. in Fun. Meletii (Migne P. G. XLVI 853 b ). Iren. I 21 3. 35 Ou. Fast, in 561 mixfa bibunt molles lacrimis unguenta fauillae. n. on luu. 4. 109 and ind. vol. II s.v. tura. Plin. Hist. Nat. xii 41 $ 83 aceruatim congesta honori cadauerum quae dis per 422 TERTVLLIANI [p. 122 1. 24- singulas micas dantur. Lactant. II 4 9 pari enim ratione defunctorum corpora odoribus ac pretiosis uestibus illita et conuoluta humi condimt, qua deos honorant. Mimic. 1 2 6 non corpus odoribus lionestatis, reseruatis unguenta funeribus. Prud. 5 Ka6r)/A. x 169 nos tecta fouebimus ossa uiolis et fronde frequenti, titulumque etfrigida saxa liquido spargemus odore. dig. xi 7 37. p. 122 1. 25 TEMPLORVM VECTIGALIA De Idolol. 1 7 p. 50 1.26 non hostias locet, non curas templorum deleget, non uectigalia eorum procuret. Plin. ep. ad Trai. 96 (97) 10 certe satis 10 constat prope iam desolata templa coepisse celebrari et sacra sollemnia diu intermissa repeti pastumque uenire uictimarum, cuius adhuc rarissimus emptor inueniebatur. Marquardt in* 211 n. 4. p. 122 1. 26 STIPES Varro De Ling. Lat. v 182 in lexx. dis 15 cum thesauris asses dant stipem dicunt. Arnob. I 24. Ou. Fast. iv 351 contulit aes populus, de quo delubra Metellus fecit ait: 1 dandae mos stipis inde manet! Turneb. ad Cic. Leg. II 22. 40 stipem eKerjfjLotrvvrjv gl. Apul. Metam. vn 4 fin. (cf. 8 fin.) nee man am ualidam erogandae stipi porrigeret. Sen. ep. 115 20 5. Ind. to Marquardt ill. QVOTVSQVISQVE Cic. Cornif. On. Sen. Curt. Plin. ep. Tac, Tert. De Idolol. 12 p. 43 1. 26 Wiss. p. 122 1. 27 MENDICANTIBVS supr. 13 circuit cauponas re- ligio mendicans. Apul. Metam. vm 24. Minuc. 24 4 25 mendicantes uicatim deos ducunt. p. 122 1. 29 DENIQVE Adu. Marcion. I 24 p. 324 1. 2 Kr. [Cf. Watson Style and Language of St Cyprian 316. Thes. v 533, 52. A. S.] PORRIGAT MANVM cf. C. 29 p. 96 11. 2 f. cf. CCLUCt 3 omanus Tibull. n 4 14. Sen. ep. 90 14. 119 3. Suet. Aug. 91. Vesp. 23. Aristoph. Thesm. 937. [Liddell and Scott S.V. KOlXdiVW, tfO^Xo?. A. S.] p. 122 1. 30 MISERICORDIA Cic, pro Rose. Amer. 145 aliena misericordia uiuo. Lactant. II 1 10 uictum precibus exposcit> 35 deum solum obtestatur et per eius diuinum atque unicum nomen hominum sibi misericordiam quaerit. VICATIM Sisenn. Liu. Hor. Suet, (add Aug. 40. 43. 57. Cal. 35). Tac. Plin.- h. n. p. 124 1. 5] APOLOGETICVS 42, 43 423 p. 122 1. 31 TEMPLATIM arc. elp. cf. c. 15 Christiani templa nee interdiu norunt. VECTIGALTA lustin. Apol. I. 17 <f>6povs Se /cal rot? v(f) vfjiwv reTay/jievois Travra-^ov irpb irdvrwv (f>epLv, a>9 ^i^a^6r]ijiev Trap avrov (citing Luke 20 22. 25). 5 p. 122 1. 32 ALIENO ad nat. I 4 fin. abstinentiam, qua ab alieno temperamus. ib. 5 p. 65 1. 24 Wiss. cur ille, inquitis, fraudator, si abstinentes Christiani? p. 124 1. 1 PROFESSIONVM Adu. Marc, v 1 p. 569 1. 12 Kr. p. 124 1. 2 PRO Ash ton (ap. Woodh.) omits or changes into 10 cum (as c. 43). Ad Mart. 4 m. cum se unum...pro multis... compensari noluisset. CAP. XLIII p. 124 1. 3 cet. Arnob. I 24 uestra sunt haec, uestra sunt irre- ligiose opinata et irreligiosius credita. quin immo, ut uerius proloquar, haruspices has fabulas, coniectores arioli nates et 15 numquam non uani concinnauere fanatici, qui ne suae artes intereant ac ne stipes exiguas consultoribus exciitiant iam raris, si quando f uos uelle rem uenire in inuidiam compererunt, 1 negleguntur di clamitant, atque templis iam raritas summa est. iacent antiquae derisui caerimoniae et sacrorum quondam 20 ueterrimi ritus religionum nouarum super stitionibus occiderunt ; et merito humanum genus tot miseriarum angustiis premitur! si FORTE c. 16 p. 54 1. 8 n. 38 f. p. 110 1. 20 n 41 p. 120 1. 19. ad nat. I 12 (?) 15 p. 85 1. 23 Wiss. De Pall. 2 p. m. p. 127. Ad Mart. 1 f. De Cor. Milit. 5. 25 p. 124 1. 4 LENONES c. 50. PERDVCTORES Cic. in Verr. II (i) 33 lenonum, aleatorum, perductorum. Ps. Ascon. ad 1. lenones sunt scortorum, per- dactores etiam inuitarum personarum, et in quibus stupra exercita legibus uindicantur. The verb is used by Cic. Hor. 30 Ou. Suet. Woodham cites Ern. ad Tac. Hist. I 25. Plaut. Asin. i 3 12. p. 124 1. 5 AQVARIOLI puer lenonis sic dicitur Loewe Prodrom. 419. Cf. Apul. Apol. 78. SICARII c. 37 apud istam disciplinam magis occidi licet, 35 quam occidere. 424 TERTVLLTANI [p. 124 1. 5 VENENARII Petr. Suet. Apul. Rufin. Hist. Eccl. vm 6 p. 473. Rose Anecd. I 122 2. MAGI c. 35. HARVSPICES c. 35 fin. Arnob. I 46 f. emus nomen auditum 5/ugat noxios spiritus, imponit silentium uatibus, haruspices inconsultos reddit, arrogantium magorum frustrari efficit actiones, non horror e ut dicitis nominis sed maioris licentia potestatis. Prudent. Apoth. 438 sq. p. 124 1. 6 HARIOLI Plaut. Ter. Cic. Phaedr. Am. I 24 10 (quoted on p. 124 1. 3). Paulin. Nol. ep. 16 10. Cone. Tolet. 4 can. 28. Cone. Rom. an. 721 can. 42 (vi 1457 b ). Cod. Theod. ix 16 4 [add Ps.-Aug. Quaest. 46 3. A. S.]. MATHEMATICI c. 35 quas artes ut ab angelis desertori- bus proditas et a deo interdictas ne suis quidem causis 15 adhibent Christiani. De Idolol. 9 p. 38 1. 13 Wiss. expelluntur mathematici, sicut angeli eorum. urbs et Italia interdicitur mathematicis, sicut caelum angelis eorum. Bingham xvi 5 1. Const. Apost. vm 32. Aug. Haer. 70. Cone. Tolet. 1 reg. fid. c. Priscillianistas. Artemidor. n 39 (in Herald. Digress. I 29 20 pp. 256-7). p. 124 1. 8 SECTAM c. 46 pr. p. 124 1. 9 DAEMONIA c. 32 fin. 37 fin. p. 108 1. 28 n. Heraldus on Arnob. I 46 f. (p. 45). Kaye 89. NON DICO Oehler on ad nat. I 2 p. 307 [=p. 60 1. 29 Wiss.]. 25 p. 124 1. 10 VERO DEO cet. c. 29 f. 30 p. m : 33 pr. PRECES c. 31. 32. STERN ANT lay at His feet. CAP. XLIV p. 124 1. 14 IMPENDIMVR Adu. Marcion. n 14 fin. 26 p. 372 1. 12 Kr. De Spectac. 19 p. 20 1. 16 Wiss. et tamen innocens 30 de supplicio alterius laetari non potest, cum magis competat innocenti dolere, quod homo par eius tarn nocens factus est, ut tarn crudeliter impendatar. So dependere Scorpiac. 6 p. 157 1. 23 Wiss. sed respice compensationem, cum caro et anima dependitur quibus in homine carius nihil est, alter um manus 35 dei, alteriim flatus ; ipsa dependi in profectu, quorum est p. 124 1. 16] APOLOGETICVS 43, 44 425 profectus, ipsa erogari, quae lucri fiant, eadem pretia, quae et merces. INNOCENTES Ad Scap. 4 fin. pro tanta innocentia, pro tanta probitate, pro iustitia, pro pudicitia, pro fide, pro ueritate, pro deo uiuo cremamur, quod nee sacrilegi nee hostes 5 publici ueri nee tot maiestatis rei pati solent. EROGAMVR c. 48 f. n. De Spectac. 12 p. 14 1. 16 Wiss. itaque quos parauerant, armis quibus time et qualiter poterant eruditos, tantum ut occidi discerent, mox edicto [Mayor, edito] die inferiarum apud tumulos erogabant. ad nat. I 10 p. 80 10 1. 5 Wiss. plane religiosiores estis in gladiator am cauea, ubi super sanguinem humanum, super inquinamenta poenarum, proinde saltant dei iiestri argumenta et historias nocentibus erogandis, aut in ipsis deis nocentes puniuntur. p. 124 1. 15 CONTESTAMVR c. 17 f. De Cor. Milit. 3 m. in 15 ecclesia sub antistitis manu contestamur nos renuntiare diabolo et pompae et angelis eius. ACTVS c. 5 p. 18 1. 30 consulate commentarios uestros. c. 19 archiua. p. 124 1. 16 CVSTODIIS prisoners, as often in Suet. supr. 20 c. 9 post med. et utique non deesset uobis in auditione custodi- aram et damnatione sanguis humanus. Cf. Plin. h. n. xxi 12 Sen. ep. 5 7 eadem catena et custodiam copulat et militem. ep. 70 23 inter custodias quidam ad matutinum spectaculum missus, ep. 77 18 unus ex custodiarum agmine. uulg. Act. 27 1 25 tradi Paulum cum reliquis custodiis centurioni nomine lulio. SENTENTIIS ELOGIA DISPVNG1TIS by passing sentence strike out from the calendar the name and charge of the criminal (Woodh.). c. 2 p. 10 1. 24 n. debito poenae nocens expungendus est, non eximendus. 15 pr. 24 Oehler ind. Ad 30 Scap. 4 a. m. Pudens etiam missum ad se Christianum in elogio concussione eius intellecta dimisit, scisso eodem elogio, sine accusatore negans se auditurum hominem secundum mandatum. De Idolol. 1 pr. De Cam. Resur. 21 p. 54 1. 8 Kr. spes resur- rectionis, nisi manifesta de periculo et praemio. neminem ad 35 eiusmodi praesertim religionem, publico odio et hostili elogio obnoxiam, persuaderet. ib. 34 pr. transgressio, quae perditionis humanae causa est,...totum hominem elogio transgressioms in- 426 TEBTVLLIANI [p. 124 1. 16- scripsit Allard Persecutions des Chretiens du ill 6 siecle I 421-4. ELOGIA Orelli on Arnob. IV 36 and app. p. 51. Muncker on Fulgent. Mythol. I 1. Scorpiace 8 pr. p. 160 1. 18 Wiss. 5 15 pr. p. 178 1. 6 Wiss. ad iiat. I 10 p. 80 1. 5 Wiss. De Cor. Milit. 5 f. Oehler p. 428. Migne LII 53 ob. (?) DISPVNGITIS cf. c. 18 dispunctionem utriusque meriti. fragm. Fuld. c. 19 p. 62. cf. 37 Oehler, si malum malo dispungi penes nos liceret. 45. De Orat. 23 p. 197 1. 1 Wiss. De 10 Cor. Milit. 18. De Test. Animae 4 pr. adfirmamus te manere post uitae dispunctionem. De Anima 33 p. 358 1. 8 Wiss. si quod indicium animas manet, grauius debeat credi in dis- punctione uitae, quam in administratione. ib. pr. p. 355 1. 25 Wiss. si demutantur, non ipsae dispungentur, quae merebuntur. *5 Vlp. dig. L 16 56 dispungere est conferre accepta et data. Optat. ill 4. Pseudo-Cypr. 291 39. 295 126. Gron. Obs. p. 673. p. 124 1. 17 seq. c. 2 f. p. 124 1. 18 MANTICVLARIVS inscr. in Rh. Mus. xxxv (1880) p. 154 (Brambach 956). Verein von Alterthumsfreunde im 20 Rheinlande LXVII (1879) p. 4. p. 124 1. 19 LAVANTIVM PRAEDO (= XwTToSvrns) De Fug. in Persec. 13 fin. inter tabernarios et lanios et fares balnearum et aleones et lenones. Diog. Laert. vi 52 (of Diogenes) iSwv 25 fjLaTiov r) eV aX\ IfjLaTiov ; Corp. Gl. Ill 216. 46. p. 124 1. 20 TITVLO Euseb. Hist. Eccl. v 1 44 de Attalo martyre, /cal Trepia^Oels KVK\M rov a)uL(f)i6 ear pov, TTIVCLKOS avrov irpod yovTOS ev (p eyeypaTrro PwyLtatcrrl owro? (TTiv "ArraXo? 6 XpiaTiavo^, /cal rov &IJ/JLOV a(f)6^pa (rfypLywvTos 30 eV avra). OFFERVNTVR c. 2 p. 8 1. 7 Traianus rescripsit hoc genus inquirendos quidem non esse, oblatos uero puniri oportere...solum Christianum inquiri non licet, offerri licet, quasi aliud esset actura inquisitio, quam oblationem. damnatis 35 itaque oblatum, quern nemo uoluit requisitum. c. 21 oblatum Pontio Pilato. p. 124 1. 21 c. 7 fin. 15 fin. certe sacrilegi de uestris semper apprehenduntur. Ad Scap. 2 a. m. tamen nos, quos sacrilegos p. 124 1. 27] APOLOGETICVS 44, 45 427 existimatis, nee in furto umquam deprehendistis, nedum in sacrilegio. omnes autem, qui templa despoliant et per deos iurant et eosdem colunt, et Christiani non snnt et sacrilegi tamen deprehenduntur. fin. et utique ex disciplina patientiae diuinae agere nos, satis manifestum esse uobis potest, cum tanta hominum 5 multitude, pars paene maior ciuitatis cuiusque, in silentio et modestia agimm, singuli forte noti magis, quam omnes, nee aliunde noscibiles, quam de emendatione uitiorum pristinorum. Lactant. v 9 15 non enim de nostro, sed ex illorum numero semper exsistunt, qui uias obsideant armati, maria praedentur, 10 uel, si palam grassari non licuit, uenena clam temperent, qui uxores necent, ut dotes earum lucrentur, aut maritos, ut adulteris nubant. Minuc. 35 5 si uobiscum Christiani comparemur, quamuis in nonnullis disciplina nostra minor est, multo tamen uobis meliores deprehendemur. 6 ...denique de uestro nume ro 15 career exaestuat, Christianus ibi nullus nisi ant reus suae re- ligionis aut profugus. On the innocence of Christians Blunt First Three Centuries c. 6. Pliny s Letter [ad Trai. 96 (97) 8]. infr. 46 f. AESTVAT Rufin. Hist. Eccl. vui 6 fin. cum peruenisset 20 ad principem aestuare carceres. p. 124 1. 22 METALLA c. 27 p. 92 1. 30 n. p. 124 1. 23 MVNERARII Bingham xvi 4 8 n. 34. p. 124 1. 25 NON-CHRISTIAN vs Oehler on c. 2 p. 117 n. g. de re 46 fin. sed dicet aliquis, etiam de nostris excedere 25 quosdam a regula disciplinae : desinunt turn Christiani haberi penes nos. CAP XLV p. 124 1. 26 Blunt Right Use 322. NECESSE c. 33 pr. sed quid ego amplius de religione atque pietate Christiana in imperatorem ? quern necesse est suspici- 30 amus ut eum, quern dominus nosier elegerit. p. 124 1. 27 INNOCENTIAM cet. c. 40 prope f. hurnana gens... non inquirendo innocentiae magistrnm et nocentiae iudicem et exactorem omnibus uitiis et criminibus inoleuit. Athenag. 32 p. 36 bc ov yap 7T/909 avOpwrnicovs i 0/jiovs 6 Xo709 fl^iv, ou9 av 35 KOL \(100L 428 TERTVLLIANI [p. 124 1. 27- elvai rov /caO rjfjias \6yov 67rurrov[jLr)v), aAA, eariv 09 SiKaiocrvvrjs fjuerpov enroLrjaev ai/roi>9 KOL TOVS e^eti/. Grig. Contr. Gels, praef. 2 fin. I 1 fin. c. 9 fin. 26. 43 fin. 47 fin. 62 p. 49. 63 fin. 64 fin. 67 fin. 68. n 8 pr. 29. 5 30. 45. 48 fin. 50 fin. in 29. 30. 31. 39. 40 pr. 42. 44. 51. 54. 56. 57. 5961. 65. 68. 69 fin. 78. 81. TV 26. 27. v 57 fin. 62. vi 40 fin. 79. vii 8 fin. 35. 48. 49. Justin. Apol. p. 61 bc . Ep. ad Diogn. 5 6. Lactant. in 26. p. 124 1. 29 CVSTODIMVS rnpovfjuev. De Baptismo 15 p 213 10 1. 29 Wiss. INCONTEMPTIBILI air. tip. DISPECTORE (cl. necesse) c. 49 pr. falsa mine sint quae tuemur et merito praesumptiones, attamen necessaria . . . si quidem meliores fieri coguntur qui eis credunt, metu aetenn 15 supplicii et spe aeterni refrigerii. De Test. Anim. 2 p. 136 1. 23 Wiss. sunt qui, etsi deum non negent, dispectorem plane et arbitrum et iudicem non putent. De Cult. Fern. II 10 p. m. (add these to the two exx. from Tert., the only exx. in L. S.). p. 124 11. 2930 Tzschirner 96 few allusions in the early 20 apologists to the necessity of revelation or the insufficiency of reason (? the frequent citation of Plat. Tim. infr. c. 46 p. 1 28 1. 31). Grig. Contr. Gels. VII 42 p. 360 Sp. 77/^9 Be airo<f>aiv6neOa, OTL ov/c avraptcrjs r) avOpwrriwr] (frixris OTrw^iroravovv fyrfjcrai, TOV 6eov /cal evpelv avrbv xadapa)?, fJLrj /3 or) Or) Oe la a VTTO rov fyrov- 25 fjievov. No opponent, says Tzschirner, of these days disputed the possibility of a special revelation. p. 126 1. 6 OCVLORVM ad nat. I 4 fin. pudicitiam, quam nee oculis contaminamus. luu. 13 209 210 nam scelus inter se taciturn qui cogitat ullum, facti crimen habet. Pseudo- 30 Prosper De Prorniss. II c. 1 2 e.g. non solum non moechandum, sed nee oculis consentiendum ad concupiscentiam. Saluian. De Gubernat. Dei in 8 p. 31 1. 12 ed. Halm hinc intellegere plene possumus, quam castos nos esse saluator iusserit, qui etiam licentiam uisionis abscidit...idcirco itaque ait dominus petulcos 35 impudicorum hominum intuitus noxa adulterii non car ere ; scilicet ut qui bona fide fugeret adulterium, custodiret as- pectum. SOLITARIA of God Lactant. I 7 4. Minuc. 10 3. cf. Gennad. p. 126 1. 17] APOLOGETICVS 45 429 Eccl. Dogm. 10 4. [More exx. in my index to Ps.-Aug. Quaest. p. 534. Brewer s Der sog. Athanasianische Glaubens- bekenntnis (Paderborn 1909) p. 12 n. 1 : add Nouat. trin. 27. A. S.] p. 126 1. 7 MALILOQVIO De Spectac. 2 bis p. 3 1. 23 Wiss. 5 los. Antiq. xvn 1 p. 478 f. (Bas. 1524) c. 3 p. 481 f. Ignat. Polyc. 11. [Sulp. Seu.] p. 247. 13 Halm. [Aug.] Serm. 76 6. Porphyr. on Hor. [not in Holder s index]. p. 126 1. 8 Adu. Marc, iv 16 p. 468 1. 22 Kr. Christus etiam uicem iniuriae cohibem. n 28 p. 375 1. 15 Kr. uicem 10 proMbens (deus). De Patient. 8 p. 13 1. 19 Kr. reddam et ipse amaritudinis uicem necesse est. Lactant. VI 18 12 inno- centiam semper et ubique custodiat. quod praeceptum non ad hoc tantum ualet, ut ipse iniuriam non inferat, sed ut illatam sibi non uindicet {uicem redder -e, passim in Ambst. Pelag. 15 etc. A. S.]. p. 126 1. 11 DIXIMVS cet. c. 19 p. 62. [lustin.] cohort, ad gr. 9 p. 9 e . Diod. Sic. I c. 4. Clem. Alex. Strom, [where ?]. QVANTA as in Phaedr. II 8 24 quantum est laboris ! how little ! [cf. Lucan. iv 378. A. S.] 20 p. 126 1. 14 INVOLVNTATE the conj. of Latinius [i.e. Latinio Latini, a sixteenth century Italian, one of the ablest patristic scholars who ever lived. A. S.] has a place in lexx. a-rr. elp. RECOGITATE rare. Ad Mart. 2 pr. Plaut. Cic. (1). Colum. (1) [also Sen. and uulg. in LS. A. S.]. 25 p. 126 1. 17 DEPRETIAT Oehler h. 1. Adu. Marc. I 6 p. 298 1. 9 Kr. si depretiari capit in creator e. 14 fin. depretias in quibas et uiuis et moreris. II 27 fin. De Anim. 17 p. 323 1. 23 Wiss. Ad Vxor. I 3 a. m. quod autem necessitas praestat, depretiat ipsa. ad nat. I 10 p. 77 1. 9 Wiss. nee contenti estis 30 deis honorem non habuisse, nisi etiam quemcumque kabetis depretietis aliqua indignitate. De Fug. in Persec. 10 m. depre- tiasti Christum qui in te est. De Spectac. 22 p. 23 1. 5 Wiss. Dirksen Corp. Gl. II 44 5. Commodian. Carm. Apol. 196. Sidon. carm. 22 203 (in Burgo) depretiata suas turpant 35 pigmenta figuras. ep. n 10 fin. igitur incumbe, neque apud te litterariam curam turba depretiet imperitoram. [See Thes. A. S.] 430 TERTVLLIANI [p. 126 1. 17- MODICVM cet. Sen. ep. 94 7 optimam doloris esse naturam, quod non potest nee qui extenditur magnus esse, nee qui est magnus extendi. Cic. De Finib. II 22 iam doloris medicamenta ilia Epicurea tamquam de narthecio proment : 5 si grauis, breuis ; si longus, leuis. ib. 94. 95. Oehler h. 1. cites Diog. Laert. x 140 (Menage). Pint. De Audiend. Poet. 36 b . M. Antonin. vn 5 and 38. cf. Usener Epicurea Fr. 446 447 pp. 291-2. p. 126 1. 19 SPECVLATOEE Minuc. 32 9 quanta magis deus 10 auctor omnium ac speculator omnium, a quo nullum potest esse secretum, tenebris interest, interest cogitationibus nostris, quasi alteris tenebris! Lactant. VI 18 12 sedet enim maximus et aequissimus index speculator ac testis omnium, ib. 24 11 20 remarkable extracts from Seneca. II 16 8. De Ira 858. o & 15 Prudent. Cathem. II 105 speculator adstat desuper, qui nos diebus omnibus actusque nostros prospicit a luce prima in uesperam. hie testis, hie est arbiter, etc. DISPVNGIMVR c. 18 p. 58 suscitatis omnibus ab initio defunctis et reformatis et recensitis ad utriusque meriti 20 dispunctionem. c. 37 si malum malo penes nos dispungi liceret. c. 44 n. p. 126 1. 20 SOLI c. 30 p. 96 1. 30 qui eum (i.e. Deum) solus obseruo. p. 126 11. 20 ff. Internal evidence in Tert. : c. 49 p. 140 1. 21 25 appeals not only to the intrinsic excellence of Christian doctrine, but to its fruits (Tzschirner 165) in Christian life, c. 21 fin. quaerite ergo, si uera sit ista diuinitas Christi. si ea est, qua cognita ad bonum quis reformetur, sequitur, ut falsa renuntietur quaeuis alia contraria comperta. Arnob. I 6 38 39. 30 Orig. Contr. Cels. I c. 3 p. 2 the life of Christians the best apology of Christ, c. 31 pp. 23 24 Jesus not taught of man. ib. c. 67 p. 53 gentleness, discipline, kindness of Christians. cf. p. 21 Christians from heathens, in c. 30 pp. 128-9 churches at Athens and Corinth, compared with heathen neighbours. 35 lustin. Apol. I c. 30 p. 2L vios Se 6eov 6 [770-01)9 XfYOyue^o?, el fcal KOLVWS fjiovov avQpwrros, Sta aocfriav aio$ f/09 Oeov \ejeadaL Evidence of Christian life, ib. Apol. I 12 (no exposition of children c. 36 37). cf. Athenag. c. 11 pp. 11 12 : p. 126 1. 33] APOLOGETICVS 45, 46 431 among Christians artisans, old women, are models of virtue, and love their neighbours as themselves. Testimony of Pliny, ep. Trai. 96 (97). p. 126 1. 21 PLENITVDINE De Spectac. 20 fin. haec est ueri- tatis integritas et quae ei debetur disciplinae plenitude* ib. 21 pr. 5 ethnici, quos penes nulla est ueritatis plenitudo. p. 126 1. 23 TIMENTES Tatian 4 rov ^h yap avOpv-jrov dv0pa)7rivo)S n/jLvreov <^>o^r)Teov Be JJLOVOV rov Oeov. Matth. 10 28. Kaye 48 n. 3. CAP. XLVI p. 126 1. 25 CONSTITIMVS c. 4 pr. iam de causa innocentiae 10 consistam. c. 19 Fuld. p, 62 5. infr. hoc c. p. 130 1. 17 si de simplicitate consistam. De Idolol. 13 Oehler, p. 44 1. 12 Wiss. de hoc quidem primo consistam, an. Marcian. 1. 2 de lege Corn, de falso, dig. XLVIII 10 7 nullo modo sei^ui cum dominis suis consistere possunt. cf. Dirksen s.v. n. 2 iudiciois congredi. actione experiri! p. 126 1. 26 INTENTIONEM strain, pressure, c. 27 pr. satis haec aduersus intentionem laesae diuinitatis. FLAGITAT Cypr. Ad Demetrian. 12 dei sei^uos et maiestati ac numini eius dicatos iniustis persecutionibus flagitatis. 20 id. ep. 20 1 orto statim turbationis impetu primo, cum me clamore uiolento frequenter populus flagitasset, non tarn meam salutem quam quietem fratrum publicam cogitans interim secessi. p. 126 1. 28 ANTIQVITATE c. 19 pr. 47 pr. 25 p. 126 1. 29 CONFESSIONS cc, 19 23. 25 pr. n. cf. Har- nack Texte vm 4 pp. 110 1. p. 126 1. 33 SECTAE c. 43 f. OBDVCITVR cc. 39. 50. De Pudic. 7 p. 232 1. 14 Wiss. obduxero diuersae partis praesumptionem. De Carne Chr. 30 19 pr. cum adulteratores eius obduxero. De Cam. Resur. 2 p. 27 1. 2 Kr. obducti dehinc de deo carnis auctore. Adu. Hermog. 38 p. 168 1. 16 Kr. De leiun. 11 p. 289 1. 15 Wiss. Adu. Marc. I 21 p. 318 1. 7 Kr. in 16 fin. v 10 p. 606 1. 16 Kr. Adu. Prax. 27 pr. 432 TERTVLLIANI [p. 126 1. 34- p. 126 1. 34 DIVINVM De Pall. c. ult. fin. at ego iam illi etiam diuinae sectae ac disciplinae commercium confero. gaude pallium et exsulta, melior iam te philosophia dignata est, ex quo Christianum uestire coepisti. Athan. Or. Contr. Gent. 1 Tr&k 5 euKOTw? . . . 6TL dv0pa>7Tiv6v eaTiv evrwoeiv TO Trpay/jia, fcal ov uaXXov o/jioXoyelv 6eov \6<yov /cal acorfjpa eivai TOV Travro 1 ? TOV 7rl rov GTavpov dvaftdvTd ; PHILOSOPHIAE GENVS supr. c. 21 p. 68 Zeno and Cleanthes knew of the A<>709. Test. Anim. 1. De An. 2. Minuc. 20 1 10 ut quiuis arbitretur, aut nunc Christianas philosophos esse, out philosophos fuisse iam tune Christianos. [lustin.] Cohort. ad Gr. c. 14 p. 15 b etc. says that Homer Orpheus Pythagoras etc. learnt from Moses. Keim s Celsus I 4 p. 3 n. 2. Tzschirner 315 sq. lustin. Apol. I 24 immortality. 27 judge- is ment and fire of purgatory. 28 creation and eKTrvpwGis ; idols rejected by Menander; crucifixion, resurrection and ascension resemble stories of sons of Zeus. 30 the A 070? and Hermes; Perseus born of a virgin; miracles of healing ascribed to Aesculapius; Arnob. II 13 14 unity of God, resurrection, 20 gehenna. Orig. Contr. Cels. v 57. vn 59. p. 128 1. 2 CVR ERGO etc. Athenag. Suppl. 2 p. 4 a (cf. pp. 6 8, Eurip. Soph. Plat. Aristot. Stoics hold one God) OVTO) /COL TOL>9 (ITTO <^)iXo(JO^)ta9 KplVOfAZVO avT&v TTpb Kpi(rea)<; Sia TTJV eVtcrrr;///?^ ?; 25 Trovrjpos TW SircacTTfj eivai So/ce?, d\\a 8o|-a9 pev eivai /co\d^Tat, ovSev TJ) <})i\oao$ia -jrpoaTpi^ra^evo^ ejK\rj^a (etcei- 1/09 <yap TTOvripos o pr) o>9 ^0/^09 (j)L\oo-o<f)tov, rj 8e eVitrr^yu-T; avaiTio^\ ti7ro\vo dfjLVO^ 8e ra9 Sm/3oXa9 ct(f)iTai. c. 5 pr. /cal TroirjTal /juev tcai fyiXoaofyoi OVK eSo^av adeoi, e r jri(?Tr]<Tav re<$ 30 7Tpl Oeov. lustin. Apol. I 4 p. 55 C /cal yap TOL (f)i\oo-o(f>ia<; real o^rjfjLa eiriypd^ovrai Tives, o l ovSev CL^LOV r>}9 7rpaTTOV(ri <yiva>crfceT 8 ori /cal ol TO, evavria /cal Soy/jbaTLaavTes TWV 7ra\at,(jov TW evl TrpocrayopevovTai, cf)i\6o-o(f)oi /cal TOVTCOV Tives dOeorrjTa 35 Sa%av /cal TOV Ata d&eXyf) dua rot9 avTov Tcai<r\v ol TroirjTal KaTaryyeXXovGi /cdrceivcov ra oibdyuaTa ol uevoi OVK eipyovTai 777)09 vawv, dO\a 8e /cal rtyu//9 rot9 vftpi^ovcn TOUTOU9 rt#ere. ib. 20 el ovv real ofioia)? TIVCL rot? p. 128 1. 7] APOLOGETICVS 46 433 Trap vfj.lv TifjLcojjLevois Trot^rat? /cal 0tXoo-d0ot? \eyofjLev, evia Se /cal /jL6i6va)S /cal 0eio)s /cal JJLOVOI, per fiTro&etfew?, ri Trapd Trdvras dSiKcos fjaaov^eOa ; ib. 24 Trpwra /juev on ra o/uom rot? f/ EXX?7cr{, \eyovTes /JLOVOL fjacrov^eOa SL ovopa rov Xpicrrov, /cal /jbrjSev dSiKovvres &&gt;? dfiaprcoXol dvaipovfieOa. [id.] Cohort, ad 5 Gent. 14. Orig. c. Gels, n 13. Pfanner System. Theolog. Gent. (Bas. 1679) 4to c. 2. A similar argument to that early in the treatise, c. 2 pr. if we are criminals, why are we not treated like other criminals ? p. 128 1. 4 Arnob. ill 7 zealous pagans declared that Cicero 10 De Nat Deor. should be burnt: oportere statui per senatum, aboleantur ut haec scripta quibus Christiana religio comprobetur et uetustatis opprimatur auctoritas? quin immo, si fiditis ex- ploratum uos dicer e quicquam de dis uestris, erroris conuincite Cioeronem, refellitote, redarguite, temeraria et impia dictitare 15 comprobate. p. 128 1. 5 impunity of philosophic criticism ad nat. I 4. p. 128 1. 6 DEIERARE c. 32 Christians swore per salutem, not per genium Caesaris. ib. fin. ceterum daemonas, id est genios, adiurare consueuimus, ut illos de hominibus exigamus, 20 non deierare, ut illis honorem diuinitatis conferamus. LVGERNAS c. 35 p. 102 1. 24 nee lucernis diem infringimus. luu. 12 912 n. p. 128 1. 7 Theophil. ad fin. (cf. Arnob. I 64 p. 44 1. 20 sq. on the licence of philosophers), supra c. 12 p. 44 1. 21 idem estis 25 qui Senecam aliqnem pluribus et amarioribus de uestra super- stitione perorantem [? non or depr.] repreliendistis. QVIN IMMO Arnob. I 20. 24 pr. 37 pr. 51 pr. 64 f. 65 p. 46 1. 5. 75. ii 39 p. m. 55 pr. 58 f. 63. 64. 69 m. 70 pr. and f. 76 p. m. in 7. 44. vi 11. 35 f. (?) For subject matter, see Bayle 30 oeuvres in 111. DESTRVVNT c. 13 pr. 14 p. 48 1. 31. ad nat. I 4 p. 64 1. 3 Wiss. denique Socrates ex ea parte damnatus est, qua propius temptauerat ueritatem, deos uestros destruendo. Lactant. V 20 1 14 num peius nos destruimus, quam quidam philosophi, qui 35 omnino nullos deos esse aiunt? Cf. I 2 2. (Athenag. 5 pr. cited above.) id. Epitome 55 3 cur audiuntvr philosophi, qui ant nullos deos esse aiunt aut si sunt nihil curare nee human a M. T. 28 434 TERTVLLIANI [p. 128 1. 7 respicere, aut nullam esse omnino, quae regat mundum, proui- dentiam disserunt ? See the fragments (in Lac tan t.) of Seneca De Superstitione. [ Lactant. is probably an error for Augustine. ] p. 128 11. 8 9 LAVDANTIBVS VOBIS. . .SVSTINENTIBVS VOBIS 5 Woodham compares c. 15 luget Sol filium iactatum de caelo laetantibus uobis et Cybele pastorem suspirat fastidiosum, non erubescentibus uobis. p. 128 1. 9 (OB)LATRANT Suet. Vesp. 13 Demetrium Gynicum in itinere obuium sibi post damnationem ac neque assurgere 10 neque salutare se dignantem, oblatrantem etiam nescio quid, satis habuit canem uocare. Vincent. Lirin. Common. 13 haec ergo Nestorius, Apollinaris, Photinus aduersus catholicam fidein rabidi canes latrant. Paulin. Nol. ep. 21 4 omnia diaboli, quae in haereticis latrant, ora clauduntur. Migne LII 542 C 15 lingua pietatem latrat. Boissier L opposition sous les Cesars. p. 128 1. 10 STATVIS Mart, ix 47. Lucian. Nigrin. 2. cf. Arnob. I 64 p. 44 20 sq. esp. 45 1. 1 2. luu. 2 47 plena omnia gypso Chrysippi inuenias ; nam perfectissimus horumst, si quis Aristotelem similem uel Pittacon emit, et iubet arche- 20 typos pluteum seruare Cleanthas. Friedlander ill 5 193 227 228. M. Aurelius procured statues in honour... of his teacher lunius Rusticus after his death from the senate (Vita M. Antonini 3). SALARIIS lul. Capitolin. Anton. Pius 11 3 rhetoribus et 25 philosophis per omnes prouincias et honores et salaria detulit. Aug. De Ciu. Dei I 3 p. 6 1. 24 D 3 o nimium miserabilem errorem ! et nobis suscensent, cum de dis eorum talia dicimus, nee suscen- sent auctoribus suis, quos ut ediscerent, mercedem dederunt, doctoresque ipsos insaper et salario publico et honoribus dignis- 30 simos habuerunt. REMVNERANTVR C. 25 p. 90 1. 17 n. AD BESTIAS ad Scap. 3 f . cum...Mauilum ad bestias dam- nasses. ad nat. I 3 p. 62 1. 6 Wiss. ut ita pronuntiaretur in nos: ilium homicidam,...ad bestias dari placet, ib. fin. et utique non 35 gladio aut cruce aut bestiis punienda sunt nomina. Septimius Seuerus (Vita S. S. 18. Vita Getae 2) favoured philosophy; so his wife lulia Dornna (Dio LXXV 15. Philostr. Soph. II 30. Vita Apollonii written at her bidding). p. 128 1. 15] APOLOGETICVS 46 435 PRONVNTIANTVR of the judge s sentence. Apul. Metam. in 1 innocentem. [Cf. Study of Ambrosiaster, p. 178. A. S.] p. 128 1. 11 PHILOSOPHI NON CHRISTIANI On the moral impotence of philosophy luu. 2. Lactant. Ill 15. Sen. De Vita Beata 18. Friedlander in 568. 5 p. 128 1. 13 QVIDNI? i.e. quidni non fugat? why should it not fail to expel them? Herald h. 1. c. 22 pr. p. 74 1. 31. Apul. Metam. XI 26 fin. 28 fin. 30. LS quis 1 n B 3 say that quidni non in Sen. ep. 52 10 is pleonastic: wrongly (Madvig, Adu. ii 379 409. Sen. De Breu. Vit. 7 7. ep. 6 3. 52 10). 10 SECVNDVM DEOS supr. c. 24 sic plerique disponunt diuini- tatem, ut imperium summae potestatis esse penes unum, officia eius penes multos uelint; ut Plato louem magnum in caelo comi- tatum exercitu describit deorum pariter et daemonum. De Anim. 1 (below). 15 p. 128 1. 14 si DAEMONIVM PERMITTAT Herald. Adu. II 5 on rfv Oeos de\r), dewv ra icra ve/jLovrav, auv Oewv Secret, si di uolunty si dis placet, De Anim. 57 p. 392 1. 4 Wiss. nam et suggessimus nullum paene hominem car ere daemonio. Kaye 205. DAEMONIVM supr. c. 22 pr. cf. Hernias 2 Hand. 6 2. De 20 Anima 1 p 299 1. 22 Wiss. (much about Socr.) sane Socrates facilius diuerso spiritu agebatur. siquidem aiunt daemonium illi a puero adhaesisse, pessimum re uera paedagogum, etsi post deos et cum deis daemonia deputantur penes poetas et philosophos . . . quodsi idcirco sapientissimus Socrates secundum 25 Pythii quoque daemonis suffragium, scilicet negotiuni nauantis socio suo, quanta dignior atque constantior Christianae sapientiae adsertio, cuius adflatui tota uis daemonum cedit? haec sapientia de schola caeli deos quidem saeculi negare liberior, quae nullum Aesculapio gallinaceum reddi iubens praeuaricetur, 30 nee noua inferens daemonia, sed uetera depellens, nee adules- oentiam uitians, sed omni bono pudoris informans, ideoque non unius urbis, sed uniuersi orbis iniquam sententiam sustinens pro nomine ueritatis, tanto scilicet perosioris, quanto plenioris, ut et mortem non de poculo per habitum iucunditatis absorbeat, sed 35 de patibulo et uiuicombuiio per omne ingenium crudelitatis .exhauriat. 39. 56. p. 128 1. 15 VERITATE ad nat. 1. 10 p. 79 1. 15 Wiss. taceo de 282 436 TERTVLLIANI [p. 128 1. 15 philosophis, quos superbia seueritatis et duritia disciplinae ab omni timore secures, nonnulhts etiam adflatus ueritatis aduersus deos erigit. denique et Socrates in contumeliam eorum quercum et canem et hircum iurat. De Anima 2 pr. plane non negabimus 5 aliquando philosophos iuxta nostra sensisse. testimonium est ueritatis euentus ipsius. cet. Kaye 162. DEOS NEGANS c. 14 fin. propterea damnatus est Socrates, quia deos destruebat. p. 128 1. 16 GALLINACEVM Plat. Phaedo p. 118 a (ad fin. dial.). 10 Wyttenbach on Plat. 1. c. ad nat. II 2 p. 96 1. 17 Wiss. Socrates ipse deos istos quasi certus negabat; idem Aesculapio gallinaceum secari quasi certus iubebat; De Cor. Milit. 10 m. nam et ego mihi gallinaceum macto, non minus quam Aesculapio Socrates. De Anima 1 p. m. quoted on 1. 14. Lasaulx 268 n. 236. 15 Grote s Plato II 195. Artemidor. Oneirocritica V 9 ^ufaro rt? TW AcrK\r]7ri(v, el Sid TOV erou? avoaos [? dvbauts. A.S.] %$, dvveiv avTw d\eKTpvova. Luc. Bis Ace. 5, where ALKTJ says: TTCLVV <yovv avTov bv </)?;?, Ktvov &vr)<rav ol 7Tpl e/xoO \6yoi, 09 TrapaSoOeis rot? evSeica KOI et? TO ^ecr/uwr^ptoz e/ATrecrwv eiriev 20 ad\ios TOV KwveioVy /j,rjBe rov d\eK,rpvova TO) A.a/cXri jrLco drroSe- So)Acoj9. Chrys. IX 491 d. Theodoret Graecar. Affect. Cur. vn 47 p. 109 47. Lactant. in 20 16 illud uero nonne summae uanitatis, quod ante mortem familiar es suos rogauit, ut Aesculapio gallum, quern uouerat, prosecarent? 17 timuit 25 uidelicet ne apud Rhadamanthum recuperatorem uoti reus fieret ab Asclepio. dementissimum hominem putarem, si morbo adfectus perisset. cum uero hoc sanus fecerit, est ipse insanus, qui eum putet esse sapientem. Orig. cont. Cels. VI 4 Spencer. Herondas 4 11 13 (after summoning Aescu- 30 lapius, his wife and children etc.) l\ew Bevre, TOV dXefcropos ro08 OVTIV olidi)? ToiyjMV | Kr/pvfca dvw, TaTTi&opTra 8e- p. 128 1. 17 SAPIENTISSIMVM ad nat. I 4 p. 64 1. 3 Wiss. Socrates ex ea parte damnatus est, qua propius temptauerat 35 ueritatem, deos uestros destruendo. cet. Minuc. 13 1 2 quamquam, si philosophandi libido est, Socratem sapientiae prin- cipem, quisque uestrum tantus est, si potuerit, imitetur. eius uiri, quotiens de caelestibus rogabatur, nota responsio est: quod p. 128 1. 20] APOLOGETICVS 46 437 supra nos, nihil ad nos. merito ergo de oraculo testimonium meruit prudentiae singularis: quod oraculum, idem ipse prae- sensit, idcirco uniuersis esse praepositum, non quod omnia com- perisset, sed quod nihil se scire didicisset. ib. 38 7 proinde Socrates scurra Atticus uiderit, nihil se scire confessus, testimonio 5 licet fallacissimi daemonis gloriosus. Saluian. De Gubern. Dei VII 101 numquid non sapientissimus omnium Socrates semper existimatus, testimonio scilicet etiam Delphici daemonis, qui quasi princeps philosophorum, sicut ille daemoniorum erat ? lustin. Apol. 1 5. II 11 compares the persecutions of Socrates 10 and of the Christians. Valer. Maxim, in 4 ext. 1. Plin. Hist. Nat. vn c. 34 120. Plat. Apol. ed. Adam pp. xxvi ff. Diog Laert. n 37. Schol. Aristoph. Nubes 145. Themist. p. 27 1 * 3 . 161. p. 128 1. 19 Lactant. v 14 14 Socrates negabat deos. 15 lustin. Apol. I 61, Socrates and Heraclitus, though atheists, were in truth Christians, as they lived according to the Logos. Indictment against Socrates below 1. 34 n. cf. Xen. Memorab. I 1. Orig. contr. Cels. IV 67. lustin. Apol. I 5 . p. 55 e . II 10 p. 48 d . Aelian Var. Hist. II 13 with Perizonius n. 20 Themist. 313 d general : Wetstein on Acts 17 18. Dio Cass. LII 36 2 Kaivd Tiva aiiJi6via...(ivTe(T$povT6<$. Bornemann on Xen. Apol. 10 p. 48 ed. 1824. Theodoret Graec. Affect. Curat. VII 47 p. 109 47 ya> Se ol/JLai, ical ^ayKpdrrjv TOV %(O<j>povi<Ticov rov d\iCTpvova dvorai Ke\i>iv, iva TI^V KCL-T avrov jj^/j,urjv 25 Si\eyi;r] ypa<f)r)V. lypatyaaOvv j(ip avrbv "A^urd? T6 teal MeX^ro?, ft)? elvai Oeovs ov vopi ^wv. p. 128 1. 20 ODIO Ashton cf. 7 cum odio sui coepit ueritas, simul atque apparuit, inimica esse. c. 14 p. 48 1. 31 Hieron. [epist. 40 Si. A. S.l de Onaso ita se natura habet, ut amara sit ueritas. 30 , Cassiod. Amic. 24 (?) plerumque molesta est ueritas. Sidon. ep. vii 7 4 ueritatis asperitas. Lactant. v 9 6 huius tanti et tarn pertinacis odii quam potissimum causam esse dicamus? utrumne ueritas odium parit, ut ait poeta quasi diuitw spiritu in- stinctus? 21 1 non ergo ideo aduersus nos insaniunt, quia di 35 non coluntur a nobis; a multis enim non coluntur, sed quia ueritas penes nos est y quae (ut est uerissime dictum) odium parit. Epit. 64 17. Socr. Hist. Eccl. 6 praef. 6 TO dXnQes -n-Licpov. 438 TERTVLLIANI [p. 128 1. 21- p. 128 1. 21 ADVLTERAT Cic. Plin. uulg. Tert. De Monogam. 2 bis. [See Thes. and add exx. in Study of Ambrosiaster p. 82. A. S.] p. 128 1. 22 INSECTATORES LS one ex. from Liu. one from 5 Quintil. very rare. Tert. Adu. Marc. IV 15 pr. bis. Aug. in Ps. 55 10 p. m. 99 12 a. m. [Other exx. in Benoist-Goelzer. Add also [Aug.] Serm. 279 3. A. S.] ILLVSORES Tert. (1). Aug. (1). Paul. Nol. (1) (add this place to lexx.). [Add also Hier. and uulg. from Benoist-Goelzer. A. S.] 10 p. 128 1. 23 MIMICE Sen. ep. 26 5 simulatio : mimus. 55 4 mendacium. 5 1 conspici cupiunt. 6 passim (word 3 exx. in lexx. h. 1. Catull. Sen. Rh.). [Not now read in Sen. Rh. A.S.] AFFECTANT c. 19 Fuld. p. 62 1. 2. ad nat. I 4 p. 63 1. 29 Wiss. sed ueritatem saeculo operosissimam philosophi quidem 15 affectant, possident autem Christiani, ideoque qui possident, magis displicent, quid qui affectat, inludit, qui possidet, defendit. Herald. Digr. I c. 33 p. 2601. p. 128 1. 24 GLORIAM infr. c. 47 p. 132 1. 9 n. Cypr. De Bono Patientiae 2 fin. si sapientia illic uera non est, esse non potest 20 et uera patientia. nam si patiens ille est qui est humilis et mitis, philosophos autem nee humiles esse uidemus nee mites sed sibi multum placentes et hoc ipso quod sibi placeant deo displicentes, apparet illic non esse patientiam, ubi sit insolens adfectatae libertatis audacia et exerti ac seminudi pectoris inuerecunda 25 iactantia. p. 128 1. 25 INTEGRE Cic. Tac. Gell. [Plin. ep. Suet, in lexx. Add Aug. gen. ad litt. summ. p. 439, 13 Zy., loc. hept. in 4, quaest. hept. ill 40 a. m. CSEL LX p. 679. Rufin. (CSELxLvi.) A.S.] 30 SALVTI SVAE CVRANT Apul. De Deo Socr. 2 fin. potentiae uero animis coniectatae per uarias utilitates in uita agenda animaduersae in eis rebus, quibus eorum singuli curant. id. Apol. 1 alter am uero caeliteni Venerem, praedita quae sit opti- mati amore solis hominibus et eorum paucis curare. Lexx. cite 35 Attius and Plaut. [See Thes. IV 1502 83. A. S.] p. 128 1. 26 DISCIPLINA De Paenit. 3. De Cult. Fern, n 1 and 10. Orig. contr. Cels. vi 17 denies that Plato s per suasive words can train his disciples to piety. p. 128 1. 29] APOLOGETICVS 46 439 p. 128 1. 27 THALES c. 19 Fuld. p. 60 1. 26. Minuc. 13 4 quid ? Simonidis m.elici nonne admiranda omnibus et sectanda cunctatio? qui Simonides cum de eo quid et quales arbitraretur deos ab Hierone tyranno quaereretur, primo deliberationi diem petiit, postridie biduum prorogauit, mox alterum tantum admo- 5 nit us adiunxit, postremo cum causas tantae morae tyrannus inquireret, respondit ille, quod sibi, quanto inquisitio tardior pergeret, tanto ueritas fieret obscurior. ib. 38 7 Simonides etiam in perpetuum comperendinet. Bayle s.u. Simonides rem. F. Lactant. ill 14 5 Milesium Thalem, qui de rerum natura 10 primus trciditur disputasse. cf. ib. I 5 16 (Th ales... primus omnium quaesisse de causis nataralibus traditur). p. 128 1. 28 COMMEATVS respite, c. 32 pr. Adn. Marc, n 10 p. 350 1. 1 Kr. De Anim. 30 p. 350 1. 21 Wiss. 35 p. 360 1. 11 Wiss. in primo quoque huius uitae commeatu. ad nat. II 15 2 p. 96 1. 15 Wiss. Thales Milesius Croeso sciscitanti, quid de deis arbitraretur, post aliquot deliberandi commeatus, Nihil, renuntiauit. Oehler on De Fuga in Persec. 9 p. 497 note g. Minuc. 11 8 quis unus ullus ab inferis uel Protesilai sorte . remeauit, horaram saltern permisso commeatu? Cypr. ind. [See 20 Thes. m 1825 81. A. S.] p. 128 1. 29 OPIFEX cet. Theodoret Graecar. Affect. Curat. V 68 p. 81 30 seq. ; (very important) vm 28. Clem. Alex. Strom, iv 59 p. 590 P. Orig. contr. Gels, vii 41 fin. Arnob. I 52 challenges Zoroaster etc. to a contest of healing 25 with any Christian peasant. Popular style of Scripture, Orig. Contr. Gels, in 44. 52. 55. vn 59. 60. Harnack Mission u. Ausbreitung des Christenthums (1902) pp. 1556. Athenag. 12 p. 12 d sq., of philosophers, 01 -rovvavriov del 8tare\oi)<rt /ea/caW ra aTroppijra eaurot? ravra //.eraXXeiWre? icai aei TI 30 epydaaaOai, eTTiOv/jLovvres /carcov, re^vvv \oy(ov tccu OVK TTI- Seigiv epywv TO Trpay/jia Tre-rroivfjievot. irapa 8 rjpiv eupotre av ISiwras /cal ^ipore^va<^ /cal ypai&ia, el \6<yw rrjv wffreXeiav elo-tv d&vvaroi rrjv Trapd rov \o<yov, epyo) rrjv (ITTO ^eXeiav eTTi&ei/cvvpevovs ov yap \6yovs 35 , dX\d irpa^ei^ dyaQas e7TL$i,fCvvov(n>v, TTCLIO- avriTVTTTeLv /cal dpTra^o/Jievoi, (JLTJ SiKd^aOai, rot? alrovo-i 8t8oi/at /cal TOU? TrXvcrLOv dya-rrav w? eavroix;. Gf. Otto 440 TERTVLLIANI [p. 128 1. 29 ad 1. Minuc. 38 8 non eloquimur magna, sed uiuimus. Tatian C. 32 p. 167 b <^Xocro(oiW re ov /JLOVOV ol 7r\ovTOVVT$, d\\a teal ol Trevrjres 7rpoi/ca -7-779 o^Sacr/oiXta? dTro\avov<Ti...Tovs Be d/cpo- daOai, ftovKopevovs Trdvras o/ra>9 irpo (Tiered a, tcdv Trpecr/SimoV? 5 wcri icav fieipdicia. See Origen s reply bk in 44 71 to the sneer of Celsus that weavers, coblers, fullers, old women and children were won by Christians. Semisch lustin d. Mart. I 32. Lactant. v 15 3 sq. (?). Julian, in Cyrill. vii p. 229 with his reply. In all towns and villages, by learned and unlearned, 10 the gospel is preached; even slaves teach their masters families. Euseb. Demonstrat. Euang. I 6 p. 24. Orig. contr. Gels. II "79. in c. 9 p. 453 Ru. c. 55 p. 484 Ru. lustin. Apol. I 60 fin. Trap* r)fj,lv ovv eari ravra aKovaai KOL fjbaOelv Trapa TCOV ov&e TOL>? xapa/CT-fjpas r>v o-roi^eiwv eTTKrrafjLev 15 TWV fjiev Kal ftapftapwv TO (f)@e>y/jia, o-ocjxZv 8e /cal TOV VOVV OVTWV, KOI TTIJpWV KOI %7)pCOV TLVtoV T? 0^669 * CO? avveivai ov o~o<f)ia dvOput jreia ravra ryeyovevai, d\\d ovvd/Aei 0ov \eyeo-0ai (cf. Iren. Ill 4 1). ib. II 10 fin. to the poor the gospel is preached. 20 p. 128 1. 30 RE Cypr. De Bono Patient. 3 qui philosophi non uerbis sed factis sumus, nee uestitu sapientiam sed ueritate praeferimus, qui uirtutum conscientiam magis quam iactantiam nouimus, qui non loquimur magna sed uiuimus. Minuc. 38 8 nos non habitu sapientiam sed mente praeferimus; non eloquimur 25 magna sed uiuimus. Cf. Lactant. IV 23 and 24. p. 128 1. 31 PLATO cet. supr. p. 124 1. 30. Plato Tim. p. 27 C . Minuc. 19 17 Platoni itaque in Timaeo deus est ipso suo nomine mundi parens, artifex animae, caelestium terrenorumque fabricator, quern et inuenire difficile prae nimia et incredibili 30 potestate et, cum inueneris, in publicum dicere impossibile prae- fatur. Cited also by lustin. Apol. ir 10 p. 48 e . Cohort, ad Gent. 38 p. 37 b . Athenag. 6 p. 6 d . 23 p. 26 C . Clem. Alex. Protrept. vi 68 1 p. 59 P. Strom, v c. 12. 79 2. Orig. contr. Gels, vii 42. 43. Lactant. I 8 1. Euseb. Demonstr. 35 Euang. in 6. Cyrill. Adu. Julian. I 1 (vi 30 e ). Cic. De Nat. Deor. I 30 p. 117 M. Tert. and Minuc. have difficile (-em), the others dovvarov exc. lustin. 11. cc. (acr^aXe?). Brucker Hist. Crit. Philos. ill 374. Eisenlohr Argumenta ab Apologetis p. 128 1. 34] APOLOGETICVS 46 441 t. II p. 201. My note on Luther and good works p. 42. los. Contr. Apion. II 31 (p. 385 1. 79 ed. Bind.). FACTITATOREM c. 21 p. 68 1. 22 (ib. uniuersitas). Two other exx. in Oehler s ind. [Thes. knows no others. A. S.] p. 128 1. 33 On the moral change in Christians ad nat. I 5 16. Justin. Apol. I 14. 36. Ep. ad Diogn. 5 seq. Tatian cc. 24. 25 pp. 1612. Minuc. 2831. Cypr. Ad Donat. 4 p. 4 seq. ed Brem. De Bono Patient. 16. Arnob. II 15. Bingham VI 1 1 and 2. Sernisch II 191 seq. Neander Hist. Planting (Eng. 1851) n 244 ff. 10 p. 128 1. 34 Arnob. I 64 m. qui matrimonia persuadent habenda esse commnnia, qui cum pneris cubitant formosis lasci- uientibus nudis. Bremi on Cic. De Fato c. 5. CORRVPTOREM De Anim. 1 (p. 300 1. 6 Wiss.) adules- centiam uitians. Cassian. Collat. XIII 5 3 denique famo- 15 sissimus ille ipsorum Socrates hoc (ut ipsi concelebrant) de se non erubuit profiteri. nam cum intuens eum quidnm <f)vaio- fywV tov dixisset : op/mra TraifcpavTov, id est, oculi corruptoris puerorum, et inruentes in eum discipuli inlatum magistro uel- lent ultum ire conuicium, indignationem eorum hac dicitur 20 conpressisse sententia, TravaaaOe, eralpot elfjCi <ydp, eVe^o* oe. Minuc. 38 7 philosophorum supercilia contemnimus, quos cor- ruptores et adalteros nouimus et tyrannos et semper aduerms sua uitia facundos. Sen. ep. 104 28 obiecta est religionum uiolatio, et iuuentutis corruptela, quam immittere in deos, in 25 patres, in r. p. dictus est. Xen. Mem. I 1 1 v P* v 7< xar avrov roid&e ns fy. a&iKel ^WKpdrr]^ ou? pev 7; vofjbi^ei Qeovs ov vo/jbifav, erepa Be icaiva baipovia e dSitcel B fcal rou? i/e ou? Bia^eipcov. ib. I 2 1 6av^a(rrov Se <j)aivTat fMOi /cal TO Trei(r6r)val nvas, w? ^.wKpar^ rou? i>eou? 30 Ste(f)0ipv, 09 Trpo? rots- et p^eW? irpwrov pev d^po^Lalwv tcai ryao-rpos irdvTwv dvdpw-rrwv eyKparecrraro^ TJV. Apol. 19 seq. cf. the testimony of Alcibiades in Plat. Sympos. (cf. 21 2 b ), cited by Lucian Vit. Auct. 15 (see below), and the admiring language of Justin, Origen (Contr. Cels. in 66 ; cf. Plin. ep. m 35 11 5 n. p. 186), Clem. Alex. Lasaulx p. 14. Luc. Vit. Auct. 15 TraiSepaarfc eipt KCLI <70(o? rd epwriicd. ^Diog. Laert. II 38 (of Anytus) ewetra fcal Me\rjrov avveireivev aTreveyKaaOat icar 442 TERTVLLIANI [p. 128 1. 34 avTOv ypafyrjv ao"e/3eta? KOL TWV vkwv &ia(f>0opd$. cf. 40 Menage. Theodoret Graec. Affect. Cur. xn 59. 63. 68. 69. p. 130 1. 1 PHRYNEN Diog. Laert. vi 60 (of Diogenes the Cynic) <$>pvv7)<; A^poSiTTjv xpvcrrjv dvaOeiorr)^ ev AeXc^ot?. rovro 5 eTTiypdtyaL, Trj? aTro rwv Et\\ijvc0v d/cpao-ias. p. 130 1. 2 SVBANTEM c. 14 p. 48 1. 18 n. De Monog. 15 p. m. Oehler (ed. 1849) ad h. 1. p. 130 1. 3 QVENDAM so oliquis in Tert. SPEVSIPPVM rj&ovwv i /rrwv tfv Diog. Laert. IV 1. cf. 2. 10 Athenaeus vii 279 d ~ f . ADVLTERIO Sen. ep. 29 5, of philosophers, ostendet mihi alium in adulterio, alium in popina. Suidas s.u. Moschus. p. 130 1. 4 VXORI cet. Minuc. 35 6 uos enim adulteria prohibetis et facitis : nos uxoribus nostris solum modo uiri 15 nascimur. Saluian. De Gubernat. Dei vii 100 ita isti de quibus loquimur, qui sic inhibuerunt scoria, ut adulteria, qui et feminas nullis uoluerunt esse feminas nisi maritis suis, et uiros nidlis uoluerunt mulieribus esse masculos nisi uxoribus suis, qui euagari obscenas libidines extra legitimum tor inn non 20 sinunt, leges suas scilicet ad diuinae legis regidam dirigentes, ut nihil sibi in hac re crederent licere, quod deus uoluit non licere. Clem. Alex. Paedag. II 10 KOL apovprjs 6w\eia<; CLTre^eo-Bai Trdarjs, on /jurj rijs ISias. ib. ad fin. teal TrpocraiTrov evTrpeires, a\\a JJLOVOV rov ryeya/jiij KOTOS. 25 DEMOCRITVS Lasaulx p. 443 n. 313. Gell. x 17 1 to escape distraction. Cic. De Fin. v 87 uere falsone. Plut. II 521 C rejects the tale. Himerius in Phot. Biblioth. (cod. 165. 243). p. 130 1. 7 OCVLIS Athenag. 32 p. 36 b 77/^66? Se TOO-OVTOV 30 d^La(f)opoL elvai dire^ofjiev, &)? /AySe ISelv rjfMv Trpos e TriOv^iav e^elvai cet. Orig. Contr. Cels. I (where cf. cc. 12. 27. 29) ol Se VTTO avrwv iSiwrai, etc. Theophil. Ill 13 pr. KOL Trep\ TTJTOS ov povov ScSd(7Ki, r]fj,a^ o ayios \6yos TO fj,r) epyw, d\\d /cal jjuexpts evvoias, TO /iT/Se Trj /capSia evvorjOrjvat, 35 jrepi TIVOS KCLKOV rj deacrdfjLevov rot? ofyOaX/JLols d\\OTpiav yvvai/ca eTTLBv^TJcrai. lustin. Apol. I 11. Minuc. 31 e.g. 5 at nos pudorem non facie, sed mente praestamus. Blunt Right Use 325. p. 130 1. 17] APOLOGETICVS 46 443 p. 130 1. 9 DIOGENES De Pall. 4 p. m. (l 940 Oehler) quod si iam tune locorum Diogenes de dolio latraret, non caemdentis pedibus, ut tori Platonici sciunt, < insultasset Oehler > sed omnino totum Empedoclem in adyta Cloacinarum detulisset. Diog. Laert. VI 25 Men. TTCLTWV avrov TTOTC arpwfjLara KK\rj- 5 KOTO? (f)i\ov$ Trapa Aiovv&iov, e<f>rj, Haroo vrjv TlXarw^o? Kvo(T7rov$iav. nrpos ov 6 Tl\,aTa)v f Qo ov, u> Aioyeves, TOV Tv<f)ov Sia^aiveis, So/coov (Jirj TTV(f>(t)(T@ai. oi &e (f)a<n, TOV Aioyevnv elirelv, Tlarco TOP TI\(iT(i)vos TV(f)ov, TOV Se fyavai, Erepw ye Tv<f)(t), Ato^ye^e?. 10 p. 130 1. 10 DECVLCAT Vit. Patr. in 86, of Zacharia, qui pallium suutn deposuit subtus pedes suos et concidcauit illud, et dixit : nisi quis fiterit conculcatus, monachus esse non potest. The word also in p lin. and Stat. [See also Thes. A. S.] p. 130 1. 11 PYTHAGORAS Arnob. I 40 Pythagoras Samius 15 suspicions damnationis iniusta uiuus concrematus in fano est. Athenag. 31 p. 35 a . Diog. Laert. vm 39. p. 130 1. 12 TYRANNIDEM AFFECTANT Quintil. bis. tyraiiiiis Cic. Liu. Ou. Valer.-Max. cet. p. 130 1. 13 supr. c. 38 p. 110 1. 11. Tatian 11 pr. Kaye 20 342. Neumann I 125 n. 1. 241 n. 4. AEQVANIMITATE De Patient. 2 pr. caninae aequanimi- tatis stupore. 3 p. 4 1. 19 Kr. Ter. Plin. Lact. [See Thes. A. S.] CONGREDIAR ad nat. II 1 pr. de deis uestris uobiscum. 25 p. 130 1. 14 d7TOKapTp7jo-t<; in Quintil. VIII 5 23. Tert. Adu. Marc. I 14 p. 309 1. 2 Kr. aTrotcapTepwv (per inediam dis- cedens) in Cic. Tusc. I c. 34 84. cf. Liddell and Scott CLTTO- /capTpea) and add Plut. Pericl. 16 4. Cf. also my note on Plin. Ep. in 7 1 and lexx. s.u. inedia. Supra 4 p. m. p. 16 30 non enim et ipsius Lycurgi leges a Lacedaemoniis emendatae tantum auctori suo doloris incusserunt, ut in secessu inedia de semet ipso iudicarit? p. 130 1. 15 ETIAM DAMN AT VS GRATIAS AGIT C. 1 fin. c. 50 fin. n. 35 p. 130 1. 16 DEPOSITVM R. Seeberg in Zahn Forschungen v 396. luu. 13 60 n. p. 130 1. 17 EXTRA cf. extranei cc. 7. 31. 444 TERTVLLIANI [p. 130 1. 17 SIMPLICITATE plain dealing. CONS1STAM pr. cap. p. 126. p. 130 1. 19 Ambr. De Elia et leiunio c. 12 45 (after telling the story of Polemo s conversion) philosophus postea 5 tantus euaserit, ut esset sobrietatis exemplum, qui fuerat ante ebrietatis ludibrium. non enim unum emendatum illis ihuideo; ut doceam genus eorum luxuriae a me non esse simulatum. certe ille si resipuit a uino,fuit tamen semper temulentus sacrilegio. p. 130 1. 20 ARISTOTELES from Tatian Or. ad Gr. 2 (cited 10 under Aristippus below by Oehler). Diog Laert. v 4 \\picr- TiTTTTO? 8 6V TO) 7TpU)T(f) 7T6/CH TTaXflUa? TpV(f)T)S (j)T}(7LV TOV \\pLO-TOT6\rjv TraXXa/a So? TOV e l&p/LLiov, TOV Se cravTOs eyrj/jie re avrrjv KOL eOvev virepxaipw T&&gt; yvvaiw, &&gt;<? AOrjvaloi rfj EXeucrma A^^rpt. 15 p. 130 1. 21 PLATO from Tatian (see last note). The same story in Elias Cret. ap. Greg. Naz. Or. 3 (= 4) [but see Migne P. G. xxxvn p. 702 a 11. 306 ff., also Chrys. horn. Matth. 33 (34) 1 pr. A. S.]. cf. Menage on Diog. Laert. in 19 20. Plut. Dio 5. Sen. ep. 47 12 nescis qua aetate...seruire 20 coeperit... Plato. Lactant. in 25. p. 130 1. 22 IN PVRPVRA De Pall. 4 a. m. (p. 939) audio enim et in purpura philosophatam. si philosophus in purpura, cur non et in baxa? Luc. Vit. Auct. 12 Zeu?. a\\ov KaXei TOV Kvpwvatov, rov ev Ty Tropfyvpibi, TOV ecrTeffravw/jievov. Her- 25 motimus 86. H., disenchanted of philosophy, vows no more to wear a beard : r^a e /cal TroptyvplSa /Ltera/^^tacro/iat, a>9 elSeiev atravTes OTL jurjfceTi JJLOL TGOV \rfpa)v eiceivwv /uerecrrii/. Gnomolog. Vat. 41 (Wiener Studien IX 1956). SVPERFICIE De Cult. Fern. II 13 (of chastity) eructat 30 a conscientia in -em )( mores, ib. 11. ad nat. I 5 p. 66 1. 1 Wiss. qui -e uocabuli infamant ueritatem. XEPOTATVR once in Sen. Lactant. in 14 (saying of Aris tippus) : illud inter me et nepotes interest, quod isti percaro, ego gratis uoluptates consequar. On the form (Woodham) cf. 35 iuuenatur Hor. Art. Poet. 246. p. 130 1. 25 SED DICET cet. c. 44 fin. nemo illic [in carcere] Christianus nisi plane tantum Christianus ; aut, si et aliud, iam non Christianus. Blunt Right Use p. 325. p. 130 1. 30] APOLOGETICVS 46 445 p. 130 1. 27 ad nat. I 5 ad fin. cf. Lucian Hermotim. e.g. 80 82 (82 f. the master of philosophy bids the parents examine his son their scholar in axioms, syllogisms cet. ei Se 77 TTJV wrepa ervirrev 77 TrapOtvov? <rvvi )p7rae, ri ravra Trpcs e/ze ; ov yap iraL&aywyov yu,e tire an] a are TOVTW). 5 p. 130 1. 28 Lightfoot on Col. 2 8 p. 245. Diet. Bible s.u. philosophy. See esp. omn. De Praescr. Haer. 7 fin. quid ergo Athenis et Hierosolymis? quid academiae et ecclesiae? quid haereticis et Christianis ? nostra institutio de portion Solomonis est. qui et ipse tradiderat dominum in simplicitate cordis esse 10 quaerendum. uiderint, qui Stoicum et Platonicum et dialecticum Christianismum protulerunt. nobis curiositate opus non est post Christum lesum, nee inquisitione post euangelium. ib. 8. 14. De Anim. 3 p. 302 1. 30 Wiss. De Carne Christi 5. Hier. Eph. in 6 4 (vn 666 b ). ep. 22 29 (i 114 C ) quid facit cum is psalterio Horatius ? cum euanyeliis Maro ? cum apostolo Cicero ? Hitter Gesch. der Phil. I 362 )( lustin. Apol. I 46 (Otto ind. s.u. Logos). lustin. Dial. 75 (?) (with the old man). Clem. Alex. Strom, vi c. 17 160. cf. Prud. Contr. Symm. (where ?). Firmic. vm 6 4 aliud ex fronte polliceutur, aliud latenter in 20 moribus celant : sunt enim austera facie, prolixa barba, obstinata fronte, ut Catonis prorsus institutum imitari uideantur ; sed totum hoc fucato mentiuntur affectu ; sunt enim natura petu- lantes, lasciui, semper desideriorum prauis ac libidinosis uolup- tatibus inplicati, et qui latenter amorum cupiditatibus semper 25 exaestuent. Athenag. 11 p. ll d . Minuc. 38. Cypr. De Bon. Pat 3 (quoted above on p. 128 1. 30). Epiphan. Ancorat. 107 (cited by Semisch I 12 Eng. tr.). Eulogy of philosophy Orig. Contr. Cels. I 9. Clem. Alex. Strom, iv 63. 71. p. 130 1. 29 FAMAE NEGOTIATOR Hieron. ep. (ad Pammach.) 30 66 8. ib. 118 5 both cited below c. 47 p. 132 1. 9. Kaye 163. p 130 1. 30 OPERATOR u. 1. in c. 23 p. m. Lact. Firm. math, uulg. Paulin. Nol. ep. 5 10 f. [add Iren. lat. Hil. Hier. 4 exx. and Aug. 9 exx. at least. Oros. A. S.]. Opposition of word and 35 deed. Sen. ep. 117 33 n. [unpublished. A. S.]. Cypr. De Bono Patient. 3 (quoted on p. 128 1. 30). AEDIFICATOR )( uastator Aug. ep. 185 22 pr. 446 TERTVLLIANI [p. 130 1. 31 p. 130 1. 31 DESTRVCTOR Ada. Marc, v 5 pr. 15 (p. 628 1. 7 Kr.) (RW cite only h. 1. and Cassiod. LS also Hier.). De Spectac. 30 p. 29 1. 14 Wiss. sabbati. [See Thes. A. S.] INTERPOLATOR garbler. De Cult. Fern. I 8 non ergo 5 natura optima sunt ista, quae a deo non sunt, auctore naturae; sic a diabolo esse intelleguntur, ab interpolator naturae. De Anim. 16 fin. De Spectac. 2 p. 3 1. 6 Wiss. multum interest inter corruptelam et integritatem, quia multum est inter institu- torem et interpolator em... (p. 4 1. 8 Wiss.) nos igitur, qui domino 10 cognito etiam aemulum eius inspeximus, qui institutore comperto et interpolatorem una deprehendimus, nee mirari neque dubitare oportet : cum ipsum hominem, opus et im,aginem dei, totius uniuersitatis possessorem, ilia uis interpolator is et aemulatoris angeli ab initio de integritate deiecerit. De Test. Ajiiin. 3 15 p. 138 1. 1 Wiss. Satanan denique in omni uexatione et asper- natione et detestatione pronuntias, quern nos dicimus malitiae angel um, totius erroris artificem, totius saeculi interpolatorem. De Praescr. Haer. 7 p. m. fuerat < Paulus > A thenis et istam sapientiam humanam, affectatricem et interpolatricem ueritatis, 20 de congressibus nouerat, ipsam quoque in suas kaereses multi- partitam uarietate sectarum inuicem repugnantium. Lucif. Calarit. Moriend. Esse 1 p. 284 11. 3 4 Hartel interpolator ueritatis (Constantius). [Hier.] Ad Amic. Aegr. ep. II (= 6) 20 (t. XI (2) 105 b ). Zahn Forschungen v 310 (cf. 312 n. 2). 25 Lucian Herrnotim. 59 KCU ol <^Xocro<oi a7roi$ovTai ra fjia- coaTrep ol Ka7rrj\OL, Kepacrd/jievoi <ye 01 TroXXot teat ical /catcofjLerpovvTes. p. 130 1. 32 EXPRESSOR here only, FVRATOR ttTT. elp. CAP. XLVII 30 Ch. XLVII cf. De Praescr. Haer. 7. p. 130 1. 33 Argument from antiquity c. 19 cod. Fuld. cf. p. 62. De Praescr. Haer. 2932. Adu. Prax, 2 p. 229 Kr. bis, Philo Vita Mos. n 4. loseph. Contr. Apion. I c. 22. Clem. Alex. Strom. I 15 72. 21 101. 22 150. v 14 98. lustin. 35 Apol. I 44 p. 81 e seq. KOI Trdvra, oaa Trepl a6avaa-ia<$ ^Jrv^rj^ 77 T(OV /JL6TO, QcLVObTOV rj OeWpiCLS OVpCLVlWV T! TO)V OfJLOlWV p. 132 1. 6] APOLOGETICVS 46, 47 447 Kal (j)L\6(7O(j)OL Kal 7TOL7]ral efydGCiV TTapCL TWV TTpO- ra? d(>op/jias Xa/36yTes" Kal vorjcrai BeBvvrjvrai Kal . cf. c. 54. 59 (Plato borrowed from Moses). Cohort. ad Gent. 14 seq. Theophil. I 14. n 30. 37. in 20 seq. Lactant. IV 5 8 9. Tatian 31 (the earliest Christian to use the 5 argument, but anticipated by Philo (Geffcken Zwei Apologeten (1907) 31)). Kaye 276. p. 132 1. 1 Harnack Gesch. der altchristl. Lit. (1893) I 877. p. 132 1. 2 THESAVRVM c. 19 p. 62 1. 29. 10 p. 132 1. 4 POETARVM c. 19. Athenag. 24 p. 28 a el Be ns K fjuepov^ eiprjTai Trepl TWV yiydvTWv Kal TroiTjrals \6yos, fJ*i) 6av/A(ia-T)T, TT}<? KO<T /u/o}? crofyias Kal OeoXoyiKr)? ocrov d\?j0ia TTLOapov $ia<f>epei &ta\\aTTovcra)v. Clem. Alex. Strom. I 17 87. Tatian 40 OVKOVV Trefyrfve Mwucrr)? CLTTO ye rwv irpo- J 5 eiprjiJievwv Trpea ftvTepos fiputwv TraXaiwv, TroXe/xcoi/, Sai/jiovcov. Kal %pr) TCO Trpeo-fievovTi Kara rrjv r)\iKiav TTio-reveiv, ijTrep TO?? CLTTO T?}? 7rr)yrj<; dpvaafJLevoL^ EXX^crt^ ov KCIT* eTTtyvMcriv ra ZKeivov Soy/juara. So Justin makes the stories of mythology an invention of demons, garbling true prophecies. Cf. lustin. 20 A pel. I 20 p. 55. 44 p. 82 d . 60 p. 93 C . n 10 p. 95. 13 p. 97. p. 132 1. 6 PHILOSOPHI ad nat. II 2. De Anima 1. 2. 3. 23. 39. De Praescr. Haer. 7. 8. 31. Adu. Hermog. 8. [lustin.] Cohort. 22 p. 20 d . 25 p. 24 C . 30 p. 30 d . Apol. I 44 p. 81 e . 54 p. 89. 59 p. 92 C . Tatian 40 p. I73 a . Theophil. i 14 p. 79 a . 25 ii 37 p. 115 d . Cyrill. Adu. lul. I 1 (vi 7 de ). Euseb. Hist. Eccl. X 1 seq. p. 460 seq. So Pythagoras (Constantine Or. ad Sanct. Coet. (ad calc. Euseb. Vit. Const.) c. 9 2). Grig. Contr. Gels. VII 30. Clem. Horn, v 10. 18. Baur Gnosis 376 sqq. 468471. Philosophy is not originally Kara Trporjyov^evov, as O. and 30 N.T., but mediately Kar eVa/coXou^/xa from God. Clem. Alex. Strom. I 5 30 p. 333. 7 37 p. 337. Its source is partly in the law and the prophets ib. v 14 140 p. 733 IK rrjs j3ap/3dpov (i.e. Jewish) <tXo<70</Ha? iracrav (frepo/jLevrjv TTJV Trap "EXX^o-t evSeiKvvfjLevoi aofyiav and therefore the Lord calls all 35 philosophers thieves (lo. x 8) ib. and I 20 100 p. 377. v 13 86 87 p. 698 ; with the better reason, because they passed off the stolen goods as their own property, and disfigured it by 448 TERTVLLIANI [p. 132 1. 6 additions etc. I 17 86 87 p. 369 (cited below); and stole from one another vi 2 4 p. 737. Still they discovered much for themselves I 17 85 p. 369, and added the ornament of form to the stolen goods vi 7 55 p. 768. Above all Plato o rrjv 5 d\^6ei,av ef^Xco/ccb? rwv ^>i\o(r6(f)(DV, TO evavo-^a Trjs E{3paiKf)$ (f)i\o(TO(f)ias %o)7rvpwv Paedag. II 1 18 p. 176 , o /cal <iv rovro) f^Xcor?)? McofcreoK o Trdvra aptcrro? YlXdrwv ib. Ill 11 54 p. 286. The O.T. translated before the LXX (Strom. I 22 150 p. 411 agreeing with Aristobulus). Partly the Greeks 10 derived their knowledge mediately through Egypt and the East, [lustin.] Cohort. 60. Clem. Strom. 1 15 71 p. 359. v 4 26 p. 660 Potter (from Redepenning Origenes I 141). Plato had read the prophets, Orig. Contr. Cels. iv c. 39 fin. p. 533. VII c. 30 p. 715. Euseb. Praep. Euang. xm 13 4 thought 15 that Aristotle held God ordered all things above the moon only, misconstruing Ps. 35 6 Kvpte, ev TO> ovpava) TO eXeos crov /cal r) d\r/0id aov &&gt;<? TWV ve<f>e\u>v. Clem. Alex. Strom. I 17 87 TavTa & av elev tfXeTrrcu KOI \rjo~Tal ol Trap f/ EXX?7cr (fuXoaoffroi, teal Trpo T?)9 TOV Hvpiov Trapovcrias Trapa TWV r Eij3pa ifC(tJv Trpo- 20 (frrjTfZv fjip7j TT}? d\rideias ov /caT eTri^vwcriv \aftbvTes, "XX &&gt;? I &ia afyeTepio-dfjuevoi, ^oy/^aTa, /cal TCL fiev 7rapa^apd^avT^, TO, $ VTTO Trepiepryias d^aQdos crocfricra/jLevoi. Christianity is called $tXoc70(/>/a : Suicer s.u. Otto on Tatian 1 n. 1. 31 n. 2. lust. Dial. c. Tryph. 8 p. 225 b etc. Tatian 31 pr. vvv be Trpocr- 25 Yf/cov fJUOL vofjil^w Trapa<TTr)(raL TrpeafivTepav rrjv rjpeTepav <f)i\o- aofyiav TMV Trap 1 r R\\r)aiv. 40 n. 3. Aug. De Doctr. Christ. II c. 28 thought that Plato had seen Jeremiah in Egypt and read the LXX ! an opinion which he abandoned on chrono logical grounds. De Ciu. Dei vin 11 p. 337 1. 9 D. 3 Clem. 30 Alex. Strom, v c. 2 14 ff. pp. 652 ff. (?). Aug. De Ciu. Dei xviii 37 p. 311 1. 27 D. 3 tempore propketarum nostrorum, quorum iam scripta ad notitiam fere omnium gentium per- uenerunt, et multo magis post eos fuerunt philosophi gentium. . .ac per hoc, quantum ad Graecos adtinet,in qua lingua litter ae huius 35 saeculi maxima ferbuerunt, nihil habent unde sapientiam suam iactent, quo religione nostra...uideatur antiquior. Antiquity of Moses, Euseb. Praef. Chron. Praep. Euang. 470 C . 492 d . cf. ind. s.u. Moses. [See also Gifford s index, torn. II p. 525. A. S.] p. 1321. 9J APOLOGET1CVS 47 449 M. the ocean of theology, Theodoret Graec. Affect. Cur. n 50. Lactant. iv 5 6. lustin. Dial. c. Tryph. c. 7 p. 224 d , prophets before philosophers, id. Apol. n 81. 92. Cohort, ad Gr. 28. 31. 32. Plato took much from the Bible, without naming the source, fearing Socrates fate. "[lustin.] Cohort. 20 p. 18 de . 5 cf. Clem. Alex. Strom. I fin. n pr. lustin, of Perseus, Aeacus, Bellerophon, Apol. I 21 2. 54 7. 8. Cyrill.-Alex. 10 in Julian, pp. 340. 342, ed. Spanheim, 1696. Chrys. in lo. 60 (59) 4(y). Euseb. fraep. Eu. 410 bc . 462 d . 463 d . 663 d . Scripture read by Numa 410 b , by Plato 410 (l , by Pythagoras 10 and Numenius 41 l a , Amelius the Platonist 540 b . Ambr. ep. 37 ad Simplician. 6 unde tamen hoc [omnis sapiens liber] plenius hauserit philosophia, de qua patrum disciplina et pru- dentia, consideremus. nonne primus Noe? 28 quis est qui Sophoclea in medium ferat carmina? ... quanta antiquior lob, 15 quanta uetustior Dauid? agnoscant ergo de nostris se habere quaecumque praestantiora locuti sunt. ep. 28 1, of Pytha goras, id. De Paradis. 14 fin., the cardinal virtues a plagiarism from the four rivers of Paradise, id. in Ps. 118, Serm. 2 13 fin. Athenag. 9. lustin. Apol. I 44. Cohort, ad Gent. 20 14 sq. 19 sq. Minuc. 34 4 Holden. Keim Celsus p. 77 n. 2 fin. Arnob. in 6 7 philosophers , especially Cicero s, criticism of Olympian gods. Some muttered that the senate ought to proscribe these writings which confirm Christianity, ib. 7. Orig. Contr. Cels. VL 19 (xix 332 n. 4 L.). 25 p. 132 1. 9 HOMINES cet. c. 19 Fuld. p. 62 1. 2 gloriae homines siquid inuenerant, ut propri am facer ent, adulterauerunt c. 46 m. p. 128 mimice philosophi affectant ueritatem et affec- tando corrumpunt, ut qui gloriam captant. De Anim. 1 p. 299 1. 9 Wiss. uir quilibet...nedum philosophus gloriae animal. 30 ib. 3 pr. nihil omnino cum philosophic super anima quoque experiremur, patriarch/is, ut ita dixerim, haereticorum. Adu. Hermog. 8 fin. haereticorum patriarchae philosophi. De Praescr. Haer. 7 (quoted on p. 130, 1. 28). ad nat. II 2 (p. 96 1. 1 Wiss.) ita accedente libidine gloriae ad proprii ingenii opera mutasse. 35 Theodoret Graec. Affect. Cur. II p. 33 1. 39 philosophers con cealed their obligations from vainglory, xn 32 p. 170 1. 19 [cf. vi 29 p. 90 1. 9. A.S.]. Arnob. n 50. Hier. ep. 66 8 M. T. 29 450 TERTVLLTANI [p. 132 1. 9 plus debet Christi discipulus praestare quam mundi; philosophus gloriae animal et popularis aurae atque rumorum uenale man- cipium est. ib. 118 5 (796 b ) philosophus gloriae animal et popu laris aurae uile mancipium. Aug. ep. (56) 118 (of philosophers) 5 inanis gloriae mancipia, from Cresoll. Theatrum Yeterum Rhetorum v 2. Cic. pro Archia 26 ipsi illi philosophi etiam in eis libellis, quos de contemnenda gloria scribiuit, nomen suum inscribunt : in eo ipso, in quo praedicationem nobilitatemque despiciunt, praedicari de se ac nominari uolunt. 10 p. 132 1. 10 LIBIDINOSI De Virg. Vel. 13 p. m. ergo quod non potest uideri propter deum fieri, quia sic fieri deus non uult, sequitur, ut hominum gratia fiat, utique primo illicit am, ut gloriae libidinosum. De Cam. Resur. 32 p. 71 1. 10 Kr. quis ergo discendi magis adfinis quam praesumendi et credendi dili- 15 gentior quam. contendendi, et diuinae potius sapientiae religiosus quam suae libidinosus. p. 132 1. 11 DIGESTIS Kaye 299 cites Adu. Marc, iv 3 p. 428 1. 11 Kr. (he says wrongly c. 2) et inde sunt nostra digesta. ibid. IV 5 p. 431 1. 8 Kr. Lucae digestum. Cf. ad 20 nat. n 1 p. 94 1. 15 Wiss. elegi ad compendium Varronis opera, qui rerum diainarum ex omnibus retro digestis commentatus, idoneiun se nobis scopum exposuit. Oehler there. De Bapt. 1 pr. felix sacramentum aquae nostrae . . .non erit otiosum digestum istud, instruens tarn eos, qui cum maxime formantur, quam et illos, 25 qui simpliciter credidisse contenti, non exploratis rationibus tradi- tionum intemptatam probabilem fidem per imperitiam portant. p. 132 1. 12 Clem. Strom, vi c. [2. 4 3 p. 737 P. A.S.]. p. 132 1. 14 etc. ad nat. n 2 p. 95 1. 24 Wiss. (lexx. Col. (1). Tert. De Virg. Vel. 11 [more in Oehler s index. A.S.] Hier. (1) 30 nam et alias ueritatis simplicitas per scrupulositatem passiuae fidei nutat, et ita accedente libidine gloriae ad proprii ingenii opera mutasse, per quod in incertum abiit etiam quod inuenerant, et facta est argumentationum inundatio de stillicidio uno atque olio ueritatis. inuento enim solum modo deo, non ut inuenerunt 35 exposuerunt, ut de qualitate eius et de natura, et iam de sede disceptent. p. 132 1. 17 Ash ton (in Woodham) reads from ad nat. 1. c. inuento... Deo adeo etc. p. 132 1. 22] APOLOGETICVS 47 451 p. 132 1. 18 seq. De Test. Anim. 1 p. 135 1. 13 Wiss. con- siste in medio, anima, sen diuina et aeterna res es secundum plures philosophos, eo magis non mentieris; sen minime diuina, quoniam quidem mortalis, ut Epicuro soli uidetur, eo magis mentiri non debebis, sen de caelo exciperis, sen de terra con- 5 ciperis, sen numeris sen atomis concinnaris, seu cum corpore incipis, seu post corpus induceris, unde unde et quoquo modo hominem fads animal rationale, sensus et scientiae capacissi- mum. De Anima passim e.g. 3 p. 303 1. 3 Wiss. alii immor- talem negant animam, alii plus quam immortalem adfirmant, 10 alii de substantia, alii de forma, alii de una quaque disposi tion e disceptant : hi statum eius aliunde ducunt, hi exitum aliorsum abducunt, prout aut Platonis honor aut Zenonis uigor aut Aristotelis tenor aut Epicuri stupor aut Heracliti maeror aut Empedoclis furor persuaserunt. Cf. Sir John Davies on 15 the soul. p. 132 1. 20 De Anima 5 pr. si non olios e contrario in- spexerint et quidem plures, corpus animae uindicantes. nee illos dico solos, qui earn de manifestis corporalibus effing unt, ut Hipparchus et Heraclitus ex igni, ut Nippon et Tholes ex aqua, 20 ut -Empedocles et Critias ex sanguine, ut Epicurus ex atomis, si et atomi corpulentias de coitu suo cogunt, ut Critolaus et Peripa- tetici eius ex quinta nescio qua substantia, si et ilia corpus, quia corpora includit; sed etiam Stoicos allego, qui spiritum prae- dicantes animam paene nobiscum Aug. De Ciu. Dei xvin 41 25 (II 318 20 sq. Dombart). p. 132 1. 21 ATOMIS Usener Epicurea fr. 354 p. 238 )( Lac- tant. De Ira Dei 10 28. p. 132 1. 22 PLATONICI ad nat. n 2 p. 96 1. 6 Wiss. Platonici quidem curantem rerum et arbitrum et iudicem, Epicurei otio- 30 sum et inexercitum et, ut ita dixerim, neininem; positum uero extra mundum Stoici, intra mundum Platonici. De Spectac. 30 p. 29 1. 1 Wiss. praeterea sapientes illos philosophos coram discipulis suis una conflagrantibus erubescentes, quibus nihil ad deum pertinere suadebant. cf. Spencer on Orig. Coritr. Gels. 35 I c. 21 p. 17 1. 10 (annot. p. 16 a ). Arnob. II 56 f. deos nonnulli esse abnegant ; prorsus dubitare se alii an sint uspiam dicunt; alii uero exsistere neque humana curare: immo alii perhibent et 292 452 TERTVLLIANI [p. 132 1. 22 rebus interesse mortalium et terrenas administrare rationes. Cic* De Nat. Deor. I 123 omnino nihil curantem, nihil agentem. Ennius Telarno (Fr. 269 R. : 3535 Vahlen, in Cic. Dm. n 104, cf. I 132. De Nat. Deor. in 79) ego deum genus esse semper 5 dixi et dicam caelitum, \ sed eos non curare opinor, quid agat humanum genus: \ nam si curent, bene bonis sit, male malis, quod nunc abest. p. 132 1. 23 EPICVREI omn. Adu. Marc. I 25 p. 325 1. 14 Kr. etc. iv 15 p. 463 1. 28 Kr. v 19 p. 645 1. 11 Kr. 10 Usener s Epicurea fr. 363 p. 242, fr. 360 pp. 241. 234. Menage on Diog. Laert. x 139. See the doctrines of Damis in Luc. lup, Trag. 4. 17. 35 49. Icaromen. 9. 35 pr. Ennius (quoted in last note). Cic. De Nat. Deor. I 85 nonnullis uideri uides Epicurum, ne in offensionem Atheniensium caderet, uerbis reli- 15 quisse deos, re sustulisse. Lucr. n 59. 646 651. Lactant. in 17 4 (from Epicurus) inreligiosus audit deos nihil curare. p. 132 1. 24 VT ITA DIXERIM = ad nat. n 2 p. 96 1. 8 Wiss. De Cult. Fern. II 9 f. De Bapt. 8 p. 207 1. 25 Wiss. [add Adu. Marc. I 3 p. 294 1. 7 Kr. A. S.]. Pacian Paraen. 3 quadrantis 20 unius, ut ita d., rei. Paulin. Nol. ep. 13 26 ut sic dixerim. p. 132 1. 25 EXTRA MVNDVM so Epicurus Sen. ben. iv 19 1, 2. vii 13 1 (Usener p. 242 1. 3 n. 30 p. 243 1. 10). p. 132 1. 28 INNATVS cf. infectus, indictus. c. 11 p. 63 1. 22. Adu. Hermog. 5 p. 131 1. 16 Kr. innatus deus: an 25 non innata et materia? semper deus: an non semper et materia? a?nbo sine initio, ambo sine fine. 12 p. 139 1. 10 Kr. 18 p. 145 1. 26 Kr. Adu. Marc. I 3 p. 293 1. 22 Kr. 15 p. 310 1. 4 Kr. Adu. Prax. 19 p. 262 1. 16 Kr. De Anim. 4 p. 303 1. 27 Wiss. hoc Plato excludit, innatam et infectam animam uolens. ibid. 21 p. 335 30 1. 5 Wiss. cf. Ambr. Hexaemeron I 1 1. 3 8. Clem. Recogn. ill 11 pr. and f. Lucian Icaromen. 8 Trpwra ^ev jap avrols rj Trepl rov KOCT/JLOV ryvca/JLrj $id(j) )pos, et ye rot? pev ayevvijTOS re ical ava\e6pos elvai BOKCI. Arnob. II 58 si suspicionum ex- ponere uolueritis audaciam, potestis explicare ac promere, mun- 35 dus iste qui nos habet utrumne non sit genitus an tempore in aliquo constitutes? Lactant. VIII 1 6 10. p. 132 1. 29 DISSOLVBILEM (the word Cic. Tert. De Anim. 14 pr. ter. (Lact. in LS not in RW) Chalcid. in Tim. p. 54 [Aug. p. 134 1. 2] APOLOGETICVS 47 453 in LS. A. S.]) (The question argued, Aug. op. 137 12.) De Test. An. 4 (p. 138 1. 18 Wiss.) opinio Christiana et... Epic-urea grauior quae te ab interitu defendit. De Carn. Resur. 1 p. 25 1. 14 Kr. nihil esse post mortem Epicuri schola est. Plin. vii 55 188 post sepulturam uariae manium ambages. 5 omnibus a suprema die eadem quae ante primum, nee magis a morte sensus ullus aut corpori aut animae quam ante natalem cet. 180 190. Arnold Die Unsterblichkeit der Seele betrachtet nach den vorztiglichsten Ansichten des Alterthums 1870. Spiess Entwickelungsgeschichte der Vorstellungen vom 10 Zustande nach dem Tode auf Grund vergleichender Religions- forschung 1877. Rohde Psyche 3 (Tubingen 1903) passim. Friedlander in c. 6 (last). Boissier La Fin du Paganisme, 1. in c. 1. p. 132 1. 31 INSTRVMENTVM c. 17 pr. 18 pr. litteraturae. De 15 Praescr. Haer. 38. Adu. Marc, iv 1 p. 423 1. 4 Kr. alterius instrumenti, uel, quod mag-is usui est dicere, testamenti. ib. IV 25 (?). ib. 2 bis e.g. euangelicum p. 426 1. 7 Kr. ib. v 1 creatoris p. 569 1. 22 Kr. 2 fin. Actorum. 6 p. 590 1. 2 Kr. 3 p. 619 1. 18 Kr. 14 p. 625 1. 16 Kr. prophetae. 16 fin. enangelii. De leiunio 11 (testa- 20 menti, p. 289 1. 4 Wiss.). De Monogam. 7 infr. De Cult. Fern, i 3 fin. omne instrumentum ludaicae litteraturae per Esdram constat restauratum. De Pudic. 10 p. 240 1. 12 Wiss. diuinum i.)( apocrypha. Adu. Prax. 20 p. 263 1. 11 Kr. totum instrumentum utriusque testamenti. De Carne Chr. 2 originalia -a Christi. Adu. 25 Hermog. 19 pr. originate -urn Moysi. 20 p. 149 1. 2 Kr. Hier. ep. 106 2. 108 11 and 26. Kaye 299. [In [Pelag.] Ps.-Hier. in Rom. 7 1 2 it is an editorial interpolation. A. S.] INTERVERTERVNT Sen. Frontin. Apul. Apol. 83 fin. ueritas vlim -sa nunc se fert (or to embezzle, argentum Plaut. Petr. 30 107 cf. dig. xvi 3 22 bis). p. 134 1. 1 NOVICIOLAM: -lus a catechumen. De Paenit. 6 pr. modern. cf. 37 hestenri. Keim s Celsus p. 10 n. 3. [Cf. Ambst. nouellus, passages in Study of Ambrosiaster, p. 121. A. S.] p. 134 1. 2 PARATVRAM in this sense De ieiun. 11 pr. 35 utriusque testamenti paraturam. De Monogam. 7 pr. ad uetera transeamus instrumenta legalium swipturarum, ut pet f ordinem deomni nostra paratura retractemus. The word also Apol. 22 454 TERTVLLIANI [p. 134 1. 2 p. 78 1. 4. 27. Scorp. 10 p. 169 1. 2 Wiss. Adu. Valent. 16 p. 196, 1. 8 Kr. Oehler on De Spectac. 4. Scorpiace c. 10 p. 168 1. 12 Wiss. illic constitutes et synagogas ludaeorum, fontes persecutionum, apud quas apostoli flagella 5 perpessi sunt, et populos nationum cum suo quidein circo, ubi facile conclamant, usque quo genus tertiumV (heathen, Jews, Christians), ad nat. I 7 fin. (al. 8 pr.) tertium genus dicimur. an cynopennae aliqui uel sciapodes uel aliqui de subterraneo anti podes^ (Elsewhere ad nat I 20, Lamprid. Alex. Seu. 23 7 mean 10 by tertium genus eunuchs.) Praedicatio Petri in Clem. Alex. Strom. VI 5 41 ra yap r Ei\\r)va)i> KOL loirBaitup TraXaid, V/JLCL^ oe ot, KCLIVWS avrov rpirw yevei creficjjievoi Xpiariai oL Ep. ad Diogn. 1 p. 494 KOI ri Brj jrore tcaivov rovro yevo? 77 eTTLTrj- Bevfia eifffjXQev et9 rov fiiov vvv KOLI ov jrporepov ; (Otto ad loc.) 15 2 p. 494 d \6you fcaivov. Apol. Aristid. 2 fyavepov...oTi rpia, eltrw dvOpMTrwv ev rco8e T<M /coa/jLO) wv elaiv ol rwv Trap v^iv iJLevwv 0(*>v TrpocrKvvrjTai, teal lovbaioi, /cal Xpicrnavol. p. 134 1. 3 ADVLTERAVERVNT C. 46 p. 128 1. 21. p. 134 1. 4 similar caueat c. 46 f. sed dicet aliquis, etiam 20 de nostris excedere quosdam a regula disciplinae; desinunt turn Christiani haberi penes nos. p. 134 1. 5 NOTA VARIETAS SECTAE Woodham cites Orig. Contr. Cels. v c. 64 p. 273. vi c. 11 p. 282 ed. Cant. p. 134 1. 6 Fuld. Hau. et ex uarietate defectionem uindicet 25 ueritatis. p. 134 1. 7 EXPEDITE Plaut. Cic. Sen. ep. 40 12 dispu- tabat. Suet. Tert. De Cult. Fern. I 3 med. hoc si non tain expedite haberet. ADVLTERIS i.e. heretics, germ of Praescr. Haer. (Bonwetsch 3 o p. 45). cf. Adu. Marc. I 1 p. 292 1. 7 Kr. cf. 22 (?). De Carne Chr. 2. Heraldus pp. 181 259. p. 134 1. 8 REGVLAM See Havercamp. Kaye 270. p. 134 1. 9 COMMENTATORES Apul. Seru. ad Aen. IX 748. cod. Tert. Apol. 10. De Cor. Milit. 7 p. m. De Cam. Resur. 35 33 (this ex. in lex.) p. 72 1. 18 Kr. De Carne Chr. 22 pr. Adu. Valent. 34 fin. De Anima 46 p. 377 1. 3 Wiss. Adu. Marc, iv 2 p. 426 1. 26 Kr. Charis. I p. 98. [Rufin.] Comm. in Joel. I 1. [See Thes. A. S.] p. 134 1. 21] APOLOGETICVS 47 455 p. 134 1. 10 Kayc 203. 545. supr. c. 22 p. 76 1. 31 n. De Praescr. Haer. 40 quaeritur, a quo intellectus interpretetur eorum quae ad kaereses faciant : a diabolo scilicet, cuius sunt paries inter uertendi ueritatem...ideo neque a diabolo immissa esse spiritalia neqtdtiae [= Eph. 6 12. A. S.], ex quibus etiam 5 haereses ueniunt, dubitare quis debet. p. 134 1. 11 Tatian 40. lustin. Apol. i 54. Athenag. 24 f. AEMVLATIONEM c. 2 a. f. intelleyere potestis non scelus ali- quod in causa essc, sed nomen, quod quaedam ratio aemulae operationis insequitur. 10 p. 134 1. 12 ADVLTERIA De Idolol. p. 30 1. 13 Wiss. qui falsis deis seruit, sine dubio adulter est ueritatis, quia omne falsum adulterium est. De Cult. Fein. I 8 colorum iniustorum. Adu. Marc. I 20 pr. aiunt enim Marcionem non tarn inno- uasse regulam separatione legis et euangelii, quam retro adidte- 15 ratam recur asse. De Praescr. Haer. 17 tantum ueritati obstrepit adulter sensus, quantum et corruptor stilus. 18 fin. necesse est enim et illos dicer e a nobis potius adulteria scripturarum et expositionum mendacia inferri, qui proinde sibi defendant ueri- tatem. 30 p. m. hos ut insiyniores et frequentiores adulteros 20 ueritatis nominamus. 31 pr. parabolae . . .quae bonum semen fru- menti a domino seminatum in primoreconstituit, auenarum autem sterilis faeni adulterium ab inimico diabolo postea superducit. De Spect. 2 p. 3 1. 1 Wiss. ids aemula ex aduerso adulterandis usibus diuinae conditionis. 23 p. 23 1. 25 Wiss. non amat falsum 25 auctor ueritatis; adulterium est apt id ilium omne quod fin y it ur. De Pudic. 10 p. 240 1. 11 Wiss.scriptura Pastoris...adultera et ipsa. p. 134 1. 18 RIDEMVR c. 18 (after speaking of the judgement) haec et nos risimus aliquando. IVDICATVRVM Geffcken Zwei Apologeten (1907) 279 n. 10 30 and p. 96. p. 134 1. 19 GEHENNAM Kaye 247 seq. 327 seq. De Cam. Restir. 34 p. 74 1. 10 Kr. porro autem recipimus animae inmor- talitateni, utperdita non in interitum credatur, sed in supplicium, id est, in gehennam. 35 saepe. De Paenit. 5 fin. 12 bis. p. 134 1. 21 DECACHINNAMVR ad nat. I 19 p. 19 1. 12 Wiss. qu-o facilius rideatis et resolutius decachinnetis. gl. in Mai Auct. Class. VI 519 decachinnantem, deridentem. 456 TERTVLLIANI [p. 134 1. 21- PYRIPHLEGETHON ad nat. I 19 fin. apud uos quoque Pyri- phlegethontis et Elysii non alias condicio disponitur. nee mythici ac poetici soli tnlia canunt. Arnob. II 14 pr. citing Plat. Phaed. p. 113 audetis rider e nos, cum gehennas dicimus et inexstingui- 5 biles quosdam ignes, in quos animas deici ab ear am hostibus inimicisque cognouimus ? quid Plato idem uester in eo uolumine, quod de animae immortalitate composuit, non Acheroatem, non Stygem, non Cocytum fluuios et Pyriphlegethontem nominat, in quibus animas asseuerat uolui mergi exuri. Lactant. vn 26. 10 Martian. Cap. 166 195. Euseb. Praep. Euang. xiv 7. Derided Cic. De Nat. Deor. n 5 (Hippocentaur). p. 134 1. 22 PARADISVM Kaye 249 citing De Cam. Resur. 26 fin. (Pamel. I p. 31 E. n. 9.) cf. 17. 63. De Spect. 30. Adu. Marc, ill 24. iv 34 p. m. A lost treatise of T. s de 15 paradiso named De Anim. 55 fin. 56. 58 pr. De Patient. 9. 16. Scorpiac. 12 p. m. Pusey n. c pp. 116 120. p. 134 1. 24 ZONAE Verg. Ou. Plin. Mela Macr. Mart. Cap. cf. Scorp. 10 p. 168 1. 19 Wiss. erit certe etiam career in caelo, carens sole aut ingratis luminosus, et uincula fortasse de zonis, 20 et eculeus axis ipse qui torquet. Luc. iv 675 zonae exusta calentis. ix 314 aequora...zonae uicina perustae. Claud. Idyll. 4 9 ftammigerae. Arnob. I 52 pr. per igneam zonam. p. 134 1. 25 ELYSII Adu. Marc, iv 34 p. 537 1. 5 Kr. Zeno De Resurr. (m 412 b Bibl. Max. Patr. [=ed. Ballerini, Veron. 25 1739, p. 121. A. S.]) poetae autem melius, qui duplicem uiam apud inferos ponunt, iinpiorum unani, quae ducit in Tartarum, piorum aliani quae ducit ad Elysium, eo fortius addentes, quod defunctorum, ibidem non tarn formae quam facta noscantur. ORO vos c. 20 f. 40 a. m. (o. te Cic. Att. bis. Liu. Sen. in 30 lexx.) De Carne Chr. 2 m. 19 fin. oro te De Exhort. Cast. 8 pr. Ad Vxor. I 3. 4 fin. De Cor. Mi lit. 14. ad nat. I 7 p. 68 1. 25 Wiss. p. 70 1. 7 Wiss. n 4 p. 102 1. 2 Wiss. (Apul. Metam. v 31 -amus.) p. 134 1. 26 DE NOSTRLS SACRAMEXTis Minuc. 34 4 Holden, 35 animaduertis philosophos eadem dispatare, quae dicimus, non quod nos simus eorum uestigia subsecuti, sed quod illi de diuinis praedicationibus prophetarum umbram interpolatae ueritatis imitati sint. Cf. De Testim. An. 5 p. 141 1. 9 Wiss. Adu. p. 134 1. 34] APOLOGETICVS 47, 48 457 Marc, u 17 p. 358 1. 27 Kr. sed ante Lycurgos et Solonas omnes Mouses et deus. nulla posteritas non a primordiis accipit. Kaye 337. p. 134 1. 32 VERITATEM )( IMAGO Ambr. Off. I 239. [Add Pelag. in Rom. 2, 26 and often. A. S.] -ate in reality Ambr. 5 ib. 235 pr. Cic. Orator 38 Sandys. 158 191 231. Quintil. n 10 11. CAP. XLVIII p. 134 1. 33 LABERIVS incert. xxi (p. 301 Ribbeck). p. 134 1. 34 PYTH AGORAE on metempsychosis De Anima 28 p. 347 1. 7 Wiss. (cf. n. on p. 136 1. 8). 31 p. 352 1. 5 Wiss. (cf. n. , on p. 136 1. 3). 32 pr. thamnus et piscisfui, inquit (Empedocles) ; cur non magis et pepo? 33 fin. deus itaque iudicabit plenius, qnia extremius per sententiam aeternam tarn supplicii quam refrigerii, nee in bestias sed in sua corpora reuertentibus animabus. 34 p. 358 1. 22 Wiss. 35 p. 360 1. 10 Wiss. De Carn. Resurr. 1 15 p. 25 1. 15 Kr. satis est autem, si non minor philosophia Pytha- gorae et Empedoclis et Platonici immortalem animam e contrario reclamant, immo adhuc proxime etiain in corpora remeabilem adfirmant. etsi non in eadem, etsi non in humana tantum modo, ut Euphorbus in Pythagoram, Homerus in pauum re < dire > 20 censeantur. certe recidiuatum animae corporalein pronuntia- mrimt. De Testim. Anim. 4 p. 138 1. 18 Wiss. ea opinio Christiana etsi honestior nudto Pythagorica, quae te non in bestias transfert ; etsi plenior Platonica, quae tibi etiam dotem corporis reddit. ad nat. I 19 p. 91 1. 15 Wiss. attamen quauto acceptabilior 25 nostra praesumptio est, quae in eadem corpora redituras defendit. uobis autem quanto uanius traditum est, hominis spiritum in cane uel mulo ant pauone rediturum 1 Menage on Diog. Laert. vni 5. Rohde Psyche 427. 568 3. 4546. Ambr. De Exc. Fratr. n 6570, 127131. De Fide Resurr. 50. 129 133. 30 136. Aug. De Gestis Pelagii 18 x 486 c Gaume. ib. x 1089 be, 1094 a. in Ps. 88 serm. 2 5. ib. 146 18 a. m. Rittershusius on Porph. Vit. Pythag. 45. Arnob. 11 16 fin. quod si et illnd est -uerum, quod in mysteriis secretioribiis dici- tur, inpecudes aeque alias beluas ire animas improborum, post- 35 quam sunt humanis corporibus exutae, manifestius comprobatur 458 TERTVLLIANI [p. 134 1. 34 uicinos nos esse neqtie interiiallis longioribus disparates. Chrys. Horn. 66 (65) in loann. 3 (vm 399 a ) a\\" airep 77 Trap i^lv eTTio-raraL, ravra TlvOayopas ovbeirw fj&ei aXX, eXeyov V? A. S.] on Qd^vo^ ecnlv /cal l^Ovs /cal KVWV yiverai 5 77 ^rv^i- Lasaulx Studien p. 26. Orig. Contr. Gels, v 21 (p. 245 with Spencer s note, n. pp. 200 1 L._). Ridiculed by Lucian, Menipp. 20. Minuc. 11 1. 34 5 (Holden s n. pp. 1712) sic etiam condicionem renascendi sapientium clariores, Pytha goras primus et praecipuus Plato, corrupta et dimidiata fide 10 tradiderunt ; nam corporibus dissolutis solas animas uohuit et perpetuo manere et in alia noua corpora saepius commeare. addunt istis et ilia ad retorquendatn ueritatem, in pecudes aues beluas hominum animas redire. Athenag. Suppl. 36 and Tert. Carn. Resurr. passim. Cf. also the doctrine of Empedocles, 7/877 15 ydp TTOT <ya) <yev6/jLrjv rcovpos re &c. Aristot. De Anirna I 3 TlvOayopeiovs pvOovs. Lactant. Ill 18 15-16. VII 12 30. 23 2. Ennius ap. Lucr. I 116. Ou. Metam. xv 160. Tatian. 10 p. 149 C . Plat. Polit. x 618 sq. Pyth.-Euph.(?) Hermias 2 ol 3e aTroOripiovaiv avrtjv [the soul]...uSwp yivofj,ai r 20 OLTJP ryivo/jiai, 7rvp <yivo/jiai euro, fjuer o\i<yov OVT arjp ovre irvp, fJL 7T016L, l^OvV fJL6 7TOL6L TT(l\lV OVV a$\<j)OV<> ^ft> [Tert. De Anim. 32] OTCLV 8e epavTov t Sw, (j>oj3ovfj,ai TO (Ttofjia /cal ovtc olSa OTTW? avrb Ka\cra), avdpwjrov r} KVVCL 77 \VKOV fj Tavpov r/ opviv 77 o<piv 77 Spd/covTa >; ^ifjuaipav. et? 25 Trdvra yap ra Orfpia VTTO T&V (frtXocro^ovvTwv ^ era/3 a XX o^ai* Resurrection derided. Paul at Athens [Acts 17 31]. Lucian Gallus 1. 5 d\KTpva)v </uXo<ro</>o9 and ind., Peregrin. 13 p. 336 avrovs ol /ca^oSa/yLto^e? TO fJiev o\ov dOdvaroi ecrea-tfai, rov del ^povov. Hier. Contr. Rufin. I c. 20 (t. II 30 476 b ) Origeni tuo licet tractare de /jLere^-^v^wo-ec, innumerabiles mundos introducer e, et rationabiles creatwras aliis atque aliis uestire corporibus, Christumque dicere saepe passum, et saepius passurum. id. ep. [ad Auiturn] 124 7 (923 e ) [also in Matth. 11 vv. 14 15 etc. A. S.]. Rufin. Comm. in Symbol. 39 a. in, 35 of Manichaeus (cf. Aug. Contr. Faust, xx 20 f.) coaeternas deo animas secundum Pythagoreos in pecudes et animalia et bestias redire per diuersos nascendi circulos adstruit. lustin. Dial, c, Tryph. 4 2 ff. Iren. n 33 2. p. 136 1. 12] APOLOGETICVS 48 459 p. 136 1. ,3 De Anima 31 p. 351 1. 20 Wiss. sed et Pyrrhus ille fallendis piscibus agebat, Pythagoras contra nee edendis ut animalib as abstinens. p. 136 1. 5 ad nat. I 19 p. 91 1. 17 Wiss. p. 136 1. 6 LAPIDIBVS c. 37 pr. Theophil. ad Autol. ill 30 5 (Blunt Right Use 371). domestics seditioni tela [whence?]. St Paul [2 Cor. 11, 25, Acts 14, 5. A. S.]. NEC SALTEM Ronsch Das N. T. Tert. s 615 16, once in Tac. Ann. in 5. luu. 9 147 8 uotum miserabile nee spes his saltern. Minuc. 10 3. 12 1. 10 p. 136 1. 7 POPVLO c. 49 p. 142 1. 6 n. si cet. Ambr. De Fid. Resurr. 65 transire ac demigrare in corpora dicunt animas ne mundus intereat. sed quid sit difficilius ipsi adserant, transire animas an redire; sua repetere an noua quaerere? cf. 70 potestis ergo, gentiles, refor- 15 mationem negare naturae, qui mutationem potestis adserere ? p. 136 1. 8 De Spectac. 30 p. 29 1. 4 Wiss. (philosophers) animas aid nullas aut non in pristina corpora redituras ad- firmabant. ad nat. I 19 fin. philosophi de animarum lecipro- catione et iudicii distributions confirmant. De Anima 28 pr. 20 quis ille nunc uetus sermo apud memoriam Platonis de ani marum reciproco discursu, quod hinc abeuntes eant illuc, et rursus hue ueniant el uiuant, et dehinc e uita abeant, rursus ex mortuis effici uiuos? in another sense Liu. xxi 58 4 uentus... cum iam spiritum includeret nee reciprocare animam sineret. 25 p. 136 1. 12 QVIS IX QVAM BESTIAM Simonides of Amorgus. [7 (8) 1. 2 cet. ed. Hiller-Crusius. A. S.] De Anima 33 p. 356 1. 8 Wiss. quid, putas futuram animam homicidae? aliquod, credo, pecus lanienae et macello destinatum, ut peiinde iuguletur, quia et ipsa iugulauerit, perinde decorietur, quia et ipsa de- 30 spoliauerit...(p. 357 1. 9 Wiss.) citi non expediat apud Pijtha- goran et Empedoclen sententiam pati? nam et qui laboribus atque seruitiis puniendi, in asinos utique et mulos recorpora- buntur, quantum sibi de pistrinis et aquilegis rotis gratula- buntur?...(l 24) Age mine, ut poetae in pauos uel in cycnos 35 transeant, si uel cijcnis decora uox est, quod animal indues uiro iuslo Aeaco? quani bestiam integrae feminae Didoni? quam uolucrem patientia, quarn pecudem sanctinwnia, quern 460 TERTVLLIANI [p. 136 1. 12 piscem innocentia sortientur? Aug. De Gen. ad Litt. vn 10 15 (Migne xxxiv 361) rapaces in miluos (post mortem posse transferri). p. 136 1. 17 RATIO cet. De Test. Anim. 4 p. 138 1. 17 Wiss. 5 nulla ratio sit iudicii sine ipsius exhibitions qui meruit iudicii passionem. cf. de Carn. Res. 14, 15. Arn. n 17 (?). Tatian 6 pr. p. 145* 1 /cal 8t,a rovro Kal (ray/jLdrwv dvdcrTao iv eaeauai 7r7ricrTVfcafAei yu-era rrjv TWV o\wv avvTe\iav,...(nra% oe, TMV Ka6 TUJLCL^ alwvwv TreTrepaa/j-evcov, [/cat] et? TO 7rai>TeXe? Sta 10 povMv ra)i> dvOpcoTTcov rr)v (Tvor-rao-LV [laeo-Oai] ^dpiv KptO"e<D?. Ambr. De Fide Resurr. 52 cum omnis uitae nostrae usus in corporis animaeque consortio sit, resurrectio autem aut boni actus praemium habeat aut poenam improbi ; necesse sit corpus resurgere, caius actus expenditur. quomodo enim in indicium 15 uocabitur anima sine corpore, cum de suo et corporis contubernio ratio praestanda sit? p. 136 1. 19 Arnob. II 14, of Plato, et homo prudentiae non prauae et examinis iudiciique perpensi rem inenodabilem sus- cipit, lit cum animas dicat immortales perpetuas et corporali 20 soliditate priuatas, puniri eas dicat tamen et doloribus afficiat sensuum. quis autem homimim non uidet, quod sit immortalis, quod simplex, nullum posse dolorem admittere? quod autem sentiat dolorem, immortalitatem habere non posse ? Athenag. Res. 21 p. 63 d KOI fj,rjv /cal TrXrj/jLjjLeX rifjLdTajv /cpivo/jievcov ov 25 o-w^erat rfj ~frw%f] TO Si/caiov, ije /JLOVT) TIVOI BLKTJV virep wv ^ro? TOV (TWfJiaro^ KOI 7rpn<? rr/? ol/ceias o/oe^et? 57 xivr}- eXtcovros eVX^^/^eX-r/o-ei . ib. 18 p. 61 a . Kaye 182 n. 9. p. 136 1. 20 )( De Anima cap. (ult.) 58 why should not the soul suffer before the judgement is it (p. 394 1. 16 Wiss.) quia et 30 carnis opperienda est restitutio ut consortis operarum atque mer- cedum ?...(p. 395 1. 9) nouit et apud inferos anima et gaudere et dolere sine carne, quia et in came et inlaesa si uelit dolet et laesa si uelit gaudet...(l. 16) ergo uel propter haec congruentis si- mum est animam, licet non exspectata carne, puniri, quod non 35 sociata carne commisit. De Test. Anim. 4 pr. adfirmamus te manere post uitae dispunctionem et exspectare diem iudicii, proque meritis aut cruciatui destinari aut refrigerio utroque sempiterno, quibus sustinendis necessario tibi substantiam pristinani eius- p. 136 1. 24] APOLOGETICVS 48 461 demque hominis materiam et memoriam reuersuram, quod et nihil mali ac boni sentire possis sine carnis passionalis facilitate, et nulla ratio sit iudicii sine ipsius exhibitione, qui meruit iudicii passion em. omn. Prud. c. Symm. I 328 330 ap. La Cerda. p. 136 1. 22 MERVERVNT Ambr. De Fide Resurr. 88 haec est 5 series et causa iustitiae, ut quoniam corporis animique communis est actus (quia quae animus cogitauit, corpus effecit) utr unique in indicium ueniat utrumque aut poenae dedatur aut gloriae reseruetur. nam propemodum absurdum uidetur, ut... animus subdatur iniuriae, alienae reus culpae, caro qiriete potiatur 10 auctor aerumnae. [lustin.] Cohort, ad Graec. 27 p. 26 (de Aridaeo etc.). p. 136 1. 23 SED QVOMODO cet. Tatian 6 p. 146 a oWep jap OVK wv irplv rj yevecrdat, TK Jj/Jirjv OVK eyivaxrfcov, IAOVOV Se eV vTro&ra- crei T?}? aapiciKri^ v\rj<; vTrr^p^ov, <yeyoi>a)S 8e o pr) TruXai &ia rr)<; 15 yeveaecos TO elvat, TreTricrTevrca rov awrov rpoTrov o yevo^evo^ /cal Bia Oavarov ^rj/cert, wv, avOis re yn]Kk& op co/ze 1/09, e<7o/z<u ird\LV, (tiairep /JLTJ ird\ai yeyovoo? elra yevvrfdei^. Soul corporeal. Adu. Hermog. 35. De Anim. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 22. 36. 37. De Carne Chr. 11. De Cam. Resurr. 17. 45. 53. Adu. Marc, v 20 10. 15. Aug. Gen. ad Litt. iv c. 34 55 and De Haeres. c. 80 and Fulgent. 1. 2 (Pamel. I 30 31). p. 136 1. 24 De Cam. Resurr. 11 fin. idoneus est rejicere qui fecit, quanto plus est fecisse qiiam refecisse, initium dedisse, quam reddidisse. ita restitutionem carnis faciliorem 25 credas insiitutione, Minuc. 34 8 ceterum quis tarn stultus aut brutus est, ut audeat repugnare kominem a deo, ut pri- mum potuisse fingi, ita posse denuo reformari? nihil esse post obit-am et ante ortum nihil fuisse: sicut de nihilo nasci licuit, ita de nihilo licere reparari ? porro difficilius est id 30 quod -non sit incipere, quam id quod fuerit iterare. Prudent. Contr. Symm. II 1914 quin et corporibus parilis consortia poenae decernam, possum quoniam renouare fauillas antiquam in faciem., nee desperanda potestas, qui potui formare nouum, renouabo peremptum. Ambr. De Fide Resurrectionis 64 fin. 35 cur miremur renasci posse quod fuerit, cum uideamus natum esse quod non fait? Lactant. vn 23 5 si a principio dem hominem nescio quo inenarrabili modo institait, credamus ab 462 TERTVLLIANI [p. 136 1. 24 eodem restitui ueterem posse, qui nouum fecit. Chrysolog. Serm. 59, Migne P. L. LII 365 a crede, homo, de morte resurgere te posse, quid antequam uiueres, nil fuisti. [Aug.] De Verb. Apost. serm. 34 [opp. v app. serm. 109 p. 199] utique plus est 5/acere quod numquam fait, quam reparare quod fuerit etc. Tatian 6 p. 146 a . Athenag. Res. 3. Greg. Homil. 26 in Euang. 12 longe minus est deo reparare quod fuit quam creasse quod non fuit. aut quid mirum, si hominem ex puluere reficit, qui simul omnia ex nihilo creauit? Aug. De Ciu. Dei I 12. 10 p. 136 1. 30 Lactant. vn 23 5. p. 138 1. 2 NON DIFFICILE Ashton (ap. Woodh.) quod diffi- cilias. p. 138 1. 8 INTERFECTA lul. Firm. err. prof. rel. 8 quis uos... ad hoc tantum facinus impegit, ut profano nefariae cupiditatis 15 err ore et mori me dicatis uestro arbitrio et uiuere? De Carn. Resurr. 12 pr. dies moritur in noctem et tenebris usquequaque sepelitur. funestatur mundi honor, omnis sub- stantia denigratur. sordent silent stupent cuncta, ubique iusti- tium est. [qaies rerum] ita lux amissa lugetur. et tamen rursus 20 cum suo cultu cum ^dote cum sole eadem et integra et tota uni- uerso orbi reuiuescit, interficiens mortem suam, noctem, rescin- dens sepulturam suam, tenebras, heres sibimet existens, donee et nox reuiuescat, cum suo et ilia suggestu. redaccenduntur enim et stellarum radii, quos matutina succensio exstinxerat; redu- 25 cuntur et siderum absentiae, quas temporalis distinctio exemerat: redornantur et specula lunae, quae menstruus numerus adtri uerat. reuoluuntur hiemes et aestates, uerna et autumna cum suis uiribus moribus fructibus. Minuc. 34 12 sol demergit et nascitur; astra cet. : see Holden s note. Pearson Art. xi. 30 Ambr. De Fide Resurrect. 10 caelum ipsum non semper stellarum micantium globis fidget, quibus quasi quibusdam insignitur coronis, non semper ortu lucis albescit, radiis solis inrutilat. sed assiduis uicibus ille quidam mundi uultus gra- tissimus umenti noctium caligat horrore. quid gratius luce ? 35 quid sole iucundius ? quae cotidie occidunt ; decessisse tamen Jtaec nobis non moleste ferimus, quia eum redire praesumimus. 53 prima igitur resurrectionis fides usus est mundi rerumque status omnium, generationum series, successionum uices, obitus p. 138 1. 10] APOLOGETICVS 48 463 ortusque signorum, diei et noctis occasus eorumque cotidie ttnu- quam rediuiua sitccessio. Catullus 5 4 soles occidere et redire possunt etc. Epiphan. Ancorat. 84. Cyrill. Cateches. 18. Theo- phil. I 13 p. 77 <l . Zeno De Resurr. (Bibl. Max. Patr. Ill 413 a seq.) [= ed. Ballerini, Veron. 1739, p. 128. A.S.] stellae ]yraecipites cet. 5 sol cotidie nascitur, eademque die, qua nascitur, moritur. Clem. ep. I 24 3 e.g. Koifjudrai rj vv%, avlaja-rai ?; rj/jiepa, nox dor- mitio est, dies surrectio. Kaye 258. p. 138 1. 9 Theophil. I 13 /caravorjo-ov rrjv avdcrradiv rfjs rrjv Kara /jbrjva ryevofJLevr]v, TTW? fyOivei dTroOvrjcr/cei 10 p. 138 1. 10 FRVCTVS cet. De Cam. Resurr. 12 p. 41 1. 8 Kr. etiam terrae de caelo disciplwa est: arbores uestire post spolia, flores denuo colorarejierbas rursus importer e,exhibere eadem quam absumpta sint semina nec t prius exldbere quam absumpta. mira 15 ratio: de fraudatrice seruatrix ; ut reddat, interdpit etc. Ambr. De Fide Resurr. 9. 53 nam quid de fructibus loquar? nonne tibi uidentur occidere, cunt decidunt; resurgere, cum reui- rescunt? quod satum est resurgit, quod mortuum est resurgit et in eadem genera in easdem species reformatur...54 quid dubitas 20 de corpore corpus resurgere? granum seritur, granum resurgit... Jlos resurrectionis immortalitas est, flos resurrectionis incorruptio est. 55 57 f. ex nattira est resurgere nascentia omnia, contra naturam est inter ire. 132. Chrys. Horn. 66 (65) in lo. c. 2 f. c. 3 pr. Chrysol. Serm. 59 ( = 118) quare dubitas quod re- 25 surgas, cum tibi totum quod in rebus est cotidie sic resurgat? sol occidit et resurgit, dies sepelitur et redit, menses, anni, fructus, semina, cum transeunt, ipsa moriuntur, cum redeunt, sua ipsa morte reuiuiscunt, et at resurrectorum tu iugi et uernaculo in- struaris exemplo, qtioties dormis et uigilas, toties moreris et 30 resurgis. Cyrill.-Hier. [cat. 18 c. 10, P. G. xxxm 1028 C , et passim. A.S.]. Prud. Cathemer. x 15. 129. Adu. Symm. II 195 non desunt exempla etc. Maximus in Tradit. Symbol, homil. 83,Migne P.L. LVII 440 a . Euseb. Emisen. (? Galilean?) Homil. De Resurr. [Aug.] De Verb. Apost. Serm. 34 (opp. v app. serin. 35 109 p. 199 (on 1 Cor. 15 42)). Zeno ib. bc . [see n. on 1. 8.] Firmicus 3 p. 79 Halm mortem ipsius dicunt quod semina collecta conduntur, uitam rursus quod iacta semina annuis 464 TERTVLLIANI [p. 138 1. 10- uicibus refanduntur [so Haupt for reconduntur]. Darnascen. De Orthod. Fide ad fin. [Pelag. in 1 Cor. 15, 36 seq. A.S.] p. 138 1. 11 OMNI A PEREVNDO SERVANTVK De Cam. Resurr. 12 p. 41 1.16 Kr. semel dixerim: uniuersa conditio [=creatura] 5 recidiua est. quodcumque conneneris,fuit; quodcumque amiseris, <erit>, nihil non iterum est; omnia in statum redeunt,cum absces- serint; omnia incipiunt, cum desierint; ideo finiuntur, ut fiant ; nihil deperit, nisi in salutem. totus igitur hie ordo reuolubilis rerum testatio est resurrectionis mortuorum. Zeno Veron. De 10 Resurr. in Biblioth. Max. Patr. in 412 h [= Ballerini p. 128 A.S.] non homines tantum sed paene omnia stiis mortibus uiuunt. p. 138 1. 13 TITVLO PYTHIAE Clem. Alex. Paedag. in 1 p. 250 P. TJV apa, 9 eoi/cev, TTOLVTCDV ^k^icyrov ^aOrj/juaTwv TO >yvMvai avTov. Minuc. 17 1 nee recuso, quod Caecilius ad- 15 serere inter praecipua connisus est, hominem nosse se et circum- spicere debere, quid sit, uncle sit, quare sit. Lactant. I 1 25 Jiaec enim prauitatis est causa, ignoratio sui. Archiv f. lat. Lex. ix 72. luu. 11. 27 n. p. 138 1. 14 AD HOC Ad Martyr. 6. Arnob. iv 6 f. Oros. vn 20 1 3. Migne LII 750 a pr. 753 b . Adu. Valent. 25 p. 201 1. 19 Kr. De Praescr. Haer. 1. 2 pr. Adu. Marc, v 10 p. 607 1. 11 Kr. Cic. Sail. Liu. Tac. Hor. Sat. n 1 36. 6 42. 8 25. Hand p. 123. cf. in hoc enim uenerat Tert. De Patient. 3 p. 4 1. 15 Kr. Arnob. II 63 pr. 25 p. 138 1. 15 De Cam. Resurr. 63 pr. Ambr. De Fide Resurr. 58 sequitur illud quod gentiles plerumque perturbat, quomodo fieri possit ut quos mare absorbuerit, ferae dilacerauerint, bestiae deuorauerint, terra restituat. Minuc. 34 9 10 tu perire et deo credis, si quid oculis nostris hebetibus subtrahitur? corpus 30 omne, sine arescit in pulaerem, sine in umorem soluitur uel in cinerem comprimitur uel in nidorem tenuatur, subducitur nobis : sed deo elementorum custodia reseruatur. Tatian c. 6 p. 146 ab /cav Trvp e^afyavia-r) JJLOV TO crap/CLOv, e^aTiALvOelcrav TY)V V\TJV o KOdfJios Ke^c^prj/cev KCLV iv TTOTdfjiols Kav ev 6a\dr- 35 rat? 6/c$a7ravi>]0ct), Kav vtrb Owpiaiv SiacrTraaOa), Ta^eioi^ evaTro- KtiiLo.1 7r\ov(Tiov SeaTTOTov. Athenag. Res. 2 3 with schol. and Otto s n. 11. Aug. De Ciu. Dei xxn 20 p. 600 1. 10 D. :i Enchirid. 88 non perit deo terrena materies, de qua mortalium p. 138 1. 30] APOLOGETICVS 48 465 creatur caro, sed in quemlibet puluerem cineremue soluatur, in quoslibet halitus aurasque diffugiat, in quamcumque aliorum corporum sabstantiam uel in ipsa elementa uertatur, in quorum- cumque animalium, etiam hominum, cibum cedat carnemque mutetur, illi animae humanae puncto temporis redit, quae illam 5 primitus, ut homo fieret, uiueret, cresceret, animauit. Constit. Apostol. v 8. Theodoret v 26 (?), 42 sqq. (?). p. 138 1. 16 PRODEGERIT Herald, on Apol. 18 a. m. p. 58 1. 12. Adu. Marc, v 6 p. 589 1. 3 Kr. p. 138 1. 18 SEMPER Tatian 6 ov^ ax; ot -Twltco! Soy/nart- 10 ovai Kara nvas KVK\WV trepio&ovs, ^ivo^evwv del real diro- yivo/j,eva)v rwv avrwv OVK e W n ^prfcrifjLov. ib. 3 p. 143 i: rev yap Zirjvcova bid TT}? e/CTru/ocoereco? d-rro^aivo^evov dvicrraG- ddi TTCi\l,V TOU9 CtVTOVS 7Tt TOi? aVTOlS, \J(j) & " \VVTOV KCLi MeXT/ro^ eVt ru> KarrjyopeLp...7rapaLrrjTeov. 15 p. 138 1. 19 INGRATIS cc. 4. 27. Adu. Valentin. 26 p. 203 1. 3 Kr. Adu. Marc, v 7 p. 595 1. 14 Kr. p. 138 1. 20 PRAEDICAVIT c. 21 bis (p. 72 1. 8n.). Scorpiace 11 fin. (10 exx.). De Cult. Fern. I 3 de omnibus -atis eius. Adu. lud. 13 pr. Adu. Marc, iv 10 a. m. p. 445 1. 11 Kr., 20 p. 446 1. 20 Kr. Cypr. ep. 63 2 7 8 cet. Jahrbb. 1888 5089. Migne cvi 48 d: praedicator a prophet c. 18 p. 58 1. 17. Cypr. De Bon. Pat. 16. p. 138 1. 21 EX DIVERSITATE De Pall. 2 proinde diuersa in unum ex demutatione diuersa sunt. denique diuersitatis dis- 25 cordiam uices foederant omn. Adu. Marc. I 16 p. 311 1. 7 Kr. p. 138 1. 22 INANIMALI Charis. Apul. Macr., MSS and Hertz in Liu. xxi 32 7 (Madv. Wolffl. Weissenb. -nima,) Tert. Adu. Hermog. 44 p. 174 1. 8 Kr. cui etiam inanimalia et incorpo- ralia laudes canunt apud Danihelem. ib. 36 p. 166 1. 6 Kr. 30 omnia denique mouentur aut a semet ipsis, ut animalia, aut ab aliis, ut inanimalia. ad nat. n 11 pr. Iren. iv 4 3. [Add, for inanimalis, also Iren. IV 37. 6, Apul. (?) Porf. Hil. Char. Macr. Hier. Claud.-Don. Aug. A. S.] p. 138 1. 28 LIMES Sen. ep. 36 W-mors quam pertimesdmus 35 et accusamus, intermittit uitam, non eripit; ueniet iterum, qui hos in lucem reponet dies. p. 138 1. 30 OPPANSA c. 16 p. 52 1. 31. M. T. 30 466 TERTVLLIANI [p. 138 1. 31- p. 138 1. 31 EXPVNGENDVM c. 21 p. 70 1. 15. Kaye 347. p. 140 1. 4 Kaye 2689. p. 140 1. 6 SVBMINISTRATIONEM Adu. Marc, iv 39 p. 554 1. 11 Kr. Ambr. De Virginitate 100 pecuniarum. Hexaem. 5 5 61. Victorin. in Philipp. I 15. Hier. in Eph. II (c. 4 16). Aug. Enchirid. 27 c. Resp. Julian. II 146. Iren. praef. 3. Fulgent, c. Fab. fr. 3 p. 756 Migne bis. ib. fr. 30. [Add Rufin. 3 other exx. fr. Aug. in CSEL LX index. A. S.] INCORRVPTIBILITATIS lexx. have this ex. and one other 10 of Tert.: add Adu. Valent. 14 p. 193 1. 6 Kr. Ad Vxor. I 7 pr. Aug. ep. 148 11 pr. De Trinitat. iv 24 fin. Collat. cum Maxim. Max. 14 (XLII 732 1. 1 Migne). Ronsch. 217. 1 Pet. 3 4 (Sitzungsber. d. bayer. Akad. 1876 6301). Iren. [i 30 11. A. S.] in 11 8. iv 38 4. 39 4. 15 v 2 2. 13 3 bis. Claud. Mam. An. I 3 17. [Also Lucif. Ambst. Rufin. Pelag. Sulp.-Seu. Auell. A. S.] p. 140 1. 8 HVMANO cf. igni humano c. 37 p. 108 1. 4. p. 140 1. 10 ERVCTANS Aug. De Ciu. Dei xxn 11 p. 587 1. 16 D. 3 nunc uero non solum in terris, uerum etiam sub terris 20 ita est, ut earn, eructent uertices montium. NON ABSVMIT Prudent. Hamartig. 838 carpunt tormenta fouentque materiam sine fine datam, mors deserit ipsa aeternos gemitus ac flentes uiuere cogit. Cassiod. in Psalm. [20, 10. R. W.] absumit ut seruet, sic seruit ut cruciet, dabiturque miseris uita 25 immortalis et poena seruatrix. p. 140 1. 11 EROGAT spends, c. 44 pr. cum tot iusti im- pendimur, cum tot innocentes erogamur. Oehler on Scorpiac. 6 p. 158 1. 2 Wiss. De Praescr. Haer. 2 pr. febrem denique inter ceteros mortiferos et cruciarios exitus erogando homini 30 deputatam. Minuc. 35 3 ignes Aelnae montis et Veseui montis et ardentium ubique terrarum flagrant nee erogantur. Lactant. VII 21 3 non erit caro ilia, quam deus homini super- iecerit, hide terrenae similis, sed insolubilis ac permanens in aeternum, ut sufficere possit cruciatibus et igni sempiterno, cuius 35 natura diuersa est ab hoc nostro.... 5 una eademque id ac potentia et cremabit impios et recreabit, et quantum e corporibus absumet, tantum reponet ac sibi ipse aeternum pabulum sub- ministrabit, quod poetae in uulturem Tityi transtulerunt. ita p. 140 1. 18] APOLOGET1CVS 48, 49 467 sine ullo reuirescentium detriment aduret tantum ac sensu dolons adficiet. Cf. Orientii Commonitor. 1545. MONTES De Paenit. 12 pr. quid ilium thesaurum ignis aeterm aestimamus, cum fumamola quaedam eius tales flam- marum ictus suscitent, ut proximae urbes aid iam nullae exstent, 5 aut idem sibi de die sperent? dissiliunt superbissimi monies ignis intrinsecus fetu, et quod nobis iudicii perpetuitatem probat, cum dissiliant, cum deuorentur, mtmquam tamen finiuntur. quis haec supplicia interim montium non iudicii minantis exemplaria deputabit? quis scintillas tales non magni alicuius et inaesti- 10 mabilis foci missilia quaedam et exercitoria iacula consentiet? Pacian paraen. 11, Migne P. L. xm 1088 d 1089 a , who borrows the passage, names Aetna Lisaniculus (!) [u.l. Siculus] Vesuuius. Aug. De Ciu. Dei xxi 4 p. 491 1. 22 D. 3 quidam notissimi Siciliae monies, qui tanta temporis diuturnitate ac uetustate usque nunc 15 ac deinceps flammis aestuant atque integri perseuerant. p. 140 1. 12 QVI DE CAELO TANGITVR, SALVVS EST cet. Quintil. Decl. 264 (lex.) quo quis loco fulmine ictus fuerit, eodem sepeliatur. Festus p. 190 1. 8 ed. Lindsay si hominem fulminibus occisit, ne supra genua tollito. Plin. n 54 145 hominem 20 ita exanimatum cremari fas non est, condi terra religio tradidit. Artemidor. II 8 p. 81 ed. Rigalt oi y&p ol Kepavv^evre^ percnidevTai, a\\a OTTOV av VTTO rov Trvpbs Kara\v<}>6to<Tiv, evravOa OaTrrovrat,. CAP. XLIX p. 140 1. 16 PRAESVMPTIONES c. 19 cod. Fuld. p. 62 fiducia, 25 quampraesumptionem uocatis. De Test. Anim. 4 p. 138 1. 18 Wiss. ea opinio Christiana [of the resurrection]... propter suum nomen soli uanitati et stupori et, ut dicitur, praesumptioni deputatur. sed non erubescimus, si tecum erit nostra praesumptio...\\). ad fin. sed forsitan de sensu post excessum tui certior sis quam de 30 resurrectione...,cuius nos praesumptores denotamur. De Anim. 48 p. 379 11. 13, 15 Wiss. Rosengren De Elocwt. Sen. p. 38. p. 140 1. 17 POETIS Lactant. vn 22. p. 140 1. 18 NOS INEPTI Lact. iv 13 14 cur igitur uulgo pro stultis et uanis et ineptis habemur, qui sectamur magistrum 35 302 468 TEETVLLIANI [p. 140 1. 18 etiam ipsorum deorum confessions sapientem? vn 26 8. Often in Arnob. I 28 et illi cati sapientes prudentissimi uobis uiden- tur...nos hebetes stolidi fatui obtusi pronuntiamur et bruti. II 5f. (Orelli)(= 2 pr. Hild.) nisi forte obtusi et fatui uidentur 5 hi uobis, qui per orbem iam totum conspirant et coeunt in istius credulitatis assensum. II 13 pr. 34 pr. ill lop. m. Orig. Contr. Gels, in 55. Philosophers v 35. Neander s Julian 12. [Clem. Alex. Strom. II 120. vi 67 devil sent philosophy. I 16, 80 5 p. 366. vi 8, 66 1 pp. 773. 17, 159 1 ff. pp. 8223.] 10 Minuc. 5 4. 12 7 satis est pro pedibus aspicere, maxime indoctis impolitis rudibus agrestibus: quibus non est datum intellegere ciuilia, multo magis denegatum est disserere diuina. Greg. Naz. Or. 4 c. Lilian. 1 39, P.G. xxxv 565 a . Theo- phil. m 4 p. 119 C (?) fol. 266(?). Theodoret Graec. Affect. 15 Curat. prol. [add Ps.-Aug. Quaest. Vet. et Nou. Test, cxxvn, 110 6. 114 5. A.S.]. p. 140 1. 21 MELIORES FIERI COGVNTVR c. 45 pr. nos igitur soli innocentes. quid mirum, si necesse est? enimuero necesse est. innocentiam a deo edocti et perfecto earn nouimus ut a 20 perfecto magistro reuelatam et fideliter custodimus ut ab in- contemptibili dispectore mandatam. Ad Scap. 2 fin. in silentio et modestia agimus, singuli forte noti magis, quam omnes, nee aliunde noscibiles, quam de emendatione uitiorum pristinorum. Athenag. 36 p. 39 a rot/? Be ^Bev dve^erao-rov elvai Trapd TU> 25 #e<w, avyKoKaaOrja-eaOai Be teal TO vTrovpyrjorav aw/ia rot? appals TT)? ^rv^rj^ /cal eVi^uyutat? TreTreHTfAevovs, oi)8et? el/ v& Ttwf {Bpa^vrdrcov TI dfiaprelv. Tzschirner 306 sq. Justin. Apol. [ 12. 1824. Theophilus in cc. 1213 pp. 1256. 30 p. 140 1. 22 REFRIGERII c. 39 p. 114 1. 22. ITAQVE etc. Athenag. 36 p. 39 b el Be rfo X^po? 7ro\v$ Bo/cel TO craTrev Kal oia\,v0ev KOLI a$avi<rQev O-W/JLCL avaTrjvai Trd\iv, KdKLaS /JLV OVK CLV tVoT&&gt;? S6^av a7TO(f)pOL/jieOa Bia TOt9 OV TTivTevovTas dX)C evrjB eias ot? yap ajraTM/^ev eavTovs \6yois 35 doi/covfMev ovoeva. Lactant. V 12 3 4 si uobis sapientes uidemur, imitamini ; si stulti, contemnite aut etiam ridete, si libet. nobis enim stultitia nostra prodest. quid laceratis, quid adftigitis? non inuidemus sapientiae uestrae, hanc stultitiam p. 142 1. 6] APOLOGETICVS 49 469 malumus, hanc amplectimur. lustin. Apol. I 68 pr. teal el jjuev So/cei vyCiv \6yov /cal d\r)@eia<; e^eaOai, TifjLrjaaTe avrd" el Se \7Jpos vjjulv So/eel, &&gt;<? \rjpo)8a)v Trpajfjidrwv tcaTCKfrpovi)- aare /cal pr) &&gt;<? tear e^dpcav Kara ra>v /jbrjbev dStKovvTwv Odvarov opL^ere. 5 p. 140 1. 28 INACCVSATIS only ex. in lexx. Add ad nat. I 2 p. 60 1. 31 Wiss. soletis inaccusatos et indefensos non temere dan mare. IN EIVSMODI = in talibus. c. 15 p. in. eorum qui eiusmodi facitant. Oehler on De Bapt. 12 p. 631 ( = p. 211, 1. 6 10 Wiss.). De Idolol. 21 fin. in e. ridere. ad nat. I 5 p. 66 1. 4 Wiss. 10 fin. Cypr. ep. 3 (62) p. 171. So huiusmodi . De Cult. Fern, n 9. De Exhort. Cast. 1 pr. 4 a. m. 12 p. m. Ad Vxor. II 7. ad nat. n 1 p. 94 1. 14 Wiss. De Monogam. 16 p. m. Hermas I 2 3 quicumque huiusmodi operantur. uulg. Sap. 15 16 9 ab h. Apul. Metam. vm 26. XI 16. Iren. in 11 9. Concil. Tolet. 11 c. 12. James Apocr. anecd. (1893) p. 11 1. 7 pro h. Archiv f. lat. Lex. vm 237. p. 140 1. 30 IGNIBVS ad Mart. 6 accidental fires, beasts escaping from confinement to be expected by Christians and 20 meditated on. e.g. lamnae Euseb. Hist. Eccl. v 1 21, tunica molesta De Martyr. Palaest. 4 12, red hot iron chair, Hist. Eccl. v 1 38. 56. p. 142 1. 2 NOSTRVM ARBITRIVM c. 27 p. 92 1. 13 n. Lactant. v 13 2 sed illi malitia et furore caecantur ne uideant, stultos- 25 que arbitrantur esse qui, cum habeant in potestate supplicia sua uitare, cruciari tamen et emori malunt; cum possint ex eo ipso peruidere, non esse stultitiam, in quam tanta hominum miiia per orbem totum una et pari mente consentiant Minuc. 37 3 quot ex nostris non dexteram solum sed totum corpus uri 30 cremari sine ullis eiulatibus pertulerunt, cum dimitti praesertim haberent in sua potestate. p. 142 1. 6 VVLGVS c. 35 m. nee ulli magis depostulatores Christianorum, quam uulg us. 37 pr. quoties etiam praeteritis uobis suo iure nos inimicum uulgus inuadit lapidibus et incendiis? 35 50 p. 144 1. 24 boni praesides, meliores multo apud populum si Christianas immolaueritis. 48 p. 136 11. 67 a popido. VANE De Fug. in Persec. 5 pr. (superl. De Pudic. I p. 221 470 TERTVLLIANI [p. 142 1. 6- 1. 22 Wiss.). De Carn. Resurr. 51 (?). Adu. Marc. I 5 fin. v 6 p. 589 1. 3 Kr. 7 p. 596 1. 11 Kr. 9 p. 603 1. 19 Kr. 10 pr. II 26 pr. -ius. IV 10 pr. Adu. Valent. 12 p. 191 1. 14 Kr. De Praescr. Haer. 1. Clem. Rom. 40. Apul. uulg. (6 exx,). Aug. in 5 Ps. 59. 2. Ambr. Off. I 244 pr. 245 pr. Archiv f. lat. Lex. II 20 [Add Aug. conf. x 38, c. litt. Petil. n 51 118. A. S.] p. 142 1. 7 Ad Scap. 1 magisque damnati quam absoluti gaud-emus (Blunt Right Use 192 n. 4 5 finds a contradiction, see on 1. 12). CAP. L 10 p. 142 1. 12 Here he represents the Christians as willing to suffer, but having no delight in the danger before them. Then (ad Scap. 1 and 2) he represents them as volunteering per secution, and as having greater satisfaction in being condemned than in being acquitted Blunt Right Use 192 cf. p. 234. 236, 15 Kaye 134 7 seq. Minuc. 29 7 cruces etiam nee colimus nee optamus. Cf. lustin. Apol. I 57. Dial. c. Tryph. 121 pp. 349 50 no sun-worshipper a martyr. Apol. II 11 no follower of Socrates a martyr. p. 142 1. 16 PROELIVM EST Lactant. v 11 1117, the 20 most cruel judges are those who boast that their administra tion is bloodless ; they employ the sorest tortures : in excogi- tandis poenarum generibus nikil aliud quam uictoriam cogitant. sciunt enim certamen esse illud et pugnam: example of a Christian seen by L. in Bithynia, tortured at intervals during 25 two years. Ambr. Hexae m. IV 32 f. p. 142 1. 17 Minuc. 37 1 uicit enim qui quod contendit obtinuit. Lactant. De Mort. Persec. 16. Orig. Contr. Cels. I 3 fin. On the persecutions Sagittarius, Gallonius, Kortholt. p. 142 1. 19 OBDVCIMVR are convicted, c. 46 pr. incre- 30 dulitas, dum de bono sectae huius obducitur, quod usui iam et de commercio innotuit. De Carn. Resurr. 2 p. 26 1. 26 Kr. carneum enim atque corporeutn probantes eum, proinde et obdu- cimus . . .obducti dehinc < et> de deo carnis auctore et de Christo carnis redemptore, iam et de resurrectione carnis reuincentur. 35 De Carne Christi 19 pr. hoc quidem capitulo ego potius utar > cum adulteratores eius obduxero. p. 142 1. 21] APOLOGETICVS 49, 50 471 p. 142 1. 20 VICIMVS, CVM OCCIDIMVR Ambr. ep. 18 11. Otto on lustin. Dial. Tr. 110 p. 337 b . Lactant. v 13 5 contemptus mortis. 11 nam cum uideat mdgus dilacerari homines uariis tormentorum generibus et inter fatigatos carnifices inuictam tenere patientiam ; existimant, id quod res est, nee consensum tarn 5 midtorum nee perseuerantiam morientium uanam esse ; nee ipsam patientiam sine deo cruciatus tantos posse saperare. \2...uustri autem (ut de uiris taceam) pueri et muliercidae tortores suostaciti uincunt et exprimere illis gemitum nee ignis potest ib. 22 1 8 23. vi 17 89. Euseb. Hist. Eccl. vm 6 4 1/4*^0/909. 5 xo T>}? evOeov viler)* dirvjveyicavTO (3pa[Bela. lustin. Apol. I 2 fin. vfjiis & aTTOKrelvai, fjiev &vvao-0, ySXa^at 8 ov. Otto ad loc. ib. 57 ov yap oe&oi/cafjiev Odvarov. Dial. c. Tryph. 9(j rj/jLiv fjujre eiceivwv /JLIJTC V/JLWV, a\\a dpvelcrOai, rov Xpto-roi) d<ya)vio/jLvci)v, BavaTOvaOai fjia\\ov aipovfJieOa /cat 15 v7ro/ji6i>o/jLv, 7T67ri,<T /JL6VOI, OTL irdvff odd v7TO"^7jrai o ato? ota rov Xpio-rov n<ya0a avroScocret r)/j,ii . Athenag. Suppl. 3 fin. jap avrovs, vTrep d\r)6eLa$ (WKVWS /cal ra<? ^u^a? fc?. Antonin. in Euseb. Hist. Eccl. IV 13 3 ou? et? fjL/3dX\,T, /9e/3atoO^T9 TI^V yvoj/jujv avrwv i^vTrep 20 a)? ddewv Karr)<yopovvT<;. ir) 5 av efceivoi? aiprov TO Soiceiv KaT7jyopovfJLvois -reOvdvai pd\\ov r) %r)v VTrep TOV ol/ceiov deov. o6ev /cal VLK^CTL TrpolefJievoL ra? eavTav ^f^a?, rJTrep freiOo^evoi ol? a^LOVTe irpaT-reiv ai)rou?. Lactant. De Mort. Persec. 16 quam lucundum illud spectaculum deo fuit, 25 cum uictorem te cerneret, non candidos equos aut iminanes elephantos, sed ipsos potissimiim triiimphatores currui tuo sub- iugantem! hie est uerus triumphus, cum dominatores domi- nantur. uicti enim tua uirtute ac subiugati sunt, quandoquidem nefanda iussione contempta omnes apparatus ac terriculas ty- 30 rannicae potestatis fide stabili ac robore animi profiigasti etc. [Hieron.] Regula Monachorum 22 Vail. t. xi (2) 466 c = Migne xxx (ed. 1865) 383d tropaea nostrae uitae non pompis sed miseriis reportantar. Ambros. De Fide Resurrect. 45 uice- runt mortem, uicti persecutors sunt. Antony in his life by 35 Athanas. (Euagr.) 79. p. 142 1. 21 OBDVCIMVR criminals before execution were blindfolded. Cic. Rab. perd. 16. Liu. I 26 6, 7 caput 472 TERTVLLIANI [p. 142 1. 21 obnubito, infelici arbori reste suspendito... i lictor,colligamanus. Ammian. Marcel, xiv 7 21 causarum legitima silente defen- sione, carnifex rapinarum sequester, et obductio capitum, et bonorum ubique multatio uersabatur per orientates prouincias. 5 Blunt Right Use 371. p. 142 1. 22 AXIS cf. De Pudic. 22 p. 271 1. 23 Wiss. puta nunc sub gladio iam capiti librato,puta inpatibulo iam corpore expanso, puta in stipite iam leoni concesso, puta in axe iam incendio ad- structo, in ipsa, dico, securitate et possessione martyrii. Tert. may 10 have seen such spectacles, for Marty rology 6 Jan. In Africa com- memoratio plurimorum sanctorum martyrum, qui in persecutione Seueri ad palum tigati igne consumpti sunt La Cerda. Paul. Sent, v 39 1. REVINCTI Prud. Agon. Fruct. (= Perist. hymn. 10) 103 15 nexus denique qui manus retrorsus in tergum reuocauerant reuinctas. Hymn. 9 43 uincitur post terga manus, spoliatus amictu. Agon. Romani ( = Perist. hymn. 10)851 etiam retortis bracchiis furca eminus Romanus actus ingerebatur rogo. [cf. 11. 69 70 A.S.] In Symm. II 559 manibusque in terga retortis. 20 La Cerda. Eus. h. e. vin 10 5. Heliodor. ix 5 p. 249 1. 13 Bekker vvv Se Kara vwrayv TT/OO? Secr/Jibv TrepiayovTes. SAKMENTORVM Apul. Metam. ill 9 pr. ignis et rota. Prud. (Roman. = ) Peristeph. x 848 sarmenta mixtim subdita. Hymn. 6 50 ignibus cremandos. xi (Hippolyt.) 67 uinctos conice in ignem. 25 Aldhelm. De Virgin, [c. 34 p. 276 1. 16 ed. Ehwald. A.S.] Act. Mart. prid. Non. Dec. Nicet. Choniat. I 8. Heliodor. vin 5 p. 223 1. 15 Bekker. Prochor. Yit. loann. 17. (As witches.) La Cerda. p. 142 1. 23 Rejoicing in persecution Arnob. n 77. 30 Kaye 146. palmata De Idolol. 18 pr. Christians burnt Ad Scap. 4. ad nat. I 18 fin. incendiali tunica. Ad Mart. 5 i?i tunica ardente. Cypr. De Habitu Virg. 6 fin. aut si carne sit gloriandum, tune plane quando in nominis confessione crucia- tur, quando fortior femina uiris torquentibus inuenitur, quando 35 ignes aut cruces aut ferrum aut bestias patitur ut corone- tur. ilia sunt carnis pretiosa monilia ilia corporis ornamenta meliora. Hier. ep. 82 10 fundendo sanguinem et patiendo magis quam faciendo contumelias Christi fundata est ecclesia, p. 142 1. 25] APOLOGETICVS 50 473 persecutionibus creuit, martyriis coronata est. Sidon. Carm. 5 4 meritisque laborum post palmam palmata uenit. Cassiodor. ep. VI 1 pr. priscorum iudicio qualis sit consulatus, hinc omnino datur intellegi, quando inter mundi dignitates eximias solus meruit habere palmatas uestes, quas felicitas dabat : praemia 5 uincentium. p. 142 1. 24 TRIVMPHAMVS Athenag. 3 f. V(,KT]<JO^V yap avrovs < TOLK? SIWKOVTCK; r;/Lta? > virep dXrjOeias doicva)? tcai Ta<? -\|ri^as" 7ri$iS6vTs. Gaius in Euseb. Hist. Eccl. II 25 7 rpoTraia. Minuc. 37 1 quam pulchrum spectaculum deo, cum 10 Christianus cum dolore congreditur ! . . .cum triumphator et aictor ipsi qui aduersum se sententiam dixit insultat! Ambros. Exhort. Virginitat. 1 1 Christi enim nostri principis triumphi sunt martyrum palmae. ibid. 2 9 crutis tropaea...colligimus san- guinem triumphalem et crucis lignum, ib. 12 83 haec [Soteris] 15 triumphales rettulit martyrii cicatrices, ut imaginem dei quam acceperat reseruaret. Hexaem. IV c. 2 7 ecclesia...effasi pro Christo sanguinis clarificata uictoriis. On Christ s triumph on the cross Ambros. Exp. in Luc. x 104- 111. [Aug.] Serm. 44 De Sanct. [= app. 223] 1 calls the martyr s death day dies 20 triumphalis. Fulgent., of Stephen, Serm. 3, Migne P.L. LXV 729 ( d triumphator. ..laureatus. p. 142 1. 25 DESPERATI c. 27 p. 92 1. 11 n. quidam dementiam existimant, quod cum possimus et sacrificare in praesenti et illaesi abire manente a pud animum proposito obstinationem 25 saluti praeferamas. cf. ib. fin. pro jidei obstinatione damnamur. lustin. Apol. II 12 pr. Otto s n. Mimic. 8 4 homines... deplo- ratae inlicitae ac desperatae factionis. Orig. Contr. Gels. VII c. 53 fin. (?) Maximin. in Euseb. Hist. Eccl. vin 17 9 (aTrbvoia). Lactant. V 2 6 the author of three books against 30 the Christians, designed ut, pertinaci obstinatione deposita, corporis cruciamenta deuiteut. ib. 9 12 qui autem magni aestimauerint fidem cultoresque se dei non abnegauem nt, in eos uero totis carnificinae suae uiribus, ueluti sanguinem sitiant, in- cumbant, et desperatos itocant, quia corpori suo minime parcunt ; 35 quasi quidquam desperatius esse possit, quam torquere ac dilani- are eum, quern scias esse innocentem. id. Epit. 54 6 7. Diocletian (edict apud Kortholt De Orig. Christianismi ex 474 TERTVLLIANI [p. 142 1. 25- mente Gentilium c. 1, 2) pertinaciam prauae mentis nequissi- morum hoiidnum punire ingens nobis stadium est. Galen Diff. Puls. Ill c. 3 (torn, vin p. 657 ed. Kuhn) Oarrov av TIS rou? diro Meouo-oi) Kal XpiaTov /jL6Ta$L$dt;i6v. The Pythian oracle to 5 Porphyry, asking how to recover his wife: forte magis poteris in aqua impressis litteris scribere, out inflans pennas leues per aera ut aids uolare, quatn semel pollutae reuoces impiae uxoris sensum. Prudent. (Peristeph.) Hymn. 2 17. 63. 581. Kortholt [Paganus Obtrectator] De Vita et Moribus etc. c. 10 pp. 10 152169. p. 142 1. 26 cf. Orig. Contr. Gels. II 45 fin. p. 142 1. 27 VEXILLVM EXTOLLVNT Ammian. xxvn 10 signis ilico fixis ex more, cum undique ad arma conclamaretur,, imperio principis et ductorum stetit regibilis miles, uexillum 15 opperiens extollendum: quod erat opportune subeundae indicium pugnae. )( uexillum submitter e Pacat. Panegyr. 30. La Cerda. On the thought ad nat. I 18. MVCivs Ad Mart. 4 Mucias ... Empedocles ... Dido ... Regulus. . .meretrix Atheniensis. . .apud Lacedaimonas. ..$ia/jiaa- 20 T//ya>cr9. De Anim. 58 (i 395 6) respice ad Mutii animam cum dexteram suam ignibus soluit. called Postumus by Clem. Alex. Strom, iv 57 p. 589 P. Mimic. 37 % 34. 5 I: ;J p. 142 1. 28 EMPEDOCLES ad Mart. 4 (above). Greg. Naz, Or. 4 c. Julian. 1 59. La Cerda. 25 p. 142 1. 30 ALIQVA c 12 fin. idem estis qui Senecam ali- quem pluribus et amarioribus de uestra superstitione perorantem reprehendistis. c. 11 fin. (Oehler p. 160 n.) aliquem de sapi- entia Socratem. c. 15 p. 50 Mineruam aliquam. c. 19 p. 64 1. 10. De Carn. Resurr. 3 p. 29 1. 1 Kr. sententia Platonis ali- 30 cuius pronuntiantis. De Bapt. 5 pr. Isidis alicuius aut Mithrae* De Monogam. 17 pr. loannes aliqui Christi spado, ib. 6 fin. bis. Hier. In Eccles. 9 7 12 .et haec aliquis loquatur Epicurus. Aug. Conf. I 13 20 Aeneae nescio cuius error es. CARTHAGINIS CONDITRIX De Monogam. 17 pr. exsurget 35 regina Carthaginis et decernet in Christianas, ad nat. II 9 p. 112 1. 6 Wiss. I 18 p. 90 1. 5 Wiss. Regulus (bis), Dido, mulier Attica (see below). Hieron. ep. 123 ad Ageruch. 8 p. 906 a stringam breuiter reginam Carthaginis, quae magis p. 144 1. 1] APOLOGETICVS 50 475 ardere uoluit, quam Hiarbae regi nubere. Aug. Conf. v 13. Macrob. v 18. Auson. Epigr. 2 (p. 420 edl Peiper), 1. 5 nam- que nee Aeneas uidit me Troius umquam, nee Libyam aduenit ciassibus Iliads (an imitation of the palinode of Stesichorus). CONDITRIX Adu. Marc. I 7 p. 299 1. 4 Kr. Apul. Lact. Eumen. 5 Macrob. Lact. I 5 6. Aug. ep. 118 18. Wilmanns 151 2. [See Thes. A.S.] p. 142 1. 31 REGVLVS De Test. Anim. 4 p. 140 1. 1 Wiss. longum est retexere Curtios et Regulos. ad nat. I 18 p. 90 1. 4 crucis uero nouitatem numerosae abstrusae Regulus uester libenter dedicauit. 10 Minuc. 37 4. Arnob. I 40. Cic. in Pis. c. 19 43. Appian Sic. 2 1. Pun. 63 etc. (see next n.). Valer. Max. n 9 8. ix 2 ext. 1. Lactant. v 13 13. Aug. De Ciu. Dei I 15 p. 25 1. 21 D. 3 in 18 p. 127 1. 3D. 3 p. 142 1. 32 CRVCES App. Pun. 4 ya\edypa Kevrpa TrdvroOev 15 exovva. Sen. ep. 67 7. De Prouid. 3 4. Apul. Metam. vm 22. Tuditan. in Gell. vn (vi) 4 4 armariam muricibus praefixum. Sil. II 340 ff. On suicide Aug. De Ciu. Dei I 21. p. 144 1. 1 ANAXARCHVS of Abdera, a pupil of Democritus, in the suite of Alexander, after whose death he fell into the hands 20 of Nicocreon (Diog. Laert. IX 58. 59 Men.). Timocreon (Cic. Tusc. Disp. n 52). De Nat. Deor. in 82. Prov. 27 22. Ou. Ibis 571 2 aut, at Anaxarchus, pila minuaris in alta, ictaque pro solitis frugibns ossa sonent. Valer. Max. in 3 ext. 4. Philo Quod omnis probus liber 16 (n 462 M.). Nemes. 30. Plut. De Virtu te 25 morali X p. 449 e TrrtVcre, TrrtVcre rov Ava^dp-^ov 6v\aKov, ov yap 7TTiWe69 \\vdj~apxov. Dio Chrys. Or. 37 (Corinthiaca) n 126 R. (Dind. spurious n 306 11). Or. 64 (De fortuna) II 336 R. Trjv SvcrSaifjioviav -r-qv y Ai>adp%ov. Tatian 19. Clem. Alex. Strom, iv 56, 4 p. 589 P. Celsus c. 53 30 had urged the Christians, if they desired novelty, to deify some who had died nobly, e.g. Hercules, Aesculapius, Orpheus, aXX r<ra>9 UTT aX\wv 7rpoi\rj7rro. Avdf-apxpv yovv, 09 et? o\/Jiov fAJ3\ij&ls /cal Trapavofj-WTara avvrpL^ofievo^ ev jjbd\a Kar6(f)p6vi r>/9 fco\d(T60)^ \eywv TTTiaa-e, Trriaae rov 35 Avaj;dpxov 6v\afcov, avrov yap ov 7rr/cro-et9. Oelou TIVOS 009 (i\r)0w Trvev/jLaros i] (f>wi tj. Orig. Contr. Cels. vn 54- (cf. 56 p. 369 fin.). Apostol. xv 6. Greg. Naz. Or. 4 (in Lilian, i) 70 476 TERTVLLIANI [p. 144 1. 1- (l 109 b ) o rov ^(orcpdrovs eTTaLpwv Kwveiov KOI TO Kal TOV \\vaj;dpxov 6v\aicov a>v avayicala p,d\\ov rj rj (f)i\ocro(f)La. Also Zeno Eleates | CL<TKOV, Epigr. 4 2 4 (II 1165). ep. 33 II 28 e 29 a ryevvalos JJLGV ovv o Avdgapxos, \e^wv 5 TO) T?)? KvTTpOV TVpaVVU) ApLCTTO/CpeOVTL " TTTiCTCre, 7TTiO-Cr TOV jjiovoyeves Be rovro ire pi Ava^dp^ov laacri ^ e<$) (b el icai, to? KeXcro9, tt^io)? ^pijv <ref}iv avBp&wov 8t dperrjv, OVK r^v ev\oyov dvayopev- rov * &va%ap xpv Oeov. Poem. Moral. Carm. 10 De Virtute 10 688691 (II 449). [Chrys.] Horn, in Ps. 106 3 pr. (v 678 B). Theodoret Graec. Affect. Curat. vm 57 p. 120 30. Suid. Wiedemann in Philologus xxx 249 33. [Cf. Ps.-Aug. Quaest. cxv 67 (Anaxagoras by mistake). Hermes XLV (1910) 494. A. S.] 15 p. 144 1. 3 FOLLEM Lucil. in Non. 110 26 (xxvi 28 L. Miiller) ego siqui sum et quo folliculo nunc sum indutus, non queo. Rufin. Hist. Eccl. n 9 col. 519 C Migne. Basil, in reply to a persecutor s threat, atque utinam aliquid mihi esset digni muneris, quod off err em hide, qui maturius Basilium de 20 nodo follis huius absolueret cf. Ambr. ep. 37 36 quod ille uerbis gloriatus est, sanctus Laurentius factis probauit: ut uiuus exureretur et flammis superstes diceret : uersa, manduca. [Arnob. i.e. Arnob.-Iun.] in Ps. 149 in extensione follis nostri corporei. lexx. under folliculus. Arnob. II 76 f. in carunculae huius 25 folliculo constitutis. Gataker on Antonin. vm 37 8v\aicov. Petau. on Themist. Or. 17 p. 724. Scaliger on Virg. Catal. p. 301. Plin. Hist. Nat. vii 87 praerosam dentibus linguam unamque spem indicii in tyranni os exspuit p. 144 1. 6 PEPIGERVNT c. 3 p. 14 1. 3 nonnulli etiam de 30 utilitatibus suis cum odio isto paciscuntur, contenti iniuria, dam ne domi habeant quod oderunt. p. 144 1. 7 ATTICA Leaena Plin. Hist. Nat. vn c. 23 87 before Anaxarchus, xxxiv c. 8 72. cf. Timycha in lamblich. Vit. Pythag. 31 (Rittersh. ad calc. Porph. Yit. Pythag. p. 271 35 ed. Kiessling). Ambr. De Virginit. I 17 Pythagorea quae- dam una ex uirginibus celebratur fabulis, quae cum a tyranno cogeretur secretum prodere, ne quid in se ad extorquendam con- fessionem uel tormentis liceret, morsu linguam abscidisse fertur, p. 144 1. 13] APOLOGETICVS 50 477 atqae in tyranni faciem despuisse, ut gui interrogandi finem nort faciebat, -non haberet quern interrogaret. Alciat. Emblem. 13. La Cerda. ad nat. I 18 p. 90 1. 8 Wiss. sed et tormenta mulier Attica fatigauit tyranno negans, postremo, ne cederet corpus et sexus, linguam suampastam exspuit, totum eradicatae confessionis 5 ministerium. Valer. Max. in 3 ext. 4 ascribes the story to Anaxarchus (so Diog. Laert. IX 59) : Ammian. xiv 9 6 to Zeno the Stoic : told of Zeno of Elea by Euseb. Praep. Euang. x 14 15 p. 504 <l . cf. Epictet. HI 24 71 OVTLVOS ovv oi>x ^ovrj KpeiTTWv ea-Tiv, ov TTOVOS, ov Sofa, ov TrXouro?, Svvarai 8\ orav 10 avTO) Sof?;, TO a-co/jidriov 6\oi> TrpocnrTvo-as TLVL aVeXtfeiy, TLVOS en OL>TO? SouXo? (TTI, Tivi vTTOTeTa/cTai. p. 144 1. 10 ZENO ELEATES De Anim. 58 m. (i 395 7 Wiss ) respice ad Mutii [supr.] animam, cum dexteram suam ignibu-s soluit; respice ad Zenonis, cum illam Diomjsii tormenta praeter- 15 emit. Cic. Tusc. Disp. n 52. Valer. Maxim, in 3 ext. 2 fin. (cf. 3, another Zeno) VIII 22 (?) 1). Philo quod omnis probus liber 14 II p. 460 M. Pint. Tre/ot aSoXeo-x. 8 p. 505. de Stoic. Repugn. 37 3 p. 1051 and adu. Coloten 32 10 p. 1126. Diodor. Sicul. x 17 (Nearchus). Diog. Laert. ix 26 Menage (Zeno about 20 180 years older than Dionysius) who also says that he spat out his tongue like the meretrix above. Philostr. Vit. Apollon. Tyan. vn 2. Clem. Alex. Strom. IV 57 p. 589. Thence Theodoret Grace. Affect. Curat. vm 57 p. 120 34 Z-qv^v 6 Karenrev TI TCOV Tropprwv avrea-^e 25 ra? (Saa-dvovs ovbev e^ojLoXoovfjLevof;. &&gt;? 8e ev TOJ Trep yaoi /ca KCLKWV, eta? OVTOS rfj ra)v iraOwv v7rp/3o\y ftiaadels efeiiry TI T&V teal TOVS (TTaa-itoTas /jLTjvvo-y, Trjv y\)TTav rot? 68ovai TrpoaeTTTvcre TO* Tvpdvvw cet. Euseb. Praep. Euang. (cited on 30 1. 7). Bayle Zenon d Elee rem. C. p. 144 1. 11 CONTEMPTVM MORTIS 1. 17 n. p. 144 1. 13 LACONVM FLAGELLA ad nat. I 18 fin. ut taceam de Laconica gloria. Ad Mart. 4 Oehler. Synes. ep. 57 p. 195 C 01 Tives Aa/ceSaifjiovioi, TOCTOVTO) TU> Bia TWV ^laaTiywi 35 a l/jLaTL TTJV Trap* aurot? erifiija av "ApTfi,iv. La Cerda. Lasaulx 255 n. 142. Eunap. Soph, in lulian. p. 483 med. ed. Boissonade. Diog. Laert. vi 27. Pausan. ill 16 10 Frazer. Sext. Empiric. 478 TERTVLLIANI [p. 144 1. 13 Pyrrh. Hyp. ill 24. Cic. Tusc. Disp. n c. 14 34 he saw some scourged to death, without a groan, v c. 27 77. Themist. Or. 21 p. 250. Muson. in Stob. serm. in 19 16 p. 169 [=ed. Hense p. 52 1. 10. A.S.]; also in Stob. Florileg. LXXXV 20 (ed. Hense, 5 p. 113 11. Iff.). Alciphr. ep. 3 54. Pauly n 2 1395. Greg. Naz. Or. 39 4 f. AafcwviKwv etfnjftow eVt/Sco/iuoz/ al/jua, %aivop,evo)v rat? /jbdari^L Kal TOVTO fjuovov KaKws dv^pi^ojjievwv, ol? n/JLarac 9ed Kal TOVTO TrapOevos. Sen. De Prouid. 4 11 numquid tu in- uisos esse Lacedaemoniis liberos suos credis, quorum experiuntur 10 indolent publice uerberibus admotis? ipsi illos patres adhor- tantur, ut ictus flagellorum fortiter perferant et laceros ac semianimes rogant, perseuerent uolnera praebere uolneribus. inscr. /ScoyLicm/cT?? Daremberg-Saglio s.u. and under Stafjiao-rl- 70x7^9. Epictet. Diss. I 2 2. Simplic. Comm. on Epictet. 15 Man. c. 10 p. 646 (iv 107 Schw.). Lact. on Stat. Th. I 118. iv 48. 227. Plut. II 240 b Wytt. uit. Lycurgi 18. Nicolaus Damasc. Fr. 114 11 (ill 458 Mliller). p. 144 1. 17 CONTEMPTV Ad Scap. 1. 5. Euseb. Hist. Eccl. vin 14 13. P. E. II 15. Cypr. De Mortal. 16. lustin. 20 Dial. c. Tryph. 45 p. 264a crapKOTroiyOels v r jrefjLivev... r Lva...o QdvdTos Kara^povvOf,. 96 p. 323 d . cf. Otto (p. 35 n. 5) on lustin. Apol. I c. 11 p. 59 a . c. 57 p. 91 d . n 4. 11 fin. p. 50 a. Minuc. 8 6 pro mira stultitia et incredibili audacia spernunt tormenta praesentia, dum incerta metuunt et 2;jfuttira: et dum mori post mortem timent, interim mori non timent. Luc. De morte Peregr. 13 TreTrei/caai <yap avrovs ol KaKoSai/jLoi>$ TO pew o\ov aOdvaroi eaeadai KOI ftitocreoOai TOV del xpovov^ Trap 1 o Kal KarafypovovGi, TOV OavaTov KOI eicbvTes avTovs eTTi&i&oao-iv ol 7ro\\oi. Keim s Celsus p. 149. Ep. ad 30 Diognet. c. 1 OavaTov /caTa^povovai. c. 7 p. 499 a. Tatian 4 p. 144 C . 19 TOV OavaTov KaTatypowrjTaL Clem. Alex. Strom. Ill 7 60, of the Brachmanes, KaTafypovovai 8e Qavd-rov Kal Trap* ovbev fj^ovvTai TO ^r/v. Euseb. Mart. Palest. 11 2, of Pamphilus, reap o\ov avTOV TOV ftiov Trdar) bia jrpe tyas dpeTr], aTTOTa^et, Kal 35 KaTa(f)pov7Jcri (3lov. De Fug. in Persec. 4. ad nat. I 18 bis. Lactant. v 13 5 cum uero ab ortu solis usque ad occasum lex diuina suscepta sit et omnis sexus et omnis aetas et gens et regio et natio unis ac paribus animis deo seruiant, eadem p. 144 1. 2.8] APOLOGETICVS 50 479 -sit ubique patientia, idem contemptus mortis. Mart. Polyc. 4. Orig. Coritr. Cols. II 17 fin. 73 pr. (cf. 38 and 45 tcoXdrew) III 68. 78 p. in. Ignat. Smyrn. 3 2 Bia rovro /cal Bavarov p. 144 11. 201 Adu. Marc. I 9 p. 301 1. 3 Kr. quern titulum 5 incidemus ex duobus deo Marcionis ? Ammian. xiv 6 8 quidam aeternitati se commendari posse per statuas aestimantes eas ardenter adfectant cet. p. 144 1. 24 PRAESIDES Kellner s transl. p. 17 supr. 30 fin. {an exact parallel). De Spectac. 30 p. 28 1. 23 Wiss. pmesides, 10 persecutores dominici nominis saeuioribus quam ipsi flammis saeuierunt insultantes contra Christianos liquescentes ? Kaye 48 n. 3. APVD POPVLVM 49 f. p. 142 1. 6. Blunt Right Use 3556. p. 144 1. 28 De Pudic. 1 p. 221 1. 8 Wiss. principalem 15 Christiani nominis disciplinam, quam ipsum quoque saeculum usque adeo testatur, lit, si quando, earn in feminis nostris inquinamentis potius carnis quam tormentis punire contendat, id nolens eripere quod uitae anteponunt. Neumann I 143 6 doubts the historical character of this account and of that 20 of Potamiaena (Euseb. Hist. Eccl. vi 5 2). Cypr. De Mortalitate 15 ea-cedunt ecce in pace tutae cum gloria sua uirgines uenientes antichristi minas et corruptelas et lupa- naria non timentes. Blunt Right Use 372 ri. 1. Ad Herenn. iv 29 si lenones uitasset tanquam leones. cf. Sen. Contr. I 2. 25 S. Afra (Ruinart 501) ex-courtesan J apprends que tu es line courtisane ; sacrifie done, car tu ne peux appartenir au Dieu des Chretiens. Euseb. Mart. Palaest. 5 3 rore Se yvvai- s TT}? dvo)T(ir(O KOI avroTrapdevovs cuncyTpla? v/3pis 7ropvoTp6<f)ois TrapaQiSovra. ib. 8 5 8. 30 Some committed suicide to escape rape. Euseb. Hist. Eccl. vni 14 14. ib. in 7 3237. Aug. De Ciu. Dei I 26 does not condemn them. Pelagia Euseb. Hist. Eccl. VIII 12 2 (cf. Diet. Chr. Biogr.). Domnina and her daughters ib. 3 4. Sophronia, a Christian Lucretia, Euseb. Hist. Eccl. vni 35 14 7. Vita Const. I 34 (cf. 33). Euseb. Hist. Eccl. VIII 12 3 4, a rich Christian lady at Antioch urged a number of Christian girls, whom she had trained, to throw 480 TERTVLLIANI [p. 144 1. 28- themselves into a river, ev (t/jLTj^avois eavrr^v re KOI ra? ? Oeaaafjuevrj KOI rd /jLe\\ovra ef dvOptoTrwv Seivd TGO TrapaOelcra, TO re Trdvrwv Seivwv dfyopnTorepov, Tropvelas /xr?8e aKpois axrlv VTTOfjLelvai elv d/covaai. ib. 14 5 15. 16. 17. Ambros. De Virginibus n 4 23 aut sacri- ficare uirginem aut lupanari prostitui iubent. cf. the very curious story of her escaping the brothel in the clothes of a soldier who went in to her, and the martyrdom of bottu ib. 26 33. Allard Les dernieres Persec. 237. Mommsen loStrafrecht 955. CHRISTIANAM Minuc. 37 4 pueri et mulierculae nostrae cruces et tormenta, feras et omnes suppliciorum terriculas inspirata patientia doloris inludunt. Cf. Ambr. Exhort. Vir- ginit. 12 82. Les vierges martyres, suivies d un appendice 15 sur la condition materielle, morale, religieuse et sociale de la femme avant Je sus-Christ, par M. 1 abbe F. Martin. Paris 1874 2 v. 12. pp. xxxi 434. 426 (7 fr.). Allard Perse cution de Diocletien I 2834. 326. 328. 3478. 388 seq, (Agnes) m. 20 p. 144 1. 29 c. 40 p. 116 1. 17. Lactant. v 19 9 decet eos sascipere defensionem deorum suorum, ne, si nostra inucduerint (ut cottidie inualescunt), cum delubris ac ludibriis suis deserantur. 13 1 cum autem noster numerus semper de deorum cultoribus augeatur, numquam uero, ne in ipsa quidem persecutione 25 minuatur (quoniam peccare homines et inquinari sacrificio possunt, auerti autem non possunt a deo ; ualet enim id sua ueritas). Prudent. Peristeph. IV 87 8 martyrum semper numerus sub omni | grandine creuit. Aug. De Ciu. Dei xxn 6 (ii 563 26 D.) ligabantur includebantur, caedebantur torque- 30 bantur, urebantur laniabantur, trucidabantur et multiplica- bantur. Iren. IV 33 9 fin. Rufin. Hist. Eccl. VIII 17 fin. vi 5 p. 329. Justin. Apol. II 12 (p. 50 ab ) converted by the constancy of martyrs. Comments of spectators [Cypr.] De laude mar- tyrii 15. Chrys. II 7ll c 712 C . 7l4 a al^a Siyveicw rd Ka\d 35 TT)? eKK\i](TLa<; apBov (f>vrd. cf. 579 d . Bingham XX 7 6. Ep, ad Diognet. 6 9, Funk. p. 144 1. 32 Arnob. II 5 p. 50 30 quod, cum genera poenarum tanta sint a uobis proposita religionis huius sequentibus leges, p. 144 1. 32] APOLOGETICVS 50 481 augeatur res magis et contra omnes minas atque inter dicta formidinum animosius populus obnitatur et ad credendi stadium prohibitionis ipsius stimidis excitetur. ib. 77 ista quam dicitis persecutionis asperitas, liberatio nostra est, non persecutio. lustin. Apol. II 10 p. 49 a Otto. 12 p. 50 a . ib. Dial. c. Tryph. 110 Otto 5 ad 1. p. 337 b tce<j)a\OTO/JLovijLVOL <ydp KOI crravpov/jLevot KOI OljpiotG i KOI &ecr//,ot9 KOI Trvpl KOI Trdaais ra?9 aXXat9 on OVK d^nardfjieOa TT}? 6fio\oyias, &rj\6v CGTIV, aXX , ocra)7Tp dv rotavrd TIVCL ryLvrjTai,, TOGOVTW fjLa\\ov d\\ot TrXetWe? nrtarol ical $eo<re/3et? Sid rov oz/o/xaro? rov "Iriaov 10 "/ivovrai. oirolov eav d/n7re\ov rt? eVre yu-^ rd KapTro^op^aavra ^eprj, et? TO dva/3\a(TTrj(TaL erepovs K\d&ovs /cal eu^aXet? real /cap7ro<f)6povs dva&l&wo-i, rov avrov rpoTrov teal e<$> IJ/JLWV yiverai. Ep. ad Diognet. 7 fin. ou^ opas o<r&) TrXetoi^e? tcoXd^ovrai, vro) Tr\ovd%ovras aXXou?. ib. 6 f. XpiarLavoi KoXa^b- 15 /cad rj/juepav 7r\ovdovai, /jid\\ov. Lactant. V 13 5. 19 9 (quoted above) augetur religio dei, quanta viagis pre- mitur. 22 defendenda enim religio est non occidendo sed moriendo. Aug. De Ciu. Dei II 29 p. 95 1. 22 D. 3 calls on the offspring of the Scipios and Fabricii : expergiscere, dies 20 est, sicut experrectu es in quibusdam, de quorum uirtute per- fecta et pro fide aera etiani passionibus gloriamur, qui usque- quaque aduersus potestotes inimicissimas confligentes easque for- liter moriendo uincentes sanguine nobis hanc patriam peperere suo Ep. (3=) 137 16 (Christiani) inter inimicos augentur, 25 persecutionibus crescunt, per adflictionum augustias usque in terrarum extrema dilatantur. Orig. Contr. Gels. VII 26 fin. Rufin. Hist. Eccl. ix 9 p. 528 m. Leo Serm. 1 De Petro et Paulo. [ = 82 c. 6, Migne, P. L. LIV 426 ab . A. S.] Ad Scap. 1 cum oinni saeuitia uestra concertamus, etiain 30 ultro erumpentes, magisque damnati quam absoluti gaudemus. ib. 4. ib. 5 fin. )iec tamen deficiet haec secta, quam tune magis aedificari scias, cum caedi videtur. quisque enim tantam tolerantiam spectans, ut aliquo scrupulo percussus, et inquirere accenditur, quid sit in causa, et ubi cognouerit 35 ueritatem et ipse statim sequitur. Bibl. Max. Patr. VII 738 martyres moriendo uincunt. cf. Lucifer Calar. Moriendum esse pro Dei Filio (Bibl. Max. iv 242 cd . La Cerda cites M. T. 31 482 TERTVLLIANI [p. 144 1. 32 ib. f =p. 285 1. 25 ed. Hartel(?)). [lustin.] Ad Orthodox. 74 p. 436 b aXX ai ftdcravoi avrai, als /cal Trpoorjv r)v ^p^adpevo^ EXX?7Z>(7//.o? TrpocrSo/ctfo as 8t avrwv CL\VTOV <$>v\dTTeiv 5 o-TiavKT/jidv earrjo-av Trayicorepov. Ambr. De Fide Resurr. 45 morte martyrum religio defensa, cumulate fides, ecclesia ro- borata est. [Cypr.] De duplici martyrio 9 f. (app. 227 7) quis enim nescit, fratres, quam uberem prouentum effudit ecclesiae seges, apostolorum ac cetworum martyrum sanguine irrigate ? 10 quo plus sanguinis e/usum est, hoc magis effloruit multitudo fidelium, hoc latius sparsit suas propagines ilia beata uitis a Christo stirpe surgens et occupans orbem uniuersum. Blunt Right Use 239. METIMVR Verg. Hor. Sil. V. F. 15 p. 144 1. 33 SEMEN cet. c. 21 p. 72 1. 30 p. 74 1. 1 discipuli quoque. . .multaperpessi. . .Romae postremo per Neronis saeuitiam sanguinem Christianum seminauerunt. [Cypr.] De laude Martyrii 7. Biblioth. Max. Patr. vin 157 e martyrum sanguis mundum fecundauit. Lactant. v 13 5. 22 21 illae maocime 20 causae nostrum numerum semper auxernnt : audit circumstans populus inter ipsa tormenta dicentes non sacrificare se lapidibus humana manu factis, sed deo itiuo, qui sit in caelo, multi hoc uerum esse intellegunt. Nilus Serm. 12 De Ascens. (Phot. Cod. 276, 515 a Bekker), d cr^drrovre^ St,e/cco\vov, avrrj a(f>ar- 25 TOfj^evr] avveKpoTei KOI rats (r^ayal^ /card TWV dfyaTTovTwv rd TpoTraia. rd rfjs e/c/cX^crta? /careKOTrrero K\rj- /cal 6 r?79 TT/a-reo)? 7reSlBou /jid\\oi> Kap7ros... 2,T(f>avos K\a$eveTO /cal aXXo /c\rj/JLa iiaprvpwv eftXdo-ravev. Minuc. c. 37 1 (?). Arnob. n 5. Cypr. Quod idola di non sint 7. 30 lustin. Dial. c. Tryph. 96 p. 323 e . 110 p. 337 b . 121 p. 349 d sq. 46 p. 265 C . Apol. i 11 (p. 59 a ). 39 (p. 78 b ). 57 (p. 91 de ). n4 p.43 e . Luc. Peregr. 13. Ep. ad Diogn. 6 p. 498 b . 7 p. 499 a . Basil, ep. 264 (in 254 d ). Aug. in Ps. 3 9 p. m. dicat etiam : Non timebo milia populi circundantis me ; circumuallantium scilicet gen- 35 tium, ad exstinguendum nomen, si possent, ubicumque Christia num. sed quomodo timerentur, cum tamquam oleo sanguine martyrum in Christo ardor caritatis injlammaretur ? ib. 39 1 pr. et sparsus est sanguis iustus et illo sanguine, tamquam p. 146 1. 4] APOLOGETICVS 50 483 seminatione per totum mundum facia, seges surrexit ecclesiae. 40 1 p. m. (iv 490 b ) ad multiplicandam ecdesiam ualuit sanctus sanguis effusus, seminationi accessit et mors martyrum. ib. 58 Serm. 1 4 p. m. effusus est magnus et mult us martyrum sanguis : quo effuso tamquam seminata seges ecclesiae fer- 5 tilius pullulauit et totwn mundum sicut nunc conspicimus occupauit. 78 15 p. in. 88 S. 1 10 p. m. martyres occidit, semina sanguinis sparsit, seges ecclesiae pullulauit 118 S. 32 6 fin. et quis non uideat quantum adiuuerit ecdesiam sanguis ecclesiae ? quanta ex ilia semente seges toto orbe su.rrexerit ? 10 134 24 m. uolebant paucos Christianas exstinguere, occidere ; sanguinem fuderunt : de sanguine ocdsorum tanti exsur- rexerunt y a quibus illi interfectores martyrum superarentur. 140 20 fin. et quid est factum de tot mortibus martyrum nisi ut ipsa uerba praeualerent, et tamquam irrigata terra 15 sanguine testium Christi pullularet ubique seges ecclesiae? cf. 21 (iv 2243 C 2244 a ). Friedlander in 5 636 n. 1 citing Gieseler I 70 21. Tzschirner 1701. Blunt Right Use pp. 239241. p. 146 1. 3 Mimic. 38 6 non <qai> non habitu sapi- 20 entiani sed mente praeferimus, non eloquimur magna sed uiidmus. TANTOS...QVANTOS supr. c. 40 pr. p. 116 1. 17. Biinemann on Lactant. I 3 21. p. 146 1. 4 OBSTIXATIO supr. c. 27 pr. quidam dementiam 25 existimant, quod cum possimus et sacrificare in praesenti et inlaesi abire manente apud animum proposito, obstinationem saluti praeferamus. ib. fin. illos numquam magis detrium- phamus, quam cum pro fidei obstinatione damnamur. De Spectac. 1 p. 1 1. 18 Wiss. sunt qui existimant Christianos . . .ad 30 hanc obstinationem abdicatione uoluptatium erudiri, qua fad- lias uitam contemnant amputatis quasi retinaculis eius nee desiderent, quam iam superuacuam sibi fecerunt, ut hoc con- silio potius et humano prospectu, non diuino praescripto de- finitum existimetur. ad nat. I 18 pr. reliquum obstinationis in illo 35 capitulo collocatis, quod neque gladios neque cruces neque bestias nestras, non ignem, non tormenta, ob duritatem ac contemptum mortis, animo recusemus. cf. ib. 17 19. Epict. [ = iv 7 312 484 TERTVLLIANI [p. 146 1. 4 6. A. S.] Antonin. [xi 3. A. S.]. Plin. ad Trai. 96 (97) 3 neque enim dubitabam, qualecumque esset quod fate- rentur, pertinaciam certe et inflexibilem obatinationem debere puniri. Ep. ad Diogn. 1 TLVL re 6ew TT eiro 16 ore? KOI 5 7Tft)9 0p71<TKVOVT6S dVTOV T KOCTfJLOV VTTepOpUHTl, 7rdvT$ KOi davaTov Karaffrpovovcri,. ib. 10 p. 501 b Tore TOVS fievovs eVl TO) fJLrj 6e\iv apwrjaaudai, deov KOI (764? KOI Oav/Adaeis, Tore TT}<? avrar?;? rou /coa-fjuov KOI 7r\dvr]<; fcarayvdoo-ei, orav TO d\7]6cos eV ovpavw IO QTdV TOV &OKOVVTOS vdd& QcLVCLTOV KCL Apol. I 11 dvaipovvTwv ov Tretypovri/ccifjiev. 39 T^Sew? O/JLO\O- yovvres TOV XpicrTov aTroOvrjo-tcofjiev. 57 ov yap SeSoi/ca/jLev Odva-rov. See exx. id. Apol. II 2. Act. Mart. lust. 5. Neumann i 153 n. 3. 15 p. 146 1. 5 MAGISTRA Ad Scap. 5 fin. lustin. Apol. I 4 p. 55 b oi/ yap Tpoirov 7rapa\a/36vTes riv&s Trapd TOV $io aa-/cd\ov XjOtcrroO /U-T) apveuaOai eeTa6fj,evoi, TrapaKeXevovTai (Otto ad 1. p. 15 b ). Clem. Alex. Strom, iv 73 fin. p. 596 P. 8e Ticriv, edv crvfjutfrepr), d7ro\oyr)(Tao-0ai, wa Bid re r?)? 20 pta? S^a re TTJS ofio\oyia$ ux^e\wvTai 01 TravTes, io"%vpo- jiev ol /car K/c\r)o~iav, OavfJid^ovTes Be KOI e/9 vTrayo/jievoL ol ef eOv&v rrjv crcDTrjplav 7ro\V7rpayfji,ovtf- , ol \OLTTOL Be inr* e/CTrX^ea)? KaTe^o/juevoi. CONCVTITVR is staggered. Kaye 123 4. 25 p. 146 1. 9 Scorpiac. 6 p. 158 1. 21 Wiss. De Pudic. 9 p. 238 1. 14 Wiss. ib. 22 p. 272 1. 25 Wiss. aliud baptisma. De Bapt. 16 pr. tota Paradisi clauis tuus sanguis est. De Anim. 55 tin. Cf. De Fuga in Persec. 9. De Patient. 13 p. 21 1. 4 Kr. secunda intinctio Aug. x 700 Gaume. Chrys. xi 30 86 Ben. Dodwell Diss. Cypr. 13, De secundo martyrii baptismo. Acta Perpetuae c. 18. (Sees only martyrs in Paradise, De Anim. 55, p. 388 1. 26 Wiss.) DONANTVR De Pudic. 21 p. 269 1. 24 Wiss. ipsum Para- cletum in Prophetis Nouis habeo dicentem potest ecclesia donare 35 delictum! ib. 21 fin. p. 271 8 ei idea ecclesia quidem delicta donabit. ib. 22 p. 271 27 Wiss. ib. 22 a. m. p. 272 1. 1 Wiss. sufficiat martyri propria delicta purgasse. De Bapt. 16 pr. Adu. Marc, iv 35 p. 539 1. 17 Kr. v 19 bis p. 645 11. 245 Kr. p. 146 1. 10] APOLOGETICVS 50 485 Scorpiac. 6 p. 158 1. 10 Wiss. 12 fin. e.g. p. 174 1. 6 Wiss. sordes quidem baptismate abluuntur, jnaculae uero martyrio candi- dantur. Blunt Right Use pp. 2367. Kaye 132 n. 6. 317. 318. 321 (6). 349 seq. 418. heretic martyrs, pseudo-martyrs Bingham xv 8 11 f. xvj 6 7 n. 8486. Ambr. ep. 26 .16. 5 De obitu Valent. 53 n. De Virgin, in 34. De Viduis 55. Cf. Aug. tr. 58 in loann. II 2, 662 C . ep. 193 5 fin. bis. Baptism of martyrdom Aug. ep. 265 4 quoscumque legimus in corpore Christi, quod est ecclesia, pertinere ad regnum caelo- rum, nonnisi baptizatos intellegere debemus : nisi forte quos 10 angustia passionis inuenit, et nolentes negare Christum, ante- quam baptizarentur occisi sunt, quibus ipsa passio pro baptismo deputata est. [Pelag. in Rom. 6, 3. A. S.] Cypr. ind. baptisma sanguinis p. 376 a. martyres p. 395. Orig. Exh. ad Mart. 30 /3a7TTo>ta r^lv SlSorai, TO rov fiaprvpiov. 15 idem Horn. 2 in Leuit. (n 190 a ) secunda remissio est in passione martyrii esp. Cypr. Append. De laude Marty rii 23 p. 45 17. Biblioth. Max. Patr. xiv 7 <l martyrium peccata dimittit. Clem. Alex. Strom, iv 9 74, 34, P. 5967, quoting Hermas. 76 p. 596 fin. eoiicev ovv TO fAaprvpiov aTTOKciOapais elvai dpapTLWv 20 fj,era Sojjrjs. ib. 106 pr. p. 609, the divine wisdom eTrdyei K( i6apcriv i>$o%ov TO fjiaprvpLov. Funk on Hermas aim. v 28, 3. p. 146 1. 10 SENTENTIIS VESTRIS GRATIAS AGIMVS C. 1 fin. damnatus gratias agit. c. 21 p. 66 1. 25. c. 46 prope fin. 25 Christianus etiam damnatus gratias agit. Rufin. Hist. Eccl. IV 17 f. Bingham x 2 20. Optat. II 2 p. 52 Dupin. lustin. Apol. II 2f., the martyr Lucius when sentenced to be executed, Kal %apiv el^evca ai/jLoXoyei, Trovrjpwv 8f.(77rora)v rtov TOIOVTWV (i7rrj\\d%0a(, yiva)(TKCi)v KOI Trpo? rov Trarepa Kal ffaviXea T&V 3 TropevecrOat,. ib. 11 pr. TO o(f>\rjfjLa a7ro^^8o//re9 eJ^a- Acta Mart. Scillit. p. 116, Robinson, 11. 5 6 12. Ad Scap. 1 denique cum omni saeuitia uestra concertamus, etiam ultro erumpentes magisque damnati quam absoluti gau- demus. Heraldus h. 1. pp. 1878. Prudent. Peristeph. xm 94. 35 Acta Perpetuae 12. Maximiliani 3. Cypriani 4. Saturnini 17. Deo gratias, battle-cry of the catholics in reply to Donatist Deo laudes (Aug. Enarr. in Ps. 132 6. Allard Persecut. de 486 TERTVLLIANI APOLOGETICVS 50 [p. 146 1. 10 Diocletien I 106). Acta Marciani et Nicandri 2 (Ruinart 618). Acta Felicis (Ruinart 3768). Aug. in Ps. 137 3 (iv 1525 e ) gaudet iniquus in popina, gaudet martyr in catena, quomodo gaudebat sancta ista Crispina cuius hodie sollemnitas celebratur? 5 gaudebat cum tenebatur, cum ad iudicem ducebatur, cum in catasta leuabatur, cum audiebatur, cum damnabatur; in his omnibus gaudebat : et earn miseri miseram putabant, quae cum angelis gaudebant. INDEX TO THE INTRODUCTION AND NOTES The Roman numbers refer to the pages of the Introduction ; the Arabic numerals to the pages and lines of the Notes a 259 11 abolefacio 362 30 abortion 201 24, 202 1 abrumpo 379 11 abscindo 407 17 abmmo 466 21, 87 abundo: ex abundanti 259 18 accipio: (icccpto ferre 23$ 28 acclamations of emperors 365 35 accuro: accitratus 313 19 acesco 396 17 adeo (adu.): atque adeo 368 3 adhuc: see usque adiuro (exorcize) 358 34 adlego 286 25 ttdprehendo 249 7 aduolo 247 20 advents, two 296 10 adulter (heretic) 454 29 adulteriutn (and cognates) 455 11 adultero 438 1, 454 18 aedificator 445 38 aemulus (and derivatives) 314 16, 323 2 acquanimitas 443 22 acquit*: ex aequo 372 3 Aesculapius 238 38 aestuo 427 20 (i/ecto 438 13 agape (love- feast) 396 28 ago: hoc age (anile) 354 23: c. ace. pers. 151 10, 214 22 alias ( = aliter) 408 3 aliquantnlus: aliquantulo 271 30 aliquis (contemptuous) 221 35, 228 10, 245 33. 474 25 aliiu ( = alter) 322 30 ambitio (circuit) 191 29 amphitheatre, cruelty of 385 14 amplius (in negative expression) 249 19 Anaxarchus 475 19 angels, evil 310 3(5, 369 12 ante (in pregnant use) 225 17 Antichrist: see Empire antiquity of Christian truth 264 11, 269 25, 446 31 antisto 348 21 Antoninus Pius 180 <> aperio: ex aperto 268 30 apex (priest s headdress) 248 25 Apion 277 11 apocarteresis 443 26 Apollo in servitude 238 24 aquaelicium (aquiliciitm) 411 7 aquariolns 423 33 Arabia, source of incense 352 25 arbitrium : ad arbitrium 310 9 archigallus 332 34 archives 425 18 archiu inn 276 13 Aristeas 268 9 Aristides, the Just 222 8 Aristotle 444 9 arms, cutting of, in Cybele ritual 333 13 army, Christians and the 418 20 artifex (of God) 289 28 artisans, Christian 439 22 arx (metaphorical) 168 5 ascension, of human beings 303 18, 28 ass : ass s head fable 249 25, 258 4, 5 asseueratio 191 31 Astarte 328 3 astrologers 368 31, 369 12, 424 13 at 1 1 n in 195 8 atheism, charge of, against Christians 210 14 atoms 451 27 Attis 246 27 axle-torture 472 6 banishment: see islands baptismal formula 382 12 baths, thieves at the 426 21 Belenus 328 25 bene quod 192 14, 330 4, 409 30 [Vincent. Lirin. p. 31 4. 42 13 ed. Moxon. A.S.] 488 INDEX Berosus 276 23 bestia 434 32 biformis 258 16 blood, Christian abstinence from 204 20, 32; human, cure for epilepsy etc. 203 24, 205 17; human, drunk at compacts 202 17, 28; of sacrifice 324 12 ; shed in Cybele rites 333 3 Blunt, J. J. xvi, xvii etc. Brahmins 417 7 brethren, Christians as 393 14 burial, Christian 390 35, 421 27 burial-places of gods 213 8 caccabus cet. 231 9 Caelestis 226 10, 322 22, 328 34 caelum : de caelo (proverbial) 168 18 caesiones 400 3 campestre (subst.) 407 38 cantabrum 255 8 cantherius 251 14 capio: capit ( = ^vS^x fTai ] 260 28 career (personal) 341 8 Carthaginians, infanticide among 196 3 earns (of price) 421 22; cari (subst.) 370 13 Cassius Seuerus 215 6 castellum 377 7 Castor and Pollux 317 26 Castores (Castor and Pollux) 317 38 castration, for the Kingdom s sake 209 31 cataclysmus 271 5, 407 31 cateruatim 363 5 Catiline 202 17 Cato of Utica 395 32 cauea (of theatre) 246 11 causa : in causa 403 13 censeo (in passive) 247 26 censualis 277 29 census 188 5 Cerda, La xv, xix certus (of persons) c. infin. 205 14 ; pro cerio 325 25 Chrestianus, miswriting of Christianus 165 29 Christianity, as old as the world 282 10 etc. ; growth of, through martyr dom 480 20, 37; illegal 167 32; novelty of 281 20, 375 18 ; universal prevalence of 376 17 Christians, blamed for public calami ties 401 5, 402 23, 403 24 ; calumnies against 185 25, 186 9 ; chastity of 394 37, 395 6, 442 13 ; their gratitude for sentences 485 24; their inflexibility 483 25; innocence of 163 5; lazi ness of 416 15 ; made, not born 265 22 ; not only lowborn and igno rant 153 1; regarded as fools, mad 467 34, 468 31, 473 23 ; sufferings of 470 10 ; their victory in death 471 1 Christianus, derivation of name 165 19 ; the cry Christianus sum 159 18 cineresco 409 13 circa (c. accus. person.) 159 11 circulatorius 320 4 circumcision 283 1 circumfundo 303 13 circus, madness of 384 32 Claudia Quinta 318 22 clausula 357 16 Cleanthes 290 9 clipeus 255 21 cock, sacrificed by Socrates 436 9 cohabito 418 17 coitio 400 26 commeatus (respite) 357 22, 439 13 commemoratio 238 11 commentator 215 18, 454 33 comparative: see genitive compono (of assignation) 248 18 compulsatio 278 14, 296 9, 381 26 compulso 278 13 concatenation 277 35 concipio 335 6; numt-n 322 19 concurro 323 9 concussio 188 25 concutio 356 18 conditio (fro?n condo) 270 26 conditrix 475 5 confession of the Name 154 35 congredior 443 25 congressio 330 34 coup-: see also cotnp- conpensatio 381 15 consecraneus 252 10 conspcratio 338 24 consigno 194 17 consisto (I join issue with) 167 11, 431 10 constupro 246 3 conteinptor 407 28 contestor 263 14, 425 15 contineo: in continents 323 12 contrarius : e contrario 229 26 contumelia: in contumeliam 240 18 conueuio (c. ace.) 211 38, 356 6, 365 19 conuiolo 396 7 cornutvs 259 8, 288 10 corpus (corporation) 386 29 corroboro 192 37 Corybantes 334 4 cosmopolitanism, ancient 381 31 courtiers, Christian 377 28 Crete: abode of Zeus 333 31; the cave there 333 38 criminator 241 28 Croesus 315 18 cross, fanciful discovery of the, every- INDEX 489 where 251 29, 253 4; as instrument of torture 475 15 crucifixion 224 34 crudito 204 6 cultura (worship) 251 8, 305 26 cum maxime 175 13 [add Petron. 54 pr. A.S.] curiositas 335 9 euro (c. dat.) 438 30 cursito 363 9 custodia (prisoner) 205 26, 425 20 cuxtoilio 428 9 Cybelc 245 4, 332 18 cynoccplialm 184 13 daemon 309 24: see also demons daemonium 380 19, 424 22, 435 16, 20: see also demons dative (of person judging) 360 34 de 176 16, 221 36 death 415 13 ; contempt of 478 18 debauch of daughter 287 34 debellator 180 3 debellatrix 332 28 decachinno 455 36 deculco 443 11 dedecorator 238 23 deductor 287 9 defendo 170 7 dehinc 415 27 dehortatorius 310 12 deicio 339 32 deiero 240 36, 359 18, 433 18 deification, of emperors, etc. 171 6, 216 27 deliquium 300 27 Delos 406 14 dementia 320 33 Demetrius Phalereus 267 4, 276 38 Democritus 442 25 demons 309 24, 323 10 etc. ; action of 339 21 ; consoled by corruption of man 311 12 ; food of 312 14 ; their influence on human bodies 311 21 ; persecution due to 340 10 demonstrator 322 24 denique 422 26 deposits 443 36 depostultitor 366 8 deprecntor 410 30 depretio 429 26 deputo 284 8 etc. destino : destination 334 1!) destitutio 379 22 destructor 446 1 destruo 433 32 detriumpho 341 35 detrunco 354 13 deus: dens bonus cet. 262 16; detts uidet 263 15 dico : non dicam, non dico 407 26, 424 24; ut ita dixerim 452 17 Dido 474 34 digero : digest um 450 17 digitus 276 3 dilanio 278 11 diluculo 419 18 Diodorus 214 36 Diogenes 443 1 diploma 333 24 dirigo : directo 323 5 disciplina 438 36 ditpector 428 12 dispoaitio 313 32 diftpunctio 265 11, 272 20 ditspungo cet. 374 8, 425 27, 426 7, 430 18 disxolubili 452 37 diuersittm 465 24 (liuinatio 280 1 diuinitas 279 24, 374 18 dog: in Socrates oath 240 21; use of, to help incest 187 5 doles 389 34 dominator 307 7 dominor (c. genit.) 338 4 dominus : as an imperial title 360 17; domini ( = dominus et domina) 318 "> Domitian 175 38 Domitius Ahenobarbus 318 34 dono 484 33 door-posts, decoration of 363 24 drought 404 1 dubiuit: see procul eddem ( = eadem opera) 286 11 earthquakes 404 4, 406 12 east, turniug to the, in prayer 255 23 eclipse, at crucifixion 300 27, 301 14 effeminatio 245 30 Egypt, religion of 327 17 elders, etc. 388 36, 389 15 Eleusinian mysteries 190 31 elimino 183 36 elogium 156 9, 326 21, 426 3 [Archiv f. lat. Lex. x (189H) 251 f. Vocab. lurispr. Roman, n (1913) 459 A.S.] Elysium 456 23 Empedocles 468 14, 474 23 emperor, genius of the 358 1 Empire, the, as restraint on Anti christ 356 20 Epicureans 452 8 Epicurus 452 21 Epona 251 19 ergastulum 341 3 frogo 425 7. 466 26 erubesco 204 17 enicto 466 18 erupt io 400 14 490 INDEX et (and indeed) 313 28 ; (and yet) 161 36, 376 13 Etruscans 336 8 Evans, K. W., quoted xiv euigoro 262 5 exactor 371 20, 410 12 examen 217 16, 408 13 exancillo 262 6 exceptio 282 33 excessua (death) 333 28 exorbitatio 279 14 exorbito 180 25, 257 24, 279 12 exorcism, power of 321 7 expauesco 379 30, 394 22 expedio : expedite 454 26 exposure of children 200 21, 207 37 exprimo : expressus 412 25 expungo 161 3, 248 30, 280 27, 296 30, 363 19, 466 1 exsecramentum 310 30 exsero: exsertus 296 37, 374 25 exsufflation 325 5 exsul (c. genit.) 418 8 extendo 195 15 extents: extremissimus 275 28 ; cxtimus 286 21 extorqueo 200 16, 354 29 extra 443 38 extranet (heathen) 355 4 eyes, chastity of the 428 27, 442 29 fabricatio 227 33 facio: facit ad 323 1 factitator 290 7, 441 3 facula 373 30 fagots, used in torture 472 22 famelicus 244 15 famulo 298 33 fasting 412 1 fattening of fowls 181 8 Felix, surname of Sulla 223 5 filii ( = liberi) 209 4 [Archiv viii 190-1] fingers, use of, in counting 276 3 fire, ordeal of, applied to Christians 469 19 flagito 431 19 fioreo (metaph.) 218 37 flying powers of magicians 320 36 foculus 205 19 follis 476 15 folly : see madness forniator 360 13 fortasse an 282 15 forte : see si frater as Christian title 393 14 ; fratres (brothers] and sister[s]) 317 38 fruits, of Christian doctrine 430 24 (frux) 297 3 fungor (c. dat.) 196 29 Gabinius 184 24 garlands 420 13 Gauls, infanticide among 197 18, 198 25 gehenna 455 32 genitive : after comparative 406 31 ; examples of its use 272 8 ; with adjectives 272 8, 410 3, 21 genius, of the emperor 368 5 gens (= genus) 410 1; hoc genus (adverbially) 341 28 ; genus tertium 454 3 ghosts, called up 319 23 goats as divinators 320 12 God, patience of 415 4 gods : human beings 212 11, 217 9, 19; in literature 235 31 ; of the heathen as demons 310 27, 320 28 ; pagan views of the 451 29, 452 8 etc. grace before and after meat 397 34, 399 25 gradus 294 3 ; obstruere gradum 338 18 (see also p. 9 n. 1) graves, rifled 373 14 guttur (in plur.) 354 12 gymnosophistae 417 18 habeo c. infin. 316 15, 371 4, 372 22 Hadrian 179 17, 25 ; his rescript to Fimdanus 157 35 hands, raised in prayer 349 2 hariolus 424 9 hastarium 231 35 head, uncovered, in prayer 349 36 Herauld, Didier xv, xix Hercules 244 4, 245 34, 246 38 hie : ad hoc 464 19 : see also ob Hiera 405 36 Hieromus 276 25 hodiernus : ad (in) hodiernum 408 5 Homer, first poet 238 13 hooks, as instruments of torture 225 4, 353 37 hostilitas 370 32 hostis publicus 156 4, 361 22, 380 5 human beings, honoured as gods and saviours 220 4 hymns 399 15 idols 223 16, 20, 26, 224 11 Jews : attack Christianity 257 29 ; source of Christianity 281 1 ; dis persion of 284 23, 27 ; as persecutors 305 10 ; their treaties with the Romans 337 35 ; their religion lawful 282 19 ill. : see also inl. illusor 438 8 images of gods, not primitive 335 18 imago (opp. ueritas) 457 4 INDEX 491 imber: igneus 408 22 impendo 211 27, 424 28 imprimo : impresse 264 1 inaccusatus 469 inaefttimabilis 260 23 inaniinalis 465 27 incendiarism 373 7, 30 incense : use of 351 32, 421 7 ; cost of 352 17 ; from Arabia 352 25 incest 207 33, 208 32, 220 35, 287 17 ; charged against Christians 156 11, 186 9 ; divine and human 205 29, 30 ; divine 221 24 incldn 334 23 incolatuti 316 17 inconprehensibilis 260 20 incorruptibilitas 466 9 increbresco 278 34 incur* us 380 24 indefectux 292 30 indexes to Latin authors xviii indicative, instead of subjunctive, in orat. obliq. 180 18, 332 17, 419 14 infanticide 195 30 ff.; charged against Christians 156 11, 186 9, 36 infect us ( = 11011 factus) 218 14, 17 infrendo 227 35 infructuosus 416 23 ingenium : (inventiveness, etc. ) 192 9 ; (plur.) 242 17 ingratia : ingratis 465 16 ingratus (c. genit.) 410 21 initiatio 191 7, 307 3 initio (verb), with double accus. 194 14 iniuria 386 9 injury, better to suffer than to inflict 378 24 inl. : see also ill. inlex 414 23 inluminator 287 3 innatus ( = 11011 natits) 218 14, 452 23 innocence of Christians 427 32 inquieto 247 13 inquinamentum 246 19, 353 12 inquit (they say) 153 31, 356 11 inr. see also irr. inreligiositas 229 31, 325 31, 336 19 inreligiosm 229 29, 343 37 inrepercussus 259 25 insectator 438 4 insecutor 162 8, 176 36 insequor 162 1 inspiration 264 16 imtructu* (subst.) 184 33, 416 29 imtrumentum (of scripture) 264 7, 269 20, 281 9, 453 15 integre 438 26 intentatio 338 10 intentio 338 10, 431 17 intercipio: intercepttu (dead) 333 22 interim 193 26 interpolator 446 4 interuerto 453 29 inuerecundia 187 29 inuidia 413 18 inuiaibilis 260 15 iiniolttntas 429 21 irrufo 318 38 islands, banishment to 392 16 luba 277 8 judgement after death 460 4 lulius: leges luliae 169 1 luno 334 10: Cupra (Curis, etc.) 329 20 luppiter: incestuous 205 34, 206 14; metamorphosed for immoral pur poses pp. 287 ff . : Latiariii, human sacrifice to 199 21 iurulentia 195 12 iusum 275 34 Kortholt, Christian xvi lacrimae (of trees) 352 31 lambo (of fire) 354 10 lamps, for decoration in daytime 364 13, 433 22 language of Tertullian xvii f. Larentina 233 33 largiter (c. genit.) 374 4 latro (verb) 434 8 laws, the lloman 372 34 Leaena 476 32 legifer 275 35 legion, the Thundering 178 6 leoninus 258 32 leprosus 298 28 Lewis and Short s Latin Dictionary xviii, 170 20, 176 37, 184 33, 188 29, 191 7, 202 12, 241 29, 245 30, 292 31, 293 37, 307 3, 322 25, 335 12, 348 HO, 357 3H, 362 30, 363 19, 366 10, 370 32, 379 24, 429 25, 435 8, 438 4, 446 2, 452 38, 453 1 lex: legis latio 271 35; legis lator 271 33 lexicons, Latin xvii ff. Liber ( = Bacchus) 183 32 Liberalia 419 29 libidinosus (c. genit.) 450 10 libraries, in Egypt 266 35, 267 26, 268 31, 269 4 lightning, persons struck by 467 17 lions, Christians cast to 404 16 litteratura 266 26 [Archiv v 49-55] liturgy 387 15 localis 278 18 Ao7os 298 35 longinquus: de longinquo 340 27 Lucia 318 12 492 INDEX Luna (masc.) 243 35 lupa 334 20 lupanar 364 31, 410 36 Luxemburg manuscript xvi n. madness, charge of, against Christians 338 28 Madvig s limitations xii magicians 319 7 ; Christ, etc. as 297 8 maliloquium 429 5 manceps 217 30 mancipo 325 21 Manetho 276 19 manticularius 426 18 manus: manu facto, 387 8: manum porrigo cet. 422 29: prae manu 342 26 manuscripts, neglected, of Tertullian xvi n. Marcus Aurelius 177 1, 18 marriage, the object of Christian 209 11 martyrdom, a baptism 484 25, 33 mathematicus 424 13 matrix 292 34 Mauretania, religion of 329 11 max ime : see under cum Megarians 396 9 Melampus 306 25 memoria (plur.) 266 38 Menander, historian 276 36 mendico : mendicans 422 23 Meuedemus 267 37 mereor : merito (adu.) 343 26 Messiah 296 1 metallum 341 9, 392 11 metempsychosis 457 9, 459 26 Metennius 182 29 militia (in concrete use) 196 25 mimes 243 5 mimice 438 10 mines and quarries (as places of penal servitude) 226 17, 341 9, 392 11, 19 minis tro 160 33 Minos 324 10 misceo (c. accus. et dat.) 340 7 misericordia 422 33 moderation, in food and drink 398 3, 11 modius 409 23 modulus 293 25 modus : eius modi (as adjective) 247 33, 469 9 : huius modi (in same use) 469 12 monitor 350 7 monks 417 6 monsters, fabulous 194 23 monthly payments 390 15 Moors 375 10 moral change in Christians 441 5 morticinus 205 11 Moses, date of 273 35, 274 7 moueo (intrans.) 404 5 Mucius 474 18 multits : multum est 305 23 munus : munia 279 9 Musaeus 306 18 mussito 223 14 names, ill-omened 165 7 naturalis : naturalia (subst.) 279 16 ne (whether) 163 9, 192 1, 248 36, 337 18; ( = ut non) 195 23 nebulo (verb) 368 21 necesse 191 32, 427 29 necubi 202 12 negotiator 445 30 nepotor 444 32 Nero 305 15 ; his persecution 174 35 neruus (=penis) 194 35 Nile, the 403 24, 36 nisi si 191 10 nocenter 239 26 nocentia 410 9 noceo : see nocenter nomen Christianum 151 27, 162 30, 172 24 nota : notam inuro 393 7 noui ( = scio) 175 24 nouiciolus 453 32 nouns, personal, with unqualified geni tive of abstract nouns 272 8 nomis : nouus ac nouus 365 31 ; none 185 4 nudipedalia 411 15 [add Strabo vii 2 3 A.S.] nullus : in nullo ( = nulla in re) 180 21 Numa Pompilius 307 16, 308 9, 334 35 numerus (as a military term) 374 38 ; numero (in number) 294 1 oaths, by the fortune (genius) of Caesar 344 1, 358 1 ob : ob hoc 336 17 [correct the note by reference to Archiv fiir lat. Lexikogr. xi(1899) 381 A. S.] obduco 431 29, 470 29, 471 37 oblatro 434 8 oblittero 180 28 obp. : see also opp. obpignoro 182 6 obsoleto 247 16 obstinatio 339 16, 341 38, 483 25 obstruo (jradum 338 18 ocnlo 308 24 odio (verb) : oditur 166 6 odium humani generis, meaning of 416 6 offendo : offensa (subst.) 361 11 INDEX 493 offero 426 31 qfficium (with genit. of inanimate objects) 279 1 onager 250 15 operator 445 33 operor 359 26 opimus (of victims) 351 8 oppando 251 12 oracles 306 2(5, 309 20, 314 33 ; ambi guities of 315 4 or bis 405 34 or do 397 31 originalis 284 15 oro : oro te (wos), parenthetical 280 35, 405 29, 456 29 orphans, Christian treatment of 391 10 Orpheus 306 18 otiosus : otiosum est 214 9 paedagogium 234 8 palabumlus 285 15 [Archiv xiii 284 f.] palaestrica 367 11 Pallas (the olive, etc.) 219 14 Pamelius xix Papius: lex Papia 168 33 par (c. genit.) 217 17, 221 23 paradisus 456 12 parasites 397 18 paratura 316 25, 339 37, 453 35 pars : ex parte 410 4 Parthians 375 11 parum est si 181 34, 299 35 pascua (fern.) 313 21 passiuitas 207 16 passiuus 207 27 patior 262 11 paucus : panels 217 6 penes (in local sense) 195 32 [add Archiv fiir lat. Lexikogr. iv (1887) 393 A.S.] per due tor 423 27 pereyrimis 332 5 perhibeo testimonium 212 35 persecution, rejoicing in 472 29 Persians 255 18 ; incestuous 205 30, 206 29 pestilence 404 8 Petrograd manuscript xvi 11. philanthropy, Christian 391 16 philosophers 447 22 ; adultery of 442 11 ; impunity of 166 18 ; their love of glory 449 26 : see purple philosophy 432 8, 433 17, 435 3, 445 6 Phryne 442 3 Pilate 303 37, 304 30 ; supposed report of Jesus trial and death, sent to Rome, Acta Pilati etc. 172 28 plane (ironical) 316 35 ; plane .. .tamen 313 30, 381 18 plastus 253 16 Plato 406 18, 407 36, 440 20, 444 15, 460 17 Platonists 451 29 plausor 368 7 plenitudo 431 4 Pliny the Younger, and Christianity 157 7 plumatus 288 21 plural masc. = sing. (plur.) of masc. plus sing, (plur.) of fern. 318 3 poets 447 11 pollinctor 233 19 pollingo 233 24 populace, attitude of, to Christians 366 14, 469 33, 479 14 post (prep.) (in pregnant use) 215 27, 334 33, 398 19 [add Archiv fur lat. Lexikogr. xi (1898) 246 A.S.] postumo 275 27 postumus (c. genit.) 408 10 potaculus 390 21 potestas (concr.) 388 7 power, dependent on piety 331 10 praecipito 415 4 praedamnatio 340 18 praedamno 340 18 praedicator (apparently in the sense of prophet ) 265 32, 301 13, 465 22 praedlco (apparently =praedico) 294 25, 301 10, 465 18 praefor 240 16 praeministro 295 27 praeminor 286 ( .) praescribo 187 32 pruesentaneus 343 32 praeses 151 1, 200 10, 354 26, 479 . praesideo 388 36 praestrno 368 18 praesumptio 272 30, 467 25 prayer, prayers, Christian, for empe rors, empire, heathen, persecutors, etc. 346 22, 355 13, 19, 30, 357 9, 387 15, 388 9: see also hands, head, prompter, sacrifice principaliter (especially) 185 6 prisons and prisoners 392 27; the pri son of the body 261 36 procul dubio 379 24 Proculus 303 28 prodigo 265 3, 465 8 proelium (war) 271 25 profero: prolatus 291 6 professio 423 9 prolatio 291 6 prompter, in prayers 350 7 pronuntio 435 1 prophecy, by Christ 299 24 ; fulfilment of 415 29 prophets, functions of 271 6 494 INDEX proseco 198 38 prostibula (fern.) 182 3 prouideo: prouidenter 279 21 proximus : de proximo 340 31 Ptolemaeus, of Mendes, historian 276 32 Ptolemy II, Philadelphia, as founder of libraries 266 10, 267 26 publicus: in publicum 362 21 pullulatio 271 1 purple, philosophers in 444 21 Pyriphlegethon 456 1 Pyrrhus, King 315 30 Pythagoras 218 18, 443 15, 457 9 Pythian priestess 464 12 quantus (=quantulus) 429 19; quanti ( = quot) 483 23 qui : qua (abl.) 176 18; quod (of a person) 195 2 etc. quin immo 433 28 [add Aldhelm. A.S.] quis?: quid ni? 435 6; quid? cet. (of persons) 154 5 quotus quisque 422 21 ramosus (superl.) 368 17 raresco 278 28 ratio ( = \6-yos) 289 13 reading in church 388 15 recogitatus 313 25 recogito 348 28, 429 24 refo rmo 265 7, 286 31, 309 4 refrigerium 397 14 regno (used in passive) 337 20 Eegulus 475 8 religiositas 334 25 religiosus : (superl.) 180 14, 199 15, 239 32; (c. genit.) 251 34 relumino 298 26 remunerator 371 28 remunero 337 4 renuntiation 382 12 renuntio 309 11, 382 12, 384 5 repenso 373 25 repercutio 249 22, 414 34 repraesento 246 1 reprobus 353 3 resipisco 262 7 restruo 185 16 resurrection 461 23, 462 16, 463 12, 464 25 retorqueo 414 38 retro (temporal) 267 19 retrosus 275 33 revelation 428 19 reuincio 472 14 reuinco 299 6 rex : reges ( rex et regina) 318 3 Khadamauthus 324 10 ring, betrothal 182 8 Romanus : lingua Romano, 365 26 Kome, decline of 278 15 roughs (mohocks), crowds of 362 36 ructo 204 10 rumour, quick 191 11 rupex 308 6 rusticor 419 13 sackcloth and ashes 412 29 sacrifice ; human 195 27, 197 9; Chris tians compelled to engage in 342 6, 13 ; Christians dispensation from 342 13; refusal of Christians to per form 211 18; of prayer 351 11 sacrilege 365 3 sacrilegium 211 30 sacrilegus 249 1, 426 37 saeculum (the present order, the world) 337 22 solarium 434 24 saltern : nee saltern 459 8 sarmentum 472 22 Sarpedon 237 20 Saturday 257 13 Saturn 196 1, 31, 197 18 Saturnia 215 35 scio : quod sciam 325 17; ( = cognosco) 175 36; ( = noui) 175 24, 283 34 scrupulositas 450 28 Scythians eat corpses of relatives 203 6 secta 281 16, 374 14, 408 18, 431 28 secundus : ab aliquo 348 4 seed, blood of Christians a 482 15 self-knowledge 464 12 semen 482 15 senators, Christian 377 35 Senones 409 28 Septuagint version of the Old Testa ment 267 16, 32, 268 9 sequor: sequitur ut 297 5, 410 17, 415 10 Serapeum, library in 268 31 Serapis 184 3 185 11 seruitus (concr.) 341 32 Seuerus, Septimius, as persecutor 169 9 shows, public 420 37 si: ( = -ne or num.) 180 18, 194 21, 229 35, 308 33, 332 17 (sometimes fol lowed by indie.); si forte 253 10, 324 9, 386 15, 415 11, 423 23 Sibyl, the 273 6 Sicily 407 6 sicut...ita 357 37 Sigerius 367 27 si gnac uium 283 1 signo 300 23 silence in pagan ritual 190 12 siluestris 337 28 Simon Magus 234 6 simpulum 233 14 [Archiv xv 139-143] simpuuium 233 14 [ibid.] siparum 254 31 slaves, faithful 164 17 INDEX 106 Socrates 395 19, 436 9, 33, 437 15 etc. ; as corrupter 441 14; his daemon 309 30 Sodom and Gomorrha 408 24 soldiers, Christian 377 16 solitarius 428 38 sollemnis: sollemnia 361 31 Solon 272 3 solum et caelum 285 17 [Flor. i 38, 13] soul, nature of the 451 1, 17, 453 1, 459 17, 461 13 ; suffering of 460 28 ; its witness 261 18 Spartans hardness 477 33 speculator 430 9 Speusippus 442 ( .) Spirit, the Evil 160 27 spiritus 291 1 squamatus 287 36 stabulum 418 15 standards, worship of the 253 38 statues, honorary 434 16 status 294 3 statutes invoked against Christians 167 29 Sterculus 331 30 stips 422 14 stipula 396 11 stoning 373 7, 459 5 stropha 243 30 structorius 238 34 sub 371 18 subiaceo: subiacet (it is obvious) 249 14 subicio (I foist) 195 5 [add Petron. 59. A.S.] sublimitas 284 17 subministratio 466 3 subo 238 3, 442 6 subscribe 181 2 substantia 290 21 succldo 340 23 suffigo 299 38 su/undo 379 18 suggestus 254 25 mgillo (suggillo] [not in notes, but see Archiv t iir lat. Lexikogr. iv (1887) 230-236. A.S.] sun, worshipped 255 13, 256 20 Sunday 256 32 superficies 250 18, 444 29 superftuus: ex superfluo 259 23 supernomino 266 24 supputatio 271 14 suspicio (verb) 268 5, 326 15 : sus- pectus (suspicious) 302 19 suspiro (c. accus.) 245 13 sustineo 195 22, 245 14, 336 36, 370 6 Syria ( = ludaea) 299 16 tabidosus 235 20 table-rapping 320 16 taceo quod 216 25 Tacitus, the historian (play on his name) 250 23 tantus: tanto abest ut 361 8; t>mti ( = tot) 405 4, 483 23 Tauric country 199 1 temples 378 16; used as places for adulterous assignation 248 2; struck by lightning 345 18 ; their guards 345 22 ; temple-dues 422 7 temis 409 11 terrae filius 216 11 Thales 271 37, 439 1 Thallus 214 38, 271 28, 277 13 thanks returned by Christians for condemnation 154 16, 485 24 theatre : condemned 181 22 ; im modesty of 385 9 Tiberius, the emperor 172 7, 188 9, 281 24, 304 24, 405 32 titulus: titulo 400 31, 416 14 torture, application of, to Christians 158 23, 160 17 trades injured by Christianity 416 1 tradujc 191 34, 293 15 Trajan 179 14 trantgrctrio 185 8 treason charged against Christians 358 22 tribunal : pro tribunali 324 7 triumpho (and cognates) 473 7 trophies, how constructed 253 19 Trophonius, oracle of 306 7, 26 trulla 231 25 truth, always hated 188 10, 241 19, 437 28 tu : quid tibi mecuin fst ? 343 1 Tuccia 318 12 [add J. S. Reid in Journ. Rom. Stud, ii (1912) 34. A.S.] tune (adjectivally used) 304 24 turf altars 335 33 tyrannis 443 18 uaco 152 1, 220 1 uacuua 381 12 uane 469 38 iiin ubi 420 4 uectitialia 269 14 uenenarius 424 1 uenustas (plur.) 242 30 uerbum : cum uerbo 300 12 ; uerbi gratia 191 25 uerita* 435 38; (opp. inutgo) 457 4 uernaculu* 267 14, 277 20 Verus 180 12 Vespasian 179 38 uexillum extollcre 474 12 uicatim 362 2~>, 422 37 uices : uicem (with a verb) 429 9 ; vice 340 36, 360 31 496 INDEX victims for sacrifice 353 3, 19 ; diseased or otherwise defective 234 33 uideo : (in passive) 278 4 ; uiderit, uiderint (in challenges, taunts) 262 21, 332 8, 420 32 uilitas 397 32 uirtu* 290 16 ; uirtutes (miracles) 265 37 umbraculum 282 16 ungula 353 37 volcanoes 467 3 uolo : uelimus nolimus cet. 330 7 uotum ( = nuptiae) 183 25 urb* 405 34 usque : usque adhuc 193 3 ; u*que qua- que 380 14 Vulsinii 409 16 wantonness at dinners 400 16 washing of corpses 419 20 water, for washing 398 21 wine : forbidden to women 182 16 ; offered to gods 352 34 wives, Christian, chaste 164 3 wizards 323 16, 324 23 : see magicians women, pollution of Christian 479 15 ; torture of 480 11 word and deed 445 35 words, confused by scribes xix world, decay of the 357 3 worship : freedom of choice in 326 28 ; Christian 400 32 .rystus, cet. 385 37 Zeno, of Elea 477 13 Zeno, the Stoic 289 31 zona 456 17 Ziirich (Eheinau) manuscript xvi n. CAMBRIDGE : PRINTED BY J. B. PEACE, M.A., AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS.