Franciscus Junius / Francois du Jon


1597 : JUNIUS : Adams T416(Gonville+Caius, Emmanuel(x2)), Adams T417( CUL (2, 1 damaged), St. Johns, Sidney Sussex, Christ's).  Franeker with notes by Franciscus Junius (Francois Dujon), Franeker, 1597. Size is folio. I have photocopies of portions of this. Checked

T416 has the 5 sections: pp. 655, 310, 127, 88, 55[actually 59].  T417 has the last leaf of pt. 5 correctly labelled 59.

Quasten says that Junius' suggested readings in the notes are excellent.  Ernest Evans agrees (in Adv. Prax) but adds that unfortunately he took the Pamelius edition as his base.

Supposedly this is a very rare edition - so much so, that Callewaert says he had never seen it, and Waltzing reprinted the sections 6 and 7, because so many scholars had to depend on second-hand information (see bibliography).  But here in England I have seen more copies of this than any other 16th century edition, by a wide margin.

This is in a series of distinct sections.  Some pages have been scanned in.   The edition has the following contents:

  1. The title page, with blank verso. GIF available.
  2. A contents page, recto and verso, with an interesting list of lost works at the end on the back of the page
  3. Pages 1-655 : Pamelius' text of the works of Tertullian. p656 is blank.
  4. Junius' notes on this text. These commence with a dedication and life of Tertullian, and then pp1-310 of notes, compiled from previous writers, and with his own suggestions. Then a blank leaf.
  5. Rhenanus' notes from his 3rd edition, with copious references to the Gorze ms; pp1-127.   Begins with a note that Rhenanus's edition has been condemned by the Spanish Inquistion, and placed on the Index Expurgatorius printed at Madrid in 1584 (this note has sometimes confused people).  At the end of the notes is a list of those things the Inquistion ordered removed from the notes. (Remember Junius is printing in the Protestant Netherlands).
  6. A page explaining how Junius got Modius' notes on the Fulda ms and other mss - GIF, transcription, and translation.
  7. Modius' collation of the famous Fulda ms.
  8. Indexes.

The book is a single volume in folio - i.e. about 31cm (13 inches) high.  Here are some of the copies I know about - I've seen most of them.  However I was not aware of the T416/417 variant except where labelled.

Other copies listed;  British Library; Oxford Colleges: Hertford, Jesus, Magdalen, New, Pusey, Wadham

This page has been online since 11th December 1999. 

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