Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale Lat. 1623

Hoppe (CSEL 69) gives the following details.  The MS is parchment and contains only the Apologeticum. It agrees in very many readings with S. On the first page is written Claudii Puteanj. (This refers to Claude Dupuy, d. 1594). Sometimes called from this the Codex Puteaneus. 

Dupuy stole some MSS from Corbie, and the text of P is very close to that of S.

This manuscript contains only the Apologeticum.  The MS was written at Corbie. David Ganz gives this description of it (p.144/147):


Dateable MSS


Paris, B.N. Lat. 1623, ff. 80, 267 x 187, 18 lines.  Tertullianus, Apologeticum. Quires
signed 1-X.  Red uncial titles for chapters.  Copied by one scribe.  CC I, pp. 85-171;
Bischoff, MS I, p. 58.

Note that Bischoff MS is Mittelalterliche Studien I-III, Stuttgart (1967-81). CC is the CCSL text.

From the Catalogue général des manuscrits latins ed. by Ph. Lauer (Paris, 1940), pp.95-6: 1623: IX-X.  Initials in colour.  Rubrics in colour.  Comes from Claude Dupuy whose name is on f.1.  Ms. des Dupuy 38; Regius 3971.  Parch. 80ff. 265 x 185 mm.  Rel. chagr. rouge au chiffre de Louis Phillipe.

Solente2 gives a table listing the Dupuy MSS together with the Catalogue of Clement (1682), probably of the Bibliotheque Royale, and the number it bears today in the Bibliotheque Nationale (p.220):

Dupuy Clement Nos Actuels
38 3971 Latin 1623

Unfortunately Solente gives no bibliographic information on the catalogue of Clement. His slightly confusing account tells us that the MSS of Claude Dupuy were left to two of his sons, who were placed in charge of the Bibliotheque Royale and left their father's MSS to it in turn.


1.  David Ganz has written a fine monograph on the abbey and library to 900AD: Ganz, David, Corbie in the Carolingian Renaissance, Beihefte der Francia vol. 20, Sigmaringen (1990), ISBN: 3-7995-7320-8. Checked.

2.  S. Solente, Les manuscrits des Dupuy à la Bibliothèque Nationale, Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes 88 (1927), pp.177-250. Checked.

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