Keyboard Map of SPAtlantis, a public domain transliteration font Created by: Jimmy Adair, Scholars Press Last modified: 18 February 1998
Description: SPAtlantis exists in both Macintosh and Windows versions, both with the same character and keyboard maps. With the exception of the cedillas, all.c.haracters in the font lie between decimal 32 and 127 (20x-7Fx, 040-0177), so they should transfer without problem over the Internet (the cedillas should also transfer). The font is designed to be used to transliterate a number of common languages into a Latin-based script. Accordingly, the most common modifiers, diacriticals, and other characters have been selected for inclusion. Most of the characters in the Latin-1 and Extended Latin code sets can be encoded with this font, as can a few other characters, most notably the Semitic gutterals represented by the Hebrew alef and ayin and by the Ugaritic harn (h with a rocker).
This font contains all of the upper case and lower case letters, to which the zero-width characters may be attached. There may be as many as four different code points for several of the diacriticals in order to ensure proper positioning with wide and narrow letters, on the one hand, and upper and lower case letters, on the other hand. All except the last five characters listed below are zero-width characters. Please note the distinction between upper and lower case in "key to push"; all shifted keys are so indicated.
A few differences may exist among keyboards for some shifted keys (e.g., is " shift-' or shift-2 ?), so people with different keyboards will have to make the proper adjustments. An Italic version of this font, SPAtlantis-Italic, has also been created and may be downloaded.
character description key to pushh3 macron (with narrow l.c. char) 3h4 macron (with wide l.c. char) 4h! macron (with narrow u.c. char) ! (exclamation mark, shift- 1)h" macron (with wide u.c. char) " (double quote, shift- ')h5 breve (with narrow l.c. char) 5h6 breve (with wide l.c. char) 6h# breve (with narrow u.c. char) # (number sign, shift- 3)h$ breve (with wide u.c. char) $ (dollar sign, shift- 4)h8 acute (with any l.c. char) 8h% acute (with narrow u.c. char) % (percent shift- 5)h& acute (with wide u.c. char) & (ampersand, shift- 7)h: grave (with any l.c. char) : (colon, shift- ;)h' grave (with narrow u.c. char) ' (single quote)h* grave (with wide u.c. char) * (asterisk, shift-8)h< circumflex (with narrow l.c. char) < (less than, shift- ,)h= circumflex (with wide l.c. char) = (equal sign)h+ circumflex (with narrow u.c. char) + (plus, shift- =)h, circumflex (with wide u.c. char) , (comma)h> superdot (with narrow l.c. char) > (greater than, shift- )h? superdot (with wide l.c. char) ? (question mark, shift- /)h- superdot (with narrow u.c. char) - (hyphen)h. superdot (with wide u.c. char) . (period)h@ subdot (with any narrow char) @ ("at" sign, shift- 2)h[ subdot (with wide l.c. char) [ (left brace)h9 subdot (with wide u.c. char) 9h\ hacek (with narrow l.c. char) \ (backslash)h] hacek (with wide l.c. char) ] (right brace)h/ hacek (with narrow u.c. char) / (forward slash)h0 hacek (with wide u.c. char)0 (zero)h^ tilde (with narrow l.c. char) ^ (caret, shift-6)h_ tilde (with wide l.c. char) _ (underscore, shift--)h1 tilde (with narrow u.c. char) 1 (one)h2 tilde (with wide u.c. char) 2h` underline (with any narrow char) ` (grave accent)h{ underline (with any wide char) { (left brace, shift [)h~ rocker (with wide l.c. [h]) ~ (tilde, shift-`)h} rocker (with wide u.c. [H]) } (right brace, shift-])| dotless i | (virgule, shift-\)) right half-ring (Hebrew alef) ) (right parenthesis, shift-0)( left half-ring (Hebrew ayin) ( (left parenthesis, shift-9) cedilla (with any narrow char) opt-c cedilla (with any wide char) shift-opt-c non-breaking space 7 space space