Keyboard Map of SPDoric, a public domain uncial Greek font Created by: Jimmy Adair, Scholars Press Last modified: 18 February 1998
Description: SPDoric exists in both Macintosh and Windows versions, both with the same character and keyboard maps. By design, all characters in the font lie between decimal 32 and 127 (20x-7Fx, 040-0177), so they should transfer without problem over the Internet. The font is designed to follow the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae encoding scheme (see here) to as great an extent as possible, with the exception that, in order to conform with the SPIonic font, lowercase characters are used.
SPDoric is an uncial font based on the character map of SPIonic. It includes the twenty-four alphabetic characters, punctuation marks, the overstrike character for nomina sacra, and the sub-linear dot to indicate uncertainty in transcription.
The letters are listed first in alphabetical order, followed by other symbols.
A few differences may exist among keyboards for some shifted keys (e.g., is " shift-' or shift-2 ?), so people with different keyboards will have to make the proper adjustments.
character description key to pusha alpha ab beta bg gamma gd delta de epsilon ez zeta zh eta hq theta qi iota ik kappa kl lambda lm mu mn nu nc xi co omicron op pi pr rho rs sigma st tau tu upsilon uf phi fx chi xy psi yw omega w, comma , (comma): colon (raised dot) : (colon, shift- ; ). full stop (period) . (period); question mark ; (semi-colon)- dash - (hyphen)a?
sub-linear dot (uncertainty) ? (question mark)a8 overstrike for nomina sacra 8 non-breaking space 7 space space