What I did on my Easter holidays VII

Books 24-31 of Ammianus Marcellinus went through the scanner by lunchtime, and in the afternoon I went through proofing the result.  As I have found before, reprints of the Bohn translations tended to get fainter over time, as the plates grew worn.  Towards the end this began to be a problem, although fortunately I was able to see what every word was, and I completed proofing of books 14-31 around 9pm.

The version has very limited footnotes, and many of these seem useful.  But with the very limited time available to me — I had hoped to complete the whole task in one day — something had to be omitted. 

I’ve now begun to format up the results for upload, and have completed books 14 and 15.  It seems as if it will probably take the rest of today to do this. 

The translation itself is fine, with little ps.Jacobean English.  It’s a very interesting text, actually, and I have enjoyed reading it.  Beginning part way through the reign of Constantius II, it runs down to the death of Valens at Adrianople.  The Penguin translation omits the digressions — yet these are interesting too, particularly the one on Egypt.

Another sunlit day of blue skies beckons (I’m writing these notices in the early morning). Time to go forth and enjoy Saturday morning before I get on with it!


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