Evolution Publishing – the Christian Roman Empire series

While surfing Google books I came across a reference to myself.  It turned out to be in the preface to one of these reprint series, appearing in limited preview; but one that I had never heard of.  The press was Evolution Publishing, and they have half a dozen rare and uncommon texts in print in a “Christian Roman Empire” series.  The books are also on Amazon, and via various agents. 

In this case the editor had reprinted Evagrius, and probably made use of the scan of the Walford translation that I have online.  This is pleasing — it’s always nice to see my efforts leading to wider circulation — and good luck to him and I hope he sells many copies.  The more copies that circulate, the better for patristics. 

Actually I was rather impressed by the look of these books, impressed enough to order their Possidius Life of Augustine.  We’re all familiar with the bargain basement Kessinger Reprints; but Evolution had gone to some trouble to produce a professional-seeming book.  They’d created a nice series cover design, at least, and it all looks quite professional.  The marketing, in short, is good.  It’s an interesting approach to print-on-demand, and shows what can be done with a little imagination.  I wonder who they use?  The books weren’t visible on Lulu.com, which is interesting. 

When I come to publish the Eusebius Quaestiones volume, I think that I will take a leaf out of their book, at least in presentation and marketting.  Well done, Evolution.


Tertullian.org home page down

A glitch uploading last weekend seems to have left me with a blank index.htm at tertullian.org.  So if you go to the site you get a blank page.  The other pages are all there — just not that one!  I can’t fix this from here, so it will stay blank until Friday.

PS: Back now.
