A curious problem with discussing Islam online

The number of threats to freedom of speech online seems to increase daily; far more than I can reasonably blog about here, on a blog dedicated to patristics and manuscript studies.  So I try to discuss only really important stuff.  By chance I came across this post, which contained the following statement:

My video IS classified as hate speech. At least, that’s what thousands of Muslims said whilst flooding YouTube with constant “flagging.” In case you haven’t yet heard, there are actual online Muslim networks that exist solely for this purpose. The minute anything even remotely critical of Islam pops up online, thousands of members are notified and are commanded to flag, spam and utilize comment suppression techniques that ultimately result in the video’s removal and permanent banning of the user. The frightening part is that their “Denial of Service” tactics are devastatingly effective, extremely covert and easily mobilized.

Is this right?  Is all online discussion of Islam taking place under an unreported threat of this kind of intimidation?


2 thoughts on “A curious problem with discussing Islam online

  1. The same thing can happen with phone-ins, text votes, mobilised groups can flood the system. The BBC would not dare have a poll involving Moslem issues anymore; from memory – I think they had a text vote about ‘burkahs in school’ on radio 5, which had to abandon after the system crashed.

  2. America has become a nation of pansies. If our forefathers had adopted today’s politically correct principles, there would be no USA. We as a people need to stand against our enemies and let our voices and opinions, however offensive they may be to the Muslims, be known. If not we will continue to be overtaken by them as we are on the path to being now. This has to STOP. If you don’t want to stand up for yourself, then stand up for your children and grandchildren. They have the right to enjoy the freedom we have experienced. If we do nothing,as we are right now, they will perish under the rule of a nation George Washington would not recognize.

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