A couple of interesting Coptic texts

An email asks me whether I have come across a couple of texts, previously unknown to me; the Coptic apocalypse of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of Samuel of Kalamoun. It continues:

The Apocalypse of Daniel was used during the Crusades to predict the downfall of Muslim rule. The Apocalypse of Samuel contains the strongest denunciation of language shift in the Middle Ages of Egypt by which Coptic was replaced by Arabic.

I think we can agree that both sound very interesting!  I’ve been unable to find out anything about either.  Does either exist in English, even?


6 thoughts on “A couple of interesting Coptic texts

  1. There is an article on the Coptic apoocalypse by Frederic Macler in RHR 33 (1896), 163-176, “Les Apocalypses apocryphes de Daniel” (available through archive.org).

    Montgomery’s ICC commentary on Daniel refers to a French translation by Macler in his volume Les apocalypses apocryphes de Daniel, 1895, which appears to have been his thesis.

  2. The link to the RHR volumes in Google books is here. These are for US readers only, but some are in Archive.org. Vol. 33 (1896) is here. The article is part 2 of an article on the apocryphal apocalypses of Daniel, part 1 of which appeared in the same year in pp.37-53.

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