The Apocalypse of Samuel of Kalamoun – now online

This very moving 10th century Coptic text records the collapse of Coptic culture and the abandonment of the Coptic language.  I’ve translated it into English from the French of the Maronite priest J. Ziadeh, and corrected it using other partial translations.  The introduction is here, together with some notes by me, and the translation itself is here.  I’ve added a couple of notes at the end from the articles that I was kindly sent.  It seems that Jos van Lent is engaged in working on a proper edition and translation as well.

I was put up to looking into this text by an email from a Copt.  I have sent him a PDF of the Arabic text and suggested that he might like to type it up.  If he does, then that also will be available.

As ever, if you would like to support my efforts to make texts available online, you can buy my CD.


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