A day in the life

No sleep for two days now.  It’s been 27C in my hotel room the last two nights; no air-con, no ventilation.  No refunds either.

In Hellsdump House, the office in which I attempt to work while awaiting the chop at the end of the month, the only portion that is air-conditioned is the director’s offices.  Temperatures in the office reached 27.2C.  People collapsed, fainted, wore beach wear or ran up and down with their underpants on their heads, shrieking.  Actually I made the last bit up.  Most people just slumped at their terminals.  I just sat there, giggling (not from the heat, but because I had found this site), and being avoided by everyone else.

Hope I’m more coherent than I feel.  Sleep-deprivation is weird.  Cooler this morning. Who knows, I may get some sleep tonight.


One thought on “A day in the life

  1. All I can say is hang tough. But then again how come 27 C is considered hot? Usually this is the temp on which I SET the A/C to cool the room. If 27 is bad, what should I say when it gets 45?

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