Eusebius, Eclogae Propheticae – Gaisford edition now online

I’m still going through piles of photocopies, turning them into PDF’s and throwing the paper copies out.  Occasionally I’m finding treasures.  I had forgotten that I paid the rare books room at Cambridge University Library 16.51 GBP — about $25 — to make a copy of the latest (1842!) edition of Eusebius of Caesarea’s Eclogae Propheticae

This curious work is three books of a now lost work, the General Elementary Introduction to Christianity, originally in 10 books.  The eclogae is books 6-9, found in a Vienna manuscript, and consisting mainly of extracts from the Septuagint Old Testament prophesying Christ, and for some reason always known as Eclogae Propheticae.  A few other scraps of the General Elementary Introduction exist; I suspect these will be fragments from catenas.

Gaisford’s edition is a little book, with a Latin introduction and no translation (drat the man).  I’ve created a PDF, and uploaded it to the web at, here.  It’s about 28mb in size, although not searchable — I don’t have ancient Greek OCR capabilities! 

There has never been a translation of this work into English.  I am advised, tho, that such a translation would be very easy to make.  I know of at least one person working on Porphyry who has translated a large chunk of it for his own purposes, and may complete the work.  I seem to recall that someone else also has a projected translation.

If nothing emerges in a year or two, I may commission one.


17 thoughts on “Eusebius, Eclogae Propheticae – Gaisford edition now online

  1. Well perhaps. If you could download the PDF and run through OCR (no need to proof unless you want) and email me the file, I could upload the OCR’d text as well.

  2. Same problem. A translation could be of immense help in the study of Clement. To what extent did he accept the Apocalypse of Peter? I will see if I can solicit some help with translation. If you have any further news – please let me know. Thanks!

  3. Wonderful – thank you! A couple of people have told me of their intention to make a translation, but nobody ever does. I sometimes wonder if any of these people say “Oh I’m working on a translation” just to reserve it for themselves, with no serious intention ever to actually publish one.

  4. The Monique Jaubert-Philippe thesis is not online. The French National portal for theses is; the “diffusiontheses” site is connected to this. Not merely do they want 37.50 euros for a copy, but they insist on printing it and posting it. Postage cost to France is free, but to the UK is 12 euros, and 15 euros across the ocean to the USA. Ouch.

  5. Any word on that translation yet? This is one of the largest fragments of the Ante-Nicene fathers still unavailable. Even a Latin translation would be nice so I could at least throw it through google.

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