Andrew of Caesarea, Commentary on Revelation online

The tendency of PhD theses to appear online is something we must welcome.  One consequence is that we can sometimes find treasures.  One of these is a thesis by Eugenia Constantinou, containing a detailed study of the Commentary on Revelation by the 6th century author Andrew of Caesarea (in Cappadocia).  Studies, of course, are two a penny; but this one contains a translation of the text!  I’m not yet clear what text was translated; the work appears in Migne’s Patrologia Graeca vol. 106.

Apparently this is one of the earliest patristic commentaries on this book of the bible in the Greek East, and it formed the basis for later commentators.  You can find the PDF on the university website, here.


5 thoughts on “Andrew of Caesarea, Commentary on Revelation online

  1. Dear sir, I am thomas from chennai, India. As I heard that originally the book of revelation was fragmented into 72 chapters. but today we have 22 chapters. Do you have oldest 72 chapters in english

  2. Hello, it is unlikely that the author of Revelation divided his text into chapters.

    The chapters in our modern bibles were devised by Stephen Langton around 1200, in order to make teaching easier at the new universities.

    Googling, I see a claim that Andrew of Caesarea divided Revelation into 72 chapters in his Commentary on the Apocalypse in the 6th century. That’s on this page, so you can look for yourself.

    I hope that helps!

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