Still asking for those strenae at New Year?

An incoming link from here reveals a fascinating custom:

I leave you with a little philological excursus on the meaning of “bistraynti `alayk”, the traditional greeting that every Lebanese kid learns to scream at the top of his/her lungs on New Year’s morning. I’ve always wondered about the etymology of this term, and I recently stumbled upon an intriguing theory.

In Lebanon, and I am told that it is also the case among Christians in Jordan and Syria, we have a traditional new year’s greeting: we say:

bistraynte @layk/ @layke/ @laykon etc.

What this greeting means is that my *bistrayne* (i.e. new year’s gift) is on you, [so] you have to give me the gift. One has to be quick so as to get the others to give the gift.

He then links this with strenae, the gifts that Romans gave at New Year.  If so — and there seems no reason why not — this must be somehow Byzantine.  Does anyone have any ideas?


How do I find out how to sell my book online

The two translations that I have commissioned are coming along nicely.   The Eusebius volume is pretty close to done.

So… how to turn these collections of Word documents into books?  And how to sell the things when I have done so?

Off to Amazon, where I find that there is a small industry of people writing books on… how to self-publish your vanity novel.  Hum.  That is NOT the bracket I want to be in.  There’s quite a few on “how to sell on Amazon”.

Trouble is, buy a few and it costs quite a lot of money.  But my local library charges more than 5 GBP per interlibrary loan — around $8 — which means it’s actually not much more to just buy the things.  (I do hate greedy local authorities).  So I’ve bitten the bullet and bought four, and we’ll see what good they are.

I’ve also contacted a small UK publisher, Password Publishing, who offer to copyedit, do the book design, and typeset.  They want about 20 GBP an hour for various activities, which doesn’t seem too bad. Whether they are any good I know not, but will let you know.

So… I don’t know how to sell this stuff.  I do know that I need a quality product.  I do know that just turning a Word document into a PDF will NOT produce something professional; it produces something hard on the eye and almost unreadable.  And … I also need a business plan for this, to check that I’m not just burning money.


Review: The Goodspeed Syriac fragments

Fr. Dale A. Johnson has kindly sent me a PDF of his new book, The Goodspeed Syriac Fragments, Barhanna Monographs 2, New Sinai Press, 2009. ISBN 0-4116-1950-3.  The book is 34 pages long.

One difficulty some may have with it is that it is a little hard to work out what it contains, and what the object of the book is, other than by going through and looking.  An index would have been a very good idea, even for so short a book. 

In fact the purpose of the book is to point out various aspects of these manuscripts that might be of wider interest, and highlight them, while attaching photographs of the source.  The content is therefore similar to a journal article, rather than a monograph.

The book is clearly self-published; although the Library of Congress details at the front and ISBN look very professional, the remainder seems more like a PDF export from a Word document, in Times Roman font.  It would have been better if it had been justified text; but it does bring home to me the limitations of what can be done at home. 

The book consists of three chapters, each with images of excerpts from a manuscript,  Goodspeed Ms. 829, 716, and 823, with notes in English.  No transcription of the material or full translation is given.  The images come from the online website.

For Ms. 829, an introduction is followed by images and translations of the text.  For the other two manuscripts, there is an introduction and then a series of images.

One thing that is not made clear to the reader, is that it does not publish the entire manuscript in any case.  823 for instance is 18 folios long, as I learn from the useful introduction to the chapter about it.  It’s a fragment of a Peshitta NT ms.  Some points of interest are made, and then images given of parts of several pages.

Syriacists interested in the text of the New Testament will doubtless add it to their collection.  But the book seems a little overpriced, considering that it contains only a limited amount of original material.  However this material does highlight some interesting points in these manuscripts.

Copies may be obtained from here.

UPDATE: I have revised the review after becoming aware that the colour images are all online.
