From my diary

The first chunk of the translation of the Coptic portions of Eusebius on the Gospels has arrived!  This is very good news.  The translator is asking ab0ut how I formatted the rest of the work — a very good question — and asking to see the rest.  I must progress this. 

An email came back from Claudio Zamagni; when he sent his Greek/French text to the publisher, he supplied the Greek and the French in separate files.  This is why, he says, the Greek page has the same page number as the French page.  This is very useful info, of course.

The chap who is going through the files turning the Greek into unicode is doing a splendid job, and has done the second file also (of four).

I have started to put out feelers to see if I can find a freelance editor to take on the book.  I just know so little about the process of book production.

I also emailed Sebastian Brock about the possibility of finding the lost mss. of Seert.  His response was to discourage investigation because of the sensitive politics around the massacres that led to the books being lost/hidden.  Some parties locally might prefer to destroy the books, rather than recover them. 

I’ve also remembered who I asked to translate all of Sbath treatise 20, and sent them a reminder.


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