Back on the chain gang, moan groan … until I consider that there are many people who would gladly swap places with me!
I’ve just upgraded the memory in my laptop this evening from 4Gbto 8Gb. It makes quite a remarkable difference to the speed of the machine. The memory I got from, whose bit of software telling me what to get was quite useful. Mind you, it gave me several choices at the same price, and I had to burrow through the unfamiliar specifications for a while to work out that one set of memory must be rather faster than the other. How long it is, since I knew PC hardware in endless detail!
Meanwhile I have received a Word document from Andrew Eastbourne containing a translation of John the Lydian’s De Mensibus (On the months) book IV, chapter 3 (‘March’). It’s very good indeed, and contains a lot of interesting material, and not merely about Roman dates and events. When I get a moment, I shall upload it.
No news from Lightning Source, from whom I ordered a new proof copy a week ago. I shall have to pester them, I see.