Databases of Greek mss

From this source, on NT textual criticism, itself well worth reading, I learn of two databases which are worth a look.

The Pinakes database ( aims to bring together catalogue entries for all manuscripts of Greek texts predating the sixteenth century, supplementing the

Leuven Database of Ancient Books (LDAB,

The latter gave some interesting results.  Who would have imagined that we have a 4th century fragment of the Church History of Eusebius?


4 thoughts on “Databases of Greek mss

  1. Even better Trismegistos often provides link to digital editions or metadata of/on ancient papyrii in greek, latin, coptic, syriac and other languages !

  2. LDAB is a basically a list of literary papyri plus manuscripts from that era. By dividing number of books on LDAB with number of papyri published (another number at Trsimegistos), you get a good idea of the percentage of literary papyri as part of all the papyri

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