Very busy with ‘real life’ at the moment, so I’m in no position to make progress with any of my projects.
Someone suggested that I do a kindle version of the Eusebius book, containing only the translation of the Gospel Problems and Solutions. Helpfully he offered advice on how to make the thing. I will certainly consider this at some point.
At the weekend I found myself in a newsagent with quite a book selection. I came out with a book from a series of historical novels, about a couple of chaps in the 1st century army. The book was Simon Scarrow, The Legion, and was set in Egypt. I read it over the weekend.
In honesty it was a disappointment to me. It was professionally written, but there was almost no atmosphere to the book. When the scene shifted, I hardly noticed. There was no scenery, no sense that we were in pharonic Egypt — just the narrative, just the adventures. In fact this was so much the case that I wondered whether you could turn it into a ‘Western’ novel about the US cavalry, simply by doing some global search-and-replace on names, locations, weapons, etc. I really felt that you could! It was pleasant enough but it went straight to my “out” pile for disposal.
I noticed, in the same shop, that fantasy and horror were now shelved as interchangeable. I don’t want horror and misery as entertainment, thanks — I get plenty of that from my boss! — and the two genres used to be very distinct. I suspect it marks the decline of fantasy, in truth. I can’t remember the last time I saw an innovative fantasy novel.
Actually, I think what’s happening is that both fantasy and horror are leaning over into the territory of “paranormal romance” and its now-fraternal twin, “urban fantasy”. (Maybe a side order of steampunk fantasy.) There’s not much money being made in really epic and fantastic fantasy, except for the big names; there doesn’t seem to be much money in real horror.
So we’re probably going back to the days when sf/fantasy/horror was the marketing category (ie, the early Eighties). Except that this time, it’s going to be mostly Gothic romances, instead of having a few sf/f Gothics in the Seventies, and a lot of sf/f writers doing mundane Gothics on the side for money.
Shrug. Ebooks seem to be taking over anyway. Who knows what will happen?
If you want a good read, you might consider two works by Wilkie Collins: The Moonstone, and The Woman in White. They are really magnificent.
Always up for suggestions!