ICUR – Inscriptiones Christianae Urbis Romae – online

The ICUR series of inscriptions is not one that I have been familiar with.  But Lanciani references an inscription set up by the 4th century Pope Damasus over the Archivum, engraved by the artist Furius Dionysius Philocalus.  A google search for the Latin text reveals that it was published in De Rossi, ICUR, ii. 151.  So I’ve been searching for the volumes since.

The Fourth Century site gives a list of volumes.  I’ve added such links as I could find using Google Books and Europeana; but the items really do not seem to be online, despite being pre-1923 and so out of copyright.

Oh well.  I shall have to go without my inscription, and the witty, modest, yet learned remarks (or otherwise) that I would have written upon it.

UPDATE: I have added another link to vol.1 sent in by a correspondent: thank you!  He also points out that Damasus’ epigrams and inscriptions were all published by Ihm in 1895. have the book:  Apparently the inscription I have in mind is on p.58, #57.  Sadly I have no time to look now.


6 thoughts on “ICUR – Inscriptiones Christianae Urbis Romae – online

  1. This may be too little too late but all of Damasus’ inscriptions have been collected and edited by Antonio Ferrua (in Latin unfortunately) titled Epigrammata Damasiana. I have been told that there is a “new” edited volume in the works but have yet to see it. The epigrams themselves (in Latin of course) are at this site:

  2. I.C.U.R. exists in 10 volumes. How does this qualify as “online”

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