Another batch of Greek manuscripts has gone online at the British Library, which is excellent news. It’s a fairly miscellaneous batch, but that’s all to the good. New discoveries are not likely to be made in the “mainstream” manuscripts that are turned over constantly; but rather in those which are never handled or examined.
Here are some of the highlights (and, drat them, I see that they’ve busted the copy-and-paste again):
- Add MS 36589, Sermons by Chrysostom, Amphilochius. Eusebius of Caesarea, Martyrs of Palestine (long recension), plus saint’s lives 12th century.
- Add MS 39606, Gregory of Nazianzus, Orationes, followed by extracts from Pseudo-Nonnus, Scholia mythologica.
- Add MS 39618, Athanasius, Quaestiones ad Antiochum ducem [Sp.]. (TLG 2035.077). A longer version of Quaestio 1 than is printed in the Patrologia Graeca. 16th c. Plus a couple of other items.
- Burney MS 60, “Apparatus Bellicis” (whatever that may be), 16th c. Includes extracts from Julius Africanus’ Kestoi, book 7. Might be mathematical. There’s a table of contents on fol. 2.
- Burney MS 75, Letters by or attributed to classical and Byzantine figures, including Libanius, Nicholas Cabasilas, Brutus, Demetrius Cydones, Gregory of Nazianzus, and others. Written in part by the scribe Δημήτριος Ραοὺλ Καβάκης (ff 138r-144v, 177r-178v); formerly erroneously ascribed to Ἰωάσαφ. Greece (Mistra) or Italy, Central (Rome), mid-15th century. Mostly letters of Gregory Nazianzen, but various interesting bits. Also a Life of Libanius from Eunapius.
- Burney MS 84, Proclus of Athens, In Platonis Alcibiadem I (TLG 4036.007), imperfect. Italy, N.? 4th quarter of the 16th century.
Also some biblical stuff, and various bits of Byzantine stuff that probably would repay opening and looking!