More pictures of the Septizonium

My attention was drawn to a couple more pictures of the Septizonium this week.  First, drawing in B. Gamucci ‘Libri Quattro dell’ antichita della citta di Roma’ 1569:

B. Gamucci 'Libri Quattro dell' antichita della citta di Roma' 1569
B. Gamucci ‘Libri Quattro dell’ antichita della citta di Roma’ 1569

Next, a redrawing by Dutchman Matthijs Bril, via the Louvre:

original BRIL Matthijs le Jeune flamande Fonds des dessins et miniatures
original BRIL Matthijs le Jeune flamande Fonds des dessins et miniatures

Interesting for showing the area beyond the monument.


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