The Annals of Eutychius of Alexandria (10th c. AD) – chapter 15 (part 2)

3. Bahram Gur reigned over the Persians, after his father Yazdagard, son of Bahram, for eighteen years.  This happened in the thirtieth year of the reign of Theodosius the Less, king of the Rum.  In the twenty-seventh year of the reign of Theodosius, king of Rum, Sixtus was made patriarch of Rome.  He held the office for eight years and died. In the thirty-fifth year of his reign Leo was made patriarch of Rome.  He held the office for twenty-one years and died.  In his ninth year of office there was the fourth council, in the city of Chalcedon.  In the twenty-eighth year of the reign of Theodosius Domnus was made patriarch of Antioch.  He held the office for twenty-one years and died.  In the thirty-ninth year of his reign Flavian was made patriarch of Constantinople.  He held the office for two years and died.  In the one [same] year the Jacobite Dioscorus was made Patriarch of Alexandria.  He held the office for six years, was excommunicated and banished.

4. There was in Constantinople a monastic physicians named Eutyches, who was saying that the body of Christ is different from our [bodies] in terms of its nature, and that Christ had two natures before the incarnation and after the incarnation one nature.  This is the doctrine of the Jacobites.  This monk Eutyches was the first to formulate such a doctrine.  Having heard of this, Eusebius, Bishop of Dorilea, went to him, argued with him, set forth his arguments and refuted the doctrine.  Then Eusebius went to Flavian, Patriarch of Constantinople, spoke of Eutyches, the falsity of his doctrine and of how he had sowed confusion in the doctrine of the population of Constantinople.  Flavian, Patriarch of Constantinople, sent for Eutyches, telling him to come to him, and he called a council in Constantinople (17) in which he disputed with him.  Eutyches said: “If we were to say that Christ has two natures, we would be supporting what Nestorius says.  We say instead that Christ has only one nature and one person, because he is the result of two natures that existed [as such] before the union.  But when he took a body, he has ceased the duality and became one nature and one person.”  Flavian, Patriarch of Constantinople, answered him, saying: “If, as you argue, the Christ had only one nature, then the nature existing from eternity was made again, and that the nature that always was would be the nature that was not.  But if it were possible that the nature that has always been is [also] made again, then he who is standing is also sitting, heat is cold, light is dark, and so we might say of other nonsense that can not coexist in a one part.”  He [= Eutyches] however, refused to withdraw from his doctrine and Flavian, Patriarch of Constantinople excommunicated him, but did not remove him from Constantinople, because he was a physician and people needed him.  King Theodosius heard the doctrine.  Eutyches spoke in his defense before the king Theodosius, saying that Flavian had unfairly excommunicated him, and he asked the king to write to all the patriarchs, [ordering them] to get together and to review his case.  The king then wrote to Dioscorus, Patriarch of Alexandria, Domnus, Patriarch of Antioch, to Leo, patriarch of Rome and Juvenal, Patriarch of Jerusalem, to present themselves together with their bishops in order to examine the case of Eutyches.  They gathered together in the city of Ephesus.


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