WordPress decided, without my permission, to install version 5.1, complete with their new but deeply unpopular “Gutenberg” editor that nobody either wanted nor requested. I can’t downgrade from 5.1, but I’ve managed to get rid of the useless Gutenberg editor. Let me know if there are any funnies.
Try to dowmload the old version
Sorry, my last email contains an error.
But you find a solution may be for your problem here:
“WordPress bietet Nutzern, die sich partout nicht vom klassischen Editor trennen können oder wollen, das Plug-in “Classic Editor” an. Es stellt “den bisherigen WordPress-Editor und dessen Bearbeiten-Modus wieder her.” Den klassischen Editor will WordPress bis 2021 unterstützen.”
I don’t think one can go backwards with the software. I have installed the “Classic Editor” 🙂