Robert Bellarmine, Opera Omnia volumes at Google Books

Yesterday I needed to look up something in the works of counter-Reformation writer Cardinal Robert Bellarmine (a.k.a. Roberto Bellarmino), about whom I know nothing very much.  I found it very difficult to do so using a Google search.

It turns out that there is an Opera Omnia, which was reprinted in Paris by Louis Vivès in 1870-4, and the volumes are on Google Books.  So I thought that I would give some links here.  The description of contents comes from Worldcat.

Note that the Controversies volumes are divided up into sections covering individual topics, which are sometimes referred to without indicating that they form part of De Controversiis.  So I have linked the table of contents for these volumes.

I believe that there are also some old 17th century English translations of some of his works.  I don’t have information on what these might be, however.

I see, on the other hand, that an amazing gentleman named Ryan Grant is publishing a translation of the entirety of De Controversiis through Mediatrix Press.  Information about this is here.  I suggest that Catholic readers may wish to donate as he suggests on that page, in return for volumes, to help the project along.  Very worthwhile.

Note:  I find in Wikipedia here a list of the “controversies” covered in De Controversiis:

  1. The Word of God
  2. Christ
  3. The Pope
  4. Councils
  5. The Members of the Church
  6. The Church Suffering
  7. The Church Triumphant
  8. The Sacraments in General
  9. Baptism and Confirmation
  10. The Sacrament of Eucharist
  11. Penance
  12. Extreme Unction, Orders, and Matrimony
  13. The Grace of the First Man
  14. The Loss of Grace
  15. Grace and Free Choice
  16. Justification
  17. Good Works


7 thoughts on “Robert Bellarmine, Opera Omnia volumes at Google Books

  1. It’s often very hard to find your way in multi-volume works in Google Books because of the poor metadata. Hathi Trust is sometimes better organised but not always. Thank you for the list you have compiled. This kind of thing is very helpful.

  2. Yeah, Ryan Grant has apparently been working on this for a while. It’s useful, and I gather that the Latin isn’t too hard. There’s a professor who kept urging people to take it on, and finally somebody did.

  3. Oh, hey, today (Friday) used to have its station church be Santa Lucia in Septisolio, which was the one at the Septizonium (next to it). But that church is gone now, so the station church is Ss. John and Paul (the Roman martyr ones, not the evangelist and apostle ones).

  4. There are some translations of three of the “Controversies” here (listed as Bellarmine’s Disputations, 2/3 of the way down the page) by a Professor of Philosophy and Classics at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.

    The first has some interesting discussion on the canon.

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