An index of available translations on this site to download

This blog is getting large.  A lot of patristic and other texts have been translated and placed here.  I thought that a list, linking to the posts, and also directly to the PDF and the Word file, might be helpful.  So I have compiled one, and placed it in the side-bar under Translations Available For Download.

I made this list by searching the “uploads” directory for all the .pdf and .doc* files, and then searching for these in the “Search” box on the blog.  So it’s probably not complete.  There will be translations that were made as purely blog posts, without a download.  There are a few of these in the Additional Fathers section of the website, such as Agapius, and I really need to revisit those and create some downloads.

There are also 70+ short files by Anthony Alcock which contain translations of Coptic texts.  These will have to wait another day.


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