English translation of letters on the Acacian schism in the early 5th century

I’ve just come across this rather marvellous blog post, “The Libellus of Hormisdas and the Failure of Policy”. This is at the Ubi Petrus Ibi Ecclesia blog, previously unknown to me.

The following are translations of key letters in the Acacian Schism and will be added to over time.

A fairly niche subject, but wonderful to have these texts!


3 thoughts on “English translation of letters on the Acacian schism in the early 5th century

  1. Um. If this is the same Ubi Petrus who has a YT channel, you might want to check his quotes.

    Of course, it usually pays to check everybody’s quotes. Especially since a lot of people seem to ignore all the context, these days.

    (grumpy cat look)

  2. “Um. If this is the same Ubi Petrus who has a YT channel, you might want to check his quotes.

    Of course, it usually pays to check everybody’s quotes. Especially since a lot of people seem to ignore all the context, these days.”

    It’s the same one with the YouTube channel, as other posts refer to the channel.

    However, can you elaborate on what you mean by wanting to check his quotes? I watched a few of his videos a while ago, but don’t remember much about them other than being turned off by his tendency to basically split his videos into two parts and require you to pay him money on his Patreon to view the second part.

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