Graham Kendrick, “Paid on the Nail” now available as MP3s

This will mean nothing to most readers of the website, but today I learned by accident that the Graham Kendrick 1975 album “Paid on the Nail” is available for purchase online on his website here.  You have to look for the links, but look for “Paid on the Nail / Album Download:”  The album was originally released on Vinyl, and a CD was produced, but it has been unavailable for decades.

Looking at this took me back to days long ago, days even before I was a Christian.  In 1977 I had started to attend a church youth group, although I knew nothing about the gospel, drawn by the presence of a young lady whom I knew from the sixth form at school.  I heard the album played there.  So I decided to buy a copy.  I walked down to the Christian bookshop in Stafford, the Beacon, which I had never entered, although I knew where it was.  I went in, very shyly.  Conversations stopped and all eyes turned on the stranger.  I walked to the music section, and found the album, and bought it, and escaped.  It was the first Christian music that I ever owned.

I remember taking it with me to Oxford when I went up a somewhat later.  I remember setting up my hi-fi in an attic room – the “worst in the college”, according to the bursar – and playing this album there to help me settle in.  In fact each time I moved room, and then moved house, I played it, starting with the first track, “Beautiful Night”.  A little custom that I have observed all my life.

The album has been part of the soundtrack of my life all these years.  I still have the original vinyl copy.  It is good to have it on my phone now.  I wish his other early albums were available.  Some of these have memories attached to them also, although none so deeply.

If it means anything to you, as it does to me, you can now hear it again for a small sum.  Well worthwhile, I think.


2 thoughts on “Graham Kendrick, “Paid on the Nail” now available as MP3s

  1. What a beautiful recollection. And speaks volumes (pun intended) to the power of music to speak to our souls.

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