Translations Available On This Site

This is a manually compiled index of the material available for download from this site.  The post is linked to, in which they were placed online.  The date of that post follows; then a direct link to the PDF and the Word document for each, where possible.  Except where the author is indicated, all of this material is public domain.

The list is not complete, I am sure.  Some translations were placed elsewhere, before this blog began.  I may try and hunt some of these down.

  1. Eusebius of Caesarea, De solemnitate paschalis (CPG 3479), on the celebration of Easter. – 24 Apr 2010.  PDF; Word .doc; HTML.
  2. Eusebius of Caesarea, Commentary on the Psalms (CPG 3467): on ps. 51 [ 52]. – 02 July 2010.  PDF; Word .doc; HTML.
  3. Eusebius of Caesarea, Six extracts from the Commentary on the Psalms (CPG 3467). – 11 May 2019.  PDF; Word .docx.
  4. Eusebius of Caesarea, Commentary/Scholia on Luke (CPG 4369). – 9 Nov 2017.  PDF, Word .docx.
  5. Eusebius of Caesarea, Gospel Problems and Solutions (Quaestiones ad Stephanum / Marinum) (CPG 3470). – 12 Dec 2015.  PDF.
  6. Galen, Commentary on Hippocrates, Extract – “On the workshop of a doctor” – 08 Feb 2011.  PDF; Word .doc; HTML.
  7. Philo of Byzantium, On the Seven Wonders of the World. (Jean Blackwood) – 23 Aug 2019.  No download, but translation in the post.
  8. John the Lydian, De Mensibus – On the Roman Months – 21 Dec 2017.  PDFWord files (.zip); HTML.
  9. Philip of Side, Fragments of the Christian History (CPG 6026). – 19 Mar 2011.  PDFHTML.
  10. Chrysostom, De diabolo temptatore (CPG 4332) – Three Sermons on the Devil. – 17 May 2014.  PDF; Word .doc.
  11. Chrysostom, “De Severiano Recipiendo” (CPG 4395) and Severian of Gabala, “De pace” (CPG 4214). – 31 May 2014.  PDF; Word .docx.
  12. Chrysostom, Christmas Homilies: In Christi Natalem Diem, In Christi Natalem, In Natalem Christi Diem, In Natale Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, and In Natale Domini et in Sanctam Mariam Genitricem. (Maria Dahlin) – 8 Feb 2013.  PDF; Word .doc.    (Note: appears by permission of the author).
  13. Ps.Chrysostom, De salute animae (CPG 422). – 1 Oct 2014.  PDF.
  14. Severian of Gabala, “De fide et de lege natura” (CPG 4185). – 25 Jun 2014.  PDFWord .docx.
  15. Severian of Gabala – De paenitentia et compunctione (CPG 4186) – On repentance and compunction. – 23 July 2014.  PDFWord .doc.
  16. Severian of Gabala – De Spiritu Sancto (CPG 4188) – On the Holy Spirit. – 26 Sep 2014.  PDFWord .docx.
  17. Severian of Gabala – List of Works. – 20 Jul 2015.  PDF; Word .docx.
  18. Sever Voicu’s 1990 article about Severian of Gabala. – 8 Sep 2014.  Word .doc.  (Note: appears by permission of the author).
  19. Cassiodorus, Chronicle (CPL 2269). (Bouke Procee) – 29 Dec 2014.  PDF; Word .docx.
  20. Origen, Homilies on Ezekiel (CPG 1441). – 24 Jul 2018.  PDF; Zip of Word .docx files.
  21. Origen, Fragments on Proverbs (CPG 1430). (Travis Fernald) – 6 Jun 2015.  PDF; Word .docx.
  22. Cyril of Alexandria’s Commentary on the XII minor prophets (CPG 5204) – extract – a passage on Mt. 27:25. – 16 Jun 2015.  PDF; Word .docx;
  23. Asterius the Sophist, 31 Homilies on the Psalms (CPG 2815) – extract – a passage on Mt. 27:25. – 11 Jul 2015. PDF, Word .docx.
  24. Methodius of Olympus, De Vita (CPG 1813). – 15 Jul 2015.  PDF, Word .doc.
  25. Methodius of Olympus, De Cibis ad Chilonem (CPG 1814). – 31 Jul 2015.  PDF; Word .doc.
  26. Methodius, De sanguisuga ad Eustochium (CPG 1816) – On the Leech. – 29 Aug 2015.  PDF, Word .docx.
  27. Methodius, De Lepra ad Sistelium (CPG 1815) – On Leprosy. – 17 Sep 2015.  PDF; Word .docx.
  28. Methodius of Olympus, De Pythonissa (fragment). – 15 Feb 2021.  Russian text offsite: PDF;  Google Translate output .docx.
  29. Ephraem Syrus, Hymn 22 against heresies. – 9 Oct 2012.  PDF; RTF.
  30. Ephraem Graecus, “Beatitudines aliae capita XX.” (Latin translation only) – 17 Nov 2018.  PDF; Word .docx.
  31. Ephraem Latinus, De Fine Mundi (CPL 1144). – 27 Oct 2018.  PDF.  This is page images of a difficult-to-obtain translation.  Placed here for convenience.
  32. St Valentine of Terni, “Passio” (BHL 8460). – 13 Jul 2019.  PDF; Word .docx.
  33. De Solstitia et De aequinoctia (CPL 2277). (Latin text) – 9 Jan 2020.  Botte edition: PDF; Word .docx.  1530 edition: PDF; Word .docx.
  34. De Solstitiis et aequinoctiis (CPL 2277). (Isabella Image) – 5 Feb 2022.  PDF; Word .docx.
  35. Augustine, De divinatione daemonum (CPL 306) – On the divination of demons. (Mattias Gassman) – 10 Jun 2020.  PDF; Word .docx.
  36. Augustine, De Genesi ad litteram imperfectus liber (CPL 268) – The Literal Interpretation of Genesis: Unfinished Book).  (Isabella Image) – 22 Aug 2020.  PDF; Word .docx.
  37. ps.Dionysius of Alexandria’s Letter to Paul of Samosata (CPG 1708). – 15 Aug 2023.  PDF; Word .docx.
  38. Eusebius of Emesa, De Poenitentia (CPG 3530) – On Penitence / On Repentance. – 1 Jul 2023.  PDF; Word .docx.
  39. The Acts of the Council of Carthage in 397 and the Council of Hippo in 393 (CPL 1764, 1765d). – 7 Apr 2022.  PDF; Word .docx.
  40. De gestis in Perside – Religionsgesprach am Hof der Sasaniden (the Legend of Aphroditian) (CPG 6968). – 19 Mar 2011.  PDF; Word .doc; HTM.
  41. Severus Sebokht, “Letter to Basil of Cyprus” (ca. 662) on ‘Arabic’ numerals. (Daniel Knister) – PDF; Word .docx.
  42. Abu’l Barakat, Catalogue of Christian Literature in Arabic. – 9 Feb 2010. PDF; Word .docx.
  43. Eutychius, Annals. – 2019.  Link to index page of blog posts.
  44. Anonymous Arabic Christian Sayings text in Ms. Mingana Syr. 142, ff.48-61. – 21 Dec 2020.  Page images of manuscript: PDF.  Transliteration: PDF; Word .docx.  Translation:  PDF; Word .docx; HTML.
  45. Anonymous Arabic Christian Sayings text in Ms. Mingana Syr. 481, ff. 221v-225v. – 21 Dec 2020.  Page images of manuscript:  PDF.  Transliteration and translation:  PDF; HTML.
  46. John ibn Saba, The Precious Pearl (Extract of Arabic Christian Sayings text). – 21 Dec 2020.  HTM of extract.
  47. Nicetas Stethatos, Against those who attack the saints. (Greek text only) – 22 Dec 2017.  Word .docx.
  48. Ephraem Graecus, “Threni” or “The Lamentations of the Virgin Mary before the cross” (CPG 4085) – 29 Feb 2024.  PDFWord .docx.
  49. St Nicholas – 13 texts containing Lives and Miracles – separate page.
  50. St George, “Passio”  (BHL 3363) – (Original 5th century “apocryphal” form). – 27 Nov 2020.  PDF; Word .docx.
  51. Life of St Cuthman (BHL 2035). – 13 Nov 2020.  PDF; Word .docx.
  52. Life of St Botolph (BHL 1428) – Latin sources. – 22 Apr 2021.  No translation, but various downloads.
  53. Life of St Piran (BHL 4659). – 16 Mar 2022.  PDF; Word .docx.
  54. The “Halkin” Life of Constantine (BHG 365n).  (Mark Vermes) – 2018.  Link to blog page; PDF.
  55. Theosterictus, Life of Nicetas the abbot of Medikion (excerpt – chapter 29) (BHG 1341) – 1 Mar 2024.  Translation in post.
  56. The Latin introduction to the Coptic catena published by Paul de Lagarde. (In; Errata) – 6 Feb 2010.  PDF; Word .doc.
  57. Early French Travellers to Libya – an article from Le Mercure Galant by Durand, describing Leptis Magna in the 17th century. – 20 July 2013.
  58. The remains of the failed al-Makin project. – 6 Mar 2015.

There are also 70+ translations from Coptic by Anthony Alcock, which will need attention another time.


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