Stephen C. Carlson kindly points out here that some of the GCS Greek texts have been transcribed and are available for free download here. I’ve translated the German:
Starting with vol. 7 NF (= Daniel-Kommentar des Hippolyt) a selection of reading texts from the editions in the GCS series is available for free download.
Release of the material is generally carried out at the same time as the release of the volume. Some other types of documents are also here, which are otherwise not available and complement our selection.
To read the file (PDF format) on your screen or print them, you need “Acrobat Reader” which can be found on the Internet free of charge.
Suggestions would be gratefully received.
Anonyme Kirchengeschichte (Gelasius Cyzicenus) = 1,1 MB (PDF)
Daniel-Kommentar Hippolyts = 501 KB (PDF)
Handschriften-Register zu Albert Ehrhard = 768 KB (PDF)
Martyrium Clementis = 1,35 MB (PDF)
Miraculum Clementis – Codex Parisinus graecus 1510 (D) = 44 KB (PDF)
This is truly excellent news, and the GCS are to be commended very highly indeed. Nor is this all; for there is more about the Hippolytus material here.
For an online presentation of the GCS the Daniel commentary of Hippolytus (GCS NF 7) was chosen and partly indexed.
The data processing of the Greek text and the translation from the Church Slavonic, each with their own apparatus, has been conducted by Arnd Rattmann (GCS). He was also responsible for decyphering the difficult manuscript originals of Marcel Richard († 1976), which led to the new edition of the text of Bonwetsch.
We would like to thank the publisher Walter de Gruyter for permission to place the works fully on the Internet. We should point out that the book may be ordered from the publisher. This contains the detailed indexes and other valuable information for usage of the text.
We should emphasize that we are dealing in this project of the month with a trial. We are grateful for suggestions and comments and positive feedback.
We should definitely give them feedback and encouragement! But … anyone got any ideas how?
UPDATE: I’ve found some email addresses here. The transcriber, Arnd Rattmann, is one of them. There’s a whole section for the GCS. I have buzzed an email at three people.
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