Alex Poulos of the Catholic University of America has kindly translated for us the text of Eusebius of Caesarea’s Commentary on Luke. Here it is:
- Eusebius-Commentary_on_Luke-2017 (PDF)
- Eusebius-Commentary_on_Luke-2017 (Word .docx)
I have also added it to here. As ever, I place these in the public domain. Use them in any way you like.
The “work” itself is a wee bit bogus. It was created by Angelo Mai by combining all the bits of Nicetas of Serrae’s Catena on Luke where the author is given as “Eusebius”. It is most unlikely that all of these are Eusebius of Caesarea. It is possible that none of them are. All the same, the work is listed in the CPG as 4369, and so it is worth making available!