Now that the Eusebius book exists, it is possible to order copies. The Amazon site doesn’t show it as available, but I can certainly order them myself. The hardback is pricey tho — $75. But if you want one, send a message to me and we can talk. I have various people I need to email, but I thought I would wait until Amazon is working. (I also need to add blurb to Amazon).
One problem that I face is complimentary copies. There will be as few of these as I can manage, because at this stage of the project, of course, I want to sell copies, not give them away, in order to recover the costs of getting the thing translated. Once sales dry up, I intend to put the translation online, but that will be some way off.
The first set of copies that I owe are to the translator of the Greek, David Miller. These I have requested today.
The next set are owed to Bob Buller, who kindly typeset the book as a one-off to get me under way. He’s in the US; and this reveals a problem at Lightning Source — I can’t order them for manufacture in the US. I’ve emailed and asked, since I certainly filled in all the forms for this. I’ll hold off for a day or so on US copies owed, and see if I can get this resolved, for they will arrive much sooner that way.
I owe a set to the French Sources Chretiennes people, as payment for permission to use Claudio Zamagni’s Greek text. I have just emailed them to check address details.
The paperback needs to get underway as well. Fortunately I uploaded all the files some time back (I find), and all I need to do is get a proof — requested today — and then approve it. With luck this will be available in a week or so.
I’m still finding the Lightning Source site very “fighty”. It does daft things like pop-up a box to tell you to click something on the next page (!) I think they were badly swindled by their web designer, in truth. I got no reply to my enquiry as to what happens next after proofs. Fortunately I have some books which might tell me!
UPDATE: Amazon, bless them, have expired my Amazon Sellers account now I want to use it to upload content. How silly of them — wastes their time and mine.
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