It’s all a bit boring here at the moment. I can’t pay any attention to antiquity because of the pressure of other dull but necessary things. The days are short, the evenings dark, and all that jazz.
I don’t know how interesting people find the details of producing the Eusebius volume. All the proof corrections are in, and I now need to spend some serious time processing them into the PDF so they can be sent to the typesetter.
The bureaucracy with getting an “account” set up at print-on-demand firm Lightning Source grinds on — amusingly they demand an annual fee to do business with you, but I don’t think there is more for me to do. But ad-hoc printing is not their thing. I’ve had to do the proof copies via Lulu.
The cover design that I want is now in my mind, and will consist of a dark green cloth covered hardback with gold lettering; author, title, and, lower down, publisher logo. The logo design people, Add Design of Leiston, have sent me some possible logos today, and they all look good and possible. I’ve not told them yet, but the chances are good that they will be doing the cover setup and the website as well.
I’ve decided that the Syriac text needs to be reset in a larger font — it’s just too tiny as it stands, and I think this is partly the fault of the Meltho fonts themselves, which seem smaller than usual.
On a different note someone asked me if I had a PDF of a manuscript of al-Makin. I hunted around last night and found that I did. But not enough time to do anything about it.
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