Ancient medicine online

AWOL notes that a French site has a massive collection of ancient medical writers online here.  Not that any of us want recipes for colds from that source, but the incidental information about ancient society is worth looking at.


All the PDF’s for the Patrologia Graeca online

After collecting a set of links to all the volumes of the PL online, Rod Letchford has done the same for the volumes of the Patrologia Graeca which are online:

This again is fantastically useful, considering how awkward it can be to find particular volumes.  Thanks Rod!


All the PDF’s for the Patrologia Latina

Rod Letchford has written to say that he has compiled a list of links to all the volumes of the Patrologia Latina available online.  It’s here:

Apparently they all work from where he is, in Australia.


GCS electronic texts for free download

Stephen C. Carlson kindly points out here that some of the GCS Greek texts have been transcribed and are available for free download here.  I’ve translated the German:

Starting with vol. 7 NF (= Daniel-Kommentar des Hippolyt)  a selection of reading texts from the editions in the GCS series is available for free download.

Release of the material is generally carried out at the same time as the release of the volume. Some other types of documents are also here, which are otherwise not available and complement our selection.

To read the file (PDF format) on your screen or print them, you need “Acrobat Reader” which can be found on the Internet free of charge.

Suggestions would be gratefully received.

Anonyme Kirchengeschichte (Gelasius Cyzicenus) = 1,1 MB (PDF)

Daniel-Kommentar Hippolyts = 501 KB (PDF)

Handschriften-Register zu Albert Ehrhard = 768 KB (PDF)

Martyrium Clementis = 1,35 MB (PDF)

Miraculum Clementis – Codex Parisinus graecus 1510 (D) = 44 KB (PDF)

This is truly excellent news, and the GCS are to be commended very highly indeed.  Nor is this all; for there is more about the Hippolytus material here.

For an online presentation of the GCS the Daniel commentary of Hippolytus (GCS NF 7) was chosen and partly indexed.

The data processing of the Greek text and the translation from the Church Slavonic, each with their own apparatus, has been conducted by Arnd Rattmann (GCS). He was also responsible for decyphering the difficult manuscript originals of Marcel Richard († 1976), which led to the new edition of the text of Bonwetsch.

We would like to thank the publisher Walter de Gruyter for permission to place the works fully on the Internet. We should point out that the book may be ordered from the publisher. This contains the detailed indexes and other valuable information for usage of the text.

We should emphasize that we are dealing in this project of the month with a trial. We are grateful for suggestions and comments and positive feedback.

We should definitely give them feedback and encouragement!  But … anyone got any ideas how?

UPDATE: I’ve found some email addresses here.  The transcriber, Arnd Rattmann, is one of them.  There’s a whole section for the GCS.  I have buzzed an email at three people.


Hippolytus “Commentary on Daniel”

Tom Schmidt writes to say that he has started a translation of the Commentary on Daniel by Hippolytus, which he mentions here.

Fragments of the work appear in the ANF collection, but a nearly complete Old Slavonic version exists (used by the Sources Chretiennes) and likewise a Greek version, which was published by GCS.  So this will be the first complete English translation. 


List of CSEL volumes at Google Books

Fr. Stefan Zara's banner
Fr. Stefan Zara’s banner

Fr. Stefan Zara’s site used to contain a list of the volumes of the CSEL in Google Books.  Unfortunately it has just been shut down.   It was hosted by WordPress who understandably took exception to some of the material that he was sharing.  I think that some was copyright in the US if not in his native Romania.  I thought I would add his banner at the left here, so we can remember it.

However I found a cached version of this useful list from 8 October 2009 in Google cache.  To preserve this useful item, I have edited it down and post it here.  Please add further links in the comments, if you come across them.  I don’t maintain collections of links, you see, as I have so much else to do.

Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum

The Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum (CSEL) is a series of critical editions of the Latin Church Fathers published by a committee of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

The CSEL is intended to include the ecclesiastical authors who wrote in Latin from the late 2nd century AD until the death of Bede in 735. The texts are edited on the basis of all extant manuscripts and according to the principles of modern textual criticism and thus aim to provide a critical replacement for the corresponding volumes of the Patrologia Latina.

Vol. 1 SULPICIUS SEVERUS, Opera – ed. C. Halm 1866; PSEUDO-SULPICIUS SEVERUS, Epistulae – ed. C. Halm 1866
Vol. 2 FIRMICUS MATERNUS, De errore profanarum religionum – ed. C. Halm 1869; MINUCIUS FELIX – ed. C. Halm 1867
Vol. 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 CYPRIANUS, Opera – ed. W. Hartel 1868/71
Vol. 4 ARNOBIUS, Adversus nationes – ed. A. Reifferscheid 1875
Vol. 5 OROSIUS, Historiae adversus paganos, Apologeticus – ed. C. Zangemeister 1882
Vol. 6 ENNODIUS, Opera – ed. W. Hartel 1882
Vol. 7 VICTOR VITENSIS, Historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae, PSEUDO-VICTOR VITENSIS, Passio septem monachorum, Notitia provinciarum et civitatum Africae – ed. M. Petschenig 1881
Vol. 8 SALVIANUS, De gubernatione dei, Epistulae, Ad ecclesiam – ed. F. Pauly 1883
Vol. 9/1 EUGIPPIUS, Epistula ad Probam virginem, Vita S. Severini – ed. P. Knöll 1885
Vol. 9/2 EUGIPPIUS, Excerpta ex operibus S. Augustini – ed. P. Knöll 1886
Vol. 10 SEDULIUS, Carmen paschale, Opus paschale, Epistulae – ed. J. Huemer 1885; editio altera supplementis aucta – cur. V. Panagl 2007
Vol. 11 CLAUDIANUS MAMERTUS, De statu animae, Epistula ad Sapaudum – ed. A. Engelbrecht 1885
Vol. 12 AUGUSTINUS, Speculum, Liber de divinis scripturis – ed. F. Weihrich 1887
Vol. 13 Iohannes CASSIANUS, Conlationes – ed. M. Petschenig 1886; editio altera supplementis aucta – cur. G. Kreuz 2004
Vol. 14 LUCIFER CALARITANUS, De non conveniendo cum haereticis, De regibus apostaticis, De sancto Athanasio, De non parcendo in deum delinquentibus, Moriendum esse pro dei filio, Epistulae – ed. W. Hartel 1886
Vol. 15 COMMODIANUS, Carmen apologeticum, Instructiones – ed. B. Dombart 1887
Vol. 16/1 Poetae Christiani Minores: PAULINUS PETRICORDIAE, Carmina – ed. M. Petschenig; ORIENTIUS, Carmina – ed. R. Ellis; PAULINUS PELLAEUS, Eucharisticos – ed. W. Brandes; CLAUDIUS MARIUS VICTOR, Alethia – ed. C. Schenkl; PROBA, Cento – ed. C. Schenkl; ANONYMUS, Sancti Paulini epigramma, Versus ad gratiam domini, De verbi incarnatione, De ecclesia – ed. C. Schenkl; 1888
Vol. 17 Iohannes CASSIANUS, De institutis coenobiorum et de octo principalium vitiorum remediis, De incarnatione Domini contra Nestorium – ed. M. Petschenig 1888; editio altera supplementis aucta – cur. G. Kreuz 2004
Vol.18 OROSIUS, Commonitorium de errore Priscillianistarum et Origenistarum – ed. G. Schepss 1889
Vol. 18 PRISCILLIANUS, Tractatus, Canones – ed. G. Schepss 1889
Vol. 19 LACTANTIUS, Divinae institutiones, Epitome divinarum institutionum – ed. S. Brandt 1890
Vol. 20 TERTULLIANUS, De spectaculis, De idololatria, Ad nationes, De testimonio animae, Scorpiace, De oratione, De baptismo, De ieiunio, De anima, De pudicitia – ed. A. Reifferscheid, G. Wissowa 1890
Vol. 21 FAUSTUS REIENSIS, Opera – ed. A. Engelbrecht 1891
Vol. 22 HILARIUS PICTAVIENSIS, Tractatus super psalmos – ed. A. Zingerle 1891
Vol. 23 ANONYMUS, (Cypriani) Carmen ad quendam senatorem – ed. R. Peiper 1881
Vol. 23 CYPRIANUS GALLUS, Heptateuchos, Fragmenta, De Sodoma, De Iona propheta; PSEUDO-HILARIUS, In Genesin ad Leonem papam, De martyrio Maccabaeorum, De evangelio – ed. R. Peiper 1891
Vol. 24 (bound with 23) IUVENCUS, Evangeliorum libri – ed. J. Huemer 1891
Vol. 25/1, 25/2 AUGUSTINUS, De utilitate credendi, De duabus animabus, Contra Fortunatum Manichaeum, Contra Adimantum, Contra epistulam fundamenti, Contra Faustum Manichaeum, Contra Felicem Manichaeum, De natura boni, Epistula Secundini, Contra Secundinum Manichaeum – ed. J. Zycha 1891/92
Vol. 26 OPTATUS MILEVITANUS, Contra Parmenianum Donatistam, Appendix decem monumentorum veterum – ed. C. Ziwsa 1893
Vol. 27/1 LACTANTIUS, De opificio dei, De ira dei, Carmina, Fragmenta – ed. S. Brandt 1893
Vol. 27/2.1 , 27/2.2 2 LACTANTIUS, De mortibus persecutorum – ed. S. Brandt, G. Laubmann 1897
Vol. 28/1 AUGUSTINUS, De Genesi ad litteram liber imperfectus, De Genesi ad litteram, Locutiones in Heptateuchum – ed. J. Zycha 1894
Vol. 28/3 AUGUSTINUS, Quaestiones in Heptateuchum, Adnotationes in Iob – ed. J. Zycha 1895
Vol. 29 PAULINUS NOLANUS, Epistulae – ed. W. Hartel 1894; editio altera supplementis aucta – cur. M. Kamptner 1999
Vol. 30 PAULINUS NOLANUS, Carmina; PAULINUS PELLAEUS, Oratio – ed. W. Hartel 1894; editio altera supplementis aucta – cur. M. Kamptner 1999
Vol. 31 EUCHERIUS, Opera – ed. C. Wotke 1894
Vol. 32/1 32-1 Praefatio AMBROSIUS, Hexameron, De paradiso, De Cain, De Noe, De Abraham, De Isaac, De bono mortis – ed. C. Schenkl 1896
Vol. 32/2 AMBROSIUS, De Iacob, De Ioseph, De patriarchis, De fuga saeculi, De interpellatione Iob et David, De apologia prophetae David, De Helia, De Nabuthae, De Tobia – ed. C. Schenkl 1897
Vol. 32/4 AMBROSIUS, Expositio evangelii secundum Lucam – ed. C. Schenkl 1902
Vol. 33 AUGUSTINUS, Confessiones – ed. P. Knöll 1896
Vol. 34/1 AUGUSTINUS, Epistulae 1-30 – ed. A. Goldbacher 1895
Vol. 34/2 AUGUSTINUS, Epistulae 31-123 – ed. A. Goldbacher 1898
Vol. 35/12 COLLECTIO AVELLANA, ed. O. Günther 1895, 1898
Vol. 36 AUGUSTINUS, Retractationes – ed. P. Knöll 1902
Vol. 37 CASSIODORUS, Contra Apionem – ed. C. Boysen 1898
Vol. 38 FILASTRIUS, Diversarum hereseon liber – ed. F. Marx 1898
Vol. 40/140/2 AUGUSTINUS, De civitate Dei – ed. E. Hoffmann 1899/1900
Vol. 41 AUGUSTINUS, De fide et symbolo, De fide et operibus, De agone christiano, De continentia, De bono coniugali, De virginitate, De bono viduitatis, De adulterinis coniugiis, De mendacio, Contra mendacium, De opere monachorum, De divinatione daemonum, De cura pro mortuis gerenda, De patientia – ed. J. Zycha 1900
Vol. 42 AUGUSTINUS, De perfectione iustitiae hominis, De gestis Pelagii, De gratia Christi, De nuptiis et concupiscentia – ed. C. F. Vrba, J. Zycha 1902
Vol. 43 AUGUSTINUS, De consensu evangelistarum – ed. F. Weihrich 1904
Vol. 44 AUGUSTINUS, Epistulae 124-184 – ed. A. Goldbacher 1904
Vol. 45 EVAGRIUS, Altercatio legis inter Simonem Iudaeum et Theophilum Christianum – ed. E. Bratke 1904
Vol. 46 RUFINUS, Interpretatio orationum Gregorii Nazianzeni – ed. A. Engelbrecht 1910
Vol. 47 TERTULLIANUS, De patientia, De carnis resurrectione, Adversus Hermogenem, Adversus Valentinianos, Adversus omnes haereses, Adversus Praxean, Adversus Marcionem – ed. E. Kroymann 1906
Vol. 48 BOETHIUS, In Prophyrii isagogen commenta – ed. S. Brandt 1906
Vol. 49 VICTORINUS PETAVIONENSIS, Opera – ed. J. Haussleiter 1916
Vol. 50 [AMBROSIASTER]       PSEUDO-AUGUSTINUS, Quaestiones veteris et novi testamenti – ed. A. Souter 1908
Vol. 51 AUGUSTINUS, Psalmus contra partem Donati, Contra epistulam Parmeniani, De baptismo – ed. M. Petschenig 1908
Vol. 52 AUGUSTINUS, Contra litteras Petiliani, Epistula ad catholicos de secta Donatistarum, Contra Cresconium grammaticum et Donatistam – ed. M. Petschenig 1909
Vol. 53 AUGUSTINUS, De unico baptismo, Breviculus collationis cum Donatistis, Contra partem Donati post gesta, Sermo ad Caesariensis ecclesiae plebem, Gesta cum Emerito Donatistarum episcopo, Contra Gaudentium Donatistarum episcopum – ed. M. Petschenig 1910
Vol. 54 HIERONYMUS, Epistulae 1-70 – ed. I. Hilberg 1910/1918; editio altera supplementis aucta 1996
Vol. 55 HIERONYMUS, Epistulae 71-120 – ed. I. Hilberg 1910/1918; editio altera supplementis aucta 1996
Vol. 56/1 HIERONYMUS, Epistulae 121-154 – ed. I. Hilberg 1910/1918; editio altera supplementis aucta 1996
Vol. 56/2 HIERONYMUS, Epistularum Indices – comp. M. Kamptner 1996
Vol. 57 AUGUSTINUS, Epistulae 185-270 – ed. A. Goldbacher 1911
Vol. 58 AUGUSTINUS, Epistulae: Praefatio et indices – ed. A. Goldbacher 1923
Vol. 59 HIERONYMUS, In Hieremiam prophetam – ed. S. Reiter 1913
Vol. 60 AUGUSTINUS, De peccatorum meritis et remissione et de baptismo parvulorum, De spiritu et littera, De natura et gratia, De natura et origine animae, Contra duas epistulas Pelagianorum – ed. C. F. Vrba, J. Zycha 1913
Vol. 61 PRUDENTIUS, Carmina – ed. J. Bergman 1926
Vol. 62 AMBROSIUS, Expositio de psalmo CXVIII – ed. M. Petschenig 1913, editio altera supplementis aucta – cur. M. Zelzer 1999
Vol. 63 AUGUSTINUS, Contra Academicos, De beata vita, De ordine – ed. P. Knöll 1922
Vol. 64 AMBROSIUS, Explanatio super psalmos XII – ed. M. Petschenig 1919; editio altera supplementis aucta – cur. M. Zelzer 1999
Vol. 65 HILARIUS PICTAVIENSIS, Tractatus mysteriorum, Fragmenta, Ad Constantium Imperatorem, Hymni; PSEUDO-HILARIUS, Epistula ad Abram filiam, Hymni – ed. A. Feder 1916
Vol. 66/1 HEGESIPPUS, Historiae – ed. V. Ussani 1932
Vol. 66/2 HEGESIPPUS, Historiae: Praefatio et indices – comp. C. Mras 1960
Vol. 67 BOETHIUS, De consolatione philosophiae – ed. W. Weinberger 1934
Vol. 68 GAUDENTIUS BRIXIENSIS, Tractatus – ed. A. Glück 1936
Vol. 69 TERTULLIANUS, Apologeticum – ed. H. Hoppe 1939
Vol. 70 TERTULLIANUS, De praescriptione haereticorum, De cultu feminarum, Ad uxorem, De exhortatione castitatis, De corona, De carne Christi, Adversus Iudaeos – ed. E. Kroymann 1942
Vol. 71 CASSIODORUS, Historia tripartita – ed. W. Jacob, R. Hanslik 1952
Vol. 72 ARATOR SUBDIACONUS, De actibus apostolorum (Historia apostolica) – ed. McKinlay 1951
Vol. 73 AMBROSIUS, Explanatio symboli, De sacramentis, De mysteriis, De paenitentia, De excessu fratris Satyri, De obitu Valentiniani, De obitu Theodosii – ed. O. Faller 1955
Vol. 74 AUGUSTINUS, De libero arbitrio – ed. W. M. Green 1956
Vol. 75 BENEDICTUS NURSINUS, Regula – ed. R. Hanslik 1960 (editio altera et correcta 1977)
Vol. 76 TERTULLIANUS, Ad martyras, Ad Scapulam, De fuga in persecutione, De monogamia, De virginibus velandis, De pallio – ed. V. Bulhart 1957
Vol. 76 TERTULLIANUS, De paenitentia – ed. Ph. Borleffs 1957
Vol. 77 AUGUSTINUS, De magistro – ed. G. Weigel 1961
Vol. 77 AUGUSTINUS, De vera religione – ed. W. M. Green 1961
Vol. 78 AMBROSIUS, De fide ad Gratianum Augustum – ed. O. Faller 1962
Vol. 79 AMBROSIUS, De spiritu sancto, De incarnationis dominicae sacramento – ed. O. Faller 1964
Vol. 80 AUGUSTINUS, De doctrina christiana – ed. W. M. Green 1963
Vol. 81/1-3 AMBROSIASTER, Commentarius in epistulas Paulinas – ed. H. J. Vogels
Vol. 82/1-4 AMBROSIUS, Epistulae et acta – ed. O. Faller, M. Zelzer 1968-1996
Vol. 83/1 MARIUS VICTORINUS, Ad Candidum Arrianum, Adversus Arium, De homoousio recipiendo, Hymni – ed. P. Henry, P. Hadot 1971
Vol. 83/2 MARIUS VICTORINUS, In epistulam Pauli ad Ephesios, In epistulam Pauli ad Galatas, In epistulam Pauli ad Philippenses – ed. F. Gori 1986
Vol. 84 AUGUSTINUS, Expositio quarumdam propositionum ex epistula ad Romanos, Epistulae ad Galatas expositio, Epistulae ad Romanos inchoata expositio – ed. J. Divjak 1971
Vol. 85/1-2 AUGUSTINUS, Contra secundam Iuliani responsionem opus imperfectum, lib. 1-3; 4-6 – ed. M. Zelzer 1974; 2004
Vol. 86 RUFINUS, Basili regula – ed. K. Zelzer 1986
Vol. 87 EUGIPPIUS, Regula – ed. F. Villegas, A. De Vogüé 1976
Vol. 88 AUGUSTINUS, Epistulae nuper in lucem prolatae (Epistulae Divjak) – ed. J. Divjak 1981
Vol. 89 AUGUSTINUS, Soliloquia, De inmortalitate animae, De quantitate animae – ed. W. Hörmann 1986
Vol. 90 AUGUSTINUS, De moribus ecclesiae catholicae et de moribus Manichaeorum – ed. J. B. Bauer 1992
Vol. 91 AUGUSTINUS, De Genesi contra Manichaeos – ed. D. Weber 1998
Vol. 92 AUGUSTINUS, Contra sermonem Arrianorum (praecedit Sermo Arrianorum) – ed. M. J. Suda, De correptione et gratia – ed. G. Folliet 2000
Vol. 93/1 AUGUSTINUS, Enarrationes in Psalmos 1-32 (expos.) – ed. C. Weidmann 2003
Vol. 94/1 AUGUSTINUS, Enarrationes in Psalmos 51-60 (expos.) – ed. H. Müller 2004
Vol. 95/3 AUGUSTINUS, Enarrationes in Psalmos 119-133 – ed. F. Gori 2001
Vol. 95/4 AUGUSTINUS, Enarrationes in Psalmos 134-140 – ed. F. Gori adiuvante F. Recanatini 2002
Vol. 95/5 AUGUSTINUS, Enarrationes in Psalmos 141-150 – ed. F. Gori adiuvante I. Spaccia 2005
Vol. 96 ANONYMUS, In Iob commentarius – ed. K. B. Steinhauser adiuvantibus H. Müller et D. Weber 2006

UPDATE: Bob Buller very kindly sent me a bunch of extra links to fill the gaps on this, and I have added them in.  Thank you!
UPDATE: A correspondent is sending me some corrections, which I am merging in.

UPDATE: More links here.

UPDATE: Thanks to Ted Janiszewski for some more!


Patrologia Graeca online

Adrian Murdoch writes:

I often find that these links get out of date pretty rapidly, so here is the latest one I have come across. The Ancient World Online links to the complete Patrologia Graeca in a pretty user-friendly downloadable pdf format. From the Library of Ruslan Khazarzar.

The PDF’s are not just images, but text.

NOTE: My collection of PDF’s of page images is here.


A bunch of manuscripts online from the Syrian Orthodox Monastery of St. Mark in Jerusalem

All done by Brigham Young University, and are here.  At the moment I think there is a problem with some of the links, but this will be fixed.

Most of the books are liturgical etc, but there is a Syriac New Testament, another containing Paul’s letters, a collection of Isaac of Scete and Cyriacus of Antioch, a couple of works by Barhebraeus including the “Chronicle of the ages”, and a Garshuni version of the world history of Michael the Syrian.  Some unclassified “collections of religious works” might bear investigation.


Revue de l’Orient Chretien online; list of Syriac-related articles and links

There is a very useful list of links to the ROC, with details of the Syriac materials in them, here. The volumes are all at in complete form, and the scanning was sponsored by Gorgias Press, who thereby deserve our gratitude.  I thought the list could usefully appear here also:

Revue de l’Orient Chrétien

Volume 1 (1896)

Because of an error in printing, some pages of this volume are out of order.

Volume 2 (1897)

  • Étude sur les parties inédites de la chronique ecclésiastique attribuée a Denys de Telmahré (+845). — Nau. pp. 41-68 (Syriac/French).
  • La vie de Mar Benjamin, traduite du syriaque. — R. P. V. Scheil. pp. 245-270 (French).
  • Vie du moine Rabban Youssef Bousnaya, traduite du syriaque et annotée. — Chabot p. 357-405 (French).
  • L’Histoire ecclésiastique de Jean d’Asie, Patriarche Jacobite de Constantinople (+585). — Nau pp. 455-493 (Syriac/French).

Volume 3 (1898)

Volume 4 (1899)

Volume 5 (1900)

Volume 6 (1901)

Volume 7 (1902)

Volume 8 (1903)

Volume 9 (1904)

Volume 10 (1905)

At the end of this volume there is an index of vols. 1-10.

Volume 11 (1906) (second series, tomus I)

  • Étude supplementaire sur les écrivains syriens orientaux. — Addai Scher pp. 1-33 (French).
  • Analyse de l’histoire du couvent de Sabrischo de Beith Qoqa. — Addai Scher pp. 182-197 (French).
  • Analyse de l’histoire de Rabban Bar Edta, moine nestorien du VI siécle. — Addai Scher. pp. 403-423 (French).
  • Note sur un manuscrit syriaque (commentaire des psaumes d’apres Théodore de Mopsueste) appartenant a M. Delaporte. — F. Nau. pp. 313-317 (French).

Volume 12 (1907) (second series, tomus II)

  • Analyse de l’histoire de Rabban Bar Edta, moine nestorien du VI siécle (fin). — Addai Scher. pp. 9-13 (French).
  • A propos de une édition des Oeuvres de Schenoudi: la version syriaque des prieres de Schenoudi, de Jean le Nain, de Macaire L’Égyptien et de Serapion. — F. Nau pp. 313-328 (French/Syriac).
  • Traduction de la chronique syriaque anonyme, editee par Sa Beatitude Mgr. Rahmani. — pp. 429-440 (French).

Volume 14 (1909) (second series, tomus IV)

Volume 15 (1910) (second series, tomus V)

Volume 16 (1911) (second series, tomus VI)

Volume 17 (1912) (second series, tomus VII)

Volume 18 (1913) (second series, tomus VIII)

Volume 19 (1914) (second series, tomus IX)

Volume 20 (1915-1917) (second series, tomus X)

Volume 21 (1918-1919) (third series, tomus I)

Volume 22 (1920-1921) (third series, tomus II)

Volume 23 (1920-1921) (third series, tomus III)

Volume 26 (1927-1928) (third series, tomus VI)

Volume 27 (1929-1930) (third series, tomus VII)

Volume 28 (1931-1932) (third series, tomus VIII)

Volume 29 (1933-1934) (third series, tomus IX)

Volume 30 (1935-1946) (third series, tomus X)
