Russian translation of Methodius now online

Some time back I discovered that a Russian translation existed of the works of Methodius of Olympus (d.311 AD).  This is significant, since most of the works of Methodius known today have survived only in Old Slavic, or Old Russian.

The translation was made by Evgraf Loviagin, and the 2nd edition appeared in St. Petersburg in 1905.  A copy exists in the University of Chicago library, and they agreed to digitise this if I sent them $20.  A colleague with a US bank account kindly wrote me a cheque for that amount, and off it went.

This evening I can announce a little Christmas present for us all, courtesy of the University of Chicago: Loviagin is now online.  They haven’t managed to upload the PDF to their own site yet — I’ll post the URL once I know it.  It is undoubtedly public domain, since Loviagin died in 1909.  So I have uploaded it to, where you can access it here.

Not quite sure what it contains.  Here’s the table of contents (from the back, of course):
