One of the problems for the Eusebius project is the quantity of materials of this work preserved in catenas. Claudio Zamagni, in his excellent thesis, listed quite a few. I’ve tried to track these down, but one has defeated me. It was edited by F. Combefis, and on p.200 of Z’s thesis is listed so:
S. patris nostri Asterii Amaseae episcopi aliorumque plurimum … [=Graecolat. Patrum bibliothecae novum auctarium… 1], Parisiis 1648 [779-790]
A search in COPAC reveals a number of copies of this work in UK research libraries, mostly in the north of England. Some of the cataloguing is splendid:
Title details: S. Patris Nostri Asterij Amaseæ Episcopi, aliorumque plurium dissertissimorum Ecclesiæ Græcæ patrum ac tractatorum lectæ nouæ eruditissimæque : cum pari pietate orationes & homiliæ: in Dominicas praesertim, sanctissimaeque Dei Genitricis solennitates. / Opera ac studio R.P. Fr. Francisca Combefis …
[ S. Patris Nostri Asterij Amaseæ Episcopi, aliorumqve plvrivm dissertissimorvm Ecclesiæ Græcæ patrvm ac tractatorum lectæ nouæ eruditissimæque ]
Series: Græcolat. Patrum Bibliothecæ nouum auctarium. ; t.1 (Graeco-Latine Patrum Bibliothecae novum auctuarium ; t.1)
Published: Parisiis, : Sumptibus Antonij Bertier … , M. DC. XLVIII..
Physical desc.: [12] p., 1774 columns, [22] p. ; fol.
Notes: Title page printed in red and black, with engraved vignette. Woodcut initials. Includes index. Full contents given in Darling, James. Cyclopaedia bibliographica. London, 1845. Greek text with parallel Latin translation.
Other names: Asterius, of Amasea, Saint, ca. 350-ca. 410; Combefis, François, 1605-1679, [editor.]; Bertier, Antoine, 1610?-1678, [publisher.]
Related item: Referenced by: Brunet, II, 646; Referenced by: CLC, II, C1567
Language: Ancient Greek (to 1453) ; Latin
I wonder what the Cyclopaedia bibliographica is, that has a full description of this?
It seems that the work appeared in two volumes, and this was vol. 1. The text is printed and numbered in columns, rather than in pages, so 779-790 is probably the columns. I note that there is one in Birmingham Special collections, under the somewhat gnomic shelfmark: ML Spec.Coll – r f BR 62. It might be easiest to order copies of those pages from them, since they are a helpful lot.
But what prompted the search was a vague memory that copies existed in Oxford. And so they do; mostly in college libraries:
Queen’s College Upper Library, 60.F.11
Balliol College Library, Special Collections, 0125 s.a.02 A
Christ Church Library, Special Collections, Allestree B.4.1
Keble College Library, Special Collections, TE F.2.2b
It would have been far too convenient had my own college been one of them! But a further search reveals a copy in the Bodleian:
Main author: Graeco-Latini patres.
Title details: Græcolat. patrum bibliothecæ novum auctarium (operâ F. Combefis). Tomus duplex.
Published: Par. 1648
Physical desc.: (fol.)
Other names: Combefis, François, [ed.]
Bodleian Library Bookstack R 6.16, 15 Jur.
And this I hope to inspect on Thursday. Whether the Bodleian will allow me copies remains to be seen.
But I do feel I want to examine the book. I shall want to see whatever information he gives on the manuscripts used. This will be scanty, at that date, but all the same I want whatever there is. To do so I will need to hunt through the volume. And anyway, isn’t it pleasant to do so?
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