Abu’l Barakat was a medieval Arabic Christian. In one of his works, he devoted a chapter to listing Arabic Christian literature. Of course this catalogue of what exists or existed is an invaluable guide to someone who is starting to explore patristic material surviving in that language. Riedel published it long ago, with a German translation * , and a kind friend sent me a copy in PDF form today. It urgently needs to go online. If he’s OK with it, I’ll upload the PDF to Archive.org.
But we also need an English translation. It’s about 154 words per page and 36 pages, in the German translation; if the Arabic is similar, that makes 5,544 words, or about $500 at my usual 10c per word. I can afford that, I think. I need to find a translator!
* Wilhelm Riedel, Der Katalog der christlichen Schriften in arabischer Sprache von Abu’l-Barakat, in Nachrichten der K. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Philologisch-Hist. Klasse, 1902 (Heft 5), pp. 636-706.