There are six types of catena on John. The bulk of all of them comes from the same sources:
John Chrysostom’s Sermons on John
Cyril of Alexandria’s Commentary on John
Origen’s Commentary on John; possibly also from the Excerpta in quasdam partes Iohannis which is attributed to him by Jerome (Letter 33, 4).
Type A: This consists of four catenas, starting in the 5-6th century and running down to the 8th century, according to Reuss.
- This catena contains extracts by Chrysostom and Hesychius of Jerusalem.
- This is an augmented version of #1, which adds extracts from Photius.
- This one was compiled by Leo Patricius, and is an abridged version of #1. It adds a number of extracts without indicating the author, although in fact nearly all of them are by Chrysostom.
- The comprehensive version of type A adds extracts by many other fathers, including Ammonius, Apollinaris, and Theodore of Heraclea.
Type B: Two catenas make up this type.
- The first catena gives no names of authors for the extracts that it includes. The compilation is attributed to Peter of Laodicea.
- A more complete version of the catena contains more than 800 extracts. Most of these are by Ammonius, or preceded by the words: ἐκ διαφόρων or ἀνεπίγραφος.
Type C: This catena is mainly from John Chrysostom, and dates from the early 10th century. The attributions are not always reliable.
Type D: This consists mainly of extracts from Ammonius, Cyril of Alexandria, Theodore of Heraclea and Theodore of Mopsuestia. It is found in Rome, Biblioteca Vallicelliana gr. E. 40.
Type E: This catena also is mainly from John Chrysostom, and was compiled in 1080 by Nicetas of Heraclea. Macarius Chrysocephalus’ λογός 16 uses material from this catena.
Type F: This consists mainly of extracts from Ammonius, Cyril of Alexandria, Theodore of Heraclea and Theodore of Mopsuestia.
Others: There are also catenas on John in the following manuscripts:
Athos, Lavra B. 113. Geerard labels this “Type G”.
Munich, State Library gr. 208.
Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale Suppl. gr. 1225.
Vatican gr. 349.
Vatican gr. 1229 (11-12th century)
Vatican gr. 1618 (16th century)
Rome, Biblioteca dei Lincei A. 300.
The Curzon Coptic Catena published by de Lagarde and its Arabic descendant also contain a catena on John.
Editions: J. Reuss, Johannes-Kommentare aus der griechischen Kirche, Berlin (1966).
Studies: R. Devreese, Dictionnaire de la Bible, Supplement 1 (Paris, 1928), pp. 1194-1205, on the John catenas. M. Geerard, Clavis Patrum Graecorum 4, pp. 242-248. Karo and Lietzman, (as in intro), pp. 143-151.