Mithridates Chrestos – the fate of a younger brother

The sleepy little kingdom of Pontus in what is now Northern Turkey was a backwater in the Hellenistic era.  Its rulers affected a Greek culture, but ruled over a largely Persian land, that had changed little since Alexander overthrew the Achaemenid Persian empire. Mithridates V Euergetes married a princess named Laodice, from the Seleucid dynasty […]


Some notes on the lexicon of Festus

There is a manuscript in the Farnese collection, in the Biblioteca Nazionale in Naples (shelfmark Bibl. Naz. IV.A.3), known as the Farnesianus or F, because it once formed part of the library of Cardinal Ranuccio Farnese.  This contains a text consisting of words and definitions, entitled De significatione verborum, On the meaning of words.  The […]


From my diary

I’ve continued working on the PHP scripts for the new Mithras site.  It’s slow, because I don’t do much development work in PHP.  The reason for doing this is so that I can work on the site from anywhere, work or home; and so that it will support things such as footnotes, not found in […]


From my diary

A little more struggling with the PHP scripts for the new Mithras site, and they seem to actually work on the website now, in the version in my development area.  I haven’t written any content yet, tho: no point until saving works properly! I’ve got a dose of gastric flu, however, so that is slowing […]


From my diary

This morning I opened volume 1 of the Loeb edition of Pliny’s letters, and read a few.  I also read the introduction.  This was fine, but I found it infuriating that the text did not include the chapter titles from the front of each book, since these alone supply the names of the people to […]


From my diary

I’ve been doing some more work on the Mithras Project pages.  This has been entirely PHP and perl coding, tho. Daryn Lehoux kindly sent me a copy of the paperback of his book, Astronomy, Weather, and Calendars in the Ancient World.  CUP are now selling this on Amazon at USD$40.  It’s very excellent, and I […]


From my diary

A little while back I started developing some PHP scripts to support the new Mithras Project pages that I intend to create.  Today I went back to look at these, to see if I could merge them into what I have been doing with a top-level menu.  And I found … that I don’t seem […]


From my diary

Updated versions of the translation of the Passio Petri and Passio Pauli from the Acts of ps.Linus have arrived.  I will need to read these tonight, but they must be nearly complete, which is good news. I have been making enquiries about the supposed existence of a third volume of Maarten Vermaseren’s CIMRM collection of […]


The fire of Cautopates

On a Spanish site, I find the following photograph of Cautes and Cautopates, the twin side-kicks of Mithras.  It’s remarkable because the figure of Cautopates is still partly coloured!  And so, clearly, we can see that the objects that they carry are indeed lit torches. Considering how universally this is assumed, it is nice to […]
