What's New?

This page is simply to indicate when new material is added.

02/09/2024 : Added a preface and a Latin text to Dionysius Exiguus.

11/01/2024 : I see that the page displaying images from Merton College MS 315 no longer works.  It used images from the Bodleian, and, some 17 years on, these are no longer accessible.  I have taken the page down, therefore.

11/05/2017 : Jerome, letter 106, added.

13/06/2014 : Basil the Great, Sermon 13 on baptism, added.

18/09/2013 : Theodoret's Commentary on Romans, part 1 and part 2, from the 1839-40 Christian Remembrancer.

Also the Life of Mar Aba added, with introduction.

03/09/2013 : Passion of St. Saturninus added.

28/08/2013 : John Chrysostom, After the Earthquake (De terrae motu) added.

02/08/2013 : John Chrysostom, Homily 2 on the birthday of our Savior, Jesus Christ (In Salvatoris Nostri Jesu Christi Nativitatem) added.

27/07/2013 : John Chrysostom, Against the circuses and theatres / Contra ludos at theatra added.  It was done in 2012, but not uploaded here by mistake.

25/07/2013 : Leontius of Byzantium, Adversus fraudes Apollinistarum added.

27/04/2013 : A Greek Christian Text on the Seven Sages: Ps.-Athanasius, On the Temple at Athens added.  I've been remiss in adding commissioned material here in recent months, such as Ephraem Syrus on Heresies and Isidore of Pelusium letter 78.  It's purely for lack of time.

22/09/2012 : Pseudo-Linus, Acts: the Passio Petri and Passio Pauli added.

21/12/2011 : Ibn Abi Usaibia, History of Physicians, added.

07/12/2011 : Methodius, De Lepra (opening section) added.

28/11/2011 : Methodius, Preface to the Russian translation of 1961-4 added.

Also 8 sermons against the Jews by John Chrysostom added.

15/08/2011 : Dioscorus of Alexandria, Letter to Shenouda concerning an Origenist monk added.

04/05/2011 : John the Lydian, Translation of 'March' from book 4, added.

19/03/2011 : The fragments of Philip of Side added.  Also The Religious Discussion at the Court of the Sassanids [Religionsgespräch am Hof der Sasaniden / De Gestis in Perside]

03/03/2011 : James of Edessa, Letter to John the Stylite on the genealogy of the Virgin Mary added.

08/02/2011 : Galen's preface to Hippocrates "On the duties of a doctor" added.

27/08/2010 : Julian the Apostate, Oration 1 - Panegyric in honour of Constantius added.

26/08/2010 : Julian the Apostate, Letter to Themistius added.

20/08/2010 : Julian the Apostate, Letter to the Athenians added.

19/08/2010 : Julian the Apostate, Fragment of a letter to a priest added.

18/08/2010 : Julian the Apostate, Letters, added.  Also the apocryphal letters.

24/07/2010 : Severian of Gabala, Sermon 1 on Genesis, added.

10/07/2010 : Book 15 of John bar Penkaye's History added.

02/07/2010 : The Commentary on the Psalms by Eusebius of Caesarea is immense, but I have commissioned and uploaded a translation of the portion on Psalm 51.

19/06/2010 : Added John Chrysostom's sermon on the New Year festival, In Kalendas.

03/06/2010 : Added an English translation of Cicero's The Dream of Scipio (Somnium Scipionis).

24/04/2010 : Added an English translation of Eusebius of Caesarea, On the celebration of Easter (De solemnitate paschalis).

Added an English translation of Chrysostom's first sermon, from the French of Bareille.

31/03/2010 : The Severian turns out to be by Eusebius of Emesa. File renamed and note added.

29/03/2010 : Severian of Gabala, Homily on the sufferings and death of our Lord added.

12/03/2010 : John Chrysostom, Against the Jews Homily 2 (missing portion) added.

09/02/2010 : Abu'l Barakat's Catalogue of Christian literature in Arabic added.

03/11/2009 : The Chronicle of James of Edessa, a continuation of that of Eusebius, added.

03/10/2009 : Hunain ibn Ishaq - On How to Discern the Truth of Religion added.

02/10/2009 : Five Arabic Christian treatises originally published without translation by Paul Sbath are now online here.

25/08/2009 : Added Arabic text to Commentary on the Nicene Creed by al-Majdalus.

29/07/2009 : Manuel Paleologus, Dialogue 7 with a learned Moslem, uploaded.  I translated 18 chapters and couldn't face doing any more.

21/07/2009 : James Snapp Jr. has kindly contributed a translation of Jerome, Letter 120 (to Hedibia) which he made from French.

07/07/2009 : An English version of the Universal History of Agapius has been added.

21/05/2009 : Francois Nau, An unpublished Syriac version of the life of Shenouda (1900) pp.26-39, added.

17/04/2009 : The Apocalypse of Samuel of Kalamoun added.

03/04/2009 : The Coptic Apocalypse of Daniel added.

20/02/2009 : Samuel Noble has translated Aby al-Majdalus, Commentary on the Nicene Creed, a 10th century text which includes pagan prophecies of Christ.  I have placed this work (which I commissioned) in the public domain.

13/02/2009 : Robert Bedrosian has made a translation of Eusebius' Chronicle book 1 direct from the classical Armenian.  Very generously, he has made it public domain.  A slightly reformatted version is here.  The translator's preface is here.

31/12/2008 : Origen, On Prayer, uploaded.  This seems to be a stray translation, so has been included.

08/11/2008 : Theodore of Mopsuestia, Commentary on the Lord's Prayer, Baptism, and the Eucharist, added.

01/11/2008 : Theodore of Mopsuestia, Commentary on the Nicene Creed, added.

25/10/2008 : Introduction to Possidius added.

18/10/2008 : Timothy I, Dialogue with the Caliph Al-Mahdi, added.

11/10/2008 : Possidius, Life of St. Augustine, added.  I'm beginning to find outstanding patristic translations thin on the ground, so have started to commission translations.

18/08/2008 : Just a note that I have started blogging at roger-pearse.com/weblog.  It's all patristic, so should be of interest to readers.

12/07/2008 : A transcription and translation of an unpublished collection of Arabic Christian prophecies of Christ from pagan sources, contained in Gerasimos, Apology (extract), has been added.  This from a Beirut ms., and was commissioned by me.

Scott Kennedy sent me an introduction and revised version of his John of Epiphania's History which I have uploaded -- many thanks again!

Aaron West has taken my page on the Patrologia Orientalis volumes, add the Patrologia Syriaca and hyperlinked those which are online.  This is very useful, and he's kindly contributed the revised version back to the public domain.

03/07/2008 : A fragment of a Syriac chronicle translated by E.W.Brooks has been added.

17/06/2008 : Scott Kennedy has kindly sent me a translation of the 5 chapters that now exist of John of Epiphania's History, translated from the FHG.  He has also made it public domain -- thank you!

07/06/2008 : Added Andrew Smith's excellent translation of book 1 of the Chronicon of Eusebius of Caesarea.

16/05/2008 : Added the Arabic text of the fragment of the book of the councils.

05/05/2008 : Added the satires of Juvenal.

02/05/2008 : Added an unpublished fragment of Severus of al-Ashmunein's Book of the Councils.  Also an extract from John ibn Saba's "The precious pearl".  Also A first translation of Mingana Ms. Syr. 481, ff.221v-225v (2007) -- pagan prophecies of Christ --  and Ms. Syr. 142, ff.48a-61b.

25/04/2008 : Added Martial, book 6.  Also book 7. Also book 8. Also book 9. Also book 10.  Also book 11. Also book 12.  Also book 13. Also book 14. Also the spurious epigrams.  I now need to revise this against Ker's Loeb and write a preface.

24/04/2008 :  Added Martial, book 3. Also book 4. Also book 5.

23/04/2008 : Added Martial, Epigrams book 1.  Also book 2.

07/04/2008 : Added Dionysius Exiguus, On Easter, or, The Paschal Cycle.  I never completed translating the preface, but I may as well give you what I did.

05/04/2008 : Proclus On Motion added.  Also On the Chaldean Oracles.  Also Kenneth Syvlan Guthrie's introduction and appendix to his translation of Marinus' Life of Proclus.

04/04/2008 : Cyril of Alexandria on Luke 18:28-20:18 added.  Also Cyril on Luke 20:19-22:38.  Also Cyril on Luke 22:39-24:45, which is the last bit!

02/04/2008 : Cyril of Alexandria on Luke 16:14-18:27 added.

01/04/2008 : I have removed the (contributed) introduction and appendix for the page with fragments of Porphyry's Contra Christianos, after criticism which I feel was valid.

29/03/2008 : Mark DelCogliano has very kindly sent me English translations of the two letters of Nestorius to Pope Celestine published in Loofs.  He also also generously released these into the public domain.  As far as I know these have never appeared in English before.

24/03/2008 : Cyril of Alexandria on Luke 11:19-12:10 added.  Also Cyril on Luke 12:13-13:9.  Also Cyril on Luke 13:22-16:13.

22/03/2008 : Cyril of Alexandria on Luke 10:22-11:18 added.

21/03/2008 : Proclus, Five hymns to the gods, added.

05/01/2008 : Martial, On the public shows of Domitian, added.

06/12/2007 : Fr. Dale A. Johnson has kindly contributed an original Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the Library of the Greek Patriarchate of Jerusalem to this site.

20/10/2007 : A list of Arabic Christian writers up to 1450 has been added.

05/10/2007 : Sermon 52, on Maccabees, by Severus of Antioch, added.

07/09/2007 : Added a note on manuscript colophons for the Bazaar of Heracleides by Steven Ring.

27/08/2007 : Added the homily of Theodore the Syncellus on the siege of Constantinople in 626 AD.

16/08/2007 : Updated the Chronography of 354 part XIV, Regions of Rome, and filled in many of the explanations.  Added a lot of material about this to the introduction.

13/08/2007 : Added the Introduction to a grammar of modern Syriac printed in a journal in 1856, describing the work and publications of the American mission at Urmia.  Added a legendary life of Simeon Stylites.  Added an 1890 appeal for funds to explore for Syriac mss.  Also the letters of Simeon Stylites.

08/08/2007 : Robert Bedrosian has kindly allowed me to include his translation of Ghewond's History on this site.

07/07/2007 : The Chronography of 354 is now pretty much complete, with the addition of part 15, the liber generationis.  I have not troubled to translate this collection of biblical extracts.  I would like to update part 14, the regions of Rome, as I now have the commentary which explains what each item is; likewise I have various plates of pages from manuscripts which might be nice to have as an appendix.  These I will try to do next weekend.

18/05/2007 : Marutha of Maiperqat, On the Council of Nicaea, added.

11/05/2007 : The revised 1910 edition of Porphyry to Marcella added.

05/05/2007 : Herodian, The Roman Histories, added.

07/04/2007 : Ammianus Marcellinus added.  Porphyry, Letter to his wife Marcella added.

26/03/2007 : Libanius, Monody on the destruction of the temple of Apollo at Daphne, added.  A prologue to Acts by Theodore of Mopsuestia added.

24/03/2007 : Libanius, Monody on Nicomedia destroyed by an earthquake, added.

17/03/2007 : Porphyry, On Abstinence added, with an introduction by myself.  This text was online elsewhere, but I have rescanned it with all the notes and the Greek in them.  It contains much of interest on pagan religion, especially in books 2 and 4.

16/03/2007 : Porphyry, Life of Pythagoras added.  Porphyry is so often portrayed as a rationalist that this text serves as a useful corrective, which is why I have included it.

03/03/2007 : Eunapius, Lives of the philosophers and sophists, added.  Porphyry, Letter to Anebo added.  Intro added to the Cave of NymphsIntro added to the Sententiae.  A fragment on the faculties of the soul by Porphyry added. Guthrie's list of works of Porphyry added.

24/02/2007 : Libanius, 16 letters to Julian the Apostate, added.  Lardner's translation of Libanius, Oration 30, on behalf of the temples, added.

17/02/2007 : Porphyry, Auxiliaries to the perception of intelligible nature added.  Also an introduction listing the manuscripts of the Isagoge.

09/02/2007 : Porphyry, Isagogue added.  This site is not a general collection of ancient texts, nor will it become one.  But this now obscure text on the categories of logic used by Aristotle was the standard introduction to Aristotle in late antiquity and the middle ages, and was translated or commented on by many of the fathers, including Boethius (Latin) and Severus Sebokht (Syriac).  Since it is not online, I have added it here.  It is my intention to track down whatever works of Porphyry exist in out-of-copyright English and place them here.

03/02/2007 : I've added a fragment that I translated from Jerome's letter to Hedibia a while back, since I don't see why it should languish forgotten on my hard disk.  One day it would be nice to do more!

02/02/2007 : I've added a bit more of book 2 of Cyril Against Julian.

27/01/2007 : Porphyry, The Cave of Nymphs added.

12/12/2006 : Introduction to Severus Sebokht On the Constellations added.  Beginning of the translation added.  All these partial translations are things which I started but have not been able to continue with.  Rather than lose them, I add them here in the hope that I will be able to continue them in a few months time.

08/12/2006 : Partial translation of the Chronicle of Arbela added.

28/11/2006 : Added Cyril Against Julian: prefatory address.

25/11/2006 : Added Syriac life of Philoxenus.

14/11/2006 : Kevin P. Edgecomb has translated all the prologues by St. Jerome for the Vulgate, and released them into the public domain so they can appear here.  Many thanks, Kevin.

13/11/2006 : Part 13 of the Chronography of 354 added.

11/11/2006 : Part 14 of the Chronography of 354 added, and introduction updated.  Part 11 added. Part 12 added.

19/10/2006 : Part 10 of the Chronography of 354 added.  I have now discovered that part XIV is not in Mommsen but in yet another publication, so this will be delayed while I obtain it.

18/10/2006 : Part 9 of the Chronography of 354 added.  I could wish that Mommsen was clearer about the meaning of various abbreviations he uses, but I have added notes as best I can.

14/10/2006 : I'm still working on the Chronography of 354.  Part 8 (consular fasti) added.

30/09/2006 : Added a preface to Nestorius.  Added the appendix containing fragments.  All done.

23/09/2006 : Added book 1 part 1 of the Bazaar of Heracleides.  Also book 1 part 2, and book 1 part 3.  Also book 2 part 1, and book 2, part 2.  That's all the text, but I hope to write a preface and there are some appendices.

22/09/2006 : Added the introduction to Nestorius, The Bazaar of Heracleides.

08/09/2006 : The Chronicle of Joshua the Stylite added.

17/08/2006 : Five miscellaneous Syriac and Coptic texts added.

15/08/2006 : Cyril of Alexandria on Luke 9 added.  Cyril on Luke 9:57-10:21 added.

22/07/2006 : Some quotations from Irenaeus and Dionysius of Alexandria in the works of Timothy Aelurus.

21/07/2006 : An ante-Nicene sermon of Gregory Thaumaturgus translated from the Armenian added.

17/06/2006 : Cyril of Alexandria on Luke 7:31-8:56 added.

10/06/2006 : The calendar from the Chronography of 354 added, with an introduction.

20/05/2006 : Cyril of Alexandria on Luke 6:20-7:28 added.

04/05/2006 : Cyril of Alexandria on Luke 4:1-6:17 added.

25/04/2006 : Two demonstrations by Aphrahat added.

11/03/2006 : English translation of the Western text of the Acts of the Apostles added.

25/02/2006 : Pionius' fictional Life of Polycarp added, with preface.

24/02/2006 : Ps.Polycarp fragments from Victor of Capua added.  My thanks to Stephen C. Carlson for placing his translation of these in the public domain!

23/02/2006 : Added the "Marcionite" prologues to St. Paul's Letters.  Also a translation of the "Anti-Marcionite" prologues to the gospels.

21/02/2006 : A work by Ananias of Shirak added, on Christmas, with a possible quotation from Polycarp.

13/02/2006 : Four sermons by John Chrysostom added, all on the wealthy family who had a homeless man living in a doorway outside their home.

10/02/2006 : Two works by Ananias of Shirak added.

06/02/2006 : Noel Wolf has revised the translation of the Onomasticon of Eusebius for typos, and kindly supplied me with a .doc file of the new text.  I have gone through the online version and incorporated the fixes.

01/02/2006 : Started work on Cyril of Alexandria, Commentary on Luke.  This is a hard work to digitise, because of the poor quality print, poor quality of my photocopy, and the copious marginal material and footnotes.  I shall do the best I can and omit what I can't.

28/01/2006 : Optatus completed.

16/01/2006 : Started work on Optatus, Against the Donatists.

02/01/2006 : Palladius, Dialogue on the Life of St. John Chrysostom added.

27/12/2005 : Rabbula, Admonitions to the monks added.  The Whitby life of St. Gregory the Great added.  Adolf von Harnack, The "Sic et Non" of Stephanus Gobarus, from the Harvard Theological Review 16 (1923) added, as this contains a translation of codex 232 of Photius.

26/12/2005 : J.M.Harden's Introduction to Ethiopic Christian Literature added, mainly so I can get my photocopy off the floor and file it away.

23/12/2005 : Cyril of Alexandria, Commentary on the Gospel of John, now complete.  My health problems proved to be due to allergy to bread from one specific bakery, and I hope to be well soon.

17/12/2005 : Added John Philoponus, On the Astrolabe.  I'm afraid I have been unwell with stomach problems for the last 3 weeks, and I don't seem to be getting better, so work on this site may have to be suspended.

02/12/2005 : Started to add the Commentary on John by Cyril of Alexandria.  Unfortunately some of the pages seem to be missing from my photocopy.

29/11/2005 : Introduction to Asterius of Amasea updated.  Thanks for Johan Leemans for sending in some bibliography.  Severus Sebokht, Description of the astrolabe added.

28/11/2005 : Eusebius of Caesarea, Onomasticon, added. Many thanks indeed to Noel Wolf for transcribing this and making it available to us all in the public domain.

27/11/2005 : Cyril of Alexandria, That Christ is One, added.  This also is from LFC 47.  Also the fragments of Against Diodore.  Also the fragments of Against the synousiasts.

17/11/2005 : Cyril of Alexandria, Scholia on the Incarnation added.  This is from the same volume as the preceding.  

15/11/2005 : I've scanned E.B.Pusey's introduction to his son, P.E. Pusey's, translation of Cyril, Five tomes against Nestorius, (Library of the Fathers of the Church 47).  It seems that P.E. Pusey died before he could publish the translation, part way through writing the introduction.  E. B. Pusey finished it on Christmas Eve, 1881.  It seems I am not the only one who spends the season of festivity working on the fathers!

14/11/2005 : I've made some changes to Eusebius of Caesarea, Praeparatio Evangelica.  I've added in links to the specific part of the index page; converted all the spionic to unicode, and reformatted the summaries at the top into tabular form.  

05/11/2005 : Cyril of Alexandria, Five Tomes Against Nestorius, added.  This is from the Oxford movement translation by P.E.Pusey.  

25/10/2005 : Eusebius of Caesarea's Demonstratio Evangelica revised to change SPIonic font to unicode and make the toc links point to the work specifically.  Also various other works of Eusebius, including the biography of Samuel Lee.

17/10/2005 : Dr Wade Blocker made a 'crib' translation for Ps.Hegesippus to help the study of the Latin and has kindly released it into the public domain and allowed it to be added here.  Many thanks!

26/08/2005 : Extracts from Dionysius Syrus updated with remainder of Robinson article.

19/08/2005 : Extracts of homilies by Jacob of Serugh added.  Added Julian the Apostate, Against the Galileans.

18/08/2005 : Severus of al-Ashmunein, History of the Patriarchs of the Coptic church of Alexandria added.

11/08/2005 : Extracts from Dionysius Syrus quoting lost works by Hippolytus and Gaius added.  A list of contents of volumes in the Patrologia Orientalis series added.

08/08/2005 : Completed Salvian

06/08/2005 : Started adding Salvian, On the Government of God.

20/07/2005 : Epiphanius of Salamis, Weights and Measures, added.

15/07/2005 : Stray extracts of works by two late Nestorian writers, John bar Zobi and Khamis bar Kardahe added.  These are outside our period, but I had the volume in which they were at hand. I knew that only someone who had read W.Wright's guide carefully would even realise that these translations were in it, which meant that if I didn't scan them, no-one will.

09/07/2005 : Stephen C. Carlson has translated the first sermon of Chromatius of Aquileia on the Gospel of Matthew, and kindly placed it in the public domain so it can appear here.  Many thanks!

Added the 13th century Metrical Catalogue of Syriac Writers by 'Abdisho' bar Brika (=Ebedjesu).  Also his short summary of East Syrian theology, the Pearl.

01/06/2005 : Jerome's Chronicle now complete and added.

21/02/2005 : Shortly after the last entry, I was lured into leading an online collaborative translation of Jerome's Chronicle.  This is almost complete, but has eaten all the time since.  I apologise for the lack of entries.

Jerome, Commentary on Daniel added.

10/09/2004 : Steven Van Impe has kindly translated the 3rd letter of Licinian, on a bogus 'Letter of Christ' supposed to have fallen from the sky, with an introduction, and released it into the public domain.

24/08/2004 : The works of Pacian of Barcelona added.

23/08/2004 : Gregory the Great, Dialogues added.

13/08/2004 : Jerome's Prologue to the Gospels added, translated by Kevin P. Edgecomb.  Kevin has kindly made this version available to us in the public domain -- many thanks.  The originals of all his translations are to be found at his site at http://www.bombaxo.com.  Also the Eusebian Canon tables, again compiled by Kevin.

12/08/2004 : Jerome's Prologue to Ezra added.  Many thanks again to Mark DelCogliano!

05/06/2004 : Eusebius, Letter to Carpianus, added.  Many thanks are due to Mark DelCogliano who has very kindly translated it, sent the translation in quite voluntarily, and placed it in the public domain.

28/05/2004 : Marinus, Life of Proclus added.  Ambrose, Letters 41-50 added.

30/04/2004 : Kai Töpfer kindly made a suggestion for one of the outstanding queries on the Origo Gentis Romanae translation: added to the footnotes.

24/04/2004 : Ambrose, letters 21-30 added.  The innumerable marginal biblical references are making this very slow going indeed: I may regretfully abandon them for the remainder.

02/04/2004 : Nepos proof-read and corrected.

06/03/2004 : Origo Gentis Romanae added.

24/02/2004 : Life of St. Severinus added.

06/02/2004 : Isidore of Seville, Chronicon, added.  Jerome, Preface on Judith, translated and contributed by Andrew S. Jacobs: many thanks!

31/01/2004 : Works of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite added

26/01/2004 : The Legend of Hilaria added.

23/01/2004 : The Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles from the Syriac added.  My thanks to Colin Tunnicliffe, who scanned a copy of this work and sent me both the bitmaps and the OCR'd and proofed text. Note that a complete reprint of this book with all notes, page divisions and Syriac text can be bought online by visiting Gorgias Press,  (and search on Wright).

15/01/2004 : Apology of Aristides completed.

24/12/2003 : Lausiac History added.  Started to add the letters of Ambrose of Milan.  The Syriac version of Aristides is halted, as I am missing pages 9-10 of this.  I will finish it when I can get to the library again.

06/12/2003 : Sermons of Asterius of Amasea added.

21/11/2003 : Philoxenus completed.  Syriac material omitted, however, as entering it manually is beyond my skill and available time.  Aristides added.  I know this should be in the ANF online, but the fact is that the translation itself is missing.

07/11/2003 : Started to add the 13 Ascetic Discourses of Philoxenus of Hierapolis.  Strangely enough, this book was ordered at the same time as Vaschalde, but took weeks longer to arrive.

16/10/2003 : A.A.Vaschalde's version of Three Letters by Philoxenus of Hierapolis (Mabbug) placed online, minus the Syriac text.  There seems to be only one copy of this in the UK, which makes it a rare volume.

04/10/2003 : Formatting revised on all pages to make font sizes appear the same in Netscape as in IE.

26/09/2003 : Added the Chronicle of Edessa.

19/09/2003 : Irenaeus, Proof of the Apostolic Preaching added.  HTML <A NAME=> anchors added on the index page for each author and work.  Navigation buttons added for Cosmas Indicopleustes.

15/09/2003 : Gildas, The Ruin of Britain added.

08/09/2003 : Origen, Philocalia added.

06/09/2003 : Added the fragments to Nepos, and wrote an introduction for it.

30/08/2003 : Also added the introduction to the Festal Letters of Athanasius by William Cureton, containing more information about the find at the Nitrian desert.

29/08/2003 : The remaining letters of Severus of Antioch added: 62-118.  I know that there is another collection of letters by S., but don't have these.  Scanning S. has been such a pain, that I am in no hurry to volunteer for more.  The pain is caused by each page having Syriac and English and loads of boring footnotes.  They're hard to photocopy -- it is physically exhausting to lift the massive folio volumes of the Patrologia Orientalis up and down, up and down on the photocopier -- hard to scan, hard to recognise, hard to proof and interminable to format.  I don't want any more at the moment.

I've added a rare article from the Quarterly Review of 1845-6, containing eyewitness accounts of how the Syriac manuscripts in the British Museum were obtained from the Nitrian Desert monasteries of Egypt.  These manuscripts are the basis of several of the translations on this site, and the existence of the article seems to have been forgotten.

23/08/2003 : Cornelius Nepos added.

20/08/2003 : Zosimus revised against an original copy -- lacuna in book 4 filled.

16/08/2003 : My thanks to David Camden for reporting a bunch of typos in the later portions of Justin.  Error reports are always very welcome!

04/08/2003 : Eusebius PE completed.  Justin, Epitome of Pompeius Trogus added.

09/07/2003 : Cosmas Indicopleustes, and Spicilegium Syriacum added.

27/06/2003 : Still working on Eusebius, PE.

02/05/2003 : Peter Kirby has prompted me to do some of Eusebius, Praeparatio Evangelica, which we've both been looking at without enthusiasm for a couple of years.  He's done a simplified version of the intro and book 1 -- in response I've done the same for books 3 and 5.  The layout of the original is a pig, which is why we haven't got started for so long.

31/05/2003 : Cosmas book 3 added.

24/05/2003 : Cosmas book 2 added.

10/05/2003 : Started to add Cosmas Indicopleustes.  I really haven't the time at the moment, but this scans so easily that it can be done at the end of the day when I'm too tired to do much else.  However it may take a while!

11/04/2003 : Syriac Miscellanies added.

29/03/2003 : Typos corrected in Bohn's cataloguePreface added to Hermias.

28/03/2003 : Eutropius added.

[Mirrors updated]

08/03/2003 : "Julian the Emperor" scanned; two invectives by Gregory Nazianzen, plus Libanius' Monody and two orations by Julian.

07/03/2003 : Introduction revised.

05/03/2003 : Hermias' Satire added.

27/02/2003 : First 61 letters of Severus of Antioch added.

26/02/2003 : Doctrine of Addai added.

25/02/2003 : Apocrypha from Mt. Sinai has begun to be added, thanks to Renardo68 who sent in a scanned text.

14/02/2003 : Dionysius of Alexandria, Letters, was not listed on the index.htm - fixed.  The sermon on the Star falsely attributed to Eusebius of Caesarea added.

[Mirrors contain material below this point]

24/01/2003 : Sidonius completed.  I wish there were a PD version of his Poems also, but I don't think there is.

23/01/2003 : Gregory of Nyssa, Life of St. Macrina, now online.  I'll get back to finishing the introduction to Sidonius in the next few days, and when that is done notify the mirror sites (all updates since 3/1 need to be mirrored).

22/01/2003 : Sidonius Apollinaris' letters are now online.  The notes I have left at the end of volume 2, as when I tried placing them after each letter, it made the page look untidy.  The introduction is still to scan -- some 200 pages of it.

20/01/2003 : Began scanning the letters of Sidonius Apollinaris.  The footnotes for these are at the rear of volume 2, so I will return and add these after each letter when I've scanned the relevant pages.

08/01/2003 : Typos corrected in the introduction to Zosimus, and to Eunomius.

06/01/2003 : Link corrected in the Apocriticus.  Misssing TOC for John of Ephesus fixed.  Thanks to John Burton for spotting these!

03/01/2003 : Eusebius, Demonstratio Evangelica, now added.

30/12/2002 : John of Ephesus, books 4, 5 and 6 added.  Now complete (since I omit the index).

27/12/2002 : John of Ephesus, book 3 added.

24/12/2002 : Added Basil the Great, Address to young men on the right use of Greek literature.  Eunomius, the First Apology, added.

21/12/2002 : Began adding John of Ephesus.  2  books (of 6) done so far.  

23/11/2002 : I've started adding the Syriac Chronicle sometimes attributed to Zachariah of Mitylene (Zacharias Rhetor).  6 books done.

19/11/2002 : The New History of Zosimus added as an appendix.

26/10/2002 : The Chronicle of John of Nikiu added.  Added Mss. details to Evagrius Scholasticus intro.

25/10/2002 : Antiochus Strategos, The Sack of Jerusalem by the Persians in 614AD added.  Newly discovered Letters of Dionysius of Alexandria to Popes Stephen and Xystus added.

19/10/2002 : Evagrius Scholasticus - all the text added, just table of contents and indexes to do.

02/10/2002 : Ephraim, Discourse to Hypatius Book 5 added.  And that's the lot!

01/10/2002 : Ephraim, Discourse to Hypatius Book 4 added.  Book 3 has also been done, of course.

27/09/2002 : Ephraim, Hypatius Book 2 added.  The Hypatius material is very painful to transcribe because of the marginal material, so please bear with me.

10/09/2002 : St. Ephraim's Prose Refutations started - the Discourse against Bardaisan's "Domnus" added.

This text was transcribed by Roger Pearse, 10th September 2002.  All material on this page is in the public domain - copy freely.

Early Church Fathers - Additional Texts