What was new in 2005?


These pages undergo revision at intervals, depending on available material and, of course, the availability of time. There are now quite a few pages on this site. This page is intended to facilitate the reading of anyone who looks in regularly.  Older announcements are available from the links at the bottom of the page.

31/12/2005 : Happy new year to you all!  I hope you have all sat down, reviewed what you achieved this last year, and made specific plans for what you want to do in 2006, and how to do them?  If not, you will find the year passing in a flash, with nothing done.

I have experimented with the Plustek scanner, but it has not proven very successful.  The quality of the scan is not as good as I need, and it only supports 300 dots-per-inch or 600 dpi.  The preferred resolution for scanning is 400dpi.  (The software also installed an AM32PLUS.EXE which disabled my main scanner, but once I had got rid of this everything returned to normal).  Also the distance to the spine has to be at least a centimetre, which was more than the French Charpentier edition offered.  The platter is too small for a folio volume, which I did also try.  But it might be possible to do something with it.

24/12/2005 : I would like to wish all those who visit this site a merry Christmas!  May God bless you all.

15/12/2005 : My apologies for the silence.  I've been busy scanning some English translations of Cyril of Alexandria for the Additional Fathers site, mainly because I keep getting emails asking about them, and because hardly anyone has copies.  I hope to be done with these soon.  The Christmas Tertullian will be late this year. I have some Dutch translations of the works of Tertullian, and Santa is going to give me a specialised book-scanner for Christmas, a Plustek Opticbook 3600.  This can supposedly scan up to the edge of the unit, allowing us to hang the book over the edge.  In this way it's possible to scan into the spine without getting problems or damaging the spine.  At least that is the theory!

12/11/2005 : Some spammer is bombing my feedback form with rubbish auto-generated messages, so please resend if you don't get a reply within a few days.

11/11/2005 : Dr David Ganz has kindly written in and mentioned that De oratione 25:6 is quoted by Hrabanus Maurus -- I've added his comment to the Annotationes page and to that on De oratione.  Hrabanus probably had access to the Agobardinus, but this breaks off in chapter 19.  So we have evidence of a more complete text circulating in the same area in the 9th century!

04/11/2005 : WARNING.  I am having problems with my email.  My ISP introduced an anti-spam filter which is too aggressive.  This means that I have lost a number of genuine emails.  I have now disabled that filter, but I apologise to anyone who wrote and didn't get a reply.

02/11/2005 : Genoude is now complete!  I have revised the five texts done by Ugo Bratelli and added in missing footnotes, page numbers, and converted the Greek text to unicode.  I suppose I should return to Charpentier; however my copy of this is very tightly bound, and so hard to scan.  However I have discovered that there is a Plustek Opticbook book scanner available for around £150 which allows you to hang the book over the edge, like a specialised book photocopier, and do one page at a time.  I might give myself one of these for Christmas and see if it solves this problem!

I'm also taking an interest again in the Octavius of Minucius Felix, and hope to translate Heck's article on this into English and place it online.  It is interesting to reflect that Heck's Handbuch der lateinischen Literatur der Antike has been translated into French (although no copy of this seems to exist here in the UK) but not into English.  This is a great pity.  

01/11/2005 : Genoude's French translation (1852) of De praescriptione haereticorum added.  Also Genoude's translation of De patientia.  This means that all the works of Tertullian are now online in Genoude's French translation (translator H. Denain, as we have seen).  However I need to revise the format of some of the earlier ones, add page numbers etc, to ensure all are in the same format.  Nevertheless, this is a great day.

29/10/2005 : Genoude's French translation (1852) of the Apologeticum added. Genoude's French translation (1852) of De corona militis added.

27/10/2005 : Genoude's French translation (1852) of De anima added. Revised the formatting of De testimonio animae to bring it into line with the rest.

22/10/2005 : Genoude's French translation (1852) of De paenitentia added.

I have discovered that Hajo Uden MEYBOOM, the translator of the Dutch translations of Tertullian, died in 1934 (b. 1842).  This makes all his works now free of copyright, and it means that his series -- Oudchristelijke geschriften in Nederlandsche vertaling -- is available to anyone who can find a copy and place it online. Now that the Bibliothek der Kirchenvater is appearing online, surely it is time for some Dutchman to get scanning Meyboom? However I will attempt to do the Tertullians.

Finding copies may not be easy.  I have four of the Tertullian volumes of this series: 42, 43, 45, and 46, which I bought over the internet a couple of years ago on the offchance of being able to use them.  Sadly the other volumes had been sold by the time I placed my order. Vols 40-41 contain Adversus Marcionem, but this I do not have.  None of these volumes contain the Apologeticum, which I think was published together with other apologies in still another volume. (But I may be wrong on this).

21/10/2005 : Petr Kitzler has written some reviews (in Czech) of R.D.Sider's Christian and Pagan in the Roman empire (here) and G.D.Dunn's Tertullian (here).  I wish there was a Czech-English machine translator on the internet!

19/10/2005 : Genoude's French translation (1852) of De pudicitia added.  Also the Doctrine de Tertullien by Dom Ceillier appended and the table of contents for tome 3. I've also spell-checked all the pages from tome 3 and corrected errors. Tome 3 is now complete.  I will need to rework tome 1, and of course many works in tome 2 are still to do.

18/10/2005 : Genoude's French translation (1852) of Scorpiace added.  Also his translations of Ad uxorem I and Ad uxorem II.  M. Genoude was not well served by his printer, whose wretched quality control is evident throughout.  I hope I have not added too many scanner artefacts to this!  I have been looking at some of the earlier Genoudes that I did with a spell-checker, and there seem to be quite a few errors -- not that anyone has mentioned this!  I've been going back to the scanned images of the original pages for these texts, and the images are truly awful.  The quality of the photocopies I had to work with was really atrocious.  Now I have a copy of Genoude, and can place the book directly on the scanner, they are much less hard work!  So please forgive my seeming carelessness.

13/10/2005 : Genoude's French translation (1852) of Adversus Hermogenem added. Also Genoude's translation of Adversus Valentinianos.  But I have just discovered Hamman's translation of De oratione online here.  There are also extracts of Moreau's translation of De resurrectione carnis here.  I have written to them and asked for permission to host a copy at the Tertullian Project.

12/10/2005 : Genoude's French translation (1852) of De oratione cc.1-14 added.  Surely there must be a more recent, complete translation of this work into French?  But I do not have any information about one.  Also Genoude's translation of De baptismo.

10/10/2005 : Genoude's French translation (1852) of De cultu feminarum I and De cultu feminarum II added.

08/10/2005 : I went through all Kellner's German translations and changed the Greek text to unicode fonts, and made the chapter titles into links.

07/10/2005 : Kellner's German translation of De carnis resurrectione added.  I stayed up to midnight last night, typing away in my hotel room, and got it proofed, and formatted it this evening.  We now have online all the German translations that I am aware of!  I think I'll do some more Genoude next.

05/10/2005 : Kellner's German translation of Adversus Praxean added.  Only De resurrectione carnis left, of this batch of translations.  But isn't it a pity that Kellner never translated the few remaining works: Ad Nationes, and the remaining parts of Adversus Judaeos and Adversus Marcionem!  I wish there was some way to find some native German-speakers and get these last few parts translated.

01/10/2005 : Kellner's German translation of De anima added.

29/09/2005 : Kellner's German translation of Adversus Hermogenem added.  I've also altered the formatting of all the 1882 German translations, so that the chapter headings link to the chapters, and the Greek is rendered in unicode.  The remainder of the BKV translations are still to do.

10/09/2005 : Kellner's German translation of De carne Christi added.

I have heard that some people have had trouble reading the 1565 French translation of De idololatria by Lambert Daneau.  This is my fault, really: I tried to reproduce the notes in the margin, by using some features of HTML only available in CSS2.  Older browsers cannot cope with this at all, it seems.  So I have reformatted it with the marginal notes at the end, and numbered them in the modern way.  I have left the long-s, and the abbreviations in there.  Anyone who finds that hard to read can just copy the page and do a Find-Replace on those characters.  I have also uploaded a PDF of the images of the book, in case I made mistakes.  This is 1.7Mb in size, tho.

Editions page updated with a few more volumes seen in dealer catalogues.  It's interesting, for the Benalius and the 1521 Rhenanus, to see copies sitting on a shelf at a dealer for so long!  At a more reasonable price, I'd perhaps buy them.

01/09/2005 : Kellner's German translation of Adversus Valentinianos added.  

30/08/2005 : Great news!  Remember the Petitmengin-Carley article about the Codex Masburensis?  This is only half the story; Drs Carley and Petitmengin also did a companion article, Pre-Conquest manuscripts from Malmesbury Abbey and John Leland's letter to Beatus Rhenanus concerning a lost copy of Tertullian's works, Anglo-Saxon England 33 (2004), pp 195-223.  

I thought it would be nice if both articles were online, so I got in touch with the copyright holders, Cambridge Journals Online.  Fortunately their representative turned out to be a nice person named Ella Colvin, who did her best for us all.  Today she told me that the article has been made available as a free sample.  It can be found here "http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?jid=ASE&volumeId=33&issueId=-1", in PDF form, in ASE 33 (most of it subscription only, of course).  I'm afraid there doesn't seem to be a direct link to the PDF, but I think we can all cope with that.  Many thanks indeed to Dr Colvin and Cambridge Journals Online for their kindness to the Tertullianist community. 

The article is another excellent piece of work, and is highly recommended.

27/08/2005 : Petr Kitzler has now placed online his Czech translation of Ad Martyras, together with some notes.  Thank you Petr for letting me know about this!

23/08/2005 : Added Genoude's French translation of Adversus Judaeos.

11/08/2005 : Updated the Minucius Felix page with a reference to Petr Kitzler's article.

03/08/2005 : Updated editions page and 1521, 1528 and 1539 pages, plus Paterniacensis and Gorzienses pages with material from Beatus Rhenanus (1485-1547): Lecteur et editeur des textes anciens.  There are two excellent articles in there by Charles Munier and Frédéric Chapot, which are well worth reading -- I have only transcribed highlights!

29/07/2005 : Update page on Ms. Florence BNC Conventi Soppressi J.VI.10 (F) with a monochrome image of a page and a lot of details in Italian, and with an English translation by me.  Likewise updated Ms. Florence BNC Conventi Soppressi J.VI.9 (N) and J.VI.11.  Also Ms. Florence Laurentian Plut. 26.13.  I apologise for the quality of some of the images.  They all come from a splendid volume done in Florence for the millennium, on the recovery of the Fathers of the Church at the renaissance.  The volume has lots of truly impressive colour photographs of the openings of manuscripts, together with examples of handwriting of the humanists.  But it has tiny monochrome images of some of the pages we're interested in: I've expanded these so we can read the text, but at the cost of quality.  However Plut.26.13 has some of the splendid artwork typical of this collection of mss, and I've created some scans of those images, albeit they are not faintly as impressive as the original volume.  But then, who has access to the original?  If you do, go and look at it!  You'll learn a lot about Niccolo Niccoli's books, and about the central role of Ambrogio Traversari in all this.  I hope to translate some of the introductory material about him.

I've also updated the page on the Salzburg Apologeticum with details from a German book on the library of Johannes Vitez, its first owner.

23/07/2005 : I've placed online my own amateur translation of the splendid article by Pierre Petitmengin and James P. Carley, Malmesbury-Sélestat-Malines: The tribulations of a manuscript of Tertullian in the middle of the 16th century, which describes the history of the codex Masburensis.  All errors and omissions are of course my own fault.  As signalled below, the French for this article is already online at the Bibliothèque humaniste in Sélestat (BHS).  My thanks to the authors, and also to Dr Hubert Meyer of the BHS for their permission to place this online.

I've uploaded the 1565 French translation of De idololatria by Lambert Daneau.  This extremely rare item exists only in one library, and I owe a photocopy of it to the kindness of Dr. Pierre Petitmengin.  It's been very hard work to scan, and I would be grateful if any French speakers who spot errors tell me about them!

I discovered online an article in Spanish by Josep M. Escolà Tuset on the spurious poems attributed to Tertullian.  I've translated it into English, with his permission, and that appears here.  I've updated the Spuria page.  Apparently the new edition will be delayed until 2006.

08/07/2005 : Added image of Ambrogio Traversari to the page with some of his letters on.  Traversari copied Ms. F, when it arrived in Florence, and his now lost copy was the ancestor of all the Italian mss.  He was also instrumental in the diffusion of the Greek fathers in the West.  I must scan some more of his letters when I have time.

02/07/2005 : Added some notes from Roberto Palla's article to the page on the Naples Latinus 55 codex.  As is probably obvious, I'm working through the footnotes of the Petitmengin article I dealt with earlier, getting the books and digesting data into the website.  It's slow and laborious, of course.

Also added catalogue and image of first folio from Bodleian website of their Apologeticum Ms.  The image, of course, is displayed from the Bodleian's site rather than being held here: I'm just wrapping some HTML around their site.  But I think it's rather easier to see the way I display it.

27/06/2005 : Another image and more details added to the page on the Budapest Lat. 10 codex.  A separate page, plus image and details, created for Salzburg S. Peter A.VII.39.

18/06/2005 : The three Florentine codices, Conv. Soppr. J.6.9, J.6.10, J.6.11, seem to have moved from the Laurentian library to the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale.  I've updated the relevant pages.  My thanks to Alain Nadeau of peraldus.ch for pointing this out, and to Paola Pirolo of the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Firenze for confirming it.  Incidentally that email from Dr Pirolo makes the BNCF only the second Italian library ever to reply to an email from me (the Vatican was the first).  The majority of my email enquiries to Italian libraries are ignored!  Well done, the BNCF.

13/06/2005 : I've scanned Kellner's 1882 translation of De monogamia; which was a bit silly, actually, since the 1915 one was already online.  Oh well.  That's what happens when you break off things in the middle and restart them.

10/06/2005 : Ruslan Khazarzar has now written to tell me that the Russian translations all come from a three volume translation into Russian, carried out in 1910-1915 in Kiev by N.N.Sheglov.  So these are all legitimate, out of copyright and may be freely circulated.  I've updated the Russian page and the works page with the bibliographical details. 

I've added more details of the Budapest Ms. from Ilona Berkovits book.  I've also placed a long extract from that online to clarify who Johannes Vitez was, and how his books got to Salzburg.

09/06/2005 : I've added a colour image of folio 1r of the Budapest Lat. 10 to that page, scanned from a book and done so as to bring out the text.  I'll add some of the text from that book also.  I have finally finished going through Petitmengin's article (2004), and adding more detail to all sorts of pages.  If it is a taste of what the book on Tertullian will be, the latter will be quite splendid.

Ruslan Khazarzar has now emailed me a Russian Apologeticum and Ad Scapulam.  These have the name Н. Н. Щеглова on them: is this perhaps the translator?  Sadly Mr. Khazarzar's English limits are our conversation.  But very many thanks indeed to him for these, since this makes the Russian collection really start to cover a lot of the ground.

08/06/2005 : Ruslan Khazarzar has told me about his page of Russian translations, more extensive than my own.  I'm reworking the Russian materials page.  Russian must be one of the few languages that didn't start by translating the Apologeticum.  I'm still adding details all over the place from Petitmengin's article.  I'm ill at home with a cold at the moment, but have recovered enough to type a bit.

30/05/2005 : Updated the page on the Hungary Ms. with some catalogue details.  Most people have never heard of the fabulous library of King Matthias Corvinus of Hungary; I have chosen to place some long extracts online from a profusely illustrated catalogue of the surviving manuscripts (although no pictures).  Added details from Marin to the Copenhagen Ms. of Adv. Iud.; Paris BN 13047; Admont 136.

Jerome is more or less done and online.  

27/05/2005 : Updated the editions page with dealer catalogue entries for 1550 and 1662 editions.  Also incorporated a mass of French translations from the library catalogue of Montpellier, and included these in the Works pages.

14/05/2005 : More and more libraries are waking up to realise that the new technology of the digital camera means that library users can safely photograph most items in rare-books libraries. I have written to the Bibliothèque Municipale in Troyes, home of the codex Trecensis 523, and asked them if I could photograph the manuscript, to get it online, as I've done for the Cusanus, the S. Isidore Ms, etc.  The librarian, M. Thierry Delcourt, has kindly responded and been very polite, which is nice!  

But sadly the answer from Troyes is 'Non'.  This is a shame, although not the whole story.  But it's worth talking about what they say, as I have heard a number of libraries come out with the same excuses, and they all silently presume that not recording manuscripts is the 'safe' option.  (I think the libraries in Iraq, Dresden, Norwich, Louvain, Turin, to name but a few, could tell them otherwise).  

The manuscripts are 'fragile', they say.  Well, what book is not?  But what does the word mean?  'Fragile' means that if we handle it carelessly, it may get damaged?  Well, agreed.  But we're not talking about whether a book may be handled; if a scholar went there and asked to look at it, no doubt he would be allowed to handle it as much as he liked!  The question is whether, while handling it in the normal way, a digital camera might be positioned on a tripod looking over his shoulder, so he can just press the remote control button and capture what he is looking at.  Quite how this involves risk, I do not see.  (In fairness to Troyes, they probably just can't understand my awful French!)

I think the problem is that libraries -- not just Troyes -- have the mindset that photography means flash, means lighting rigs, means clamping books onto book-stands, and the like.  In the film days, this was so.  Lighting-rigs get hot, which is a fire risk; amateurs clamping books is risky!  I too would ban anyone doing either, unless they were a professional.  But I don't even know how to use a lighting rig, or a book-cradle!  It's not necessary in the digital age.  Perhaps we will have to wait until the current generation of librarians die and the new generation, brought up in the digital age, just brush this nonsense aside.

Troyes tell me the usual story that comes along once the cheap, easy, good quality option is banned; as is always the case, they haven't the money or time to photograph it.  Again, as always, if I want it photographed that badly, then I can pay them. Again, as usual, they do not mention the price, which always means that it is so enormous that no-one could pay it unless they were so rich that they could just buy the library instead.  I do wish libraries would stop doing this stupidity.  It is crucial to record manuscripts, and it won't get done unless it can be done for almost nothing.  Most libraries treat it as a peripheral matter.

But, Troyes are not being mindlessly stupid here.  They have recognised that the internet exists, and actually have a plan to make their manuscripts available! (Unheard of in Britain) They have monochrome microfilms of all their manuscripts, and are allowing the IRHT to scan these so they can go online; probably in a year or so.  This is a big step further than any British library has done.  Why is it only the French who have grasped that access to books can be promoted this way at minimal cost?  Even if the quality is rubbish, surely it's better to have something online than nothing?

So one cheer for Troyes.  All the same, it's pretty depressing that in 2005, the age of the internet, a monochrome low-quality scan of a microfilm is the best we can get.  Roll on the revolution!  And, if your local library doesn't allow digital photography by users, ask them why not.  If enough of us do this, even the doziest UK library will start to get the message.

11/05/2005 : I've brought my laptop to the hotel where I am staying this week, and am continuing to work through Petitmengin's monster article (pp.63-88).  Every page almost is an essay full of detail and data!  I realise I've eulogised it twice now, but it really is quite a treasure.  There is so much in it that I have spent many hours so far, just extracting details. As well as many changes to many, many pages, I've created new pages for the Cambridge text, and the fragments of Adversus Iudaeos at Hamburg and Copenhagen.  I've got to p.72 so far!

07/05/2005 : I'm working over the manuscripts pages using Tertullien entre la fin.  I've added a new page for the Stuttgart fragment. I've also discovered that Dreamweaver has messed up a number of links and replaced them with file:// type URLs. These are too many to fix manually, so please be patient while I work out how to reverse the evil. [Now fixed, I think]

I've been 'flattening' the folder structure in the manuscripts directory to put all the files -- Italian mss, lost mss -- in the same folder as the rest.  I don't think there should be any broken links; I've been experimenting with a feature in Dreamweaver which should handle it all automatically.  I hope to move all the Apologeticum manuscripts in there also, so we have all the manuscripts stuff in one place.

06/05/2005 : Pierre Petitmengin has published a new article on the manuscripts and early editions of Tertullian!  It's crucial stuff, and is entitled Tertullien entre la fin du XIIe et le début du XVIe siècle (full biblio ref on the manuscripts page).  This deals mainly and magisterially with the Corpus Cluniacense, and every page reveals some new detail of how the text of Tertullian comes down to us.  I'm going to have to do a lot of work on the manuscript pages!  Yet more new manuscript witnesses are mentioned, and publishes the passage of the Apologeticum in the Cambridge florilegium. In short this is an article that will be important for decades. Yet more good news: in the article Dr. Petitmengin confirms that his great work on the tradition of Tertullian is still in progress!  

I've also received the 2003 edition of the Chronica Tertullianea and updated the bibliographies from that.   It contains a much too kind review of this site.  Many thanks to Pierre Petitmengin for sending me a copy of both of these articles, as I don't know when I'd otherwise have seen them. That said, the volume containing Tertullien entre la fin... was on the shelves of the library at Bernkastel, as Dr. Neusius showed it to me. 

In case anyone is wondering, I've been able to do these updates because I'm at home at the moment and feeling very unwell after my trip to Bernkastel!  I knew that a daytrip that started at 4:15am would leave me tired on the following day.  But I had not expected it to leave me feeling exhausted for two days after, which it has.  That wouldn't have happened when I was 19!  It means that I hadn't the strength to do much, but couldn't resist doing bits and pieces.  But back to Jerome when I get fit.

05/05/2005 : Updated the manuscripts page with a bibliography, mainly but not entirely from existing material.

04/05/2005 : Digital images of all the Tertullian pages of the 15th century manuscript, the Codex Cusanus 42, from Bernkastel-Kues, is now online!  My sincere thanks to the Rektor Professor Alfons A. Bechtel of the Cusanusstift for permission to make these photographs. I'd also like to thank particularly the librarian, Frau Gabrielle Neusius who made it all possible.

I've added a page which allows you to browse through the full-size images of this manuscript as if turning the pages of a book.  It is here.  The script was originally written for the Jerome project I've been doing, and adapted.  I hope to do the same for the other manuscripts online.

02/05/2005 : Added three pages from the 1756 Borghini Italian translation to the editions page, which I did while testing my photographic kit.  

I seem to have been apologising forever for my preoccupation with a translation of St. Jerome's Chronicle, but it is genuinely getting close to complete now.  Once it is done, I can return to Tertullian!  However tomorrow I fly to Bernkastel-Kues to photograph the Codex Cusanus 42 for this site.  So expect our third manuscript online once I get back!

16/04/2005 : I've updated the pages on the Codex Johannis Clementis and Codex Masburensis to reflect the new publication by Pierre Petitmengin and James P. Carley proving them to be the same.  I've just discovered that the critical article is online complete at the library in Sélestat: "http://www.semantic.fr/bibhum/annuaires/annu03/malmesbury.html" - Part 1; "http://www.semantic.fr/bibhum/annuaires/annu03/malmesbury2.html" - Part2; "http://www.semantic.fr/bibhum/annuaires/annu03/malmesbury.html3" - Part 3; "http://www.semantic.fr/bibhum/annuaires/annu03/malmesbury.html4" - Part 4. I will translate this into English and place a copy online soon!

30/03/2005 : I've just seen the 2002 edition of the Chronica Tertullianea (I'm not sure what happened to 2001 -- the supply at Cambridge University Library seems erratic) and updated the bibliographies from it.  Who'd have thought that a nearly complete Hungarian translation exists?

25/03/2005 : There are some NEW printed copies of T.D.Barnes Tertullian: a historical and literary study available to buy!  Not from me -- but "http://www.geocities.com/donnyspringer/barnes.htm" - Don Springer has paid a US publisher to arrange permission and do a very short print run.  Price is $50 per copy, and I imagine they will vanish very quickly indeed.  Contact Don to get one via his website. 

24/03/2005 : Kellner's German translation of De Fuga in Persecutione added.  Again thanks to Hermann Detering for photocopying and looking up some missing portions!

23/03/2005 : The consensus was against the new look, so I have changed back to the old font arrangements.  I will think again...

19/03/2005 : Kellner's German translation of De virginibus velandis added.  Many thanks to Dr. Hermann Detering who very kindly photocopied this for me.  More to come!

12/03/2005 : As many will know, we owe the first German translations of the works of Tertullian to Heinrich Kellner (d. 1915).  Kellner translated a selection in two volumes first in 1870 (which I have); then another selection in two volumes in 1882; and finally the two volume selection in the BKV in 1912-15, which are online.  But the selection varied.  Dr. Hermann Detering has tracked down the obscure 1882 volume.  I have never seen this -- a copy exists in the British Library, so is inaccessible to everyone --, but a copy exists in the Humboldt Library. He found that it contains most of the works not included in the BKV edition of 1912-15.  He has very kindly photocopied the lost translations and is posting them to me.  Better still, he has himself scanned the translation of Adversus Marcionem given and emailed it to me, as well as placing a version on his own site.  Book 1 now added.  Also book 2, book 3, book 4, although Kellner only did 6 chapters of this, and none of book 5.  I wonder if he didn't want to embroil himself with the biblical controversies of the time?

Meanwhile Gregor Emmenegger (University Fribourg) has started a project to digitise the old Kempten Bibliothek der Kirchenvater series. This includes some German translations of Tertullian's works, plus others: https://bkv.unifr.ch/.  What a useful project!  I hope German-speakers will contribute.  It should be easy as he omits footnotes, and the BKV volumes are very easy to scan. 

Thanks also to Dr Detering for correcting some of my ungrammatical German on the BKV page.

11/03/2005 : V. Hunink's Latin text and English translation of De Pallio added.  Dr. Hunink very kindly has sent me the text in electronic form, and permitted it to appear here.  Of course the main part of the book is the commentary, the first in English, and I can tell you that I can't wait to see it!  Let's hope it will provoke some more study of this splendid little work.

09/03/2005 : Great news!  I've just had an email from Dr Vincent Hunink, who has published his long awaited NEW edition of De Pallio, with a fresh English translation and detailed notes.  Dr Hunink comes to Tertullian after working on Apuleius, so his insights should be very interesting indeed. For more info, and some samples, go to http://www.vincenthunink.nl.  The price is 65 euros -- please buy copies of this! More on this soon. 

04/03/2005 : I've added E.-A. De Genoude's French translation of De Virginibus Velandis.  This is the first text scanned straight from the book, and it was far easier than all the others.

I've altered the style of the pages.  Let me know if you hate it, or if you think it is better.

The De Spectaculis page updated with a reference to NIETZSCHE's quotation from it.  Many thanks to Rob PRICE for the info!  I've also found a web page for Herman TRÄNKLE, who did an edition of Adversus Judaeos.  It turns out that he also wrote the excellent article for the Handbuch der Lateinischen Literatur der Antike (vol 4, §474, pp.494-571), and that a French translation of it also exists.  Details of this added to the Works page bibliography.

22/01/2005 : I've added E.-A. De GENOUDE's French translation of Adversus Marcionem IV.  This means that volume 1 of GENOUDE is now done.  Better yet, in the last month I was able to buy a copy of GENOUDE.  As you may imagine, it's been very hard to put online a book to which I actually don't have access!  But it should be easier now.  I'm still tied up with translating Jerome's Chronicle, I'm afraid, so updates will continue to be slow.  But I've been ill at home and unable to concentrate, so have OCR'd a couple of things.

14/01/2005 : Pierre PETITMENGIN has kindly pointed out that in J.-P.MIGNE (1844) says that the 1842 French translation by GENOUDE is actually by a certain H. DENAIN, although few since would agree with MIGNE that the translation is 'fidelissimus'.  I've updated the page to mention DENAIN.

08/01/2005 : A minor cosmetic change to the site: I've reverted to Verdana font rather than Georgia, since the latter appears fuzzy on many systems these days.  Let me know if this causes any odd effects!

01/01/2005 : Happy new year to you all!  I've added Charles DODGSON's English translation of De Corona, plus the note about military service in the early church.  I'm still busy with Jerome's Chronicle, so expect updates to be slow.

What was new for 2004.
What was new for 2003.
What was new for 2002.
What was new for 2001.
What was new for 2000.
What was new for 1997-9.


This page has been online since 1st January 2005.

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